[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr/unstable r736: - move old blackbox code from testbzr into bzrlib.selftest.blackbox

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 10 08:20:52 UTC 2009

revno: 736
committer: Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net>
timestamp: Wed 2005-06-22 16:37:43 +1000
  - move old blackbox code from testbzr into bzrlib.selftest.blackbox
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py'
--- a/bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py	2005-06-22 06:26:23 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py	2005-06-22 06:37:43 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2005 by Canonical Ltd
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
         self.runcmd(['bzr', 'version'])
 class HelpCommands(TestBase):
     def runTest(self):
         self.runcmd('bzr --help')
@@ -59,7 +61,291 @@
         self.runcmd("bzr whoami")
         self.runcmd("bzr whoami --email")
         self.assertEquals(self.backtick("bzr whoami --email").count('@'),
-                          1)    
+                          1)
+class InvalidCommands(InTempDir):
+    def runTest(self):
+        self.runcmd("bzr pants", retcode=1)
+        self.runcmd("bzr --pants off", retcode=1)
+        self.runcmd("bzr diff --message foo", retcode=1)
+class OldTests(InTempDir):
+    # old tests moved from ./testbzr
+    def runTest(self):
+        from os import chdir, mkdir
+        from os.path import exists
+        import os
+        runcmd = self.runcmd
+        backtick = self.backtick
+        progress = self.log
+        progress("basic branch creation")
+        runcmd(['mkdir', 'branch1'])
+        chdir('branch1')
+        runcmd('bzr init')
+        self.assertEquals(backtick('bzr root').rstrip(),
+                          os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'branch1'))
+        progress("status of new file")
+        f = file('test.txt', 'wt')
+        f.write('hello world!\n')
+        f.close()
+        out = backtick("bzr unknowns")
+        assert out == 'test.txt\n'
+        out = backtick("bzr status")
+        assert out == 'unknown:\n  test.txt\n'
+        out = backtick("bzr status --all")
+        assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
+        out = backtick("bzr status test.txt --all")
+        assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
+        f = file('test2.txt', 'wt')
+        f.write('goodbye cruel world...\n')
+        f.close()
+        out = backtick("bzr status test.txt")
+        assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
+        out = backtick("bzr status")
+        assert out == ("unknown:\n"
+                       "  test.txt\n"
+                       "  test2.txt\n")
+        os.unlink('test2.txt')
+        progress("command aliases")
+        out = backtick("bzr st --all")
+        assert out == ("unknown:\n"
+                       "  test.txt\n")
+        out = backtick("bzr stat")
+        assert out == ("unknown:\n"
+                       "  test.txt\n")
+        progress("command help")
+        runcmd("bzr help st")
+        runcmd("bzr help")
+        runcmd("bzr help commands")
+        runcmd("bzr help slartibartfast", 1)
+        out = backtick("bzr help ci")
+        out.index('aliases: ')
+        progress("can't rename unversioned file")
+        runcmd("bzr rename test.txt new-test.txt", 1)
+        progress("adding a file")
+        runcmd("bzr add test.txt")
+        assert backtick("bzr unknowns") == ''
+        assert backtick("bzr status --all") == ("added:\n"
+                                                "  test.txt\n")
+        progress("rename newly-added file")
+        runcmd("bzr rename test.txt hello.txt")
+        assert os.path.exists("hello.txt")
+        assert not os.path.exists("test.txt")
+        assert backtick("bzr revno") == '0\n'
+        progress("add first revision")
+        runcmd(["bzr", "commit", "-m", 'add first revision'])
+        progress("more complex renames")
+        os.mkdir("sub1")
+        runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1", 1)
+        runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1/hello.txt", 1)
+        runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub1", 1)
+        runcmd("bzr add sub1")
+        runcmd("bzr rename sub1 sub2")
+        runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub2")
+        assert backtick("bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt") == os.path.join("sub2", "hello.txt\n")
+        assert exists("sub2")
+        assert exists("sub2/hello.txt")
+        assert not exists("sub1")
+        assert not exists("hello.txt")
+        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'commit with some things moved to subdirs'])
+        mkdir("sub1")
+        runcmd('bzr add sub1')
+        runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt sub1')
+        assert not exists('sub2/hello.txt')
+        assert exists('sub1/hello.txt')
+        runcmd('bzr move sub2 sub1')
+        assert not exists('sub2')
+        assert exists('sub1/sub2')
+        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'rename nested subdirectories'])
+        chdir('sub1/sub2')
+        self.assertEquals(backtick('bzr root')[:-1],
+                          os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'branch1'))
+        runcmd('bzr move ../hello.txt .')
