[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/Development" by SteffenMoeller

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Thu Mar 29 23:23:29 UTC 2012

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The "BOINC/Development" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

  We are steadily following upstream's releases. Below the ToDo lists of the packaging branches:
    * [[http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-boinc/boinc.git;a=blob;f=debian/TODO.Debian|TODO.Debian in master branch]]
+ == Backporting ==
+ ''not working atm (3/2012)''
+ There is yet not BOINC package in Debian backports. Here is to create one for it
+ Retrieve old source code {{{
+ git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-boinc/scripts.git
+ cd scripts
+ ./export-boinc -r 6.12.43
+ mv ./boinc_6.12.43+dfsg.orig.tar.gz ..
+ cd ..
+ }}}
+ Untar it and get current Debian build instructions in {{{
+ tar xzvf ./boinc_6.12.43+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
+ git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-boinc/boinc.git
+ cd boinc-6.12.43+dfsg
+ cp -r ../boinc/debian .
+ }}}
+  * edit debian/changelog
+  * libnotify remains with 0.5
+   * ##libnotify-0.7.patch in debian/patches/series
+   * adjust build-dependency in debian/control
+  * adjust debian/patches/series
+   * {{{
+ export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches
+ }}}
+   * while quilt push -a; do echo kick out what fails; done
+   * Remove/uncomment boinc-server-maker from debian/control
+ So, it seems like those backports are closer to upstream than anyone may expect.
  == Bookmarks for BOINC in Debian ==

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