[SCM] BOINC packaging annotated tag, debian/6.2.18-3, created. debian/6.2.18-3

rmayorga rmayorga at debian.org
Wed Feb 25 21:22:49 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/6.2.18-3 has been created
        at  5f1dfe5f76ed1abd4ffa6b08994f94085639dc87 (tag)
   tagging  6d3513960e518c1f5b7f61d0472216b835c7f933 (commit)
  replaces  debian/6.2.18-2
 tagged by  rmayorga
        on  Wed Feb 25 14:56:51 2009 -0600

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 6.2.18-3

Steffen Moeller (5):
      Gave an initial indication of the move to the git repository.
      Technical excercise with git. Updated Vcs-Svn to -Git.
      added a series of files to .gitignore
      Introducing .gitignore.
      A series of changes to .gitignore to help changing branches after a compilation.

rmayorga (4):
      Add debian/patches/101_check_RSA_returned_values.patch  Check the returned values for RSA_public_decrypt and RSA_private_encrypt functions. Change ported by upstream changeset 16883 (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/changeset/16883) Closes: #511521
      Uploaded to unstable
      Merge branch 'debian/experimental'
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-boinc/boinc


BOINC packaging

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