[Pkg-bazaar-commits] ./bzr/unstable r676: - lock branch while checking

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 10 08:20:40 UTC 2009

revno: 676
committer: Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net>
timestamp: Sat 2005-06-11 11:58:46 +1000
  - lock branch while checking
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/check.py'
--- a/bzrlib/check.py	2005-06-11 01:52:47 +0000
+++ b/bzrlib/check.py	2005-06-11 01:58:46 +0000
@@ -31,174 +31,183 @@
     from bzrlib.errors import BzrCheckError
     from bzrlib.osutils import fingerprint_file
     from bzrlib.progress import ProgressBar
-    out = sys.stdout
-    pb = ProgressBar(show_spinner=True)
-    last_ptr = None
-    checked_revs = {}
-    missing_inventory_sha_cnt = 0
-    history = branch.revision_history()
-    revno = 0
-    revcount = len(history)
-    checked_texts = {}
-    updated_revisions = []
-    # Set to True in the case that the previous revision entry
-    # was updated, since this will affect future revision entries
-    updated_previous_revision = False
-    for rid in history:
-        revno += 1
-        pb.update('checking revision', revno, revcount)
-        mutter('    revision {%s}' % rid)
-        rev = branch.get_revision(rid)
-        if rev.revision_id != rid:
-            raise BzrCheckError('wrong internal revision id in revision {%s}' % rid)
-        if rev.precursor != last_ptr:
-            raise BzrCheckError('mismatched precursor in revision {%s}' % rid)
-        last_ptr = rid
-        if rid in checked_revs:
-            raise BzrCheckError('repeated revision {%s}' % rid)
-        checked_revs[rid] = True
-        ## TODO: Check all the required fields are present on the revision.
-        updated = False
-        if rev.inventory_sha1:
-            #mutter('    checking inventory hash {%s}' % rev.inventory_sha1)
-            inv_sha1 = branch.get_inventory_sha1(rev.inventory_id)
-            if inv_sha1 != rev.inventory_sha1:
-                raise BzrCheckError('Inventory sha1 hash doesn\'t match'
-                    ' value in revision {%s}' % rid)
-        elif update:
-            inv_sha1 = branch.get_inventory_sha1(rev.inventory_id)
-            rev.inventory_sha1 = inv_sha1
-            updated = True
-        else:
-            missing_inventory_sha_cnt += 1
-            mutter("no inventory_sha1 on revision {%s}" % rid)
-        if rev.precursor:
-            if rev.precursor_sha1:
-                precursor_sha1 = branch.get_revision_sha1(rev.precursor)
-                if updated_previous_revision: 
-                    # we don't expect the hashes to match, because
-                    # we had to modify the previous revision_history entry.
+    if update:
+        branch.lock_write()
+    else:
+        branch.lock_read()
+    try:
+        out = sys.stdout
+        pb = ProgressBar(show_spinner=True)
+        last_ptr = None
+        checked_revs = {}
+        missing_inventory_sha_cnt = 0
+        history = branch.revision_history()
+        revno = 0
+        revcount = len(history)
+        checked_texts = {}
+        updated_revisions = []
+        # Set to True in the case that the previous revision entry
+        # was updated, since this will affect future revision entries
+        updated_previous_revision = False
+        for rid in history:
+            revno += 1
+            pb.update('checking revision', revno, revcount)
+            mutter('    revision {%s}' % rid)
+            rev = branch.get_revision(rid)
+            if rev.revision_id != rid:
+                raise BzrCheckError('wrong internal revision id in revision {%s}' % rid)
+            if rev.precursor != last_ptr:
+                raise BzrCheckError('mismatched precursor in revision {%s}' % rid)
+            last_ptr = rid
+            if rid in checked_revs:
+                raise BzrCheckError('repeated revision {%s}' % rid)
+            checked_revs[rid] = True
+            ## TODO: Check all the required fields are present on the revision.
