[pkg-bacula-commits] [bacula-doc] branch master updated (b3313ee -> a7fdc95)

Carsten Leonhardt leo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 21 12:05:09 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

leo pushed a change to branch master
in repository bacula-doc.

      from  b3313ee   prepare debian version 7.4.4-1
      adds  a32220a   Imported Upstream version 7.4.5
      adds  00f8afd   Imported Upstream version 7.4.6
      adds  688504e   Imported Upstream version 7.4.7
       new  4744c36   Imported Upstream version 9.0.0
       new  0c5a643   Imported Upstream version 9.0.1
       new  67d92ac   Imported Upstream version 9.0.2
       new  ea5f29c   Imported Upstream version 9.0.3
       new  4e325bd   Merge branch 'upstream'
       new  b3f7a7f   debian/changelog: new upstream version 9.0.3
       new  07189d2   debian/compat: bump to 10. debian/control: set dependency on debhelper to >10.
       new  5fd47a9   Bump standards version to 4.0.1, no changes needed.
       new  a7fdc95   prepare debian version 9.0.3-1

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 debian/changelog                                   |      9 +
 debian/compat                                      |      2 +-
 debian/control                                     |      4 +-
 images/{pdf => }/borg-even.pdf                     |    Bin
 images/{pdf => }/borg-odd.pdf                      |    Bin
 images/eps/conf-nat.eps                            |   1574 +
 images/eps/conf-nat2.eps                           |   1601 +
 images/hires/tray-icon.eps                         |      2 +-
 images/hires/tray-monitor.eps                      |      2 +-
 images/hires/tray-monitor1.eps                     |      2 +-
 images/nat.pdf                                     |    Bin 0 -> 12634 bytes
 images/nat.png                                     |    Bin 0 -> 39946 bytes
 images/pdf/conf-nat.pdf                            |    Bin 0 -> 36777 bytes
 images/pdf/conf-nat2.pdf                           |    Bin 0 -> 37530 bytes
 images/png/BackupOverWan1.png                      |    Bin 121724 -> 121005 bytes
 images/png/bacula-applications.png                 |    Bin 151693 -> 151245 bytes
 images/png/baculum07.png                           |    Bin 0 -> 84731 bytes
 images/png/baculum_install_basic.png               |    Bin 0 -> 657824 bytes
 images/png/baculum_install_oauth2.png              |    Bin 0 -> 745157 bytes
 images/png/bat.png                                 |    Bin 48886 -> 53920 bytes
 images/png/borg-contents.png                       |    Bin 1337 -> 1289 bytes
 images/png/borg-coverpage.png                      |    Bin 56254 -> 58453 bytes
 images/png/borg-even.png                           |    Bin 7734 -> 5324 bytes
 images/png/borg-index.png                          |    Bin 925 -> 871 bytes
 images/png/borg-logo.png                           |    Bin 12882 -> 13355 bytes
 images/png/borg-next.png                           |    Bin 873 -> 823 bytes
 images/png/borg-next_g.png                         |    Bin 964 -> 959 bytes
 images/png/borg-odd.png                            |    Bin 7792 -> 5328 bytes
 images/png/borg-previous.png                       |    Bin 1297 -> 1231 bytes
 images/png/borg-previous_g.png                     |    Bin 1518 -> 1469 bytes
 images/png/borg-up.png                             |    Bin 566 -> 583 bytes
 images/png/borg-up_g.png                           |    Bin 598 -> 649 bytes
 images/png/by-sa.png                               |    Bin 5054 -> 5210 bytes
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 images/png/conf-nat2.png                           |    Bin 0 -> 106495 bytes
 images/png/duplicate-real.png                      |    Bin 109806 -> 110948 bytes
 images/png/pvf-slidingbackups.png                  |    Bin 0 -> 6208 bytes
 images/png/sd-calls-client.png                     |    Bin 89750 -> 88809 bytes
 images/png/sd-to-sd.png                            |    Bin 77610 -> 78848 bytes
 images/pvf-slidingbackups.pdf                      |    Bin 0 -> 11134 bytes
 images/pvf-slidingbackups.png                      |    Bin 0 -> 6208 bytes
 images/pvf-slidingbackups.svg                      |   2146 +
 images/svg/inkscape.log                            |    348 +-
 images/tray-monitor-conf-dir.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 38196 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.pdf                    |    Bin 0 -> 43401 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 39211 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-conf-mon-cli.png               |    Bin 0 -> 25462 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-mon-cli.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 24919 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-run-dirselect.png              |    Bin 0 -> 2534 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-run1.pdf                       |    Bin 0 -> 58889 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-run1.png                       |    Bin 0 -> 54378 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-run2.pdf                       |    Bin 0 -> 61033 bytes
 images/tray-monitor-run2.png                       |    Bin 0 -> 56995 bytes
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 images/tray-monitor-status.png                     |    Bin 0 -> 36355 bytes
 images/tray-monitor1.png                           |    Bin 77897 -> 22785 bytes
 manuals/bacula.sty                                 |     45 +-
