[pkg-bioc] i386 builds of CRAN

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd@debian.org
Sun, 5 Jun 2005 10:46:52 -0500

On 4 June 2005 at 21:23, elijah wright wrote:
| > In debian/control, i.e. the package display is 'emptier' than it should be?
| yeah.
| > | that's all i've run across so far...
| >
| > Thanks!
| here's another bit of spewage:
| pkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
| Unpacking r-cran-gdata (from .../r-cran-gdata_2.0.7-0.r2d.1_all.deb) ...
| dpkg: error processing 
| /var/cache/apt/archives/r-cran-gdata_2.0.7-0.r2d.1_all.deb (--unpack):
|   trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/R/site-library/gdata/NAMESPACE', which is 
| also in package r-cran-gregmisc
| dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
| Unpacking r-cran-gplots (from .../r-cran-gplots_2.0.7-0.r2d.1_all.deb) ...
| dpkg: error processing 
| /var/cache/apt/archives/r-cran-gplots_2.0.7-0.r2d.1_all.deb (--unpack):
|   trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/R/site-library/gplots/NAMESPACE', which is 
| also in package r-cran-gregmisc
| dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

Another update that is needed: We have r-cran-gregmisc, but that has been
split upstream into "new" packages gdata, gplots. gmodels, gtools -- which we
need to ignore too.

Is someone keeping tabs on the needed updates for cran2deb ?

| Unpacking r-cran-matchit (from .../r-cran-matchit_1.0.1-0.r2d.1_all.deb) 
| ...
| dpkg: error processing 
| /var/cache/apt/archives/r-cran-matchit_1.0.1-0.r2d.1_all.deb (--unpack):
|   trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/R/site-library/MatchIt/NAMESPACE', which is 
| also in package r-other-gking-matchit
| dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

Similarly, matchit is already the package r-other-gking-matchit maintained by
Chris Lawrence.  I guess that makes it a bug for Chris who should rename the
package if it is now on CRAN. CCing Chris... Hey Chris, do you want to join
pkg-bioc on Alioth, our 'automating deb creation from CRAN and Bioc' effort?


Statistics: The (futile) attempt to offer certainty about uncertainty.
         -- Roger Koenker, 'Dictionary of Received Ideas of Statistics'