+            updated = False
+            if rev.inventory_sha1:
+                #mutter('    checking inventory hash {%s}' % rev.inventory_sha1)
+                inv_sha1 = branch.get_inventory_sha1(rev.inventory_id)
+                if inv_sha1 != rev.inventory_sha1:
+                    raise BzrCheckError('Inventory sha1 hash doesn\'t match'
+                        ' value in revision {%s}' % rid)
+            elif update:
+                inv_sha1 = branch.get_inventory_sha1(rev.inventory_id)
+                rev.inventory_sha1 = inv_sha1
+                updated = True
+            else:
+                missing_inventory_sha_cnt += 1
+                mutter("no inventory_sha1 on revision {%s}" % rid)
+            if rev.precursor:
+                if rev.precursor_sha1:
+                    precursor_sha1 = branch.get_revision_sha1(rev.precursor)
+                    if updated_previous_revision: 
+                        # we don't expect the hashes to match, because
+                        # we had to modify the previous revision_history entry.
+                        rev.precursor_sha1 = precursor_sha1
+                        updated = True
+                    else:
+                        #mutter('    checking precursor hash {%s}' % rev.precursor_sha1)
+                        if rev.precursor_sha1 != precursor_sha1:
+                            raise BzrCheckError('Precursor sha1 hash doesn\'t match'
+                                ' value in revision {%s}' % rid)
+                elif update:
+                    precursor_sha1 = branch.get_revision_sha1(rev.precursor)
                     rev.precursor_sha1 = precursor_sha1
                     updated = True
-                else:
-                    #mutter('    checking precursor hash {%s}' % rev.precursor_sha1)
-                    if rev.precursor_sha1 != precursor_sha1:
-                        raise BzrCheckError('Precursor sha1 hash doesn\'t match'
-                            ' value in revision {%s}' % rid)
-            elif update:
-                precursor_sha1 = branch.get_revision_sha1(rev.precursor)
-                rev.precursor_sha1 = precursor_sha1
-                updated = True
-        if updated:
-            updated_previous_revision = True
-            # We had to update this revision entries hashes
-            # Now we need to write out a new value
-            # This is a little bit invasive, since we are *rewriting* a
-            # revision entry. I'm not supremely happy about it, but
-            # there should be *some* way of making old entries have
-            # the full meta information.
-            import tempfile, os, errno
-            rev_tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
-            rev.write_xml(rev_tmp)
-            rev_tmp.seek(0)
-            tmpfd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=rid, suffix='.gz',
-                dir=branch.controlfilename('revision-store'))
-            os.close(tmpfd)
-            def special_rename(p1, p2):
-                if sys.platform == 'win32':
-                    try:
-                        os.remove(p2)
-                    except OSError, e:
-                        if e.errno != e.ENOENT:
-                            raise
-                os.rename(p1, p2)
-            try:
-                # TODO: We may need to handle the case where the old revision
-                # entry was not compressed (and thus did not end with .gz)
-                # Remove the old revision entry out of the way
-                rev_path = branch.controlfilename(['revision-store', rid+'.gz'])
-                special_rename(rev_path, tmp_path)
-                branch.revision_store.add(rev_tmp, rid) # Add the new one
-                os.remove(tmp_path) # Remove the old name
-                mutter('    Updated revision entry {%s}' % rid)
-            except:
-                # On any exception, restore the old entry
-                special_rename(tmp_path, rev_path)
-                raise
-            rev_tmp.close()
-            updated_revisions.append(rid)
-        else:
-            updated_previous_revision = False
-        inv = branch.get_inventory(rev.inventory_id)
-        seen_ids = {}
-        seen_names = {}
-        ## p('revision %d/%d file ids' % (revno, revcount))
-        for file_id in inv:
-            if file_id in seen_ids:
-                raise BzrCheckError('duplicated file_id {%s} '
-                                    'in inventory for revision {%s}'
-                                    % (file_id, rid))
-            seen_ids[file_id] = True
-        i = 0
-        len_inv = len(inv)
-        for file_id in inv:
-            i += 1
-            if i & 31 == 0:
-                pb.tick()
-            ie = inv[file_id]
-            if ie.parent_id != None:
-                if ie.parent_id not in seen_ids:
-                    raise BzrCheckError('missing parent {%s} in inventory for revision {%s}'
-                            % (ie.parent_id, rid))
-            if ie.kind == 'file':
-                if ie.text_id in checked_texts:
-                    fp = checked_texts[ie.text_id]
-                else:
-                    if not ie.text_id in branch.text_store:
-                        raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} not in text_store' % ie.text_id)
-                    tf = branch.text_store[ie.text_id]
-                    fp = fingerprint_file(tf)
-                    checked_texts[ie.text_id] = fp
-                if ie.text_size != fp['size']:
-                    raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} wrong size' % ie.text_id)
-                if ie.text_sha1 != fp['sha1']:
-                    raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} wrong sha1' % ie.text_id)
-            elif ie.kind == 'directory':
-                if ie.text_sha1 != None or ie.text_size != None or ie.text_id != None:
-                    raise BzrCheckError('directory {%s} has text in revision {%s}'
-                            % (file_id, rid))
-        pb.tick()
-        for path, ie in inv.iter_entries():
-            if path in seen_names:
-                raise BzrCheckError('duplicated path %r '
-                                    'in inventory for revision {%s}'
-                                    % (path, revid))
+            if updated:
+                updated_previous_revision = True
+                # We had to update this revision entries hashes
+                # Now we need to write out a new value
+                # This is a little bit invasive, since we are *rewriting* a
+                # revision entry. I'm not supremely happy about it, but
+                # there should be *some* way of making old entries have
+                # the full meta information.
