[Pkg-bitcoin-commits] [cgminer] 01/02: Don't support cointerra on mips, nor bitmain on kfreebsd* * Don't support cointerra on mips, nor bitmain on kfreebsd* * Added support for avalon2 and bitmine devices. * Generate manpage during build since configure flags vary by architecture.

Scott Sheridan Howard showard at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 16 20:34:43 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

showard pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cgminer.

commit ca29f495245395f7f5d0c25ceb8566902fd1a06b
Author: Scott Howard <showard314 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 16 16:25:57 2014 -0400

    Don't support cointerra on mips, nor bitmain on kfreebsd*
    * Don't support cointerra on mips, nor bitmain on kfreebsd*
    * Added support for avalon2 and bitmine devices.
    * Generate manpage during build since configure flags vary
      by architecture.
 debian/cgminer.1 | 311 -------------------------------------------------------
 debian/changelog |   9 ++
 debian/clean     |   1 +
 debian/control   |   1 +
 debian/rules     |  23 ++--
 5 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/cgminer.1 b/debian/cgminer.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f86279..0000000
--- a/debian/cgminer.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.43.3.
-.TH CGMINER "1" "April 2014" "cgminer 4.2.3" "User Commands"
-cgminer \- multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner.
-.B cgminer
-multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner.
-Built with ant.S1 avalon bflsc bitforce bitfury cointerra drillbit hashfast icarus klondike KnC BaB minion modminer mining support.
-Options for both config file and command line:
-\fB\-\-anu\-freq\fR <arg>    
-Set AntminerU1 frequency in MHz, range 125\-500 (default: 1128792064)
-\fB\-\-api\-allow\fR <arg>   
-Allow API access only to the given list of [G:]IP[/Prefix] addresses[/subnets]
-\fB\-\-api\-description\fR <arg> 
-Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version
-\fB\-\-api\-groups\fR <arg>  
-API one letter groups G:cmd:cmd[,P:cmd:*...] defining the cmds a groups can use
-Enable API, default: disabled
-Enable API Multicast listener, default: disabled
-\fB\-\-api\-mcast\-addr\fR <arg> 
-API Multicast listen address
-\fB\-\-api\-mcast\-code\fR <arg> 
-Code expected in the API Multicast message, don't use '\-'
-\fB\-\-api\-mcast\-des\fR <arg> 
-Description appended to the API Multicast reply, default: ''
-\fB\-\-api\-mcast\-port\fR <arg> 
-API Multicast listen port (default: 4028)
-Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address, default: only
-\fB\-\-api\-port\fR <arg>    
-Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
-Adjust avalon overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
-\fB\-\-avalon\-cutoff\fR <arg> 
-Set avalon overheat cut off temperature (default: 60)
-Set fanspeed percentage for avalon, single value or range (default: 20\-100)
-Set frequency range for avalon\-auto, single value or range
-\fB\-\-avalon\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set avalon options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq:tech
-\fB\-\-avalon\-temp\fR <arg> 
-Set avalon target temperature (default: 50)
-\fB\-\-bab\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set bab options max:def:min:up:down:hz:delay:trf
-Change multipool strategy from failover to even share balance
-\fB\-\-benchfile\fR <arg>   
-Run cgminer in benchmark mode using a work file \- produces no shares
-Display each benchfile nonce found
-Run cgminer in benchmark mode \- produces no shares
-Use nonce range on bitforce devices if supported
-\fB\-\-bflsc\-overheat\fR <arg> 
-Set overheat temperature where BFLSC devices throttle, 0 to disable (default: 85)
-\fB\-\-bitburner\-voltage\fR <arg> 
-Set BitBurner (Avalon) core voltage, in millivolts
-\fB\-\-bitburner\-fury\-voltage\fR <arg> 
-Set BitBurner Fury core voltage, in millivolts
-\fB\-\-bitburner\-fury\-options\fR <arg> 
-Override avalon\-options for BitBurner Fury boards baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq
