[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/Development/GitUsage" by SteffenMoeller
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Fri Jan 30 16:35:20 UTC 2009
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The following page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:
The comment on the change is:
about how to upload
+ == Uploading local changes to the servers ==
+ Every new idea worked at under git is prepared as a separate branch. This may for instance be a bug that is fixed. The branches currently existing on the servers seem sufficient. If you are a not a regular contributor, and even if you are, please consider to discuss the preparation of new branches with Rene and/or possibly Thomas. The idea previously prepared is then merged with the local representation of the server's branches.
+ {{{
+ git checkout master
+ # checking out the server's branch. Make sure the names are identical
+ git checkout -b debian/topic/boinc-server origin/topic/boinc-server
+ # now start following your idea
+ git branch myIdeaToTest
+ # perform some wild editing
+ git add <i>files edited</i>
+ git commit -m "some summary"
+ # you possibly want to have several rounds of editing/adding/commits
+ git checkout debian/topic/boinc-server
+ git merge -m "bringing idea to life" myIdeaToTest
+ # uploading to upstream branch with the same name as the local one
+ git push origin
+ }}}
+ If you don't need your branch any more then you can delete it with
+ {{{
+ git branch -D myIdeaToTest
+ }}}
+ This way, the changes are done to the respective branch, not to the master. Changes to the latter would impose their applicability across all possible versions of boinc. If the idea of yours that is represented by the branch would be applicable, then merge it from multiple branches, i.e. from debian/etch and debian/sarge, prior to deleting it.
== Tracking upstream development ==
With {{{git-svn}}} upstream development can be directly tracked in your Git repository. For example if you are in the {{{boinc}}} repository, run the following command to clone BOINC's {{{trunk}}} from upstream's Subversion repository into your Git repository:
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