[boinc] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 7.2.42+dfsg

Gianfranco Costamagna locutusofborg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Mar 1 20:15:59 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

locutusofborg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository boinc.

commit 69ddfc003392f6eddc921376592597626ff260e4
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>
Date:   Sat Mar 1 11:25:37 2014 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 7.2.42+dfsg
 android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml                  |   4 +-
 android/BOINC/res/values-cs/strings.xml            | 247 +-------
 android/BOINC/res/values-el/strings.xml            | 227 +------
 android/BOINC/res/values-es/strings.xml            | 245 +-------
 android/BOINC/res/values-fr/strings.xml            | 219 +------
 android/BOINC/res/values-ja/strings.xml            | 267 +-------
 android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml        | 259 +-------
 android/BOINC/res/values-sk/strings.xml            | 254 +-------
 android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml        | 179 +-----
 android/BOINC/res/values/configuration.xml         |   1 +
 android/BOINC/res/values/strings.xml               |   2 +
 .../src/edu/berkeley/boinc/AppPreferences.java     |  13 +
 .../src/edu/berkeley/boinc/PrefsActivity.java      |  17 +-
 .../edu/berkeley/boinc/client/DeviceStatus.java    |  48 +-
 client/hostinfo_unix.cpp                           |   2 +-
 clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp                          |   5 +-
 clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.h                            |   4 +-
 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp                          |  26 +-
 clientgui/MainDocument.cpp                         |   5 +-
 clientgui/MainDocument.h                           |   2 +-
 configure.ac                                       |   2 +-
 lib/procinfo_mac.cpp                               |  10 +-
 locale/cs/BOINC-Android.po                         | 552 +++++++++--------
 locale/el/BOINC-Android.po                         | 570 +++++++++--------
 locale/es/BOINC-Android.po                         | 607 +++++++++---------
 locale/fr/BOINC-Android.po                         | 594 +++++++++---------
 locale/ja/BOINC-Android.po                         | 589 +++++++++---------
 locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Android.po                      | 593 +++++++++---------
 locale/sk/BOINC-Android.po                         | 559 ++++++++---------
 locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Android.po                      | 681 +++++++++------------
 30 files changed, 2385 insertions(+), 4398 deletions(-)

diff --git a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
index ee8b9e0..ee89c1d 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
-    android:versionCode="50"
-    android:versionName="7.2.39"
+    android:versionCode="52"
+    android:versionName="7.2.41"
     android:installLocation="internalOnly" > <!-- installation on SD card would break boot receiver -->
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index 61fb3f6..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -1,248 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Carregant! Si us plau, espera...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Selecciona un projecte:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Afegir projecte mitjançant URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Introdueix la URL del projecte:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Afegeix el projecte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Si us plau introdueix la URL del projecte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">No hi ha connexió a Internet</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_loading">Contactant el servidor del projecte...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Logo del projecte.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Zona general:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Zona específica:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Descripció:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Inici:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Pàgina web:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Aquest projecte es compatible amb dispositius Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Aquest projecte no es compatible amb dispositius Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Condicions d\'ús de</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Creant un compte en aquest projecte, acceptes els termes d\'ús, que es mostren a dalt.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Registre\'t amb un compte existent</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">Correu electrònic:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Nom:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Contrasenya:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Nou a</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Registra un compte per participar:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Visita la pàgina web del projecte per crear un compte:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Actualment el projecte permet la creació de nous comptes!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Registre\'t</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">Registre\'t</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">He oblidat la contrasenya</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Ha fallat la connexió amb el projecte!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Adjuntat</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Compte de registre per</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Projecte:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">Correu electrònic:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Nom:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Equip:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Contrasenya:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">... Torna a entrar-ho:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Crear</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Contrasenya:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">... Torna a entrar-ho:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">No s\'ha trobat aquest usuari</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">La contrasenya és massa curta</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Ha fallat la connexió</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Les contrasenyes no coincideixen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Si us plau introdueix l\'adreça de correu electrònic</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Si us plau introdueix una contrasenya</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Si us plau, introdueïx el nom d\'usuari</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">ha fallat</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Nom d\'usuari rebutjat</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">L\'adreça de correu electrònic ja està en ús</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">El projecte està desconnectat</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">Adreça de correu electrònic rebutjada</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Contrasenya rebutjada</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">La creació de comptes està desactivada en aquest projecte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Enrere</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Finalitza</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Reeixit</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Ha fallat</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Connecta</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Revisa el compte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_register">Registra el compte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Registret</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Uppps</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">...això no ha de succeir!\n Feu clic a la icona per intentar-ho de nou.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">Icona de BOINC</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Estatus</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Projectes</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Tasques</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Transferències</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Preferències</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navegació</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Treballant</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Gràcies per participar.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Suspès</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Res a fer</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Esperant feines...</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Suspès</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Premeu play per reprendre la connexió per xarxa i la computació.</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">S\'està iniciant...</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Tria un projecte per participar-hi.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Tancant...</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Executamt proves...</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">imatge del projecte</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">Llegint preferències...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Desa</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Introdueix el nou valor:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Selecciona:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">General</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Xarxa</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Potència</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Emmagatzematge</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memòria</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Depura</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Mostra les preferències i controls avançats...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Processar amb només Bateria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Nivell mínim de la bateria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC atura la computació si el nivell de càrrega de la bateria per sota del definit.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura màxima de la bateria</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC atura la computació si la temperatura de la bateria està per sobre del valor definit. No es recomanable canviar aquest valor.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Màxim espai d\'emmagatzematge utilitzat</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Quin percentatge d\'espai d\'emmagatzematge del seu dispositiu pot utilitzar BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Espai mínim d\'emmagatzematge</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Quina quantitat d\'espai d\'emmagatzematge del dispositiu s\'ha de mantenir lliure?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Límit de transferència diària</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita el tràfic diàri de dades degut a BOINC</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Transferir tasques només amb WiFi</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Inici automàtic</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Mostra una notificació quan estigui suspés</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Nuclis de CPU usats</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita el nombre de nuclis de CPU que BOINC utilitza per la computació.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa en l\'ús de la CPU per sobre de</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Determina quan BOINC pausa el còmput degut a la utilització de la CPU per un altra aplicació.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">Límit de CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Limita el temps de CPU que BOINC utilitza per la computació.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">RAM límit</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Limita la quantitat de RAM que les tasques poden utilitzar.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">Marques de registre del client de BOINC</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">Nivell de registre GUI</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Especifica el nivell de detall dels missatges de registre GUI.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">S\'estan carregant els projectes...</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Afegeix el projecte</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Icona delprojecte</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Crèdit:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(en aquest dispositiu)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(total)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Suspès per l\'usuari</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">No descarregar tasques noves</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Projecte finalitzat - CORRECTE per eliminar-lo</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">S\'eliminarà quan finalitzi la tasca</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Petició al gestor pendent</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Petició al gestor en curs</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Missatge de degoteig en espera</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">Comunicació del gestor a:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Ordres del projecte:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Actualitza</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Elimina</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Suspèn</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Reprèn</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">No hi han tasques noves</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Permetre noves tasques</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Reinicia</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Eliminar el projecte?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Estàs segur que voleu eliminar</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">de BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Elimina</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Reinicia el projecte</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Estàs segur que vols reiniciar</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Reinicia</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Nom de la tasca:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Temps transcorregut:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(suspès)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Data límit:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">nou</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">esperant per descarregar</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">Descàrrega completa</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">error de computació</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">s\'està lliurant</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">lliurament finalitzat</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">avortat</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">ha fallat el lliurament</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">preparat</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">executant</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">suspès</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">s\'està suspenent</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">s\'està suspenent</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">suspès</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">projecte suspès</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">a punt per informar</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Avortar la tasca?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Avortar la tasca:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Avorta</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Cancel·la</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Diàleg de confirmació</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Llegint transferències...</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Puja</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Descarrega</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">re intentar en</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">ha fallat</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">suspès</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">activa</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">pendent</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">desentendre\'s del projecte</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Fitxer:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Avortar la transferència?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Avortar arxiu:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Avorta</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Carregant missatges de registre...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Missatges del client</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">Missatges GUI</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Registre copiat al porta-retalls</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Registre d\'esdeveniments de BOINC en Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Computació suspesa.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Connecta el dispositiu a un carregador per continuar el còmput.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">L\'usuari està actiu.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_tod">Fora del termini especificat per el còmput.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC està avaluant el teu dispositiu...</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">S\'ha exhaurit l\'espai lliure del disc</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">Programada acceleració CPU.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">No hi ha hagut activitat recent de l\'usuari.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Temps d\'espera per reiniciar.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">S\'està executant una aplicació amb ús exclusiu.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">El teu dispositiu està ocupat per altres aplicacions.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC ha assolit el límit de transferència per xarxa.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Suspès per Android.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">No hi ha connexió Wifi.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">La bateria necessita carregar-se abans de continuar la computació.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">La computació continuarà quan la bateria tingui una carregada del</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">actual</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Esperant que es refredi la bateria</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Continuant la computació...</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manualment.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Sol·licitat per l\'usuari</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Per obtenir feina</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Per informar tasques finalitzades</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Per lliurar un missatge de degoteig</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Sol·licitat per l\'administrador de comptes</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Inicialització del projecte</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Sol·licitat per el projecte</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Motiu desconegut</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Actualitza</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Envia per correu electrònic</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Copia al porta-retalls</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Registre d\'esdeveniments</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">Surt de BOINC</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Suspèn</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Reprèn</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Sobre</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Ajuda</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Retorna</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Sobre</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Versió</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 Universitat de Califòrnia, Berkeley.\nTots els Drets Reservats.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-el/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-el/strings.xml
index f9032d8..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -1,228 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Es wird geladen. Bitte warten…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Projekt auswählen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Projekt mittels URL hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Projekt-URL eingeben:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Projekt hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Bitte die Projekt-URL eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Keine Internetverbindung</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_loading">kontaktiere Projektserver…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Projektlogo.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Bereich:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Fachbereich:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Beschreibung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Betreiber:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Webseite:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Dieses Projekt unterstützt Android-Geräte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Dieses Projekt unterstützt keine Android-Geräte</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Nutzungsbedingungen für</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Wenn Sie bei diesem Projekt ein Konto anlegen, akzeptieren Sie die oben gezeigten Nutzungsbedingungen.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Mit bestehendem Konto anmelden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">E-Mail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Name:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Neu bei</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Ein Konto erstellen um teilzunehmen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Die Projektwebseite besuchen um ein Konto zu erstellen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Das Projekt erlaubt zur Zeit keine neuen Konten!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Passwort vergessen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Verbindung zum Projekt fehlgeschlagen!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Verbunden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Konto-Registrierung für</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Projekt:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">E-Mail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Name:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Team:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Bestätigung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Erstellen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Bestätigung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Benutzer nicht gefunden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Passwort ist zu kurz</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Verbindungsfehler</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Passwörter stimmen nicht überein</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Bitte Passwort eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Bitte einen Benutzernamen eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Benutzername nicht erlaubt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">E-Mail nicht akzeptiert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Passwort zu kurz</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Die Kontoerstellung ist bei diesem Projekt deaktiviert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Zurück</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Beenden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Erfolgreich</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Verbinden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Konto überprüfen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Anmelden</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Whooops</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren!\nAuf das Symbol klicken um es erneut zu probieren.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">BOINC Logo</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Status</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Projekte</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Aufgaben</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Übertragungen</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Einstellungen</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigation</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Berechnung läuft</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Vielen Dank für Ihre Beteiligung.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Nichts zu tun</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Warten auf Aufgaben…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">Startet…</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Wählen Sie ein Projekt zur Teilnahme aus.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Beenden…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Leistungsüberprüfung…</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">Projektbild</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">lese Einstellungen…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Speichern</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Neuen Wert eingeben:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Allgemeines</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Netzwerk</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Energie</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">Prozessor</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Speicherplatz</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Berechne im Batteriebetrieb</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. Akku-Ladestand</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hält die Berechnung an, wenn der Akkuladestand unter den gewählten Wert sinkt.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. Akkutemperatur</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC hält die Berechnung an, sobald diese Temperatur überschritten wird. Es wird nicht empfohlen diesen Wert zu ändern.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Wie viel Prozent Ihres Speichers darf BOINC maximal verwenden?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">min. freizuhaltender Speicher</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">tägliche Transferbegrenzung</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Begrenzt die Datenmenge welche täglich durch BOINC übertragen wird.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Übertrage Aufgaben nur per WLAN</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automatisch starten</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Zeige Nachrichten wenn angehalten</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Benutzte Prozessoren</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">Prozessorbegrenzung</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">Arbeitsspeicherlimit</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Limitiert den Arbeitsspeicher welcher für Aufgaben zur Verfügung steht.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">BOINC Client Protokolleinstellungen</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Projekt hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Projektsymbol</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Punkte:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(auf diesem Gerät)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(gesamt)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Angehalten durch Benutzer</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Keine neuen Arbeitspakete</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Projekt wurde beendet - kann jetzt entfernt werden</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">wird entfernt wenn Aufgaben erledigt</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Serveranfrage ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Serveranfrage läuft</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Trickle-Up Nachricht ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">nächste Kommunikation in:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Projektbefehle:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Aktualisieren</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Entfernen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Anhalten</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Fortsetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Keine neuen Aufgaben</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Neue Aufgaben zulassen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Projekt entfernen?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">von BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Entfernen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Projekt zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Aufgabenname:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Abgelaufene Zeit:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(angehalten)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Ablaufdatum:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">neu</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">herunterladen läuft</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">herunterladen abgeschlossen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">Berechnungsfehler</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">hochladen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">hochladen abgeschlossen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">abgebrochen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">hochladen fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">bereit</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">wird ausgeführt</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">wird angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">wird angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">Projekt angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">meldebereit</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Aufgabe abbrechen?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Bestätigungsdialog</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Lade Übertragungen…</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Hochladen</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Herunterladen</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">erneut versuchen in</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">aktiv</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Datei:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Übertragung abbrechen?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Lade Protokollnachrichten…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Client Meldungen</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">GUI Meldungen</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Protokoll in die Zwischenablage kopiert.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Ereignisprotokoll für BOINC auf Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Berechnung angehalten.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Schließen Sie Ihr Gerät an eine Stromquelle an um weiterzurechnen.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Benutzer ist aktiv.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC ermittelt die Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Gerätes…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Keine Benutzeraktivität.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Startverzögerung</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Eine exklusive Anwendung läuft.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Ihr Gerät ist mit anderen Apps ausgelastet.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">Netzwerkübertragungslimit erreicht.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Gestoppt von Android.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Nicht per WLAN verbunden.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Der Akku muss geladen werden bevor die Berechnung fortgesetzt werden kann.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Berechnung wird fortgesetzt wenn der Ladezustand erreicht</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">aktuell</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Warten bis der Akku abgekühlt ist</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Berechnung wird fortgesetzt…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manuell.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Vom Nutzer gefordert</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Um Arbeit zu holen</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Um Aufgaben abzuliefern</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Um Trickle-Up Nachricht zu senden</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Angefordert vom Kontomanager</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Projektinitialisierung</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Vom Projekt angefordert</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Unbekannter Grund</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Neu laden</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Als E-Mail versenden</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">In Zwischenablage kopieren</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Statusprotokoll</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">BOINC beenden</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Anhalten</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Fortsetzen</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Über</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Hilfe</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Zurück</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Über</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Version</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley.\nAlle Rechte vorbehalten.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-es/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-es/strings.xml