+                import tempfile, os, errno
+                rev_tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+                rev.write_xml(rev_tmp)
+                rev_tmp.seek(0)
+                tmpfd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=rid, suffix='.gz',
+                    dir=branch.controlfilename('revision-store'))
+                os.close(tmpfd)
+                def special_rename(p1, p2):
+                    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+                        try:
+                            os.remove(p2)
+                        except OSError, e:
+                            if e.errno != e.ENOENT:
+                                raise
+                    os.rename(p1, p2)
+                try:
+                    # TODO: We may need to handle the case where the old revision
+                    # entry was not compressed (and thus did not end with .gz)
+                    # Remove the old revision entry out of the way
+                    rev_path = branch.controlfilename(['revision-store', rid+'.gz'])
+                    special_rename(rev_path, tmp_path)
+                    branch.revision_store.add(rev_tmp, rid) # Add the new one
+                    os.remove(tmp_path) # Remove the old name
+                    mutter('    Updated revision entry {%s}' % rid)
+                except:
+                    # On any exception, restore the old entry
+                    special_rename(tmp_path, rev_path)
+                    raise
+                rev_tmp.close()
+                updated_revisions.append(rid)
+            else:
+                updated_previous_revision = False
+            inv = branch.get_inventory(rev.inventory_id)
+            seen_ids = {}
+            seen_names = {}
+            ## p('revision %d/%d file ids' % (revno, revcount))
+            for file_id in inv:
+                if file_id in seen_ids:
+                    raise BzrCheckError('duplicated file_id {%s} '
+                                        'in inventory for revision {%s}'
+                                        % (file_id, rid))
+                seen_ids[file_id] = True
+            i = 0
+            len_inv = len(inv)
+            for file_id in inv:
+                i += 1
+                if i & 31 == 0:
+                    pb.tick()
+                ie = inv[file_id]
+                if ie.parent_id != None:
+                    if ie.parent_id not in seen_ids:
+                        raise BzrCheckError('missing parent {%s} in inventory for revision {%s}'
+                                % (ie.parent_id, rid))
+                if ie.kind == 'file':
+                    if ie.text_id in checked_texts:
+                        fp = checked_texts[ie.text_id]
+                    else:
+                        if not ie.text_id in branch.text_store:
+                            raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} not in text_store' % ie.text_id)
+                        tf = branch.text_store[ie.text_id]
+                        fp = fingerprint_file(tf)
+                        checked_texts[ie.text_id] = fp
+                    if ie.text_size != fp['size']:
+                        raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} wrong size' % ie.text_id)
+                    if ie.text_sha1 != fp['sha1']:
+                        raise BzrCheckError('text {%s} wrong sha1' % ie.text_id)
+                elif ie.kind == 'directory':
+                    if ie.text_sha1 != None or ie.text_size != None or ie.text_id != None:
+                        raise BzrCheckError('directory {%s} has text in revision {%s}'
+                                % (file_id, rid))
+            pb.tick()
+            for path, ie in inv.iter_entries():
+                if path in seen_names:
+                    raise BzrCheckError('duplicated path %r '
+                                        'in inventory for revision {%s}'
+                                        % (path, revid))
             seen_names[path] = True
+    finally:
+        branch.unlock()

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