[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr/unstable r898: - add new runbzr method for external tests

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 10 08:21:23 UTC 2009

revno: 898
committer: Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net>
timestamp: Mon 2005-07-11 16:31:36 +1000
  - add new runbzr method for external tests
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py'
--- a/bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py	2005-07-11 03:40:02 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/selftest/blackbox.py	2005-07-11 06:31:36 +0000
@@ -31,54 +31,72 @@
 from unittest import TestCase
 from bzrlib.selftest import TestBase, InTempDir
+class ExternalBase(TestBase):
+    def runbzr(self, args):
+        try:
+            import shutil
+            from subprocess import call
+        except ImportError, e:
+            _need_subprocess()
+            raise
+        if isinstance(args, basestring):
+            args = args.split()
+        return self.runcmd(['python', self.BZRPATH,] + args)
 class TestVersion(TestBase):
     def runTest(self):
         # output is intentionally passed through to stdout so that we
         # can see the version being tested
-        self.runcmd(['bzr', 'version'])
+        self.runbzr(['version'])
 class HelpCommands(TestBase):
     def runTest(self):
-        self.runcmd('bzr --help')
-        self.runcmd('bzr help')
-        self.runcmd('bzr help commands')
-        self.runcmd('bzr help help')
-        self.runcmd('bzr commit -h')
+        self.runbzr('--help')
+        self.runbzr('help')
+        self.runbzr('help commands')
+        self.runbzr('help help')
+        self.runbzr('commit -h')
 class InitBranch(InTempDir):
     def runTest(self):
         import os
-        self.runcmd(['bzr', 'init'])
+        self.runbzr(['init'])
 class UserIdentity(InTempDir):
     def runTest(self):
         # this should always identify something, if only "john at localhost"
-        self.runcmd("bzr whoami")
-        self.runcmd("bzr whoami --email")
+        self.runbzr("whoami")
+        self.runbzr("whoami --email")
         self.assertEquals(self.backtick("bzr whoami --email").count('@'),
 class InvalidCommands(InTempDir):
     def runTest(self):
-        self.runcmd("bzr pants", retcode=1)
-        self.runcmd("bzr --pants off", retcode=1)
-        self.runcmd("bzr diff --message foo", retcode=1)
+        self.runbzr("pants", retcode=1)
+        self.runbzr("--pants off", retcode=1)
+        self.runbzr("diff --message foo", retcode=1)
 class EmptyCommit(InTempDir):
     def runTest(self):
-        self.runcmd("bzr init")
+        self.runbzr("init")
-        self.runcmd("bzr commit -m empty", retcode=1)
-        self.runcmd("bzr add hello.txt")
-        self.runcmd("bzr commit -m added")
+        self.runbzr("commit -m empty", retcode=1)
+        self.runbzr("add hello.txt")
+        self.runbzr("commit -m added")
@@ -96,7 +114,7 @@
         progress("basic branch creation")
         runcmd(['mkdir', 'branch1'])
-        runcmd('bzr init')
+        runbzr('init')
         self.assertEquals(backtick('bzr root').rstrip(),
                           os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'branch1'))
@@ -143,26 +161,26 @@
                        "  test.txt\n")
         progress("command help")
-        runcmd("bzr help st")
-        runcmd("bzr help")
-        runcmd("bzr help commands")
-        runcmd("bzr help slartibartfast", 1)
+        runbzr("help st")
+        runbzr("help")
+        runbzr("help commands")
+        runbzr("help slartibartfast", 1)
         out = backtick("bzr help ci")
         out.index('aliases: ')
         progress("can't rename unversioned file")
-        runcmd("bzr rename test.txt new-test.txt", 1)
+        runbzr("rename test.txt new-test.txt", 1)
         progress("adding a file")
