[Debian Wiki] Update of "Teams/DebianBOINCMaintainers" by FrankThomas

Debian Wiki debian-www at lists.debian.org
Fri Dec 7 18:37:16 UTC 2007

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The following page has been changed by FrankThomas:

The comment on the change is:
added the other devs from the pkg-boinc project

  = Usual roles =
+  * Alex Owen -
-  * Christoph Martin - uploads (sponsors) packages for Frank
+  * Christoph Martin - uploaded (sponsored) packages for Frank
   * [:FrankThomas:Frank S. Thomas] - project admin, does most of the packaging work
   * Steffen Moeller - project admin, editor of our wiki pages and helps with packaging
+  * Thibaut Varene -
  = Task description =

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