[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr-gtk/unstable r130: Merge from integration branch.

Szilveszter Farkas (Phanatic) Szilveszter.Farkas at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 07:49:21 UTC 2009

revno: 130
committer: Szilveszter Farkas (Phanatic) <Szilveszter.Farkas at gmail.com>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2007-01-29 21:59:09 +0100
  Merge from integration branch.
    revno: 126.1.1
    committer: Szilveszter Farkas (Phanatic) <Szilveszter.Farkas at gmail.com>
    branch nick: bzr-gtk
    timestamp: Mon 2007-01-29 17:59:02 +0100
      New Commit dialog implementation (no more Glade).
    revno: 126.1.2
    committer: Szilveszter Farkas (Phanatic) <Szilveszter.Farkas at gmail.com>
    branch nick: bzr-gtk
    timestamp: Mon 2007-01-29 18:00:07 +0100
      Merge from trunk.
    revno: 126.1.3
    committer: Szilveszter Farkas (Phanatic) <Szilveszter.Farkas at gmail.com>
    branch nick: bzr-gtk
    timestamp: Mon 2007-01-29 18:55:55 +0100
      Pop up an error if no diff available for the selected file (Fixed: #76536)
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'olive/__init__.py'
--- a/olive/__init__.py	2006-12-20 02:06:04 +0000
+++ b/olive/__init__.py	2007-01-29 16:59:02 +0000
@@ -228,9 +228,16 @@
     def on_menuitem_branch_commit_activate(self, widget):
         """ Branch/Commit... menu handler. """
-        from commit import CommitDialog
-        commit = CommitDialog(self.wt, self.wtpath, self.notbranch)
-        commit.display()
+        from commit import CommitDialogNew
+        commit = CommitDialogNew(self.wt, self.wtpath, self.notbranch, self.get_selected_right(), self.window)
+        response = commit.run()
+        if response != gtk.RESPONSE_NONE:
+            commit.hide()
+            if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+                self.refresh_right()
+            commit.destroy()
     def on_menuitem_branch_merge_activate(self, widget):
         """ Branch/Merge... menu handler. """

