[boinc] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 7.6.7+dfsg
Gianfranco Costamagna
locutusofborg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 20 17:54:26 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
locutusofborg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository boinc.
commit b5fd5472a1493379bd91d5c8b36886e0c467d4d4
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>
Date: Wed Aug 19 14:45:00 2015 +0200
Imported Upstream version 7.6.7+dfsg
android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml | 4 +-
android/BOINC/res/values-it_rIT/strings.xml | 360 +++
android/BOINC/res/values-ka/strings.xml | 360 +++
android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml | 99 +-
client/app.cpp | 1 +
client/app_control.cpp | 2 +
client/cpu_sched.cpp | 1 -
client/gpu_nvidia.cpp | 13 +-
client/hostinfo_unix.cpp | 5 +-
client/main.cpp | 16 +-
client/project.cpp | 6 +-
client/project.h | 6 +-
clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp | 16 +-
clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h | 2 +
clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp | 12 +-
clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp | 38 +-
clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp | 40 +-
configure.ac | 4 +-
lib/diagnostics.cpp | 8 +
lib/gui_rpc_client.h | 2 +
lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp | 21 +
lib/str_util.cpp | 31 +
lib/str_util.h | 1 +
locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 75500 -> 75643 bytes
locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po | 664 +++---
locale/de/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 80139 -> 80193 bytes
locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po | 670 +++---
locale/en/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 73318 -> 73274 bytes
locale/en/BOINC-Manager.po | 592 ++---
locale/es/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 37118 -> 37016 bytes
locale/es/BOINC-Web.po | 722 +++---
locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 81415 -> 81360 bytes
locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po | 594 ++---
locale/fr/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 31217 -> 38231 bytes
locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 79099 -> 79064 bytes
locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po | 598 ++---
locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 30036 -> 36510 bytes
locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 91348 -> 91465 bytes
locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po | 279 +--
locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po | 359 +--
locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 81811 -> 81894 bytes
locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po | 662 +++---
locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 31861 -> 38261 bytes
locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po | 321 ++-
locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 77957 -> 78002 bytes
locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po | 676 +++---
locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.mo | Bin 4963 -> 4971 bytes
locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.po | 12 +-
locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po | 360 +--
locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 105574 -> 105561 bytes
locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po | 596 ++---
locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 41346 -> 50324 bytes
locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po | 323 ++-
locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot | 588 ++---
locale/tr/BOINC-Drupal.po | 1518 ++++++++++++
locale/tr/BOINC-Project-Generic.po | 3352 ++++++++++++++-------------
locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 36925 -> 37496 bytes
locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po | 729 +++---
locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.mo | Bin 73466 -> 73346 bytes
locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po | 595 ++---
locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo | Bin 27169 -> 32821 bytes
locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po | 334 ++-
locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Setup.mo | Bin 2794 -> 2794 bytes
samples/gfx_html/browser_win.h | 18 -
samples/gfx_html/browser_win.rc | 96 -
version.log | 2 +-
66 files changed, 9380 insertions(+), 6328 deletions(-)
diff --git a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
index 1a9bf41..81b1b4a 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:versionCode="120"
- android:versionName="7.6.6" > <!-- installation on SD card would break boot receiver -->
+ android:versionCode="121"
+ android:versionName="7.6.7" > <!-- installation on SD card would break boot receiver -->
<!-- Add Google Play store metadata informing the store we can run on tablets and other large screen devices -->
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-it_rIT/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-it_rIT/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433f438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-it_rIT/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--app global-->
+ <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
+ <!--generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs-->
+ <string name="generic_loading">Caricamento in corso! Attendere prego…</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_continue">Continua</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_finish">Fine</string>
+ <!--attach project-->
+ <!--selection list-->
+ <string name="attachproject_list_desc">Seleziona il progetto al quale vuoi contribuire:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_header">Scegli un progetto:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Aggiungi un progetto dall\'URL</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Inserisci l\'URL del progetto:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">Aggiungi progetto</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Aggiungi l\'URL del progetto</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Connessione Internet assente</string>
+ <!--credential input-->
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_sing_desc">Inserisci le informazioni account</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_desc">Inserisci le account informazioni per i progetti selezionati:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_show_pwd">Visualizza password</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_individual_credential_input">Aggiungi progetti individualmente</string>
+ <!--conflicts-->
+ <string name="attachproject_conflicts_desc">Si sono verificati errori nell\'aggiunta dei seguenti progetti:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_undefined">Impossibile connettersi</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_not_unique">L\'account esiste già con una password differente</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_bad_password">Password errata</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user">Account inesistente</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user_creation_disabled">Account inesistente, visita il sito web del progetto per registrarlo</string>
+ <!--working-->
+ <string name="attachproject_working_attaching">Connessione in corso</string>
+ <!--e.g. Attaching Einstein at Home-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hints_header">Aiuto</string>
+ <!--e.g. Hint 1/2-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_header">Come contribuire:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_wifi">1. Connetti ad una rete WIFI</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_charger">2. Inserisci il Caricabatterie</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_screen">3. Spegni lo schermo</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_header">Visita il sito web del progetto a:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_science">Scopri di più sul calcolo scientifico</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_stats">Vedi le statistiche dei contributi</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_community">Parla con altri volontari</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_platforms_header">BOINC è anche disponibile per il tuo computer o laptop, visita boinc.berkeley.edu per saperne di più.</string>
+ <!--project login-->
+ <string name="attachproject_login_loading">Comunicazione con il server progetto in corso…</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Logo progetto.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Idea generale:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">Area specifica:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">Descrizione:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">Home:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">Sito Web:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">Questo progetto supporta i dispositivi Android</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">Questo progetto non supporta i dispositivi Android</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">Licenza per</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">Creando un account per questo progetto, accetti i termini della licenza visualizzata sotto.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">Fai il login con un account esistente</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">eMail:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">Nome:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">Password:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">Nuovo</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">Registra un account per partecipare:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">Visita il sito web del progetto per creare un account:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">Il progetto non permette al momento la creazione di nuovi account!</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">Registra</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">Login</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Password dimenticata</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Comunicazione col progetto fallita!</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_attached">Connesso</string>
+ <!--project registration-->
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header">Registrazione account per</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Progetto:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">eMail:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">Nome:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">Team:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Password:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">… Ripeti:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_button">Crea</string>
+ <!--account manager-->
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_list_desc">Usa un account manager BOINC per aggiungere e gestire progetti multipli</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Utente:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Password:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">… Ripeti:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Aggiungi</string>
+ <!--error strings-->
+ <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Utente non trovato</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Password troppo corta</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Errore connessione</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Password non corrispondenti</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_retype">Per favore inserisci nuovamente la password</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Inserire un URL</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Per favore inserisci un indirizzo eMail</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Per favore inserisci una password</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">Per favore inserisci un nome utente</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">fallito</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">Nome utente rifiutato</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">eMail già utilizzata</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">Progetto offline</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">eMail rifiutata</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Password rifiutata</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">La creazione account è disabilitata su questo progetto</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">URL invalido</string>
+ <!--working activity-->
+ <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Indietro</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Fine</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Completato</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">Fallito</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">…</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_connect">Connetti</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_verify">Verifica account</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_register">Registra account</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_login">Log in</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Aggiungi un account manager</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Sincronizza</string>
+ <!--main activity-->
+ <string name="main_noproject_warning">Premi qui per scegliere un progetto.</string>
+ <string name="main_error">Whooops</string>
+ <string name="main_error_long">…questo non deve succedere!\nClicca sull\'icona per riprovare.</string>
+ <string name="main_title_icon_desc">icona BOINC</string>
+ <!--tab names-->
+ <string name="tab_status">Stato</string>
+ <string name="tab_projects">Progetti</string>
+ <string name="tab_tasks">Elaborazioni</string>
+ <string name="tab_transfers">Trasferimenti</string>
+ <string name="tab_preferences">Preferenze</string>
+ <string name="tab_notices">Avvisi</string>
+ <string name="tab_desc">Navigazione</string>
+ <!--status strings-->
+ <string name="status_running">Elaborazione in corso</string>
+ <string name="status_running_long">Grazie per la partecipazione.</string>
+ <string name="status_paused">Sospeso</string>
+ <string name="status_idle">Nulla da fare</string>
+ <string name="status_idle_long">In attesa di nuovi lavori…</string>
+ <string name="status_computing_disabled">Sospeso</string>
+ <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">Premi play per far ripartire la rete e l\'elaborazione</string>
+ <string name="status_launching">Avvio in corso…</string>
+ <string name="status_noproject">Scegli un progetto per partecipare.</string>
+ <string name="status_closing">Chiusura in corso…</string>
+ <string name="status_benchmarking">Benchmark in corso…</string>
+ <string name="status_image_description">immagine progetto</string>
+ <!--preferences tab strings-->
+ <string name="prefs_loading">Lettura preferenze in corso…</string>
+ <string name="prefs_submit_button">Salva</string>
+ <string name="prefs_dialog_title">Inserisci il nuovo valore:</string>
+ <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Seleziona:</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_general">Generale</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_network">Rete</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_power">Energia</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_cpu">CPU</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_storage">Memoria fisica</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memoria</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_debug">Debug</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Visualizza preferenze avanzate e controlli…</string>
+ <string name="prefs_suspend_when_screen_on">Interrompi il calcolo quando lo schermo è acceso</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_header">Modalità dispositivo stazionario</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_description">Permetti il calcolo a prescindere dalle preferenze di elettricità. Abilitalo solo se il dispositivo non ha una batteria.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_header">Sorgente di elettricità per il calcolo</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_description">Seleziona le sorgenti di elettricità che BOINC può usare per il calcolo.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_ac">Caricabatterie a muro</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_usb">Connessione USB</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_wireless">Caricabatterie wireless</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_battery">Batteria</string>
+ <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Minimo livello batteria</string>
+ <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC sospende l\'elaborazione sotto il livello definito di carica della batteria.</string>
+ <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura massima della batteria</string>
+ <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC sospende l\'elaborazione sopra al livello definito di temperatura della batteria. Non è raccomandato il cambiamento di questo valore.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">Massimo spazio di salvataggio</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Quanta percentuale dello spazio di salvataggio può usare BOINC?</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Minimo spazio su disco</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Quanto dello spazio di salvataggio del tuo dispositivo deve rimanere libero?</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_header">Intervallo di accesso</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_description">Suggerisci un intervallo tra le scritture su disco</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Limite trasferimento giornaliero</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita il traffico giornaliero causato da BOINC.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Trasferisce i lavori solo su WiFi</string>
+ <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Avvio automatico</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_notices_header">Visualizza notifiche per nuove notizie</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_suspended_header">Visualizza notifiche quando sospeso</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Usa questo numero di core CPU</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita il numero di core CPU che BOINC usa per l\'elaborazione.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa con utilizzo CPU superiore a</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">Determina quando BOINC ferma l\'elaborazione a causa dell\'utilizzo CPU di altre applicazioni.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">limite CPU</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">Limita il tempo CPU che BOINC usa per l\'elaborazione.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">limite RAM</string>
+ <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">Limita il quantitativo di RAM che BOINC può occupare.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">Flag di log del Client BOINC</string>
+ <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">Livello di log della GUI</string>
+ <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">Specifica la verbosità dei messaggi di log della GUI.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_mb">MB</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_seconds">secondi</string>
+ <!--projects tab strings-->
+ <string name="projects_loading">Lettura progetti…</string>
+ <string name="projects_add">Aggiungi progetto</string>
+ <string name="projects_icon">icona Progetto</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_header">Crediti:</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(su questo dispositivo)</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(totale)</string>
+ <!--project status strings-->
+ <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Sospeso dall\'utente</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Non chiedere nuovi lavori</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_ended">Progetto terminato - Può essere rimosso</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">Verrà rimosso quando i lavori sono terminati</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">Richiesta allo scheduler in attesa</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Richiesta allo scheduler in corso</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Messaggi trickle up in attesa</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_backoff">Comunicazione tra:</string>
+ <!--project controls-->
+ <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Comandi progetto:</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_visit_website">Visita il sito web</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_update">Aggiorna</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_remove">Rimuovi</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_suspend">Sospendi</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_resume">Riprendi</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">Nessun nuovo lavoro</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">Permetti nuovi lavori</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_reset">Reset</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Comandi dell\'account manager:</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Sincronizza</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Disabilita</string>
+ <!--project confirm dialog-->
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Rimuovere il progetto?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">da BOINC?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Rimuovi</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Reset progetto</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Sei sicuro di voler resettare</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message2">\?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Reset</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Disabilita l\'account manager</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Sei sicuro di voler terminare l\'utilizzo</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message2">\?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Disabilita</string>
+ <!--tasks tab strings-->
+ <string name="tasks_header_name">Nome Lavoro:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Tempo trascorso:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(sospeso)</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_deadline">Deadline:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_new">nuovo</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">in attesa del download</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">download completato</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">errore elaborazione</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">upload in corso</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">upload completo</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_aborted">annullato</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">upload fallito</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">pronto</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_executing">elaborazione in corso</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_suspended">sospeso</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">in sospensione</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">in sospensione</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">sospeso</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">progetto sospeso</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">pronto per il report</string>
+ <!--confirmation dialog-->
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Annullare elaborazione?</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Annulla elaborazione:</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Annulla</string>
+ <string name="confirm_cancel">Cancella</string>
+ <string name="confirm_image_desc">Finestra di conferma</string>
+ <!--transfers tab strings-->
+ <string name="trans_loading">Lettura trasferimenti…</string>
+ <string name="trans_upload">Upload</string>
+ <string name="trans_download">Download</string>
+ <string name="trans_retryin">riprova tra</string>
+ <string name="trans_failed">fallito</string>
+ <string name="trans_suspended">sospeso</string>
+ <string name="trans_active">attivo</string>
+ <string name="trans_pending">in attesa</string>
+ <string name="trans_projectbackoff">backoff del progetto</string>
+ <string name="trans_header_name">File:</string>
+ <string name="trans_control_retry">Ritenta i trasferimenti</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Annullare trasferimento?</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Annulla File:</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Annulla</string>
+ <!--notices tab strings-->
+ <string name="notices_loading">Lettura notizie...</string>
+ <!--eventlog tab strings-->
+ <string name="eventlog_loading">Caricamento messaggi di log…</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_client_header">Messaggi del Client</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_gui_header">Messaggi della GUI</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Log copiato nella clipboard.</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_email_subject">Log eventi per BOINC su Android:</string>
+ <!--suspend reasons-->
+ <string name="suspend_unknown">Elaborazione sospesa.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_batteries">Connetti il tuo dispositivo ad un caricabatterie per continuare l\'eleborazione.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_screen_on">Spegni lo schermo per continuare il calcolo.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_useractive">Utente attivo.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_tod">Fuori tempo massimo di computazione.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC sta facendo il benchmark del tuo dispositivo…</string>
+ <string name="suspend_disksize">Superato lo spazio disco.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">CPU throttle schedulato</string>
+ <string name="suspend_noinput">Nessuna attività dell\'utente recente.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_delay">Ritardo di inizializzazione.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">Un\'applicazione esclusiva è in corso.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_cpu">Il tuo dispositivo è occupato con altre applicazioni.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC ha raggiunto il limite di trasferimento dalla rete.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_os">Fermato da Android.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_wifi">Non connesso al WiFi</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging">La batteria necessita di essere ricaricata prima di riprendere l\'elaborazione.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">L\'elaborazione riprenderà quando il livello di carica della batteria raggiunge</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long2"></string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">attualmente</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">In attesa che la batteria si raffreddi</string>
+ <string name="suspend_user_req">Ripresa elaborazione…</string>
+ <string name="suspend_network_user_req">manualmente.</string>
+ <!--rpc reasons-->
+ <string name="rpcreason_userreq">Richiesta dall\'utente</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_needwork">Richiesta lavoro</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Invio elaborazioni terminate</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">Invio messaggi di trickle-up</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">Richiesto dal gestore account</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_init">Inizializzazione progetto</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Richiesto dal progetto</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_unknown">Motivo sconosciuto</string>
+ <!--menu-->
+ <string name="menu_refresh">Refresh</string>
+ <string name="menu_emailto">Invia una Email</string>
+ <string name="menu_copy">Copia nella Clipboard</string>
+ <string name="menu_eventlog">Log Eventi</string>
+ <string name="menu_exit">Chiudi BOINC</string>
+ <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">Sospendi</string>
+ <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Riprendi</string>
+ <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+ <string name="menu_help">Help</string>
+ <!--about dialog-->
+ <string name="about_button">Return</string>
+ <string name="about_title">About</string>
+ <string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
+ <string name="about_version">Versione</string>
+ <string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
+ <string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\nTutti i diritti riservati.</string>
+ <string name="about_copyright_reserved">Tutti i Diritti Riservati.</string>
+ <string name="about_credits">Grazie all\'istituto Max Planck per la Fisica Gravitazionale, la IBM Corporation e la HTC Corporation per il loro supporto.</string>
+ <!--notice notification-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_single_header">Nuova notizia da</string>
+ <!--e.g. New notice from SETI at HOME-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_multiple_header">nuovi avvisi</string>
+ <!--e.g. 3 new notices-->
+ <!--multi BOINC compitability-->
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_header">Applicazione di calcolo distribuito rilevata</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_text">Un\'altra applicazione di calcolo distribuito volontario è in uso su questo dispositivo. Solo una versione per volta può essere utilizzata.</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_exit">Esci</string>
+ <!--social integration-->
+ <string name="social_invite_button">Invita amici</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_intent_title">Come vuoi condividere?</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_title">Sto facendo calcoli scientifici dal mio smartphone!</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_body">Sto usando il mio %1$s per fare calcolo scientifico distribuito. Anche tu puoi! Scarica l\'applicazione da: %2$s</string>
+ <!--first parameter: device manufacturer, second: URL-->
+ <string name="social_invite_content_url">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.berkeley.boinc</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ka/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ka/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d14c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ka/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--app global-->
+ <string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
+ <!--generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs-->
+ <string name="generic_loading">მიმდინარეობს ჩატვირთვა! გთხოვთ, დაელოდოთ...</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_continue">გაგრძელება</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_finish">დასრულება</string>
+ <!--attach project-->
+ <!--selection list-->
+ <string name="attachproject_list_desc">აირჩიეთ მეცნიერული პროექტები, რომელშიც გსურთ ღვაწლის შეტანა:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_header">აირჩიეთ პროექტი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">პროექტის დამატება URL-ის მეშვეობით</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">შეიყვანეთ პროექტის URL-ი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button">პროექტის დამატება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ პროექტის URL-ი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">ანგარიშის მმართველის დამატება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">არ არის ინტერნეტ კავშირი</string>
+ <!--credential input-->
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_sing_desc">შეიყვანეთ ანგარიშის ინფორმაცია</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_desc">შეიყვანეთ ანგარიშის ინფორმაცია შემდეგი პროექტებისთვის:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_show_pwd">პაროლის ჩვენება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_individual_credential_input">პროექტების მიბმა ინდივიდუალურად</string>
+ <!--conflicts-->
+ <string name="attachproject_conflicts_desc">მოხდა შეცდომა მეცნიერული პროექტების მიბმისას:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_undefined">ვერ მოხერხდა შეერთება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_not_unique">ანგარიში არსებობს განსხვავებული პაროლით</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_bad_password">პაროლი არასწორია</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user">ანგარიში არ არსებობს</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user_creation_disabled">ანგარიში არ არსებობს, ეწვიეთ პროექტის ვებ-გვერდს დასარეგისტრირებლად</string>
+ <!--working-->
+ <string name="attachproject_working_attaching">მიმდინარეობს მიბმა</string>
+ <!--e.g. Attaching Einstein at Home-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hints_header">მინიშნება</string>
+ <!--e.g. Hint 1/2-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_header">როგორ შეიტანოთ ღვაწლი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_wifi">1. შეუერთდით WiFi-ს</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_charger">2. შეაერთეთ დამტენი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_screen">3. გამორთეთ ეკრანი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_header">შედით პროექტის ვებ-გვერდებზე შემდეგისთვის:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_science">გაიგოთ მეტი მეცნიერებაზე</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_stats">ნახოთ ღვაწლის შეტანის სტატისტიკა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_community">დაუკავშირდეთ სხვა მოხალისეებს</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_platforms_header">BOINC ასევე არის მისაწვდომი თქვენი კომპიუტერისთვის ან ლეპტოპისთვის, ეწვიეთ boinc.berkeley.edu მეტის გასაგებად.</string>
+ <!--project login-->
+ <string name="attachproject_login_loading">მიმდინარეობს დაკავშირება პროექტის სერვერთან...</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_image_description">პროექტის ლოგოტიპი.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">ზოგადი სფერო:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_specific_area">კერძო სფერო:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_description">აღწერა:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_home">სახლი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_url">ვებ-გვერდი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_platform">Android:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_platform_supported">ამ პროექტს აქვს მოწყობილობის ტიპის მხარდაჭერა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_platform_not_supported">ამ პროექტს არ აქვს მოწობილობის მხარდაჭერა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use">შემდეგის გამოყენების პირობები</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use">ამ პროექტში ანგარიშის შექმნით, თქვენ ეთანხმებით გამოყენების პირობებს, როგორც ნაჩვენებია ზემოთ.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_login">შესვლა არსებული ანგარიშით</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_email">ელ.ფოსტა:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_id_name">სახელი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_pwd">პაროლი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_category_creation">ახალი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled">დაარეგისტრირეთ ანგარიში მონაწილეობის მისაღებად:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled">ეწვიეთ პროექტის ვებ-გვერდს ანგარიშის შესაქმენალდ:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled">ეს პროექტი ამჟამად არ იღებს ახალ ანგარიშებს.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_registration">დარეგისტრირება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_login">შესვლა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">პროექტთან დაკავშირება ვერ მოხერხდა!</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_login_attached">მიბმული</string>
+ <!--project registration-->
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header">შემდეგისთვის ანგარიშის დარეგისტრირება:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">პროექტი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">ელ.ფოსტა:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_username">სახელი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_teamname">გუნდი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">პაროლი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">... თავიდან:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_registration_button">შექმნა</string>
+ <!--account manager-->
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_list_desc">გამოიყენეთ BOINC ანგარიშის მმართველი მრავალი პროექტის დასამატებლად და სამართველად</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">ანგარიშის მმართველის დამატება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL-ი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">მომხმარებელი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">აროლი:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">... თავიდან:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">დამატება</string>
+ <!--error strings-->
+ <string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">მომხმარებელი ვერ მოიძებნა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">პაროლი ნამეტანი მოკლეა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">შეერთების შეცდომა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">პაროლები არ დაემთხვა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_retype">გთხოვთ, თავიდან შეიყვანოთ პაროლი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_url">გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ URL-ი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_email">გთხოვ, შეიყვანოთ ელ.ფოსტის მისამართი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ პაროლი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_no_name">გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ მომხმარებლის სახელი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_unknown">ვერ მოხერხდა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_bad_username">მომხმარებლის სახელი იქნა უარყოფილი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_email_in_use">ელ.ფოსტა უკვე გამოიყენება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_project_down">პროექტი არ არის ქსელში</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax">ელ.ფოსტა იქნა უარყოფილი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">პაროლი იქნა უარყოფილი</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">ანგარიშის შექნა გათიშულია ამ პროექტზე</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">არასწორი URL-ი</string>
