[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/ServerGuide" by chalet16
Debian Wiki
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Sat Dec 4 12:55:55 UTC 2010
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The "BOINC/ServerGuide" page has been changed by chalet16:
1. Create MySQL database for BOINC project: {{{
mysql -u root -p
- > CREATE USER 'boincadm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'asdf';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON boincdb.* TO 'boincadm'@'localhost';
+ 1. Create project: {{{
+ sudo mkdir /var/bonic
+ sudo ./tools/make_project --url_base http://a.b.c.d --db_name boincdb --db_user boincadm --db_passwd "MYSQLPASSWORDFORBOINCUSER" --project_root /var/bonic/testproj testproj 'TestProject at Home'
+ cd /var/bonic/testproj
+ }}}
+ NOTE: Please replace a.b.c.d with your server IP address. BOINC client will not accept internal hostname.
+ 1. Change files and directories permission: {{{
+ cd /var/bonic/testproj
+ sudo chown boincadm:boincadm -R
+ sudo chmod g+w -R .
+ sudo chmod 02770 -R upload html/cache html/inc html/languages html/languages/compiled html/user_profile
+ }}}
+ 1. Add project cronjob: {{{
+ sudo crontab -e
+ }}}
+ Then add this line to editor appear after run command above {{{
+ 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /var/bonic/testproj/bin/start --cron
+ }}}
+ 1. Config Apache to call BOINC server {{{
+ sudo cp testproj.httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
+ sudo a2ensite testproj.httpd.conf
+ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
+ }}}
+ 1. Start BOINC server {{{
+ sudo bin/xadd
+ sudo bin/start
+ }}}
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