+        assert exists('./hello.txt')
+        assert backtick('bzr relpath hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
+        assert backtick('bzr relpath ../../sub1/sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
+        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'move to parent directory'])
+        chdir('..')
+        assert backtick('bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
+        runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt .')
+        assert exists('hello.txt')
+        f = file('hello.txt', 'wt')
+        f.write('some nice new content\n')
+        f.close()
+        f = file('msg.tmp', 'wt')
+        f.write('this is my new commit\n')
+        f.close()
+        runcmd('bzr commit -F msg.tmp')
+        assert backtick('bzr revno') == '5\n'
+        runcmd('bzr export -r 5 export-5.tmp')
+        runcmd('bzr export export.tmp')
+        runcmd('bzr log')
+        runcmd('bzr log -v')
+        progress("file with spaces in name")
+        mkdir('sub directory')
+        file('sub directory/file with spaces ', 'wt').write('see how this works\n')
+        runcmd('bzr add .')
+        runcmd('bzr diff')
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-spaces')
+        runcmd('bzr check')
+        runcmd('bzr log')
+        runcmd('bzr log --forward')
+        runcmd('bzr info')
+        chdir('..')
+        chdir('..')
+        progress('branch')
+        # Can't create a branch if it already exists
+        runcmd('bzr branch branch1', retcode=1)
+        # Can't create a branch if its parent doesn't exist
+        runcmd('bzr branch /unlikely/to/exist', retcode=1)
+        runcmd('bzr branch branch1 branch2')
+        progress("pull")
+        chdir('branch1')
+        runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
+        runcmd('bzr pull ../branch2')
+        chdir('.bzr')
+        runcmd('bzr pull')
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
+        runcmd('bzr pull')
+        chdir('../../branch2')
+        runcmd('bzr pull')
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
+        chdir('../branch1')
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
+        runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
+        chdir ('..')
+        progress('status after remove')
+        mkdir('status-after-remove')
+        # see mail from William Dod?, 2005-05-25
+        # $ bzr init; touch a; bzr add a; bzr commit -m "add a"
+        #     * looking for changes...
+        #     added a
+        #     * commited r1
+        #     $ bzr remove a
+        #     $ bzr status
+        #     bzr: local variable 'kind' referenced before assignment
+        #     at /vrac/python/bazaar-ng/bzrlib/diff.py:286 in compare_trees()
+        #     see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
+        chdir('status-after-remove')
+        runcmd('bzr init')
+        file('a', 'w').write('foo')
+        runcmd('bzr add a')
+        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'add a'])
+        runcmd('bzr remove a')
+        runcmd('bzr status')
+        chdir('..')
+        progress('ignore patterns')
+        mkdir('ignorebranch')
+        chdir('ignorebranch')
+        runcmd('bzr init')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
+        file('foo.tmp', 'wt').write('tmp files are ignored')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
+        file('foo.c', 'wt').write('int main() {}')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.c\n'
+        runcmd('bzr add foo.c')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
+        # 'ignore' works when creating the .bzignore file
+        file('foo.blah', 'wt').write('blah')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.blah\n'
+        runcmd('bzr ignore *.blah')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
+        assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\n'
+        # 'ignore' works when then .bzrignore file already exists
+        file('garh', 'wt').write('garh')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'garh\n'
+        runcmd('bzr ignore garh')
+        assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
+        assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\ngarh\n'
+        chdir('..')
+        progress("recursive and non-recursive add")
+        mkdir('no-recurse')
+        chdir('no-recurse')
+        runcmd('bzr init')
+        mkdir('foo')
+        fp = os.path.join('foo', 'test.txt')
+        f = file(fp, 'w')
+        f.write('hello!\n')
+        f.close()
+        runcmd('bzr add --no-recurse foo')
+        runcmd('bzr file-id foo')
+        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # not versioned yet
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-dir-only')
+        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # still not versioned 
+        runcmd('bzr add foo')
+        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp)
+        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-sub-file')
+        chdir('..')
