[boinc] 01/02: Investigating implementation of db abstraction layer

Steffen Möller moeller at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 28 14:37:06 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

moeller pushed a commit to branch master
in repository boinc.

commit b95cbabf5f1848b191b18569e4fcfb9644539956
Author: Steffen Moeller <steffen_moeller at gmx.de>
Date:   Thu Nov 28 15:31:29 2013 +0100

    Investigating implementation of db abstraction layer
    Seems straight forward, motivation is introduction of mysqli,
    in contact with upstream about it.
 debian/patches/db_interface_use.patch | 204 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                 |   1 +
 2 files changed, 205 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/db_interface_use.patch b/debian/patches/db_interface_use.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af83a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/db_interface_use.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+Index: boinc/html/inc/db_conn.inc
+--- boinc.orig/html/inc/db_conn.inc
++++ boinc/html/inc/db_conn.inc
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+         return mysql_affected_rows($this->db_conn);
+     }
+-    function lookup_fields($table, $classname, $fields, $clause) {
++    function lookup_fields($table, $classname="stdClass", $fields, $clause) {
+         $query = "select $fields from ".$this->db_name.".$table where $clause";
+         $result = $this->do_query($query);
+         if (!$result) {
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+         return $obj;
+     }
+-    function lookup($table, $classname, $clause) {
++    function lookup($table, $classname="stdClass", $clause) {
+         $query = "select * from ".$this->db_name.".$table where $clause";
+         $result = $this->do_query($query);
+         if (!$result) {
+@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
+         return $obj;
+     }
+-    function lookup_id($id, $table, $classname) {
++    function lookup_id($id, $table, $classname="stdClass") {
+         return $this->lookup($table, $classname, "id=$id");
+     }
+-    function enum_general($classname, $query) {
++    function enum_general($classname="stdClass", $query) {
+         $result = $this->do_query($query);
+         if (!$result) return null;
+         $x = array();
+@@ -91,6 +91,17 @@
+         }
+         mysql_free_result($result);
+         return $x;
++    }
++    function enum_general_assoc($query) {
++        $result = $this->do_query($query);
++        if (!$result) return null;
++        $x = array();
++        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
++            $x[] = $row;
++        }
++        mysql_free_result($result);
++        return $x;
+     }
+     function enum_fields(
+Index: boinc/html/user/server_status.php
+--- boinc.orig/html/user/server_status.php
++++ boinc/html/user/server_status.php
+@@ -129,26 +129,20 @@
+     return 0;
+ }
+-function get_mysql_count($query) {
+-    $count = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_mysql_count".$query));
++function get_mysql_count($table,$clause) {
++    $count = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_mysql_count".$table."_where_".$clause));
+     if ($count == false) {
+-        $result = mysql_query("select count(*) as count from " . $query);
+-        $count = mysql_fetch_object($result);
+-        mysql_free_result($result);
+-        $count = $count->count;
+-        set_cached_data(3600, serialize($count), "get_mysql_count".$query);
++        $count = count($table,$clause);
++        set_cached_data(3600, serialize($count), "get_mysql_count".$table."_where_".$clause);
+     }
+     return $count;
+ }
+-function get_mysql_value($query) {
+-    $value = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_mysql_value".$query));
++function get_mysql_sum($table,$attribute) {
++    $value = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_mysql_sum".$table."_".$attribute));
+     if ($value == false) {
+-        $result = mysql_query($query);
+-        $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
+-        mysql_free_result($result);
+-        $value = $row->value;
+-        set_cached_data(3600, serialize($value), "get_mysql_value".$query);
++        $value = sum($table,$attribute);
++        set_cached_data(3600, serialize($value), "get_mysql_sum".$table."_".$attribute);
+     }
+     return $value;
+ }
+@@ -156,12 +150,7 @@
+ function get_mysql_assoc($query) {
+     $assoc = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_mysql_assoc".$query));
+     if ($assoc == false) {
+-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM app WHERE deprecated != 1";