-Adjust bitmain overclock frequency dynamically for best hashrate
-\fB\-\-bitmain\-cutoff\fR <arg> 
-Set bitmain overheat cut off temperature (default: 60)
-Set fanspeed percentage for bitmain, single value or range (default: 20\-100)
-Set frequency range for bitmain\-auto, single value or range
-Set bitmain device detect hardware error
-\fB\-\-bitmain\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set bitmain options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freq
-\fB\-\-bitmain\-temp\fR <arg> 
-Set bitmain target temperature (default: 50)
-\fB\-\-bxf\-bits\fR <arg>    
-Set max BXF/HXF bits for overclocking (default: 54)
-\fB\-\-bxf\-temp\-target\fR <arg> 
-Set target temperature for BXF/HXF devices (default: 82)
-\fB\-\-bxm\-bits\fR <arg>    
-Set BXM bits for overclocking (default: 54)
-\fB\-\-btc\-address\fR <arg> 
-Set bitcoin target address when solo mining to bitcoind (mandatory)
-\fB\-\-btc\-sig\fR <arg>     
-Set signature to add to coinbase when solo mining (optional)
-Use compact display without per device statistics
-\fB\-\-cta\-load\fR <arg>    
-Set load for CTA devices, 0\-255 range (default: 0)
-\fB\-\-ps\-load\fR <arg>     
-Set power supply load for CTA devices, 0\-100 range (default: 0)
-Enable debug output
-Automatically disable pools that continually reject shares
-\fB\-\-drillbit\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set drillbit options <int|ext>:clock[:clock_divider][:voltage]
-\fB\-\-drillbit\-auto\fR <arg> 
-Enable drillbit automatic tuning <every>:[<gooderr>:<baderr>:<maxerr>]
-\fB\-\-expiry\fR|\-E <arg>   
-Upper bound on how many seconds after getting work we consider a share from it stale (default: 120)
-Don't leak work to backup pools when primary pool is lagging
-Do not redirect to a different getwork protocol (eg. stratum)
-\fB\-\-hfa\-hash\-clock\fR <arg> 
-Set hashfast clock speed (default: 550)
-\fB\-\-hfa\-fail\-drop\fR <arg> 
-Set how many MHz to drop clockspeed each failure on an overlocked hashfast device (default: 10)
-Set fanspeed percentage for hashfast, single value or range (default: 10\-85)
-\fB\-\-hfa\-name\fR <arg>    
-Set a unique name for a single hashfast device specified with \fB\-\-usb\fR or the first device found
-Disable hashfast dynamic core disabling feature
-\fB\-\-hfa\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set hashfast options name:clock (comma separated)
-\fB\-\-hfa\-temp\-overheat\fR <arg> 
-Set the hashfast overheat throttling temperature (default: 95)
-\fB\-\-hfa\-temp\-target\fR <arg> 
-Set the hashfast target temperature (0 to disable) (default: 88)
-\fB\-\-hotplug\fR <arg>     
-Seconds between hotplug checks (0 means never check)
-\fB\-\-klondike\-options\fR <arg> 
-Set klondike options clock:temptarget
-Change multipool strategy from failover to quota based balance
-\fB\-\-log\fR|\-l <arg>      
-Interval in seconds between log output (default: 5)
-Minimise caching of shares for low memory applications
-\fB\-\-monitor\fR|\-m <arg>  
-Use custom pipe cmd for output messages
-\fB\-\-nfu\-bits\fR <arg>    
-Set nanofury bits for overclocking, range 32\-63 (default: 50)
-Impose small delays in networking to not overload slow routers
-Don't submit shares if they are detected as stale
-\fB\-\-pass\fR|\-p <arg>     
-Password for bitcoin JSON\-RPC server
-Force verbose mode and output per\-device statistics
-Verbose dump of protocol\-level activities
-\fB\-\-queue\fR|\-Q <arg>    
-Maximum number of work items to have queued (default: 9999)
-Disable logging output, display status and errors
-\fB\-\-quota\fR|\-U <arg>    
-quota;URL combination for server with load\-balance strategy quotas
-Disable all output
-\fB\-\-rotate\fR <arg>      
-Change multipool strategy from failover to regularly rotate at N minutes (default: 0)
-Change multipool strategy from failover to round robin on failure
-\fB\-\-scan\-time\fR|\-s <arg> 
-Upper bound on time spent scanning current work, in seconds (default: \fB\-1\fR)
-Set a time of day in HH:MM to start mining (a once off without a stop time)
-Set a time of day in HH:MM to stop mining (will quit without a start time)
-Append share log to file
-\fB\-\-shares\fR <arg>      