-        runcmd("bzr add test.txt")
+        runbzr("add test.txt")
         assert backtick("bzr unknowns") == ''
         assert backtick("bzr status --all") == ("added:\n"
                                                 "  test.txt\n")
         progress("rename newly-added file")
-        runcmd("bzr rename test.txt hello.txt")
+        runbzr("rename test.txt hello.txt")
         assert os.path.exists("hello.txt")
         assert not os.path.exists("test.txt")
@@ -173,13 +191,13 @@
         progress("more complex renames")
-        runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1", 1)
-        runcmd("bzr rename hello.txt sub1/hello.txt", 1)
-        runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub1", 1)
+        runbzr("rename hello.txt sub1", 1)
+        runbzr("rename hello.txt sub1/hello.txt", 1)
+        runbzr("move hello.txt sub1", 1)
-        runcmd("bzr add sub1")
-        runcmd("bzr rename sub1 sub2")
-        runcmd("bzr move hello.txt sub2")
+        runbzr("add sub1")
+        runbzr("rename sub1 sub2")
+        runbzr("move hello.txt sub2")
         assert backtick("bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt") == os.path.join("sub2", "hello.txt\n")
         assert exists("sub2")
@@ -187,31 +205,31 @@
         assert not exists("sub1")
         assert not exists("hello.txt")
-        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'commit with some things moved to subdirs'])
+        runbzr(['commit', '-m', 'commit with some things moved to subdirs'])
-        runcmd('bzr add sub1')
-        runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt sub1')
+        runbzr('add sub1')
+        runbzr('move sub2/hello.txt sub1')
         assert not exists('sub2/hello.txt')
         assert exists('sub1/hello.txt')
-        runcmd('bzr move sub2 sub1')
+        runbzr('move sub2 sub1')
         assert not exists('sub2')
         assert exists('sub1/sub2')
-        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'rename nested subdirectories'])
+        runbzr(['commit', '-m', 'rename nested subdirectories'])
         self.assertEquals(backtick('bzr root')[:-1],
                           os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'branch1'))
-        runcmd('bzr move ../hello.txt .')
+        runbzr('move ../hello.txt .')
         assert exists('./hello.txt')
         assert backtick('bzr relpath hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
         assert backtick('bzr relpath ../../sub1/sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
-        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'move to parent directory'])
+        runbzr(['commit', '-m', 'move to parent directory'])
         assert backtick('bzr relpath sub2/hello.txt') == os.path.join('sub1', 'sub2', 'hello.txt\n')
-        runcmd('bzr move sub2/hello.txt .')
+        runbzr('move sub2/hello.txt .')
         assert exists('hello.txt')
         f = file('hello.txt', 'wt')
@@ -222,29 +240,29 @@
         f.write('this is my new commit\n')
-        runcmd('bzr commit -F msg.tmp')
+        runbzr('commit -F msg.tmp')
         assert backtick('bzr revno') == '5\n'
-        runcmd('bzr export -r 5 export-5.tmp')
-        runcmd('bzr export export.tmp')
+        runbzr('export -r 5 export-5.tmp')
+        runbzr('export export.tmp')
-        runcmd('bzr log')
-        runcmd('bzr log -v')
+        runbzr('log')
+        runbzr('log -v')
         progress("file with spaces in name")
         mkdir('sub directory')
         file('sub directory/file with spaces ', 'wt').write('see how this works\n')
-        runcmd('bzr add .')
-        runcmd('bzr diff')
-        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-spaces')
-        runcmd('bzr check')
-        runcmd('bzr log')
-        runcmd('bzr log --forward')
-        runcmd('bzr info')
+        runbzr('add .')