+ <!--working activity-->
+ <string name="attachproject_working_back_button">უკან</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">დასრულებასრულება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">წარმატებული</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_failed_desc">ვერ მოხერხდა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_ongoing">...</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_finished">.</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_description">:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_connect">დაკავშირება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_verify">ანგარიშის შემოწმება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_register">ანგარიშის დარეგისტრირება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_login">შესვლა</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">ანგარიშის მმართველის დამატება</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">სინქრონიზირება</string>
+ <!--main activity-->
+ <string name="main_noproject_warning">დააჭირეთ აქ პროექტის ასარჩევად.</string>
+ <string name="main_error">უფს</string>
+ <string name="main_error_long">...ეს არ უნდა მოხდეს!\nდააჭირეთ იარლიყს თავიდან საცდელად.</string>
+ <string name="main_title_icon_desc">BOINC-ის იარლიყი</string>
+ <!--tab names-->
+ <string name="tab_status">სტატუსი</string>
+ <string name="tab_projects">პროექტები</string>
+ <string name="tab_tasks">დავალებები</string>
+ <string name="tab_transfers">გზავნილები</string>
+ <string name="tab_preferences">პარამეტრები</string>
+ <string name="tab_notices">შეტყობინებები</string>
+ <string name="tab_desc">ნავიგაცია</string>
+ <!--status strings-->
+ <string name="status_running">მიმდინარეობს გამოთვლა</string>
+ <string name="status_running_long">გიხდის მადლობას მონაწილების მიღებისათვის.</string>
+ <string name="status_paused">შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="status_idle">გასაკეთებელი არაფერია</string>
+ <string name="status_idle_long">დავალებების ლოდინში...</string>
+ <string name="status_computing_disabled">შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="status_computing_disabled_long">გთხოვთ, დააჭიროთ \"დაკვრას\" ქსელის და გამოთვლის გასაგრძელებლად.</string>
+ <string name="status_launching">მიმდინარეობს დაწყება...</string>
+ <string name="status_noproject">აირჩიეთ პროექტი მონაწილეობის მისაღებად.</string>
+ <string name="status_closing">მიმდინარეობს დახურვა...</string>
+ <string name="status_benchmarking">მიმდინარეობს წარმადობის შემოწმება...</string>
+ <string name="status_image_description">პროექტის სურათი</string>
+ <!--preferences tab strings-->
+ <string name="prefs_loading">მიმდინარეობს პარამეტრების წაკითხვა...</string>
+ <string name="prefs_submit_button">შენახვა</string>
+ <string name="prefs_dialog_title">შეიყვანეთ ახალი მნიშვნელობა:</string>
+ <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">აირჩიეთ:</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_general">ზოგადი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_network">ქსელი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_power">ძაბვა</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_cpu">ცპ</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_storage">მეხსიერება</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_memory">ოპერატიული მეხსიერება</string>
+ <string name="prefs_category_debug">დებაგი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">დამატებითი პარამეტრების და კონტროლების ჩვენება...</string>
+ <string name="prefs_suspend_when_screen_on">გამოთვლის შეჩერება, როდესაც ეკრანი ჩართული</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_header">მოწყობილობის სტაციონარული რეჟიმი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_description">გამოთვლის ნებართვა ძაბვის პარამეტრების მიუხედავად. ჩართეთ მხოლოდ მაშინ, თუ მოწყობილობას არ აქვს ბატარეა.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_header">ძაბვის წყაროები გამოთვლისთვის</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_description">აირჩიეთ ძაბვის წყაროები, რომლების გამოყენების უფლება აქვს BOINC-ს გამოთვლებისთვის.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_ac">შტეფსელი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_usb">USB კავშირი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_wireless">უსადენო დამტენი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_battery">ბატარეა</string>
+ <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">მინ. ბატარეის დონე</string>
+ <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC-ი აჩერებს გამოთვლა მითითებული ბატარეის მუხტის დონის ქვემოთ.</string>
+ <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">მაქს. ბატარეის ტემპერატურა</string>
+ <string name="battery_temperature_max_description">BOINC-ი აჩერებს გამოთვლა მითითებული ბატარეის ტემპერატურის ზემოთ. არ არის რეკომენდებული ამ მნიშვნელობის შეცვლა..</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_header">მაქს. გამოყენებული მეხსიერების ადგილი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">თქვენი მოწყობილობის მეხსიერების ადგილის რამდენი პროცენტის გამოყენების უფლება აქვს BOINC-ს?</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">მინ. თავისუფალი მეხსიერება</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">თქვენი მოწყობილობის მეხსიერების რამდენი ადგილი უნდა დარჩეს ცარელად?</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_header">წვდომის ინტერვალი</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_description">აყენებს დისკზე წვდომის ინტერვალს</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">დღიური გზავნის შეზღუდვა</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">ზღუდავს დღიურ მონაცემთა გზავნილებს, რომელიც გამოწვეულია BOINC-ის მიერ</string>
+ <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">დავალებების გაგზავნა მხოლოდ WiFi-თ</string>
+ <string name="prefs_autostart_header">ავტოგაშვება</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_notices_header">შეტყობინების ჩვენება ახალ შეტყობინებებზე</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_suspended_header">შეტყობინებების ჩვენება, როდესაც შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">გამოყენებული ცპ-ს ბირთვები</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">ზღუდავს გამოთვლებისთვის BOINC-ის მიერ გამოყენებული ცპ-ს ბირთვების რაოდენობას</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">შეჩერება, როდესაც ცპ-ს გამოყენება აღემატება</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description">წყვეთს, თუ როდის შეაჩეროს გამოთვლები BOINC-მა სხვა აპლიკაციების ცპ-ს გამოყენების მიხედვით</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_header">ცპ-ს შეზღუდვა</string>
+ <string name="prefs_cpu_time_max_description">ზღუდავს ცპ-ს დროს, რომელსაც იყენებს BOINC-ი გამოთვლებისთვის</string>
+ <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_header">ოპერატიული მეხსიერების შეზღუდვა</string>
+ <string name="prefs_memory_max_idle_description">ზღუდავს ოპერატიული მეხსიერების რაოდენობას, რომლის გამოყენების უფლება აქვს BOINC-ს</string>
+ <string name="prefs_client_log_flags_header">BOINC-ის კლიენტის ლოგის დროშები</string>
+ <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_header">გმი-ს ლოგის დონე</string>
+ <string name="prefs_gui_log_level_description">აყენებს გმი-ს ლოგის შეტყობინებების ინფორმატიულობას</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_mb">მბ</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_gb">გბ</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_seconds">წმ</string>
+ <!--projects tab strings-->
+ <string name="projects_loading">მიმდინარეობს პროექტების წაკითხვა...</string>
+ <string name="projects_add">პროექტის დამატება</string>
+ <string name="projects_icon">პროექტის იარლიყი</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_header">კრედიტი:</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_host_header">(ამ მოწყობილობაზე)</string>
+ <string name="projects_credits_user_header">(სულ)</string>
+ <!--project status strings-->
+ <string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">შეჩერებულია მომხმარებლის მიერ</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">არ მიღიებს ახალ დავალებებს</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_ended">პროექტი დასრულდა - ოკ წასაშლელად</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_detachwhendone">წაიშლება დავალებების დამთავრებისას</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_schedrpcpending">განრიგის მოთხოვა ლოდინშია</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">მიმდინარეობს განრიგის მოთხოვნა</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">გაწობის შეტყობინება მოლოდინშია</string>
+ <string name="projects_status_backoff">კავშირია დაგეგმილია:</string>
+ <!--project controls-->
+ <string name="projects_control_dialog_title">პროექტის ბრძანებები:</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_visit_website">ვებ-გვერდზე გადასვლა</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_update">განახლება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_remove">წაშლა</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_suspend">შეჩერება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_resume">გაგრძელება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_nonewtasks">უარი ახალ დავალებებზე</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_allownewtasks">ახალი დავალებების დაშვება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_reset">ჩამოგდება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">ანგარიშის მმართველის ბრძანებები:</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">სინქრონიზირება</string>
+ <string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">გათიშვა</string>
+ <!--project confirm dialog-->
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">გსურთ პროექტის წაშლა?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ წაშალოთ</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">BOINC-იდან?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">წაშლა</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">პროექტის ჩამოგდება</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ ჩამოაგდოთ</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message2">\?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">ჩამოგდება</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">ანგარიშის მმართველის გათიშვა</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ აღარ გამოიყენოთ</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message2">\?</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">გათიშვა</string>
+ <!--tasks tab strings-->
+ <string name="tasks_header_name">დავალების სახელი:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">გასული დრო:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(შეჩერებულია)</string>
+ <string name="tasks_header_deadline">ვადა:</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_new">ახალი</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_downloading">გადმოტვირთვის მოლოდინში</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_downloaded">გატმოტვირთვა დასრულებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_compute_error">გამოთვლის შეცდომა</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_uploading">მიმდინარეობს ატვირთვა</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_files_uploaded">ატვირთვა დასრულებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_aborted">შეწყვეტილია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_result_upload_failed">ატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_uninitialized">არის მზად</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_executing">გაშვებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_suspended">შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_abort_pending">მიმდინარეობს შეჩერება</string>
+ <string name="tasks_active_quit_pending">მიმდინარეობს შეჩერება</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">პროექტი შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">მზად არის გასაგზავნად</string>
+ <!--confirmation dialog-->
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_title">გსურთ დავალების შეწყვეტა?</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_message">დავალების შეწყვეტა:</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">შეწყვეტა</string>
+ <string name="confirm_cancel">გაუქმება</string>
+ <string name="confirm_image_desc">დასტურის ფანჯარა</string>
+ <!--transfers tab strings-->
+ <string name="trans_loading">გზავნილების წაკითხვა</string>
+ <string name="trans_upload">ატვირთვა</string>
+ <string name="trans_download">გადმოწერა</string>
+ <string name="trans_retryin">თავიდან სწდა მოხდება</string>
+ <string name="trans_failed">ვერ მოხერხდა</string>
+ <string name="trans_suspended">შეჩერებულია</string>
+ <string name="trans_active">აქტიურია</string>
+ <string name="trans_pending">მოლოდინშია</string>
+ <string name="trans_projectbackoff">პროექტიდან გამოსვლა</string>
+ <string name="trans_header_name">ფაილი:</string>
+ <string name="trans_control_retry">გზავნილების თავიდან სცდა</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">გსურთ გზავნილის შეწყვეტა?</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">ფაილის შეწყვეტა:</string>
+ <string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">შეწყვეტა</string>
+ <!--notices tab strings-->
+ <string name="notices_loading">მიმდინარეობს შეტყობინებების წაკითხვა...</string>
+ <!--eventlog tab strings-->
+ <string name="eventlog_loading">მიმდინარეობს ლოგის შეტყობინებების ჩატვირთვა...</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_client_header">კლიენტის შეტყობინებები</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_gui_header">გმი-ს შეტყობინებები</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_copy_toast">ლოგი დაკოპირებულია კოპირების ბუფერში.</string>
+ <string name="eventlog_email_subject">ივენთების ლოგი BOINC-ისთვის Android-ზე:</string>
+ <!--suspend reasons-->
+ <string name="suspend_unknown">გამოთვლა შეჩერებულია.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_batteries">შეაერთეთ თქვენი მოწყობილობა დამტენზე გამოთვლის გასაგრძელებლად.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_screen_on">გამორთეთ ეკრანი გამოთვლის გასაგრძელებლად.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_useractive">მომხმარებელი აქტიურია.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_tod">გამოთვლების დროის ჩარჩოების გარეთ.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_bm">BOINC-ი ასრულებს თქვენი მოწყობილობის წარმადობის შემოწმებას...</string>
+ <string name="suspend_disksize">მეხსიერების ადგილი დამთავრდა.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_cputhrottle">დაგეგმილი ცპ-ს ასწრაფება.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_noinput">მომხმარებლის ბოლო აქტივობა არ არსებობს.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_delay">ინიციალიზაციის გადაწევა.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_exclusiveapp">გაშვებულია ექსკლუზიური აპლიკაცია.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_cpu">თქვენი მოწყობილობა დაკავებულია სხვა აპლიკაციებით.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC-მა მიაღწია ქსელის გზავნილების შეზღუდვას.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_os">გაჩერებულია Android-ის მიერ.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_wifi">არ არის შეერთებული WiFi-სთან.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging">ბატარეის დატენვის მოლოდინში.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">გამოთვლა გაგრძელდება, როდესაც იქნება მიღწეული ბატარეის მუხტი.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long2"></string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">ამჟამად</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_overheating">ბატარეის გაგრილების მოლოდინში</string>
+ <string name="suspend_user_req">მიმდინარეობს გამოთვლის გაგრძელება...</string>
+ <string name="suspend_network_user_req">ხელით.</string>
+ <!--rpc reasons-->
+ <string name="rpcreason_userreq">მოთხოვნილის მომხმარებლის მიერ</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_needwork">სამუშაოს მისაღებად</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">შესრულებული დავალებების გასაგზავნად</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_trickleup">გაწობის შეტყობინების გაზაგზავნად</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_acctmgrreq">მოთხოვნილია ანგარიშის მმართველის მიერ</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_init">პროექტის ინიციალიზირება</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_projectreq">მოთხოვნილია პროექტის მიერ</string>
+ <string name="rpcreason_unknown">უცნობი მიზეზი</string>
+ <!--menu-->
+ <string name="menu_refresh">განახლება</string>
+ <string name="menu_emailto">ელ.ფოსტის გაზავნა</string>
+ <string name="menu_copy">კოპირების ბუფერში დაკოპირება</string>
+ <string name="menu_eventlog">ივენთების ლოგი</string>
+ <string name="menu_exit">BOINC-იდან გასვლა</string>
+ <string name="menu_run_mode_disable">შეჩერება</string>
+ <string name="menu_run_mode_enable">გაგრძელება</string>
+ <string name="menu_about">პროგრამის შესახებ</string>
+ <string name="menu_help">დახმარება</string>
+ <!--about dialog-->
+ <string name="about_button">დაბრუნება</string>
+ <string name="about_title">პროგრამის შესახებ</string>
+ <string name="about_name">BOINC-ი</string>
+ <string name="about_version">ვერსია</string>
+ <string name="about_name_long">ქსელური გამოთვლების ბერკელეის ღია ინფრასტრუქტურა</string>
+ <string name="about_copyright">\u00A9 2003-2014 კალიფორნიის უნივერსიტეტი, ბერკელეი.</string>
+ <string name="about_copyright_reserved">ყველა უფლება დაცულია.</string>
+ <string name="about_credits">მადლობა გრავიტაცული ფიზიკის მაქს პლანკის ინსტიტუტს, აი-ბი-ემ კორპორაციას და ეიჩ-თი-სი კორპორაციას მითი მხარდაჭერისთვის.</string>
+ <!--notice notification-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_single_header">ახალი შეტყობინება გამოაგზავნა</string>
+ <!--e.g. New notice from SETI at HOME-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_multiple_header">ახალი შეტყობინება</string>
+ <!--e.g. 3 new notices-->
+ <!--multi BOINC compitability-->
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_header">მოხალისეთა გამოთვლების აპლიკაცია იქნა აღმოჩენილი</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_text">სხვა მოხალისეთა გამოთვლების აპლიკაცია არის გაშვებული ამ მოწყობილებაზე. მხოლოდ ერთი ვერსია შეიძლება იყოს გაშვებული ერთდროულად.</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_exit">გამოსვლა</string>
+ <!--social integration-->
+ <string name="social_invite_button">მეგობრების მოწვევა</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_intent_title">როგორ გსურთ გაზიარება?</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_title">მე ვმუშაობ მეცნიერებაზე ჩემს სმარტფონზე!</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_body">მე ვიყენებ ჩემს %1$s მეცნიერების გამოთვლებისთვის. თქვენც ასევე შეგიძლიათ! გადმოიწერეთ აპლიკაცია აქედან: %2$s</string>
+ <!--first parameter: device manufacturer, second: URL-->
+ <string name="social_invite_content_url">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.berkeley.boinc</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 19462d4..1fe6718 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <!--app global-->
<string name="app_name">BOINC</string>
+ <!--generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs-->
<string name="generic_loading">Se încarcă! Vă rugăm aşteptaţi…</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_continue">Continuă</string>
+ <string name="generic_button_finish">Finalizează</string>
+ <!--attach project-->
+ <!--selection list-->
+ <string name="attachproject_list_desc">Selectați proiecte științifice la care doriți să contribuiți:</string>
<string name="attachproject_list_header">Alegeţi un proiect:</string>
<string name="attachproject_list_manual_button">Adăugaţi proiect prin URL</string>
<string name="attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title">Introduceţi URL proiect:</string>
@@ -9,6 +16,34 @@
<string name="attachproject_list_manual_no_url">Vă rugăm introduceţi URL proiect</string>
<string name="attachproject_list_acctmgr_button">Adaugă manager de cont</string>
<string name="attachproject_list_no_internet">Nu există conexiune la Internet</string>
+ <!--credential input-->
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_sing_desc">Introduceți informațiile contului</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_desc">Introduceți informațiile contului pentru proiectele selectate:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_credential_input_show_pwd">Arată parola</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_individual_credential_input">Atașează proiecte individual</string>
+ <!--conflicts-->
+ <string name="attachproject_conflicts_desc">Au fost probleme la atașarea proiectelor științifice:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_undefined">Nu s-a putut conecta</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_not_unique">Contul există cu o altă parolă</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_bad_password">Parolă incorectă</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user">Contul nu există</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_conflict_unknown_user_creation_disabled">Contul nu există, vizitați site-ul proiectului pentru înregistrare</string>
+ <!--working-->
+ <string name="attachproject_working_attaching">Se atașează</string>
+ <!--e.g. Attaching Einstein at Home-->
+ <!--hints-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hints_header">Sugestie</string>
+ <!--e.g. Hint 1/2-->
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_header">Cum să contribuiți:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_wifi">1. Conectați-vă la WiFi</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_charger">2. Conectați Încărcătorul</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_contribtion_screen">3. Închideți Ecranul</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_header">Vizitați site-urile proiectelor pentru:</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_science">Învățați mai multe despre știință</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_stats">Vizualizați statisticile contribuției</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_projectwebsite_community">Intrați în contact cu alți voluntari</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_hint_platforms_header">BOINC este disponibil și pentru calculatorul sau laptop-ul dumneavoastră, vizitați boinc.berkeley.edu pentru a afla mai multe.</string>
+ <!--project login-->
<string name="attachproject_login_loading">Se contactează serverul proiectului…</string>
<string name="attachproject_login_image_description">Logo proiect.</string>
<string name="attachproject_login_header_general_area">Zona generală:</string>
@@ -34,6 +69,7 @@
<string name="attachproject_login_button_forgotpw">Aţi Uitat Parola</string>
<string name="attachproject_login_error_toast">Nu s-a putut contacta proiectul!</string>
<string name="attachproject_login_attached">Atașat</string>
+ <!--project registration-->
<string name="attachproject_registration_header">Înregistrare cont pentru</string>
<string name="attachproject_registration_header_url">Proiect:</string>
<string name="attachproject_registration_header_email">eMail:</string>
@@ -42,16 +78,20 @@
<string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd">Parolă:</string>
<string name="attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm">... Reintroduceţi:</string>
<string name="attachproject_registration_button">Creează</string>
+ <!--account manager-->
+ <string name="attachproject_acctmgr_list_desc">Folosiți un manager de cont BOINC pentru a adăuga și gestiona proiecte multiple</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header">Adaugă manager de cont</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_url">URL</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_name">Utilizator:</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd">Parolă:</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm">... Reintroduceţi:</string>
<string name="attachproject_acctmgr_button">Adaugă</string>
+ <!--error strings-->
<string name="attachproject_error_wrong_name">Utilizatorul nu a fost găsit</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_short_pwd">Parola este prea scurtă</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_no_internet">Conexiunea a eșuat</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_match">Parolele nu sunt identice</string>
+ <string name="attachproject_error_pwd_no_retype">Introduceți parola din nou</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_no_url">Introduceți URL</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_no_email">Vă rugăm introduceţi adresa dumneavoastră de email</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_no_pwd">Vă rugăm introduceţi o parolă</string>
@@ -64,6 +104,7 @@
<string name="attachproject_error_bad_pwd">Parola refuzată</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_creation_disabled">Crearea de conturi este dezactivată la acest proiect</string>
<string name="attachproject_error_invalid_url">URL invalid</string>
+ <!--working activity-->
<string name="attachproject_working_back_button">Înapoi</string>
<string name="attachproject_working_finish_button">Finalizare</string>
<string name="attachproject_working_check_desc">Sucess</string>
@@ -77,9 +118,12 @@
<string name="attachproject_working_login">Autentificare</string>
<string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr">Adaugă manager de cont</string>
<string name="attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync">Sincronizează</string>
+ <!--main activity-->
+ <string name="main_noproject_warning">Apăsați aici pentru a alege un proiect.</string>
<string name="main_error">Whooops</string>
<string name="main_error_long">...asta nu ar trebui să se întâmple!\nApăsaţi pe icoană pentru a încerca din nou.</string>
<string name="main_title_icon_desc">Icoană BOINC</string>
+ <!--tab names-->
<string name="tab_status">Stare</string>
<string name="tab_projects">Proiecte</string>
<string name="tab_tasks">Task-uri</string>
@@ -87,6 +131,7 @@
<string name="tab_preferences">Preferințe</string>
<string name="tab_notices">Atenționări</string>
<string name="tab_desc">Navigare</string>
+ <!--status strings-->
<string name="status_running">Se calculează</string>
<string name="status_running_long">Mulţumim pentru participare.</string>
<string name="status_paused">Suspendat</string>
@@ -99,6 +144,7 @@
<string name="status_closing">Se închide…</string>
<string name="status_benchmarking">Se măsoară performanţa…</string>
<string name="status_image_description">imagine proiect</string>
+ <!--preferences tab strings-->
<string name="prefs_loading">Se citest preferinţele…</string>
<string name="prefs_submit_button">Salvează</string>
<string name="prefs_dialog_title">Introduceți noua valoare:</string>
@@ -111,6 +157,15 @@
<string name="prefs_category_memory">Memorie</string>
<string name="prefs_category_debug">Depanare</string>
<string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Arată preferinţe şi control avansat…</string>
+ <string name="prefs_suspend_when_screen_on">Opriți calculele când ecranul este aprins</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_header">Mod echipament staționar</string>
+ <string name="prefs_stationary_device_mode_description">Permite calculele indiferent de preferințele de sursă de alimentare. Activați doar dacă echipamentul nu are baterie.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_header">Surse de alimentare pentru calcule</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_description">Selectează sursele de alimentare pe care BOINC le poate utiliza pentru calcule.</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_ac">Priză</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_usb">Conexiune USB</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_wireless">Încărcător fără fir</string>
+ <string name="prefs_power_source_battery">Baterie</string>
<string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Nivel minim baterie</string>
<string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC suspendă calculele când nivelul bateriei este sub cel definit.</string>
<string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatură maximă baterie</string>
@@ -119,10 +174,14 @@
<string name="prefs_disk_max_pct_description">Ce procent din spaţiul de stocare al dispozitivului dumneavoastră are voie să fie utilizat de BOINC?</string>
<string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header">Spaţiu stocare minim liber</string>
<string name="prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description">Cât din spaţiul de stocare al dispozitivului trebuie să rămână liber?</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_header">Interval acces</string>
+ <string name="prefs_disk_access_interval_description">Sugerează un interval între accesurile la disc</string>
<string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header">Limită zilnică transfer</string>
<string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limitează traficul zilnic realizat de BOINC.</string>
<string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Transferă task-uri doar pe WiFi</string>
<string name="prefs_autostart_header">Pornire automată</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_notices_header">Arată notificare pentru noi atenționări</string>
+ <string name="prefs_show_notification_suspended_header">Arată notificare când e suspendat</string>
<string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Nuclee CPU folosite</string>
<string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limitează numărul de nuclee CPU folosite de BOINC pentru calcule.</string>
<string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pauză la utilizare CPU peste</string>
@@ -138,12 +197,15 @@
<string name="prefs_unit_gb">GB</string>
<string name="prefs_unit_pct">%</string>
<string name="prefs_unit_celcius">°C</string>
+ <string name="prefs_unit_seconds">sec</string>
+ <!--projects tab strings-->
<string name="projects_loading">Se citesc proiectele…</string>
<string name="projects_add">Adaugă proiect</string>
<string name="projects_icon">Icoană proiect</string>
<string name="projects_credits_header">Credit:</string>
<string name="projects_credits_host_header">(pe acest dispozitiv)</string>
<string name="projects_credits_user_header">(total)</string>
+ <!--project status strings-->
<string name="projects_status_suspendedviagui">Suspendat de utilizator</string>
<string name="projects_status_dontrequestmorework">Nu se preiau noi task-uri</string>
<string name="projects_status_ended">Proiect finalizat - OK pentru ştergere</string>
@@ -152,6 +214,7 @@
<string name="projects_status_schedrpcinprogress">Cerere planificator în curs</string>
<string name="projects_status_trickleuppending">Mesaj trickle up în aşteptare</string>
<string name="projects_status_backoff">Comunicaţie planificată în:</string>
+ <!--project controls-->
<string name="projects_control_dialog_title">Comenzi proiect:</string>
<string name="projects_control_visit_website">Vizitați pagina web</string>
<string name="projects_control_update">Actualizează</string>
@@ -164,16 +227,20 @@
<string name="projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr">Comenzi manager de cont:</string>
<string name="projects_control_sync_acctmgr">Sincronizează</string>
<string name="projects_control_remove_acctmgr">Dezactivează</string>
+ <!--project confirm dialog-->
<string name="projects_confirm_detach_title">Şterge proiect?</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_detach_message">Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_detach_message2">din BOINC?</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_detach_confirm">Șterge</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_reset_title">Resetează proiect</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_reset_message">Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să resetaţi</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_reset_message2">\?</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_reset_confirm">Resetează</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title">Dezactivează manager de cont</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message">Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să nu mai folosiţi</string>
+ <string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message2">\?</string>
<string name="projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm">Dezactivează</string>
+ <!--tasks tab strings-->
<string name="tasks_header_name">Nume Task:</string>
<string name="tasks_header_elapsed_time">Timp scurs:</string>
<string name="tasks_header_project_paused">(suspendat)</string>
@@ -194,11 +261,13 @@
<string name="tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui">suspendat</string>
<string name="tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui">proiect suspendat</string>
<string name="tasks_custom_ready_to_report">gata de raportare</string>
+ <!--confirmation dialog-->
<string name="confirm_abort_task_title">Abandonează task?</string>
<string name="confirm_abort_task_message">Abandonează task:</string>
<string name="confirm_abort_task_confirm">Abandonează</string>
<string name="confirm_cancel">Anulează</string>
<string name="confirm_image_desc">Dialog de confirmare</string>
+ <!--transfers tab strings-->
<string name="trans_loading">Se citesc transferurile…</string>
<string name="trans_upload">Încarcă</string>
<string name="trans_download">Descarcă</string>
@@ -213,14 +282,18 @@
<string name="confirm_abort_trans_title">Abandonează transfer?</string>
<string name="confirm_abort_trans_message">Abandonează Fişier:</string>
<string name="confirm_abort_trans_confirm">Abandonează</string>
+ <!--notices tab strings-->
<string name="notices_loading">Se citesc atenţionările…</string>
+ <!--eventlog tab strings-->
<string name="eventlog_loading">Se încarcă mesajele din jurnal…</string>
<string name="eventlog_client_header">Mesaje Client</string>
<string name="eventlog_gui_header">Mesaje GUI</string>
<string name="eventlog_copy_toast">Jurnal copiat în clipboard.</string>
<string name="eventlog_email_subject">Jurnal Evenimente pentru BOINC pe Android:</string>
+ <!--suspend reasons-->
<string name="suspend_unknown">Calcule suspendate.</string>
<string name="suspend_batteries">Conectaţi dispozitivul dumneavoastră la un încărcător pentru a continua calculele.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_screen_on">Închideți ecranul pentru a continua calculele.</string>
<string name="suspend_useractive">Utilizatorul este activ.</string>
<string name="suspend_tod">În afara intervalului de timp pentru calcule.</string>
<string name="suspend_bm">BOINC evaluează performanţa dispozitivului dumneavoastră…</string>
@@ -233,12 +306,14 @@
<string name="suspend_network_quota">BOINC a atins limita de transfer prin reţea.</string>
<string name="suspend_os">Oprit de Android.</string>
<string name="suspend_wifi">Nu este conectat la WiFi.</string>
- <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Bateria trebuie să se încarce înainte de a relua calculele.</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging">Se așteaptă încărcarea bateriei.</string>
<string name="suspend_battery_charging_long">Calculele vor fi reluate când bateria va fi încărcata</string>
+ <string name="suspend_battery_charging_long2"></string>
<string name="suspend_battery_charging_current">curent</string>
<string name="suspend_battery_overheating">Se aşteaptă să se răcească bateria</string>
<string name="suspend_user_req">Se reiau calculele…</string>
<string name="suspend_network_user_req">manual.</string>
+ <!--rpc reasons-->
<string name="rpcreason_userreq">Cerut de utilizator</string>
<string name="rpcreason_needwork">Pentru a primi de lucru</string>
<string name="rpcreason_resultsdue">Pentru a raporta task-urile finalizate</string>
@@ -247,6 +322,7 @@
<string name="rpcreason_init">Iniţializare proiect</string>
<string name="rpcreason_projectreq">Cerut de proiect</string>
<string name="rpcreason_unknown">Motiv necunoscut</string>
+ <!--menu-->
<string name="menu_refresh">Reîncarcă</string>
<string name="menu_emailto">Trimite ca Email</string>
<string name="menu_copy">Copiază în Clipboard</string>
@@ -256,10 +332,29 @@
<string name="menu_run_mode_enable">Reia</string>
<string name="menu_about">Despre</string>
<string name="menu_help">Ajutor</string>
+ <!--about dialog-->
<string name="about_button">Înapoi</string>
<string name="about_title">Despre</string>
<string name="about_name">BOINC</string>
<string name="about_version">Versiune</string>
<string name="about_name_long">Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing</string>
<string name="about_copyright">© 2003–2013 Universitatea din California, Berkeley.\nToate Drepturile Rezervate.</string>
+ <string name="about_copyright_reserved">Toate Drepturile Rezervate.</string>
+ <string name="about_credits">Mulțumiri Institutului Max Planck pentru Fizică Gravitațională, IBM Corporation și HTC Corporation pentru suportul lor.</string>
+ <!--notice notification-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_single_header">Atenționare nouă de la</string>
+ <!--e.g. New notice from SETI at HOME-->
+ <string name="notice_notification_multiple_header">atenționări noi</string>
+ <!--e.g. 3 new notices-->
+ <!--multi BOINC compitability-->
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_header">Aplicație calcule voluntare detectată</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_text">O altă aplicație de calcule voluntare rulează pe acest echipament. Doar o singură versiune poate rula la un moment dat.</string>
+ <string name="nonexcl_dialog_exit">Ieșire</string>
+ <!--social integration-->
+ <string name="social_invite_button">Invitați prieteni</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_intent_title">Cum doriți să partajați?</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_title">Fac cercetări pe smartphone-ul meu!</string>
+ <string name="social_invite_content_body">Folosesc %1$s pentru a calcula pentru știință. Poți și tu! Descarcă aplicația de la: %2$s</string>
+ <!--first parameter: device manufacturer, second: URL-->
+ <string name="social_invite_content_url">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.berkeley.boinc</string>
diff --git a/client/app.cpp b/client/app.cpp
index 452b033..d8b4e3f 100644
--- a/client/app.cpp
+++ b/client/app.cpp
@@ -1141,6 +1141,7 @@ void* throttler(void*) {
|| gstate.global_prefs.cpu_usage_limit < 0.005
) {
+// ::Sleep((int)(1000*10)); // for Win debugging
diff --git a/client/app_control.cpp b/client/app_control.cpp
index 02a5446..b40f07a 100644
--- a/client/app_control.cpp
+++ b/client/app_control.cpp
@@ -1370,6 +1370,8 @@ bool ACTIVE_TASK::get_app_status_msg() {
want_network = 0;
current_cpu_time = checkpoint_cpu_time = 0.0;
if (parse_double(msg_buf, "<fraction_done>", fd)) {
+ if (fd < 0) fd = 0;
+ if (fd > 1) fd = 1;
// fraction_done will be reported as zero
// until the app's first call to boinc_fraction_done().