index d02735e..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -1,246 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Es wird geladen. Bitte warten…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Projekt auswählen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Projekt mittels URL hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Projekt-URL eingeben:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Projekt hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Bitte die Projekt-URL eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Keine Internetverbindung</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_loading">kontaktiere Projektserver…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Projektlogo.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Bereich:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Fachbereich:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Beschreibung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Betreiber:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Webseite:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Този проект поддържа Андроид устройства</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Този проект не поддържа Андроид устройства</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Nutzungsbedingungen für</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Wenn Sie bei diesem Projekt ein Konto anlegen, akzeptieren Sie die oben gezeigten Nutzungsbedingungen.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Mit bestehendem Konto anmelden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">E-Mail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Name:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Neu bei</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Ein Konto erstellen um teilzunehmen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Die Projektwebseite besuchen um ein Konto zu erstellen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Das Projekt erlaubt zur Zeit keine neuen Konten!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Passwort vergessen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Verbindung zum Projekt fehlgeschlagen!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Verbunden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Konto-Registrierung für</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Projekt:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">E-Mail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Name:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Team:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Bestätigung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Erstellen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Benutzer:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Passwort:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Bestätigung:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Benutzer nicht gefunden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Passwort ist zu kurz</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Verbindungsfehler</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Passwörter stimmen nicht überein</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Bitte geben Sie die Adresse ein</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Bitte Passwort eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Bitte einen Benutzernamen eingeben</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Benutzername nicht erlaubt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">E-Mail nicht akzeptiert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Passwort zu kurz</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Die Kontoerstellung ist bei diesem Projekt deaktiviert</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">Ungültige Adresse</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Zurück</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Beenden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Erfolgreich</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Verbinden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Konto überprüfen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Anmelden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Synchronisieren</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Whooops</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren!\nAuf das Symbol klicken um es erneut zu probieren.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">BOINC Logo</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Status</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Projekte</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Aufgaben</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Übertragungen</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Einstellungen</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Nachrichten</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigation</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Berechnung läuft</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Vielen Dank für Ihre Beteiligung.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Nichts zu tun</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Warten auf Aufgaben…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">Startet…</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Wählen Sie ein Projekt zur Teilnahme aus.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Beenden…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Leistungsüberprüfung…</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">Projektbild</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">lese Einstellungen…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Speichern</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Neuen Wert eingeben:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Allgemeines</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Netzwerk</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Energie</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">Prozessor</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Speicherplatz</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Изчислявай на Батерия</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. Akku-Ladestand</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hält die Berechnung an, wenn der Akkuladestand unter den gewählten Wert sinkt.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. Akkutemperatur</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC hält die Berechnung an, sobald diese Temperatur überschritten wird. Es wird nicht empfohlen diesen Wert zu ändern.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Wie viel Prozent Ihres Speichers darf BOINC maximal verwenden?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">min. freizuhaltender Speicher</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">tägliche Transferbegrenzung</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Begrenzt die Datenmenge welche täglich durch BOINC übertragen wird.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Übertrage Aufgaben nur per WLAN</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automatisch starten</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Zeige Nachrichten wenn angehalten</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Benutzte Prozessoren</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">Prozessorbegrenzung</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">Arbeitsspeicherlimit</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Limitiert den Arbeitsspeicher welcher für Aufgaben zur Verfügung steht.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">BOINC Client Protokolleinstellungen</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Projekt hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Projektsymbol</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Punkte:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(auf diesem Gerät)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(gesamt)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Angehalten durch Benutzer</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Keine neuen Arbeitspakete</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Projekt wurde beendet - kann jetzt entfernt werden</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">wird entfernt wenn Aufgaben erledigt</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Serveranfrage ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Serveranfrage läuft</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Trickle-Up Nachricht ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">nächste Kommunikation in:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Projektbefehle:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Webseite besuchen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Aktualisieren</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Entfernen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Anhalten</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Fortsetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Keine neuen Aufgaben</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Neue Aufgaben zulassen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Kontoverwaltungsbefehle:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Synchronisieren</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Deaktivieren</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Projekt entfernen?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">von BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Entfernen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Projekt zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Zurücksetzen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Kontoverwaltung deaktivieren</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Sind Sie sicher die Kontoverwaltung zu beenden</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Deaktivieren</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Aufgabenname:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Abgelaufene Zeit:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(angehalten)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Ablaufdatum:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">neu</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">herunterladen läuft</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">herunterladen abgeschlossen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">Berechnungsfehler</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">hochladen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">hochladen abgeschlossen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">abgebrochen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">hochladen fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">bereit</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">wird ausgeführt</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">wird angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">wird angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">Projekt angehalten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">meldebereit</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Aufgabe abbrechen?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Bestätigungsdialog</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Lade Übertragungen…</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Hochladen</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Herunterladen</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">erneut versuchen in</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">angehalten</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">aktiv</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">ausstehend</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Datei:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Übertragung wiederholen</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Übertragung abbrechen?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Abbrechen</string>
-  <string name="notices_loading">Lade Nachrichten...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Lade Protokollnachrichten…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Client Meldungen</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">GUI Meldungen</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Protokoll in die Zwischenablage kopiert.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Ereignisprotokoll für BOINC auf Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Berechnung angehalten.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Schließen Sie Ihr Gerät an eine Stromquelle an um weiterzurechnen.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Benutzer ist aktiv.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC ermittelt die Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Gerätes…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Keine Benutzeraktivität.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Startverzögerung</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Eine exklusive Anwendung läuft.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Ihr Gerät ist mit anderen Apps ausgelastet.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">Netzwerkübertragungslimit erreicht.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Gestoppt von Android.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Nicht per WLAN verbunden.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Der Akku muss geladen werden bevor die Berechnung fortgesetzt werden kann.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Berechnung wird fortgesetzt wenn der Ladezustand erreicht</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">aktuell</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Warten bis der Akku abgekühlt ist</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Berechnung wird fortgesetzt…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manuell.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Vom Nutzer gefordert</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Um Arbeit zu holen</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Um Aufgaben abzuliefern</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Um Trickle-Up Nachricht zu senden</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Angefordert vom Kontomanager</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Projektinitialisierung</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Vom Projekt angefordert</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Unbekannter Grund</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Neu laden</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Als E-Mail versenden</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">In Zwischenablage kopieren</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Statusprotokoll</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">BOINC beenden</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Anhalten</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Fortsetzen</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Über</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Hilfe</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Zurück</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Über</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Version</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley.\nAlle Rechte vorbehalten.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index ae8aad7..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -1,220 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Lisää tilihallitsija</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Zone générale :</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Zone spécifique :</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Tämä projekti tukee Android-laitteita</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Tämä projekti ei tue Android-laitteita</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">"Conditions d\'utilisation pour "</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Rekisteröi</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Liitetty</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Tiimi:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Kirjoita uudelleen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Luo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Lisää tilihallitsija</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Käyttäjä:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Salasana:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Kirjoita uudelleen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Lisää</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Käyttäjää ei löydy</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Salasana liian lyhyt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Yhteysvirhe</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Salasanat eivät täsmää</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Anna URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Anna sähköpostiosoite</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Anna salasana</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Anna käyttäjänimi</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">epäonnistui</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Käyttäjänimi hylätty</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">Sähköposti on jo käytössä</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">Projekti on sammutettu</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">Sähköposti hylätty</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Salasana hylätty</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Tilin luonti on poistettu käytöstä tässä projektissa</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">Virheellinen URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Takaisin</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Valmis</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Onnistui</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Epäonnistui</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Yhdistä</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Varmenna tili</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_register">Rekisteröi tili</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Kirjaudu</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Lisää tilihallitsija</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Synkronoi</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Hups</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…tätä ei olisi pitänyt tapahtua!\nNapsauta kuvaketta yrittääksesi uudelleen.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">BOINC kuvake</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Tila</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Tehtävät</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Siirrot</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Asetukset</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Ilmoitukset</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigointi</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Laskenta</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Kiitos osallistumisesta.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Ei mitään tehtävää</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Odottaa tehtäviä…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">Käynnistetään…</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Valitse projekti, johon osallistut.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Suljetaan…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Suorituskykytestaus…</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">projektin kuva</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">Luetaan asetuksia…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Tallenna</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Anna uusi arvo:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Valitse:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Yleiset</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Verkko</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Virta</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Tilankäyttö</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Muisti</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Laskenta akkukäytöllä</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Pienin varaustaso</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun varaustason alaraja saavutetaan.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Suurin akun lämpötila</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun lämpötilaraja saavutetaan. Tätä arvoa ei suositella muutettavaksi.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Suurin käytetty tallennustila</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Kuinka monta prosenttia laitteesi tallennustilasta BOINC saa käyttää?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Pienin tallennustila</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Kuinka paljon laitteesi tallennustilasta jätetään vapaaksi?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Päivittäinen siirtoraja</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Rajoitus BOINCin päivittäiselle tiedonsiirrolle.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Siirrä tehtävät vain WiFin kautta</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automaattikäynnistys</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Näytä ilmoitus kun hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Käytetyt CPU-ytimet</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Rajoittaa CPU-ytimien määrää, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Tauota prosessorikäytön ylittäessä</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Määrittää, milloin BOINC tauottaa laskennan toisten sovellusten vuoksi.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">CPU raja</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Rajoittaa prosessoriaikaa, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">RAM raja</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Rajoittaa RAM-muistin määrää, joka tehtäville annetaan.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">Mt</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">Gt</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">Luetaan projekteja…</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Projektin kuvake</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Pisteet:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(tällä laitteella)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(kaikki)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Käyttäjän hyllyttämä</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Ei uusia töitä</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Projekti päättynyt - voi poistaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Poistetaan kun paketit on suoritettu</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Pyyntö aikatauluttajalle odottaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Pyyntö aikatauluttajalle käynnissä</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Väliaikaviesti odottaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Projektin komennot:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Käy sivulla</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Päivitä</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Poista</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Hyllytä</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Jatka</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Ei uutta työtä</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Salli uusi työ</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Nollaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Tilihallitsijan komennot:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Synkronoi</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Poista</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Poista projekti?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Haluatko varmasti poistaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">BOINCista?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Poista</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Nollaa projekti</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Haluatko varmasti nollata</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Nollaa</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Poista tilihallitsija</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Haluatko lopettaa käyttämästä</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Poista käytöstä</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Tehtävän nimi:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Käytetty aika:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(hyllytetty)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Takaraja:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">uusi</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">odottaa latausta</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">lataus valmis</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">laskentavirhe</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">lähetetään</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">lähetys valmis</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">hylätty</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">lähetys epäonnistui</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">valmis</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">suoritetaan</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">hyllytetään</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">hyllytetään</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">projekti hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">valmis raportoitavaksi</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Hylkää tehtävä?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Hylkää tehtävä:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Hylkää</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Peruuta</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Vahvistusikkuna</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Luetaan siirtoja…</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Lähetä</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Lataa</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">uudelleenyritys</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">epäonnistui</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">hyllytetty</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">aktiivinen</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">odottaa</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">projektin viivyttämä</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Tiedosto:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Yritä siirtoja</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Keskeytä siirto?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Hylkää tiedosto:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Hylkää</string>
-  <string name="notices_loading">Luetaan ilmoituksia…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Ladataan lokiviestit…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Ohjelman viestit</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">GUI viestit</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Loki kopioitu leikepöydälle.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">BOINCin tapahtumaloki Androidilla:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Laskenta hyllytetty.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Kytke laite laturiin laskennan jatkamiseksi.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Käyttäjä aktiivinen.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC suorityskykytestaa laitettasi…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Levytila loppu.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Erityissovellus on käynnissä.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Muut sovellukset käyttävät laitetta.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC saavutti tiedonsiirtorajan.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Androidin pysäyttämä.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Ei WiFi-yhteyttä.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Akku tulee ladata ennen kuin laskentaa jatketaan.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Laskenta jatkuu akun varaustilan saavuttaessa</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Odotetaan akun jäähtymistä</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Jatketaan laskentaa…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manuaalisesti.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Käyttäjän pyytämä</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Pyydetään työtä</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Raportoidaan valmiit paketit</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Lähetetään väliaikaviesti</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Tilihallitsijan pyytämä</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Projektin alustus</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Projektin pyytämä</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Tuntematon syy</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Päivitä</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Lähetä sähköpostina</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Kopioi leikepöydälle</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Tapahtumaloki</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">Lopeta BOINC</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Hyllytä</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Jatka</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Tietoja</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Ohje</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Tietoja</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Versio</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeleyn avoin infrastruktuuri verkkolaskentaan</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 Kalifornian yliopisto, Berkeley.\nKaikki oikeudet pidätetään.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index fb18837..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -1,268 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Caricamento in corso! Attendere prego…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Scegli un progetto:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Aggiungi un progetto dall\'URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Inserisci l\'URL del progetto:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Aggiungi progetto</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Aggiungi l\'URL del progetto</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Connessione Internet assente</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_loading">Comunicazione con il server progetto in corso…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Logo progetto.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Idea generale:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Area specifica:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Descrizione:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Home:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Sito Web:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Questo progetto supporta i dispositivi Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Questo progetto non supporta i dispositivi Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Licenza per</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Creando un account per questo progetto, accetti i termini della licenza visualizzata sotto.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Fai il login con un account esistente</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">eMail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Nome:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Password:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Nuovo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Registra un account per partecipare:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Visita il sito web del progetto per creare un account:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Il progetto non permette al momento la creazione di nuovi account!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Registra</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">Login</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Password dimenticata</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Comunicazione col progetto fallita!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Connesso</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Registrazione account per</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Progetto:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">eMail:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Nome:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Team:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Password:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Ripeti:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Crea</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Utente:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Password:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Ripeti:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Aggiungi</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Utente non trovato</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Password troppo corta</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Errore connessione</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Password non corrispondenti</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Inserire un URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Per favore inserisci un indirizzo eMail</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Per favore inserisci una password</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Per favore inserisci un nome utente</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">fallito</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Nome utente rifiutato</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">eMail già utilizzata</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">Progetto offline</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">eMail rifiutata</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Password rifiutata</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">La creazione account è disabilitata su questo progetto</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">URL invalido</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Indietro</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Fine</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Completato</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Fallito</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Connetti</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Verifica account</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_register">Registra account</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Log in</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Sincronizza</string>
