[Pkg-bluetooth-discuss] Status of bluez

Filippo Giunchedi filippo at esaurito.net
Wed Nov 9 21:30:14 UTC 2005

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 08:23:26PM +0000, Edd Dumbill wrote:
> Filippo
> Do I understand correctly from your mails that you've updated the
> packaging for bluez to incorporate the latest upstreams?

yes, that's right:

hcidump 1.27-1
utils   2.22-1
libs    2.22-1
pin     0.26-1

Filippo Giunchedi
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
random quote follows:

If there is any better use for being famous and respected than using
that status to question orthodoxy, I haven't found it yet.
-- Eric S. Raymond
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