@@ -74,5 +360,7 @@
-                UserIdentity()])
+                UserIdentity(),
+                InvalidCommands(),
+                OldTests()])
     return s

=== modified file 'testbzr'
--- a/testbzr	2005-06-22 06:18:20 +0000
+++ b/testbzr	2005-06-22 06:37:43 +0000
@@ -21,461 +21,3 @@
 import sys
-"""External black-box test for bzr.
-This always runs bzr as an external process to try to catch bugs
-related to argument processing, startup, etc.
-    testbzr [-p PYTHON] [BZR]
-By default this tests the copy of bzr found in the same directory as
-testbzr, or the first one found on the $PATH.  A copy of bzr may be
-given on the command line to override this, for example when applying
-a new test suite to an old copy of bzr or vice versa.
-testbzr normally invokes bzr using the same version of python as it
-would normally use to run -- that is, the system default python,
-unless that is older than 2.3.  The -p option allows specification of
-a different Python interpreter, such as when testing that bzr still
-works on python2.3.
-This replaces the previous test.sh which was not very portable."""
-import sys, os, traceback
-from os import mkdir
-from os.path import exists
-TESTDIR = "testbzr.tmp"
-# we always invoke bzr as 'python bzr' (or e.g. 'python2.3 bzr')
-# partly so as to cope if the bzr binary is not marked executable
-LOGFILENAME = 'testbzr.log'
-    import shutil
-    from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
-except ImportError, e:
-    sys.stderr.write("testbzr: sorry, this test suite requires modules from python2.4\n"
-                     + '    ' + str(e))
-    sys.exit(1)
-def formcmd(cmd):
-    if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
-        cmd = cmd.split()
-    if cmd[0] == 'bzr':
-        cmd[0] = BZRPATH
-        if OVERRIDE_PYTHON:
-            cmd.insert(0, OVERRIDE_PYTHON)
-    logfile.write('$ %r\n' % cmd)
-    return cmd
-def runcmd(cmd, retcode=0):
-    """Run one command and check the return code.
-    Returns a tuple of (stdout,stderr) strings.
-    If a single string is based, it is split into words.
-    For commands that are not simple space-separated words, please
-    pass a list instead."""
-    cmd = formcmd(cmd)
-    log_linenumber()
-    actual_retcode = call(cmd, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
-    if retcode != actual_retcode:
-        raise CommandFailed("test failed: %r returned %d, expected %d"
-                            % (cmd, actual_retcode, retcode))
-def backtick(cmd, retcode=0):
-    cmd = formcmd(cmd)
-    log_linenumber()
-    child = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=logfile)
-    outd, errd = child.communicate()
-    logfile.write(outd)
-    actual_retcode = child.wait()
-    outd = outd.replace('\r', '')
-    if retcode != actual_retcode:
-        raise CommandFailed("test failed: %r returned %d, expected %d"
-                            % (cmd, actual_retcode, retcode))
-    return outd
-def progress(msg):
-    print '* ' + msg
-    logfile.write('* '+ msg + '\n')
-    log_linenumber()
-def cd(dirname):
-    logfile.write('$ cd %s\n' % dirname)
-    os.chdir(dirname)
-def log_linenumber():
-    """Log the stack frame location two things up."""
-    stack = traceback.extract_stack()[-3]
-    logfile.write('   at %s:%d\n' % stack[:2])
-# prepare an empty scratch directory
-if os.path.exists(TESTDIR):
-    shutil.rmtree(TESTDIR)
-start_dir = os.getcwd()
-logfile = open(LOGFILENAME, 'wt', buffering=1)
-    from getopt import getopt
-    opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:')
-    for option, value in opts:
-        if option == '-p':
-            OVERRIDE_PYTHON = value
-    mypath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
-    print '%-30s %s' % ('running tests from', mypath)
-    global BZRPATH
-    if args:
-        BZRPATH = args[0]
-    else:
-        BZRPATH = os.path.join(os.path.split(mypath)[0], 'bzr')
-    print '%-30s %s' % ('against bzr', BZRPATH)
-    print '%-30s %s' % ('in directory', os.getcwd())
-    print '%-30s %s' % ('with python', (OVERRIDE_PYTHON or '(default)'))
-    print
-    print backtick('bzr version')
-    runcmd(['mkdir', TESTDIR])
-    cd(TESTDIR)
-    # This means that any command that is naively run in this directory
-    # Won't affect the parent directory.