-  <string name="main_noproject_warning">Premi qui per scegliere un progetto.</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Whooops</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…questo non deve succedere!\nClicca sull\'icona per riprovare.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">icona BOINC</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Stato</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Progetti</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Elaborazioni</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Trasferimenti</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Preferenze</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Avvisi</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigazione</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Elaborazione in corso</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Grazie per la partecipazione.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Sospeso</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Nulla da fare</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">In attesa di nuovi lavori…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Sospeso</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Premi play per far ripartire la rete e l\'elaborazione</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">Avvio in corso…</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Scegli un progetto per partecipare.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Chiusura in corso…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Benchmark in corso…</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">immagine progetto</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">Lettura preferenze in corso…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Salva</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Inserisci il nuovo valore:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Seleziona:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Generale</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Rete</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Energia</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Memoria fisica</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memoria</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Debug</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Visualizza preferenze avanzate e controlli…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Elabora quando alimentato a Batteria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Minimo livello batteria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC sospende l\'elaborazione sotto il livello definito di carica della batteria.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura massima della batteria</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC sospende l\'elaborazione sopra al livello definito di temperatura della batteria. Non è raccomandato il cambiamento di questo valore.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Massimo spazio di salvataggio</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Quanta percentuale dello spazio di salvataggio può usare BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Minimo spazio su disco</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Quanto dello spazio di salvataggio del tuo dispositivo deve rimanere libero?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Limite trasferimento giornaliero</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita il traffico giornaliero causato da BOINC.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Trasferisce i lavori solo su WiFi</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Avvio automatico</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Visualizza le notifiche quando sospeso</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Usa questo numero di core CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita il numero di core CPU che BOINC usa per l\'elaborazione.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa con utilizzo CPU superiore a</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Determina quando BOINC ferma l\'elaborazione a causa dell\'utilizzo CPU di altre applicazioni.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">limite CPU</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Limita il tempo CPU che BOINC usa per l\'elaborazione.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">limite RAM</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Limita il quantitativo di RAM che BOINC può occupare.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">Flag di log del Client BOINC</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">Livello di log della GUI</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Specifica la verbosità dei messaggi di log della GUI.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">Lettura progetti…</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Aggiungi progetto</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">icona Progetto</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Crediti:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(su questo dispositivo)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(totale)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Sospeso dall\'utente</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Non chiedere nuovi lavori</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Progetto terminato - Può essere rimosso</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Verrà rimosso quando i lavori sono terminati</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Richiesta allo scheduler in attesa</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Richiesta allo scheduler in corso</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Messaggi trickle up in attesa</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">Comunicazione tra:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Comandi progetto:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Visita il sito web</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Aggiorna</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Rimuovi</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Sospendi</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Riprendi</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Nessun nuovo lavoro</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Permetti nuovi lavori</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Reset</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Comandi dell\'account manager:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Sincronizza</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Disabilita</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Rimuovere il progetto?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">da BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Rimuovi</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Reset progetto</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Sei sicuro di voler resettare</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Reset</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Disabilita l\'account manager</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Sei sicuro di voler terminare l\'utilizzo</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Disabilita</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Nome Lavoro:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Tempo trascorso:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(sospeso)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Deadline:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">nuovo</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">in attesa del download</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">download completato</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">errore elaborazione</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">upload in corso</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">upload completo</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">annullato</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">upload fallito</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">pronto</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">elaborazione in corso</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">sospeso</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">in sospensione</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">in sospensione</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">sospeso</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">progetto sospeso</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">pronto per il report</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Annullare elaborazione?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Annulla elaborazione:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Annulla</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Cancella</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Finestra di conferma</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Lettura trasferimenti…</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Upload</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Download</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">riprova tra</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">fallito</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">sospeso</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">attivo</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">in attesa</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">backoff del progetto</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">File:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Ritenta i trasferimenti</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Annullare trasferimento?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Annulla File:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Annulla</string>
-  <string name="notices_loading">Lettura notizie...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Caricamento messaggi di log…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Messaggi del Client</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">Messaggi della GUI</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Log copiato nella clipboard.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Log eventi per BOINC su Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Elaborazione sospesa.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Connetti il tuo dispositivo ad un caricabatterie per continuare l\'eleborazione.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Utente attivo.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_tod">Fuori tempo massimo di computazione.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC sta facendo il benchmark del tuo dispositivo…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Superato lo spazio disco.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">CPU throttle schedulato</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Nessuna attività dell\'utente recente.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Ritardo di inizializzazione.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Un\'applicazione esclusiva è in corso.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Il tuo dispositivo è occupato con altre applicazioni.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC ha raggiunto il limite di trasferimento dalla rete.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Fermato da Android.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Non connesso al WiFi</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">La batteria necessita di essere ricaricata prima di riprendere l\'elaborazione.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">L\'elaborazione riprenderà quando il livello di carica della batteria raggiunge</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">attualmente</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">In attesa che la batteria si raffreddi</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Ripresa elaborazione…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manualmente.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Richiesta dall\'utente</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Richiesta lavoro</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Invio elaborazioni terminate</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Invio messaggi di trickle-up</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Richiesto dal gestore account</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Inizializzazione progetto</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Richiesto dal progetto</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Motivo sconosciuto</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Refresh</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Invia una Email</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Copia nella Clipboard</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Log Eventi</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">Chiudi BOINC</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Sospendi</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Riprendi</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Help</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Return</string>
-  <string name="about_title">About</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Versione</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\nTutti i diritti riservati.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
index d76a96b..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
@@ -1,260 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Bezig met laden! Even geduld...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Kies een project:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Project toevoegen via URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Projectspecifieke URL invoeren:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Project toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Projectspecifieke URL invoeren</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Account manager toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Geen internetverbinding</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_loading">Verbinding maken met projectspecifieke server...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Project logo.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Vakgebied:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Specifiek vakgebied:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Omschrijving:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Start:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Website:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Dit project ondersteunt Android-apparaten</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Dit project ondersteunt geen Android-apparaten</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Gebruiksvoorwaarden voor</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Het aanmaken van een account bij dit project impliceert acceptatie van de gebruiksvoorwaarden zoals hierboven beschreven.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Aanmeldgegevens van bestaand account gebruiken</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">E-mailadres:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Naam:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Wachtwoord:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Nieuw bij</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Een account aanmaken voor deelname:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Bezoek projectspecifieke website om een account aan te maken:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Het aanmaken van een account is op dit moment niet mogelijk!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Aanmaken</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">Aanmelden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Verbinding met het project mislukt!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Bijgevoegd</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Account-registratie voor</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Project:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">E-mailadres:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Naam:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Team:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Wachtwoord:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">... Herhalen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Aanmaken</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Account manager toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Gebruiker:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Wachtwoord:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">... Herhalen:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Gebruiker niet gevonden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Het wachtwoord is te kort</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Verbinding mislukt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Wachtwoorden zijn niet identiek</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Vul a.u.b. URL in</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Voer uw e-mailadres in</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Voer een wachtwoord in</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Voer gebruikersnaam in</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">mislukt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Gebruikersnaam geweigerd</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">E-mailadres is al in gebruik</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">Project is offline</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">E-mailadres geweigerd</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Wachtwoord geweigerd</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Aanmaken van een account is voor dit project niet mogelijk</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">Ongeldig URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Vorige</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Voltooien</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Geslaagd</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Mislukt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Verbinden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Account verifiëren</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_register">Account registreren</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Aanmelden</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Account manager toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Bijwerken</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Oeps</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">...dit hoort niet te gebeuren!\nKlik op het icoontje om het opneuw te proberen.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">BOINC-icoon</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Status</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Projecten</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Taken</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Overdrachten</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Voorkeursinstellingen</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Berichten</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigatie</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Berekenen</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Niets te doen</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Wachten op taaktoewijzing...</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Klik op afspelen om de netwerkactiviteit en de berekeningen te hervatten.</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Kies een project om aan deel te nemen.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Bezig met afsluiten…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Bezig met benchmark...</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">project afbeelding</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">Voorkeuren inlezen...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Opslaan</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Voer nieuwe waarde in:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Selecteer:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Algemeen</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Netwerk</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Energie</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">Processor</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Opslag</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Geheugen</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Foutoplossing</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Toon geavanceerde voorkeuren en instellingen...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Rekenen op Batterij</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. batterijniveau</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC pauzeert de berekening wanneer de batterijlading onder een gegeven niveau zakt.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. batterij temperatuur</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC stopt met bereken boven de aangegeven batterij temperatuur. Het is niet aanbevolen om deze waarde te wijzigen.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Max. gebruikte opslagruimte</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Welk percentage opslagruimte mag BOINC gebruiken op dit apparaat?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Min. reserve opslagruimte</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Hoeveel van de opslagruimte moet er minimaal vrij blijven?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Dagelijkse overdracht limiet</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Beperkt het dagelijkse dataverkeer van BOINC.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Taken alleen bijwerken via WiFi</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Autostart</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Laat bericht zien indien opgeschort</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Gebruikte CPU cores</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Beperkt het aantal gebruikte CPU cores voor BOINC berekeningen.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pauzeer bij CPU gebruik van meer dan</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Bepaalt wanneer BOINC pauzeert bij CPU gebruik door andere apps.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">CPU limiet</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Beperkt de CPU tijd gebruikt door BOINC voor berekeningen.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">Geheugen limiet</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Beperkt de gebruikte hoeveelheid geheugen gebruikt door taken.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">BOINC Client log tekens</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">GUI log level</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Specificeert uitgebreidheid van GUI log berichten.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">Projecten inlezen...</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Project toevoegen</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Project icoon</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(op dit apparaat)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(totaal)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Onderbroken door gebruiker</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Krijgt geen nieuwe taken</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">"Project beëindigd - OK om te verwijderen "</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Wordt verwijderd als taken klaar zijn</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Bijwerkverzoek in behandeling</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Bijwerkverzoek is bezig</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Trickle up bericht in behandeling</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">Communicatie gepland over:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Project opdrachten:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Bezoek website</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Bijwerken</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Verwijderen</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Pauzeren</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Hervatten</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Geen nieuwe taken</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Nieuwe taken toestaan</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Resetten</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Accountmanager opdrachten:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Bijwerken</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Uitzetten</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Project verwijderen?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Weet je zeker dat je</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">uit BOINC wilt verwijderen?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Verwijderen</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Project resetten</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Weet je zeker dat je</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Resetten</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Accountmanager uitzetten</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Weet je zeker dat je wilt stoppen met het gebruik van</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Uitzetten</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Taaknaam:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">"Verstreken tijd: "</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(onderbroken)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Deadline:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">nieuw</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">wacht op downloaden</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">downloaden voltooid</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">verwerkingsfout</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">uploaden voltooid</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">afgebroken</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">uploaden mislukt</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">voltooid</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">loopt</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">project onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">klaar om te rapporteren</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Taak afbreken?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Taak afbreken:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Afbreken</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Annuleren</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Bevestigingsdialoog</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Overdracht inlezen...</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Upload</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Download</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">opnieuw over</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">mislukt</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">onderbroken</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">actief</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">in behandeling</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">project wachttijd</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Bestand:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Opnieuw verzenden</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Overdracht afbreken?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Bestand afbreken:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Afbreken</string>
-  <string name="notices_loading">Berichten inlezen...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Log berichten laden...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Berichten van Cliënt</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">GUI berichten</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Log naar klembord gekopieerd.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Logberichten voor BOINC op Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Bewerking onderbroken.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Verbind het apparaat met een oplader om verder te gaan.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Gebruiker is actief.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_tod">Niet binnen berekenings-tijdsbestek.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC benchmarkt je apparaat…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Geen vrije schijfruimte over.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">Geplande CPU beperking.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Geen recente gebruikers activiteit.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Initialiseren vertraagd.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Er wordt een exclusieve app uitgevoerd.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Apparaat is bezig met andere apps.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC transfer limiet is bereikt.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Gestopt door Android.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Niet verbonden met WiFi.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Batterij moet opgeladen worden om berekeningen te hervatten.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Berekeningen worden hervat op batterij niveau van</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">huidig</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Wacht op afkoelen batterij</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Berekeningen hervatten...</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">handmatig.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Op verzoek van gebruiker</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Om werk te verkrijgen</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Om taken te rapporteren</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Om trickle-up berichten te verzenden</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Op verzoek van accountmanager</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Project instellen</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Op verzoek van project</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Onbekende reden</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Ververs</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Verzend als email</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Naar klembord kopiëren</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Gebeurtenis Log</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">BOINC afsluiten</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Onderbreek</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Hervatten</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Over</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Help</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Terug</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Over</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Versie</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\nAll Rights Reserved.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index 5430a7b..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -1,255 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="generic_loading">Nahrávanie! Prosím, čakajte...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_header">Vyberte si projekt:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Pridajte projekt podľa URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Vložte URL projektu:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Pridať projekt</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Žiadne pripojenie na Internet</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Popis:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Владелец:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Webová stránka:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Este projecto suporta dispositivos com Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Este projecto não suporta dispositivos com Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Условия использования для</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">Электронная почта:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Názov:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Heslo:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Впервые в</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Зарегистрировать учётную запись для участия:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Посетить веб-сайт проекта для создания учётной записи:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Проект в данный момент не позволяет создавать новые учётные записи!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Registrovať</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">Prihlásiť sa</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Восстановить пароль</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Сбой при установке связи с проектом!</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Подключен</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Регистрация учётной записи для</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Projekt:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">Электронная почта:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Názov:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Tím:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Heslo:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Повторите:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Vytvoriť</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Добавить менеджер проектов</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Пользователь:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Heslo:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Повторите:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Добавить</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Používateľ nenájdený</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Heslo je príliš krátke</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Pripojenie zlyhalo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Heslá sa líšia</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Введите URL</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Zadajte prosím vašu e-mailovú adresu</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Prosím zadajte heslo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Prosím zadajte používateľské meno</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">zlyhalo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Имя пользователя не принято</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">Адрес электронной почты уже используется</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">Проект выключен</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">Адрес электронной почты не принят</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Пароль не принят</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Создание учётной записи в данном проекте отключено</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">Неправильный адрес (URL)</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Späť</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Dokončiť</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Úspešné</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Zlyhalo</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Pripojiť</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Overiť účet</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_register">Registrovať účet</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_login">Prihlásiť sa</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Добавить менеджер проектов</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Синхронизировать</string>
-  <string name="main_error">Ups</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…этого не должно было произойти!\nНажмите на значок BOINC, чтобы попробовать ещё раз.</string>
-  <string name="main_title_icon_desc">Значок BOINC</string>
-  <string name="tab_status">Статус</string>
-  <string name="tab_projects">Projekty</string>
-  <string name="tab_tasks">Úlohy</string>
-  <string name="tab_transfers">Prenosy</string>
-  <string name="tab_preferences">Nastavenia</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Oznamy</string>
-  <string name="tab_desc">Navigácia</string>
-  <string name="status_running">Výpočty</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Спасибо за участие.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Pozastavené</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Нечего делать</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Ожидание заданий…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Pozastavené</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Нажмите кнопку Play для возобновления расчётов и передачи данных.</string>
