[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC" by SteffenMoeller

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Thu Oct 25 11:29:35 UTC 2012

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The "BOINC" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

Fixed the missing arg to gunzip (who broke it?)

   * [[http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=boinc-app-seti]]
  for an overview on the installation rates of boinc-associated packages in Debian. You will find the boinc packages to have a much steeper curve than most regular packages, i.e., these are installed more frequently than the number of Debian users grows. In terms of user adoption we are competing nicely with a couple of other prominent packages and about every 75th installation of Debian features the BOINC client. The latest numbers are retrievable also in the shell:
- wget -O - http://popcon.ubuntu.com/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip | egrep 'boinc'
+ wget -O - http://popcon.ubuntu.com/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip -c | egrep 'boinc'
- wget -O - http://popcon.debian.org/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip | egrep 'boinc'
+ wget -O - http://popcon.debian.org/by_vote.gz 2> /dev/null | gunzip -c | egrep 'boinc'
  Another peculiarity of Debian is the option to create dedicated chroot environments, which may be essential for security-sensitive administrators. Debian's [[Debootstrap|debootstrap]] tool creates such easily, also in subdirectories of other Linux distributions, and [[Schroot|schroot]] is a good tool for managing chroots. Together with the dynamic package management, this renders Debian a prime candidate for the creation of virtual hosts with arbitrary Linux distributions or - maybe more interestingly - on Windows machines running [[Xen]], [[http://www.colinux.org/|coLinux]], [[VirtualBox]] or [[VMware]]. Also, the frequently distributed [[LiveCD]]s of Debian may help bringing functional BOINC installations to the masses.

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