[Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] libbtctl async discovery

Øystein Gisnås oystein at gisnas.net
Sun Feb 25 17:18:26 CET 2007

I have a problem getting some features of gnome-bluetooth to work, and
I suspect many others have the same problem.

It seems like async discovery (inquiry) does not work on the Debian
distribution (haven't tried any other distros). I try to run
libbtctl-0.8.2/src/btctl-discovery-test but no devices are discovered.
When trying my own test code, I'm able to start the scan (hciconfig
says "INQUIRY" for about 15 seconds), I receive BTCTL_STATUS_SCANNING
from btctl, but never any discovered devices or BTCTL_STATUS_COMPLETE.
Synchronous discovery works as expected, as does 'hcitool inq'. I run
Debian official kernel 2.6.18-4.

Could it be that the communication between btctl and the kernel does
not work? How does the interface between them work? Maybe the
interface has changed in some recent kernel version?

Edd and Marcel, I'm cc'ing you because you were listed as authors of btctl.

Hope someone can help!

Øystein Gisnås

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