-    runcmd('bzr init')
-    test_root = os.getcwd()
-    progress("introductory commands")
-    runcmd("bzr version")
-    runcmd("bzr --version")
-    runcmd("bzr help")
-    runcmd("bzr --help")
-    progress("internal tests")
-    runcmd("bzr selftest")
-    progress("invalid commands")
-    runcmd("bzr pants", retcode=1)
-    runcmd("bzr --pants off", retcode=1)
-    runcmd("bzr diff --message foo", retcode=1)
-    progress("basic branch creation")
-    runcmd(['mkdir', 'branch1'])
-    cd('branch1')
-    runcmd('bzr init')
-    assert backtick('bzr root')[:-1] == os.path.join(test_root, 'branch1')
-    progress("status of new file")
-    f = file('test.txt', 'wt')
-    f.write('hello world!\n')
-    f.close()
-    out = backtick("bzr unknowns")
-    assert out == 'test.txt\n'
-    out = backtick("bzr status")
-    assert out == 'unknown:\n  test.txt\n'
-    out = backtick("bzr status --all")
-    assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
-    out = backtick("bzr status test.txt --all")
-    assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
-    f = file('test2.txt', 'wt')
-    f.write('goodbye cruel world...\n')
-    f.close()
-    out = backtick("bzr status test.txt")
-    assert out == "unknown:\n  test.txt\n"
-    out = backtick("bzr status")
-    assert out == ("unknown:\n"
-                   "  test.txt\n"
-                   "  test2.txt\n")
-    os.unlink('test2.txt')
-    progress("command aliases")
-    out = backtick("bzr st --all")
-    assert out == ("unknown:\n"
-                   "  test.txt\n")
-    out = backtick("bzr stat")
-    assert out == ("unknown:\n"
-                   "  test.txt\n")
-    progress("command help")
-    runcmd("bzr help st")
-    runcmd("bzr help")
-    runcmd("bzr help commands")
-    runcmd("bzr help slartibartfast", 1)
-    out = backtick("bzr help ci")
-    out.index('aliases: ')
-    progress("can't rename unversioned file")
-    runcmd("bzr rename test.txt new-test.txt", 1)
-    progress("adding a file")
-    runcmd("bzr add test.txt")
-    assert backtick("bzr unknowns") == ''
-    assert backtick("bzr status --all") == ("added:\n"
-                                            "  test.txt\n")
-    progress("rename newly-added file")
-    runcmd("bzr rename test.txt hello.txt")
-    assert os.path.exists("hello.txt")
-    assert not os.path.exists("test.txt")
-    assert backtick("bzr revno") == '0\n'
-    progress("add first revision")
-    runcmd(["bzr", "commit", "-m", 'add first revision'])
-    progress("more complex renames")
-    os.mkdir("sub1")
-    runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1", 1)
-    runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1/hello.txt", 1)
-    runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub1", 1)
-    runcmd("bzr add sub1")
-    runcmd("bzr rename sub1 sub2")
-    runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub2")
-    assert backtick("bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt") == os.path.join("sub2", "hello.txt\n")
-    assert exists("sub2")
-    assert exists("sub2/hello.txt")
-    assert not exists("sub1")
-    assert not exists("hello.txt")
-    runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'commit with some things moved to subdirs'])
-    mkdir("sub1")
-    runcmd('bzr add sub1')
-    runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt sub1')
-    assert not exists('sub2/hello.txt')
-    assert exists('sub1/hello.txt')
-    runcmd('bzr move sub2 sub1')
-    assert not exists('sub2')
-    assert exists('sub1/sub2')
-    runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'rename nested subdirectories'])
-    cd('sub1/sub2')
-    assert backtick('bzr root')[:-1] == os.path.join(test_root, 'branch1')
-    runcmd('bzr move ../hello.txt .')
-    assert exists('./hello.txt')
-    assert backtick('bzr relpath hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
-    assert backtick('bzr relpath ../../sub1/sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
-    runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'move to parent directory'])
-    cd('..')
-    assert backtick('bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
-    runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt .')