-Quit after mining N shares (default: unlimited)
-\fB\-\-socks\-proxy\fR <arg> 
-Set socks4 proxy (host:port)
-Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)
-Temperature where a device will be automatically disabled, one value or comma separated list (default: 0)
-Disable ncurses formatted screen output
-\fB\-\-url\fR|\-o <arg>      
-URL for bitcoin JSON\-RPC server
-\fB\-\-usb\fR <arg>         
-USB device selection
-\fB\-\-user\fR|\-u <arg>     
-Username for bitcoin JSON\-RPC server
-\fB\-\-userpass\fR|\-O <arg> 
-Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON\-RPC server
-Log verbose output to stderr as well as status output
-Use extra wide display without toggling
-Display extra work time debug information
-Options for command line only:
-\fB\-\-config\fR|\-c <arg>   
-Load a JSON\-format configuration file
-See example.conf for an example configuration.
-\fB\-\-default\-config\fR <arg> 
-Specify the filename of the default config file
-Loaded at start and used when saving without a name.
-Print this message
-Display all USB devices and exit
-Display version and exit
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 0789c2d..571dd89 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+cgminer (4.2.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Don't support cointerra on mips, nor bitmain on kfreebsd*
+  * Added support for avalon2 and bitmine devices.
+  * Generate manpage during build since configure flags vary
+    by architecture.
+ -- Scott Howard <showard at debian.org>  Wed, 16 Apr 2014 10:22:02 -0400
 cgminer (4.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
diff --git a/debian/clean b/debian/clean
index 0b97d0b..bf681e7 100644
--- a/debian/clean
+++ b/debian/clean
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index e7414f3..ad711e7 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dh-autoreconf
  ,libudev-dev [!kfreebsd-any]
+ ,help2man
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
 Homepage: https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-bitcoin/cgminer.git
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index f48454d..1a1403c 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all,-pie
 DEB_BUILD_ARCH_OS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH_OS)
-DRIVERS= --enable-ants1 \
-         --enable-avalon \
+DEB_BUILD_ARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH)
+DRIVERS= --enable-avalon \
+         --enable-avalon2 \
          --enable-bab \
          --enable-bflsc \
          --enable-bitforce \
          --enable-bitfury \
+         --enable-bitmine_A1 \
          --enable-cointerra \
          --enable-drillbit \
          --enable-hashfast \
@@ -21,7 +23,12 @@ DRIVERS= --enable-ants1 \
 ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH_OS),linux)
- DRIVERS+= --enable-knc
+ DRIVERS+= --enable-knc \
+           --enable-ants1
+ifneq ($DEB_BUILD_ARCH),mips)
+ DRIVERS+= --enable-cointerra
@@ -38,11 +45,10 @@ override_dh_auto_build:
                         -I /usr/include/libusb-1.0/ -o cgminer-api
-#generates manpage, we used to do it at build time but now that CPU mining is
-#disabled we can generate this prior to upload
+#generates manpage, done during build since each arch has different config flags
 MAN_NAME=multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU bitcoin miner.
-	help2man --no-discard-stderr --no-info --name="$(MAN_NAME)" ./cgminer > cgminer.1
+	help2man --no-discard-stderr --no-info --name="$(MAN_NAME)" ./cgminer > debian/cgminer.1
 	perl \
              -E 's{\s+(It was generated by help2man)}{ $$1};   # correcting help2man comment'               \
              -E 's{^cgminer\s+[\d.]+$$}{$(MAN_NAME)};          # correcting DESCRIPTION section'            \
@@ -52,6 +58,9 @@ cgminer.1:
              -E 's{(?:<arg>\s+|\s\s+|\\fR\s+(?!<arg>))\K}{\n}; # separate arguments and their descriptions' \
           -pi $@
+override_dh_installman: debian/cgminer.1
+	dh_installman
 	dh_installchangelogs NEWS

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-bitcoin/cgminer.git

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