[Pkg-bluetooth-maintainers] Bug#516994: channel information from gstreamer mp3parse in gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly does not match gstreamer a2dpsink in bluez

Daniel Benoy daniel.benoy at execulink.com
Tue Feb 24 22:38:24 UTC 2009

Package: bluez-utils

Raw mp3 data can be sent to the bluez gstreamer a2dpsink element like this:

gst-launch filesrc location=<some mp3 file> ! mp3parse ! a2dpsink device=<address>

However, on my debian system, the output for channel description messages from the mp3parse element don't match what the a2dpsink element expects to see.  This results in an error that was a PITA to track down, and requires running gst-launch with --gst-debug avdtpsink:5 at minimum, resulting in (among other things) these lines:

0:00:02.785764000 12766    0xa8620 WARN             avdtpsink gstavdtpsink.c:1358:gst_avdtp_sink_set_channel_mode:<avdtpsink> Received invalid channel mode: joint-stereo
0:00:02.795341000 12766    0xa8620 ERROR            avdtpsink gstavdtpsink.c:987:gst_avdtp_sink_init_mp3_pkt_conf:<avdtpsink> No info about channel mode received, can't proceed
0:00:02.798054000 12766    0xa8620 ERROR            avdtpsink gstavdtpsink.c:1051:gst_avdtp_sink_configure:<avdtpsink> Couldn't parse caps to packet configuration

look at lines 152 and 153 in gst-plugins-ugly0.10-0.10.10/gst/mpegaudioparse/gstmpegaudioparse.c, and compare it to lines 283 and 287 in bluez-utils-3.36/audio/gstavdtpsink.c

I made the change by hand to gst-plugins-ugly, however I don't know which one deserved to be changed (I suppose gstreamer is the authoratative source, so maybe I should have changed bluez?)

It works now, though.

Running sid, with these packages:

# dpkg --list bluez-audio gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                              Version                           Description
ii  bluez-audio                       3.36-3                            Bluetooth audio support
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly        0.10.10-2                         GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set

Daniel Benoy

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