FW: 7.0.42-trunk and SETI

"Steffen Möller" steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Sat Dec 29 17:15:34 UTC 2012

Dear all,

 I took the time "between the years" to address the boinc server side a bit more. That server side however for the more recent versions of boinc only compiles for the "trunk" or the version of the repository that is not tagged with a client release. And we were kindly asked to work from that max-current codebase for that server packages. Now, before I push anything to our alioth git repository, I thought I better get your comments on this setup. I took
 * upstream's git repository as the "master" branch
 * from there I branched into "upstream" - no further cleanups done on it, yet
 * into an orphaned branch "debian" of it I copied the debian directory from our pkg-boinc/boinc.git repository
 * a branch of(f) "master", named "working-with-debian" I merged with the "debian" branch into
 * a series of changes were required to get our patches adjusted - some could be removed, which is nice
 * worked on improved install instructions for the server side (which upstream today expects not to be installed anywhere beyond the checkout)
 * all changes were _not_ committed to "working-with-debian" but stashed and committed to a new branch of(f) the "debian" branch, named "debian-for-trunk"

 For the curious:
 * The boinc client of the trunk works nicely and does not show the issues of the 7.0.42 release in the boinc-manager.
 * boinc-app-seti crashes with the librararies it provides, and it needs a bit of a tweak to compile with it - Gianfranco has just kindly cleaned up my changes - many thanks! This strongly supports the need of static binaries for the scientific apps, I admit it.
 * I am now addressing (simplifying) the Debian side of the boinc-server-maker package

 Now, how should this work be fed back to our git repository? I would like to avoid too much of a redundancy with boinc-upstream's repository on our servers, even though this might be somewhat unavoidable with my limited understanding of the PPA auto-build instructions - Gianfranco? The only novelty is the "debian-for-trunk" branch and it could just sit as an orphan branch in our pkg-boinc/boinc.git repository as it is now. We would also need the "debian" branch to keep the differences between the two for future updates. But in a pure git repository for packaging we would have that pure debian branch already, anyway.

 We are bitten a bit by our heritage of the subversion exports that make our upstream folders, so we cannot just migrate quickly between the trunk /head and the tags of a particular release for the upstream code. Are there ideas on your side about it all?

 Kind regards,

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