r747 - in /trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian: README.Debian README.Debian-source changelog rules
smoe-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
smoe-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 17 22:18:04 UTC 2007
Author: smoe-guest
Date: Sat Nov 17 22:18:03 2007
New Revision: 747
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/?sc=1&rev=747
Compiling with -mcpu=v9 on SPARC if the machine supports it.
Added: trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian?rev=747&op=file
--- trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian (added)
+++ trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian Sat Nov 17 22:18:03 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+README.Debian for SETI at home for BOINC (boinc-app-seti)
+The package uses only default -O2 optimisation flags for the
+compiler. Consequently, users will tend to be unsatisfied with the
+performance of the Debian-binary when comparing it with the results
+achieved on other systems. However, there is little else that can be
+done about it, the build daemons that assemble the packages across all
+platforms cannot know on which particular machine the resulting binary
+will be executed.
+For the SPARC architecture, we introduced a test that checks if the
+machine is an UltraSparc and if so add "-mcpu=v9" to the compiler flags.
+This way, the binary will no longer be executable on older machines
+if the build daemon was an UltraSparc. Users of those systems will be
+required to locally build the package.
+Consequently, we should also aim at running 64bit apps for SPARC. This
+has not yet been addressed but will happen with more experience gained.
Modified: trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian-source
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian-source?rev=747&op=diff
--- trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian-source (original)
+++ trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/README.Debian-source Sat Nov 17 22:18:03 2007
@@ -18,4 +18,7 @@
For exmaple, to download the SETI at home tarball from the 16 May 2006 the
-'download-seti' script is invoked as: $ download-seti 2006-05-16
+'download-seti' script is invoked as `../../scripts/download-seti 2006-05-16`.
+When the source of this package is available, the retrieval and the execution
+of that script is performed by `debian/rules get-orig-source`. It does
+not work on the first of a month, though.
Modified: trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/changelog?rev=747&op=diff
--- trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/changelog Sat Nov 17 22:18:03 2007
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-boinc-app-seti (5.28+cvs20071114-1) unstable; urgency=low
+boinc-app-seti (5.28+cvs20071116-1) unreleased; urgency=low
- * boinc-app-seti: wrote debian/rules get-orig-source target (Steffen
- Moeller)
+ [ Steffen Moeller ]
+ * boinc-app-seti: wrote debian/rules get-orig-source target
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* debian/patches/:
Modified: trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/rules?rev=747&op=diff
--- trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/rules (original)
+++ trunk/boinc-app-seti/debian/rules Sat Nov 17 22:18:03 2007
@@ -9,13 +9,22 @@
PKG = boinc-app-seti
+CPUTYPE=$(shell head -1 /proc/cpuinfo|cut -f2 -d: | cut -f3 -d\ )
+ifeq (UltraSparc,$(CPUTYPE))
+CFLAGS+= -mcpu=v9
+CXXFLAGS+= -mcpu=v9
DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_ENV += BOINCDIR="/usr/share/boinc-dev"
--enable-client \
--disable-graphics \
--disable-dynamic-graphics \
--disable-server \
@@ -35,14 +44,13 @@
dh_clean client/setiathome-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).*
dh_clean debian/extra/app_info.xml
+.PHONY: get-orig-source
- curl=`which curl`; if [ -z "$$curl" ]; then echo curl needs to be installed; exit -1; fi
- bc=`which bc`; if [ -z "$$bc" ]; then echo bc needs to be installed; exit -1; fi
- (cd .. ; \
- url="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/scripts/download-seti?op=file&rev=0&sc=0" ; \
- wget -O - -Nc "$$url" | sed -e '1,/PRE/d' -e '/PRE/,$$d' -e 's/"/"/g' -e 's/ / /g' > download-seti; \
- dd=`date +%d` ; d=`echo $$dd-1|bc`; ddd=`date +%Y-%m|tr -d '\n'`-$$d; \
- echo "release date=$$ddd"; \
- sh download-seti $$ddd)
+ curl=`which curl`; if [ -z "$$curl" ]; then echo curl needs to be installed; exit -1; fi
+ bc=`which bc`; if [ -z "$$bc" ]; then echo bc needs to be installed; exit -1; fi
+ (cd .. ; \
+ url="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boinc/scripts/download-seti?op=file&rev=0&sc=0" ; \
+ wget -O - -Nc "$$url" | sed -e '1,/PRE/d' -e '/PRE/,$$d' -e 's/"/"/g' -e 's/ / /g' > download-seti; \
+ dd=`date +%d` ; d=`echo $$dd-1|bc`; ddd=`date +%Y-%m|tr -d '\n'`-$$d; \
+ echo "release date=$$ddd"; \
+ sh download-seti $$ddd)
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