// So ignore zeros.
diff --git a/client/cpu_sched.cpp b/client/cpu_sched.cpp
index 8ea8716..8548ac9 100644
--- a/client/cpu_sched.cpp
+++ b/client/cpu_sched.cpp
@@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ struct PROC_RESOURCES {
cp.usage[i] = 1;
x -= unused;
- break;
if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
msg_printf(r.project, MSG_INFO,
diff --git a/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp b/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
index cff103b..3612fcd 100644
--- a/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
+++ b/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
@@ -337,7 +337,18 @@ void COPROC_NVIDIA::get(
- retval = (*__cuInit)(0);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ // If system is just booting, CUDA driver may not be ready yet
+ for (int retryCount=0; retryCount<45; retryCount++) {
+ retval = (*__cuInit)(0);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ if (!retval) break;
+ boinc_sleep(1.);
+ continue;
+ }
if (retval) {
sprintf(buf, "NVIDIA drivers present but no GPUs found");
diff --git a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
index bbac65c..6f0442e 100644
--- a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
+++ b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ static void parse_cpuinfo_linux(HOST_INFO& host) {
#elif __powerpc__ || __sparc__
strstr(buf, "cpu\t\t: ")
#elif __arm__
- strstr(buf, "Processor\t: ")
+ strstr(buf, "Processor\t: ") || strstr(buf, "model name")
strstr(buf, "model name\t: ") || strstr(buf, "cpu model\t\t: ")
@@ -542,7 +542,8 @@ static void parse_cpuinfo_linux(HOST_INFO& host) {
model_found = true;
- strlcpy(buf2, strchr(buf, ':') + 2, sizeof(host.p_model) - strlen(host.p_model) - 1);
+ strlcpy(buf2, strchr(buf, ':') + 1, sizeof(host.p_model) - strlen(host.p_model) - 1);
+ strip_whitespace(buf2);
strcat(host.p_model, buf2);
diff --git a/client/main.cpp b/client/main.cpp
index 9cf60bc..6e3ffb1 100644
--- a/client/main.cpp
+++ b/client/main.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// This file is part of BOINC.
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
-// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// Copyright (C) 2015 University of California
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
@@ -47,9 +47,12 @@
-#if (defined (__APPLE__) && defined(SANDBOX) && defined(_DEBUG))
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+#if (defined(SANDBOX) && defined(_DEBUG))
#include "SetupSecurity.h"
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "error_numbers.h"
@@ -352,6 +355,15 @@ int boinc_main_loop() {
retval = initialize();
if (retval) return retval;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ // If we run too soon during system boot we can cause a kernel panic
+ if (gstate.executing_as_daemon) {
+ if (TickCount() < (120*60)) { // If system has been up for less than 2 minutes
+ boinc_sleep(30.);
+ }
+ }
retval = gstate.init();
if (retval) {
log_message_error("gstate.init() failed", retval);
diff --git a/client/project.cpp b/client/project.cpp
index d6c0680..9424f1e 100644
--- a/client/project.cpp
+++ b/client/project.cpp
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ int PROJECT::parse_state(XML_PARSER& xp) {
if (xp.parse_int("njobs_success", njobs_success)) continue;
if (xp.parse_int("njobs_error", njobs_error)) continue;
if (xp.parse_double("elapsed_time", elapsed_time)) continue;
+ if (xp.parse_double("last_rpc_time", last_rpc_time)) continue;
#ifdef SIM
if (xp.match_tag("available")) {
available.parse(xp, "/available");
@@ -383,6 +384,7 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
" <njobs_success>%d</njobs_success>\n"
" <njobs_error>%d</njobs_error>\n"
" <elapsed_time>%f</elapsed_time>\n"
+ " <last_rpc_time>%f</last_rpc_time>\n"
@@ -419,6 +421,7 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
+ last_rpc_time,
anonymous_platform?" <anonymous_platform/>\n":"",
master_url_fetch_pending?" <master_url_fetch_pending/>\n":"",
trickle_up_pending?" <trickle_up_pending/>\n":"",
@@ -469,11 +472,9 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
" <sched_priority>%f</sched_priority>\n"
- " <last_rpc_time>%f</last_rpc_time>\n"
" <project_files_downloaded_time>%f</project_files_downloaded_time>\n",
- last_rpc_time,
if (download_backoff.next_xfer_time > gstate.now) {
@@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ void PROJECT::copy_state_fields(PROJECT& p) {
njobs_success = p.njobs_success;
njobs_error = p.njobs_error;
elapsed_time = p.elapsed_time;
+ last_rpc_time = p.last_rpc_time;
// Write project statistic to GUI RPC reply
diff --git a/client/project.h b/client/project.h
index 16de165..e254cd1 100644
--- a/client/project.h
+++ b/client/project.h
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ struct PROJECT : PROJ_AM {
double ams_resource_share;
// resource share according to AMS; overrides project
// -1 means not specified by AMS, or not using an AMS
+ double last_rpc_time;
+ // when last RPC finished; used by Manager
// stuff related to scheduler RPCs and master fetch
@@ -134,10 +136,6 @@ struct PROJECT : PROJ_AM {
// may still need to be done for given project
bool trickle_up_pending;
// have trickle up to send
- double last_rpc_time;
- // when last RPC finished
- // not maintained across client sessions
- // used by Manager (simple view)
// Other stuff
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
index aa8c10b..3e26844 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ CDlgAdvPreferences::CDlgAdvPreferences(wxWindow* parent) : CDlgAdvPreferencesBas
+ lastErrorCtrl = NULL;
+ stdTextBkgdColor = *wxWHITE;
@@ -719,13 +721,13 @@ bool CDlgAdvPreferences::ValidateInput() {
//limit additional days from 0 to 10
buffer = m_txtNetConnectInterval->GetValue();
if(!IsValidFloatValueBetween(buffer, 0.0, 10.0)) {
- ShowErrorMessage(invMsgLimit100,m_txtNetConnectInterval);
+ ShowErrorMessage(invMsgLimit10,m_txtNetConnectInterval);
return false;
buffer = m_txtNetAdditionalDays->GetValue();
if(!IsValidFloatValueBetween(buffer, 0.0, 10.0)) {
- ShowErrorMessage(invMsgLimit100,m_txtNetAdditionalDays);
+ ShowErrorMessage(invMsgLimit10,m_txtNetAdditionalDays);
return false;
@@ -943,6 +945,16 @@ void CDlgAdvPreferences::ShowErrorMessage(wxString& message,wxTextCtrl* errorCtr
message = _("invalid input value detected");
+ if (lastErrorCtrl) {
+ lastErrorCtrl->SetBackgroundColour(stdTextBkgdColor);
+ lastErrorCtrl->Refresh();
+ }
+ if (lastErrorCtrl != errorCtrl) {
+ stdTextBkgdColor = errorCtrl->GetBackgroundColour();
+ }
+ errorCtrl->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 192, 192));
+ errorCtrl->Refresh();
+ lastErrorCtrl = errorCtrl;
wxGetApp().SafeMessageBox(message,_("Validation Error"),wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR,this);
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h
index ffa6c87..1bdc8f2 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h
+++ b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ private:
wxTextCtrl* netDayStartTxts[7];
wxTextCtrl* netDayStopTxts[7];
bool m_bOKToShow;
+ wxColour stdTextBkgdColor;
+ wxTextCtrl* lastErrorCtrl;
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp
index 66a9ac6..2e6365a 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp
@@ -112,14 +112,6 @@ CDlgAdvPreferencesBase::CDlgAdvPreferencesBase( wxWindow* parent, int id, wxStri
topControlsSizer->Add( legendSizer, 1, wxALL, 1 );
-#if 0
- wxStaticText* staticText321 = new wxStaticText( topControlsStaticBox, ID_DEFAULT, _("This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\nClick OK to set preferences.\nClick Clear to restore web-based settings."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- topControlsSizer->Add( staticText321, 1, wxALL, 1 );
- m_btnClear = new wxButton( topControlsStaticBox, ID_BTN_CLEAR, _("Clear"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- m_btnClear->SetToolTip( _("Clear all local preferences and close the dialog.") );
m_btnClear = new wxButton( topControlsStaticBox, ID_BTN_CLEAR, _("Use web prefs"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_btnClear->SetToolTip( _("Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog.") );
if (!usingLocalPrefs) {
@@ -344,7 +336,7 @@ wxPanel* CDlgAdvPreferencesBase::createProcessorTab(wxNotebook* notebook)
addNewRowToSizer(suspendComputingBoxSizer, MaxLoadTT, m_chkMaxLoad, m_txtMaxLoad, staticText26);
- new wxStaticText( suspendComputingStaticBox, ID_DEFAULT, wxT("To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
+ new wxStaticText( suspendComputingStaticBox, ID_DEFAULT, _("To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
0, wxALL, 5
@@ -510,7 +502,7 @@ wxPanel* CDlgAdvPreferencesBase::createNetworkTab(wxNotebook* notebook)
addNewRowToSizer(networkUsageLimitsBoxSizer, daily_xfer_limitTT, m_chk_daily_xfer_limit, m_txt_daily_xfer_limit_mb, staticText_daily_xfer2, m_txt_daily_xfer_period_days, staticText_daily_xfer4);
- new wxStaticText( networkUsageLimitsStaticBox, ID_DEFAULT, wxT("To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
+ new wxStaticText( networkUsageLimitsStaticBox, ID_DEFAULT, _("To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
0, wxALL, 5
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp b/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
index 42724c0..9111f26 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
@@ -191,21 +191,29 @@ bool CDlgItemProperties::RestoreState() {
void CDlgItemProperties::show_rsc(wxString rsc_name, RSC_DESC rsc_desc) {
if (rsc_desc.no_rsc_pref) {
- addProperty(_("Don't fetch tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Project preference"));
+ addProperty(_("Don't request tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Project preference"));
if (rsc_desc.no_rsc_ams) {
- addProperty(_("Don't fetch tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Account manager preference"));
+ addProperty(_("Don't request tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Account manager preference"));
if (rsc_desc.no_rsc_apps) {
- addProperty(_("Don't fetch tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Project has no apps for ") + rsc_name);
+ addProperty(_("Don't request tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Project has no apps for ") + rsc_name);
if (rsc_desc.no_rsc_config) {
- addProperty(_("Don't fetch tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Client configuration excludes ") + rsc_name);
+ addProperty(_("Don't request tasks for ") + rsc_name, _("Client configuration excludes ") + rsc_name);
double x = rsc_desc.backoff_time - dtime();
if (x<0) x = 0;
- addProperty(rsc_name + _(" work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
- addProperty(rsc_name + _(" work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(rsc_desc.backoff_interval));
+ if (x) {
+ addProperty(
+ wxString::Format(_("%s task request deferred for"), rsc_name.c_str()),
+ FormatTime(x)
+ );
+ addProperty(
+ wxString::Format(_("%s task request deferral interval"), rsc_name.c_str()),
+ FormatTime(rsc_desc.backoff_interval)
+ );
+ }
// show project properties
@@ -241,7 +249,7 @@ void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
//layout controls
- addProperty(_("Master URL"), wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8));
+ addProperty(_("URL"), wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8));
addProperty(_("User name"), wxString(project->user_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
addProperty(_("Team name"), wxString(project->team_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
addProperty(_("Resource share"), wxString::Format(wxT("%0.0f"), project->resource_share));
@@ -260,7 +268,7 @@ void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
addProperty(_("Non CPU intensive"), _("yes"));
addProperty(_("Suspended via GUI"), project->suspended_via_gui ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Don't request more work"), project->dont_request_more_work ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Don't request tasks"), project->dont_request_more_work ? _("yes") : _("no"));
if (project->scheduler_rpc_in_progress) {
addProperty(_("Scheduler call in progress"), _("yes"));
@@ -287,15 +295,17 @@ void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
+ // Displays the average and total user credit
- wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
+ _("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
+ // Displays the average and total host credit
- wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
+ _("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
@@ -333,6 +343,11 @@ void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
+ if (project->last_rpc_time) {
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ dt.Set((time_t)project->last_rpc_time);
+ addProperty(_("Last scheduler reply"), dt.Format());
+ }
@@ -389,6 +404,9 @@ void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(RESULT* result) {
addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->final_cpu_time));
addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->final_elapsed_time));
+ if (avp) {
+ addProperty(_("Executable"), wxString(avp->exec_filename, wxConvUTF8));
+ }
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp b/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
index 823f0fa..21353cc 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
@@ -276,24 +276,6 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
addNewRowToSizer(itemBoxSizer11, ProcIdleForTT, staticText24, m_txtProcIdleFor, staticText25);
- wxString andString(_("and"));
- wxString ProcEveryDayTT(_("Compute only during a particular period each day."));
- m_chkProcEveryDay = new CTransparentCheckBox(
- _("Compute only between"),
- wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0,
- wxDefaultValidator, wxCheckBoxNameStr,
- &m_backgroundBitmap
- );
- m_txtProcEveryDayStart = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TXTPROCEVERYDAYSTART, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, timeCtrlSize, wxTE_RIGHT );
- CTransparentStaticText* staticText26 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, andString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE );
- m_txtProcEveryDayStop = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TXTPROCEVERYDAYSTOP, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, timeCtrlSize, wxTE_RIGHT );
- addNewRowToSizer(itemBoxSizer11, ProcEveryDayTT, m_chkProcEveryDay, m_txtProcEveryDayStart, staticText26, m_txtProcEveryDayStop);
@@ -308,6 +290,28 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
addNewRowToSizer(itemBoxSizer11, MaxCPUTimeTT, staticText22, m_txtProcUseCPUTime, staticText23);
+ wxString andString(_("and"));
+ wxString ProcEveryDayTT(_("Compute only during a particular period each day."));
+ m_chkProcEveryDay = new CTransparentCheckBox(
+ _("Compute only between"),
+ wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0,
+ wxDefaultValidator, wxCheckBoxNameStr,
+ &m_backgroundBitmap
+ );
+ m_txtProcEveryDayStart = new wxTextCtrl(
+ itemDialog1, ID_TXTPROCEVERYDAYSTART, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, timeCtrlSize, wxTE_RIGHT
+ );
+ CTransparentStaticText* staticText26 = new CTransparentStaticText(
+ itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, andString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE
+ );
+ m_txtProcEveryDayStop = new wxTextCtrl(
+ itemDialog1, ID_TXTPROCEVERYDAYSTOP, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, timeCtrlSize, wxTE_RIGHT
+ );
+ addNewRowToSizer(
+ itemBoxSizer11, ProcEveryDayTT, m_chkProcEveryDay, m_txtProcEveryDayStart, staticText26, m_txtProcEveryDayStop
+ );
wxString NetEveryDayTT(_("Transfer files only during a particular period each day."));
m_chkNetEveryDay = new CTransparentCheckBox(
itemDialog1, ID_CHKNETEVERYDAY, _("Transfer files only between"),
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index f5b41f7..9bd82ae 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ dnl not sure exactly what the minimum version is (but 2.13 wont work)
dnl Set the BOINC version here. You can also use the set-version script.
-AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.6.6)
+AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.6.7)
LIBBOINC_VERSION=`echo ${PACKAGE_VERSION} | sed 's/\./:/g'`
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ AC_SUBST([LIBBOINC_VERSION])
diff --git a/lib/diagnostics.cpp b/lib/diagnostics.cpp
index 9da98ad..c10bce5 100644
--- a/lib/diagnostics.cpp
+++ b/lib/diagnostics.cpp
@@ -286,7 +286,11 @@ int diagnostics_init(
file_size(stderr_log, stderr_file_size);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "ac", stderr);
stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "a", stderr);
if (!stderr_file) {
return ERR_FOPEN;
@@ -294,7 +298,11 @@ int diagnostics_init(
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "wc", stderr);
stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "w", stderr);
if (!stderr_file) {
return ERR_FOPEN;
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
index 170b36d..2fe1c57 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ struct APP_VERSION {
double natis;
double gpu_ram;
double flops;
+ char exec_filename[256];
APP* app;
PROJECT* project;
@@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ struct APP_VERSION {
int parse(XML_PARSER&);
int parse_coproc(XML_PARSER&);
+ int parse_file_ref(XML_PARSER&);
void print();
void clear();
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
index 7b2480f..9983bfb 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "str_util.h"
+#include "str_replace.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "error_numbers.h"
#include "miofile.h"
@@ -536,6 +537,22 @@ int APP_VERSION::parse_coproc(XML_PARSER& xp) {
+int APP_VERSION::parse_file_ref(XML_PARSER& xp) {
+ bool is_main = false;
+ char buf[1024];
+ while (!xp.get_tag()) {
+ if (xp.match_tag("/file_ref")) {
+ if (is_main) {
+ strlcpy(exec_filename, buf, sizeof(exec_filename));
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (xp.parse_str("file_name", buf, sizeof(buf))) continue;
+ if (xp.parse_bool("main_program", is_main)) continue;
+ }
+ return ERR_XML_PARSE;
int APP_VERSION::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
while (!xp.get_tag()) {
@@ -551,6 +568,10 @@ int APP_VERSION::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
+ if (xp.match_tag("file_ref")) {
+ parse_file_ref(xp);
+ continue;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/str_util.cpp b/lib/str_util.cpp
index e0f78b9..ad57e61 100644
--- a/lib/str_util.cpp
+++ b/lib/str_util.cpp
@@ -756,3 +756,34 @@ vector<string> split(string s, char delim) {
return result;
+char *comma_print(unsigned long n) {
+ static char comma = 0;
+ static char retbuf[30];
+ char *p = &retbuf[sizeof(retbuf)-1];
+ int i = 0;
+ if (!comma) {
+ struct lconv *lcp = localeconv();
+ if (lcp) {
+ if (lcp->thousands_sep != NULL && *lcp->thousands_sep) {
+ comma = *lcp->thousands_sep;
+ } else {
+ comma = ',';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ do {
+ if (i%3 == 0 && i != 0) {
+ *--p = comma;
+ }
+ *--p = '0' + n % 10;
+ n /= 10;
+ i++;
+ } while (n);
+ return p;
diff --git a/lib/str_util.h b/lib/str_util.h
index ea2eec7..e890b59 100644
--- a/lib/str_util.h
+++ b/lib/str_util.h
@@ -101,4 +101,5 @@ extern const char* batch_state_string(int state);
extern void strip_translation(char* p);
extern std::vector<std::string> split(std::string, char delim);
+extern char* comma_print(unsigned long);
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 3dbc74d..bd6c5aa 100644
Binary files a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
index 4087630..6131fb1 100644
--- a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-03 14:18-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-24 13:20+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 07:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Pryds <thomas at pryds.eu>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/da/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -205,369 +205,369 @@ msgstr "Forbundet"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Afbrudt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Nyt %s-vindue …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Åbn endnu et %s-vindue"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "Vælg computer …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Forbind til en BOINC-klient på en anden computer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Stop den forbundne klient …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Luk den aktuelt forbundne BOINC-klient ned"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Luk %s-vinduet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Luk vindue"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Afslut %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Indstillinger …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "&Meddelelser\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Vis meddelelser"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "&Projekter\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Vis projekter"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "&Opgaver\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Vis opgaver"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Over&førsler\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Vis filoverførsler"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "&Statistik\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Vis statistikker"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Vis diskforbrug"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "Simpel &visning …\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Skift til simpel visning"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "Tilføj &projekt …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Tilføj et projekt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "&Bug kontohåndtering …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Brug kontohåndtering for at styre denne computer."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Synkronisér med %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Hent nuværende opsætning fra %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "S&top med at bruge %s …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Fjern denne computer fra kontohåndtering."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Kør CPU-&ydelsesmåling"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Kører tests som måler CPU-hastighed"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Prøv ventende overførsler igen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Prøv udsatte filoverførsler og opgaveforespørgsler igen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "Hændelseslog …\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Vis diagnostikbeskerder"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "Kør &altid"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Tillad arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Kør efter &indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Tillad arbejde i henhold til indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Suspendér"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Suspendér arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "Brug altid GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Tillad GPU-arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "Brug GPU efter indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "Tillad GPU-arbejde i henhold til indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Suspendér GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Stop GPU-arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Netværksaktivitet altid"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Tillad netværksaktivitet uanset indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Netværksaktivitet efter indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Tillad netværksaktivitet efter indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Suspendér netværksaktivitet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Stop netværksaktivitet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "&Beregningsindstillinger …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Konfigurér indstillinger for beregning"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Eksklusive applikationer …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Opsæt eksklusive applikationer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Vælg kolonner …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Vælg hvilke kolonner der skal vises"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "Indstillinger for hændelseslog …\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Slå diverse diagnostistikbeskeder fra eller til"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "&Andre indstillinger …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Konfigurér visning og netværksopsætning"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Læs konfigurationsfiler"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Læs konfigurationsinfo fra cc_config.xml og eventuelle app_config.xml filer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Læs lokal indstillingsfil"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Læs indstillinger fra global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s &hjælp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Vis information om %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&%s hjælp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Vis information om %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s hjemmeside"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Vis information om BOINC og %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&Om %s …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Licens- og copyrightinformation."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Filer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Vis"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Aktivitet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Værktøjer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Hjælp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s – Stop med at bruge %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Hvis du stopper med at bruge %s,\nvil du beholde alle dine nuværende projekter,\nmen du skal styre dem manuelt.\n\nVil du stoppe med at bruge %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s – Luk den nuværende klient ned …"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s vil lukke den nuværende klient ned\nog vil derefter spørge efter en ny vært at forbinde til."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s har tilføjet %s med succes"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s – (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Forbinder til %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Forbundet til %s (%s)"
@@ -657,9 +657,9 @@ msgstr "&Afslut %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s – Kommunikation"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "&Annullér"
@@ -893,79 +893,79 @@ msgstr "(Ukendt)"
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(Brugerdefineret)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "Åbn %s web …"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:526
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "Åbn %s …"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:634
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:636
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "Pause"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:535 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:650
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:655
msgid "Snooze GPU"
msgstr "GPU-pause"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "&Afslut"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:882 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:894
#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:118
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Genoptag"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:649
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646
msgid "Resume GPU"
msgstr "Genoptag GPU"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:712
msgid "Computing is enabled"
msgstr "Beregning er slået til"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:716
msgid "Computing is suspended - "
msgstr "Beregning er suspenderet – "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:726
msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
msgstr "GPU-beregning er slået til"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
msgstr "GPU-beregning er suspenderet – "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:738
msgid "Network is enabled"
msgstr "Netværksadgang er slået til"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
msgid "Network is suspended - "
msgstr "Netværksadgang er suspenderet – "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:749
msgid "Reconnecting to client."
msgstr "Genforbinder til klienten."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
msgid "Not connected to a client."
msgstr "Ikke forbundet til en klient."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s Notices"
msgstr "%s-meddelelser"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:810
msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
msgstr "Der er nye meddelelser – klik for at se."
@@ -1080,39 +1080,39 @@ msgstr "For mere information, besøg"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&O.k."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "Ugyldigt tal"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Ugyldig tid; værdien skal være mellem 0:00 og 24:00, formatet er TT:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Starttid skal være forskellig fra sluttid"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Tallet skal være mellem 0 og 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:772
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Tallet skal være mellem 0 og 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "ugyldig input-værdi registreret"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Valideringsfejl"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Kassér lokale indstillinger og brug web-baserede indstillinger?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Bekræftelse"
@@ -1135,97 +1135,81 @@ msgstr "Bruger web-baserede indstillinger fra"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Indstil værdier og klik O.k. for at bruge lokale indstillinger i stedet."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Dette vindue styrer kun indstillinger for denne computer.\nKlik O.k. for at aktivere indstilingerne.\nKlik Ryd for at genoprette de web-baserede indstillinger."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Nulstil"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Ryd alle lokale indstillinger og luk vinduet."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Brug web-indstillinger"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Genopret web-baserede indstillinger og luk vinduet."
-#. Computing schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Beregner"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netværk"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Disk og hukommelse"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Daglige planlægninger"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "O.k."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Gem alle værdier og luk vinduet."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Luk vinduet uden at gemme."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjælp"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Viser websiden med indstillinger."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Forbrugsgrænser"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Hold nogle CPUer fri til andre applikationer. Eksempel: 75% betyder, brug 6 kerner på en 8-kernet CPU."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Brug højst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% af CPUerne"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1233,355 +1217,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Suspendér/genoptag beregning med få sekunders mellemrum for at reducere CPU-temparatur og energiforbrug. Eksempel: 75% betyder, beregn i 3 sekunder, vent i 1 sekund og gentag."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% af CPU-tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Hvornår der skal suspenderes"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Suspendér når computeren er på batteri"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Aktivér dette for at suspendere beregning på en bærbar computer, når den kører på batteri."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspendér når computeren er i brug"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Aktivér dette for at suspendere beregning og filoverførsler, når du bruger computeren."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspendér GPU-beregning når computeren er i brug"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Aktivér dette for at suspendere GPU-beregning, når du bruger computeren."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Dette afgør, hvornår computeren opfattes som \"i brug\"."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "\"I brug\" betyder mus-/tastaturinput inden for de seneste"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutter"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Suspendér når ikke-BOINC CPU-brug er højere end"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Suspendér beregning når din computerer har travlt med at køre andre programmer."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "For at suspendere efter tidspunkt på dagen, se sektionen \"Daglige planlægninger\""
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Andre"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Gem mindst nok opgaver til at holde computeren optaget så længe som dette."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Gem mindst"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "dages arbejde"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Gem yderligere opgaver ud over minimumsniveauet. Afgør hvor meget arbejde, der forespørges, når et projekt kontaktes."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Gem op til yderligere"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Hvis du kører flere projekter, kan %s skifte mellem dem så ofte som dette."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Skift mellem opgaver hver"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Dette styrer hvor ofte opgaver gemmer deres tilstand til disken, så de kan genstartes senere."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Forespørg opgaver om højst at lave checkpoint hver"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekunder"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Begræns downloadhastigheden for filoverførsler."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Begræns downloadhastighed til"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/sekund"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Begræns uploadhastigheden for filoverførsler."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Begræns uploadhastighed til"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Eksempel: %s må højst overføre 2000 MB data for hver 30 dage."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Begræns forbrug til"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB for hver"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "dage"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "For at begrænse overførsler efter tidspunkt på dagen, se sektionen \"Daglige planlægninger\""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Aktivér kun dette hvis din internetudbyder modificerer billedfiler. Ved at springe verificering over reduceres sikkerheden for %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Spring dataverificering over for billedfiler"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Bekræft før forbindelse til Internet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Kun nyttigt hvis du har en modem-, ISDN- eller VPN-forbindelse."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Kobl af Internet når færdig"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disk"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s vil bruge den mest restriktive af disse opsætninger:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Begræns den totale mængd diskplads, der bruges af %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Brug ikke mere end"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Begræns diskforbrug så denne mængde fri plads efterlades på den enhed, hvor %s gemmer data."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Frihold mindst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB fri"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Begræns procentdelen af diskplads, der bruges af %s på den enhed, hvor den gemmer data."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Hukommelse"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Begræns den hukommelse, som %s bruger, når du bruger computeren."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Når computeren er i brug, brug højst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Begræns den hukommelse, som %s bruger, når du ikke bruger computeren."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Når computeren ikke er i brug, brug højst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Efterlad ikke-GPU-opgaver i hukommelsen under suspendering"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Hvis du aktiverer dette, vil suspenderede opgaver forblive i hukommelsen og fortsætte uden tabt arbejde. Hvis du ikke aktiverer dette, vil suspenderede opgaver blive fjernet fra hukommelsen og fortsætte fra deres seneste checkpoint."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Begræns swapplads (sidefil), der bruges af %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Side/swapfil: brug højst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "og"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "til"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Beregn kun i løbet af en bestemt periode hver dag."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:695 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Beregn kun mellem"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:705
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:852
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Tilsidesætning af ugedag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:709
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Tilsidesæt tiderne herover på de følgende dage:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Mandag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:742
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Fredag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:901
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Tirsdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:770
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:916
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Lørdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:783
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:929
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Onsdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:798
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:944
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Søndag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:811
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:957
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Torsdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:840 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Overfør kun filer i en bestemt periode hver dag."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:842 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Overfør kun filer mellem"
@@ -1854,216 +1846,244 @@ msgstr "Projekt har ingen apps for"
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "Klientkonfiguration ekskluderer"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " hentning af arbejde udsat med"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s arbejdshentning udsat med"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr " udsættelsesinterval for hentning af arbejde"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s arbejdshentning udsætningsinterval"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Egenskaber for projekt"
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generelt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
-msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr "Hoved-URL"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Holdnavn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Resourcefordeling"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Planlægger-RPC udsat med"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Fildownload udsat med"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Filupload udsat med"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Diskforbrug"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Computer-ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Ikke CPU-intensiv"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "ja"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Suspenderet via GUI"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "nej"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Forespørg ikke mere arbejde"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Planlæggeropslag igang"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Sivebesked til server afventer"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Værtssted"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "standard"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Tilføjet via kontohåndtering"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Fjern når opgaver er færdige"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Afsluttet"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Opgaver udført"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Opgaver mislykkedes"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Points"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Bruger"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f totalt, %0.2f gennemsnitligt"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Vært"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Planlægning"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Planlægningsprioritet"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Korrektionsfaktor for varighed"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+msgid "Last scheduler reply"
+msgstr "Seneste svar fra planlægger"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Egenskaber for opgave"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Applikation"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Tilstand"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Modtaget"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Rapporterings-frist"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Ressourcer"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Estimeret beregningsstørrelse"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "CPU-tid ved sidste checkpoint"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU-tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Forløben tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Estimeret resterende tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Procentdel færdig"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Størrelse på virtuel hukommelse"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Størrelse på arbejdssæt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "Proces-ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "Progress rate"
+msgstr "Fremgangshastighed"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+msgid "per hour"
+msgstr "pr. time"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+msgid "per minute"
+msgstr "pr. minut"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "per second"
+msgstr "pr. sekund"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Lokal:"
@@ -3385,7 +3405,7 @@ msgstr "Fil"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:211 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:261
msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Udført"
+msgstr "Fremgang"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:212
msgid "Size"
@@ -3581,10 +3601,6 @@ msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil annullere?"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Spørgsmål"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64 clientgui\common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "Tærtekontrol"
#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35 clientgui\mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Servicer"
@@ -3652,7 +3668,7 @@ msgstr "Genoptag beregning"
msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
msgstr "Åbn en vindue, for at se meddelelser fra projekter eller BOINC"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Get help with %s"
msgstr "Få hjælp til %s"
@@ -3671,16 +3687,16 @@ msgid ""
"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
msgstr "For yderligere opsætning, vælg Beregningsindstillinger under Avanceret visning."
