[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC" by SteffenMoeller

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Wed Aug 11 19:25:18 UTC 2010

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The "BOINC" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

  The main criticism of the BOINC project is that it would be difficult to install. Well, to install packages in [[Debian]] is not difficult and we give explicit instructions for BOINC below. The motivation to create packages for this worthwhile cause requires no further explanation, maybe except for the following hint: Debian is special for its support of many different architectures, which is only sustainable because of an automated compilation of novel packages. Thus, the provision of BOINC on Debian significantly contributes to the acceptance of the project in all these non-mainstream architectures.
- Some users of Debian install the package [[popularity-contest]]. It sends anonymous statistics on package usage to a [[http://popcon.debian.org|dedicated site]]. Follow [[http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=boinc]] for an overview on the installation rates of boinc-associated packages in Debian. You will find the boinc packages to have a much steeper curve than most regular packages, i.e., these are installed more frequently than the number of Debian users grows. And, we are competing nicely with high-flying packages like the statistics environment R.
+ Some users of Debian install the package [[popularity-contest]]. It sends anonymous statistics on package usage to a [[http://popcon.debian.org|dedicated site]]. Follow [[http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=boinc]] for an overview on the installation rates of boinc-associated packages in Debian. You will find the boinc packages to have a much steeper curve than most regular packages, i.e., these are installed more frequently than the number of Debian users grows. And, we are competing nicely with high-flying packages like the statistics environment R. The latest numbers are retrievable also in the shell:
+ {{{
+ wget -O - http://popcon.ubuntu.com/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip | egrep 'autodock|mgltool'
+ wget -O - http://popcon.debian.org/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip | egrep 'autodock|mgltool'}}}
  Another peculiarity of Debian is the option to create dedicated chroot environments, which may be essential for security-sensitive administrators. Debian's [[debootstrap]] tool creates such easily, also in subdirectories of other Linux distributions. Together with the dynamic package management, this renders Debian a prime candidate for the creation of virtual hosts arbitrary Linux distributions or - maybe more interestingly - on Windows machines running [[Xen]], [[coLinux]], [[VirtualBox]] or [[VMware]].

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