-    assert exists('hello.txt')
-    f = file('hello.txt', 'wt')
-    f.write('some nice new content\n')
-    f.close()
-    f = file('msg.tmp', 'wt')
-    f.write('this is my new commit\n')
-    f.close()
-    runcmd('bzr commit -F msg.tmp')
-    assert backtick('bzr revno') == '5\n'
-    runcmd('bzr export -r 5 export-5.tmp')
-    runcmd('bzr export export.tmp')
-    runcmd('bzr log')
-    runcmd('bzr log -v')
-    progress("file with spaces in name")
-    mkdir('sub directory')
-    file('sub directory/file with spaces ', 'wt').write('see how this works\n')
-    runcmd('bzr add .')
-    runcmd('bzr diff')
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m add-spaces')
-    runcmd('bzr check')
-    runcmd('bzr log')
-    runcmd('bzr log --forward')
-    runcmd('bzr info')
-    cd('..')
-    cd('..')
-    progress('branch')
-    # Can't create a branch if it already exists
-    runcmd('bzr branch branch1', retcode=1)
-    # Can't create a branch if its parent doesn't exist
-    runcmd('bzr branch /unlikely/to/exist', retcode=1)
-    runcmd('bzr branch branch1 branch2')
-    progress("pull")
-    cd('branch1')
-    runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
-    runcmd('bzr pull ../branch2')
-    cd('.bzr')
-    runcmd('bzr pull')
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
-    runcmd('bzr pull')
-    cd('../../branch2')
-    runcmd('bzr pull')
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
-    cd('../branch1')
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m empty')
-    runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
-    cd ('..')
-    progress('status after remove')
-    mkdir('status-after-remove')
-    # see mail from William Dod?, 2005-05-25
-    # $ bzr init; touch a; bzr add a; bzr commit -m "add a"
-    #     * looking for changes...
-    #     added a
-    #     * commited r1
-    #     $ bzr remove a
-    #     $ bzr status
-    #     bzr: local variable 'kind' referenced before assignment
-    #     at /vrac/python/bazaar-ng/bzrlib/diff.py:286 in compare_trees()
-    #     see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
-    cd('status-after-remove')
-    runcmd('bzr init')
-    file('a', 'w').write('foo')
-    runcmd('bzr add a')
-    runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'add a'])
-    runcmd('bzr remove a')
-    runcmd('bzr status')
-    cd('..')
-    progress('ignore patterns')
-    mkdir('ignorebranch')
-    cd('ignorebranch')
-    runcmd('bzr init')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
-    file('foo.tmp', 'wt').write('tmp files are ignored')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
-    file('foo.c', 'wt').write('int main() {}')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.c\n'
-    runcmd('bzr add foo.c')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
-    # 'ignore' works when creating the .bzignore file
-    file('foo.blah', 'wt').write('blah')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.blah\n'
-    runcmd('bzr ignore *.blah')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
-    assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\n'
-    # 'ignore' works when then .bzrignore file already exists
-    file('garh', 'wt').write('garh')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'garh\n'
-    runcmd('bzr ignore garh')
-    assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
-    assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\ngarh\n'
-    cd('..')
-    progress("recursive and non-recursive add")
-    mkdir('no-recurse')
-    cd('no-recurse')
-    runcmd('bzr init')
-    mkdir('foo')
-    fp = os.path.join('foo', 'test.txt')
-    f = file(fp, 'w')
-    f.write('hello!\n')
-    f.close()
-    runcmd('bzr add --no-recurse foo')
-    runcmd('bzr file-id foo')
-    runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # not versioned yet
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m add-dir-only')
-    runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # still not versioned 
-    runcmd('bzr add foo')
-    runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp)
-    runcmd('bzr commit -m add-sub-file')
-    cd('..')
-    # Run any function in this 
-    g = globals()
-    funcs = g.keys()
-    funcs.sort()
-    for k in funcs:
-        if k.startswith('test_') and callable(g[k]):
-            progress(k[5:].replace('_', ' '))
-            g[k]()
-    progress("all tests passed!")
-except Exception, e:
-    sys.stderr.write('*' * 50 + '\n'
-                     + 'testbzr: tests failed\n'
-                     + 'see ' + LOGFILENAME + ' for more information\n'
-                     + '*' * 50 + '\n')
-    logfile.write('tests failed!\n')
-    traceback.print_exc(None, logfile)
-    logfile.close()
-    sys.stdout.writelines(file(os.path.join(start_dir, LOGFILENAME), 'rt').readlines()[-50:])
-    sys.exit(1)

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