[Pkg-bluetooth-discuss] Re: announcing bluetooth maintainers group

Filippo Giunchedi filippo at esaurito.net
Thu Jul 13 10:50:58 UTC 2006


On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 07:47:39PM +0000, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> Now the news... I've been working on gnome-tasksel port to gtk+2 and
> uploaded libnotify python bindings for our archive. I want to write a
> third tool, that based on HAL will suggest some more tasks to the user
> install, so bluetooth would be a interesting use case, IMHO.

great work!

> The idea here is that isn't necessary bundle bluetooth, scanner and
> $foo support with the desktop environment task. In the first boot if
> the user plug his scanner that third tool can popup (using libnotify)
> suggesting the scanner task install. If there's a bluetooth device,
> same deal. You can ask "well, if there's a bluetooth device, why not
> do that during the install? The scanner thing is different, it needs
> plugging". The answer is simple, there's no HAL in d-i.
> Closing, in pkg-bluetooth's side that would be good coordinate with
> joeyh a new bluetooth support task. Just a set of packages that once
> installed will support as much as possible bluetooth devices.

there's a bluetooth-desktop metapackage, also Suggesting packages there might be
of any help.
Note that after the bluez-utils installation most stuff works out of the box
(commandline-wise, that is, most stuff is in the kernel). Going to the desktop
there's kdebluetooth and gnome-bluetooth (which is kinda unmaintained in debian
and some unclear license issues which can be easily resolved IMO)

Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
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