-  <string name="status_launching">Spúšťa sa…</string>
-  <string name="status_noproject">Выбрать проект для участия.</string>
-  <string name="status_closing">Закрытие…</string>
-  <string name="status_benchmarking">Test rýchlosti…</string>
-  <string name="status_image_description">изображение проекта</string>
-  <string name="prefs_loading">Чтение настроек…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_submit_button">Uložiť</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Zadajte novú hodnotu:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Выбрать:</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_general">Všeobecné</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Sieť</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Napájanie</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">Procesor</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Ukladací priestor</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Pamäť</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Ladenie</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Показать дополнительные настройки и элементы управления…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Realizar computação quando estiver só em Bateria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Мин. уровень заряда батареи</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC приостановит расчёты, когда заряд батареи будет ниже указанного уровня.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура батареи</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Мин. свободное пространство</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Какой объём памяти вашего устройства должен оставаться свободным?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Ежедневный предел передачи</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Ограничивает ежедневный трафик данных, вызванный BOINC.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Передавать задания только по WiFi</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автозапуск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Показывать уведомление, когда приостановлен</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Используемые ядра процессора</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Ограничивает количество ядер процессора, которые использует BOINC для расчётов.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Пауза при использовании процессора выше</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Определяет, когда BOINC останавливает расчёты из-за использования процессора другими приложениями.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">Предельное время процессора</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Ограничивает время процессора, которое использует BOINC для расчётов.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">Ограничение ОЗУ</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Ограничивает объём ОЗУ, который задания могут занимать.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">Флаги журнала клиента BOINC</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">Уровень журнала GUI</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Задает уровень детализации сообщений журнала GUI.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">Чтение проектов…</string>
-  <string name="projects_add">Pridať projekt</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Значок проекта</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Очки:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(на этом устройстве)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Приостановлен пользователем</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Не запрашивать новые задания</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Проект завершён - ОК для удаления</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Будет удалён после завершения заданий</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Запрос информации у планировщика</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Производится запрос информации у планировщика</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Ожидание промежуточной отправки</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">Связь по расписанию:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Команды проекта:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Посетить веб-сайт</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Aktualizovať</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Odstrániť</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Pozastaviť</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Pokračovať</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Не запрашивать задания</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Получать новые задания</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Сбросить</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Команды менеджера проектов:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Синхронизировать</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Отключить</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Odstrániť projekt?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Naozaj chcete odstrániť</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">z BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Odstrániť</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Перезапустить проект</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Вы действительно хотите перезапустить</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Сбросить</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Отключить менеджер проектов</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Вы уверены, что хотите прекратить использование</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Отключить</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Meno úlohy:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Uplynutý čas:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(pozastavené)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Крайний срок:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">nové</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">ожидание загрузки</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">sťahovanie dokončené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">ошибка расчётов</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">odosielanie</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">odosielanie dokončené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">prerušené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">odoslanie zlyhalo</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">pripravené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">spustené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">pozastavené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">приостанавливается</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">приостанавливается</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">pozastavené</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">проект приостановлен</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">готово для подтверждения</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Прервать задание?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Прервать задание:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Prerušiť</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Zrušiť</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Диалог подтверждения</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Чтение списка передач…</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Odoslať</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Stiahnuť</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">повтор через</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">zlyhalo</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">pozastavené</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">активна</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">ожидает</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">запрос к проекту отложен на</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Файл:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Повторить передачи</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Прервать передачу?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Прервать файл:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Prerušiť</string>
-  <string name="notices_loading">Чтение уведомлений…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Загрузка сообщений журнала…</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Сообщения клиента</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">Сообщения GUI</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Журнал скопирован в буфер обмена.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Журнал событий для BOINC на Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Расчёты приостановлены.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Подключите ваше устройство к зарядному устройству для продолжения расчётов.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Пользователь работает.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_tod">Закончилось выделенное время для расчётов.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC измеряет производительность вашего устройства…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Закончилось свободное место на диске.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">Запланированное ограничение нагрузки процессора.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Нет активности пользователя за последнее время.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Инициализация отложена.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Выполняется привилегированное приложение.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Ваше устройство занято другими приложениями.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC достиг ограничения передачи данных по сети.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Android остановил.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Нет подключения к WiFi.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Необходимо подзарядить батарею для продолжения расчётов.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Расчёты возобновятся, когда заряд батареи достигнет</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">в данный момент</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Ожидание охлаждения батареи</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Возобновление расчётов…</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">вручную.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Запрошено пользователем</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Запросить задания</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Сообщить о завершённых заданиях</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Отправить промежуточное сообщение</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Запрошено менеджером проектов</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Инициализация проекта</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Запрошено проектом</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Neznámy dôvod</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Obnoviť</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Отправить письмом</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Копировать в буфер обмена</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Журнал событий</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">Выйти из BOINC</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Pozastaviť</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Pokračovať</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">О</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Nápoveda</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Návrat</string>
-  <string name="about_title">О</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Verzia</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">BOINC - Otvorená infraštruktúra pre sieťové výpočty z Berkeley</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003-2013 Калифорнийский университет, Беркли.\nВсе права защищены.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index bb9e693..490c4fd 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -1,180 +1,3 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-  <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Este projecto suporta dispositivos com Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Este projecto não suporta dispositivos com Android</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Реєстрація облікового запису для</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Повторити:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">Адреса (URL)</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Користувач:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Додати</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">Неправильна адреса (URL)</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">...</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
-  <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Синхронізувати</string>
-  <string name="main_error_long">…цього не повинно траплятися!\nНатисніть на іконці для повторної спроби.</string>
-  <string name="tab_notices">Примітки</string>
-  <string name="status_running_long">Дякуємо за участь.</string>
-  <string name="status_paused">Призупинено</string>
-  <string name="status_idle">Нема роботи</string>
-  <string name="status_idle_long">Очікування завдань…</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled">Призупинено</string>
-  <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Натисніть кнопку Грати для відновлення мережі і обчислень.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_network">Мережа</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_power">Живлення</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_cpu">ЦП</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_storage">Диск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_memory">Пам`ять</string>
-  <string name="prefs_category_debug">Діагностика</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Показати додаткові налаштування і елементи керування...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Realizar computação quando estiver só em Bateria</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Низький заряд батареї</string>
-  <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC призупиняє обчислення нижче визначеного рівня заряду акумулятора.</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура батареї</string>
-  <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC призупинить розрахунки, коли температура батареї перевищить вказаний рівень. Не рекомендовано змінювати це значення.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Макс. використаний об’єм диска</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Скільки відсотків дискового простору може використовувати BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Мін. запас дискового простору</string>
-  <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Скільки вашого дискового простору повинно залишитися вільним?</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Денний ліміт передачі</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Обмеження щоденної передачі даних, що здійснює BOINC.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Передавати завдання тільки через WiFi</string>
-  <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автозапуск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Показати повідомлення коли призупинено</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Використано ядер ЦП</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Обмежує кількість ядер ЦП, які BOINC використовує для обчислень.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Використання ЦП призупинене</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Визначає коли призупиняти обчислення BOINC через використання ЦП іншими додатками.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">Обмеження ЦП</string>
-  <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Обмежує процесорний час роботи, який BOINC використовує для обчислень.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">обмеження RAM</string>
-  <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Обмеження кількості RAM, доступної для використання.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">Прапорці журналу клієнта BOINC</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">Рівень журналу GUI</string>
-  <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Задає рівень деталізації повідомлень журналу GUI.</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_mb">Мб</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_gb">Гб</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
-  <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
-  <string name="projects_loading">Читання проектів...</string>
-  <string name="projects_icon">Значок проекту</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_header">Бали:</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(на цьому пристрої)</string>
-  <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(загалом)</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Призупинено користувачем</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Не приймає нові завдання</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_ended">Проект завершений - Гаразд для видалення</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Буде видалено після завершення завдань</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Запит інформації у планувальника</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Відбувається запит інформації у планувальника</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Очікування проміжного відправлення</string>
-  <string name="projects_status_backoff">Зв’язок за розкладом:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Команди проекту:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Відвідати веб-сайт</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_update">Оновити</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove">Видалити</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_suspend">Призупинено</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_resume">Відновити</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Не завантажувати нові завдання</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Отримувати нові завдання</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_reset">Скинути</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Команди менеджера проектів:</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Синхронізувати</string>
-  <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Відключити</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Видалити проект?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Ви справді хочете видалити</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">із BOINC?</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Видалити</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Перезапустити проект</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Ви справді хочете перезапустити</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Скинути</string>
-  <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Відключити</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_name">Назва завдання:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Витрачено часу:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(призупинено)</string>
-  <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Кінцевий термін:</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_new">новий</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">очікування завантаження</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">звантаження завершене</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">помилка обчислень</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">Відправлення</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">відправлення завершене</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_aborted">перервано</string>
-  <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">невдала спроба відправлення</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">готово</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_executing">працює</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_suspended">призупинено</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">призупинення</string>
-  <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">призупинення</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">призупинено</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">проект призупинено</string>
-  <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">готовий до звітування</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Перервати завдання?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Перервати завдання:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Перервати</string>
-  <string name="confirm_cancel">Скасувати</string>
-  <string name="confirm_image_desc">Діалог підтвердження</string>
-  <string name="trans_loading">Читання передач...</string>
-  <string name="trans_upload">Відправлення</string>
-  <string name="trans_download">Завантаження</string>
-  <string name="trans_retryin">повтор через</string>
-  <string name="trans_failed">невдало</string>
-  <string name="trans_suspended">призупинено</string>
-  <string name="trans_active">активна</string>
-  <string name="trans_pending">в очікуванні</string>
-  <string name="trans_projectbackoff">запит до проекту відкладено на</string>
-  <string name="trans_header_name">Файл:</string>
-  <string name="trans_control_retry">Повторити передачі</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Перервати передачу?</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Перервати файл:</string>
-  <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Перервати</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_loading">Завантаження повідомлень журналу...</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_client_header">Повідомлення клієнта</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_gui_header">Повідомлення GUI</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Журнал скопійований в буфер обміну.</string>
-  <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Журнал подій для BOINC на Android:</string>
-  <string name="suspend_unknown">Обчислення призупинене.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_batteries">Підключіть свій пристрій до зарядного для продовження розрахунків.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_useractive">Працює користувач.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_tod">Закінчився час, виділений для обчислень.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC визначає продуктивність вашого пристрою...</string>
-  <string name="suspend_disksize">Недостатньо місця на диску.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">Заплановане обмеження навантаження процесора.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_noinput">Останнім часом користувач неактивний.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_delay">Ініціалізація відкладена.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Виконується привілейований додаток.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_cpu">Ваш пристрій зайнятий іншими додатками.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC досяг межі передачі даних мережею.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_os">Зупинено Android-ом.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_wifi">Відсутнє підключення до WiFi.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Необхідно зарядити батарею для продовження розрахунків.</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Розрахунки продовжаться, коли заряд батареї досягне</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">зараз</string>
-  <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Очікування охолодження батареї</string>
-  <string name="suspend_user_req">Поновлення розрахунків...</string>
-  <string name="suspend_network_user_req">вручну.</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_userreq">На вимогу користувача</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Надіслати запит на завдання</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Повідомити про виконані завдання</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Надіслати проміжне повідомлення</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">На запит менеджера проектів</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_init">Ініціалізація проекту</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">На запит проекту</string>
-  <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Невідома причина</string>
-  <string name="menu_refresh">Оновити</string>
-  <string name="menu_emailto">Надіслати електронною поштою</string>
-  <string name="menu_copy">Копіювати в буфер обміну</string>
-  <string name="menu_eventlog">Журнал подій</string>
-  <string name="menu_exit">Вийти з BOINC</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Призупинити</string>
-  <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Відновити</string>
-  <string name="menu_about">Про</string>
-  <string name="menu_help">Довідка</string>
-  <string name="about_button">Повернутися</string>
-  <string name="about_title">Про</string>
-  <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
-  <string name="about_version">Версія</string>
-  <string name="about_name_long">Відкрита інфраструктура для розподілених обчислень університету Берклі</string>
-  <string name="about_copyright">© 2003-2013 Університет Каліфорнії, Берклі.\nВсі права захищено.</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values/configuration.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values/configuration.xml
index 5f9ac7b..86e34dc 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values/configuration.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values/configuration.xml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
         <bool name="prefs_power_source_ac">true</bool>
         <bool name="prefs_power_source_usb">true</bool>
         <bool name="prefs_power_source_wireless">true</bool>
+        <bool name="prefs_stationary_device_mode">false</bool>
     <!-- Monitor behavior -->
     	<integer name="status_update_interval_ms">1000</integer>
     	<integer name="device_status_update_screen_off_every_X_loop">10</integer> <!-- every X status_update_interval_ms -->
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values/strings.xml
index f9077f5..e7ba8a1 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@
 	<string name="prefs_category_debug">Debug</string>
 	<string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Show advanced preferences and controls…</string>
+	<string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_header">Stationary device mode</string>
+	<string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_description">Allows computation regardless of Power preferences. Only enable if device does not have a battery.</string>
 	<string name="prefs_power_source_header">Power sources for computation</string>
 	<string name="prefs_power_source_description">Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation.</string>
 	<string name="prefs_power_source_ac">Wall socket</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/AppPreferences.java b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/AppPreferences.java
index 3ff4abb..afd79ff 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/AppPreferences.java
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/AppPreferences.java
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ public class AppPreferences {
 	private Boolean powerSourceAc;
 	private Boolean powerSourceUsb;
 	private Boolean powerSourceWireless;
+	private Boolean stationaryDeviceMode; // disable battery status parsing
 	public void readPrefs (Context ctx) {
 		if(prefs == null) {
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ public class AppPreferences {
 		powerSourceAc = prefs.getBoolean("powerSourceAc", ctx.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.prefs_power_source_ac));
 		powerSourceUsb = prefs.getBoolean("powerSourceUsb", ctx.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.prefs_power_source_usb));
 		powerSourceWireless = prefs.getBoolean("powerSourceWireless", ctx.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.prefs_power_source_wireless));
+		stationaryDeviceMode = prefs.getBoolean("stationaryDeviceMode", ctx.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.prefs_stationary_device_mode));
 		if(Logging.DEBUG) Log.d(Logging.TAG, "appPrefs read successful." + autostart + showNotification + showAdvanced + logLevel + powerSourceAc + powerSourceUsb + powerSourceWireless);
@@ -130,4 +132,15 @@ public class AppPreferences {
 	public Boolean getPowerSourceWireless() {
 		return this.powerSourceWireless;
+	public void setStationaryDeviceMode(Boolean sdm) {
+		SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
+		editor.putBoolean("stationaryDeviceMode", sdm);
+		editor.commit();
+		this.stationaryDeviceMode = sdm;
+	}
+	public Boolean getStationaryDeviceMode () {
+		return this.stationaryDeviceMode;
+	}
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/PrefsActivity.java b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/PrefsActivity.java
index ae37dd3..27ecdc5 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/PrefsActivity.java
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/PrefsActivity.java
@@ -186,8 +186,9 @@ public class PrefsActivity extends FragmentActivity {
 		Boolean advanced = appPrefs.getShowAdvanced();
-		Boolean stationaryDevice = false;
-		if(mIsBound) stationaryDevice = monitor.getDeviceStatus().isStationaryDevice();
+		Boolean stationaryDeviceSuspected = false;
+		if(mIsBound) stationaryDeviceSuspected = monitor.getDeviceStatus().isStationaryDeviceSuspected();
+		Boolean stationaryDeviceMode = appPrefs.getStationaryDeviceMode();
 		// general
     	data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapper(this,R.string.prefs_category_general,true));
@@ -199,8 +200,11 @@ public class PrefsActivity extends FragmentActivity {
 		data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapperBool(this,R.string.prefs_network_wifi_only_header,R.string.prefs_category_network,clientPrefs.network_wifi_only));
 		if(advanced) data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapperValue(this,R.string.prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header,R.string.prefs_category_network,clientPrefs.daily_xfer_limit_mb));
     	// power
-		if(!stationaryDevice) {
-			data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapper(this,R.string.prefs_category_power,true));
+		data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapper(this,R.string.prefs_category_power,true));
+		if(stationaryDeviceSuspected) { // API indicates that there is no battery, offer opt-in preference for stationary device mode
+			data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapperBool(this,R.string.prefs_stationary_device_mode_header,R.string.prefs_category_power,appPrefs.getStationaryDeviceMode()));
+		}
+		if(!stationaryDeviceMode) { // client would compute regardless of battery preferences, so only show if that is not the case
 			data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapper(this,R.string.prefs_power_source_header,R.string.prefs_category_power));
 			data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapperValue(this,R.string.battery_charge_min_pct_header,R.string.prefs_category_power,clientPrefs.battery_charge_min_pct));
 			if(advanced) data.add(new PrefsListItemWrapperValue(this,R.string.battery_temperature_max_header,R.string.prefs_category_power,clientPrefs.battery_max_temperature));
@@ -289,6 +293,11 @@ public class PrefsActivity extends FragmentActivity {
 			updateBoolPref(ID, isSet);
 			new WriteClientPrefsAsync().execute(clientPrefs); //async task triggers layout update
+		case R.string.prefs_stationary_device_mode_header: //app pref
+			appPrefs.setStationaryDeviceMode(isSet);
+			// reload complete layout to remove/add power preference elements
+			populateLayout();
+			break;
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/DeviceStatus.java b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/DeviceStatus.java
index 0de2a94..a207e0f 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/DeviceStatus.java
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/DeviceStatus.java
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ public class DeviceStatus {
 	private DeviceStatusData status = new DeviceStatusData();
 	// additional device status
-	private boolean stationaryDevice = false;
+	private boolean stationaryDeviceMode = false; // true, if operating in stationary device mode
+	private boolean stationaryDeviceSuspected = false; // true, if API returns no battery. offer preference to go into stationary device mode
 	// android specifics
 	private Context ctx;// context required for reading device status
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ public class DeviceStatus {
 		change = change | determinePhoneStatus();
 		if(change) if(Logging.DEBUG) Log.i(Logging.TAG, "change: " + change +
-													" - stationary device: " + stationaryDevice + 
+													" - stationary device: " + stationaryDeviceMode + 
 													" ; ac: " + status.on_ac_power + 
 													" ; level: " + status.battery_charge_pct + 
 													" ; temperature: " + status.battery_temperature_celcius + 
@@ -91,12 +92,13 @@ public class DeviceStatus {
-	 * Returns if device is a stationary one, i.e. without a battery.
-	 * Can be used, for example, to hide battery preferences in PrefsFragment.
-	 * @return true, if device does not have a battery, i.e. is stationary
+	 * Returns whether API indicates that device does not have a battery
+	 * Not a reliable indicator, e.g. on Galaxy Nexus.
+	 * Offer stationary device mode preference based on its return value.
+	 * @return true, if Android indicates absence of battery
-	public Boolean isStationaryDevice() {
-		return stationaryDevice;
+	public Boolean isStationaryDeviceSuspected() {
+		return stationaryDeviceSuspected;
@@ -154,11 +156,23 @@ public class DeviceStatus {
 		Boolean change = false;
 		batteryStatus = ctx.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
 		if(batteryStatus != null){
-			if(batteryStatus.getBooleanExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PRESENT, true)) {
-				// battery present
-				if(stationaryDevice) change = true;
-				stationaryDevice = false;
+			stationaryDeviceSuspected = !batteryStatus.getBooleanExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PRESENT, true); // if no battery present, suspect stationary device
+			if(appPrefs.getStationaryDeviceMode() && stationaryDeviceSuspected) {
+				// API says no battery present (not reliable, e.g. Galaxy Nexus)
+				// AND stationary device mode is enabled in preferences
+				if(!stationaryDeviceMode) { // should not change during run-time. just triggered on initial read
+					change = true;
+					if(Logging.ERROR) Log.d(Logging.TAG, "No battery found and stationary device mode enabled in preferences -> skip battery status parsing"); 
+				}
+				stationaryDeviceMode = true;
+				setAttributesForStationaryDevice();
+			} else {
+				// battery present OR stationary device mode not enabled
+				// parse and report actual values to client
+				if(stationaryDeviceMode) change = true;
+				stationaryDeviceMode = false;
 				// calculate charging level
 				int level = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1);
@@ -184,16 +198,6 @@ public class DeviceStatus {
 				// adapt on_ac_power according to power source preferences defined in manager
 				int plugged = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1);
 				change = change | setAttributesForChargerType(plugged);
-			} else {
-				// no battery present, stationary device. skip parsing...
