Bug#382101: [Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] Bug#382101: libbluetooth2: does not activate buetooth device

Rudolf Lohner Rudolf.Lohner at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Wed Aug 16 01:18:23 UTC 2006


I'm sorry I have to admit that the reported problem is due to my
own negligence: In one of my recent dist-upgrades obviously the
dbus package got downgraded to dbus-1 from stable.

I didn't notice that before today when I saw messages in syslog like:
hcid[2957]: Can't open system message bus connection: No reply within specified time
hcid[2957]: Unable to get on D-Bus

I upgraded to dbus/unstable 0.62-4 and now bluetooth works again
just as it did before :)

Sorry for bothering unecessarily. I'm sure it's safe to close this bug.


Rudolf Lohner  -  Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)
Rechenzentrum,  Zirkel 2,   D-76128 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-721-608-6958,   Fax: +49-721-32550
E-Mail:     Rudolf.Lohner at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de

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