[SCM] SETI at home packaging annotated tag, debian/6.12_svn1305-1, created. debian/6.12_svn1305-1
Steffen Moeller
steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Mon May 28 16:05:43 UTC 2012
The annotated tag, debian/6.12_svn1305-1 has been created
at 439ffc34593956fcda0b100cabf94d6f2cadfc27 (tag)
tagging 7a2db910938e9135879f5dd558f0a03bb422373c (commit)
replaces debian/5.13+cvs20060510-4
tagged by Guo Yixuan
on Mon May 28 23:51:05 2012 +0800
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 6.12~svn1305-1
Fernando C. Estrada (2):
Refresh 003_dont_use_own_jpeglib patch
debian/changelog: Added my self as a Uploader and update to Standars-Version 3.8.4
Frank S. Thomas (14):
Initial upstream branch
Merge branch 'upstream' into debian/topic/5.13+cvs20060510
Imported Upstream version 5.13+cvs20060510
Merge commit 'upstream/5.13+cvs20060510' into debian/topic/5.13+cvs20060510
Merge branch 'debian/topic/5.13+cvs20060510'
Fix spelling error in long description.
Updated Vcs-* fields since we are now using Git.
Wrapped Uploaders because policy 3.8.0 permits it.
Removed -1 from boinc-dev B-D to satisfy Lintian.
Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
Added dummy debian/watch file to appease Lintian.
Update debian/copyright.
Merge 5.13+cvs20060510-5 changelog into master.
Removed myself from Uploaders.
Steffen Moeller (9):
Added patch in bug #614443
Preparing for version update.
Imported Upstream version 6.12~svn1305
Merge tag 'upstream/6.12_svn1305'
SETI 6.12 builds and installs
Adjusting optimisation to platforms.
For 3.9.3 compliance - added debian/source
Various updates, no new functionality.
addressed (some) lintian errors/warnings.
fst (20):
* debian/control.in:
Use Subversion to retrieve the download-seti script.
Fixed a typo and reworded so that it is similar to BOINC's README.Debian-source.
forgot 'target'
Don't override CDBS' .PHONY target, add get-orig-source to DEB_PHONY_RULES
debian/rules: Remove --disable-dependency-tracking from configure's
cosmetic changes only
Changed (C) to © and updated years of copyright of the packaging.
Made origDir a conditional variable so that it can be overriden from the
Removed "cvs" from the upstream version to make it independent of the
Commented out the UltraSPARC specific compiler flags, as discussed on
Updated to the latest tarball.
Updated to new snapshot which I'm testing since several days now.
Bumped debhelper compat level from V5 to V6 since this is the current
Added changelog entry for next revision.
Merged changes from the 5.13+cvs20060510 branch.
debian/rules: Run the autotools in the autoreconf-stamp target instead of
Merged the last change from trunk/boinc-app-seti.
Use debhelper V7 instead of CDBS to minimize debian/rules.
patchutils was a remnant from CDBS.
fst-guest (7):
* Reworded change in trunk/boinc/changelog.
* Updated 003_dont_use_own_jpeglib.patch for the new snapshot from 20071114.
Added 005_disable_rule_for_main.cpp.patch which comments out the Linux
* Added 005_mkdir_depdir_in_handwritten_rules.patch which adds "-mkdir
* Updated 002_disable_static_linkage.patch for the new release. This patch is
Modified the get-orig-source target so that it can also be used on the first
Follow the recommendations of http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules for the get-orig-source target:
rmayorga (2):
Adding a «,» before Fernando's uploaders entry
Refresh 002_disable_static_linkage.patch
smoe-guest (5):
* boinc-app-seti: wrote debian/rules get-orig-source target
Compiling with -mcpu=v9 on SPARC if the machine supports it.
Further tailoring of build process to hardware on SPARC. This is only experimental
Download now attempts nigly of today first and yesterday's when the first attempt failed.
* Followed Frank's suggestions
SETI at home packaging
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