 manuals/bacula.sty.in                              |     43 +
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 manuals/en/console/version.tex                     |      2 +-
 manuals/en/developers/bacula.sty                   |     45 +-
 manuals/en/developers/coverpage.tex                |      2 +-
 manuals/en/developers/git.tex                      |     38 +-
 manuals/en/developers/regression.tex               |      2 +-
 manuals/en/developers/version.tex                  |      2 +-
 manuals/en/main.tex                                |    175 -
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 manuals/en/main/bacula.sty                         |     45 +-
 manuals/en/main/basejob.tex                        |     36 +-
 manuals/en/main/coverpage.tex                      |      2 +-
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 manuals/en/main/fileset.tex                        |      9 +-
 manuals/en/main/install.tex                        |      8 +-
 manuals/en/main/main.tex                           |      3 +-
 manuals/en/main/mysql.tex                          |      8 +
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 manuals/en/main/postgresql.tex                     |     19 +-
 manuals/en/main/recycling.tex                      |    140 +-
 manuals/en/main/sqlite.tex                         |     23 +-
 manuals/en/main/storedconf.tex                     |     46 +-
 manuals/en/main/tls.tex                            |     10 +-
 manuals/en/main/version.tex                        |      2 +-
 manuals/en/misc/bacula.sty                         |     45 +-
 manuals/en/misc/coverpage.tex                      |      3 +-
 manuals/en/misc/version.tex                        |      2 +-
 manuals/en/pattern-to-handle                       |      7 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/console/About_this_document.html  |      6 +-
 .../en/pdf-and-html/console/Bacula_Console.html    |    159 +-
 .../console/Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html       |     46 +-
 .../console/Baculum_API_Web_GUI_Tools.html         |    902 +
 .../pdf-and-html/console/Baculum_Web_GUI_Tool.html |    410 -
 .../console/Console_Operators_Guide.html           |     94 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/console/Contents.html      |    112 +-
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 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/console/bconsole.aux       |      2 +-
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 .../developers/About_this_document.html            |      4 +-
 .../developers/Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html    |     22 +-
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 .../developers/Bacula_FD_Plugin_API.html           |      2 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/developers/Bacula_Git_Usage.html  |     40 +-
 .../developers/Bacula_MD5_Algorithm.html           |     40 +-
 .../developers/Bacula_Memory_Management.html       |     12 +-
 .../developers/Bacula_Porting_Notes.html           |      8 +-
 .../developers/Bacula_Regression_Testing.html      |     44 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/developers/Catalog_Services.html  |     24 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/developers/Contents.html   |      6 +-
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 .../pdf-and-html/developers/Developer_s_Guide.html |     10 +-
 .../developers/Director_Services_Daemon.html       |      4 +-
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 .../developers/Implementing_GUI_Interface.html     |     12 +-
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 .../developers/Storage_Daemon_Design.html          |     34 +-
 .../developers/Storage_Media_Output_Format.html    |     82 +-
 .../developers/TCP_IP_Network_Protocol.html        |     28 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/developers/TLS.html        |     44 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/developers/developers.log  |     56 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/developers/developers.pdf  |  17087 +--
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 .../pdf-and-html/images/baculum_install_basic.png  |    Bin 0 -> 657824 bytes
 .../pdf-and-html/images/baculum_install_oauth2.png |    Bin 0 -> 745157 bytes
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 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/borg-contents.png   |    Bin 1337 -> 1289 bytes
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 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/borg-previous.png   |    Bin 1297 -> 1231 bytes
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/images/pvf-slidingbackups.png  |    Bin 0 -> 6208 bytes
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 .../pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.png   |    Bin 0 -> 39211 bytes
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 .../pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-mon-cli.png   |    Bin 0 -> 24919 bytes
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-status.png |    Bin 0 -> 36355 bytes
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/main/About_this_document.html  |      6 +-
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/main/Autochanger_Support.html  |     85 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/main/Automated_Disk_Backup.html   |     36 +-
 .../main/Automatic_Volume_Recycling.html           |     79 +-
 .../en/pdf-and-html/main/Backup_Strategies.html    |     48 +-
