[pkg-bioc] debian/ simplifications

David Vernazobres dv at uni-muenster.de
Sat Apr 21 18:07:53 UTC 2007

On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 09:47:38AM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote :
> I made another change to r-cran.mk, and so far all packages 'just work'
> by only source r-cran.mk.   The newest one was to have r-cran.mk grep for
> 'Priority: recommended' in the DESCRIPTION file and then switch to installing
> into /usr/lib/R/library/ (where reommeneded packages go) rather than 
> /usr/lib/R/site-library/
> Are there other modifications we could or should address from r-cran.mk?
> The 'repositories' idea is also implemeneted.  A few month ago I added
> inclusin of debian/overrides for Lintian, if found.

> Also, I no longer include the basically empty postinst/postrm. 
> Lastly, one thing I find confusing when building the few dozen r-cran-*
> packages I manually maintain:  Sometimes an R  package is NOT listed in
> Depends: yet required under pbuilder (probably due to LazyLoad or
> something).
well, in cran2deb I am still adding dependencies from time to time
manually. It's not a long term solution, but a solution.

> How reliable is the Depends/Suggests information in DESCRIPTION
> for us?

Well, very low I will say. But some packages' descriptions are very good. 
So, it's a starting point.
All togethers, in my point of view, the quality of the
CRAN/BIOC/OMEGAHAT is not really good, but there is no other solution !

just my 0.02$,

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