CVS debian

CVS User tbm ludovic.rousseau at
Thu Aug 4 23:37:32 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv2891

Modified Files:
	changelog control 
Log Message:
Downgrade GLADE/GTK+ related packages to Suggests since they are only
required by bins-edit-gui, a minor component of this package.  Closes:

--- /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/changelog	2005/08/04 23:31:17	1.17
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/changelog	2005/08/04 23:37:32	1.18
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
   * debian/control (Depends): Add libtimedate-perl required by the
     new dateString option.
   * debian/control (Uploaders): Add myself.
+  * debian/control (Depends, Suggests): Downgrade GLADE/GTK+ related
+    packages to Suggests since they are only required by bins-edit-gui,
+    a minor component of this package.  Closes: #251306.
  -- Martin Michlmayr <tbm at>  Fri, 05 Aug 2005 00:20:13 +0100
--- /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/control	2005/08/04 23:31:17	1.8
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/control	2005/08/04 23:37:32	1.9
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 Package: bins
 Architecture: all
-Depends: libio-string-perl, libimage-size-perl, libimage-info-perl, perlmagick, libhtml-parser-perl, libhtml-template-perl, liburi-perl, libxml-perl, libxml-grove-perl, libxml-handler-yawriter-perl, libtext-iconv-perl, liblocale-gettext-perl, libjpeg-progs, libgladexml-perl, libglade-gnome0, libglade-perl, libgnome-perl, libgtk-imlib-perl, libxml-writer-perl, libxml-xql-perl, libhtml-clean-perl, libtimedate-perl
+Depends: libio-string-perl, libimage-size-perl, libimage-info-perl, perlmagick, libhtml-parser-perl, libhtml-template-perl, liburi-perl, libxml-perl, libxml-grove-perl, libxml-handler-yawriter-perl, libtext-iconv-perl, liblocale-gettext-perl, libjpeg-progs, libxml-writer-perl, libxml-xql-perl, libhtml-clean-perl, libtimedate-perl
+Suggests: libgladexml-perl, libglade-gnome0, libglade-perl, libgnome-perl, libgtk-imlib-perl
 Description: Generate static HTML photo albums using XML and EXIF tags
  BINS generates a complete static gallery (images and HTML) with
  thumbnails and image lists, using XML files to hold information about

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