[Pkg-bluetooth-discuss] [PATCH] Add support for launching via udev

Mario Limonciello mario_limonciello at dell.com
Tue Jul 14 18:42:12 UTC 2009

Actually, here's an updated diff.  As it turns out, there was a bug with
the init script missing one of the LSB headers in the update and failing
to cope with udev being upgraded at the same time.

Mario Limonciello wrote:
> Hi:
> With version 4.45, support has been added upstream to be launched via
> udev rules.  This support is nearly fully functional, with the exception
> that dbus needs to be spawned first.  Until a solution to have dbus
> spawning earlier is found, the init script will remain simply with a
> udevadm trigger call.
> This will cause bluetoothd --udev to be spawned.  If bluetoothd is
> already running, it will simply exit 0 on the additional invocations.
> Regards

Mario Limonciello
*Dell | Linux Engineering*
mario_limonciello at dell.com
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