[Pkg-blender-maintainers] Bug#392684: blender and xorg crush when i trying to move a camera around my object

Florian Ernst florian at uni-hd.de
Sat Oct 14 01:03:14 CEST 2006

severity 392684 important
tags 392684 unreproducible
thanks control at b.d.o BCC'd

Dear Antono,

thanks for your bugreport.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 11:22:48PM +0300, Antono Vasiljev wrote:
> Package: blender
> Version: 2.42a-3
> Severity: critical
> Justification: causes serious data loss
> *** Please type your report below this line ***
> Blender and xorg crushes when i trying to move camera around my object.
> I have no idea which information could be useful for resolving the bug. 

Please understand that while I acknowledge that this particular bug
seems to have severe impact on your system, I cannot reproduce this
behaviour on my system and thus I downgrade this bug's severity.

Please test whether the whole issue isn't rather related to the video
driver you utilize, see /usr/share/doc/blender/README.Debian for a
start. As you didn't provide any of your system's specs (video
hardware, driver used, ...) and the bug's circumstances (happens with
every scene / only certain objects, steps to reproduce the problem) I
cannot say much more at the moment.
When adding any further information please try to cover as much as
possible from "How to Report Bugs Effectively" by Simon Tatham at

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