[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/ServerGuide/WrapperApp" by dhananjay

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Tue Jul 26 13:34:32 UTC 2011

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The "BOINC/ServerGuide/WrapperApp" page has been changed by dhananjay:

Copy friendly.

  Use the fetch_example_applications script provided with the boinc-server-maker package to obtain the binaries for the wrapper applications, copy them to the app folder of the project root. Since this is a multifile project, the directory hierarchies are important. The binaries should be arranged as following structure.
- In multi file applications, The files are put in a sub-directory of name ''appname''_''version''_''fullplatformname''.
+ In multifile applications, The files are put in a sub-directory of name ''appname''_''version''_''fullplatformname''.
  You are invited to use the script provided by the boinc-server-maker package {{{
@@ -108, +108 @@

      |   |-- count
      |   |-- count.sig
      |   |-- job.xml
+     |   |-- job.xml.sig
      |   |-- wrapper_6.12_i686-pc-linux-gnu
      |   `-- wrapper_6.12_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sig
      |-- wrapper_6.12_ia64-linux-gnu
      |   |-- count
      |   |-- count.sig
+     |   |-- job.xml
+     |   |-- job.xml.sig
      |   |-- wrapper_6.12_ia64-linux-gnu
      |   `-- wrapper_6.12_ia64-linux-gnu.sig
      |-- wrapper_6.12_mips-linux-gnu
      |   |-- count
      |   |-- count.sig
+     |   |-- job.xml
+     |   |-- job.xml.sig
      |   |-- wrapper_6.12_mips-linux-gnu
      |   `-- wrapper_6.12_mips-linux-gnu.sig
      `-- wrapper_6.12_x86-64-pc-linux-gnu
          |-- count
          |-- count.sig
+         |-- job.xml
+         |-- job.xml.sig
          |-- wrapper_6.12_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
          `-- wrapper_6.12_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.sig
- Use ''bin/xadd'' and ''bin/update_versions'' to put the app to database: {{{
+ Use ''bin/xadd'' and ''bin/update_versions'' to put the app to database: 
- to be added, present the option for the automate signing (sm)
+  * Add the application entries,
+ {{{
+ $ cat <<APPCONFIG >>$projectroot/$fileprojectname/project.xml
+ <app>
+    <name>wrapper</name>
+    <user_friendly_name>Wrapper Test</user_friendly_name>
+ </app>
+ }}}
+  * Update versions,
+ {{{
+ $ bin/update_versions
  === Workunit ===
@@ -136, +156 @@

  ==== Template files ====
  The application does not have an input, and dos a trivial small computation. A sample workunit template for the script, say ''wrapper_wu'' should look like {{{
+ $ cat <<WUCONF > $projectroot/$fileprojectname/templates/wrapper_wu
  The ''rsc_fpop'' directives are used to define computational size parameters, expressed as number of FLOPS needed by the program. Our ''count'' produces a file named ''out'' as output, which should be transported back, the result template will be (call it wrapper_result){{{
+ $ cat <<WRECONF > $projectroot/$fileprojectname/templates/wrapper_result
@@ -157, +180 @@

  Both templates have to be created in the folder ''$installroot/$fileprojectname/templates/''.

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