[pkg-bioc] Hosting an apt-getable repo at Alioth

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Wed Dec 14 09:32:54 UTC 2005

I finally got Wichert on IRC.  Here is the transcript of our discussion on

<Raf> Is wiggy around?
<wiggy> no\
<Raf> wiggy: have you seen my e-mail message regarding the pkg-bioc project at
<Raf> Alioth?
<wiggy> no
<Raf> The pkg-bioc (http://wiki.debian.org/?AliothPkgBioc)
<Raf> developers are planing to use the web space at alioth.d.o for
<Raf> hosting an apt-getable repository for the CRAN/BioC packages.
<Raf> The question is: the repo will take up to 5 Gb of disk space and an
<Raf> unknown amount of traffic.
<Raf> Do you think it is feasible?
<wiggy> shouldn't be a problem
<Raf> wiggy: This is good news.  I will tell the pkg-bioc team to go ahead
<Raf> with the setup.  Thanks.

I take the above as an approval for the CRAN/BioC repository at Alioth.
I am swamped right now with real-life commitments and cannot work on the
setup until the next week or later.


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