[Pkg-bitcoin-devel] Issue with new Armory version and convenience copies

Joseph Bisch joseph.bisch at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 16:15:44 UTC 2015


I am working on packaging the new release of Armory (0.93). Between
0.92.3 and 0.93, the convenience copy of cryptopp that is shipped with
Armory was modified to add deterministic signature code. This is a
problem because the armory package removes the convenience copy and
instead uses the Debian package of cryptopp, which doesn't have the
custom Armory deterministic signature code.

I can talk to the Armory upstream about getting their changes into
cryptopp upstream, but in the meantime I feel like I need to do
something to get 0.93 released. Versions of Armory before 0.93 aren't
compatible with Bitcoin Core 0.10 and above, so right now anyone who
has upgraded their Bitcoin Core can't use the version of Armory
provided by Debian

Would it be acceptable to ship the convenience copy is this case? The
only other idea I had would be to package the Armory version of
cryptopp, but that seems pointless when the only software using it is
Armory. Plus the new queue doesn't seem to be moving now that Jessie
is frozen, so it would hold up things.


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