=== modified file 'olive/commit.py'
--- a/olive/commit.py	2006-12-13 13:06:49 +0000
+++ b/olive/commit.py	2007-01-29 16:59:02 +0000
@@ -319,3 +319,364 @@
     def close(self, widget=None):
+class CommitDialogNew(gtk.Dialog):
+    """ New implementation of the Commit dialog. """
+    def __init__(self, wt, wtpath, notbranch, selected=None, parent=None):
+        """ Initialize the Commit Dialog. """
+        gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title="Commit - Olive",
+                                  parent=parent,
+                                  flags=0,
+                                  buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL))
+        # Get arguments
+        self.wt = wt
+        self.wtpath = wtpath
+        self.notbranch = notbranch
+        self.selected = selected
+        # Set the delta
+        self.old_tree = self.wt.branch.repository.revision_tree(self.wt.branch.last_revision())
+        self.delta = self.wt.changes_from(self.old_tree)
+        # Get pending merges
+        self.pending = self._pending_merges(self.wt)
+        # Do some preliminary checks
+        self._is_checkout = False
+        self._is_pending = False
+        if self.wt is None and not self.notbranch:
+            error_dialog(_('Directory does not have a working tree'),
+                         _('Operation aborted.'))
+            self.close()
+            return
+        if self.notbranch:
+            error_dialog(_('Directory is not a branch'),
+                         _('You can perform this action only in a branch.'))
+            self.close()
+            return
+        else:
+            if self.wt.branch.get_bound_location() is not None:
+                # we have a checkout, so the local commit checkbox must appear
+                self._is_checkout = True
+            if self.pending:
+                # There are pending merges, file selection not supported
+                self._is_pending = True
+        # Create the widgets
+        self._button_commit = gtk.Button(_("Comm_it"), use_underline=True)
+        if self._is_checkout:
+            self._check_local = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Local only commit (works in checkouts)"),
+                                                use_underline=True)
+        self._check_strict = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Strict commit (fails if unknown files are present)"),
+                                             use_underline=True)
+        self._expander_files = gtk.Expander(_("Please select the file(s) to commit"))
+        self._vpaned_main = gtk.VPaned()
+        self._scrolledwindow_files = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self._scrolledwindow_message = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+        self._treeview_files = gtk.TreeView()
+        self._vbox_message = gtk.VBox()
+        self._label_message = gtk.Label(_("Please specify a commit message:"))
+        self._textview_message = gtk.TextView()
+        if self._is_pending:
+            self._expander_merges = gtk.Expander(_("Pending merges"))
+            self._vpaned_list = gtk.VPaned()
+            self._scrolledwindow_merges = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+            self._treeview_merges = gtk.TreeView()
+        # Set callbacks
+        self._button_commit.connect('clicked', self._on_commit_clicked)
+        self._treeview_files.connect('row_activated', self._on_treeview_files_row_activated)
+        # Set properties
+        self._scrolledwindow_files.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                              gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self._scrolledwindow_message.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                                gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+        self._textview_message.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("Monospace"))
+        self.set_default_size(500, 500)
+        self._vpaned_main.set_position(200)
+        if self._is_pending:
+            self._scrolledwindow_merges.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+                                                   gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+            self._treeview_files.set_sensitive(False)
+        # Construct the dialog
+        self.action_area.pack_end(self._button_commit)
+        self._scrolledwindow_files.add(self._treeview_files)
+        self._scrolledwindow_message.add(self._textview_message)
+        self._expander_files.add(self._scrolledwindow_files)
+        self._vbox_message.pack_start(self._label_message, False, False)
+        self._vbox_message.pack_start(self._scrolledwindow_message, True, True)
+        if self._is_pending:        
+            self._expander_merges.add(self._scrolledwindow_merges)
+            self._scrolledwindow_merges.add(self._treeview_merges)
+            self._vpaned_list.add1(self._expander_files)
+            self._vpaned_list.add2(self._expander_merges)
+            self._vpaned_main.add1(self._vpaned_list)
+        else:
+            self._vpaned_main.add1(self._expander_files)
+        self._vpaned_main.add2(self._vbox_message)
+        self.vbox.pack_start(self._vpaned_main, True, True)
+        if self._is_checkout:
+            self.vbox.pack_start(self._check_local, False, False)
+        self.vbox.pack_start(self._check_strict, False, False)
+        # Create the file list
+        self._create_file_view()
+        # Create the pending merges
+        self._create_pending_merges()
+        # Expand the corresponding expander
+        if self._is_pending:
+            self._expander_merges.set_expanded(True)
+        else:
+            self._expander_files.set_expanded(True)
+        # Display dialog
+        self.vbox.show_all()
+    def _on_treeview_files_row_activated(self, treeview, path, view_column):
+        # FIXME: the diff window freezes for some reason
+        treeselection = treeview.get_selection()
+        (model, iter) = treeselection.get_selected()
+        if iter is not None:
+            from olive import DiffWindow
+            _selected = model.get_value(iter, 1)
+            diff = DiffWindow()
+            parent_tree = self.wt.branch.repository.revision_tree(self.wt.branch.last_revision())
+            diff.set_diff(self.wt.branch.nick, self.wt, parent_tree)
+            try:
+                diff.set_file(_selected)
+            except errors.NoSuchFile:
+                pass
+            diff.show()
+    def _on_commit_clicked(self, button):
+        """ Commit button clicked handler. """
+        textbuffer = self._textview_message.get_buffer()
+        start, end = textbuffer.get_bounds()
+        message = textbuffer.get_text(start, end).decode('utf-8')
+        if not self.pending:
+            specific_files = self._get_specific_files()
+        else:
+            specific_files = None
+        if message == '':
+            response = question_dialog(_('Commit with an empty message?'),
+                                       _('You can describe your commit intent in the message.'))
+            if response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
+                # Kindly give focus to message area
+                self._textview_message.grab_focus()
+                return
+        if self._is_checkout:
+            local = self._check_local.get_active()
+        else:
+            local = False
+        try:
+            self.wt.commit(message,
+                           allow_pointless=False,
+                           strict=self._check_strict.get_active(),
+                           local=local,
+                           specific_files=specific_files)
+        except errors.NotBranchError:
+            error_dialog(_('Directory is not a branch'),
+                         _('You can perform this action only in a branch.'))
+            return
+        except errors.LocalRequiresBoundBranch:
+            error_dialog(_('Directory is not a checkout'),
+                         _('You can perform local commit only on checkouts.'))
+            return
+        except errors.ConflictsInTree:
+            error_dialog(_('Conflicts in tree'),
+                         _('You need to resolve the conflicts before committing.'))
