[pkg-bioc] Improving on our shared repository?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Sep 8 14:46:45 UTC 2007

On 7 September 2007 at 21:49, elw at stderr.org wrote:
| > And I am of course thrilled about Elijah offer to at least temporarily 
| > host at IUB.  *If* we get up and running *and* manage to keep things up, 
| > I am sure that other offers will follow.
| I just sent off a note asking one of the full-timers to have hostnames for 
| a cran mirror and a pkg-bioc hostname allocated by the campus dns gods...
| [i seem to have left this message on postpone; not sure why.  the dns gods 
| did give me hostnames and corresponding IP addresses, but the machine I 
| was going to use to do builds has died and I have not yet had time to 
| resurrect it... [it being a fairly noncritical debian box...]]

Nice work! Keep us posted on your progress with the Powers That Be at your end.


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