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
msgid "GB of disk space"
msgstr "GB diskplads"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1089
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1093
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
msgstr "%s – Beregningsindstillinger"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1174
msgid "Discard all local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Kassér alle lokale indstillinger og brug web-baserede indstillinger?"
diff --git a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.mo
index fdcec01..45c0004 100644
Binary files a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
index cf010c8..61a8097 100644
--- a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-03 14:18-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-21 13:18+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-31 09:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Beer <christian.beer at posteo.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -209,369 +209,369 @@ msgstr "Verbunden"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Verbindung getrennt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Neues %s Fenster öffnen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Weiteres %s Fenster öffnen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "&Computer auswählen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Verbindet mit einem anderen Computer auf dem der BOINC-Client läuft"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Beenden des aktuell verbundenen Client..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Beenden des aktuell verbundenen BOINC-Client"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Das %s Fenster schließen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Fenster schließen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Beende %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Einstellungen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "&Nachrichten\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Nachrichten anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "&Projekte\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Projekte anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "&Aufgaben\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Aufgaben anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Ü&bertragungen\tCtrl+Shift+B"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Dateiübertragungen anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "&Statistiken\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Statistiken anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "&Festplatte\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Festplattennutzung anzeigen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "&Einfache Ansicht...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Zur einfachen Ansicht wechseln"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "Projekt &hinzufügen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Ein Projekt hinzufügen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "Kontoverwaltung benutzen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Eine Kontoverwaltung benutzen um diesen Computer zu verwalten."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Synchronisiere mit %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Hole die aktuellen Einstellungen von %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "Sto&ppe die Nutzung von %s ..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Trennt diesen Client von der Kontoverwaltung."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "&Benchmarks ausführen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Tests durchführen, welche die CPU Geschwindigkeit messen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "ausstehende Übertragungen &wiederholen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Ausstehende Dateiübertragungen und Anforderungen erneut versuchen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "&Meldungen... \t Ctrl+Shift+M"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Zeige Diagnosemeldungen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "&Immer ausführen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "BOINC arbeitet permanent. Andere Einstellungen, ausgenommen zum Netzwerkzugriff, werden übersteuert."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Ausführen nach &Einstellungen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Aufgaben entsprechend der Einstellungen erlauben."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Pausieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "BOINC unterbricht alle Arbeiten. Andere Einstellungen werden übersteuert."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "GPU immer nutzen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Erlaubt GPU-Arbeit ungeachtet der Einstellungen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "GPU-Nutzung nach Einstellungen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "BOINC nutzt die GPU entsprechend der Einstellungen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "GPU-Nutzung pausieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Stoppt GPU-Arbeit ungeachtet der Einstellungen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff immer erlauben"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Erlaubt den Netzwerkzugriff ohne Rücksicht auf die Einstellungen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff nach Einstellungen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Erlaubt den Netzwerkzugriff entsprechend den Einstellungen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff pausieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff anhalten"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "Berechnungs&einstellungen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Die lokalen Einstellungen konfigurieren."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Exklusive &Anwendungen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Exklusive Anwendungen konfigurieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "&Spalten auswählen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Auswählen welche Spalten angezeigt werden"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-msgstr "Meldungs&optionen...⇥Ctrl+Shift+O"
+msgstr "Meldungs&optionen...\tCtrl+Shift+O"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "verschiedene Diagnosemeldungen aktivieren oder deaktivieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "Sonstige Einstellungen..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Das Aussehen und die Netzwerkeinstellungen konfigurieren"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "&Konfigurationsdateien einlesen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Die Einstellungen der cc_config.xml Datei und etwaiger app_config.xml Dateien einlesen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "&Lokale Einstellungsdatei lesen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Einstellungen aus global_prefs_override.xml lesen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s &Hilfe"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Zeige Informationen über %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&%s Hilfe"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Zeige Informationen über %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s &Webseite"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Zeige Informationen über BOINC und %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&Über %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Lizenz- und Urheberrechts-Informationen."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Datei"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Ansicht"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Steuerung"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Optionen"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Werkzeuge"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Hilfe"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Nutzung von %s beenden"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -581,39 +581,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Wenn Sie sich von %s abmelden\nbleiben alle Ihre aktuellen Projekte erhalten,\nmüssen sie aber manuell verwalten.\n\nWollen Sie mit der Abmeldung von %s fortfahren?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Beende den aktuellen Client..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s - beendet den aktuell verbundenen Client,\nund fragt nach einem anderen Rechner zum Verbinden."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s hat erfolgreich %s hinzugefügt."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Verbinden mit %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Verbunden mit %s (%s)"
@@ -661,9 +661,9 @@ msgstr "B&eende %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Kommunikation"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "&Abbrechen"
@@ -897,79 +897,79 @@ msgstr "(Unbekannt)"
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(Benutzerauswahl)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "Öffne %s Web..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:526
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "Öffne %s..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:634
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:636
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "BOINC anhalten"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:535 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:650
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:655
msgid "Snooze GPU"
msgstr "GPU pausieren"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "&Beenden"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:882 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:894
#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:118
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Fortsetzen"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:649
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646
msgid "Resume GPU"
msgstr "GPU fortsetzen"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:712
msgid "Computing is enabled"
msgstr "Rechnen ist erlaubt"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:716
msgid "Computing is suspended - "
msgstr "Berechnung wurde angehalten - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:726
msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
msgstr "Rechnen mit GPU ist erlaubt"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
msgstr "GPU Berechnung wurde angehalten - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:738
msgid "Network is enabled"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff erlaubt"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
msgid "Network is suspended - "
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff ist abgeschaltet - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:749
msgid "Reconnecting to client."
msgstr "Wiederherstellen der Verbindung zu einem Client."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
msgid "Not connected to a client."
msgstr "Nicht mit einem Client verbunden."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s Notices"
msgstr "%s Nachrichten"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:810
msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
msgstr "Es gibt neue Nachrichten - klicken zum anzeigen."
@@ -1084,39 +1084,39 @@ msgstr "Für mehr Informationen besuchen Sie"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "ungültige Zahl"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Ungültige Zeit, Wert muss zwischen 0:00 und 24:00 liegen, das Format ist HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Die Startzeit muss sich von der Endzeit unterscheiden"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Zahl muss zwischen 0 und 10 sein"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:772
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Zahl muss zwischen 0 und 100 sein"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "Ungültiger Eingabewert entdeckt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Gültigkeitsproblem"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Lokale Einstellungen verwerfen und Web-basierte Einstellungen verwenden?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Bestätigung"
@@ -1139,97 +1139,81 @@ msgstr "Benutze Web-basierte Einstellungen von"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Werte eintragen und OK klicken um stattdessen lokale Einstellungen zu verwenden."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Dieser Dialog legt die Einstellungen nur für diesen Rechner fest.\nKlicken Sie auf OK zum Übernehmen der Einstellungen.\nKlicken Sie auf Löschen zum Wiederherstellen der Web-basierten Einstellungen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Löschen"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen und den Dialog schließen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Web Einstellungen verwenden"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Web-basierte Einstellungen wiederherstellen und den Dialog schließen."
-#. Computing schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Berechnung läuft"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netzwerk"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Festplatte und Arbeitsspeicher"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "täglicher Zeitplan"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Änderungen speichern und Dialog schließen"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Dialog schließen ohne Änderungen zu speichern"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Zeigt die Einstellungen-Webseite"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Nutzungsbegrenzungen"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Erlaubt es einige Prozessoren für andere Anwendungen zu reservieren. Beispiel: 75% benutzt nur 6 Kerne eines 8 Kern Prozessors."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Nutze höchstens"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% der Prozessoren"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1237,355 +1221,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Die Berechnung alle paar Sekunden unterbrechen/fortsetzen um die Prozessortemperatur und den Energieverbrauch zu senken. Beispiel: 75% bedeutet 3 Sekunden zu rechnen und 1 Sekunde zu warten."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% der Prozessorzeit"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Wann unterbrochen werden soll"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Unterbrechen, während Rechner im Akku-Betrieb läuft"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Anklicken, damit die Verwendung des Rechners durch das Programm pausiert, während der Rechner im Akku-Betrieb läuft"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Unterbrechen, während Rechner in Benutzung ist"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Anklicken, damit das Programm pausiert, während der Rechner in Benutzung ist"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Benutzung des Grafik-Prozessors unterbrechen, während Rechner in Benutzung ist"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Anklicken, damit die Benutzung des Grafik-Prozessors unterbrochen wird, während der Rechner in Benutzung ist"
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Dies bestimmt, wann der Rechner als „in Benutzung“ angesehen wird."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'In Benutzung' meint Aktivität der Maus/Tastatur in den letzten"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "Minuten"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Pausieren, wenn die Prozessorauslastung durch andere Programm über folgenden Wert steigt:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Unterbrechen wenn der Computer mit anderen Anwendungen beschäftigt ist."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Der Reiter \"täglicher Zeitplan\" erlaubt das pausieren nach Tageszeit."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Anderer"
+msgstr "Sonstiges"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Speichere ausreichend Aufgaben, um den Rechner so lange zu beschäftigen."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Speichere mindestens"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "Arbeitstage"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Speichere zusätzliche Aufgaben über dem Minimum. Bestimmt wie viele Aufgaben beim Kontakt mit dem Projekt angefordert werden."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Speichere zusätzlich für weitere"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Wenn Sie mehrere Projekte bearbeiten, dann darf %s zwischen diesen so häufig wechseln."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Zwischen Aufgaben wechseln alle"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Dies bestimmt wie oft Aufgaben auf die Festplatte gesichert werden, damit diese später fortgesetzt werden können."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Sicherung der Aufgaben höchstens alle"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "Sekunden"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Begrenzt die Downloadrate von Dateiübertragungen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Begrenze Downloadrate auf"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/Sekunde"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Begrenzt die Uploadrate von Dateiübertragungen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Begrenze Uploadrate auf"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Beispiel: %s darf höchstens 2000 MB Daten alle 30 Tage übertragen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Begrenze Datentransfer auf"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB pro"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "Tage"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Der Reiter \"täglicher Zeitplan\" erlaubt das pausieren der Übertragungen je nach Tageszeit."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Nur auswählen wenn der Internetprovider Bilder verändert. Das Überspringen der Verifikation reduziert die Sicherheit von %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Die Datenverifikation von Bildern überspringen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Bestätigen, bevor mit dem Internet verbunden wird."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Nur nützlich wenn Sie eine Verbindung via Modem, ISDN oder VPN aufbauen."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Verbindung trennen, wenn fertig"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Festplatte"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s benutzt die restriktivsten Einstellungen von:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Beschränke den Festplattenplatz, den %s benutzt."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Nutze nicht mehr als:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Begrenzung des Festplattenplatzes damit so viel Speicher auf dem von %s genutzten Datenträger freibleibt."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Lasse mindestens"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
-msgstr "GB frei:"
+msgstr "GB frei"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Prozentuale begrenzung des Festplattenplatzes den %s auf dem Datenträger nutzen darf."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% von Gesamt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Arbeitsspeicher"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Begrenzung des Arbeitsspeichers welcher von %s genutzt wird, während der Computer anderweitig genutzt wird."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Wenn der Computer benutzt wird, nutze höchstens"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Begrenzung des Arbeitsspeichers welcher von %s genutzt wird, während der Computer nicht anderweitig genutzt wird."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Wenn der Computer nicht genutzt wird, nutze höchstens"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Lasse nicht-GPU Aufgaben im Speicher, wenn sie pausiert sind"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt, verbleiben pausierte Aufgaben im Speicher und können ohne Verlust fortgesetzt werden. Wenn nicht ausgewählt wird der Speicher freigegeben und die Aufgaben vom letzten Sicherungspunkt fortgesetzt."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Beschränke den Auslagerungsspeicher (die Auslagerungsdatei), den %s benutzt."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Auslagerungsspeicher: nutze höchstens"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "und"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "bis"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Berechnungen nur während eines bestimmten Zeitraumes eines jeden Tages durchführen. "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:695 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Rechne nur zwischen:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:705
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:852
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Ausnahmen für Wochentage"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:709
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Übersteuere die oben angegebenen Zeiten an folgenden Tagen:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Montag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:742
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Freitag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:901
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Dienstag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:770
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:916
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samstag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:783
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:929
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mittwoch"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:798
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:944
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sonntag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:811
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:957
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Donnerstag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:840 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Erlaubt Dateiübertragungen nur innerhalb einer täglichen Zeitspanne."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:842 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Dateien übertragen zwischen:"
@@ -1858,216 +1850,244 @@ msgstr "Projekt hat keine Anwendungen für "
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "Die Konfiguration des Clients schließt aus, dass"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " CPU Arbeitsabruf verzögert für"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s Aufgabenabruf verzögert für"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr " Verzögerungsintervall für CPU Arbeitsabruf"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "Verzögerungsintervall für %s"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Projekteigenschaften "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
-msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr "Master URL"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Benutzername"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Teamname"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Ressourcenaufteilung"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Scheduleranfrage verzögert für"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Dateidownloads verzögert für"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Dateiuploads verzögert für"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Nutzung der Festplatte"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Nicht CPU intensiv"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "Ja"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Über das Menü angehalten"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "Nein"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Keine weiteren Aufgaben anfordern"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Laufende Scheduleranfrage"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Trickle-Up Meldung ausstehend"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Rechnerstandort"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "Standard"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Von der Kontoverwaltung hinzugefügt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Abmelden wenn alle Aufgaben erledigt sind"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Beendet"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Aufgaben erledigt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Aufgaben fehlgeschlagen"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Punkte"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Benutzer"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f Gesamt, %0.2f Durchschnitt"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Rechner"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Planung"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Planungspriorität"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "Prozessor"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Duration correction factor"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+msgid "Last scheduler reply"
+msgstr "Letzte Serverantwort"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Eigenschaften der Aufgabe "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Anwendung"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Status"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "erhalten"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Ressourcen"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Geschätzter Berechnungsaufwand"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "Prozessor-Zeit beim letzten Checkpoint"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "Prozessorzeit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "bisherige Laufzeit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Fortschritt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "benötigter Arbeitsspeicher"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Größe des Arbeitspakets"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Verzeichnis"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "Prozess-Nr."
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "Progress rate"
+msgstr "Fortschrittsrate"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+msgid "per hour"
+msgstr "pro Stunde"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+msgid "per minute"
+msgstr "pro Minute"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "per second"
+msgstr "pro Sekunde"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Lokal: "
@@ -3585,10 +3605,6 @@ msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich abbrechen?"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Frage"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64 clientgui\common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35 clientgui\mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Dienste"
@@ -3621,7 +3637,7 @@ msgstr "Wählen Sie das Aussehen der Benutzeroberfläche."
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:181
msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Erweiterte &Ansicht...⇥Ctrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Erweiterte &Ansicht...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:182
msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
@@ -3656,7 +3672,7 @@ msgstr "Berechnung fortsetzen"
msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
msgstr "Öffne ein Fenster um Projekt oder BOINC Nachrichten anzuzeigen"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Get help with %s"
msgstr "Hilfe für %s bekommen"
@@ -3675,16 +3691,16 @@ msgid ""
"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
msgstr "Weitere Einstellungen stehen unter 'Assistenten' -> 'Einstellungen...' in der Erweiterten Ansicht."
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
msgid "GB of disk space"
msgstr "GB Festplattenplatz"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1089
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1093
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
msgstr "%s - Berechnungseinstellungen"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1174
msgid "Discard all local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Lokale Einstellungen verwerfen und Web-basierte Einstellungen verwenden?"
diff --git a/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.mo
index dbd94e4..58c6b52 100644
Binary files a/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.po
index 46588cd..f646840 100644
--- a/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/en/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-24 20:17+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-23 22:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rom Walton\n"
"Language-Team: English (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/en/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -204,369 +204,369 @@ msgstr "Connected"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Disconnected"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "New %s window..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Open another %s window"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "Select computer..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Shut down connected client..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Close the %s window"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Close window"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Exit %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Preferences..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Show notices"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Show projects"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Show tasks"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Show file transfers"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Show statistics"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Show disk usage"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Switch to the Simple View"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "&Add project..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Add a project"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "&Use account manager..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Use an account manager to control this computer."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Synchronize with %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Get current settings from %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "S&top using %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Remove this computer from account manager control."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Run CPU &benchmarks"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Retry pending transfers"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Show diagnostic messages"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "&Run always"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Allow work regardless of preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Run based on &preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Allow work according to preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Suspend"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Stop work regardless of preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "Use GPU always"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "Use GPU based on preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Suspend GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Network activity always"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Network activity based on preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Allow network activity according to preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Suspend network activity"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Stop network activity"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "Computing &preferences..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Configure computing preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Exclusive applications..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Configure exclusive applications"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Select columns..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Select which columns to display"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "&Other options..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Configure display options and network settings"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Read config files"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Read local prefs file"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s &help"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Show information about %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&%s help"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Show information about the %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s &web site"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Show information about BOINC and %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&About %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Licensing and copyright information."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&File"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&View"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Activity"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Options"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Tools"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Help"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Stop using %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -576,39 +576,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "If you stop using %s,\nyou'll keep all your current projects,\nbut you'll have to manage projects manually.\n\nDo you want to stop using %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Shut down the current client..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s will shut down the current client\nand prompt you for another host to connect to."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s has successfully added %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connecting to %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Connected to %s (%s)"
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ msgstr "E&xit %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Communication"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1079,39 +1079,39 @@ msgstr "For more information, visit "
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "Invalid number"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Start time must be different from end time"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Number must be between 0 and 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Number must be between 0 and 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "invalid input value detected"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Validation Error"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmation"
@@ -1134,96 +1134,81 @@ msgstr "Using web-based preferences from"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\nClick OK to set preferences.\nClick Clear to restore web-based settings."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Clear"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Use web prefs"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Computing"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Network"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Disk and memory"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Daily schedules"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Save all values and close the dialog."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Close the dialog without saving."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Help"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Shows the preferences web page."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Usage limits"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores on an 8-core CPU."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Use at most"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% of the CPUs"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1231,355 +1216,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and energy usage. Example: 75% means compute for 3 seconds, wait for 1 second, and repeat."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% of CPU time"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "When to suspend"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Suspend when computer is on battery"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspend when computer is in use"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Other"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Store at least"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "days of work"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is requested when contacting a project."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Store up to an additional"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Switch between tasks every"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be restarted later."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "seconds"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Limit download rate to"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/second"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Limit upload rate to"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Limit usage to"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB every"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "days"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping verification reduces the security of %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Skip data verification for image files"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Disconnect when done"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disk"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Use no more than"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores data."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Leave at least"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB free"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores data."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% of total"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memory"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "When computer is in use, use at most"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "When computer is not in use, use at most"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their last checkpoint."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Page/swap file: use at most"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "and"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "to"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Compute only during a particular period each day."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Compute only between"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Day-of-week override"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Override the times above on the selected days:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Monday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Friday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Tuesday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Saturday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Wednesday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sunday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Thursday"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Transfer files only between"
@@ -1852,237 +1845,244 @@ msgstr "Project has no apps for "
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "Client configuration excludes "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " work fetch deferred for"
#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr " work fetch deferral interval"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s work fetch deferred for"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s work fetch deferral interval"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Properties of project "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "General"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "User name"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Team name"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Resource share"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "File downloads deferred for"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "File uploads deferred for"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Disk usage"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Non CPU intensive"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "yes"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Suspended via GUI"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "no"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Don't request more work"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Scheduler call in progress"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Trickle-up pending"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Host location"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "default"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Added via account manager"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Remove when tasks done"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Ended"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Tasks completed"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Tasks failed"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Credit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "User"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Host"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Scheduling"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Scheduling priority"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Duration correction factor"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr "Last scheduler reply"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Properties of task "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Application"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "State"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Received"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Report deadline"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Resources"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Estimated computation size"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "CPU time at last checkpoint"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU time"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Elapsed time"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Estimated time remaining"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Fraction done"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Virtual memory size"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Working set size"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Directory"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "Process ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr "Progress rate"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr "per hour"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr "per minute"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr "per second"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Local: "
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.mo
index 42e2512..ea62a5d 100644
Binary files a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
index d38718a..1d8224c 100644
--- a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@
# Translators:
# Antonio Regidor García <chikitosan at gmail.com>, 2015
+# el buve, 2015
+# fco.aguilarm <fco.aguilarm at gmail.com>, 2015
+# vladevil <vladevil at gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-28 09:05+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Antonio Regidor García <chikitosan at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-09 18:59 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 04:51+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: fco.aguilarm <fco.aguilarm at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -35,89 +38,90 @@ msgstr "Volver a la página principal de BOINC"
msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
msgstr "Esta página es %straducible%s."
-#: download.php:39
+#: download.php:42
msgid ""
"We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
"science projects that require it."
msgstr "Le recomendamos que instale también VirtualBox, para que su computador pueda trabajar para los proyectos científicos que lo requieren."
-#: download.php:41
+#: download.php:44
msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
msgstr "Saber más de VirtualBox."
-#: download.php:51
+#: download.php:52
msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
msgstr "Bajar BOINC y VirtualBox"
-#: download.php:54 download.php:69
+#. "for %s" identifies the operating system, e.g. "for Windows"
+#: download.php:56 download.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "for %s"
msgstr "para %s"
-#: download.php:57 download.php:72
+#: download.php:59 download.php:74
#, php-format
-msgid "BOINC version %s"
-msgstr "Versión %s de BOINC"
+msgid "BOINC %s"
+msgstr "BOINC %s"
-#: download.php:59
+#: download.php:61
#, php-format
-msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
-msgstr "Versión %s de VirtualBox"
+msgid "VirtualBox %s"
+msgstr "VirtualBox %s"
-#: download.php:67
+#: download.php:69
msgid "Download BOINC"
msgstr "Descargar BOINC"
-#: download.php:123
+#: download.php:133
msgid ""
"BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
"projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
"Community Grid, and many others."
msgstr "BOINC es un programa que le permite donar el tiempo en que su computador está inactivo a proyectos científicos como SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World Community Grid y muchos otros."
-#: download.php:125
+#: download.php:135
msgid ""
"After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
"these projects as you like."
msgstr "Tras instalar BOINC en su computador, puede conectarlo con tantos proyectos como quiera."
-#: download.php:127
+#: download.php:137
msgid ""
"You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have"
" the permission of its owner."
msgstr "Puede ejecutar este programa en un computador sólo si es de su propiedad o tiene permiso de su propietario."
-#: download.php:132
+#: download.php:142
msgid ""
"We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
"Appstore, not from here."
msgstr "Le recomendamos que descargue BOINC de Google Play o Amazon Appstore, no de aquí."
-#: download.php:167
+#: download.php:177
msgid "System requirements"
msgstr "Requisitos del sistema"
-#: download.php:168
+#: download.php:178
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "Notas de la versión"
-#: download.php:169 index.php:86
+#: download.php:179 index.php:93
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: download.php:170
+#: download.php:180
msgid "All versions"
msgstr "Todas las versiones"
-#: download.php:171
+#: download.php:181
msgid "Version history"
msgstr "Historial de las versiones"
-#: download.php:172
+#: download.php:182
msgid "GPU computing"
msgstr "Computación con GPU"
-#: download.php:190
+#: download.php:200
msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
msgstr "BOINC: computar para la ciencia"
@@ -171,13 +175,13 @@ msgid ""
"If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
msgstr "Si ya es ayudante voluntario: %spulse aquí%s para cambiar sus preferencias."
-#: help_funcs.php:107
+#: help_funcs.php:136
msgid ""
"BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers. Their advice is not endorsed by BOINC "
"or the University of California."
msgstr "Los ayudantes de BOINC son voluntarios no remunerados. Sus consejos no están avalados por BOINC o por la Universidad de California."
-#: help_funcs.php:110
+#: help_funcs.php:139
msgid "%1Never%2 give email address or password information to BOINC helpers."
msgstr "%1Nunca%2 revele su email o contraseña a los ayudantes de BOINC."
@@ -217,204 +221,163 @@ msgstr "PetaFLOPS."
msgid "News"
msgstr "Noticias"
-#: index.php:83
+#. "Volunteer" is used as a verb
+#: index.php:89
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "Ayudar"
-#: index.php:85
+#: index.php:92
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"
-#: index.php:87 index.php:120 index.php:171
+#: index.php:94 index.php:138
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"
-#: index.php:88
+#: index.php:95
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Complementos"
-#: index.php:89
+#: index.php:96
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Enlaces"
-#: index.php:94
+#: index.php:101
msgid ""
"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure"
" diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types "
"of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:"
msgstr "Use el tiempo en que su computador (Windows, Mac, Linux o Android) está inactivo para curar enfermedades, estudiar el calentamiento global, descubrir púlsares y muchos otros tipos de investigaciones científicas. Es seguro y fácil:"
-#: index.php:96
+#: index.php:103
msgid "Choose projects"
msgstr "Elegir proyectos"
-#: index.php:97
+#: index.php:104
msgid "Download BOINC software"
msgstr "Descargar BOINC"
-#: index.php:98
+#: index.php:105
msgid "Enter an email address and password."
msgstr "Escriba una dirección de email y una contraseña."
-#: index.php:102
+#: index.php:109
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "O, si ejecuta varios proyectos, pruebe un %sadministrador de cuentas%s, como %sGridRepublic%s o %sBAM!%s."
