[pkg-bioc] svn commit r335 r335 - /trunk/tools-ng/database_schema

psychedelys-guest at users.alioth.debian.org psychedelys-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Oct 2 23:42:25 UTC 2007

Author: psychedelys-guest
Date: Tue Oct  2 23:42:25 2007
New Revision: 335

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-bioc/?sc=1&rev=335
database draft , comment and reflexion are welcome


Added: trunk/tools-ng/database_schema
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-bioc/trunk/tools-ng/database_schema?rev=335&op=file
--- trunk/tools-ng/database_schema (added)
+++ trunk/tools-ng/database_schema Tue Oct  2 23:42:25 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Howto support the any category ?
+architecture (
+  id 
+  name
+  );
+tracking (
+  deamon text,
+  version text,
+  last_start date,
+  last_stop date,
+  toberun boolean,
+  );
+#every packages name is getting an uniq id
+packages_name (
+  id ,
+  name text,
+  );
+# each repository is getting an uniq id,
+# ext to refer to Debian package
+repository (
+  id ,
+  name text,
+  url text,
+  uniq ( id )
+  );
+=== done in r_pkg_update ===
+# updated during the r_pkg_update.pl parsing
+# create a uniq id for each couple (packages_name.id, repository.id).
+# I just index, (repository, version)
+# last seen just tell me when last time I saw this revision on this repository.
+packages_presence ( 
+  id 
+  id.name refto packages_name.id,
+  id.repo refto repository.id,
+  version text
+  size text or numeriq ?
+  lastseen date
+  uniq (id.name, id.repo)
+  );
+=== done in r_pkg_ordering ===
+# updated during r_pkg_ordering.
+# parsing all the Descriptions file.
+packages (
+  id refto packages_presence.id,
+  #[...] all debian/control_fields
+  Author text,
+  Package text,
+  Date text,
+  Description text,
+  License text, 
+  Title text,
+  Imports text,
+  URL text,
+  biocViews text,
+  isBinary bool,
+  status 'error'|'clean'|'unclean' : error : something happen before which block the package from being buildable.
+                                     clean : everything goes without problem, parsed dependencies,....
+							 		unclean: something happen during the parsing, check the log to see what
+  Depends => table.dependencies,
+  Suggests => table.Suggests,
+#list of dependencies of a package
+dependencies (
+  id refto packages_presence.id,
+  depend.id 
+  );
+# list of suggestion for a package.
+Suggestions (
+  id refto packages_presence.id,
+  suggest.id
+  );
+=== done in r_pkg_import_cran.pl ===
+# information extracted from r_pkg_import_cran.pl
+externals_information (
+  id refto packages_presence.id,
+  status.32
+  url.32
+  status.64
+  url.64
+=== done in r_pkg_builder ===
+# updated by r_pkg_builder
+# debianized(name, version, date, status, scriptversion, current) unique(name,version)
+#  * date= date where the packages pass the last time.
+#  * scriptversion= version of the script which build it.
+#  * status_pkg = 'donotpackage'|'failed'|'deb'
+#  * status_qa  = 'ok'|'warning'|'error'
+#  * debversion = current debian version of the package.
+#  * baseversion = based on the following source package version.
+#  * current = 'nil'|'last'|'depreciated'
+#  * status_pkg = 'donotpackage'|'failed'|'deb'
+#  * status_qa  = 'ok'|'warning'|'error'
+#  * motif = motif, if any.
+# This table is needed to generate r_pkg_web
+debianized (
+  id refto packages_presence.id,
+  debversion text, 
+  baseversion text, 
+  date text, 
+  scriptversion text, 
+  current 'nil'|'last'|'depreciated'
+  status_pkg 'donotpackage'|'failed'|'deb'
+  status_qa  'ok'|'warning'|'error'
+  motif text
+  );

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