[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr/unstable r867: - remove bzrlib.statcache module, no longer needed.

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 10 08:21:17 UTC 2009

revno: 867
committer: Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net>
timestamp: Fri 2005-07-08 17:04:29 +1000
  - remove bzrlib.statcache module, no longer needed.
-------------- next part --------------
=== removed file 'bzrlib/statcache.py'
--- a/bzrlib/statcache.py	2005-07-06 10:07:31 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/statcache.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# (C) 2005 Canonical Ltd
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-import stat, os, sha, time
-from trace import mutter
-from errors import BzrError, BzrCheckError
-"""File stat cache to speed up tree comparisons.
-This module basically gives a quick way to find the SHA-1 and related
-information of a file in the working directory, without actually
-reading and hashing the whole file.  The information is validated by
-checking the size, mtime, ctime, etc of the file as returned by the
-stat() system call.
-This has no relation to the deprecated standard Python module called
-statcache (vs bzrlib.statcache).
-Users of this module should not need to know about how this is
-implemented, and in particular should not depend on the particular
-data which is stored or its format.
-The cache maintains a mapping from filename to the SHA-1 of the
-content of the file.
-The cache also stores a fingerprint of (size, mtime, ctime, ino, dev)
-which is used to validate that the entry is up-to-date.
-This is done by maintaining a cache indexed by a file fingerprint of
-(path, size, mtime, ctime, ino, dev) pointing to the SHA-1.  If the
-fingerprint has changed, we assume the file content has not changed
-either and the SHA-1 is therefore the same.
-If any of the fingerprint fields have changed then the file content
-*may* have changed, or it may not have.  We need to reread the file
-contents to make sure, but this is not visible to the user or
-higher-level code (except as a delay of course).
-The mtime and ctime are stored with nanosecond fields, but not all
-filesystems give this level of precision.  There is therefore a
-possible race: the file might be modified twice within a second
-without changing the size or mtime, and a SHA-1 cached from the first
-version would be wrong.  We handle this by not recording a cached hash
-for any files which were modified in the current second and that
-therefore have the chance to change again before the second is up.
-The only known hole in this design is if the system clock jumps
-backwards crossing invocations of bzr.  Please don't do that; use ntp
-to gradually adjust your clock or don't use bzr over the step.
-At the moment this is stored in a simple textfile; it might be nice
-to use a tdb instead to allow faster lookup by file-id.
-The cache is represented as a map from file_id to a tuple of (file_id,
-sha1, path, size, mtime, ctime, ino, dev).
-The SHA-1 is stored in memory as a hexdigest.
-This version of the file on disk has one line per record, and fields
-separated by \0 records.
-# order of fields returned by fingerprint()
-FP_SIZE  = 0
-FP_INO   = 3
-FP_DEV   = 4
-# order of fields in the statcache file and in the in-memory map
-SC_SHA1    = 1
-SC_PATH    = 2
-SC_SIZE    = 3
-SC_MTIME   = 4
-SC_CTIME   = 5
-SC_INO     = 6
-SC_DEV     = 7
-CACHE_HEADER = "### bzr statcache v4"
-def fingerprint(abspath):
-    try:
-        fs = os.lstat(abspath)
-    except OSError:
-        # might be missing, etc
-        return None
-    if stat.S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode):
-        return None
-    return (fs.st_size, fs.st_mtime,
-            fs.st_ctime, fs.st_ino, fs.st_dev)
-def _write_cache(basedir, entries):
-    from atomicfile import AtomicFile
-    cachefn = os.path.join(basedir, '.bzr', 'stat-cache')
-    outf = AtomicFile(cachefn, 'wb')
-    try:
-        outf.write(CACHE_HEADER + '\n')
-        for entry in entries:
-            if len(entry) != 8:
-                raise ValueError("invalid statcache entry tuple %r" % entry)
-            outf.write(entry[0].encode('utf-8')) # file id
-            outf.write('\0')
-            outf.write(entry[1])             # hex sha1
-            outf.write('\0')
-            outf.write(entry[2].encode('utf-8')) # name
-            for nf in entry[3:]:
-                outf.write('\0%d' % nf)
-            outf.write('\n')
-        outf.commit()
-    finally:
-        if not outf.closed:
-            outf.abort()
-def _try_write_cache(basedir, entries):
-    try:
-        return _write_cache(basedir, entries)
-    except IOError, e:
-        mutter("cannot update statcache in %s: %s" % (basedir, e))
-    except OSError, e:
-        mutter("cannot update statcache in %s: %s" % (basedir, e))
-def load_cache(basedir):
-    import re
-    cache = {}
-    seen_paths = {}
-    from bzrlib.trace import warning
-    assert isinstance(basedir, basestring)
-    sha_re = re.compile(r'[a-f0-9]{40}')
-    try:
-        cachefn = os.path.join(basedir, '.bzr', 'stat-cache')
-        cachefile = open(cachefn, 'rb')
-    except IOError:
-        return cache
-    line1 = cachefile.readline().rstrip('\r\n')
-    if line1 != CACHE_HEADER:
-        mutter('cache header marker not found at top of %s; discarding cache'
-               % cachefn)
-        return cache
-    for l in cachefile:
-        f = l.split('\0')
-        file_id = f[0].decode('utf-8')
-        if file_id in cache:
-            warning("duplicated file_id in cache: {%s}" % file_id)
-        text_sha = f[1]
-        if len(text_sha) != 40 or not sha_re.match(text_sha):
-            raise BzrCheckError("invalid file SHA-1 in cache: %r" % text_sha)
-        path = f[2].decode('utf-8')
-        if path in seen_paths:
-            warning("duplicated path in cache: %r" % path)
-        seen_paths[path] = True
-        entry = (file_id, text_sha, path) + tuple([long(x) for x in f[3:]])
-        if len(entry) != 8:
-            raise ValueError("invalid statcache entry tuple %r" % entry)
-        cache[file_id] = entry
-    return cache
-def _files_from_inventory(inv):
-    for path, ie in inv.iter_entries():
-        if ie.kind != 'file':
-            continue
-        yield ie.file_id, path
-def update_cache(basedir, inv, flush=False):
-    """Update and return the cache for the branch.
-    The returned cache may contain entries that have not been written
-    to disk for files recently touched.
-    flush -- discard any previous cache and recalculate from scratch.
-    """
-    # load the existing cache; use information there to find a list of
-    # files ordered by inode, which is alleged to be the fastest order
-    # to stat the files.
-    to_update = _files_from_inventory(inv)
-    assert isinstance(flush, bool)
-    if flush:
-        cache = {}
-    else:
-        cache = load_cache(basedir)
-        by_inode = []
-        without_inode = []
-        for file_id, path in to_update:
-            if file_id in cache:
-                by_inode.append((cache[file_id][SC_INO], file_id, path))
-            else:
-                without_inode.append((file_id, path))
-        by_inode.sort()
-        to_update = [a[1:] for a in by_inode] + without_inode
-    stat_cnt = missing_cnt = new_cnt = hardcheck = change_cnt = 0
-    # dangerfiles have been recently touched and can't be committed to
-    # a persistent cache yet, but they are returned to the caller.
-    dangerfiles = []
-    now = int(time.time())
-    ## mutter('update statcache under %r' % basedir)
-    for file_id, path in to_update:
-        abspath = os.path.join(basedir, path)
-        fp = fingerprint(abspath)
-        stat_cnt += 1
-        cacheentry = cache.get(file_id)
-        if fp == None: # not here
-            if cacheentry:
-                del cache[file_id]
-                change_cnt += 1
-            missing_cnt += 1
-            continue
-        elif not cacheentry:
-            new_cnt += 1
-        if (fp[FP_MTIME] >= now) or (fp[FP_CTIME] >= now):
-            dangerfiles.append(file_id)
-        if cacheentry and (cacheentry[3:] == fp):
-            continue                    # all stat fields unchanged
-        hardcheck += 1
-        dig = sha.new(file(abspath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
-        # We update the cache even if the digest has not changed from
-        # last time we looked, so that the fingerprint fields will
-        # match in future.
-        cacheentry = (file_id, dig, path) + fp
-        cache[file_id] = cacheentry
-        change_cnt += 1
-    mutter('statcache: statted %d files, read %d files, %d changed, %d dangerous, '
-           '%d deleted, %d new, '
-           '%d in cache'
-           % (stat_cnt, hardcheck, change_cnt, len(dangerfiles),
-              missing_cnt, new_cnt, len(cache)))
-    if change_cnt:
-        mutter('updating on-disk statcache')
-        if dangerfiles:
-            safe_cache = cache.copy()
-            for file_id in dangerfiles:
-                del safe_cache[file_id]
-        else:
-            safe_cache = cache
-        _try_write_cache(basedir, safe_cache.itervalues())
-    return cache

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