+-        $result = mysql_query($sql);
+-        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+-            $assoc[] = $row;
+-        }
+-        mysql_free_result($result);
++        $assoc = enum_general_assoc(query);
+         set_cached_data(3600, serialize($assoc), "get_mysql_assoc".$query);
+     }
+     return $assoc;
+@@ -340,32 +329,32 @@
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Tasks ready to send"),
+         "results_ready_to_send",
+-        get_mysql_count("result where server_state = 2")
++        get_mysql_count("result","server_state = 2")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Tasks in progress"),
+         "results_in_progress",
+-        get_mysql_count("result where server_state = 4")
++        get_mysql_count("result","server_state = 4")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Workunits waiting for validation"),
+         "workunits_waiting_for_validation",
+-        get_mysql_count("workunit where need_validate=1")
++        get_mysql_count("workunit","need_validate=1")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Workunits waiting for assimilation"),
+         "workunits_waiting_for_assimilation",
+-        get_mysql_count("workunit where assimilate_state=1")
++        get_mysql_count("workunit","assimilate_state=1")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Workunits waiting for file deletion"),
+         "workunits_waiting_for_deletion",
+-        get_mysql_count("workunit where file_delete_state=1")
++        get_mysql_count("workunit","file_delete_state=1")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("Tasks waiting for file deletion"),
+         "results_waiting_for_deletion",
+-        get_mysql_count("result where file_delete_state=1")
++        get_mysql_count("result","file_delete_state=1")
+     );
+     $gap = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "transitioner_backlog"));
+@@ -391,39 +380,39 @@
+     show_counts(
+         tra("with recent credit"),
+         "users_with_recent_credit",
+-        get_mysql_count("user where expavg_credit>1")
++        get_mysql_count("user","expavg_credit>1")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("with credit"),
+         "users_with_credit",
+-        get_mysql_count("user where total_credit>0")
++        get_mysql_count("user","total_credit>0")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("registered in past 24 hours"),
+         "users_registered_in_past_24_hours",
+-        get_mysql_count("user where create_time > (unix_timestamp() - (24*3600))")
++        get_mysql_count("user","create_time > (unix_timestamp() - (24*3600))")
+     );
+     echo "<tr><th>".tra("Computers")."</th><th>#</th></tr>";
+     show_counts(
+         tra("with recent credit"),
+         "hosts_with_recent_credit",
+-        get_mysql_count("host where expavg_credit>1")
++        get_mysql_count("host","expavg_credit>1")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("with credit"),
+         "hosts_with_credit",
+-        get_mysql_count("host where total_credit>0")
++        get_mysql_count("host","total_credit>0")
+     );
+     show_counts(
+         tra("registered in past 24 hours"),
+         "hosts_registered_in_past_24_hours",
+-        get_mysql_count("host where create_time > (unix_timestamp() - (24*3600))")
++        get_mysql_count("host","create_time > (unix_timestamp() - (24*3600))")
+     );
+     // 200 cobblestones = 1 GigaFLOPS
+     show_counts(
+         tra("current GigaFLOPs"),
+         "current_floating_point_speed",
+-        get_mysql_value("SELECT sum(expavg_credit)/200 as value FROM user")
++        get_mysql_sum("user","expavg_credit")/200
+     );
+     end_table();
+@@ -445,8 +434,8 @@
+         $appid = $app["id"];
+         $uf_name = $app["user_friendly_name"];
+         echo "<tr><td>$uf_name</td>
+-            <td>" . number_format(get_mysql_count("result where server_state = 2 and appid = $appid")) . "</td>
+-            <td>" . number_format(get_mysql_count("result where server_state = 4 and appid = $appid")) . "</td>
++            <td>" . number_format(get_mysql_count("result","server_state = 2 and appid = $appid")) . "</td>
++            <td>" . number_format(get_mysql_count("result","server_state = 4 and appid = $appid")) . "</td>
+             <td>"
+         ;
+         $info = get_runtime_info($appid);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 4c02662..185a037 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # patches to get Debian going
 # undisputed patches above

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-boinc/boinc.git

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