[SCM] SETI at home packaging annotated tag, debian/5.13+cvs20060510-5, created. debian/5.13+cvs20060510-5
Frank S. Thomas
fst at debian.org
Sun Feb 8 12:30:15 UTC 2009
The annotated tag, debian/5.13+cvs20060510-5 has been created
at bd671af23b18977522c2dcc2f9a86dd4e7c6ec4f (tag)
tagging 488e648bd218ec2c8d7c8e69c03028405de7a743 (commit)
replaces upstream/5.13+cvs20060510
tagged by Frank S. Thomas
on Sun Feb 8 13:18:19 2009 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 5.13+cvs20060510-5
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Frank S. Thomas (11):
Merge branch 'upstream' into debian/topic/5.13+cvs20060510
Merge commit 'upstream/5.13+cvs20060510' into debian/topic/5.13+cvs20060510
Fix spelling error in long description.
Updated Vcs-* fields since we are now using Git.
Wrapped Uploaders because policy 3.8.0 permits it.
Removed -1 from boinc-dev B-D to satisfy Lintian.
Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
Renamed patch 201 to 101 since it has been accepted upstream.
Added dummy debian/watch file to appease Lintian.
Added patch to fix FTBFS with GCC 4.4.
Update debian/copyright.
fst (7):
Added branch for 5.13+cvs20060510 in order to fix the bug with GCC 4.3.
Merge some stuff from the trunk branch that is not specific to the new
debian/patches/: Added 201_missing_header_for_gcc4.3.patch in order to
Added changelog entry for next revision.
Merged the last change from trunk/boinc-app-seti.
Use debhelper V7 instead of CDBS to minimize debian/rules.
patchutils was a remnant from CDBS.
fst-guest (52):
Removed OLD directory; importing my own svn dump wasn't successful.
Bumped Standards-Version to 3.6.2.
Set "mergeWithUpstream" property for svn-buildpackage.
updated FSF's address
started working on boinc-client-seti
Removed old debian/rules and added BCS.dirs.
* Added app_info.tmpl.xml and install app_info.xml in all projects directories.
Renamed boinc-client-seti to boinc-app-seti.
s at h: renamed source and binary pckage to boinc-app-seti and added watch file
of course boinc-app-seti conflicts with and replaces the old package
* Updated Steffen's mail address.
S at H: Finally, the setiathome_enhanced source compiles fine.
removed some files; install setathome into /usr/lib/boinc-app-seti/
Add support for the boinc_mk_app_links script to S at H. This is still untested
Updated for boinc_applinks' new command line options and added postrm script
Silly me, seti.py isn't availalbe in postrm...
Updated boinc-app-seti for the new path that boinc_applinks uses.
Updated boinc-app-seti for the new update-boinc-applinks.
Fixed a bug in update-boinc-applinks and small updates for b-a-s.
Bumped Standards-Version in all packages. No changes were required.
Renamed app_info.xml.tmpl to app_info.xml.in.
* Updated to version 4.13+cvs20060510. The tarball for this version can be
* Updated to debhelper compatibility level to 5.
* Modified app_info.xml to use setiathome_enhanced.
Restart boinc-client when boinc-app-seti is configured so that the client
* Renamed setiathome binary to setiathome_enhanced.
Wrote long description for boinc-app-seti and added libjpeg62-dev to build-depends.
The deletion of jpeglib/ is giving me too much headaches for now, I'll postpone
Trying fftw3-dev instead of fftw-dev as build-dependency and added freeglut3-dev to B-D.
Added some configure flags.
Don't link libraries statically.
* Updated copyright file for boinc-app-seti. The last thing to do is removing
Removed jpeglib directory from nightly tarballs and added a patch so that
Add documentation for boinc-app-<project> packages.
Added Christoph to boinc-app-seti's Uploaders field.
Added some copyright information. Notice that db/xml_util.[cpp,h] are still
Removed the obsolete changelog entries.
Added copyright notes about the Debian packaging.
Added XS-X-Vcs-Svn field to the control files.
Changed XS-X-Vcs-Svn to XS-Vcs-Svn.
Applied Steffen's change in r561 to all other packages in trunk and also added
Hmm, I should not commit when I'm tired. :-)
Added / to the end of svn/wsvn URLs, because wsvn shows the content of the
* Stop the core client before removing the application symlinks. This is
Improved the description of the package and explicitly stated that this
debian/patches/004_include_new_str_util.h.patch: Added. The strlcpy() and
* Prevent that setiathome is linked against libjpeg.
Changed sections for the new menu hierarchy.
debian/rules: Remove two binary files that are not removed by "make clean"
* Moved Homepage pseudo field in the long descriptions to the source stanza
debian/control.in: fftw3-dev was renamed to libfftw3-dev, adjusted
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging boinc-app-seti (5.13+cvs20060510-3)
SETI at home packaging
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