-				if(!stationaryDevice) { // should not change during run-time. just triggered on inital read
-					change = true;
-					if(Logging.ERROR) Log.d(Logging.TAG, "No battery found. Stationary device mode."); 
-				}
-				stationaryDevice = true;
-				setAttributesForStationaryDevice();
 		} else throw new Exception ("battery intent null");
 		return change;
diff --git a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
index cead651..7c466f4 100644
--- a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
+++ b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ int HOST_INFO::get_virtualbox_version() {
     FILE* fd;
-    safe_strcpy(path, "/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxManage");
+    safe_strcpy(path, "/usr/bin/VBoxManage");
 #elif defined( __APPLE__)
     FSRef theFSRef;
     OSStatus status = noErr;
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
index 2135194..80ee460 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE (CBOINCGUIApp, wxApp)
-wxString language = wxEmptyString;
 bool s_bSkipExitConfirmation = false;
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
@@ -140,6 +138,7 @@ bool CBOINCGUIApp::OnInit() {
     m_strPasswordArg = wxEmptyString;
     m_iRPCPortArg = GUI_RPC_PORT;
     m_strBOINCArguments = wxEmptyString;
+    m_strISOLanguageCode = wxEmptyString;
     m_bGUIVisible = true;
     m_bDebugSkins = false;
     m_bMultipleInstancesOK = false;
@@ -290,7 +289,7 @@ bool CBOINCGUIApp::OnInit() {
-	language = m_pLocale->GetCanonicalName();
+	m_strISOLanguageCode = m_pLocale->GetCanonicalName();
     // Note: JAWS for Windows will only speak the context-sensitive
     // help if you use this help provider:
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.h b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.h
index 3dd27cf..fbea122 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.h
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.h
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ protected:
     // The last value defined in the wxLanguage enum is wxLANGUAGE_USER_DEFINED.
     // defined in: wx/intl.h
     wxArrayString       m_astrLanguages;
+    wxString            m_strISOLanguageCode;
     int                 m_bSafeMessageBoxDisplayed;
@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ public:
     wxArrayString&      GetSupportedLanguages()     { return m_astrLanguages; }
+    wxString            GetISOLanguageCode()        { return m_strISOLanguageCode; }
     wxFileSystemHandler*   GetInternetFSHandler()  { return m_pInternetFSHandler; }
@@ -208,8 +210,6 @@ public:
-extern wxString language;
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp b/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
index 910c836..d60a03d 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 static bool s_bIsFiltered = false;
+static bool s_bFilteringChanged = false;
 static std::string s_strFilteredProjectName;
@@ -460,6 +461,7 @@ void CDlgEventLog::OnMessagesFilter( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {
+    s_bFilteringChanged = true;
     // Force a complete update
@@ -617,15 +619,22 @@ void CDlgEventLog::OnRefresh() {
-        if ((iRowCount > 1) && (m_iPreviousLastMsgSeqNum != pDoc->GetLastMsgSeqNum())) {
-            if (EnsureLastItemVisible()) {
+        if (iRowCount > 1) {
+            if (s_bFilteringChanged) {
                 m_pList->EnsureVisible(iRowCount - 1);
-            } else if (topItem > 0) {
-                int n = topItem - m_iNumDeletedFilteredRows;
-                if (n < 0) n = 0;
-                Freeze();   // Avoid flicker if selected rows are visible
-                m_pList->EnsureVisible(n);
-                Thaw();
+                s_bFilteringChanged = false;
+            } else {
+                if (m_iPreviousLastMsgSeqNum != pDoc->GetLastMsgSeqNum()) {
+                    if (EnsureLastItemVisible()) {
+                        m_pList->EnsureVisible(iRowCount - 1);
+                    } else if (topItem > 0) {
+                        int n = topItem - m_iNumDeletedFilteredRows;
+                        if (n < 0) n = 0;
+                        Freeze();   // Avoid flicker if selected rows are visible
+                        m_pList->EnsureVisible(n);
+                        Thaw();
+                    }
+                }
@@ -896,6 +905,7 @@ void CDlgEventLog::OnColResize( wxListEvent& ) {
 void CDlgEventLog::ResetMessageFiltering() {
+    s_bFilteringChanged = false;
     s_bIsFiltered = false;
diff --git a/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp b/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
index 570557c..24119d8 100644
--- a/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
@@ -396,6 +396,8 @@ CMainDocument::CMainDocument() : rpc(this) {
+    strcpy(m_szLanguage, "");
     m_bClientStartCheckCompleted = false;
     m_ActiveTasksOnly = false;
@@ -939,9 +941,10 @@ void CMainDocument::RunPeriodicRPCs(int frameRefreshRate) {
 	static bool first = true;
 	if (first) {
 		first = false;
+        strcpy(m_szLanguage, wxGetApp().GetISOLanguageCode().mb_str());
 		request.which_rpc = RPC_SET_LANGUAGE;
-		request.arg1 = (void*)(const char*)language.mb_str();
+		request.arg1 = (void*)(const char*)&m_szLanguage;
 		request.rpcType = RPC_TYPE_ASYNC_NO_REFRESH;
diff --git a/clientgui/MainDocument.h b/clientgui/MainDocument.h
index 0bc81bd..11d1d5c 100644
--- a/clientgui/MainDocument.h
+++ b/clientgui/MainDocument.h
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
     // Global
+    char                        m_szLanguage[256];
     wxDateTime                  m_dtCachedCCStatusTimestamp;
     bool                        m_bClientStartCheckCompleted;
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 89ade22..ba212e7 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ dnl not sure exactly what the minimum version is (but 2.13 wont work)
 dnl Set the BOINC version here.  You can also use the set-version script.
-AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.2.39)
+AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.2.42)
 LIBBOINC_VERSION=`echo ${PACKAGE_VERSION} | sed 's/\./:/g'`
diff --git a/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp b/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
index 7d1294e..9e3d5d7 100644
--- a/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
+++ b/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ using std::vector;
 #define BOINC_BRAND_ID 0
 // build table of all processes in system
@@ -137,12 +138,17 @@ int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) {
         switch (iBrandID) {
-            if (!strcmp(p.command, "GridRepublic Desktop")) {
+            if (!strcasestr(p.command, "GridRepublic")) {
                 p.is_boinc_app = true;
-            if (!strcmp(p.command, "Progress Thru Processors Desktop")) {
+            if (!strcasestr(p.command, "Progress Thru Processors")) {
+                p.is_boinc_app = true;
+            }
+            break;
+            if (!strcasestr(p.command, "Charity Engine")) {
                 p.is_boinc_app = true;
diff --git a/locale/cs/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/cs/BOINC-Android.po
index 463d6e4..78c986c 100644
--- a/locale/cs/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/cs/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,54 +1,55 @@
-# Czech translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# Czech translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-30 20:59+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lycan <santdel at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: cs <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: cs\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
+"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Carregant! Si us plau, espera..."
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Selecciona un projecte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Afegir projecte mitjançant URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Introdueix la URL del projecte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Afegeix el projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Si us plau introdueix la URL del projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
@@ -56,145 +57,143 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "No hi ha connexió a Internet"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "Contactant el servidor del projecte..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Logo del projecte."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Zona general:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Zona específica:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descripció:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Inici:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Pàgina web:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Aquest projecte es compatible amb dispositius Android"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Aquest projecte no es compatible amb dispositius Android"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Condicions d'ús de"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Creant un compte en aquest projecte, acceptes els termes d'ús, que es "
-"mostren a dalt."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Registre't amb un compte existent"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Correu electrònic:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nom:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Contrasenya:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Nou a"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Registra un compte per participar:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Visita la pàgina web del projecte per crear un compte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Actualment el projecte permet la creació de nous comptes!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registre't"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Registre't"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "He oblidat la contrasenya"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Ha fallat la connexió amb el projecte!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Adjuntat"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Compte de registre per"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Projecte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Correu electrònic:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nom:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Equip:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Contrasenya:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "... Torna a entrar-ho:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Crear"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
@@ -211,11 +210,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Contrasenya:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "... Torna a entrar-ho:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
@@ -224,19 +223,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "No s'ha trobat aquest usuari"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "La contrasenya és massa curta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Ha fallat la connexió"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
@@ -244,43 +243,43 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Si us plau introdueix l'adreça de correu electrònic"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Si us plau introdueix una contrasenya"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Si us plau, introdueïx el nom d'usuari"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "ha fallat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Nom d'usuari rebutjat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "L'adreça de correu electrònic ja està en ús"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "El projecte està desconnectat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "Adreça de correu electrònic rebutjada"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Contrasenya rebutjada"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "La creació de comptes està desactivada en aquest projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
@@ -289,47 +288,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Enrere"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Finalitza"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Reeixit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Ha fallat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Connecta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Revisa el compte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Registra el compte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Registret"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
@@ -341,45 +340,43 @@ msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Uppps"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"...això no ha de succeir!\n"
-" Feu clic a la icona per intentar-ho de nou."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "Icona de BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estatus"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projectes"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tasques"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Transferències"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferències"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
@@ -387,297 +384,307 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navegació"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Treballant"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Gràcies per participar."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Res a fer"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Esperant feines..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Premeu play per reprendre la connexió per xarxa i la computació."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "S'està iniciant..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Tria un projecte per participar-hi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Tancant..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Executamt proves..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "imatge del projecte"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Llegint preferències..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Desa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Introdueix el nou valor:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Selecciona:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "General"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Xarxa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Potència"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Emmagatzematge"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Memòria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Depura"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Mostra les preferències i controls avançats..."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Processar amb només Bateria"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Nivell mínim de la bateria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC atura la computació si el nivell de càrrega de la bateria per sota del "
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Temperatura màxima de la bateria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC atura la computació si la temperatura de la bateria està per sobre del "
-"valor definit. No es recomanable canviar aquest valor."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "Màxim espai d'emmagatzematge utilitzat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
 msgstr ""
-"Quin percentatge d'espai d'emmagatzematge del seu dispositiu pot utilitzar "
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Espai mínim d'emmagatzematge"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
 msgstr ""
-"Quina quantitat d'espai d'emmagatzematge del dispositiu s'ha de mantenir "
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Límit de transferència diària"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Limita el tràfic diàri de dades degut a BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Transferir tasques només amb WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Inici automàtic"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Mostra una notificació quan estigui suspés"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Nuclis de CPU usats"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limita el nombre de nuclis de CPU que BOINC utilitza per la computació."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Pausa en l'ús de la CPU per sobre de"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Determina quan BOINC pausa el còmput degut a la utilització de la CPU per un "
-"altra aplicació."
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "Límit de CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limita el temps de CPU que BOINC utilitza per la computació."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "RAM límit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Limita la quantitat de RAM que les tasques poden utilitzar."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "Marques de registre del client de BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "Nivell de registre GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Especifica el nivell de detall dels missatges de registre GUI."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "S'estan carregant els projectes..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Afegeix el projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Icona delprojecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Crèdit:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(en aquest dispositiu)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(total)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspès per l'usuari"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "No descarregar tasques noves"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projecte finalitzat - CORRECTE per eliminar-lo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "S'eliminarà quan finalitzi la tasca"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Petició al gestor pendent"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Petició al gestor en curs"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Missatge de degoteig en espera"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "Comunicació del gestor a:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Ordres del projecte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
@@ -685,31 +692,31 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Actualitza"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Elimina"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspèn"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Reprèn"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "No hi han tasques noves"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permetre noves tasques"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Reinicia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
@@ -726,31 +733,31 @@ msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Eliminar el projecte?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Estàs segur que voleu eliminar"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "de BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Elimina"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Reinicia el projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Estàs segur que vols reiniciar"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Reinicia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
@@ -767,145 +774,145 @@ msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Nom de la tasca:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Temps transcorregut:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(suspès)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Data límit:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "nou"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "esperant per descarregar"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "Descàrrega completa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "error de computació"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "s'està lliurant"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "lliurament finalitzat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "avortat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "ha fallat el lliurament"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "preparat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "executant"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "s'està suspenent"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "s'està suspenent"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "projecte suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "a punt per informar"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Avortar la tasca?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Avortar la tasca:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Avorta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancel·la"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Diàleg de confirmació"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Llegint transferències..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Puja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Descarrega"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "re intentar en"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "ha fallat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspès"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "activa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "pendent"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "desentendre's del projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Fitxer:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
@@ -913,15 +920,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Avortar la transferència?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Avortar arxiu:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Avorta"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
@@ -931,210 +938,199 @@ msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Carregant missatges de registre..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Missatges del client"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "Missatges GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Registre copiat al porta-retalls"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Registre d'esdeveniments de BOINC en Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Computació suspesa."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Connecta el dispositiu a un carregador per continuar el còmput."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "L'usuari està actiu."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Fora del termini especificat per el còmput."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC està avaluant el teu dispositiu..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "S'ha exhaurit l'espai lliure del disc"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Programada acceleració CPU."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "No hi ha hagut activitat recent de l'usuari."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Temps d'espera per reiniciar."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "S'està executant una aplicació amb ús exclusiu."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "El teu dispositiu està ocupat per altres aplicacions."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC ha assolit el límit de transferència per xarxa."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Suspès per Android."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "No hi ha connexió Wifi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr "La bateria necessita carregar-se abans de continuar la computació."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "La computació continuarà quan la bateria tingui una carregada del"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "actual"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Esperant que es refredi la bateria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Continuant la computació..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "manualment."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Sol·licitat per l'usuari"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Per obtenir feina"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Per informar tasques finalitzades"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Per lliurar un missatge de degoteig"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Sol·licitat per l'administrador de comptes"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Inicialització del projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Sol·licitat per el projecte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Motiu desconegut"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Actualitza"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Envia per correu electrònic"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Copia al porta-retalls"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Registre d'esdeveniments"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "Surt de BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspèn"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Reprèn"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Sobre"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajuda"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Retorna"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Sobre"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versió"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 Universitat de Califòrnia, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tots els Drets Reservats."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Prem aquí per escollir un projecte."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "No hi ha connexió a Internet"
diff --git a/locale/el/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/el/BOINC-Android.po
index c17c40d..6c7bc16 100644
--- a/locale/el/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/el/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-# Greek translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# Greek translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-21 15:32+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: chris g <chr1407 at hotmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: el <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: el\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Es wird geladen. Bitte warten…"
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Projekt auswählen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Projekt mittels URL hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Projekt-URL eingeben:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Bitte die Projekt-URL eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
@@ -56,147 +56,143 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Keine Internetverbindung"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "kontaktiere Projektserver…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Projektlogo."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Bereich:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Fachbereich:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beschreibung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Betreiber:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Webseite:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Dieses Projekt unterstützt Android-Geräte"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Dieses Projekt unterstützt keine Android-Geräte"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen für"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie bei diesem Projekt ein Konto anlegen, akzeptieren Sie die oben "
-"gezeigten Nutzungsbedingungen."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Mit bestehendem Konto anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-Mail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Name:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Neu bei"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Ein Konto erstellen um teilzunehmen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Die Projektwebseite besuchen um ein Konto zu erstellen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Das Projekt erlaubt zur Zeit keine neuen Konten!"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrieren"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Passwort vergessen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Verbindung zum Projekt fehlgeschlagen!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Verbunden"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Konto-Registrierung für"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Projekt:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-Mail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Name:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Team:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Bestätigung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Erstellen"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
@@ -213,11 +209,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Bestätigung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
@@ -226,19 +222,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Benutzer nicht gefunden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Passwort ist zu kurz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Verbindungsfehler"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
@@ -246,44 +242,43 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Bitte Passwort eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Bitte einen Benutzernamen eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Benutzername nicht erlaubt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Projekt ist offline"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "E-Mail nicht akzeptiert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Passwort zu kurz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Die Kontoerstellung ist bei diesem Projekt deaktiviert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
@@ -292,49 +287,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zurück"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Beenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Erfolgreich"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Verbinden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Konto überprüfen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Konto registrieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
@@ -346,45 +339,43 @@ msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Whooops"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren!\n"
-"Auf das Symbol klicken um es erneut zu probieren."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "BOINC Logo"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Aufgaben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Übertragungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Einstellungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
@@ -392,302 +383,307 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigation"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Berechnung läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihre Beteiligung."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Nichts zu tun"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Warten auf Aufgaben…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Play drücken um Netzwerkaktivität und die Berechnung fortzusetzen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Startet…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Projekt zur Teilnahme aus."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Beenden…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Leistungsüberprüfung…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "Projektbild"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "lese Einstellungen…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Speichern"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Neuen Wert eingeben:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Auswahl:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Allgemeines"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Netzwerk"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Energie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Prozessor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Speicherplatz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Fehlerdiagnose"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Fehlerdiagnose"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Berechne im Batteriebetrieb"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Min. Akku-Ladestand"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hält die Berechnung an, wenn der Akkuladestand unter den gewählten "
-"Wert sinkt."