-#: index.php:118
+#: index.php:136
msgid "Compute with BOINC"
msgstr "Computar con BOINC"
-#: index.php:121
+#: index.php:139
msgid "Software updates"
msgstr "Actualizaciones de programas"
-#: index.php:128
+#: index.php:146
msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving"
-" you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
-msgstr "%1Científicos%2: usen BOINC para crear un %3proyecto de computación voluntaria%4 que les dará la potencia de procesamiento de miles de CPUs."
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, "
+"giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs."
+msgstr "%1Científicos%2: utilizan BOINC para crear un %3proyecto de cómputo voluntario%4, otorgandole a usted la potencia de procesamiento de miles de CPUs y GPUs."
-#: index.php:132
+#: index.php:150
msgid ""
"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
msgstr "%1Universidades%2: usen BOINC para crear un %3centro de supercomputación virtual del campus%4"
-#: index.php:137
+#: index.php:155
msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
msgstr "%1Empresas%2: usen BOINC para la %3computación en red con ordenadores de sobremesa%4."
-#: index.php:149
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "El proyecto BOINC"
+#: index.php:167
+msgid "About BOINC"
+msgstr "Sobre BOINC"
-#: index.php:155
+#: index.php:181
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Foros"
-#: index.php:156
+#: index.php:182
msgid "Email lists"
msgstr "Listas de correo"
-#: index.php:157
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr "Personal y colaboradores"
-#: index.php:158
+#: index.php:183
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Eventos"
-#: index.php:159
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "Artículos y charlas"
-#: index.php:160
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "Proyectos de investigación"
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "Logotipos y gráficos"
+#: index.php:184
+msgid "Source code"
+msgstr "Código fuente"
-#: index.php:162
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: index.php:166
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "Se busca ayuda"
-#: index.php:168
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "Programación"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "Traducción"
-#: index.php:170
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "Pruebas"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "Publicidad"
-#: index.php:174
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "Desarrollo de programas"
-#: index.php:175
+#: index.php:186
msgid "APIs for add-on software"
msgstr "APIs para complementos"
-#: index.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
-msgstr "Programas de código abierto para %scomputación voluntaria%s y %scomputación en red%s."
-#: index.php:230
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr "BOINC tiene su sede en la Universidad de California en Berkeley"
+#: index.php:231
+msgid "Open-source software for volunteer computing"
+msgstr "Programa de código abierto para computación voluntaria"
-#: projects.inc:14
+#: projects.inc:19
msgid "Distributed sensing"
msgstr "Sensores distribuidos"
-#: projects.inc:19
+#: projects.inc:24
msgid "Stanford University"
msgstr "Universidad de Stanford"
-#: projects.inc:20
+#: projects.inc:25
msgid "Seismology"
msgstr "Sismología"
-#: projects.inc:21
+#: projects.inc:26
msgid ""
-"The Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
-"using sensors attached to Internet-connected computers. You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
-msgstr "La Quake-Catcher Network está desarrollando la mayor red sísmica del mundo usando computadores con sensores conectados con Internet. Tiene que comprar un sensor para participar."
+"Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
+"using sensors attached to computers and smartphones."
+msgstr "La Quake-Catcher Network está desarrollando la mayor red sísmica del mundo usando computadores con sensores en ordenadores y smartphones"
-#: projects.inc:27
+#: projects.inc:34
msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
msgstr "Fundación BOINC Polonia"
-#: projects.inc:28
+#: projects.inc:35
msgid "Environmental research"
msgstr "Investigación medioambiental"
-#: projects.inc:29
+#: projects.inc:36
msgid ""
-"This project is creating a free and continuously updated map of radiation "
-"levels by using sensors connected to volunteers' computers. You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
-msgstr "Este proyecto está creando un mapa de niveles de radiación libre y actualizado continuamente usando sensores conectados con los computadores de los voluntarios. Tiene que comprar un sensor para participar."
+"Radioactive at Home is creating a free and continuously updated map of "
+"radiation levels using sensors connected to volunteers' computers. You must"
+" buy a sensor to participate."
+msgstr "Radioactive at Home está creando un mapa de niveles de radiación gratuito y conmtinuamente actualizado usando sensores conectados a los ordenadores de los voluntarios. Debes de comprar un sensor para participar."
-#: projects.inc:33
-msgid ""
-"To participate in these projects you must buy a sensor and attach it to your"
-" computer."
-msgstr "Para participar en estos proyectos tiene que comprar un sensor y conectarlo con su computador."
-#: projects.inc:37
+#: projects.inc:45
msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
msgstr "Ciencia cognitiva e inteligencia artificial"
-#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
-#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
+#: projects.inc:51
+msgid "Cognitive Science"
+msgstr "Ciencia Cognitiva"
+#: projects.inc:52
+msgid ""
+"MindModeling at Home uses computational cognitive process modeling to better "
+"understand the human mind, and specifically to study the mechanisms and "
+"processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning."
+msgstr "MindModeling at Home usa el modelado computacional de procesos cognitivos para entender mejor la mente humana, y específicamente para estudiar los mecánismos y procesos que permíten y moderan el desempeño humano y el aprendizaje."
+#: projects.inc:70 projects.inc:467 projects.inc:591 projects.inc:601
+#: projects.inc:657
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privado"
-#: projects.inc:61
+#: projects.inc:71
msgid "Artificial intelligence"
msgstr "Inteligencia artificial"
-#: projects.inc:62
+#: projects.inc:72
msgid ""
"Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
"intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
@@ -422,36 +385,55 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Analiza sintáticamente y convierte redes semánticas para usarlas en FreeHAL, una inteligencia artificial que usa redes semánticas, lematizadores, bases de datos de categorías gramaticales y etiquetadores de categorías gramaticales con el fin de imitar el comportamiento humano en las conversaciones."
-#: projects.inc:69
+#: projects.inc:82
msgid "Biology and Medicine"
msgstr "Biología y medicina"
-#: projects.inc:82
+#: projects.inc:88
+msgid "Medical physiology"
+msgstr "Fisiología médica"
+#: projects.inc:89
+msgid ""
+"DENIS at Home does cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the "
+"electrical activity of the heart."
+msgstr "DENIS at Home realiza simulaciones electrofisiológicas cardíacas, estudiando la actividad eléctrica del corazón."
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "Molecular biology"
+msgstr "Biología molecular"
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid ""
+"RNA World seeks to identify, analyze, structurally predict and design RNA "
+"molecules on the basis of established bioinformatics software."
+msgstr "RNA World busca identificar, analizar, estructuralmente predecir y diseñar moléculas de ARN sobre la base de programas bioinformáticos establecidos."
+#: projects.inc:107
msgid "University College Dublin"
msgstr "Colegio Universitario de Dublín"
-#: projects.inc:83
+#: projects.inc:108
msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
msgstr "Descubrimiento de medicamentos antimalaria"
-#: projects.inc:84
+#: projects.inc:109
msgid ""
"The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available"
-" medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
-"existing drugs. Importantly, these new drugs need to target NEW proteins in "
-"the parasite. The FightMalaria at Home project is aimed at finding these new "
-msgstr "El parásito que causa la malaria sigue desarrollando resistencia a la medicación disponible. Por tanto, necesitamos descubrir con urgencia medicamentos nuevos para reemplazar a los existentes. Y, lo más importante, estos medicamentos deben estar dirigidos a proteínas del parásito NUEVAS. El objetivo del proyecto FightMalaria at Home es encontrar estas proteínas nuevas."
+" medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs, targeting new"
+" proteins in the parasite. The FightNeglectedDiseases at Home project is aimed "
+"at finding these new targets."
+msgstr "El parásito que causa la malaria sigue desarrollando resistencia a la medicación disponible. Por tanto, necesitamos descubrir con urgencia nuevos medicamentos, dirigidos a las proteínas del parásito. El proyecto FightNeglectedDiseases at Home está dirigido a encontrar esas proteínas."
-#: projects.inc:90
+#: projects.inc:117
msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
msgstr "Universidad de Karlsruhe (Alemania)"
-#: projects.inc:91
+#: projects.inc:118
msgid "Protein structure prediction"
msgstr "Predicción de la estructura de las proteínas"
-#: projects.inc:92
+#: projects.inc:119
msgid ""
"POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
"structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
@@ -460,31 +442,15 @@ msgid ""
" the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins."
msgstr "POEM at HOME usa un enfoque computacional para predecir la estructura biológicamente activa de las proteínas, para entender los mecanismos del procesamiento de señales cuando las proteínas interactúan entre sí, para entender enfermedades relacionadas con el mal funcionamiento o agregación de las proteínas y para desarrollar nuevos medicamentos basados en las estructuras tridimensionales de proteínas importantes biológicamente."
-#: projects.inc:98
-msgid "University of Delaware"
-msgstr "Universidad de Delaware"
-#: projects.inc:99
-msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
-msgstr "Estudio de las interacciones proteína-ligando"
-#: projects.inc:100
-msgid ""
-"Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
-"aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
-"interactions and, by doing so, will search for insights into the discovery "
-"of novel pharmaceuticals."
-msgstr "Docking at Home tiene objetivos tanto biocientíficos como informáticos. El proyecto pretende aumentar el conocimiento de los detalles atómicos de las interacciones proteína-ligando y, con ello, buscar pistas para descubrir fármacos novedosos."
-#: projects.inc:114
+#: projects.inc:147
msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
msgstr "Parque de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona (PRBB)"
-#: projects.inc:115
+#: projects.inc:148
msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
msgstr "Simulaciones moleculares de proteínas"
-#: projects.inc:116
+#: projects.inc:149
msgid ""
"GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
"molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
@@ -492,47 +458,31 @@ msgid ""
"computational biology for biomedical research."
msgstr "GPUGrid.net abre nuevas posibilidades computacionales con el primer código de dinámica molecular a nivel atómico (CellMD) optimizado para ejecutarse en las GPU NVIDIA. De repente se han vuelto posibles nuevas aplicaciones biomédicas, lo que le da un nuevo papel a la biología computacional para la investigación biomédica."
-#: projects.inc:122
-msgid "Technion, Israel"
-msgstr "Technion, Israel"
-#: projects.inc:123
-msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
-msgstr "Análisis del ligamiento genético"
-#: projects.inc:124
-msgid ""
-"Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
-"provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
-"pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others."
-msgstr "Superlink at Technion ayuda a genetistas de todo el mundo a encontrar genes que provocan enfermedades y son la causa de algunos tipos de diabetes, hipertensión (presión sanguínea alta), cáncer, esquizofrenia y muchas otras."
-#: projects.inc:138
+#: projects.inc:175
msgid ""
"University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
msgstr "Centro de Bioinformática y Biología Computacional de la Universidad de Maryland"
-#: projects.inc:139
+#: projects.inc:176
msgid "Life science research"
msgstr "Investigaciones de las ciencias de la vida"
-#: projects.inc:140
+#: projects.inc:177
msgid ""
-"The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University"
-" of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data;"
-" bacterial, plasmid, and virus protein sequences; and biological diversity "
-"in nature reserves. "
-msgstr "El Lattice Project proporciona potencia de cálculo a los científicos de la Universidad de Maryland que estudian el parentesco evolutivo basado en los datos de secuencias de ADN; las secuencias de proteínas de bacterias, plásmidos y virus; y la diversidad biológica de las reservas naturales."
+"The Lattice Project, developed and administered at the University of "
+"Maryland, supplies computing power to researchers worldwide who are studying"
+" evolutionary relationships using DNA and protein sequence data."
+msgstr "The Lattice Project, desarrollado y administrado en la Universidad de Maryland, provee capacidad de cómputo a los investigadores alrededor del mundo, quienes estudian relaciones evolutivas utilizando ADN y secuencias de datos proteicos."
-#: projects.inc:146
+#: projects.inc:185
msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
msgstr "El Instituto Tropical Suizo"
-#: projects.inc:147
+#: projects.inc:186
msgid "Epidemiology"
msgstr "Epidemiología"
-#: projects.inc:148
+#: projects.inc:187
msgid ""
"Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria"
" are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
@@ -543,48 +493,37 @@ msgid ""
"social factors that influence the distribution of the disease. "
msgstr "Los modelos de simulación de la dinámica de transmisión y efectos en la salud de la malaria son una herramienta importante para el control de esta enfermedad. Pueden usarse para determinar las estrategias óptimas para suministrar mosquiteras, quimioterapia o nuevas vacunas que están actualmente en desarrollo y pruebas. Esa modelización requiere mucha potencia de cálculo; se necesitan simulaciones de poblaciones humanas grandes con un conjunto diverso de parámetros relacionados co [...]
-#: projects.inc:170
+#: projects.inc:211
msgid "University of Washington"
msgstr "Universidad de Washington"
-#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
+#: projects.inc:212
msgid "Biology"
msgstr "Biología"
-#: projects.inc:172
+#: projects.inc:213
msgid ""
"Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
"ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
"Rosetta at home you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we "
"couldn't possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping our "
-"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, "
-"Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
-msgstr "Determina las formas tridimensionales de las proteínas, en una investigación que puede conducir a la larga a encontrar la cura de enfermedades humanas importantes. Ejecutando Rosetta at home nos ayudará a acelerar y extender nuestra investigación de modos que probablemente no podríamos intentar sin su ayuda. Usted también está ayudando en nuestros esfuerzos por diseñar nuevas proteínas para luchar contra enfermedades como el VIH, la malaria, el cáncer y el alzheimer"
-#: projects.inc:178
-msgid "University of Vienna"
-msgstr "Universidad de Viena"
+"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, malaria, "
+"cancer, and Alzheimer's"
+msgstr "Determina las formas 3-dimensionales de proteínas en investigación que podrían culminar en el descubrimiento de curas para algunas de las enfermedades humanas más importantes. Al ejecutar Rosetta at home nos ayudará a acelerar y extender nuestra investigación en formas que simplemente no podríamos intentar sin su ayuda. Además estará apoyando nuestros esfuerzos en el diseño de nuevas proteínas para combatir enfermedades como el VIH, la malaria, el cáncer y el Alzheimer."
-#: projects.inc:180
-msgid ""
-"Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of"
-" the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
-msgstr "Calcula semejanzas entre proteínas. SIMAP proporciona una base de datos pública de los datos resultantes, que juegan un papel clave en muchos proyectos de investigación bioinformática."
-#: projects.inc:186
+#: projects.inc:231
msgid "Earth Sciences"
msgstr "Ciencias de la Tierra"
-#: projects.inc:198
+#: projects.inc:243
msgid "Oxford University"
msgstr "Universidad de Oxford"
-#: projects.inc:199
+#: projects.inc:244
msgid "Climate study"
msgstr "Estudio del clima"
-#: projects.inc:200
+#: projects.inc:245
msgid ""
"Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
"climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
@@ -596,83 +535,97 @@ msgid ""
"century under a wide range of different scenarios."
msgstr "Investiga las aproximaciones que han de hacerse en los modelos climáticos más avanzados. Ejecutando el modelo miles de veces esperamos averiguar cómo responde a ligeros ajustes de estas aproximaciones (lo bastante pequeñas para no hacer las aproximaciones menos realistas). Esto nos permitirá mejorar nuestro conocimiento sobre la sensibilidad de nuestros modelos a cambios pequeños y también a cosas como cambios en el dióxido de carbono y en el ciclo del azufre. Esto nos permitirá [...]
-#: projects.inc:207
+#: projects.inc:253
msgid "Physical Science"
msgstr "Ciencias físicas"
-#: projects.inc:213
+#: projects.inc:259
msgid "Mechanical engineering"
msgstr "Ingeniería mecánica"
-#: projects.inc:214
+#: projects.inc:260
msgid ""
"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
"bar truss"
msgstr "En la actualidad estamos calculando el diseño óptimo de una estructura llamada el armazón de 52 barras"
-#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
+#: projects.inc:269 projects.inc:328 projects.inc:338
msgid "Astronomy"
msgstr "Astronomía"
-#: projects.inc:225
+#: projects.inc:270
msgid ""
-"We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
-"generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
-"Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface "
-"density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order "
-"star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
-"energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing "
-msgstr "Combinaremos los rangos espectrales de GALEX, Pan-STARRS1 y WISE para generar un atlas de galaxias del universo cercano multifrecuencia, en ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo cercano. Mediremos parámetros físicos (como la densidad superficial de la masa estelar, la densidad superficial de la tasa de formación estelar, la atenuación y la historia de primer orden de la formación estelar) con resolución completa, píxel por píxel, usando técnicas de ajuste de la distribución de la en [...]
+"TheSkyNet POGS is an astronomy project studying 16 different properties of "
+"galaxies, including brightness, mass, amount of dust and how fast stars are "
+"forming. We are using your processing power to conduct pixel-by-pixel "
+"calculations on multi-wavelength (ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared "
+"light) images of galaxies to produce an atlas that will help astronomers to "
+"better understand the distant universe."
+msgstr "TheSkyNet POGS es un proyecto astronómico que estudia 16 propiedades diferentes de las galaxias, incluyendo brillo, masa, cantidad de polvo y la rápidez de formación de las estrellas. Nosotros utilizamos su capacidad de procesamiento para conducir cálculos pixel por pixel en múltiples longitudes de onda (ultravioleta, luz visible y cercana al infrarojo) de imágenes de galaxias para producir un atlas que ayudará a los astrónomos a entender mejor el distante universo."
-#: projects.inc:247
-msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
-msgstr "Universidad de Texas en Austin"
+#: projects.inc:280 projects.inc:366
+msgid "Astrophysics"
+msgstr "Astrofísica"
-#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
-msgid "Chemistry"
-msgstr "Química"
+#: projects.inc:281
+msgid ""
+"The aim of the project is to derive shapes and spin for a significant part "
+"of the asteroid population. As input data, we use any asteroid photometry "
+"that is available. The results are asteroid convex shape models with the "
+"direction of the spin axis and the rotation period."
+msgstr "El objetivo del proyecto es derivar formas y giros de una parte significativa de la población de asteroides. Como datos de entrada, utilizamos cualquier fotometría de asteroides disponible. Los resultados son modelos de forma convexa de asteroides con la dirección del eje de giro y el punto de rotación."
-#: projects.inc:249
+#: projects.inc:290
+msgid "Aerospace-related science and engineering"
+msgstr "Ciencia Aeroespacial e ingeniería"
+#: projects.inc:291
msgid ""
-"A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
-"materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
-"scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. "
-"Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude "
-"slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct "
-"simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of "
-"years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a "
-"single event of interest can be expected to occur. Our research group is "
-"interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems."
-msgstr "Un problema común en química teórica, física de la materia condensada y ciencia de los materiales es el cálculo de la evolución temporal de un sistema a escala atómica donde, por ejemplo, ocurren reacciones químicas o difusión. Normalmente, los eventos de interés son bastante raros (muchos órdenes de magnitud más lentos que los movimientos vibratorios de los átomos) y por lo tanto las simulaciones directas, siguiendo cada movimiento de los átomos, llevarían miles de años de cálcu [...]
+"Constellation is a platform for aerospace-related simulations, including "
+"trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes, simulation of "
+"Moon's near-surface exosphere, and analysis of dynamic systems of "
+msgstr "Constellation es una plataforma para simulaciones aeroespaciales, incluyendo optimización de trayectoría de lanzadores, satélites y sondas, simulación de la exósfera cercana a la superficie de la Luna, y análisis de sistemas dinámicos de los rovers de exploración."
-#: projects.inc:262
-msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
-msgstr "Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign"
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Perform aerospace-related simulations"
+msgstr "Realiza simulaciones aeroespaciales"
-#: projects.inc:264
+#: projects.inc:329
msgid ""
-"The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
-"our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
-"astronomical particle physics data."
-msgstr "El objetivo de Cosmology at Home es buscar el modelo que describa mejor nuestro universo y encontrar la serie de modelos que concuerden con los datos astronómicos y de física de partículas disponibles."
+"Universe at Home aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar "
+"content of the Universe, from the earliest stars to the most exotic black "
+"hole binaries."
+msgstr "Universe at Home tiene como objetivo crear la primer base de datos de contenido estelar simulado del Universo, desde las primeras estrellas hasta los más exóticos hoyos negros binarios. "
-#: projects.inc:270
+#: projects.inc:332
+msgid "Do research in physics and astronomy"
+msgstr "Investiga en física y astronomía"
+#: projects.inc:337
msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
msgstr "Instituto Politécnico Rensselaer"
-#: projects.inc:272
+#: projects.inc:339
msgid ""
"The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
"model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
msgstr "El objetivo de Milkyway at Home es crear un modelo tridimensional de alta precisión de la Vía Láctea usando datos recolectados por el Sloan Digital Sky Survey."
-#: projects.inc:278
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Study the structure of the Milky Way galaxy"
+msgstr "Estudia la estructura de la Vía Láctea"
+#: projects.inc:347
msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
msgstr "Universidad de Leiden, los Países Bajos"
-#: projects.inc:280
+#: projects.inc:348
+msgid "Chemistry"
+msgstr "Química"
+#: projects.inc:349
msgid ""
"Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics. Leiden Classical "
"allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
@@ -682,15 +635,15 @@ msgid ""
"simulations through the grid."
msgstr "Cálculos de ciencia de superficies usando dinámica clásica. Leiden Classical permite a voluntarios, estudiantes y otros científicos enviar sus cálculos personales a la red. Cada usuario tiene su propia cola personal de tareas de dinámica clásica. Los estudiantes han usado el grid de esta manera para simular argón líquido o comprobar la validez de la ley de los gases ideales haciendo simulaciones reales mediante la red."
-#: projects.inc:294
+#: projects.inc:352
+msgid "Help students do atomic simulations"
+msgstr "Ayuda estudiantes a hacer simulaciones atómicas"
+#: projects.inc:365
msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
msgstr "Univ. de Wisconsin-Milwaukee e Instituto Max Planck"
-#: projects.inc:295
-msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr "Astrofísica"
-#: projects.inc:296
+#: projects.inc:367
msgid ""
"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
"LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
@@ -699,15 +652,19 @@ msgid ""
"international organizations."
msgstr "Busca estrellas de neutrones en rotación (llamadas también púlsares) usando datos de los detectores de ondas gravitatorias LIGO y GEO, y del radiotelescopio de Arecibo. Einstein at Home es un proyecto del Año Mundial de la Física 2005 financiado por la Sociedad Estadounidense de Física y diversas organizaciones extranjeras."
-#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
+#: projects.inc:370
+msgid "Help detect pulsars and gravitational waves"
+msgstr "Ayuda a detectar púlsares y ondas gravitacionales"
+#: projects.inc:383 projects.inc:393 projects.inc:403
msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
msgstr "CERN (Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear)"
-#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
+#: projects.inc:384 projects.inc:394 projects.inc:404
msgid "Physics"
msgstr "Física"
-#: projects.inc:312
+#: projects.inc:385
msgid ""
"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
"European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
@@ -716,22 +673,42 @@ msgid ""
"the design of LHC and its detectors."
msgstr "El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC, por sus siglas en inglés) es un acelerador de partículas del CERN, la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear, el mayor laboratorio de física de partículas del mundo. Es el instrumento más potente jamás construido para investigar las propiedades de las partículas. LHC at home ejecuta simulaciones para mejorar el diseño del LHC y sus detectores."
-#: projects.inc:320
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Improve the design of the Large Hadron Collider"
+msgstr "Mejora el diseño del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones"
+#: projects.inc:395
msgid ""
-"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged"
-" LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers. Requires that you "
-"install VirtualBox on your computer"
-msgstr "Este proyecto usa tecnología de máquinas virtuales creada por el CERN para simular la física de los eventos del LHC con todo detalle en los computadores de los voluntarios. Requiere que instale VirtualBox en su computador."
+"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for LHC event "
+"physics simulation on volunteer computers. Requires that you install "
+"VirtualBox on your computer"
+msgstr "Este proyecto utiliza tecnología de máquinas virtuales desarrollada por el CERN para la simulación de eventos del LHC en los ordenadores de los voluntarios. Requiere que instale VirtualBox en su ordenador."
-#: projects.inc:326
+#: projects.inc:398
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions"
+msgstr "Simula colisiones de partículas de alta energía"
+#: projects.inc:405
+msgid ""
+"ATLAS at Home uses volunteer computing to run simulations for ATLAS, a particle"
+" physics experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. ATLAS searches for new"
+" particles and processes using head-on collisions of protons of "
+"extraordinary high energy."
+msgstr "ATLAS at Home usa el cómputo de voluntarios para ejecutar simulaciones para ATLAS, un experimento de física de partículas en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones en CERN. ATLAS busca nuevas partículas y procesos utilizando colisiones frontales de protones de altísima energía."
+#: projects.inc:408
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions for CERN"
+msgstr "Simula colisiones de partículas de alta energía para CERN"
+#: projects.inc:413
msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
msgstr "Universidad de California en Berkeley"
-#: projects.inc:327
+#: projects.inc:414
msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
msgstr "Astrofísica y astrobiología"
-#: projects.inc:328
+#: projects.inc:415
msgid ""
"SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
"goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -740,60 +717,70 @@ msgid ""
"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
msgstr "La búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre (SETI, por sus siglas en inglés) es un campo científico cuyo objetivo es detectar vida inteligente fuera de la Tierra. Un enfoque, conocido como radioSETI, usa radiotelescopios para escuchar señales de radio del espacio de banda estrecha. No se conocen señales de ese tipo que ocurran de forma natural, por lo que una detección nos daría una evidencia de tecnología extraterrestre."
-#: projects.inc:342
-msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
-msgstr "Universidad de Bielefeld de Ciencias Aplicadas"
+#: projects.inc:418
+msgid "Search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life"
+msgstr "Busca evidencia de vida extraterrestre"
+#: projects.inc:442
+msgid "Multiple applications"
+msgstr "Varias aplicaciones"
-#: projects.inc:343
-msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
-msgstr "Ingeniería química y nanotecnología"
+#: projects.inc:448
+msgid "Molecular biology, Computer Science"
+msgstr "Biología molecular, Ciencias Computacionales"
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:449
msgid ""
-"The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism. These "
-"magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
-"applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
-msgstr "El estudio de los imanes moleculares y el magnetismo a nanoescala controlado. Estas moléculas magnéticas se pueden usar para desarrollar minúsculos interruptores magnéticos, con aplicaciones en medicina (como quimioterapia local de tumores) y biotecnología."
+"The Citizen Science Grid is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research"
+" and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science."
+msgstr "The Citizen Science Grid se dedica a apoyar un amplio campo de investigación y proyectos educativos utilizando cómputo voluntario y ciencia ciudadana."
-#: projects.inc:351
-msgid "Multiple applications"
-msgstr "Varias aplicaciones"
+#: projects.inc:452
+msgid "Support science from the University of North Dakota"
+msgstr "Apoya la ciencia desde la Universidad de Dakota del Norte"
-#: projects.inc:356
+#: projects.inc:457
msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
msgstr "Academia China de las Ciencias"
-#: projects.inc:357
+#: projects.inc:458
msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
msgstr "Física, bioquímica y otros"
-#: projects.inc:358
+#: projects.inc:459
msgid ""
"The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
"adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
"their research."
msgstr "El objetivo de CAS at home is fomentar y ayudar a los científicos de China a adoptar las tecnologías de la computación voluntaria y el pensamiento voluntario para sus investigaciones."
