[Pkg-bitcoin-devel] Bug#772886: RFP: bitsquare -- The decentralized bitcoin exchange

Carlo Stemberger carlo.stemberger at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 23:21:42 UTC 2014

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : bitsquare
  Version         : 0.1.0
  Upstream Author : Manfred Karrer <mk at nucleo.io>
* URL             : https://bitsquare.io/
* License         : AGPL
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description     : The decentralized bitcoin exchange

Bitsquare is a cross-platform desktop application that allows users to trade
fiat money (dollars, euros, etc) for bitcoin without relying on centralized
exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp or (the former) Mt. Gox.

By running Bitsquare on their local machines, users form a peer-to-peer
network. Offers to buy and sell bitcoin are broadcast to that network, and
through the process of offering and accepting these trades via the Bitsquare
UI, a market is established.

There are no central points of control or failure in the Bitsquare network.
There are no trusted third parties. When two parties agree to trade fiat money
for bitcoin, the bitcoin to be bought or sold is held in escrow using
multisignature transaction capabilities native to the bitcoin protocol.

Because the fiat money portion of any trade must be transferred via
traditional means such as a wire transfer, Bitsquare incorporates first-class
support for human arbitration to resolve any errors or disputes.

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