[Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] Bug#414894: segfaults on dbus pin request on amd64

martin f krafft madduck at debian.org
Sun Feb 17 12:29:57 UTC 2008

also sprach Filippo Giunchedi <filippo at debian.org> [2008.02.16.1839 +0100]:
> Are you still able to reproduce this bug? I can't on my amd64
> either with or without a passkey agent running.

I can't seem to, no... here's what hcid outputs now, with version

piper:~# hcid -n -d                                                    #[1,349]
hcid[20259]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
hcid[20259]: Enabling debug information
hcid[20259]: HCI dev 0 registered
hcid[20259]: HCI dev 0 already up
hcid[20259]: Device hci0 has been added
hcid[20259]: Starting security manager 0
hcid[20259]: Device hci0 has been activated
hcid[20259]: Created local server at unix:abstract=/var/run/dbus-3rRyhgEenw,guid=176b4e8b294b31435b68d46e47b82871
hcid[20259]: Registering service object: ident=audio, name=Audio service (/org/bluez/service_audio)
audio[20262]: Bluetooth Audio daemon
audio[20262]: /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf: Key file does not have key 'SCORouting'
audio[20262]: /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf: Key file does not have key 'Enable'
audio[20262]: /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf: Key file does not have key 'Disable'
audio[20262]: /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf: Key file does not have group 'A2DP'
audio[20262]: Config options: DisableHFP=true, SCORouting=HCI, SourceCount=1
audio[20262]: Unix socket created: 5
hcid[20259]: /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd-service-audio executed with PID 20262
hcid[20259]: child 20260 exited
hcid[20259]: child 20261 exited
hcid[20259]: Child PID 20262 got the unique bus name :1.17
hcid[20259]: name_listener_add(:1.17)
hcid[20259]: /org/bluez: org.bluez.Database.AddServiceRecord()
hcid[20259]: Can't connect to SDP daemon:(Connection refused, 111)
hcid[20259]: Failed to register service record
audio[20262]: Adding service record failed: Connection refused
audio[20262]: Unable to register HS AG service record
audio[20262]: Unregistered manager path
audio[20262]: Audio init failed!
hcid[20259]: Audio service (audio) exited with status 1
hcid[20259]: Service owner exited: :1.17

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck at debian.org>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"never speak disrespectfully of society.
 only people who can't get into it do that."
                                                        -- oscar wilde
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