-#: projects.inc:365
+#: projects.inc:462
+msgid "Help Chinese researchers"
+msgstr "Ayuda a investigadores chinos"
+#: projects.inc:468
msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
msgstr "Matemáticas, física y evolución"
-#: projects.inc:366
+#: projects.inc:469
msgid ""
"Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
msgstr "Yoyo at home es un adaptador entre BOINC y varios proyectos de computación voluntaria existentes: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home y distributed.net"
-#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Do research in math, physics, and evolution"
+msgstr "Investiga en matemáticas, física, y evolución"
+#: projects.inc:477 projects.inc:677
msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
msgstr "Laboratorio MTA-SZTAKI de Sistemas Paralelos y Distribuidos (Hungría)"
-#: projects.inc:372
+#: projects.inc:478
msgid "European research projects"
msgstr "Proyectos de investigación europeos"
-#: projects.inc:373
+#: projects.inc:479
msgid ""
"The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
"grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
@@ -801,27 +788,35 @@ msgid ""
" by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
msgstr "El proyecto EDGeS at Home Beta integra la computación voluntaria en la red de grids de servicio de Europa permitiendo a los grids de servicio enviar tareas para que las procesen los voluntarios del proyecto. Los proyectos científicos que cubre EDGeS at Home son de matemáticas, física, biología, etc."
-#: projects.inc:379
+#: projects.inc:482
+msgid "Help European researchers"
+msgstr "Ayuda a investigadores europeos"
+#: projects.inc:487
msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
msgstr "Universidades y centros de investigación españoles"
-#: projects.inc:380
+#: projects.inc:488
msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
msgstr "Varios proyectos de investigación españoles"
-#: projects.inc:381
+#: projects.inc:489
msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
msgstr "Investigación en física, ciencia de materiales y biomedicina"
-#: projects.inc:387
+#: projects.inc:492
+msgid "Help Spanish researchers"
+msgstr "Ayuda a investigadores españoles"
+#: projects.inc:497
msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
msgstr "Ciudadanía Corporativa de IBM"
-#: projects.inc:388
+#: projects.inc:498
msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
msgstr "Investigación humanitaria en medicina, medio ambiente y otros campos"
-#: projects.inc:389
+#: projects.inc:499
msgid ""
"To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
"problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid. Research"
@@ -829,50 +824,87 @@ msgid ""
"clean water and many more."
msgstr "Desarrollar investigaciones cruciales sin ánimo de lucro sobre algunos de los problemas más acuciantes de la humanidad creando la mayor red de computación voluntaria del mundo. Los campos de investigación incluyen el SIDA-VIH, el cáncer, las enfermedades tropicales y olvidadas, la energía solar, la depuración del agua y muchos otros."
-#: projects.inc:395
+#: projects.inc:502
+msgid "Do biomedical and environmental research"
+msgstr "Lleva a cabo investigaciones biomédicas y ambientales"
+#: projects.inc:507
msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
msgstr "Matemáticas, computación y juegos"
-#: projects.inc:401
+#: projects.inc:533 projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668
+#: projects.inc:678
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "Matemáticas"
+#: projects.inc:534
+msgid ""
+"NumberFields at home searches for fields with special properties. The primary "
+"application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. "
+"Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them "
+"formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will "
+"lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the "
+"basic building blocks of all mathematics."
+msgstr "NumberFields at home busca campos de propiedades especiales. La aplicación primaria de esta investigación es en el campo de la teoría algebraica de números. Los teóricos de números pueden minar los datos en búsqueda de patrones interesantes para ayudarles a formular conjeturas sobre campos numéricos. Finalmente, esta investigación llevará a adentrarse más en una comprensión de las propiedades más profundas de los números, los bloques básicos de construcción de todas las matemáticas."
+#: projects.inc:537
+msgid "Do research in algebraic number theory"
+msgstr "Investiga la teoría algebraica de números"
+#: projects.inc:553
msgid "Computer Science"
msgstr "Informática"
-#: projects.inc:409
-msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
-msgstr "Matemáticas, física e inteligencia artificial"
+#: projects.inc:554
+msgid ""
+"Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion "
+"problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc.) that can be "
+"effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem."
+msgstr "Resuelve problemas difíciles y importantes a la práctica (funciones discretas problemas de inversión, optimización discreta, bioinformática, etc.) que se puede reducir de manera efectiva a un problema satisfacibilidad Boole."
+#: projects.inc:557
+msgid "Study computational complexity"
+msgstr "Estudia la complejidad computacional"
+#: projects.inc:582
+msgid "Cryptography and combinatorics"
+msgstr "Criptografía y combinatoria"
-#: projects.inc:410
-msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
-msgstr "Simulación de computación cuántica y conjetura de Goldbach."
+#: projects.inc:583 projects.inc:586
+msgid "Run applications from distributed.net"
+msgstr "Ejecuta aplicaciones desde distributed.net"
-#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
+#: projects.inc:592
msgid "Cryptography"
msgstr "Criptografía"
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:593
msgid ""
"Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
msgstr "Intenta descifrar tres mensajes originales de Enigma. Las señales se interceptaron en el Atlántico Norte en 1942 y se cree que están por descifrar."
-#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
-#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
-msgid "Mathematics"
-msgstr "Matemáticas"
+#: projects.inc:596
+msgid "Decode WWII submarine messages"
+msgstr "Decodifica mensajes submarinos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial"
-#: projects.inc:466
+#: projects.inc:603
msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
msgstr "Estudia la Conjetura de Collatz, una conjetura matemática no resuelta"
-#: projects.inc:471
+#: projects.inc:606
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture"
+msgstr "Estudia la Conjetura de Collatz"
+#: projects.inc:611
msgid "California State University Fullerton"
msgstr "Universidad Estatal de California Fullerton"
-#: projects.inc:472
+#: projects.inc:612
msgid "Factorization of large integers"
msgstr "Factorización de enteros grandes"
-#: projects.inc:473
+#: projects.inc:613
msgid ""
"NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
"the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
@@ -882,61 +914,51 @@ msgid ""
"hundreds of digits long."
msgstr "NFS at Home es un proyecto de investigación que usa computadores conectados con Internet para hacer el paso del cribado de red en la factorización de enteros grandes mediante la criba de cuerpos numéricos. Seguramente usted tuvo su primera experiencia con la descomposición de enteros en factores primos cuando estudiaba en la escuela primaria, haciendo descomposiciones como 15 = 3 * 5 o 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home es una continuación de esa experiencia, sólo que con enteros de cientos de cifras."
-#: projects.inc:479
-msgid ""
-"Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
-msgstr "Universidad Técnica Vilnius Gediminas y Universidad de Tecnología Kaunas (Lituania)"
-#: projects.inc:480
-msgid "Software testing"
-msgstr "Prueba de programas"
-#: projects.inc:481
-msgid ""
-"The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
-"platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
-"well as others Lithuanian academic institutions. Current applications "
-"involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
-msgstr "El objetivo de este proyecto es suministrar una plataforma de computación distribuida potente a los científicos de la Universidad Técnica Vilnius Gediminas y de otras instituciones académicas lituanas. Las aplicaciones actuales involucran el estudio de pruebas de programas basadas en el método de Monte Carlo."
-#: projects.inc:503
-msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
-msgstr "Instituto Matemático de la Universidad de Leiden / Kennislink"
-#: projects.inc:505
-msgid ""
-"Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
-"< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
-"product of the distinct prime factors of n. The ABC conjecture says that "
-"there are only finitely many a,b,c such that log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h for "
-"any real h > 1. The ABC conjecture is currently one of the greatest open "
-"problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
-"problems can be answered directly from it."
-msgstr "Busca ternas abc: enteros positivos a, b y c tales que a+b=c; a < b < c; a, b y c no tienen divisores comunes y c > rad(abc), donde rad(n) es el producto de los factores primos distintos de n. La conjetura ABC dice que sólo hay un número finito de a, b y c tales que log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h para todo real h > 1. La conjetura ABC es uno de los mayores problemas abiertos de las matemáticas en la actualidad. Si se demostrara que es cierta, se podrían resolver directamente a pa [...]
+#: projects.inc:616
+msgid "Study the factorization of large integers"
+msgstr "Estudia la factorización de enteros grandes"
-#: projects.inc:513
+#: projects.inc:659
msgid ""
"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
msgstr "Primegrid tiene muchos proyectos, que buscan números primos muy grandes de distintos tipos, incluida la búsqueda del mayor número primo conocido."
-#: projects.inc:519
+#: projects.inc:662
+msgid "Search for large prime numbers"
+msgstr "Busca números primos grandes"
+#: projects.inc:667
msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
msgstr "Universidad Hochschule RheinMain de Ciencias Aplicadas"
-#: projects.inc:521
+#: projects.inc:669
msgid ""
"Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
"of prime numbers"
msgstr "Busca contraejemplos de dos conjeturas relacionadas con la identificación de números primos"
-#: projects.inc:529
+#: projects.inc:672
+msgid "Study the properties of prime numbers"
+msgstr "Estudia las propiedades los números primos"
+#: projects.inc:679
msgid ""
"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
msgstr "Encontrar todos los sistemas numéricos binarios generalizados (en los que las bases son matrices y las cifras son vectores) hasta la dimensión 11."
+#: projects.inc:682
+msgid "Study number theory"
+msgstr "Estudia la teoría de números"
+#: projects.inc:739
+msgid ""
+"Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of "
+"parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control "
+msgstr "Prueba y comparación de métodos heurísticos para obtener separaciones de algorítmos paralelos que trabajan en un sistema CAD para el diseño de sistemas lógicos de control"
#: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentar"
diff --git a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 98112f8..9be2120 100644
Binary files a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
index b4c5aef..0c8a0c9 100644
--- a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
# BUNS Nicolas, 2015
# Christian Beer <christian.beer at posteo.de>, 2015
# Jerome Cadet <jerome.cadet at pobox.com>, 2015
-# PINSET Romaric <pinset.romaric at gmail.com>, 2015
+# PINSET Romaric <inactive+RomaricP at transifex.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-24 22:11+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 21:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jerome Cadet <jerome.cadet at pobox.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -210,369 +210,369 @@ msgstr "Connecté"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Déconnecté"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Nouveauté %s fenêtre..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Ouvrir une autre %s fenêtre"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "Sélectionner un ordinateur..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Se connecter au client BOINC depuis un autre ordinateur"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Arrêter le client connecté..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Fermer le client BOINC actuellement connecté "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Fermez la fenêtre %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Fermer la fenêtre"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Quitter %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Préférences..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "&Remarques\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Montrer les notifications"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "&Projets\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Monter les projets"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "&Tâches\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Montrer les tâches"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Trans&ferts\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Montrer les transferts de fichiers "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "&Statistiques\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Montrer les statistiques"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "&Disque⇥Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Montrer l'utilisation du disque"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "&Vue Simple...\t⇥Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Basculer en Vue Simplifié"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "Ajouter un &projet..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Ajouter un projet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "&Utiliser le gestionnaire de compte..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Utilisez un gestionnaire de compte pour contrôler cet ordinateur."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Synchronisation avec %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Récupération des paramètres actuels de %s "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "&Arrêter d'utiliser %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Enlever cet ordinateur du contrôle du gestionnaire de compte."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Effectuer les &tests de puissance de votre CPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Effectuer les tests mesurant la vitesse des processeurs"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Réessayer les transferts en attente"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Réessayer les transferts de fichiers et les taches différés "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "Journal des évènements...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Montrer les messages de diagnostic "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "&Calculer en permanence"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Autorise le travail sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Calculer selon les &préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Autorise le travail selon les préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Suspendre"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Arrêter les calculs sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "Toujours utiliser le GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Autorise le calcul GPU sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "Utiliser le GPU selon les préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "Autoriser le calcul GPU selon les préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Suspendre le GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Arrête les calculs du GPU sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Activité réseau toujours disponible"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Autoriser l'activité réseau sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Activité réseau selon les préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Autoriser l'activité réseau selon les préférences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Activité réseau suspendue"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Arrêter l'activité réseau"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "&Préférences de calcul..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Configurer les préférences de calcul"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Applications exclusive..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Configurer les applications exclusives"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Sélectionnez les colonnes"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Sélectionnez les colonnes à montrer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "Options du Journal des événements... Ctrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Activer ou désactiver les messages de diagnostic divers"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "& Autres options..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Configuration des options d'affichage et des paramètres réseaux"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Lire les fichiers de configuration"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Lire les informations de configuration du fichier cc_config.xml et de tout fichier app_config.xml"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Lire le fichier de préférences locales"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Lit les préférences contenues dans le fichier global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "&Aide sur %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos de %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&Aide sur le %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos du %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "Site web de %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos de BOINC et %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&A propos de %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Informations sur les droits d'auteur et la licence."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Fichier"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Affichage"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Activité"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Options..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Outils"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Aide"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Arrêter d'utiliser %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -582,39 +582,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Si vous cessez d'utiliser %s, \nvous conserverez tous vos projets \nmais vous devrez les gérer manuellement.\nVoulez-vous cesser d'utiliser %s ?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Arrêter le client actuel..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s arrêtera le client connecté\net vous invitera à vous connecter à un autre ordinateur."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s a ajouté avec succès %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connexion à %s en cours"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Connecté à %s (%s)"
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ msgstr "&Fermer %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Communication"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1085,39 +1085,39 @@ msgstr "Pour plus d'informations, visitez "
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "nombre invalide"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Horaire incorrect, la valeur doit être comprise entre 00:00 et 24:00, au format HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "L'heure de début doit être différente de l'heure de fin"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Le nombre doit être compris entre 0 et 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Le nombre doit être compris entre 0 et 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "valeur invalide détectée"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Erreur de Validation"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Remplacer les préférences locales par les préférences enregistrées sur le web ?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmation"
@@ -1140,96 +1140,81 @@ msgstr "Utilisation des préférences enregistrées sur le web"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Renseignez une valeur et cliquez sur OK pour plutôt utiliser les préférences locales."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Cette fenêtre contrôle les préférences pour cet ordinateur uniquement.\nCliquez sur OK pour enregistrer ces préférences.\nCliquez sur Effacer pour restaurer les paramètres du site internet (sauf les applications exclusives)."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Effacer toutes les préférences locales et fermer la fenêtre"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Utiliser les préférences web"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Restaurer les préférences enregistrées sur le web et fermer la fenêtre."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Calculs en cours"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Utilisation du réseau"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Disque et mémoire"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Planifications journalières"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les préférences et fermer la fenêtre."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Fermer la fenêtre sans enregistrer les changements."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Afficher la page web des préférences."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Les limites d'utilisation"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Garder certains processeurs libres pour d'autres applications. Exemple : 75 % signifie utiliser 6 cœurs sur un processeur 8-core."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Utiliser au plus"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% du temps CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1237,355 +1222,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Suspend puis reprend les calculs toutes les quelques secondes afin de réduire la température du processeur et la consommation d'énergie. Exemple : 75 % signifie calculer pendant 3 secondes, attendre 1 seconde et répéter."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% du temps CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Quand suspendre les calculs"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Suspension quand l'ordinateur est sur batterie"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Cochez cette case pour suspendre les calculs sur votre portable quand il fonctionne sur batterie."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspendre les calculs lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Cochez cette case pour suspendre le calcul et les transferts de fichiers lorsque vous utilisez l'ordinateur."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Suspendre le calcul par la carte graphique lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Cochez cette case pour suspendre le calcul par la carte graphique lorsque vous utilisez l'ordinateur."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Ceci permet de déterminer quand l'ordinateur est considéré comme \"en usage\"."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'Est utilisé' signifie qu'il y a eu une activité de la souris ou du clavier dans les dernières"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Suspendre lorsque l'utilisation du processeur est au-dessus de"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Suspendre le calcul lorsque votre ordinateur est occupé à exécuter d'autres programmes."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Pour suspendre en fonction des heures de la journée, voir la section \"Contraintes sur jours de la semaine\"."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Stocker au moins assez de tâches pour occuper l'ordinateur pendant cette durée."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Stocker au moins"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "jours de travail"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Stocker des tâches supplémentaires au-dessus du niveau minimum. Détermine la quantité de travail demandée lorsque vous communiquez avec un projet."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Stocker jusqu'à un additionnel"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Si vous exécutez plusieurs projets, %s peut basculer entre eux souvent."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Permuter entre les tâches toutes les"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Ce paramètre règle le nombre de fois que les tâches peuvent enregistrer leur état sur le disque, afin qu'elles puissent être redémarrées plus tard."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Demander des tâches au point de contrôle au plus chaque"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondes"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limiter le taux de transfert de fichiers descendant (download)."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Taux limite de téléchargement descendant"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/seconde"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limiter le taux de transferts de fichiers ascendant (upload)."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Taux limite de téléchargement ascendant"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Exemple : %s doit transférer au maximum 2000 MB de données tous les 30 jours."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Limiter à"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB chaque"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Pour limiter les transferts en fonction des heures de la journée, voir la section \"Contraintes sur jours de la semaine\"."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Cochez si votre fournisseur d'accès Internet modifie les fichiers image.\nIgnorer cette vérification réduit la sécurité de %s"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Ignorer la vérification des données pour les fichiers image"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Confirmer avant de se connecter à internet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Utiliser uniquement si vous avez un modem, la connexion VPN ou RNIS."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Se déconnecter dès que terminé"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disque"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s utilisera le plus restrictif de ces paramètres :"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Limiter la quantité totale d'espace disque utilisée par %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Ne pas utiliser plus de:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "Go"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Limiter l'utilisation du disque dur afin de laisser suffisamment d'espace libre sur le volume où %s stocke les données."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Laisser au moins"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB libre"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Limiter le pourcentage d'espace disque utilisée par %s sur le volume où il stocke les données."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% du total"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Mémoire"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Limiter la mémoire utilisée par %s lorsque vous utilisez l'ordinateur."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé, utilisez au maximum"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Limiter la mémoire utilisée par %s lorsque vous n'utilisez pas l'ordinateur."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Lorsque l'ordinateur n'est pas en utilisation, utiliser au maximum"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Laisser les tâches non-GPU en mémoire lorsqu'elles sont suspendues"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Si coché, les tâches seront gardées en mémoire pour pouvoir reprendre le travail sans perte. Si non coché, les tâches suspendues seront supprimées de la mémoire, et la reprise s'effectuera depuis leur dernier point de contrôle."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Limiter l'espace d'échange utilisé par %s (pagefile.sys ou swap)."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Espace d'échange (swap) : utiliser au plus"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "et"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "à"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Autoriser les calculs seulement durant une certaine période chaque jour."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Réaliser des calculs seulement entre"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Restreindre sur les jours de la semaine:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Appliquer la restriction d'horaire sur les jours sélectionnés :"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samedi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercredi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanche"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jeudi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Transférer des fichiers uniquement pendant une période donnée chaque jour."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Transférer des fichiers seulement entre"
@@ -1858,237 +1851,244 @@ msgstr "Le projet n'a pas d'application pour "
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "La configuration du client exclue "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr "Demande de travail différée de"
#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr "Intervalle d'ajournement de demande de travail"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s demande de travail différée de"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s intervalle d'ajournement de demande de travail"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Propriétés du projet "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Nom de l'équipe"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Partage des ressources"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Programmateur RPC différé pour"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Téléchargement de fichiers différé pour"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Envoi de fichiers différé pour"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Utilisation du disque"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "ID Ordinateur"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Sollicite peu le CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "oui"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Suspendu via l'interface graphique"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "non"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Ne pas demander de travail supplémentaire"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Requête au planificateur en cours"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Envoi des notifications d'avancement en attente"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Emplacement de l'hôte"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "valeur par défaut"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Ajouté via le gestionnaire de compte"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Se détacher une fois les tâches terminées"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Terminé"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Tâches terminées"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Tâches échouées"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Crédit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilisateur"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f du total, %0.2f en moyenne"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Ordinateur"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Planification"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Priorité de planification"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Facteur de correction de durée"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr "Dernière réponse de l'ordonnanceur"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Propriétés de la tâche "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Application"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Etat"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Reçu"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Date limite d'envoi"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Ressources"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Taille de tâche estimée"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "Temps processeur au dernier point de sauvegarde"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "Temps de calcul"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Temps écoulé"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Temps restant estimé"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Portion effectuée"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Taille de la mémoire virtuelle"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Espace mémoire alloué"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Répertoire"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "ID du process"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr "Taux de progression"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr "par heure"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr "par minute"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr "par seconde"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Local:"
diff --git a/locale/fr/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/fr/BOINC-Web.mo
index 430e538..7b5d3a2 100644
Binary files a/locale/fr/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/fr/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 6b32fba..41c2a48 100644
Binary files a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
index 2c3d29f..64e7ac6 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-26 20:22+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 09:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (Italy) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/it_IT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -205,369 +205,369 @@ msgstr "Connesso"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Disconnesso"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Nuova finestra %s ..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Avvia una nuova finestra di %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "Seleziona un computer..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Connetti ad un client BOINC su un altro computer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Arresta il client attualmente connesso..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Arresta tutti i client BOINC attualmente connessi"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Chiudi la finestra di %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Chiudi finestra"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Esci da %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Preferenze..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "&Avvisi\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Visualizza notifiche"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "&Progetti\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Mostra i progetti"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "&Elaborazioni\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Visualizza le elaborazioni"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Tras&ferimenti\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Visualizza i trasferimenti dei file"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "&Statistiche\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Visualizza le statistiche"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-msgstr "Utilizzo &disco⇥Ctrl+Shift+D"
+msgstr "&Disco\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Visualizza utilizzo disco"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "&Visualizzazione Semplice...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Passa alla Vista Semplice"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "&Connessione ad un progetto..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Connessione ad un progetto"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "&Usa un account manager..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Usa un account manager per controllare questo computer."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Sincronizza con %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Preleva le impostazioni correnti da %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "&Smetti di utilizzare %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Rimuovi questo computer dal controllo dell'account manager."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Esegui i &benchmark per la CPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Avvia i test di misurazione della velocità CPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Ritenta i trasferimenti in attesa"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Ritenta i trasferimenti e le richieste di nuove elaborazioni rimandate"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-msgstr "Lista degli eventi...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
+msgstr "Registro eventi...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Visualizza messaggi diagnostici"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "Elabo&razione continua"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Elabora senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Elaborazione secondo le &preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Consenti l'invio di lavoro secondo le preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Sospendi"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "E&laborazione GPU continua"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Elabora con la GPU senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "Ela&borazione GPU secondo le preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "consenti l'invio di lavoro per la GPU secondo le preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Sospendi l'uso della GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione della GPU indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Permetti sempre la comunicazione di rete"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Permetti l'attività di rete senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Attività di rete secondo le pr&eferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Permetti l'attività di rete secondo le preferenze"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Sospendi la comunicazione di rete"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Ferma l'attività di rete"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "&Preferenze di elaborazione..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Configura le preferenze locali di elaborazione"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Applicazioni esclusive..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Configura applicazioni esclusive"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Seleziona colonne..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Seleziona le colonne da visualizzare"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-msgstr "Opzioni Log Eventi...⇥Ctrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr "Opzioni del registro eventi...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Abilita o disabilita vari messaggi di diagnostica"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "Altre &opzioni..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Configura le opzioni del display e le impostazioni di rete"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Leggi i file di configurazione"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Leggi la configurazione dal file cc_config.xml e dai file app_config.xml"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Leggi il file delle preferenze locali"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Leggi le preferenze dal file global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "&Aiuto su %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Mostra le informazioni su %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "Aiuto sul &%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Mostra le informazioni sul %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "sito &web di %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Mostra le informazioni su BOINC e sul %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&Informazioni sul %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Mostra le informazioni sulla licenza e sul copyright"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&File"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Visualizza"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Attività"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Opzioni"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Strumenti"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "A&iuto"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Arresto nell'uso di %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Se tu finisci di usare %s,\nmanterrai tutti i tuoi progetti correnti,\nma dovrai gestirli manualmente.\n\nVuoi finire di usare %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Chiudi il client corrente..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s chiuderà il client attualmente connesso,\ne ti chiederà di indicarne un altro a cui connettersi."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s ha aggiunto con successo %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Connessione a %s in corso"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Connesso a %s (%s)"
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ msgstr "&Esci da %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Comunicazione"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1080,39 +1080,39 @@ msgstr "Per ulteriori informazioni, visita"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "Numero non valido"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Tempo non valido, il valore deve essere compreso tra 0:00 e 24:00, il formato è HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Il tempo di avvio deve essere diverso dal tempo di fine"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Il numero deve essere compreso tra 0 e 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "I numeri devono essere compresi tra 0 e 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "trovato un valore inserito non valido"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Errore di validazione"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Scartare le preferenze locali e utilizzare quelle web?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Conferma"
@@ -1135,96 +1135,81 @@ msgstr "Preferenze web in uso da"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Imposta i valori e clicca OK per utilizzare le preferenze locali."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Questa finestra controlla solo le preferenze di questo computer.\nClicca OK per impostare le preferenze.\nClicca Cancella per ripristinare le preferenze web."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Rimuovi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Cancella tutte le preferenze locali e chiudi la finestra."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Usa le preferenze web"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Ripristina le preferenze web e chiudi la finestra."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Computazione"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Rete"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Disco e memoria"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Programmazioni giornaliere"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Salva tutti i valori e chiude la finestra."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Chiudi la finestra senza salvare."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aiuto"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Mostra la pagina web sulle preferenze"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Limite di utilizzo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Mantieni alcune CPU libere per altre applicazioni. Esempio: 75% significa usa 6 core in una CPU a 8 core."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Usa al massimo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% delle CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1232,355 +1217,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Sospendi/riprendi l'elaborazione ogni qualche secondo per ridurre la temperatura CPU e l'utilizzo di energia. Esempio: 75% significa elabora per 3 secondi, aspetta per 1 secondo, e ripeti."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% del tempo della CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Quando sospendere"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Sospendi quando il computer è alimentato a batteria"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Spunta questa voce per sospendere l'elaborazione degli smartphone quando funzionano a batteria."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Sospendi quando il computer è in uso"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Spunta questa voce per sospendere l'elaborazione e i trasferimenti di file quando stai usando il computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Sospendo l'elaborazione GPU quando il computer è in uso"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Spunta questa voce per sospendere l'elaborazione GPU quando stai usando il computer."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Questo determina quando il computer è considerato 'in uso'."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'In uso' significa attività di mouse e tastiera"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minuti"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Sospendi quando l'utilizzo CPU da parte di applicazioni non-BOINC è superiore a"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione quando il tuo computer è impegnato nell'esecuzione di altri applicativi."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Per sospendere in base all'ora del giorno, vedere la sezione \"Programmazioni giornaliere\"."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altro"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Mantieni elaborazioni sufficienti per tenere il computer occupato per questo periodo."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Memorizza almeno"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "giorni di lavoro"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Archivia elaborazioni addizionali sopra la soglia minima. Determina quanto lavoro è richiesto quando si contatta un progetto."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Memorizza fino ad ulteriori"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Se elabori per diversi progetti, %s potrebbe fare lo switch tra i progetti in base a questo tempo."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Cambia applicazione ogni"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Questo controlla ogni quanto le elaborazioni devono salvare il loro stato su disco, cosicché possano essere riavviate successivamente."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Richiedi alle elaborazioni dei checkpoint al massimo ogni"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondi"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limita la velocità di download per i trasferimenti dei file."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Limita la velocità di download a"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/secondo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Limita la velocità di upload per i trasferimenti dei file."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Limita la velocità di upload a"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Esempio: %s può trasferire al massimo 2000 MB di dati ogni 30 giorni."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Limita l'utilizzo a"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB ogni"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "giorni"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Per limitare i trasferimenti in base all'ora del giorno, vedere la sezione \"Programmazioni giornaliere\"."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Spunta questa voce solo se il tuo provider Internet modifica i file immagine. Saltare la verifica riduce la sicurezza di %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Salta la verifica dati per i file immagine"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Conferma prima di connettersi ad Internet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Utile solo se hai una connessione via modem, ISDN oppure VPN"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Disconnetti al termine delle operazioni"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disco"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s utilizzerà le più restrittive di queste impostazioni:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Limita lo spazio disco totale utilizzato da %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Usa non più di"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Limita l'utilizzo disco per lasciare questo spazio libero nel luogo dove %s salva i dati."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Lascia come minimo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB liberi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Limita la percentuale di utilizzo disco utilizzato da %s nel luogo dove salva i dati."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% di spazio totale su disco"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memoria"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Limita la memoria utilizzata da %s quando stai usando il computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Quando il computer è in uso, usa al massimo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Limita la memoria utilizzata da %s quando non stai utilizzando il computer."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Quando il computer non è in uso, utilizza al massimo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Lascia le elaborazioni non-GPU in memoria quando sospese"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Se selezionato, le elaborazioni sospese rimangono in memoria, e riprendono senza lavoro perso. Se deselezionato, le elaborazioni sospese sono rimosse dalla memoria, e la ripresa parte dall'ultimo checkpoint."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Limita lo spazio di swap (file di paging) utilizzato da %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Spazio di swap: utilizza al massimo"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "e le"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "a"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Elabora solo durante un particolare periodo ogni giorno."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Elabora solo tra"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Sovrascrivi giorno della settimana"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Sovrascrivi il tempo sopra sui giorni selezionati:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lunedì"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Venerdì"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Martedì"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sabato"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercoledì"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domenica"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Giovedì"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Trasferisci i files solo durante un particolare periodo ogni giorno."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Trasferisci files solo tra"
@@ -1853,237 +1846,244 @@ msgstr "Il progetto non ha applicazioni per"
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "La configurazione client esclude"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " richiesta di nuovo lavoro rinviata di"
#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr " intervallo di rinvio per la richiesta di nuovi lavori"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s recupero nuove elaborazioni differito di"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s intervallo di recupero nuove elaborazioni"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Proprietà del progetto "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Dati generali"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Nome utente"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Nome del team"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Allocazione risorse"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Scheduler RPC rimandato di"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Scaricamento dei file rimandato di"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Invio dei file rimandato di"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Uso del disco"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Non intensivo per la CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "si"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Sospeso dall'utente"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "no"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in corso"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Messaggio istantaneo in attesa"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Posizione dell'host"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "predefinito"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Aggiunto mediante account manager"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Rimuovi il progetto al termine dell'elaborazione"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Terminato"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Elaborazione completata"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Elaborazione fallita"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Crediti"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utente"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f totale, %0.2f media"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Computer"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Programmazione del lavoro"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Priorità di scheduling"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Fattore di correzione del tempo di elaborazione"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr "Ultima risposta dello scheduler"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Proprietà dell'unità di lavoro "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Applicazione"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stato"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Ricevuta"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Scadenza"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Risorse in uso"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Durata stimata lavoro"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "Tempo CPU all'ultimo checkpoint"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "Tempo CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Tempo trascorso"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Stima del tempo rimanente"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Frazione già eseguita"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Dimensioni della memoria virtuale"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Dimensioni della memoria di lavoro"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Cartella"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "ID processo"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr "Tasso di progresso"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr "all'ora"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr "al minuto"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr "al secondo"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Locale:"
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo
index 299a3e7..1ac1e10 100644
Binary files a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 9248b51..1d4a5bd 100644
Binary files a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
index f4d3c95..513f7df 100644
--- a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
+# crazymaster <ken.i54k at gmail.com>, 2015
# Masahiro Tagashira, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-03 14:18-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-21 11:03+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-16 03:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Masahiro Tagashira\n"
-"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ja/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/p/boinc/language/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "%s を終了"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
-msgstr "プレファレンス…"
+msgstr "設定..."
