[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/Server" by SteffenMoeller

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Wed Mar 28 14:19:29 UTC 2012

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The "BOINC/Server" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

added ref to boinc server projects page

  = BOINC - Server Notes =
- The current distribution of BOINC software in Debian has its focus on the client.  There is a preliminary package also for the server side offered since late 2010, called `boinc-server-maker`. However we still need individuals to test that package and further smoothen the experience with it.
+ The current distribution of BOINC software in Debian has its focus on the client.  There is a preliminary package also for the server side offered since late 2010, called `boinc-server-maker`.
- == Instructions ==
- Explicit instructions to get the skeleton of a BOINC package going with the boinc-server-make package are given on
+ Explicit instructions to get the skeleton of a BOINC package going with the boinc-server-maker package are given on
   * [[BOINC/ServerGuide]]
  It was seeded through Debian's participation in the 2010 Google Code-in (GCI) and is developed further thanks to the respective Google Summer of Code project in 2011.
+ For an overview on projects using the boinc-server-maker package, follow
+  * [[BOINC/Server/Projects]]
+ which is basically an experimental pressing of above descriptions into a Debian package.
  == References ==

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