CVS debian/patches
CVS User tbm
ludovic.rousseau at
Fri Aug 5 00:01:37 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv4319/patches
Modified Files:
08_bins.dpatch 10_bins.dpatch 11_bins.dpatch
Log Message:
Update patches to reflect whitespace changes in the new upstream version.
--- /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/08_bins.dpatch 2005/01/02 22:01:02 1.2
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/08_bins.dpatch 2005/08/05 00:01:37 1.3
@@ -23,14 +23,13 @@
exit 0
---- bins 2004-08-27 22:01:46.000000000 +0200
-+++ bins 2004-08-28 12:32:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
- #get the config file from the command line
- if ( $option{'f'} ) {
- (my $junk ,$defaultConfig{'userConfigDir'},$defaultConfig{'configFileName'})
-- = File::Spec->splitpath($option{'f'});
-+ = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($option{'f'}));
- $defaultConfig{'userConfigDir'} =~ s|/*$||;
- }
+--- bins~ 2005-08-05 00:50:15.628942640 +0100
++++ bins 2005-08-05 00:50:46.318277152 +0100
+@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
+ #get the config file from the command line
+ if ( $option{'f'} ) {
+ (my $junk ,$defaultConfig{'userConfigDir'},$defaultConfig{'configFileName'})
+- = File::Spec->splitpath($option{'f'});
++ = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($option{'f'}));
+ $defaultConfig{'userConfigDir'} =~ s|/*$||;
+ }
--- /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/10_bins.dpatch 2005/01/02 21:59:35 1.1
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/10_bins.dpatch 2005/08/05 00:01:37 1.2
@@ -23,21 +23,17 @@
exit 0
---- bins.old 2005-01-02 22:13:17.000000000 +0100
-+++ bins 2005-01-02 22:14:25.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4472,8 +4472,13 @@
- $rotateJPEG = 'jpegtran -copy all -rotate %s -outfile "%s.tmp" "%s" && mv "%s.tmp" "%s"';
- beVerboseN(" found jpegtran.", 3);
- } else {
-- $rotateJPEG = "";
-- beVerboseN(" not found, trying a generic one.", 3);
-+ if (commandAvailable("jpegtran-mmx")) {
-+ $rotateJPEG = 'jpegtran-mmx -copy all -rotate %s -outfile "%s.tmp" "%s" && mv "%s.tmp" "%s"';
-+ beVerboseN(" found jpegtran-mmx.", 3);
-+ } else {
-+ $rotateJPEG = "";
-+ beVerboseN(" not found, trying a generic one.", 3);
-+ }
- }
- }
+--- bins~ 2005-08-05 00:50:15.628942640 +0100
++++ bins 2005-08-05 00:53:20.529833432 +0100
+@@ -4595,7 +4595,10 @@
+ if (commandAvailable("jpegtran")) {
+ $rotateJPEG = 'jpegtran -copy all -rotate %s -outfile "%s.tmp" "%s" && mv "%s.tmp" "%s"';
+ beVerboseN(" found jpegtran.", 3);
+- } else {
++ } elsif (commandAvailable("jpegtran-mmx")) {
++ $rotateJPEG = 'jpegtran-mmx -copy all -rotate %s -outfile "%s.tmp" "%s" && mv "%s.tmp" "%s"';
++ beVerboseN(" found jpegtran-mmx.", 3);
++ } else
+ $rotateJPEG = "";
+ beVerboseN(" not found, trying a generic one.", 3);
+ }
--- /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/11_bins.dpatch 2005/08/04 23:15:17 1.1
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-bins/debian/patches/11_bins.dpatch 2005/08/05 00:01:37 1.2
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
exit 0
---- /usr/bin/bins 2005-01-02 22:24:38.000000000 +0100
-+++ bins 2005-02-18 10:49:10.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@
- #print "albumdir: $albumdir $albumdir2\n";
+--- bins~ 2005-08-05 00:50:15.628942640 +0100
++++ bins 2005-08-05 00:54:24.103168816 +0100
+@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@
+ #print "albumdir: $albumdir $albumdir2\n";
- die "albumdir_dir ($albumdir) can't be a subdirectory of picdir_dir ($picdir)"
-- if ($albumdir2 =~ m/$picdir2/);
-+ if ($albumdir2 =~ m/^$picdir2\//);
- }
+ die "albumdir_dir ($albumdir) can't be a subdirectory of picdir_dir ($picdir)"
+- if ("$albumdir2/" =~ m/$picdir2\//);
++ if ("$albumdir2/" =~ m/^$picdir2\//);
+ }
- $picdir = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->canonpath($picdir));
+ $picdir = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->canonpath($picdir));
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