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ msgstr "%s のウェブサイト(&W)"
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "BOINC および %s に関する情報を表示します"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
@@ -659,7 +660,7 @@ msgstr "%s - 通信"
#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
@@ -893,79 +894,79 @@ msgstr "(不明)"
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(ユーザー定義)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "%s のウェブサイトを開く..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:526
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "%s を開く..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:634
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:636
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "休止"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:535 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:650
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:655
msgid "Snooze GPU"
msgstr "GPU を休止"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "終了(&X)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:882 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:894
#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:118
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "再開"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:649
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646
msgid "Resume GPU"
msgstr "GPUを再開"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:712
msgid "Computing is enabled"
msgstr "計算処理許可状態"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:716
msgid "Computing is suspended - "
msgstr "計算処理は一時停止中 - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:726
msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
msgstr "GPU 計算処理許可状態"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
msgstr "GPU 計算処理は一時停止中 -"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:738
msgid "Network is enabled"
msgstr "ネットワーク使用許可状態"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
msgid "Network is suspended - "
msgstr "ネットワークの使用を一時停止中 - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:749
msgid "Reconnecting to client."
msgstr "クライアントに再接続中。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
msgid "Not connected to a client."
msgstr "クライアントに接続されていません。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s Notices"
msgstr "%s からのお知らせ"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:810
msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
msgstr "新しいお知らせがあります - 確認するにはクリックします。"
@@ -1080,15 +1081,15 @@ msgstr "詳細については、以下を訪問してください"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "OK(&O)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "無効な数字"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "無効な時間です、値は 0:00 から 24:00 の間、書式は HH:MM でなければなりません"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "開始時間は終了時間と異ならなければなりません"
@@ -1096,15 +1097,15 @@ msgstr "開始時間は終了時間と異ならなければなりません"
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "数字は 0 から 10 の間でなければなりません"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:772
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "数字は 0 から 100 の間でなければなりません"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "無効な入力値が検出されました"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "検証エラー"
@@ -1112,7 +1113,7 @@ msgstr "検証エラー"
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "ローカル・プレファレンスを放棄してウェブ上のプレファレンスを使用しますか?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "確認"
@@ -1158,15 +1159,14 @@ msgstr "ウェブのプレファレンスを使用する"
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "ウェブ上のプレファレンスを復元しダイアログを終了します。"
-#. Computing schedule
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "計算"
#. Network schedule
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
msgid "Network"
msgstr "ネットワーク"
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ msgstr "日ごとのスケジュール"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ msgstr "保存せずにダイアログを終了します。"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "ヘルプ"
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "他のアプリケーションのためにいくつかの CPU を自由に保ちます。例: 75%であれば、8コアCPUの場合そのうち6コアを使用するということです。"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "最大で"
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ msgstr "最大で"
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% の CPUコアまで"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "CPU温度とエネルギー使用量を抑制するために数秒ごとに計算を一時停止/再開する。例: 75%であれば、3秒計算・1秒一時停止を繰り返すということです。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% の CPU 時間まで"
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ msgstr "分"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
-msgstr "超えることで一時停止する場合の BOINC 以外のCPU使用量:"
+msgstr "BOINC 以外のCPU使用率が超える場合に一時停止"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
@@ -1426,13 +1426,13 @@ msgstr "ディスク"
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%sは、これら3つの設定のうち最も制限的なものを使用します:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "%sによって使用されるディスク領域の合計を制限します。"
#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "使用上限:"
@@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ msgstr "%s によって使用されるスワップ領域(ページファイル)
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "ページ/スワップファイル: 最大使用時でも"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "から"
@@ -1524,64 +1524,64 @@ msgstr "から"
msgid "to"
msgstr "から"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "それぞれの日の特定範囲の時間帯だけ計算します。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:695 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "下記の間だけ計算:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:705
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:852
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "曜日ごとの設定"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:709
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "選択した日には上記の時間を設定解除します:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "月曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:742
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "金曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:901
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "火曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:770
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:916
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "土曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:783
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:929
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "水曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:798
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:944
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "日曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:811
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:957
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "木曜日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:840 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "それぞれの日の特定範囲の時間帯だけファイルを転送します。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:842 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "下記の間だけファイルを転送"
@@ -1854,216 +1854,237 @@ msgstr "プロジェクトには以下に適したアプリケーションがあ
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "クライアントの環境設定を除外する"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
msgid " work fetch deferred for"
msgstr "仕事取得の保留時間:"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
msgstr "仕事取得処理の保留時間の間隔:"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "プロジェクトのプロパティ "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "一般"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
-msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr "マスター URL"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "User name"
msgstr "参加者名(ユーザー名)"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "チームの名称"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "リソース割り当て"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "スケジューラ RPC の保留時間:"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "ファイルダウンロード待機時間:"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "ファイルアップロード待機時間:"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "ディスク領域"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "コンピュータ ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "CPU を集中的に使わない"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "yes"
msgstr "はい"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "GUI 経由で保留中"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "no"
msgstr "いいえ"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "新しい仕事を要請しない"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "スケジューラへ要求中"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "トリクルアップの送信保留あり"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "計算機の所在場所"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
msgid "default"
msgstr "デフォルト"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "アカウント・マネージャ経由での追加"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "タスクが完了したら削除する"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "終了した"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "タスク完了"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "タスク失敗"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "功績値"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "User"
msgstr "参加者"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
msgid "Host"
msgstr "計算機"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "スケジューリング"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "スケジューリングの優先度"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "期間補正因子"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+msgid "Last scheduler reply"
+msgstr "スケジューラの最後の返信"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "タスクのプロパティ"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "アプリケーション"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名前"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
msgid "State"
msgstr "状態"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
msgid "Received"
msgstr "受信時刻 "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "報告期限"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "リソース"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "推定計算量"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "最新のチェックポイントでのCPU時間"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU時間"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "経過時間"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "推定される残り時間"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "仕事の計算完了率"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "仮想メモリの大きさ"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "ワーキング・セットの大きさ"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "ディレクトリ"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "プロセスID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+msgid "Progress rate"
+msgstr "進捗率"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+msgid "per hour"
+msgstr "毎時"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+msgid "per minute"
+msgstr "毎分"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+msgid "per second"
+msgstr "毎秒"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "ローカル:"
@@ -3581,10 +3602,6 @@ msgstr "本当にキャンセルしますか?"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "質問"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64 clientgui\common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "Ctrlのパイ"
#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35 clientgui\mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
msgid "Services"
msgstr "サービス"
@@ -3652,7 +3669,7 @@ msgstr "計算を再開"
msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
msgstr "プロジェクトまたは BOINC からのお知らせを見るためウィンドウを開く"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Get help with %s"
msgstr "%s について助けを求める"
@@ -3671,16 +3688,16 @@ msgid ""
"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
msgstr "追加設定は、詳細表示から計算に関するプレファレンスを選択してください。"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
msgid "GB of disk space"
msgstr "GB のディスク領域"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1089
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1093
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
msgstr "%s - 計算に関するプレファレンス"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1174
msgid "Discard all local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "すべてのローカル・プレファレンスを放棄してウェブ上のプレファレンスを使用しますか?"
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 23c19d0..d1bc26f 100644
--- a/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
# FileID : $Id$
# Translators:
+# crazymaster <ken.i54k at gmail.com>, 2015
# Masahiro Tagashira, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-04 08:56 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-28 09:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-16 03:36+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Masahiro Tagashira\n"
-"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ja/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/p/boinc/language/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
msgstr "アカウントを作るには、有効な招待コードが必要です。"
#: ../inc/account.inc:44 ../inc/host.inc:674 ../inc/result.inc:632
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:198
+#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/user.inc:198
#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/team_admins.php:64
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:124
@@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ msgstr "少なくとも %1 文字はなければなりません"
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "確認のためパスワードをもう一度"
-#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:129
-#: ../inc/team.inc:242 ../inc/team.inc:382 ../inc/team.inc:470
+#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:134
+#: ../inc/team.inc:247 ../inc/team.inc:387 ../inc/team.inc:475
#: ../inc/user.inc:212 ../inc/user.inc:395 ../user/account_finish.php:45
#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38 ../user/profile_search_action.php:44
#: ../user/team_email_list.php:73 ../user/team_search.php:85
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ msgstr "パスワードをお忘れですか?"
msgid "Stay logged in"
msgstr "ログインしたままにする"
+#. kludge
#: ../inc/account.inc:114 ../inc/util.inc:238 ../user/login_form.php:41
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "ログインする"
@@ -249,6 +251,7 @@ msgstr "開いているBBコードの全てのタグを閉じる"
msgid "Close Tags"
msgstr "タグを閉じる"
+#. names for the above
#: ../inc/forum.inc:38
msgid "Oldest first"
msgstr "古い順"
@@ -273,185 +276,220 @@ msgstr "読まれた回数が多い順"
msgid "Most posts first"
msgstr "投稿の多い順"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:104
+msgid "Volunteer moderator"
+msgstr "ボランティア・モデレーター"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:105
+msgid "Project administrator"
+msgstr "プロジェクト管理者"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:106
+msgid "Project developer"
+msgstr "プロジェクト開発者"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:107
+msgid "Project tester"
+msgstr "プロジェクト・テスター"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:108
+msgid "Volunteer developer"
+msgstr "ボランティア・デベロッパー"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:109
+msgid "Volunteer tester"
+msgstr "ボランティア・テスター"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:110
+msgid "Project scientist"
+msgstr "プロジェクト内の科学者"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:111
+msgid "Help desk expert"
+msgstr "ヘルプデスクの専門家"
+#. Search
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search for words in forum messages"
msgstr "掲示板内のメッセージ内を語句検索します"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search forums"
msgstr "掲示板を検索"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:127
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:130
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "高度な検索"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:133 ../inc/user.inc:325 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:136 ../inc/user.inc:325 ../user/pm.php:69
#: ../user/pm.php:138
msgid "Private messages"
msgstr "非公開メッセージ"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:152 ../user/forum_forum.php:74
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../user/forum_forum.php:74
#: ../user/sample_index.php:128
msgid "Questions and Answers"
msgstr "質問と答(Q&A)"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:152 ../inc/forum.inc:184 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../inc/forum.inc:187 ../inc/user.inc:321
#: ../inc/user.inc:454 ../user/forum_forum.php:76 ../user/sample_index.php:127
#: ../project.sample/project.inc:70
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "掲示板"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:188 ../inc/forum.inc:196
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:191 ../inc/forum.inc:199
msgid "%1 message board"
msgstr "%1 掲示板"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:246 ../inc/result.inc:717
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:249 ../inc/result.inc:717
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "前へ"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:284 ../inc/result.inc:726
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:287 ../inc/result.inc:726
msgid "Next"
msgstr "次へ"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:413 ../inc/forum.inc:1218 ../user/forum_forum.php:140
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/forum.inc:1234 ../user/forum_forum.php:140
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
msgid "Author"
msgstr "投稿者"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:413 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:133 ../user/forum_post.php:120
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
#: ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:149
msgid "Message"
msgstr "メッセージ"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:583
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "メッセージを送信"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:583
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send %1 a private message"
msgstr "%1 さんに非公開メッセージを送信する"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:584
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:587
msgid "Joined: %1"
msgstr "参加した日: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:593
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:596
msgid "Posts: %1"
msgstr "投稿数: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:599
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:602
msgid "Credit: %1"
msgstr "功績値: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:600
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:603
msgid "RAC: %1"
msgstr "最近の平均功績: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "You haven't read this message yet"
msgstr "あなたはこのメッセージをまだ読んでいません"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "Unread"
msgstr "未読"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:627 ../inc/forum.inc:632 ../inc/forum.inc:731
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:630 ../inc/forum.inc:635 ../inc/forum.inc:736
msgid "Message %1"
msgstr "メッセージ %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:628 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/forum_forum.php:178
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:631 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/forum_forum.php:178
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "非公開"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:629
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:632
msgid "Posted: %1"
msgstr "投稿日時: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:632
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
msgid " - in response to "
msgstr "- に対する返答"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "このメッセージを編集"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:641
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:644
msgid "Last modified: %1"
msgstr "最終更新: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:644
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:647
msgid ""
"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list. Click "
"%1here%2 to view this post"
msgstr "この投稿は投稿者があなたの「除外」リストにあるため表示されていません。ご覧になるには%1ここ%2をクリックしてください。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672 ../inc/forum.inc:683
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report this post as offensive"
msgstr "この投稿を攻撃的であるとして報告"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672 ../inc/forum.inc:683
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report as offensive"
msgstr "攻撃的であるとして報告"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "Rating: %1"
msgstr "評価: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "rate: "
msgstr "評価する:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Click if you like this message"
msgstr "このメッセージが好ましいと思う場合はクリック"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Rate +"
msgstr "+として評価"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:681
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Click if you don't like this message"
msgstr "このメッセージが好ましいと思わない場合はクリック"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:681
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Rate -"
msgstr "-として評価"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:689 ../user/pm.php:111 ../user/pm.php:151
+#. "Reply" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693 ../user/pm.php:111 ../user/pm.php:151
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "返信"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:689
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693
msgid "Post a reply to this message"
msgstr "このメッセージへの返信を投稿"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:691
+#. "Quote" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "引用"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:691
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Post a reply by quoting this message"
msgstr "このメッセージを引用することによって返信を投稿"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:712
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:717
msgid "Hidden by a moderator"
msgstr "モデレーターによって隠されています"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:733
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:738
msgid "Posted %1 by %2"
msgstr "%2 さんによって %1 が投稿されました"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:751
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:756
msgid "You may not post or rate messages until %1"
msgstr "あなたは %1 までメッセージを投稿もしくは評価してはいけません"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:762
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:767
msgid ""
" <ul>\n"
@@ -469,125 +507,125 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr "\n<ul>\n<li> 投稿は「子供に無害」でなければなりません。わいせつであったり、憎悪関連、性的に露骨あるいは示唆的であってはなりません。\n<li> 商業広告は禁止です。\n<li> 性的な内容、ギャンブル、他人に不寛容であるものに関係するウェブサイトへのリンクの貼り付けは禁止です。\n<li> 故意に他の人を困らせるあるいは反感をもたせたり、掲示板を乗っ取るメッセージは禁止です。\n<li> 故意的な敵意のあるあるいは侮辱的なメッセージは禁止です。\n<li> 人種、宗教、国籍、性別、階級、性的関心に関連する罵倒は禁止です。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:784
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:799
msgid "Rules:"
msgstr "規約:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:785
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:800
msgid "More info"
msgstr "詳細情報"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1082 ../user/forum_thread.php:190
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098 ../user/forum_thread.php:190
msgid "Unhide"
msgstr "表示する"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1082
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098
msgid "Unhide this post"
msgstr "この投稿を見えるようにします"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1084 ../user/forum_thread.php:196
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100 ../user/forum_thread.php:196
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "隠す"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1084
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100
msgid "Hide this post"
msgstr "この投稿を隠します"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1089 ../user/forum_thread.php:229
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105 ../user/forum_thread.php:229
msgid "Move"
msgstr "移動する"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1089
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105
msgid "Move post to a different thread"
msgstr "この投稿を別の掲示板に移動します"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1094
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1110
msgid "Banish author"
msgstr "投稿者を投稿禁止にする"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1101
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1117
msgid "Vote to banish author"
msgstr "投稿者を投稿禁止にするよう投票"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1121
msgid "Vote not to banish author"
msgstr "投稿者を投稿禁止にしないよう投票"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1110
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
msgid "Start vote to banish author"
msgstr "投稿者を投稿禁止にするかどうかの採決を開始"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1115 ../inc/user.inc:312 ../user/forum_thread.php:243
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131 ../inc/user.inc:312 ../user/forum_thread.php:243
#: ../user/pm.php:112 ../user/pm.php:152
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "削除"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1115
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131
msgid "Delete this post"
msgstr "この投稿を削除する"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1153
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1169
msgid "Only team members can post to the team message board"
msgstr "チームメンバーのみがチームの掲示板に投稿できます"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1163
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1179
msgid ""
"In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
"credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr "%1 の中に新しいスレッドを作るには、 一定の量の功績値(credit)を獲得済みでなければなりません。これは、悪用を防いでこの掲示板システムを守るための制約です。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1170
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1186
msgid ""
"You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before "
"trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
msgstr "現在、スレッドを新規作成することはできません。 しばらく待ってからもう一度お試しください。悪用防止のため、この掲示板では時間を置かず続けてスレッドを作成することはできません。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1193
msgid ""
"This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
"to post there."
msgstr "この掲示板はロックされました。掲示板のモデレーターおよび管理者のみ投稿が許可されます。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1182
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1198
msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
msgstr "隠された掲示板には投稿できません。"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1216
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1232
msgid "Thread"
msgstr "スレッド"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1217 ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1233 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
#: ../user/forum_index.php:99
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "投稿"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1219 ../user/forum_forum.php:141
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1235 ../user/forum_forum.php:141
msgid "Views"
msgstr "閲覧数"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1220 ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:142
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1236 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:142
#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:48 ../user/forum_index.php:100
msgid "Last post"
msgstr "最新の投稿"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1278
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1294
msgid "New posts in the thread %1"
msgstr "スレッドへの新しい投稿: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1283
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1299
msgid "New posts in subscribed thread"
msgstr "参加しているスレッドへの新しい投稿"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1284
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1300
msgid "There are new posts in the thread '%1'"
msgstr "スレッドに新しい投稿があります:「 %1 」"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1294
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1310
msgid "Mark all threads as read"
msgstr "全てのスレッドを既読にする"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1295
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1311
msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as read."
msgstr "すべての掲示板のすべてのスレッドを既読として設定します。"
@@ -604,7 +642,7 @@ msgid "Home"
msgstr "自宅"
#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:666 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:549
-#: ../user/server_status.php:138
+#: ../user/server_status.php:142
msgid "Work"
msgstr "勤務場所"
@@ -666,9 +704,9 @@ msgid "Created"
msgstr "作成日時"
#: ../inc/host.inc:112 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:686 ../inc/team.inc:105 ../inc/team.inc:224
-#: ../inc/team.inc:229 ../inc/team.inc:231 ../inc/team.inc:373
-#: ../inc/team.inc:378 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:686 ../inc/team.inc:110 ../inc/team.inc:229
+#: ../inc/team.inc:234 ../inc/team.inc:236 ../inc/team.inc:378
+#: ../inc/team.inc:383 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../inc/user.inc:139
#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:45
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:80 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:43 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -846,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "最後の接続日時"
msgid "Computer info"
msgstr "コンピュータの情報"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:366
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:371
#: ../user/top_users.php:48
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "順位"
@@ -855,9 +893,9 @@ msgstr "順位"
msgid "Avg. credit"
msgstr "平均功績値"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:106 ../inc/team.inc:225
-#: ../inc/team.inc:234 ../inc/team.inc:236 ../inc/team.inc:372
-#: ../inc/team.inc:377 ../inc/user.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:111 ../inc/team.inc:230
+#: ../inc/team.inc:239 ../inc/team.inc:241 ../inc/team.inc:377
+#: ../inc/team.inc:382 ../inc/user.inc:140
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:81 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:44 ../user/top_users.php:53
#: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -1332,7 +1370,7 @@ msgstr "モデム、ISDN または VPN 接続を使っているときのみ便
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "終わったら切断"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:235 ../inc/prefs.inc:472 ../user/explain_state.php:94
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:235 ../user/explain_state.php:94
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "計算"
@@ -1344,6 +1382,7 @@ msgstr "ディスク"
msgid "Network"
msgstr "ネットワーク"
+#. These texts are used in multiple places in prefs_edit.php and add_venue.php
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
msgid ""
"These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
@@ -1355,6 +1394,10 @@ msgid ""
" range or not numeric."
msgstr "%1 プレファレンスを更新することができません。 %2 赤色で強調された値は指定可能範囲外であるか、数値でありません。"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:472
+msgid "computing"
+msgstr "コンピューティング"
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:483
msgid "Separate preferences for %1"
msgstr "%1用の個別プレファレンス"
@@ -1419,6 +1462,7 @@ msgstr "はい"
msgid "no"
msgstr "いいえ"
+#. TODO: make this a subclass of PREF
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:638
msgid "Default computer location"
msgstr "初期(指定省略時)のコンピュータ設置場所"
@@ -1534,7 +1578,7 @@ msgstr "ユーザーは書き込み禁止状態になっています"
msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
msgstr "そのユーザーIDにはプロフィールがありません。"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:309
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:317
msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr "あなたのプロフィールを編集する"
@@ -1587,7 +1631,7 @@ msgid "All"
msgstr "すべて"
#: ../inc/result.inc:115 ../inc/result.inc:176 ../inc/result.inc:223
-#: ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "In progress"
msgstr "計算中"
@@ -1616,7 +1660,7 @@ msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "活動していない"
#: ../inc/result.inc:175 ../inc/result.inc:222 ../user/explain_state.php:37
-#: ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Unsent"
msgstr "未送出"
@@ -1805,7 +1849,7 @@ msgstr "IDを表示"
msgid "Show names"
msgstr "名前を表示"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:361
+#: ../inc/result.inc:361 ../user/result.php:36
msgid "Task"
msgstr "タスク"
@@ -1845,7 +1889,7 @@ msgstr "CPU時間<br />(秒)"
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "功績値"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:384 ../inc/result.inc:746 ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../inc/result.inc:384 ../inc/result.inc:746 ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Application"
msgstr "アプリケーション"
@@ -1925,7 +1969,7 @@ msgstr "キーワード"
msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
msgstr "指定する語句がその名称または説明文に含まれているチームを探します"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:468
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:473
msgid "Type of team"
msgstr "チームの種類"
@@ -1953,7 +1997,7 @@ msgstr "あなたが要求中です"
msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
msgstr "創設者の応答期限は、 %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:570 ../inc/user.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:575 ../inc/user.inc:358
#: ../inc/user.inc:449
msgid "None"
msgstr "なし"
@@ -1966,169 +2010,169 @@ msgstr "要求を開始する"
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "延期された"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:87
+#: ../inc/team.inc:91
msgid "Team info"
msgstr "チームの情報"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:89 ../user/team_forum.php:72 ../user/team_search.php:82
+#: ../inc/team.inc:93 ../user/team_forum.php:72 ../user/team_search.php:82
msgid "Description"
msgstr "説明文"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:101
+#: ../inc/team.inc:106
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "ウェブサイト"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127
+#: ../inc/team.inc:132
msgid "Cross-project stats"
msgstr "プロジェクト横断の統計"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:130 ../inc/team.inc:383 ../user/team_search.php:84
+#: ../inc/team.inc:135 ../inc/team.inc:388 ../user/team_search.php:84
msgid "Type"
msgstr "種類"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:134 ../user/team_manage.php:65
+#: ../inc/team.inc:139 ../user/team_manage.php:65
msgid "Message board"
msgstr "掲示板"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:138 ../user/forum_index.php:98
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:138 ../user/forum_index.php:98
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "スレッド"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:143
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
msgid "Join this team"
msgstr "このチームに参加する"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:144
+#: ../inc/team.inc:149
msgid ""
"Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
"gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr "注意:あなたがプロジェクト・プレファレンスの中で「Eメールを送っても良い」と設定した状態でチームへ参加すると、 そのチームの創設者はあなたのメールアドレスを知ることになります。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
msgid "Not accepting new members"
msgstr "新しいメンバーを受け入れていません"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:154
+#: ../inc/team.inc:159
msgid "Foundership change requested"
msgstr "創設者権限の移譲が要求されています"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155
+#: ../inc/team.inc:160
msgid "Respond by %1"
msgstr "%1 までに応答してください"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:159
+#: ../inc/team.inc:164
msgid "Team foundership change"
msgstr "チーム創設者の変更"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:163 ../inc/team.inc:368
+#: ../inc/team.inc:168 ../inc/team.inc:373
msgid "Members"
msgstr "メンバー"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:164 ../inc/team.inc:263
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169 ../inc/team.inc:268
msgid "Founder"
msgstr "創設者"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:178
+#: ../inc/team.inc:183
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "管理者"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:193
+#: ../inc/team.inc:198
msgid "New members in last day"
msgstr "チームに昨日参加した新しいメンバー"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:194
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199
msgid "Total members"
msgstr "メンバーの総数"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:194 ../inc/team.inc:195 ../inc/team.inc:196
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199 ../inc/team.inc:200 ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "view"
msgstr "表示する"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:195
+#: ../inc/team.inc:200
msgid "Active members"
msgstr "活動中のメンバー数"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:196
+#: ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "Members with credit"
msgstr "功績(credit)を獲得済みのメンバーの数"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:265
+#: ../inc/team.inc:270
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "管理者"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:286 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:124
+#: ../inc/team.inc:291 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:124
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:123
#: ../user/top_users.php:128
msgid "Previous %1"
msgstr "前へ %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:290 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:133
+#: ../inc/team.inc:295 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:133
#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:63 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
#: ../user/top_teams.php:128 ../user/top_users.php:133
msgid "Next %1"
msgstr "次へ %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:298
+#: ../inc/team.inc:303
msgid "No such team."
msgstr "該当するチームはありません。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:311
+#: ../inc/team.inc:316
msgid "This operation requires foundership."
msgstr "この操作には創設者の権限が必要です。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:335
+#: ../inc/team.inc:340
msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
msgstr "この操作にはチーム管理者の権限が必要です"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
msgid ""
"WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon"
" be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
msgstr "<警告>: これは BOINC ワイドのチームです。ここで変更を行っても、 そのうち上書きされてしまいます。代わりに %1 BOINC ワイドのチーム %2 を編集してください。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:448
msgid ""
"%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
"share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
msgstr "%1 プライバシーに関する注意 %2 : チームを作成すると、あなたのプロジェクト・プレファレンス(リソース割り当て、グラフィックについてのプレファレンス)が公開されます。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:452
msgid "Team name, text version"
msgstr "チーム名、テキスト版"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:448
+#: ../inc/team.inc:453
msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
msgstr "HTMLタグを使わないでください。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:451
+#: ../inc/team.inc:456
msgid "Team name, HTML version"
msgstr "チーム名、HTML版"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:453 ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:458 ../inc/team.inc:468
msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
msgstr "%1 一部のHTMLタグ %2 は使えます。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:459
msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
msgstr "HTMLの使い方をご存知でなければ、この欄は空白にしてください。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:457
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
msgstr "チームのウェブページのURL(省略可)"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:457
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "without \"http://\""
msgstr "\"http://\" は含めないでください。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:458
+#: ../inc/team.inc:463
msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
msgstr "このURLへは、このサイト内のチームのページからリンクが張られます。"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:461
+#: ../inc/team.inc:466
msgid "Description of team"
msgstr "チームの説明文"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:477
+#: ../inc/team.inc:482
msgid "Accept new members?"
msgstr "新しいメンバーを受け入れますか?"
