[Pkg-bitcoin-devel] Bug#718272: Bug#718272: Bitcoin still not ready for stable release in Debian

Luke Dashjr luke at dashjr.org
Fri Nov 3 20:31:33 UTC 2017

On Friday 03 November 2017 1:27:24 PM Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Luke Dashjr (2017-11-03 11:25:23)
> > On Friday 03 November 2017 9:10:37 AM you wrote:
> >> I believe Bitcoin is now stable enough for stable release.
> > 
> > Things have only gotten less stable upstream since 2013...
> Please provide references supporting that.

Back in 2013 (0.8.0 release), I was still supporting stable versions 0.4.x 
(originally released in 2011), 0.5.x (OR 2011), 0.6.x (OR 2012), and
0.7.x (OR 2012). No such long-term support is provided anymore - we only 
maintain the most recent 2 versions (with a 6 month release schedule), which 
gives approximately 1 year of support to any particular release.

Furthermore, with increasing miner hostilities to Bitcoin in the last few 
years, the importance of timely deployment of softforks is even more crucial 
to security than previously. This past August, there was a fear that miners 
would violate the new softfork rules, causing a chainsplit. If that had 
occurred, obsolete nodes would have been vulnerable.

> > What is the plan for getting security and protocol change updates
> > backported to Debian stable?
> Debian standard procedures for updating stable packages.

In my experience, that has been "never update, even when fixes are available" 
except for highly-visible security issues. :(


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