+        runbzr('diff')
+        runbzr('commit -m add-spaces')
+        runbzr('check')
+        runbzr('log')
+        runbzr('log --forward')
+        runbzr('info')
@@ -255,25 +273,25 @@
         # Can't create a branch if it already exists
-        runcmd('bzr branch branch1', retcode=1)
+        runbzr('branch branch1', retcode=1)
         # Can't create a branch if its parent doesn't exist
-        runcmd('bzr branch /unlikely/to/exist', retcode=1)
-        runcmd('bzr branch branch1 branch2')
+        runbzr('branch /unlikely/to/exist', retcode=1)
+        runbzr('branch branch1 branch2')
-        runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
-        runcmd('bzr pull ../branch2')
+        runbzr('pull', retcode=1)
+        runbzr('pull ../branch2')
-        runcmd('bzr pull')
-        runcmd('bzr commit --unchanged -m empty')
-        runcmd('bzr pull')
+        runbzr('pull')
+        runbzr('commit --unchanged -m empty')
+        runbzr('pull')
-        runcmd('bzr pull')
-        runcmd('bzr commit --unchanged -m empty')
+        runbzr('pull')
+        runbzr('commit --unchanged -m empty')
-        runcmd('bzr commit --unchanged -m empty')
-        runcmd('bzr pull', retcode=1)
+        runbzr('commit --unchanged -m empty')
+        runbzr('pull', retcode=1)
         chdir ('..')
         progress('status after remove')
@@ -289,19 +307,19 @@
         #     at /vrac/python/bazaar-ng/bzrlib/diff.py:286 in compare_trees()
         #     see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
-        runcmd('bzr init')
+        runbzr('init')
         file('a', 'w').write('foo')
-        runcmd('bzr add a')
-        runcmd(['bzr', 'commit', '-m', 'add a'])
-        runcmd('bzr remove a')
-        runcmd('bzr status')
+        runbzr('add a')
+        runbzr(['commit', '-m', 'add a'])
+        runbzr('remove a')
+        runbzr('status')
         progress('ignore patterns')
-        runcmd('bzr init')
+        runbzr('init')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
         file('foo.tmp', 'wt').write('tmp files are ignored')
@@ -309,20 +327,20 @@
         file('foo.c', 'wt').write('int main() {}')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.c\n'
-        runcmd('bzr add foo.c')
+        runbzr('add foo.c')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
         # 'ignore' works when creating the .bzignore file
         file('foo.blah', 'wt').write('blah')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'foo.blah\n'
-        runcmd('bzr ignore *.blah')
+        runbzr('ignore *.blah')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
         assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\n'
         # 'ignore' works when then .bzrignore file already exists
         file('garh', 'wt').write('garh')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == 'garh\n'
-        runcmd('bzr ignore garh')
+        runbzr('ignore garh')
         assert backtick('bzr unknowns') == ''
         assert file('.bzrignore', 'rb').read() == '*.blah\ngarh\n'
@@ -334,22 +352,22 @@
         progress("recursive and non-recursive add")
-        runcmd('bzr init')
+        runbzr('init')
         fp = os.path.join('foo', 'test.txt')
         f = file(fp, 'w')
-        runcmd('bzr add --no-recurse foo')
-        runcmd('bzr file-id foo')
-        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # not versioned yet
-        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-dir-only')
-        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp, 1)      # still not versioned 
-        runcmd('bzr add foo')
-        runcmd('bzr file-id ' + fp)
-        runcmd('bzr commit -m add-sub-file')
+        runbzr('add --no-recurse foo')
+        runbzr('file-id foo')
+        runbzr('file-id ' + fp, 1)      # not versioned yet
+        runbzr('commit -m add-dir-only')
+        runbzr('file-id ' + fp, 1)      # still not versioned 
+        runbzr('add foo')
+        runbzr('file-id ' + fp)
+        runbzr('commit -m add-sub-file')
@@ -357,14 +375,14 @@
 class RevertCommand(InTempDir):
     def runTest(self):
-        self.runcmd('bzr init')
+        self.runbzr('init')
         file('hello', 'wt').write('foo')
-        self.runcmd('bzr add hello')
-        self.runcmd('bzr commit -m setup hello')
+        self.runbzr('add hello')
+        self.runbzr('commit -m setup hello')
         file('hello', 'wt').write('bar')
-        self.runcmd('bzr revert hello')
+        self.runbzr('revert hello')
         self.check_file_contents('hello', 'foo')

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