[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr/unstable r87: - clean up smart_add code, and make it commit the inventory

mbp at sourcefrog.net mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 10 07:51:06 UTC 2009

revno: 87
committer: mbp at sourcefrog.net
timestamp: Fri 2005-03-25 14:09:43 +1100
  - clean up smart_add code, and make it commit the inventory
    when done.
    still not perfect handling of already-versioned files.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/add.py'
--- a/bzrlib/add.py	2005-03-25 02:58:34 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/add.py	2005-03-25 03:09:43 +0000
@@ -32,55 +32,45 @@
     b = bzrlib.branch.Branch(file_list[0], find_root=True)
     inv = b.read_working_inventory()
     tree = b.working_tree()
-    dirty = False
-    def add_one(rf, kind):
-        file_id = bzrlib.branch.gen_file_id(rf)
-        inv.add_path(rf, kind=kind, file_id=file_id)
-        bzrlib.mutter("added %r kind %r file_id={%s}" % (rf, kind, file_id))
-        dirty = True
-        if verbose:
-            bzrlib.textui.show_status('A', kind, quotefn(f))
+    count = 0
     for f in file_list:
         rf = b.relpath(f)
         af = b.abspath(rf)
+        ## TODO: It's OK to add root but only in recursive mode
         bzrlib.mutter("smart add of %r" % f)
         if bzrlib.branch.is_control_file(af):
             bailout("cannot add control file %r" % af)
         kind = bzrlib.osutils.file_kind(f)
+        if kind != 'file' and kind != 'directory':
+            bailout("can't add file of kind %r" % kind)
         versioned = (inv.path2id(rf) != None)
-        ## TODO: It's OK to add '.' but only in recursive mode
-        if kind == 'file':
-            if versioned:
-                bzrlib.warning("%r is already versioned" % f)
-                continue
-            else:
-                add_one(rf, kind)
-        elif kind == 'directory':
-            if versioned and not recurse:
-                bzrlib.warning("%r is already versioned" % f)
-                continue
-            if not versioned:
-                add_one(rf, kind)
-            if recurse:
-                for subf in os.listdir(af):
-                    subp = appendpath(rf, subf)
-                    if tree.is_ignored(subp):
-                        mutter("skip ignored sub-file %r" % subp)
-                    else:
-                        mutter("queue to add sub-file %r" % (subp))
-                        file_list.append(subp)
+        if versioned:
+            bzrlib.warning("%r is already versioned" % f)
-            bailout("can't smart_add file kind %r" % kind)
-    if dirty:
+            file_id = bzrlib.branch.gen_file_id(rf)
+            inv.add_path(rf, kind=kind, file_id=file_id)
+            bzrlib.mutter("added %r kind %r file_id={%s}" % (rf, kind, file_id))
+            count += 1 
+            if verbose:
+                bzrlib.textui.show_status('A', kind, quotefn(f))
+        if kind == 'directory' and recurse:
+            for subf in os.listdir(af):
+                subp = appendpath(rf, subf)
+                if tree.is_ignored(subp):
+                    mutter("skip ignored sub-file %r" % subp)
+                else:
+                    mutter("queue to add sub-file %r" % (subp))
+                    file_list.append(subp)
+    if count > 0:
+        print '* added %d' % count

=== modified file 'bzrlib/commands.py'
--- a/bzrlib/commands.py	2005-03-25 01:17:55 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/commands.py	2005-03-25 03:09:43 +0000
@@ -172,17 +172,11 @@
     Therefore simply saying 'bzr add .' will version all files that
     are currently unknown.
-    if True:
-        bzrlib.add.smart_add(file_list, verbose)
-    else:
-        # old way
-        assert file_list
-        b = Branch(file_list[0], find_root=True)
-        b.add([b.relpath(f) for f in file_list], verbose=verbose)
+    bzrlib.add.smart_add(file_list, verbose)
 def cmd_relpath(filename):
+    """Show path of file relative to root"""
     print Branch(filename).relpath(filename)

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