[pkg-bioc] Two line guide for getting pkg-bioc up

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon Feb 12 03:14:53 CET 2007

Much better. On a fresh CVS checkup, and with the pending patch to R's
/usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk applied [1], all it takes is

$ ./bioc_update.sh Yes!			## we'll make that --force one day
$ cran2deb bioc --ignore		## to keep it going

I hand-edited a few 'do not build $bar before we have $foo' in the
cran2deb.pl source, we'll see how that goes.

Nice work, Steffen!


[1] In a nutshell, replace the simple assignment to packages with these few
lines of a test and a new assignment. If you don't, empty packages result as
the build target directory will not be correct.

## if not debRreposname is setm default to cran -- thanks, Steffen!
ifeq ($(debRreposname),)
debRreposname	:= cran

## and use the results to build the Debian'ized package name
package		:= r-$(debRreposname)-$(cranName)

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. 
                                                  -- Thomas A. Edison

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