+            return
+        except errors.StrictCommitFailed:
+            error_dialog(_('Strict commit failed'),
+                         _('There are unknown files in the working tree.\nPlease add or delete them.'))
+            return
+        except errors.BoundBranchOutOfDate, errmsg:
+            error_dialog(_('Bound branch is out of date'),
+                         _('%s') % errmsg)
+            return
+        except errors.PointlessCommit:
+            response = question_dialog(_('Commit with no changes?'),
+                                       _('There are no changes in the working tree.'))
+            if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
+                # Try to commit again
+                try:
+                    self.wt.commit(message,
+                                   allow_pointless=True,
+                                   strict=self._check_strict.get_active(),
+                                   local=local,
+                                   specific_files=specific_files)
+                except errors.BzrError, msg:
+                    error_dialog(_('Unknown bzr error'), str(msg))
+                    return
+                except Exception, msg:
+                    error_dialog(_('Unknown error'), str(msg))
+                    return
+        except errors.BzrError, msg:
+            error_dialog(_('Unknown bzr error'), str(msg))
+            return
+        except Exception, msg:
+            error_dialog(_('Unknown error'), str(msg))
+            return
+        self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+    def _pending_merges(self, wt):
+        """ Return a list of pending merges or None if there are none of them. """
+        parents = wt.get_parent_ids()
+        if len(parents) < 2:
+            return None
+        import re
+        from bzrlib.osutils import format_date
+        pending = parents[1:]
+        branch = wt.branch
+        last_revision = parents[0]
+        if last_revision is not None:
+            try:
+                ignore = set(branch.repository.get_ancestry(last_revision))
+            except errors.NoSuchRevision:
+                # the last revision is a ghost : assume everything is new 
+                # except for it
+                ignore = set([None, last_revision])
+        else:
+            ignore = set([None])
+        pm = []
+        for merge in pending:
+            ignore.add(merge)
+            try:
+                m_revision = branch.repository.get_revision(merge)
+                rev = {}
+                rev['committer'] = re.sub('<.*@.*>', '', m_revision.committer).strip(' ')
+                rev['summary'] = m_revision.get_summary()
+                rev['date'] = format_date(m_revision.timestamp,
+                                          m_revision.timezone or 0, 
+                                          'original', date_fmt="%Y-%m-%d",
+                                          show_offset=False)
+                pm.append(rev)
+                inner_merges = branch.repository.get_ancestry(merge)
+                assert inner_merges[0] is None
+                inner_merges.pop(0)
+                inner_merges.reverse()
+                for mmerge in inner_merges:
+                    if mmerge in ignore:
+                        continue
+                    mm_revision = branch.repository.get_revision(mmerge)
+                    rev = {}
+                    rev['committer'] = re.sub('<.*@.*>', '', mm_revision.committer).strip(' ')
+                    rev['summary'] = mm_revision.get_summary()
+                    rev['date'] = format_date(mm_revision.timestamp,
+                                              mm_revision.timezone or 0, 
+                                              'original', date_fmt="%Y-%m-%d",
+                                              show_offset=False)
+                    pm.append(rev)
+                    ignore.add(mmerge)
+            except errors.NoSuchRevision:
+                print "DEBUG: NoSuchRevision:", merge
+        return pm
+    def _create_file_view(self):
+        self._file_store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,   # [0] checkbox
+                                         gobject.TYPE_STRING,    # [1] path to display
+                                         gobject.TYPE_STRING,    # [2] changes type
+                                         gobject.TYPE_STRING)    # [3] real path
+        self._treeview_files.set_model(self._file_store)
+        crt = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
+        crt.set_property("activatable", True)
+        crt.connect("toggled", self._toggle_commit, self._file_store)
+        self._treeview_files.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Commit'),
+                                     crt, active=0))
+        self._treeview_files.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Path'),
+                                     gtk.CellRendererText(), text=1))
+        self._treeview_files.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Type'),
+                                     gtk.CellRendererText(), text=2))
+        for path, id, kind in self.delta.added:
+            marker = osutils.kind_marker(kind)
+            self._file_store.append([ True, path+marker, _('added'), path ])
+        for path, id, kind in self.delta.removed:
+            marker = osutils.kind_marker(kind)
+            self._file_store.append([ True, path+marker, _('removed'), path ])
+        for oldpath, newpath, id, kind, text_modified, meta_modified in self.delta.renamed:
+            marker = osutils.kind_marker(kind)
+            if text_modified or meta_modified:
+                changes = _('renamed and modified')
+            else:
+                changes = _('renamed')
+            self._file_store.append([ True,
+                                      oldpath+marker + '  =>  ' + newpath+marker,
+                                      changes,
+                                      newpath
+                                    ])
+        for path, id, kind, text_modified, meta_modified in self.delta.modified:
+            marker = osutils.kind_marker(kind)
+            self._file_store.append([ True, path+marker, _('modified'), path ])
+    def _create_pending_merges(self):
+        if not self.pending:
+            return
+        liststore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING,
+                                  gobject.TYPE_STRING,
+                                  gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+        self._treeview_merges.set_model(liststore)
+        self._treeview_merges.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Date'),
+                                            gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0))
+        self._treeview_merges.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Committer'),
+                                            gtk.CellRendererText(), text=1))
+        self._treeview_merges.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Summary'),
+                                            gtk.CellRendererText(), text=2))
+        for item in self.pending:
+            liststore.append([ item['date'],
+                               item['committer'],
+                               item['summary'] ])
+    def _get_specific_files(self):
+        ret = []
+        it = self._file_store.get_iter_first()
+        while it:
+            if self._file_store.get_value(it, 0):
+                # get real path from hidden column 3
+                ret.append(self._file_store.get_value(it, 3))
+            it = self._file_store.iter_next(it)
+        return ret
+    def _toggle_commit(self, cell, path, model):
+        model[path][0] = not model[path][0]
+        return

=== modified file 'olive/menu.py'
--- a/olive/menu.py	2006-12-17 23:22:10 +0000
+++ b/olive/menu.py	2007-01-29 17:55:55 +0000
@@ -233,7 +233,9 @@
             window.set_file(wt.relpath(self.path + os.sep + self.selected))
         except errors.NoSuchFile:
-            pass
+            error_dialog(_("No diff output"),
+                         _("The selected file hasn't changed."))
+            return
     def bookmark(self, action):

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