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Max. Akkutemperatur"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hält die Berechnung an, sobald diese Temperatur überschritten wird. Es "
-"wird nicht empfohlen diesen Wert zu ändern."
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "max. zu nutzender Speicher"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Wie viel Prozent Ihres Speichers darf BOINC maximal verwenden?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "min. freizuhaltender Speicher"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Wie viel Ihres Speichers soll mindestens ungenutzt bleiben?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "tägliche Transferbegrenzung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Begrenzt die Datenmenge welche täglich durch BOINC übertragen wird."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Übertrage Aufgaben nur per WLAN"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Automatisch starten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Zeige Nachrichten wenn angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Benutzte Prozessoren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Bestimmt wann BOINC angehalten wird, anhand der Prozessornutzung anderer "
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "Prozessorbegrenzung"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "Arbeitsspeicherlimit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Limitiert den Arbeitsspeicher welcher für Aufgaben zur Verfügung steht."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "BOINC Client Protokolleinstellungen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "GUI Protokolllevel"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Einstellung der Detailiertheit der GUI Protokollnachrichten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Lade Projekte…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Projektsymbol"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Punkte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(auf diesem Gerät)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(gesamt)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Angehalten durch Benutzer"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Keine neuen Arbeitspakete"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt wurde beendet - kann jetzt entfernt werden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "wird entfernt wenn Aufgaben erledigt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Serveranfrage ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Serveranfrage läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Trickle-Up Nachricht ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "nächste Kommunikation in:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Projektbefehle:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
@@ -695,31 +691,31 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Fortsetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Keine neuen Aufgaben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Neue Aufgaben zulassen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
@@ -736,32 +732,31 @@ msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Projekt entfernen?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "von BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Projekt zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
@@ -778,147 +773,145 @@ msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Aufgabenname:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Abgelaufene Zeit:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(angehalten)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Ablaufdatum:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "neu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "herunterladen läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "herunterladen abgeschlossen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "Berechnungsfehler"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "hochladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "hochladen abgeschlossen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "abgebrochen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "hochladen fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "bereit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "wird ausgeführt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "wird angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "wird angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "Projekt angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "meldebereit"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen?"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Bestätigungsdialog"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Lade Übertragungen…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Herunterladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "erneut versuchen in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiv"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "Projektwartezeit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Datei:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
@@ -926,16 +919,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Übertragung abbrechen?"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Datei:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
@@ -945,213 +937,199 @@ msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Lade Protokollnachrichten…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Client Meldungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "GUI Meldungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Protokoll in die Zwischenablage kopiert."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Ereignisprotokoll für BOINC auf Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Berechnung angehalten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Schließen Sie Ihr Gerät an eine Stromquelle an um weiterzurechnen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Benutzer ist aktiv."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Außerhalb der Zeiteinschränkungen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC ermittelt die Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Gerätes…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Planmäßige Prozessordrosselung."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Keine Benutzeraktivität."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Startverzögerung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Eine exklusive Anwendung läuft."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Ihr Gerät ist mit anderen Apps ausgelastet."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "Netzwerkübertragungslimit erreicht."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Gestoppt von Android."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Nicht per WLAN verbunden."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
 msgstr ""
-"Der Akku muss geladen werden bevor die Berechnung fortgesetzt werden kann."
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Berechnung wird fortgesetzt wenn der Ladezustand erreicht"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "aktuell"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Warten bis der Akku abgekühlt ist"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Berechnung wird fortgesetzt…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "manuell."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Vom Nutzer gefordert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Um Arbeit zu holen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Um Aufgaben abzuliefern"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Um Trickle-Up Nachricht zu senden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Angefordert vom Kontomanager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektinitialisierung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Vom Projekt angefordert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Unbekannter Grund"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Neu laden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Als E-Mail versenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "In Zwischenablage kopieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Statusprotokoll"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC beenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Fortsetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Über"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hilfe"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Zurück"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Über"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Version"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley.\n"
-"Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Hier tippen um ein Projekt auszuwählen."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Keine Internetverbindung"
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
index df506a6..28049ee 100644
--- a/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,1158 +1,1135 @@
-# Spanish translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# Spanish translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: es <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: es\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Es wird geladen. Bitte warten…"
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Projekt auswählen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Projekt mittels URL hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Projekt-URL eingeben:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Bitte die Projekt-URL eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Keine Internetverbindung"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "kontaktiere Projektserver…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Projektlogo."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Bereich:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Fachbereich:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beschreibung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Betreiber:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Webseite:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Този проект поддържа Андроид устройства"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Този проект не поддържа Андроид устройства"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen für"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie bei diesem Projekt ein Konto anlegen, akzeptieren Sie die oben "
-"gezeigten Nutzungsbedingungen."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Mit bestehendem Konto anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-Mail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Name:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Neu bei"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Ein Konto erstellen um teilzunehmen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Die Projektwebseite besuchen um ein Konto zu erstellen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Das Projekt erlaubt zur Zeit keine neuen Konten!"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrieren"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Passwort vergessen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Verbindung zum Projekt fehlgeschlagen!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Verbunden"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Konto-Registrierung für"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Projekt:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-Mail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Name:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Team:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Bestätigung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Erstellen"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Benutzer:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passwort:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Bestätigung:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Benutzer nicht gefunden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Passwort ist zu kurz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Verbindungsfehler"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die Adresse ein"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Bitte Passwort eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Bitte einen Benutzernamen eingeben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Benutzername nicht erlaubt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Projekt ist offline"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "E-Mail nicht akzeptiert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Passwort zu kurz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Die Kontoerstellung ist bei diesem Projekt deaktiviert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Ungültige Adresse"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zurück"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Beenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Erfolgreich"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Verbinden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Konto überprüfen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Konto registrieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Anmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchronisieren"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Whooops"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren!\n"
-"Auf das Symbol klicken um es erneut zu probieren."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "BOINC Logo"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Aufgaben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Übertragungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Einstellungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Nachrichten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigation"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Berechnung läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihre Beteiligung."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Nichts zu tun"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Warten auf Aufgaben…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Play drücken um Netzwerkaktivität und die Berechnung fortzusetzen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Startet…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Projekt zur Teilnahme aus."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Beenden…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Leistungsüberprüfung…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "Projektbild"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "lese Einstellungen…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Speichern"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Neuen Wert eingeben:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Auswahl:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Allgemeines"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Netzwerk"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Energie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Prozessor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Speicherplatz"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Fehlerdiagnose"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Fehlerdiagnose"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Изчислявай на Батерия"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Min. Akku-Ladestand"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hält die Berechnung an, wenn der Akkuladestand unter den gewählten "
-"Wert sinkt."
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Max. Akkutemperatur"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hält die Berechnung an, sobald diese Temperatur überschritten wird. Es "
-"wird nicht empfohlen diesen Wert zu ändern."
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "max. zu nutzender Speicher"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Wie viel Prozent Ihres Speichers darf BOINC maximal verwenden?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "min. freizuhaltender Speicher"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Wie viel Ihres Speichers soll mindestens ungenutzt bleiben?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "tägliche Transferbegrenzung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Begrenzt die Datenmenge welche täglich durch BOINC übertragen wird."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Übertrage Aufgaben nur per WLAN"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Automatisch starten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Zeige Nachrichten wenn angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Benutzte Prozessoren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Bestimmt wann BOINC angehalten wird, anhand der Prozessornutzung anderer "
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "Prozessorbegrenzung"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "Arbeitsspeicherlimit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Limitiert den Arbeitsspeicher welcher für Aufgaben zur Verfügung steht."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "BOINC Client Protokolleinstellungen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "GUI Protokolllevel"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Einstellung der Detailiertheit der GUI Protokollnachrichten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Lade Projekte…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Projektsymbol"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Punkte:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(auf diesem Gerät)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(gesamt)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Angehalten durch Benutzer"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Keine neuen Arbeitspakete"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt wurde beendet - kann jetzt entfernt werden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "wird entfernt wenn Aufgaben erledigt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Serveranfrage ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Serveranfrage läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Trickle-Up Nachricht ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "nächste Kommunikation in:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Projektbefehle:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Webseite besuchen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Fortsetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Keine neuen Aufgaben"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Neue Aufgaben zulassen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Kontoverwaltungsbefehle:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchronisieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Deaktivieren"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Projekt entfernen?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "von BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Projekt zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "Kontoverwaltung deaktivieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Sind Sie sicher die Kontoverwaltung zu beenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Deaktivieren"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Aufgabenname:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Abgelaufene Zeit:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(angehalten)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Ablaufdatum:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "neu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "herunterladen läuft"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "herunterladen abgeschlossen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "Berechnungsfehler"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "hochladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "hochladen abgeschlossen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "abgebrochen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "hochladen fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "bereit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "wird ausgeführt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "wird angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "wird angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "Projekt angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "meldebereit"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen?"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Bestätigungsdialog"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Lade Übertragungen…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Herunterladen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "erneut versuchen in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiv"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "ausstehend"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "Projektwartezeit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Datei:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Übertragung wiederholen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Übertragung abbrechen?"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Datei:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Lade Nachrichten..."
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Lade Protokollnachrichten…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Client Meldungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "GUI Meldungen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Protokoll in die Zwischenablage kopiert."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Ereignisprotokoll für BOINC auf Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Berechnung angehalten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Schließen Sie Ihr Gerät an eine Stromquelle an um weiterzurechnen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Benutzer ist aktiv."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Außerhalb der Zeiteinschränkungen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC ermittelt die Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Gerätes…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Planmäßige Prozessordrosselung."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Keine Benutzeraktivität."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Startverzögerung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Eine exklusive Anwendung läuft."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Ihr Gerät ist mit anderen Apps ausgelastet."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "Netzwerkübertragungslimit erreicht."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Gestoppt von Android."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Nicht per WLAN verbunden."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
 msgstr ""
-"Der Akku muss geladen werden bevor die Berechnung fortgesetzt werden kann."
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Berechnung wird fortgesetzt wenn der Ladezustand erreicht"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "aktuell"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Warten bis der Akku abgekühlt ist"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Berechnung wird fortgesetzt…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "manuell."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Vom Nutzer gefordert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Um Arbeit zu holen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Um Aufgaben abzuliefern"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Um Trickle-Up Nachricht zu senden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Angefordert vom Kontomanager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektinitialisierung"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Vom Projekt angefordert"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Unbekannter Grund"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Neu laden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Als E-Mail versenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "In Zwischenablage kopieren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Statusprotokoll"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC beenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Fortsetzen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Über"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hilfe"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Zurück"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Über"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Version"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley.\n"
-"Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Етикирайте тук за да изберете проект."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Няма връзка с Интернет"
diff --git a/locale/fr/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/fr/BOINC-Android.po
index 6fe5051..9ef55cb 100644
--- a/locale/fr/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/fr/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,448 +1,414 @@
-# French translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# French translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-06 20:40+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jerome Cadet <jerome.cadet at pobox.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: fr <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1381092035.0\n"
 #. app global
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Ladataan! Odota…"
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Valitse projekti:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti URL-osoitteella"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Anna projektin URL:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Anna projektin URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Lisää tilihallitsija"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Ei internet-yhteyttä"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "Otetaan yhteyttä projektin palvelimeen…"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Projektin logo."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Zone générale :"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Zone spécifique :"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Kuvaus:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Kotisivu:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Nettisivu:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Tämä projekti tukee Android-laitteita"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Tämä projekti ei tue Android-laitteita"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation pour "
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
-msgstr "Luomalla tilin tässä projektissa, hyväksyt ylläolevat käyttöoikeudet."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Kirjaudu sisään käytössä olevalla tilillä"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Sähköposti:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nimi:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Salasana:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
 msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Rekisteröi tili osallistuaksesi:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Käy projektin nettisivulla luodaksesi tilin:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Projekti sallii nyt uusien tilien luonnin!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Rekisteröi"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Kirjaudu sisään"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Salasana unohtunut"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Yhteydenotto projektiin epäonnistui!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Liitetty"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
 msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Projekti:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Sähköposti:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nimi:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Tiimi:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Salasana:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Kirjoita uudelleen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Luo"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Lisää tilihallitsija"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Käyttäjä:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Salasana:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Kirjoita uudelleen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Lisää"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Käyttäjää ei löydy"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Salasana liian lyhyt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Yhteysvirhe"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Salasanat eivät täsmää"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Anna URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Anna sähköpostiosoite"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Anna salasana"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Anna käyttäjänimi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "epäonnistui"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Käyttäjänimi hylätty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "Sähköposti on jo käytössä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Projekti on sammutettu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "Sähköposti hylätty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Salasana hylätty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Tilin luonti on poistettu käytöstä tässä projektissa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Virheellinen URL"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Takaisin"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Valmis"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Onnistui"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Epäonnistui"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Yhdistä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Varmenna tili"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Rekisteröi tili"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Kirjaudu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Lisää tilihallitsija"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synkronoi"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr "Napauta tähän valitaksesi projektin."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Hups"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…tätä ei olisi pitänyt tapahtua!\n"
-"Napsauta kuvaketta yrittääksesi uudelleen."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "BOINC kuvake"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Tila"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projet :"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tehtävät"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Siirrot"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Asetukset"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Ilmoitukset"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigointi"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Laskenta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Kiitos osallistumisesta."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Ei mitään tehtävää"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Odottaa tehtäviä…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
@@ -450,64 +416,64 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Käynnistetään…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Valitse projekti, johon osallistut."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Suljetaan…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Suorituskykytestaus…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "projektin kuva"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Luetaan asetuksia…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Tallenna"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Anna uusi arvo:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Valitse:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Yleiset"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Verkko"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Virta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Tilankäyttö"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Muisti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
@@ -517,98 +483,115 @@ msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
 msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Laskenta akkukäytöllä"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Pienin varaustaso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun varaustason alaraja saavutetaan."
