[pkg-bioc] Hello!

Johannes Ranke jranke at uni-bremen.de
Fri Jun 9 04:20:45 UTC 2006

> I used the script to build a set of packages here locally - on machines 
> running debian unstable.  I had a user who wanted the taskPR package and 
> its dependencies, so I built them.  ;)

Well, in such a case, he could just use CRAN, right?
> I should probably invest some more time into that.  Enough of us here use 
> R that I can justify it.

Where is "here"? The University where you study/work?
> [I'd totally dig it if someone looked into generating .pkg files for 
> blastwave, too...]

I didn't know this existed until I just looked up their website. What's
the main advantage over Debian Linux in your opinion?
> >We don't yet. We also think 'all to Debian' is to massive. Maybe one day 
> >after we have a bit of a track record and more experience outside of it. 
> >I am sure we will find repo space somewhere -- as you said, possibly 
> >even on CRAN.
> I have space and most probably the bandwidth here, but I'm afraid that the 
> project would die after I leave the university.  [I have to graduate 
> eventually, ya know...]

Good luck with that!

> --elijah

Dr. Johannes Ranke                 jranke at uni-bremen.de
UFT Bremen, Leobenerstr. 1         +49 421 218 8971 
D-28359 Bremen                     http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke

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