[pkg-boinc-commits] r497 - in /branches/experimental/boinc/debian: boinc-client.README.Debian changelog control patches/00list patches/07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch pycompat rules

fst-guest at users.alioth.debian.org fst-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Aug 12 09:42:41 UTC 2006

Author: fst-guest
Date: Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
New Revision: 497

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/?sc=1&rev=497
* Updated to new experimental upstream release 5.5.12.
* Updated 07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch for the new release.
* Use python-support only - following the recommendations from:


Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/boinc-client.README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/boinc-client.README.Debian?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/boinc-client.README.Debian (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/boinc-client.README.Debian Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
      % ln -s /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg
     Repeat the last step for the following configuration files if they exist in
-    your old BOINC data directory: 'global_prefs_override.xml', 'log_flags.xml',
+    your old BOINC data directory: 'global_prefs_override.xml', 'cc_config.xml',
     and 'remote_hosts.cfg'
  5. Start the BOINC core client again:

Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/changelog?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/changelog (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/changelog Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
-boinc (5.5.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
+boinc (5.5.12-1) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Frank S. Thomas ]
   * New experimental upstream release.
- -- Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>  Tue, 20 Jun 2006 22:38:01 +0200
+  * Updates for the new Python policy:
+    - Added python-support (>= 0.4) to Build-Depends.
+    - Replaced dh_python with dh_pysupport in debian/rules.
+  * debian/patches/:
+    - Updated 07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch for the new release.
+ -- Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>  Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:37:31 +0200
 boinc (5.4.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium

Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/control?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/control (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/control Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 Maintainer: Debian BOINC Maintainers <pkg-boinc-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <steffen_moeller at gmx.de>, Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>, Christoph Martin <christoph.martin at uni-mainz.de>
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, dpatch, python, python-support (>= 0.3), libmysqlclient15-dev, zlib1g-dev, libssl-dev, libcurl3-openssl-dev (>= 7.13.2) | libcurl-ssl-dev, freeglut3-dev, libsm-dev, libice-dev, libxmu-dev, libxi-dev, libx11-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libwxgtk2.6-dev, automake1.9 (>= 1.9.3), autoconf (>= 2.59), autotools-dev, docbook2x, docbook-xml, dh-buildinfo
-XS-Python-Version: all
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, python-support (>= 0.4), libmysqlclient15-dev, zlib1g-dev, libssl-dev, libcurl3-openssl-dev (>= 7.13.2) | libcurl-ssl-dev, freeglut3-dev, libsm-dev, libice-dev, libxmu-dev, libxi-dev, libx11-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libwxgtk2.6-dev, automake1.9 (>= 1.9.3), autoconf (>= 2.59), autotools-dev, docbook2x, docbook-xml, dh-buildinfo
 Package: boinc-client
 Section: net
@@ -59,8 +58,7 @@
 Package: boinc-server
 Section: net
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python-mysqldb, mysql-server-5.0 | virtual-mysql-server, apache2 | httpd-cgi, php4 | php5, php4-cli | php5-cli, php4-mysql | php5-mysql
-XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python, python-mysqldb, mysql-server-5.0 | virtual-mysql-server, apache2 | httpd-cgi, php4 | php5, php4-cli | php5-cli, php4-mysql | php5-mysql
 Description: BOINC server applications and data files
  The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a
  software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer

Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/00list
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/00list?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/00list (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/00list Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/patches/07_use-sensible-browser.dpatch Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -8,87 +8,28 @@
 ## DP: we don't loose functionality here.
-diff -urNad boinc-5.4.9~/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp boinc-5.4.9/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp
---- boinc-5.4.9~/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp	2006-03-09 11:21:07.000000000 +0100
-+++ boinc-5.4.9/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp	2006-05-06 16:10:25.000000000 +0200
-@@ -166,77 +166,9 @@
- // private functions
+diff -urNad boinc-5.5.12~/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp boinc-5.5.12/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp
+--- boinc-5.5.12~/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp	2006-07-22 02:58:19.000000000 +0200
++++ boinc-5.5.12/clientgui/hyperlink.cpp	2006-08-12 11:36:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -213,20 +213,7 @@
+         //      variable.
+         // 2. Try to find something to use.
- void wxHyperLink::ExecuteLink (const wxString &strLink) {
--    wxString cmd;
--    wxString strMimeType = wxEmptyString;
--    bool mime_type_found = false;
--    if      (strLink.StartsWith(wxT("http://")))
--        strMimeType = wxT("text/html");
--    else if (strLink.StartsWith(wxT("ftp://")))
--        strMimeType = wxT("text/html");
--    else if (strLink.StartsWith(wxT("mailto:")))
--        strMimeType = wxT("message/rfc822");
--    else
--        return;
--    wxFileType* ft = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromMimeType(strMimeType);
--    if (ft) {
--        if (ft->GetOpenCommand(&cmd, wxFileType::MessageParameters(strLink))) {
--#ifdef __WXMAC__
--            cmd.Replace(wxT("<"), wxEmptyString);
--            cmd.Prepend(wxT("open ")); 
--            cmd.Replace(wxT("file://"), wxEmptyString);
--            mime_type_found = true;
--            ::wxExecute(cmd);
--        }
--        delete ft;
--    }
--#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
--    if (!mime_type_found) {
 -        cmd = ::wxGetenv(wxT("BROWSER"));
 -        if(cmd.IsEmpty()) {
--            wxString strDialogTitle = wxEmptyString;
--            wxString strDialogMessage = wxEmptyString;
--            // %s is the application name
--            //    i.e. 'BOINC Manager', 'GridRepublic Manager'
--            strDialogTitle.Printf(
--                _("%s - Can't find web browser"),
--                wxGetApp().GetBrand()->GetApplicationName().c_str()
--            );
--            // 1st %s is the application name
--            //    i.e. 'BOINC Manager', 'GridRepublic Manager'
--            // 2nd %s is the URL that the browser is supposed to
--            //    open.
--            // 3rd %s is the application name
--            //    i.e. 'BOINC Manager', 'GridRepublic Manager'
--            strDialogMessage.Printf(
--                _("%s tried to display the web page\n"
--                "\t%s\n"
--                "but couldn't find a web browser.\n"
--                "To fix this, set the environment variable\n"
--                "BROWSER to the path of your web browser,\n"
--                "then restart the %s."),
--                wxGetApp().GetBrand()->GetApplicationName().c_str(),
--                strLink.c_str(),
--                wxGetApp().GetBrand()->GetApplicationName().c_str()
--            );
--            ::wxMessageBox(
--                strDialogMessage,
--                strDialogTitle,
--                wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION
--            );
--        } else {
--            cmd += wxT(" ") + strLink;
--			::wxExecute(cmd,wxEXEC_ASYNC);
+-            fprintf(stderr, "User defined browser not found...\n");
+-            if (       wxFile::Exists(wxT("/usr/bin/firefox"))) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Firefox found...\n");
+-                cmd = wxT("/usr/bin/firefox");
+-            } else if (wxFile::Exists(wxT("/usr/bin/konqueror"))) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Konqueror found...\n");
+-                cmd = wxT("/usr/bin/konqueror");
+-            } else if (wxFile::Exists(wxT("/usr/bin/mozilla"))) {
+-		fprintf(stderr, "Mozilla found...\n");
+-                cmd = wxT("/usr/bin/mozilla");
+-            }
 -        }
--    }
-+    wxString cmd = wxT("sensible-browser");
-+    cmd += wxT(" ") + strLink;
-+    ::wxExecute(cmd,wxEXEC_ASYNC);
- }
++        cmd = wxT("sensible-browser");
- const char *BOINC_RCSID_d587835b7e="$Id: hyperlink.cpp,v 1.11 2006/03/09 10:21:07 rwalton Exp $";
+         cmd += wxT(" ") + strLink;
+         if (!::wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC)) {

Modified: branches/experimental/boinc/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/branches/experimental/boinc/debian/rules?rev=497&op=diff
--- branches/experimental/boinc/debian/rules (original)
+++ branches/experimental/boinc/debian/rules Sat Aug 12 09:42:40 2006
@@ -213,7 +213,6 @@
 	dh_compress -a
 	dh_fixperms -a
 	dh_pysupport -a 
-	dh_python -a
 	dh_installdeb -a
 	dh_shlibdeps -a
 	dh_gencontrol -a

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