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Suurin akun lämpötila"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun lämpötilaraja saavutetaan. Tätä "
-"arvoa ei suositella muutettavaksi."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "Suurin käytetty tallennustila"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Kuinka monta prosenttia laitteesi tallennustilasta BOINC saa käyttää?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Pienin tallennustila"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Kuinka paljon laitteesi tallennustilasta jätetään vapaaksi?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Päivittäinen siirtoraja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Rajoitus BOINCin päivittäiselle tiedonsiirrolle."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Siirrä tehtävät vain WiFin kautta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Automaattikäynnistys"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Näytä ilmoitus kun hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Käytetyt CPU-ytimet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Rajoittaa CPU-ytimien määrää, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Tauota prosessorikäytön ylittäessä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
-msgstr "Määrittää, milloin BOINC tauottaa laskennan toisten sovellusten vuoksi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "CPU raja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Rajoittaa prosessoriaikaa, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "RAM raja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Rajoittaa RAM-muistin määrää, joka tehtäville annetaan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
@@ -624,75 +607,74 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "Mt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "Gt"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Luetaan projekteja…"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Projektin kuvake"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Pisteet:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(tällä laitteella)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(kaikki)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän hyllyttämä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Ei uusia töitä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekti päättynyt - voi poistaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Poistetaan kun paketit on suoritettu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Pyyntö aikatauluttajalle odottaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Pyyntö aikatauluttajalle käynnissä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Väliaikaviesti odottaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
@@ -701,290 +683,290 @@ msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Projektin komennot:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Käy sivulla"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Päivitä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Poista"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Hyllytä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Jatka"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Ei uutta työtä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Salli uusi työ"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Nollaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Tilihallitsijan komennot:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synkronoi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Poista"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Poista projekti?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "BOINCista?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Poista"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Nollaa projekti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti nollata"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Nollaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "Poista tilihallitsija"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Haluatko lopettaa käyttämästä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Poista käytöstä"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Tehtävän nimi:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Käytetty aika:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(hyllytetty)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Takaraja:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "uusi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "odottaa latausta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "lataus valmis"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "laskentavirhe"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "lähetetään"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "lähetys valmis"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "hylätty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "lähetys epäonnistui"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "valmis"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "suoritetaan"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "hyllytetään"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "hyllytetään"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "projekti hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "valmis raportoitavaksi"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Hylkää tehtävä?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Hylkää tehtävä:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Hylkää"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Peruuta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Vahvistusikkuna"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Luetaan siirtoja…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Lähetä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Lataa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "uudelleenyritys"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "epäonnistui"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "hyllytetty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiivinen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "odottaa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "projektin viivyttämä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Tiedosto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Yritä siirtoja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Keskeytä siirto?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Hylkää tiedosto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Hylkää"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Luetaan ilmoituksia…"
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Ladataan lokiviestit…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Ohjelman viestit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "GUI viestit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Loki kopioitu leikepöydälle."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "BOINCin tapahtumaloki Androidilla:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Kytke laite laturiin laskennan jatkamiseksi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Käyttäjä aktiivinen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
@@ -992,11 +974,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC suorityskykytestaa laitettasi…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Levytila loppu."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
@@ -1012,31 +994,31 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Erityissovellus on käynnissä."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Muut sovellukset käyttävät laitetta."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC saavutti tiedonsiirtorajan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Androidin pysäyttämä."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Ei WiFi-yhteyttä."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr "Akku tulee ladata ennen kuin laskentaa jatketaan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Laskenta jatkuu akun varaustilan saavuttaessa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
@@ -1044,85 +1026,85 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Odotetaan akun jäähtymistä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Jatketaan laskentaa…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "manuaalisesti."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän pyytämä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Pyydetään työtä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Raportoidaan valmiit paketit"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Lähetetään väliaikaviesti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Tilihallitsijan pyytämä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektin alustus"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Projektin pyytämä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Tuntematon syy"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Päivitä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Lähetä sähköpostina"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Kopioi leikepöydälle"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Tapahtumaloki"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "Lopeta BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Hyllytä"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Jatka"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Tietoja"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ohje"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
@@ -1131,35 +1113,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Tietoja"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versio"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeleyn avoin infrastruktuuri verkkolaskentaan"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 Kalifornian yliopisto, Berkeley.\n"
-"Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Napauta tähän valitaksesi projektin."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Ei internet-yhteyttä"
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/ja/BOINC-Android.po
index 54bd908..e1cc21b 100644
--- a/locale/ja/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/ja/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,1144 +1,1135 @@
-# Japanese translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# Japanese translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: ja <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383812267.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Caricamento in corso! Attendere prego…"
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Scegli un progetto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto dall'URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Inserisci l'URL del progetto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Aggiungi progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Aggiungi l'URL del progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un account manager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Connessione Internet assente"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "Comunicazione con il server progetto in corso…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Logo progetto."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Idea generale:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Area specifica:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descrizione:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Home:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Sito Web:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Questo progetto supporta i dispositivi Android"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Questo progetto non supporta i dispositivi Android"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Licenza per"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Creando un account per questo progetto, accetti i termini della licenza "
-"visualizzata sotto."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Fai il login con un account esistente"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "eMail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nome:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Password:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Nuovo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Registra un account per partecipare:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Visita il sito web del progetto per creare un account:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Il progetto non permette al momento la creazione di nuovi account!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registra"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Login"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Password dimenticata"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Comunicazione col progetto fallita!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Connesso"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Registrazione account per"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Progetto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "eMail:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nome:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Team:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Password:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Ripeti:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Crea"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un account manager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Utente:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Password:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Ripeti:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Aggiungi"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Utente non trovato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Password troppo corta"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Errore connessione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Password non corrispondenti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Inserire un URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Per favore inserisci un indirizzo eMail"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Per favore inserisci una password"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Per favore inserisci un nome utente"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fallito"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Nome utente rifiutato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "eMail già utilizzata"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Progetto offline"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "eMail rifiutata"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Password rifiutata"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "La creazione account è disabilitata su questo progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL invalido"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Indietro"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Fine"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Completato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Fallito"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Connetti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Verifica account"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Registra account"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Log in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un account manager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizza"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr "Premi qui per scegliere un progetto."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Whooops"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…questo non deve succedere!\n"
-"Clicca sull'icona per riprovare."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "icona BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Stato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Progetti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Elaborazioni"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Trasferimenti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Avvisi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigazione"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Elaborazione in corso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Grazie per la partecipazione."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Nulla da fare"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "In attesa di nuovi lavori…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Premi play per far ripartire la rete e l'elaborazione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Avvio in corso…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Scegli un progetto per partecipare."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Chiusura in corso…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Benchmark in corso…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "immagine progetto"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Lettura preferenze in corso…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Salva"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Inserisci il nuovo valore:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Seleziona:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Generale"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Rete"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Energia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Memoria fisica"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Memoria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Debug"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Visualizza preferenze avanzate e controlli…"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Elabora quando alimentato a Batteria"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Minimo livello batteria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC sospende l'elaborazione sotto il livello definito di carica della "
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Temperatura massima della batteria"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC sospende l'elaborazione sopra al livello definito di temperatura della "
-"batteria. Non è raccomandato il cambiamento di questo valore."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "Massimo spazio di salvataggio"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Quanta percentuale dello spazio di salvataggio può usare BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Minimo spazio su disco"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
 msgstr ""
-"Quanto dello spazio di salvataggio del tuo dispositivo deve rimanere libero?"
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Limite trasferimento giornaliero"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Limita il traffico giornaliero causato da BOINC."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Trasferisce i lavori solo su WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Avvio automatico"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Visualizza le notifiche quando sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Usa questo numero di core CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limita il numero di core CPU che BOINC usa per l'elaborazione."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Pausa con utilizzo CPU superiore a"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Determina quando BOINC ferma l'elaborazione a causa dell'utilizzo CPU di "
-"altre applicazioni."
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "limite CPU"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limita il tempo CPU che BOINC usa per l'elaborazione."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "limite RAM"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Limita il quantitativo di RAM che BOINC può occupare."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "Flag di log del Client BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "Livello di log della GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Specifica la verbosità dei messaggi di log della GUI."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Lettura progetti…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Aggiungi progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "icona Progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Crediti:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(su questo dispositivo)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(totale)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Sospeso dall'utente"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Non chiedere nuovi lavori"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Progetto terminato - Può essere rimosso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Verrà rimosso quando i lavori sono terminati"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in attesa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in corso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Messaggi trickle up in attesa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "Comunicazione tra:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Comandi progetto:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Visita il sito web"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aggiorna"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Rimuovi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Sospendi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Riprendi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Nessun nuovo lavoro"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permetti nuovi lavori"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Reset"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Comandi dell'account manager:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizza"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Disabilita"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Rimuovere il progetto?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "da BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Rimuovi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Reset progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler resettare"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Reset"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "Disabilita l'account manager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler terminare l'utilizzo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Disabilita"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Nome Lavoro:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Tempo trascorso:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(sospeso)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Deadline:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "nuovo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "in attesa del download"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "download completato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "errore elaborazione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "upload in corso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "upload completo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "annullato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "upload fallito"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "pronto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "elaborazione in corso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "in sospensione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "in sospensione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "progetto sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "pronto per il report"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Annullare elaborazione?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Annulla elaborazione:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Annulla"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancella"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Finestra di conferma"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Lettura trasferimenti…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Upload"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Download"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "riprova tra"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fallito"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "sospeso"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "attivo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "in attesa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "backoff del progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "File:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Ritenta i trasferimenti"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Annullare trasferimento?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Annulla File:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Annulla"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Lettura notizie..."
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Caricamento messaggi di log…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Messaggi del Client"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "Messaggi della GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Log copiato nella clipboard."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Log eventi per BOINC su Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
 msgstr ""
-"Connetti il tuo dispositivo ad un caricabatterie per continuare "
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Utente attivo."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Fuori tempo massimo di computazione."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC sta facendo il benchmark del tuo dispositivo…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Superato lo spazio disco."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "CPU throttle schedulato"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Nessuna attività dell'utente recente."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Ritardo di inizializzazione."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Un'applicazione esclusiva è in corso."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Il tuo dispositivo è occupato con altre applicazioni."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC ha raggiunto il limite di trasferimento dalla rete."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Fermato da Android."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Non connesso al WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
 msgstr ""
-"La batteria necessita di essere ricaricata prima di riprendere "
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
 msgstr ""
-"L'elaborazione riprenderà quando il livello di carica della batteria "
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "attualmente"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "In attesa che la batteria si raffreddi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Ripresa elaborazione…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "manualmente."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Richiesta dall'utente"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Richiesta lavoro"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Invio elaborazioni terminate"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Invio messaggi di trickle-up"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Richiesto dal gestore account"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Inizializzazione progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Richiesto dal progetto"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Motivo sconosciuto"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Refresh"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Invia una Email"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Copia nella Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Log Eventi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "Chiudi BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Sospendi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Riprendi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "About"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Return"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "About"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versione"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tutti i diritti riservati."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Premi qui per scegliere un progetto."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Connessione Internet assente"
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Android.po
index 757c5de..1fae3e4 100644
--- a/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,1142 +1,1135 @@
-# Portuguese (Brazil) translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# Brazilian Portuguese translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: pt_BR <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Bezig met laden! Even geduld..."
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Kies een project:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Project toevoegen via URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Projectspecifieke URL invoeren:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Project toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Projectspecifieke URL invoeren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Account manager toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Geen internetverbinding"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "Verbinding maken met projectspecifieke server..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Project logo."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Vakgebied:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Specifiek vakgebied:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Omschrijving:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Start:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Website:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Dit project ondersteunt Android-apparaten"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Dit project ondersteunt geen Android-apparaten"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Gebruiksvoorwaarden voor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Het aanmaken van een account bij dit project impliceert acceptatie van de "
-"gebruiksvoorwaarden zoals hierboven beschreven."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Aanmeldgegevens van bestaand account gebruiken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-mailadres:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Naam:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Nieuw bij"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Een account aanmaken voor deelname:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Bezoek projectspecifieke website om een account aan te maken:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Het aanmaken van een account is op dit moment niet mogelijk!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Aanmaken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Aanmelden"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord Vergeten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Verbinding met het project mislukt!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Bijgevoegd"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Account-registratie voor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Project:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "E-mailadres:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Naam:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Team:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "... Herhalen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Aanmaken"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Account manager toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Gebruiker:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "... Herhalen:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Gebruiker niet gevonden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Het wachtwoord is te kort"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Verbinding mislukt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Wachtwoorden zijn niet identiek"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Vul a.u.b. URL in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Voer uw e-mailadres in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Voer een wachtwoord in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Voer gebruikersnaam in"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "mislukt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Gebruikersnaam geweigerd"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "E-mailadres is al in gebruik"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Project is offline"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "E-mailadres geweigerd"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord geweigerd"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Aanmaken van een account is voor dit project niet mogelijk"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Ongeldig URL"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Vorige"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Voltooien"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Geslaagd"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Mislukt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Verbinden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Account verifiëren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Account registreren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Aanmelden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Account manager toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Bijwerken"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Oeps"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"...dit hoort niet te gebeuren!\n"
-"Klik op het icoontje om het opneuw te proberen."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "BOINC-icoon"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projecten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Taken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Overdrachten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Voorkeursinstellingen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Berichten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigatie"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Berekenen"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Dank u voor uw deelname."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Niets te doen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Wachten op taaktoewijzing..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
 msgstr ""
-"Klik op afspelen om de netwerkactiviteit en de berekeningen te hervatten."
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Opstarten..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Kies een project om aan deel te nemen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Bezig met afsluiten…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Bezig met benchmark..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "project afbeelding"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren inlezen..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Opslaan"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Voer nieuwe waarde in:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Selecteer:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Algemeen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Netwerk"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Energie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Processor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Opslag"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Geheugen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Foutoplossing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Toon geavanceerde voorkeuren en instellingen..."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Rekenen op Batterij"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Min. batterijniveau"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC pauzeert de berekening wanneer de batterijlading onder een gegeven "
-"niveau zakt."
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Max. batterij temperatuur"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC stopt met bereken boven de aangegeven batterij temperatuur. Het is "
-"niet aanbevolen om deze waarde te wijzigen."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "Max. gebruikte opslagruimte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Welk percentage opslagruimte mag BOINC gebruiken op dit apparaat?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Min. reserve opslagruimte"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Hoeveel van de opslagruimte moet er minimaal vrij blijven?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Dagelijkse overdracht limiet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Beperkt het dagelijkse dataverkeer van BOINC."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Taken alleen bijwerken via WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Autostart"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Laat bericht zien indien opgeschort"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Gebruikte CPU cores"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Beperkt het aantal gebruikte CPU cores voor BOINC berekeningen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Pauzeer bij CPU gebruik van meer dan"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
-msgstr "Bepaalt wanneer BOINC pauzeert bij CPU gebruik door andere apps."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "CPU limiet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Beperkt de CPU tijd gebruikt door BOINC voor berekeningen."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "Geheugen limiet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Beperkt de gebruikte hoeveelheid geheugen gebruikt door taken."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "BOINC Client log tekens"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "GUI log level"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Specificeert uitgebreidheid van GUI log berichten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Projecten inlezen..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Project toevoegen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Project icoon"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Punten:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(op dit apparaat)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(totaal)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Onderbroken door gebruiker"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Krijgt geen nieuwe taken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Project beëindigd - OK om te verwijderen "
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Wordt verwijderd als taken klaar zijn"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Bijwerkverzoek in behandeling"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Bijwerkverzoek is bezig"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Trickle up bericht in behandeling"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "Communicatie gepland over:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Project opdrachten:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Bezoek website"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Bijwerken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Verwijderen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Pauzeren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Hervatten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Geen nieuwe taken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Nieuwe taken toestaan"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Resetten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Accountmanager opdrachten:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Bijwerken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Uitzetten"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Project verwijderen?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "uit BOINC wilt verwijderen?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Verwijderen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Project resetten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Resetten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "Accountmanager uitzetten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je wilt stoppen met het gebruik van"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Uitzetten"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Taaknaam:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Verstreken tijd: "
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(onderbroken)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Deadline:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "nieuw"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "wacht op downloaden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "downloaden voltooid"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "verwerkingsfout"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "uploaden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "uploaden voltooid"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "afgebroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "uploaden mislukt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "voltooid"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "loopt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "onderbreken"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "onderbreken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "project onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "klaar om te rapporteren"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Taak afbreken?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Taak afbreken:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Afbreken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Annuleren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Bevestigingsdialoog"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Overdracht inlezen..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Upload"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Download"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "opnieuw over"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "mislukt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "onderbroken"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "actief"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "in behandeling"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "project wachttijd"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Bestand:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Opnieuw verzenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Overdracht afbreken?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Bestand afbreken:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Afbreken"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Berichten inlezen..."
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Log berichten laden..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Berichten van Cliënt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "GUI berichten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Log naar klembord gekopieerd."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Logberichten voor BOINC op Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Bewerking onderbroken."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Verbind het apparaat met een oplader om verder te gaan."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Gebruiker is actief."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Niet binnen berekenings-tijdsbestek."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC benchmarkt je apparaat…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Geen vrije schijfruimte over."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Geplande CPU beperking."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Geen recente gebruikers activiteit."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Initialiseren vertraagd."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Er wordt een exclusieve app uitgevoerd."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Apparaat is bezig met andere apps."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC transfer limiet is bereikt."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Gestopt door Android."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Niet verbonden met WiFi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr "Batterij moet opgeladen worden om berekeningen te hervatten."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Berekeningen worden hervat op batterij niveau van"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "huidig"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Wacht op afkoelen batterij"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Berekeningen hervatten..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "handmatig."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van gebruiker"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Om werk te verkrijgen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Om taken te rapporteren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Om trickle-up berichten te verzenden"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van accountmanager"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Project instellen"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Onbekende reden"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Ververs"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Verzend als email"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Naar klembord kopiëren"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Gebeurtenis Log"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC afsluiten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Onderbreek"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Hervatten"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Over"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Terug"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Over"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"All Rights Reserved."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Tik hier om een project te kiezen."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Geen internetverbinding"
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/sk/BOINC-Android.po
index b2b98c5..af765f8 100644
--- a/locale/sk/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/sk/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,51 +1,49 @@
 # Translations template for PROJECT.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-02 22:28+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: aceman <acelists at atlas.sk>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: sk\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1388701690.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Nahrávanie! Prosím, čakajte..."