 .../main/Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html          |    274 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/main/Bacula_Security_Issues.html  |    125 +-
 .../main/Bacula_TLS_Communications_E.html          |     28 +-
 .../pdf-and-html/main/Basic_Volume_Management.html |     42 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/main/Bootstrap_File.html   |    168 +-
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/main/Catalog_Maintenance.html  |    304 +-
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 .../pdf-and-html/main/Console_Configuration.html   |     56 +-
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/main/Current_State_Bacula.html |     28 +-
 .../main/Customizing_Configuration_F.html          |     84 +-
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 .../main/Disaster_Recovery_Using_Bac.html          |    110 +-
 .../main/File_Deduplication_using_Ba.html          |     14 +-
 .../main/Getting_Started_with_Bacula.html          |     70 +-
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 .../main/Installing_Configuring_SQLi.html          |     57 +-
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 .../main/Released_Version_3_0_3_3_0_.html          |    322 +-
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 .../main/Using_Bacula_catalog_grab_i.html          |     10 +-
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/misc/About_this_document.html  |      4 +-
 .../misc/Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html          |     54 +-
 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/misc/Bacula_Projects.html  |      8 +-
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 .../en/pdf-and-html/misc/Miscellaneous_Guide.html  |      6 +-
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 .../misc/Using_Stunnel_Encrypt_Commu.html          |     36 +-
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 .../pdf-and-html/problems/About_this_document.html |      4 +-
 .../problems/Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html      |     22 +-
 .../problems/Bacula_Frequently_Asked_Que.html      |     88 +-
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 .../problems/What_Do_When_Bacula_Crashes.html      |     14 +-
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 .../utility/Bacula_RPM_Packaging_FAQ.html          |     22 +-
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 manuals/en/utility/bacula.sty                      |     45 +-
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 manuals/en/utility/version.tex                     |      2 +-
 manuals/version.tex                                |      2 +-
 325 files changed, 103473 insertions(+), 77225 deletions(-)
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 copy images/{pdf => }/borg-odd.pdf (100%)
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 create mode 100644 images/eps/conf-nat2.eps
 create mode 100644 images/nat.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/nat.png
 create mode 100644 images/pdf/conf-nat.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/pdf/conf-nat2.pdf
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 create mode 100644 images/png/baculum_install_basic.png
 create mode 100644 images/png/baculum_install_oauth2.png
 create mode 100644 images/png/conf-nat.png
 create mode 100644 images/png/conf-nat2.png
 create mode 100644 images/png/pvf-slidingbackups.png
 create mode 100644 images/pvf-slidingbackups.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/pvf-slidingbackups.png
 create mode 100644 images/pvf-slidingbackups.svg
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-conf-dir.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-conf-mon-cli.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-mon-cli.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-run-dirselect.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-run1.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-run1.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-run2.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-run2.png
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-status.pdf
 create mode 100644 images/tray-monitor-status.png
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 delete mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/console/Baculum_Web_GUI_Tool.html
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/baculum07.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/baculum_install_basic.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/baculum_install_oauth2.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/conf-nat.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/conf-nat2.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/nat.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/pvf-slidingbackups.png
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 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-conf-fd.png
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 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-mon-cli.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-run-dirselect.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-run1.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-run2.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/images/tray-monitor-status.png
 create mode 100644 manuals/en/pdf-and-html/main/New_Features_in_9_0_0.html

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-bacula/bacula-doc.git

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