[Pkg-bazaar-commits] r161 ./bzr-builddeb/trunk: Drop the allow_empty_author change as python-debian is not uploaded yet.

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Jul 25 16:49:12 UTC 2007

revno: 161
committer: James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2007-07-25 17:49:12 +0100
  Drop the allow_empty_author change as python-debian is not uploaded yet.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- a/debian/changelog	2007-07-10 22:01:56 +0000
+++ b/debian/changelog	2007-07-25 16:49:12 +0000
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
   * Remove the need for --ignore-unknowns, as it is no longer checked for.
     The option is still there for backwards compatibility, but it now does
-  * Allow empty author information in the changelog for those that like to
-    develop without filling it in, and then add it while releasing.
  -- James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net>  Tue, 10 Jul 2007 22:25:49 +0100

=== modified file 'debian/control'
--- a/debian/control	2007-07-10 22:15:17 +0000
+++ b/debian/control	2007-07-25 16:49:12 +0000
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 Maintainer: Debian Bazaar Maintainers <pkg-bazaar-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>, James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11)
-Build-Depends-Indep: bzr (>= 0.18~), python-central (>= 0.5.8), python-docutils, python-debian (>= 0.1.4), python-deb822 (>= 0.3), bzrtools (>= 0.18)
+Build-Depends-Indep: bzr (>= 0.18~), python-central (>= 0.5.8), python-docutils, python-debian (>= 0.1.3), python-deb822 (>= 0.3), bzrtools (>= 0.18)
 XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
 Package: bzr-builddeb
 Architecture: all
-Depends: bzr (>= 0.18~), python-debian (>= 0.1.4), ${python:Depends}, python-deb822 (>= 0.3), dpkg-dev, fakeroot, bzrtools (>= 0.18), devscripts
+Depends: bzr (>= 0.18~), python-debian (>= 0.1.3), ${python:Depends}, python-deb822 (>= 0.3), dpkg-dev, fakeroot, bzrtools (>= 0.18), devscripts
 Provides: bzr-buildpackage
 XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
 Description: bzr plugin for Debian package management

=== modified file 'util.py'
--- a/util.py	2007-07-10 21:02:32 +0000
+++ b/util.py	2007-07-25 16:49:12 +0000
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     changelog = Changelog()
-    changelog.parse_changelog(contents, max_blocks=1, allow_empty_author=True)
+    changelog.parse_changelog(contents, max_blocks=1)
     return changelog, larstiq
 def tarball_name(package, version):

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