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Vyberte si projekt:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Pridajte projekt podľa URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Vložte URL projektu:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Pridať projekt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Žiadne pripojenie na Internet"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
@@ -78,32 +76,31 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Popis:"
+msgstr ""
-# Это типа институт/университет, который владеет проектом
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Владелец:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Webová stránka:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Este projecto suporta dispositivos com Android"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Este projecto não suporta dispositivos com Android"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Условия использования для"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
@@ -117,393 +114,409 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Электронная почта:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Názov:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Heslo:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Впервые в"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Зарегистрировать учётную запись для участия:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Посетить веб-сайт проекта для создания учётной записи:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Проект в данный момент не позволяет создавать новые учётные записи!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrovať"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Prihlásiť sa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Восстановить пароль"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Сбой при установке связи с проектом!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Подключен"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Регистрация учётной записи для"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Projekt:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Электронная почта:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Názov:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Tím:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Heslo:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Повторите:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Vytvoriť"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Добавить менеджер проектов"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Пользователь:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Heslo:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Повторите:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Добавить"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Používateľ nenájdený"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Heslo je príliš krátke"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Pripojenie zlyhalo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Heslá sa líšia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Введите URL"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Zadajte prosím vašu e-mailovú adresu"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Prosím zadajte heslo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Prosím zadajte používateľské meno"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "zlyhalo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Имя пользователя не принято"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "Адрес электронной почты уже используется"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Проект выключен"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "Адрес электронной почты не принят"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Пароль не принят"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Создание учётной записи в данном проекте отключено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Неправильный адрес (URL)"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Späť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Dokončiť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Úspešné"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Zlyhalo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Pripojiť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Overiť účet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Registrovať účet"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Prihlásiť sa"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "Добавить менеджер проектов"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронизировать"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
 msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Ups"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…этого не должно было произойти!\n"
-"Нажмите на значок BOINC, чтобы попробовать ещё раз."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "Значок BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Статус"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Úlohy"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Prenosy"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Nastavenia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Oznamy"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigácia"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Výpočty"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Спасибо за участие."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Pozastavené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Нечего делать"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Ожидание заданий…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Pozastavené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Нажмите кнопку Play для возобновления расчётов и передачи данных."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Spúšťa sa…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Выбрать проект для участия."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Закрытие…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Test rýchlosti…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "изображение проекта"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Чтение настроек…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Uložiť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Zadajte novú hodnotu:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Выбрать:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Všeobecné"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Sieť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Napájanie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "Procesor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Ukladací priestor"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Pamäť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Ladenie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Показать дополнительные настройки и элементы управления…"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Realizar computação quando estiver só em Bateria"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Мин. уровень заряда батареи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC приостановит расчёты, когда заряд батареи будет ниже указанного "
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Макс. температура батареи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
@@ -521,609 +534,601 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Мин. свободное пространство"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Какой объём памяти вашего устройства должен оставаться свободным?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Ежедневный предел передачи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Ограничивает ежедневный трафик данных, вызванный BOINC."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Передавать задания только по WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Автозапуск"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Показывать уведомление, когда приостановлен"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Используемые ядра процессора"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
 msgstr ""
-"Ограничивает количество ядер процессора, которые использует BOINC для "
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Пауза при использовании процессора выше"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Определяет, когда BOINC останавливает расчёты из-за использования процессора "
-"другими приложениями."
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "Предельное время процессора"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Ограничивает время процессора, которое использует BOINC для расчётов."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "Ограничение ОЗУ"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Ограничивает объём ОЗУ, который задания могут занимать."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "Флаги журнала клиента BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "Уровень журнала GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Задает уровень детализации сообщений журнала GUI."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Чтение проектов…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Pridať projekt"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Значок проекта"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Очки:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(на этом устройстве)"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(total)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Приостановлен пользователем"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Проект завершён - ОК для удаления"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Будет удалён после завершения заданий"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Запрос информации у планировщика"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Производится запрос информации у планировщика"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Ожидание промежуточной отправки"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "Связь по расписанию:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Команды проекта:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Посетить веб-сайт"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualizovať"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Odstrániť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Pozastaviť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Pokračovať"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Не запрашивать задания"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Получать новые задания"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Сбросить"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Команды менеджера проектов:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронизировать"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Отключить"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Odstrániť projekt?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Naozaj chcete odstrániť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "z BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Odstrániť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Перезапустить проект"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Вы действительно хотите перезапустить"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Сбросить"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "Отключить менеджер проектов"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите прекратить использование"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Отключить"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Meno úlohy:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Uplynutý čas:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(pozastavené)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Крайний срок:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "nové"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "ожидание загрузки"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "sťahovanie dokončené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "ошибка расчётов"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "odosielanie"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "odosielanie dokončené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "prerušené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "odoslanie zlyhalo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "pripravené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "spustené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "pozastavené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "приостанавливается"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "приостанавливается"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "pozastavené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "проект приостановлен"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "готово для подтверждения"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Прервать задание?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Прервать задание:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Prerušiť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Zrušiť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Диалог подтверждения"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Чтение списка передач…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Odoslať"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Stiahnuť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "повтор через"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "zlyhalo"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "pozastavené"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "активна"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "ожидает"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "запрос к проекту отложен на"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Файл:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Повторить передачи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Прервать передачу?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Прервать файл:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Prerušiť"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Чтение уведомлений…"
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Загрузка сообщений журнала…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Сообщения клиента"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "Сообщения GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Журнал скопирован в буфер обмена."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Журнал событий для BOINC на Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Расчёты приостановлены."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
 msgstr ""
-"Подключите ваше устройство к зарядному устройству для продолжения расчётов."
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Пользователь работает."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Закончилось выделенное время для расчётов."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC измеряет производительность вашего устройства…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Закончилось свободное место на диске."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Запланированное ограничение нагрузки процессора."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Нет активности пользователя за последнее время."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Инициализация отложена."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Выполняется привилегированное приложение."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Ваше устройство занято другими приложениями."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC достиг ограничения передачи данных по сети."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Android остановил."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Нет подключения к WiFi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr "Необходимо подзарядить батарею для продолжения расчётов."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Расчёты возобновятся, когда заряд батареи достигнет"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "в данный момент"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Ожидание охлаждения батареи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Возобновление расчётов…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "вручную."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Запрошено пользователем"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Запросить задания"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Сообщить о завершённых заданиях"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Отправить промежуточное сообщение"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Запрошено менеджером проектов"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Инициализация проекта"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Запрошено проектом"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Neznámy dôvod"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Obnoviť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Отправить письмом"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Копировать в буфер обмена"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Журнал событий"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "Выйти из BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Pozastaviť"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Pokračovať"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "О"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Nápoveda"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Návrat"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "О"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Verzia"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "BOINC - Otvorená infraštruktúra pre sieťové výpočty z Berkeley"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003-2013 Калифорнийский университет, Беркли.\n"
-"Все права защищены."
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Android.po
index b2f0a4d..05ac70e 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,1224 +1,1135 @@
-# Chinese (China) translations for PACKAGE.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# None translations for PROJECT.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 ORGANIZATION
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-29 06:18+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 14:00-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: zh_CN <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1388297894.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr "Завантаження! Зачекайте, будь-ласка..."
+msgstr ""
 #. attach project
 #. project list
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr "Оберіть проект:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr "Додати проект за адресою (URL)"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr "Введіть адресу (URL) проекту:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Додати проект"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть адресу (URL) проекту"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr "Відсутнє з’єднання з Інтернетом"
+msgstr ""
 #. project login
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr "Встановлення з’єднання із сервером проекту"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr "Логотип проекту."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr "Загальна область:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr "Спеціальна область:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Опис:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr "Домівка:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr "Веб-сайт:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr "Android:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
-msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr "Este projecto suporta dispositivos com Android"
+msgid "Device type is supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
-msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr "Este projecto não suporta dispositivos com Android"
+msgid "Device is not supported by this project"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr "Умови використання для"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
-"Створюючи обліковий запис у цьому проекті, Ви приймаєте умови використання, "
-"що викладені вище."
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr "Увійти з існуючим обліковим записом"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Електронна пошта:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Ім'я:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Пароль:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr "Новий"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr "Зареєструвати обліковий запис для участі:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr "Відвідати інтернет сторінку проекту для створення облікового запису:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr "Зараз у проекті можна створювати нові облікові записи!"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Зареєструватися"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Увійти"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr "Забули пароль?"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Не вдалося з’єднатися з проектом!"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr "Додано"
+msgstr ""
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr "Реєстрація облікового запису для"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr "Проект:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr "Електронна пошта:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Ім'я:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Команда:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Пароль:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Повторити:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Створити"
+msgstr ""
 #. account manager
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr "Адреса (URL)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr "Користувач:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Пароль:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr "… Повторити:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Додати"
+msgstr ""
 #. error strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Користувача не знайдено"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr "Пароль надто короткий"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr "Невдала спроба зв’язку"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr "Паролі не збігаються"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть ім'я користувача"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr "Будь ласка, вкажіть адресу електронної пошти"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть пароль"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть ім'я користувача"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "невдало"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr "Ім'я користувача відхилене"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr "Електронна адреса вже використовується"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr "Проект поза мережею"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr "Адресу електронної пошти відхилено"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr "Пароль відхилено"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr "Можливість створення облікових записів в даному проекті відключена"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Неправильна адреса (URL)"
+msgstr ""
 #. working activity
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Назад"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Готово"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr "Успішно"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr "Невдало"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr "..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr "."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ":"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Підключитися"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr "Перевірити обліковий запис"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr "Зареєструвати обліковий запис"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Увійти"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронізувати"
+msgstr ""
 #. main activity
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr "Для обрання проекту натисніть тут."
+msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr "Ой!"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
-"…цього не повинно траплятися!\n"
-"Натисніть на іконці для повторної спроби."
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr "Іконка BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 #. tab names
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Статус"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Проекти"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Завдання"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Передачі"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Налаштування"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Примітки"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Навігація"
+msgstr ""
 #. status strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "Обчислення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr "Дякуємо за участь."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Нема роботи"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr "Очікування завдань…"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr "Призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr "Натисніть кнопку Грати для відновлення мережі і обчислень."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr "Запуск…"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr "Оберіть проект для прийняття участі в ньому."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr "Закриття..."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr "Тестування..."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr "зображення проекту"
+msgstr ""
 #. preferences tab strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr "Читання налаштувань..."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Зберегти"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr "Ввести нове значення:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr "Вибрати:"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Основні"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Мережа"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr "Живлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "ЦП"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr "Диск"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Пам`ять"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr "Діагностика"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr "Показати додаткові налаштування і елементи керування..."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_header"
+msgid "Power sources for computation"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_description"
+msgid "Selects power sources BOINC is allowed to use for computation."
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_ac"
+msgid "Wall socket"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
+msgid "USB connection"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_wireless"
+msgid "Wireless charger"
+msgstr ""
-msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
-msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr "Realizar computação quando estiver só em Bateria"
+msgctxt "prefs_power_source_battery"
+msgid "Battery"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr "Низький заряд батареї"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
-msgstr "BOINC призупиняє обчислення нижче визначеного рівня заряду акумулятора."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr "Макс. температура батареї"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC призупинить розрахунки, коли температура батареї перевищить вказаний "
-"рівень. Не рекомендовано змінювати це значення."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr "Макс. використаний об’єм диска"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr "Скільки відсотків дискового простору може використовувати BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr "Мін. запас дискового простору"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr "Скільки вашого дискового простору повинно залишитися вільним?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr "Денний ліміт передачі"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr "Обмеження щоденної передачі даних, що здійснює BOINC."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr "Передавати завдання тільки через WiFi"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr "Автозапуск"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr "Показати повідомлення коли призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr "Використано ядер ЦП"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Обмежує кількість ядер ЦП, які BOINC використовує для обчислень."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr "Використання ЦП призупинене"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"Визначає коли призупиняти обчислення BOINC через використання ЦП іншими "
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr "Обмеження ЦП"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Обмежує процесорний час роботи, який BOINC використовує для обчислень."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr "обмеження RAM"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr "Обмеження кількості RAM, доступної для використання."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr "Прапорці журналу клієнта BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr "Рівень журналу GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr "Задає рівень деталізації повідомлень журналу GUI."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr "Мб"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr "Гб"
+msgstr ""
 #, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr "%"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr "°C"
+msgstr ""
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr "Читання проектів..."
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr "Додати проект"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr "Значок проекту"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr "Бали:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr "(на цьому пристрої)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr "(загалом)"
+msgstr ""
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Призупинено користувачем"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Не приймає нові завдання"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Проект завершений - Гаразд для видалення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Буде видалено після завершення завдань"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Запит інформації у планувальника"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Відбувається запит інформації у планувальника"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Очікування проміжного відправлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr "Зв’язок за розкладом:"
+msgstr ""
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr "Команди проекту:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr "Відвідати веб-сайт"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Оновити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Видалити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Відновити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Не завантажувати нові завдання"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Отримувати нові завдання"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Скинути"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr "Команди менеджера проектів:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронізувати"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Відключити"
+msgstr ""
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr "Видалити проект?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr "Ви справді хочете видалити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr "із BOINC?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Видалити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Перезапустити проект"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Ви справді хочете перезапустити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Скинути"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr "Ви справді хочете перезапустити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Відключити"
+msgstr ""
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr "Назва завдання:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr "Витрачено часу:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr "(призупинено)"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr "Кінцевий термін:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr "новий"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr "очікування завантаження"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr "звантаження завершене"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr "помилка обчислень"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr "Відправлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr "відправлення завершене"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr "перервано"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr "невдала спроба відправлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr "готово"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr "працює"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "призупинення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr "призупинення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr "проект призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr "готовий до звітування"
+msgstr ""
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr "Перервати завдання?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Перервати завдання:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Перервати"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Скасувати"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr "Діалог підтвердження"
+msgstr ""
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr "Читання передач..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Відправлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Завантаження"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr "повтор через"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr "невдало"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "призупинено"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr "активна"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr "в очікуванні"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr "запит до проекту відкладено на"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr "Файл:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr "Повторити передачі"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr "Перервати передачу?"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr "Перервати файл:"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Перервати"
+msgstr ""
 #. notices tab strings
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr "Читання проектів..."
+msgstr ""
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr "Завантаження повідомлень журналу..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr "Повідомлення клієнта"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr "Повідомлення GUI"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr "Журнал скопійований в буфер обміну."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr "Журнал подій для BOINC на Android:"
+msgstr ""
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr "Обчислення призупинене."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr "Підключіть свій пристрій до зарядного для продовження розрахунків."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr "Працює користувач."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr "Закінчився час, виділений для обчислень."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr "BOINC визначає продуктивність вашого пристрою..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr "Недостатньо місця на диску."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr "Заплановане обмеження навантаження процесора."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr "Останнім часом користувач неактивний."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr "Ініціалізація відкладена."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr "Виконується привілейований додаток."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr "Ваш пристрій зайнятий іншими додатками."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr "BOINC досяг межі передачі даних мережею."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr "Зупинено Android-ом."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr "Відсутнє підключення до WiFi."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr "Необхідно зарядити батарею для продовження розрахунків."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr "Розрахунки продовжаться, коли заряд батареї досягне"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr "зараз"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr "Очікування охолодження батареї"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr "Поновлення розрахунків..."
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr "вручну."
+msgstr ""
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "На вимогу користувача"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Надіслати запит на завдання"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Повідомити про виконані завдання"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Надіслати проміжне повідомлення"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Ініціалізація проекту"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "На запит проекту"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Невідома причина"
+msgstr ""
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Оновити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr "Надіслати електронною поштою"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "Копіювати в буфер обміну"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr "Журнал подій"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr "Вийти з BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Призупинити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Відновити"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Про"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Довідка"
+msgstr ""
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Повернутися"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr "Про"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Версія"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Відкрита інфраструктура для розподілених обчислень університету Берклі"
+msgstr ""
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"© 2003-2013 Університет Каліфорнії, Берклі.\n"
-"Всі права захищено."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
-#~ msgid "Tap here to choose a project."
-#~ msgstr "Carregue aqui para escolher um projecto."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgctxt "prefs_power_source_usb"
-#~ msgid "USB connection"
-#~ msgstr "Sem conexão de Internet"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-boinc/boinc.git

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