[pkg-bioc] CVS %p

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed Feb 28 02:35:23 CET 2007

On 27 February 2007 at 16:44, Steffen Moeller wrote:
| for i in de us; do ping -c 2 cran.$i.r-project.org -q -W 1|tail -1|
| cut -f2 -d= |cut -f2 -d/; done
| 35.508
| 123.650

Below is something similar I once wrote for Debian's mirror package (which I
used to maintain).  This is from before we had all those apt tools testing
for bandwidth...

I am not sure how much Perl has changed and what else we'd need to depend
on -- and it needs to read the mirror list from cmdline, or a cran mirror
list, or something...


# debian-mirrors    measure ping time to all mirrors in README.mirrors.txt
# downloads README.mirrors.txt from ftp.debian.org (but not if a local file
# is pointed to), runs fping on all Debian mirrors, sorts the result by ping 
# time and output the 'n' (default is 20) fastest mirrors.
# Written by Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> and released under the GPL
# $Id: debian-mirrors.pl,v 1.9 2001/01/29 04:09:30 edd Exp $

## Yes, Net::FTP is much cooler, but we don't want to depend on libnet-perl
## 'ftp.pl' is provided by the mirror package
unshift( @INC, "/usr/lib/mirror" );
require 'ftp.pl';

#use strict;			# doesn't work with ftp.pl, neither does -w
use English;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
use IPC::Open2;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_f $opt_v);

my $filename = "README.mirrors.txt";
my $inputfile = "/tmp/$filename" . "-" . $$;
my $max = 20;
$PROGRAM_NAME =~ s|.*/||;	# strip everything before last slash

getopts('hf:n:v') or die("Try `$PROGRAM_NAME -h` for help screen.\n");

if ($opt_h or $#ARGV != -1) {
    print "Usage:\n  $PROGRAM_NAME [options]\n";
    print "Options:\n";
    print "  -f file\tpoint to local version README.mirrors.txt\n";
    print "  -n max\tmaximum number of mirrors to show\n";
    print "  -v\t\tverbose operation\n";
    print "  -h\t\tshow this help\n";
    exit 0;

$max = $opt_n if ($opt_n);
print "Max is set to $max\n" if $opt_v;

if ( ! $opt_f ) {
    my $hostname = "ftp.debian.org";
    my $account = "ftp";
    my $password = "user\@debian.org";
    my $directory = "/debian";
    print "Retrieving ", $filename, " for analysis.\n" if $opt_v;
    ftp::debug(1) if $opt_v;	# for debugging output
    ftp::open($hostname,21,0,1) or die "No ftp connection\n";   
    ftp::login($account, $password) or die "Couldn't login\n";
    ftp::cwd($directory) or die "Cannot cd to $directory\n";
    ftp::get($filename, $inputfile, 0) or die "Could not get $filename\n";
} else {
    die "File $opt_f does not exist.\n" unless -f $opt_f;
    $inputfile = $opt_f;

print "Measuring ping times to all Debian mirror sites. " if $opt_v;
print "Please be patient.\n" if $opt_v;
open(DATA, $inputfile) or die "Cannot open $filename\n";

open2("PINGOUT", "PINGIN", "fping -ae") or die "Cannot start fping(1)\n";

# Parse the README.mirrors.txt file 
my $state = 0;
while (<DATA>) {		# parse the file for ftp sites 
  next if (m/^\s*$/);		# skip empty lines
  next if (m/---/);		# skip separator lines
  next if (m/Country/);		# skip header line
  next if (m/^[A-Z]{2}/);	# skip country header among secondaries
  next if (m/^Last modi/);	# skip trailer

  my $mirror = undef;
  ## the following is really crude code, and my only excuse is that the 
  ## README.mirrors.txt isn't quite as normalised as I'd like it to be ...
  if (m/Primary Debian Mirror Sites/) {
    $state = 1;
  } elsif (m/Secondary mirrors of the Debian archive/) {
    $state = 2;
  } elsif ($state ne 0) {
    if ($state eq 1) {		# easy: all sites conform to ftp.XX.debian.org
      ($mirror) = ($ARG =~ m|(ftp\.\w\w\.debian\.org)|);
      ## The commented code allows for the secondaries I seem to be getting 
      ## ICMP errors and timeouts. So far now, this will only query our 
      ## primary mirrors.  --edd 25 Jan 2001
      ## } elsif ($state eq 2) {	# begins with letters and a dot, and has a / path
      ## ($mirror) = ($ARG =~ m|(^\S*\.\S*)\s*/|);
    if (defined($mirror)) {
      print "Pinging $mirror \n" if $opt_v;
      print PINGIN "$mirror\n"; 
unlink($inputfile) unless $opt_f;

open2("SORTOUT", "SORTIN", "sort -n") or die "Cannot start sort(1)\n";

while (<PINGOUT>) {
  my ($mirror,$time) = ($ARG =~ m|^(\S*)\s*\((\d+\.?\d*) ms(ec)?\)|);
  print "fping reports $time for $mirror\n" if $opt_v;
  print SORTIN "$time $mirror\n";

my $i=1;
while (<SORTOUT>)   {
  print "$ARG"; 
  last if ($i++ == $max);

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. 
                                                  -- Thomas A. Edison

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