[Pkg-blender-maintainers] Some bug triage

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Sun Dec 17 12:32:13 CET 2006

Hi dear maintainers,

I'm walking a bit through the Blender `important' bug reports, and I'd
like to point you to some of them which might be closed:
 - #273651: looks like a xfree driver bug, fixed according to the
 - #327754: looks like a radeon driver bug, also fixed according to the
 - #310845: missing(?) yafray export directory: I'm not sure that this
            is a problem anymore, I didn't run across it when trying
            the latest yafray version; at least the submitter replied to
            himself with subject set to ``error between keyboard and

I've also pinged on the following bugs:
 - #313624: the picture describing the bug conditions is no longer
 - #364002: ERROR: Unable to open Blender window, asking for a *trace;
 - #361861: I forgot to Cc: -quiet, sorry, pinging the example object.

Bugs that might be merged:
 - #309826 & #239184: bug in voodoo driver?

Bug that might be worth some reping:
 - #323527: status of openal? I didn't find any use_openal by grepping,
            just a WITH_BF_OPENAL = 'true' in linux2-config

I hope I'll find time to walk through `normal' bugreports later.


Cyril Brulebois
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