@@ -2220,6 +2264,7 @@ msgstr "郵便番号"
msgid "%1 member since"
msgstr "%1 への登録日"
+#. LDAP accounts can't change email or password
#: ../inc/user.inc:219 ../inc/user.inc:223
msgid "Change"
msgstr "変更"
@@ -2296,6 +2341,7 @@ msgstr "作成"
msgid "%1 posts"
msgstr "%1 回投稿"
+#. ------------ Notification -----------
#: ../inc/user.inc:339 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:40
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "通知"
@@ -2333,7 +2379,7 @@ msgstr "友人を検索"
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "友人"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/server_status.php:153
+#: ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/server_status.php:157
msgid "Computers"
msgstr "コンピュータ"
@@ -2719,32 +2765,32 @@ msgstr "あなたが書き込んだ2度目の内容も Akismet anti-spam シス
msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
msgstr "あなたが提出したプロフィールの内容は空でした。"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:281
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:283
msgid "Could not update the profile: database error"
msgstr "プロフィールの更新に失敗しました: データベースでエラーが発生"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:293
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:299
msgid "Could not create the profile: database error"
msgstr "プロフィールの作成に失敗しました: データベースでエラーが発生"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:298
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:304
msgid "Profile saved"
msgstr "プロフィールを保存しました"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:300
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:306
msgid ""
"Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
msgstr "おめでとうございます! あなたのプロフィールはこのプロジェクトのデータベースへ記録されました。"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:302
-msgid "%1View your profile%2"
-msgstr "%1あなたのプロフィールを見る%2"
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:309
+msgid "View your profile"
+msgstr "あなたのプロフィールを見る"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:311
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:319
msgid "Create a profile"
msgstr "プロフィールを作成する"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:339
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:347
msgid ""
"To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or"
" edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience."
@@ -3024,6 +3070,7 @@ msgstr "コミュニティでのプレファレンス(好みの設定)であな
msgid "Reset preferences"
msgstr "プレファレンスをリセット"
+#. Not the right kind of file
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:95
msgid "Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported."
msgstr "エラー: 適切な種類のファイルではありません。PNG または JPEG のみサポートされます。"
@@ -3034,8 +3081,8 @@ msgstr "あなたの指定したシグネチャは長すぎます。250文字未
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:139
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:153
-msgid "No such user: %1"
-msgstr "該当する参加者: %1 はいません"
+msgid "No such user:"
+msgstr "該当する参加者はいません:"
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:45
msgid ""
@@ -3166,6 +3213,8 @@ msgstr "スレッド内の最新の投稿に自動的にジャンプする"
msgid "Don't move sticky posts to top"
msgstr "一番上にスティッキーポストを移動しない"
+#. ------------ Message filtering -----------
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:137
msgid "Message filtering"
msgstr "メッセージのフィルタリング"
@@ -3492,6 +3541,7 @@ msgstr "付記したいメッセージ(任意)"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "送信"
+#. Can't moderate without being moderator
#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:37
#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:35
msgid "You are not authorized to banish users."
@@ -4258,6 +4308,7 @@ msgstr "このニュースをお知らせとしてエクスポートしない"
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "並べ替え"
+#. --------------
#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:54
msgid "Thread status updated"
msgstr "スレッド状態が更新されました"
@@ -5039,6 +5090,7 @@ msgstr "IDが %1 の参加者は見つかりませんでした"
msgid "Could not find user with username %1"
msgstr "ユーザー名が %1 の参加者は見つかりませんでした"
+#. Non-unique username
#: ../user/pm.php:217
msgid "%1 is not a unique username; you will have to use user ID"
msgstr "ユーザー名 %1 は複数存在します。ユーザーIDを指定してください。"
@@ -5237,9 +5289,9 @@ msgstr "最近の平均功績値(クレジット)"
msgid "No profiles found containing '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' を含むプロフィールはありません"
-#: ../user/result.php:35
-msgid "Task %1"
-msgstr "タスク %1"
+#: ../user/result.php:33
+msgid "No such task:"
+msgstr "該当するタスクはありません:"
#: ../user/results.php:29
msgid "This feature is turned off temporarily"
@@ -5297,23 +5349,23 @@ msgstr "計算機"
msgid "Database schema version: "
msgstr "データベース・スキーマのバージョン:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:134
+#: ../user/server_status.php:138
msgid "Computing status"
msgstr "計算の進捗状況"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:149
+#: ../user/server_status.php:153
msgid "Users"
msgstr "参加者"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:161
+#: ../user/server_status.php:165
msgid "Tasks by application"
msgstr "アプリケーションごとのタスク統計"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:164
+#: ../user/server_status.php:168
msgid "Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max"
msgstr "最近100リザルトの平均計算所要時間(単位:時間): 平均値、最小値、最大値"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:165
+#: ../user/server_status.php:169
msgid "Users in last 24 hours"
msgstr "24時間内に計算結果を返した参加者数"
@@ -5329,6 +5381,7 @@ msgstr "統計データとリーダーボード"
msgid "Statistics for %1"
msgstr "%1 の統計データ"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/top_users.php:117
msgid "Top participants"
msgstr "参加者のランキング"
@@ -6139,10 +6192,12 @@ msgstr "私は今のところ%1チームへの参加に興味がありません%
msgid "Limit exceeded - Sorry, first %1 items only"
msgstr "制限超過 - 残念ですが、最初の %1 項目のみ"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:82
msgid "Top hosts"
msgstr "コンピュータのランキング"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/top_teams.php:107
msgid "Top %1 teams"
msgstr "%1 チームのランキング"
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 07cf9e1..817049f 100644
Binary files a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
index 3adb19a..2b0634b 100644
--- a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-03 14:18-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-05 10:26+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-28 07:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kangsan Lee <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -204,369 +204,369 @@ msgstr "접속됨"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "접속해제됨"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "새 %s 창..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "다른 %s 창 열기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "컴퓨터 선택(&S)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "다른 컴퓨터의 BOINC 클라이언트로 접속"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "연결된 클라이언트 종료..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "현재 연결된 BOINC 클라이언트를 종료합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "%s 창 닫기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "창 닫기(&C)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "%s 종료(&E) "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "환경 설정..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "공지 사항(&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "공지 사항 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "프로젝트(&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "프로젝트 "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "태스크(&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "태스크 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "전송(&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "파일 전송 현황 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "통계(&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "통계 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "디스크(&D)\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "디스크 사용량 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "간단히 보기(&V)...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "단순 보기로 전환합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "프로젝트 추가(&A)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "프로젝트를 추가합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "계정 관리자 사용(&U)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "계정 관리자를 사용해서 이 컴퓨터를 제어할 수 있습니다."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "%s와 동기화(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "%s 로부터 현재 설정을 가져옵니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "%s 사용 중지(&S)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "계정 관리자 제어를 클라이언트에서 제거합니다."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "CPU 벤치마크 실행(&B)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "CPU 속도 측정 테스트 실행"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "유보된 전송 재시도 "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "유예된 파일 전송을 시도하고 태스크를 요청합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "이벤트 기록...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "진단 메세지를 보여줍니다."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "항상 실행(&R)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "설정을 무시하고 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "설정한 대로 실행(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "설정에 따라서 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "일시 정지(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "설정을 무시하고 작업을 정지시킵니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "항상 GPU 사용"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "설정을 무시하고 GPU 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "설정한 대로 GPU 사용"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "설정에 따라서 GPU 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "GPU 일시 정지"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "설정을 무시하고 GPU 작업을 정지시킵니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "네트워크 활동 항상 허용"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "설정을 무시하고 네트워크 활동을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "설정한 대로 네트워크 활동"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "설정에 따라서 네트워크 활동을 허용합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "네트워크 활동 일시중지"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "네트워크 활동 정지"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "연산 환경 설정(&P)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "연산 환경을 설정합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "독점 프로그램 설정..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "독점 프로그램을 설정합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "칼럼 선택..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "표시할 칼럼을 선택해 주세요"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "이벤트 기록 옵션...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "다양한 진단 메세지를 활성화 또는 비활성화시킵니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "기타 선택 사항(&O)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "화면 옵션과 네트워크 환경을 설정합니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "설정 파일 읽기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "cc_config.xml 및 app_config.xml로 부터 설정 정보를 읽어옵니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "로컬 환경설정 파일 읽기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "global_prefs_override.xml로 부터 환경 설정을 읽어옵니다."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s 도움말(&H)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "%s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&%s 도움말"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "%s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s 웹 사이트(&W)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "BOINC와 %s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "%s 정보(&A)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "라이센스와 저작권 정보"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "파일(&F)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "보기(&V)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "활동(&A)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "선택 사항(&O)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "도구(&T)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "도움말(&H)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - %s 사용 중지"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -576,39 +576,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "%s 사용을 중지하면,\n현재 수행 중인 프로젝트는 유지되지만,\n해당 프로젝트를 직접 제어해야 합니다.\n\n정말로 %s 사용을 중지하겠습니까?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - 현재 클라이언트 종료..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s에 현재 연결된 클라이언트는 종료될 것이며,\n또다른 호스트로 연결해서 명령을 내릴 수 있습니다."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s는 성공적으로 %s에 추가되었습니다"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "%s에 접속 중"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)에 접속됨"
@@ -656,9 +656,9 @@ msgstr "%s 종료(&X) "
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - 통신 중"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "취소"
@@ -892,79 +892,79 @@ msgstr "(알 수 없음)"
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(사용자 지정)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "%s 웹 열기..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:526
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "%s 열기..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:634
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:636
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "꾸벅꾸벅 졸기"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:535 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:650
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:655
msgid "Snooze GPU"
msgstr "GPU 사용 중지"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "종료(&X)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:882 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:894
#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:118
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "다시 시작"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:649
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646
msgid "Resume GPU"
msgstr "GPU 다시 사용"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:712
msgid "Computing is enabled"
msgstr "연산이 활성화됩니다"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:716
msgid "Computing is suspended - "
msgstr "연산이 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:726
msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
msgstr "GPU 연산이 활성화됩니다"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
msgstr "GPU 연산이 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:738
msgid "Network is enabled"
msgstr "네트워크 사용 가능"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
msgid "Network is suspended - "
msgstr "네트워크가 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:749
msgid "Reconnecting to client."
msgstr "클라이언트에 재연결."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
msgid "Not connected to a client."
msgstr "클라이언트에 연결되지 않았습니다."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s Notices"
msgstr "%s 공지 사항"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:810
msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
msgstr "새 공지 사항이 있습니다 - 보려면 클릭하세요."
@@ -1079,39 +1079,39 @@ msgstr "더 자세한 정보를 원하면 "
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "확인"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "유효하지 않은 숫자"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "유효하지 않은 시간. 해당 값은 0:00과 24:00사이이며 시간:분 형식이어야 합니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "시작 시간은 반드시 종료 시간과 달라야 합니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "숫자는 0과 10 사이여야 합니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:772
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "숫자는 0과 100 사이여야 합니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "잘못된 입력값 발견"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "인증 오류"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "로컬 환경설정을 취소하고 웹기반 환경설정을 사용하시겠습니까?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "확인됨"
@@ -1134,97 +1134,81 @@ msgstr "다음 웹 기반 환경설정 사용중:"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "값을 설정하고 로컬 환경설정 사용하려면 확인을 누르세요."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "이 다이얼로그에서 한 설정은 이 컴퓨터에만 적용됩니다.\n확인을 눌러서 설정값을 저장하세요.\n지우기를 눌러서 웹기반 설정으로 복원할 수 있습니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "지우기"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "모든 로컬 환경 설정이 지워지며 다이얼로그를 닫습니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "웹 환경설정 "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "웹기반 환경설정으로 복원시키고 다이얼로그를 닫습니다."
-#. Computing schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "연산"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "네트워크"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "디스크 및 메모리"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "날짜별 스케줄"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "확인"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "모든 값을 저장하고 창을 닫습니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "저장하지 않고 창을 닫습니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "도움말"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "환경 설정 웹 페이지를 보여줍니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "사용량 제한"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "다른 응용 프로그램을 위해 CPU를 유휴 상태로 남겨둡니다. 예시: 75%이면 8코어 CPU 중 6코어를 사용합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "최대 사용량"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% (프로세서)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1232,355 +1216,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "연산하는 동안 매 몇 초간 CPU 온도 및 에너지 사용량을 줄이기 위해 연산의 일시중지/재개를 반복합니다. 예시: 75%는 3초간 연산을 하고 1초간 대기하며 이 동작을 반복합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% CPU 시간"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "일시중지시"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "컴퓨터가 배터리로 작동시 일시중지"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "배터리 전원으로 작동하는 상황일 때 연산을 일시중지시키려면 체크하세요."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "컴퓨터 사용시 연산을 일시중지"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용 중인 동안 연산 및 파일 전송을 일시중지시키려면 체크하세요."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용 중일 동안 GPU 연산을 일시중지"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "컴퓨터 사용시 GPU 연산을 일시중지시키려면 체크하세요."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "이 것은 컴퓨터가 '사용 중'인 상태인지 결정합니다."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'사용 중'은 마우스/키보드 입력 시간을 뜻합니다"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "분"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "비BOINC CPU 사용량이 이 값 이상일 때 일시중지"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "컴퓨터가 다른 프로그램을 돌리느라 바쁠 때 연산을 일시중지시킵니다."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "설정한 시간이 지나서 일시 중지되었습니다. \"날짜별 스케줄\" 항목을 봐 주세요."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "기타"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "컴퓨터를 부지런히 돌리기 위해 충분한 태스크를 저장합니다."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "최소한"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "일치 작업량"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "최소 한도 이상으로 추가적인 태스크를 저장합니다. 또한 프로젝트 서버에 연락할 때 얼마나 많은 작업량을 요청할지 결정합니다."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "추가적으로 유지할"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "여러 프로젝트를 수행할 경우,%s 가 얼마나 자주 그것들을 교체할지 결정합니다."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "태스크를 설정시간마다 전환"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "태스크가 얼마나 자주 현재 상태를 디스크에 저장하는지 제어합니다. 이렇게 함으로써 태스크를 재시작할 수 있습니다."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "태스크 기록지점을 이 시간마다 기록"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "초"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "파일 전송 중 다운로드 속도 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "다운로드 속도 제한"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/초"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "파일 전송 중 최대 업로드 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "업로드 속도 "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "예시: %s는 매 30일동안에는 최대 2000MB까지 전송하게 됩니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "사용량 제한"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "설정한 시간이 지나서 전송이 제한되었습니다. \"날짜별 스케줄\" 항목을 봐 주세요."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "인터넷 제공자가 이미지 파일을 변경할 경우에만 체크하세요. 검증을 건너 뛸 경우에는%s 의 보안성이 감소합니다. "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "이미지 파일 데이터 검증 건너뛰기"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "인터넷 접속 전에 확인"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "모뎀, ISDN, VPN 연결시에만 유용합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "완료되면 접속 끊기"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "디스크"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s는 이러한 설정값들중 제한된 부분만 사용합니다:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "전체 디스크 공간 중 %s가 사용하는 용량을 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "최대 사용 한도"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "%s 데이터가 저장되는 볼륨중 여유 공간으로 남겨둘 디스크 용량을 설정합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "최소한"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB를 남겨둡니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "%s 데이터가 저장되는 볼륨에서 사용하는 디스크 공간의 퍼센테이지를 제합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% (전체 용량 중)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "메모리"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "컴퓨터 사용시 %s에서 사용하는 메모리를 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "컴퓨터 사용시 최대 사용량"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "컴퓨터 미사용시 %s에서 사용하는 메모리를 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "컴퓨터 미사용시 최대 사용량"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "일시중지되는 동안 비GPU 태스크를 메모리에 남겨두기"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "체크할 경우, 일시중지된 태스크는 메모리에 남으며 재개시 작업량이 줄지 않습니다. 체크하지 않을 경우, 일시중지된 태스크는 메모리에서 제거되며 재개시 마지막 기록지점에서 시작합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "%s에서 사용하는 스왑 공간(페이지 파일)을 제한합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "페이지/스왑 파일: 최대"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "부터"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "에서"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "각 날짜별로 특정 시간대에만 연산을 수행합니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:695 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 연산:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:705
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:852
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "일주일 중 시간 설정을 덮어쓸 날"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:709
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "선택한 요일에는 상기 시간 설정을 덮어쓰기:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "월요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:742
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "금요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:901
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "화요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:770
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:916
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "토요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:783
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:929
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "수요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:798
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:944
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "일요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:811
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:957
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "목요일"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:840 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "각 날짜별로 특정 기간에만 파일 전송이 이루어집니다."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:842 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 전송:"
@@ -1853,216 +1845,244 @@ msgstr "프로젝트 앱이 없음: "
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "클라이언트 설정 제외: "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " 작업 반입을 연기시킴: "
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s 작업 반입을 연기시킴: "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr " 작업 반입 연기 간격"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s 작업 반입 연기 간격"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "프로젝트 속성"
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "일반"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
-msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr "마스터 URL"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "사용자 이름"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "팀 이름"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "자원 공유"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "스케줄러 RPC 지연"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "파일 다운로드 지연"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "파일 업로드 지연"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "디스크 사용량"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "컴퓨터 ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "CPU 비 집약적"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "예"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "GUI를 통해서 일시정지"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "아니오"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "더 이상 추가 작업을 요청하지 않습니다"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "현재 진행중인 스케쥴러 부르기"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Trickle up 메세지가 유보됨"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "호스트 위치"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "기본값 설정"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "계정 관리자를 통해 추가됨"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "태스크 완료시 제거"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "끝남"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "태스크가 완료됨"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "태스크 연산 실패"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "크레딧"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "사용자"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f 총합, %0.2f 평균"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "호스트"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "스케쥴 조정"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "스케줄링 우선 순위"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "지연 정정 값"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+msgid "Last scheduler reply"
+msgstr "마지막 스케줄러 응답"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "태스크 속성"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "어플리케이션"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "이름"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "상태"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "수신 시각"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "리포트 마감 시각"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "자원"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "추정된 연산 크기"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "마지막 기록 지점의 CPU 시간"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU 시간"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "경과 시간"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "추정된 남은 시간"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "분석 완료치"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "가상 메모리 크기"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "설정한 크기로 작업 중"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "디렉토리"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "프로세스 ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "Progress rate"
+msgstr "진행률"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+msgid "per hour"
+msgstr "시간"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+msgid "per minute"
+msgstr "분"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "per second"
+msgstr "초"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "로컬: "
@@ -3580,10 +3600,6 @@ msgstr "정말 취소할까요?"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "질문"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64 clientgui\common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "원반 제어"
#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35 clientgui\mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
msgid "Services"
msgstr "서비스"
@@ -3651,7 +3667,7 @@ msgstr "연산 재개"
msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
msgstr "BOINC나 프로젝트에서 온 공지 사항을 보기 위해 창을 엽니다"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Get help with %s"
msgstr "%s 도움말을 얻으세요"
@@ -3670,16 +3686,16 @@ msgid ""
"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
msgstr "추가적인 설정은 고급 보기 상태로 변경 후 연산 환경 설정에서 선택하세요."
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
msgid "GB of disk space"
msgstr "GB 디스크 공간"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1089
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1093
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
msgstr "%s - 연산 환경 설정"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1174
msgid "Discard all local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "모든 로컬 환경설정을 취소하고 웹기반 환경설정을 사용하겠습니까?"
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo
index f10e899..65b4b80 100644
Binary files a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
index 30b7abd..9c90eae 100644
--- a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-29 09:53+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-09 18:59 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-28 07:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kangsan Lee <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ msgstr "시스템 요구 사항"
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "릴리즈 노트"
-#: download.php:179 index.php:89
+#: download.php:179 index.php:93
msgid "Help"
msgstr "도움말"
@@ -218,153 +218,103 @@ msgid "News"
msgstr "뉴스"
#. "Volunteer" is used as a verb
-#: index.php:85
+#: index.php:89
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "기여자"
-#: index.php:88
+#: index.php:92
msgid "Download"
msgstr "다운로드"
-#: index.php:90 index.php:132 index.php:184
+#: index.php:94 index.php:138
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "문서"
-#: index.php:91
+#: index.php:95
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "애드온"
-#: index.php:92
+#: index.php:96
msgid "Links"
msgstr "링크"
-#: index.php:97
+#: index.php:101
msgid ""
"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure"
" diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types "
"of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:"
msgstr "질병 치료, 지구 온난화 연구, 중성자별 발견 그 외에 또 많은 종류의 과학연구를 위해 여러분 컴퓨터(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스, 안드로이드)의 대기 시간을 사용하십시오. 이 것은 안전하고 보안이 철저하며 쉽습니다:"
-#: index.php:99
+#: index.php:103
msgid "Choose projects"
msgstr "프로젝트를 선택하세요"
-#: index.php:100
+#: index.php:104
msgid "Download BOINC software"
msgstr "BOINC 소프트웨어를 다운로드하세요"
-#: index.php:101
+#: index.php:105
msgid "Enter an email address and password."
msgstr "이메일 주소와 비밀번호를 입력하세요."
-#: index.php:105
+#: index.php:109
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "혹시 여러 개의 프로젝트를 수행하고 계시다면 %s계정 관리자%s(%sGridRepublic%s이나 %sBAM!%s등)를 사용해 보십시오."
-#: index.php:130
+#: index.php:136
msgid "Compute with BOINC"
msgstr "BOINC를 이용한 컴퓨터 연산"
-#: index.php:133
+#: index.php:139
msgid "Software updates"
msgstr "소프트웨어 업데이트"
-#: index.php:140
+#: index.php:146
msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving"
-" you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
-msgstr "%1과학자%2: BOINC를 이용해서 %3기여자 컴퓨팅 프로젝트%4를 생성하고 CPU 수천 개분의 연산 능력을 제공받으세요."
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, "
+"giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs."
+msgstr "%1과학자%2: BOINC를 이용해서 %3기여자 컴퓨팅 프로젝트%4를 생성하고 CPU와 GPU 수천 개분의 연산 능력을 제공받으세요."
-#: index.php:144
+#: index.php:150
msgid ""
"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
msgstr "%1대학%2: %3가상 캠퍼스 슈퍼컴퓨터 센터%4를 생성해서 BOINC를 이용하세요."
-#: index.php:149
+#: index.php:155
msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
msgstr "%1기업체%2: %3데스크탑 그리드 컴퓨팅%4을 위해 BOINC를 이용하세요."
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "BOINC 프로젝트"
#: index.php:167
+msgid "About BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC에 대해서"
+#: index.php:181
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "게시판"
-#: index.php:168
+#: index.php:182
msgid "Email lists"
msgstr "메일링 리스트"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr "스텝과 공헌자들"
-#: index.php:170
+#: index.php:183
msgid "Events"
msgstr "이벤트"
-#: index.php:171
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "논문과 담화"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "연구 프로젝트들"
-#: index.php:173
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "로고와 그래픽"
-#: index.php:174
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "와"
-#: index.php:178
+#: index.php:184
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "소스 코드"
-#: index.php:179
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "지원자 모집!"
-#: index.php:181
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "프로그램밍"
-#: index.php:182
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "번역"
-#: index.php:183
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "테스트"
-#: index.php:185
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "홍보"
-#: index.php:187
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "소프트웨어 개발"
-#: index.php:188
+#: index.php:186
msgid "APIs for add-on software"
msgstr "add-on 소프트웨어를 위한 API"
-#: index.php:230
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
-msgstr "%s기여자 컴퓨팅%s과 %s그리드 컴퓨팅%s을 위한 오픈 소스 소프트웨어"
-#: index.php:243
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr "BOINC는 캘리포니아 대학교 버클리 캠퍼스(The University of California, Berkeley)에 기반을 두고 있습니다"
+#: index.php:231
+msgid "Open-source software for volunteer computing"
+msgstr "기여자 컴퓨팅을 위한 오픈 소스 소프트웨어"
#: projects.inc:19
msgid "Distributed sensing"
@@ -403,6 +353,17 @@ msgstr "이 프로젝트는 기여자들의 컴퓨터에 연결된 센서를 사
msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
msgstr "인지 과학과 인공 지능"
+#: projects.inc:51
+msgid "Cognitive Science"
+msgstr " 과학"
+#: projects.inc:52
+msgid ""
+"MindModeling at Home uses computational cognitive process modeling to better "
+"understand the human mind, and specifically to study the mechanisms and "
+"processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning."
+msgstr "MindModeling at Home은 인간의 사고력을 보다 잘 이해하기 위하여, 특히 인간의 능력과 학습을 활성화시키고 조절하는 처리 과정 및 메커니즘을 연구하기 위하여 연산 인지 처리 모델을 사용합니다."
#: projects.inc:70 projects.inc:467 projects.inc:591 projects.inc:601
#: projects.inc:657
msgid "Private"
@@ -424,6 +385,26 @@ msgstr "인공 지능은 회화에서 인간의 행동을 모방하기 위해서
msgid "Biology and Medicine"
msgstr "생물학 및 의약"
+#: projects.inc:88
+msgid "Medical physiology"
+msgstr "의학 생리학"
+#: projects.inc:89
+msgid ""
+"DENIS at Home does cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the "
+"electrical activity of the heart."
+msgstr "DENIS at Home은 심장의 전기적 활동을 연구하기 위해 심장 전기 생리학 시뮬레이션을 수행합니다."
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "Molecular biology"
+msgstr "분자 "
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid ""
+"RNA World seeks to identify, analyze, structurally predict and design RNA "
+"molecules on the basis of established bioinformatics software."
+msgstr "RNA World는 인정받은 생물정보학 소프트웨어을 기반으로 RNA 분자를 식별, 분석, 구조적 예측 및 설계를 찾고자 합니다."
#: projects.inc:107
msgid "University College Dublin"
msgstr "칼리지 더블린 대학교<br />(University College Dublin)"
@@ -578,6 +559,45 @@ msgid ""
"better understand the distant universe."
msgstr "TheSkyNet POGS는 밝기, 질량, 먼지의 양 및 얼마나 빨리 별들이 형성되는지를 포함한 16가지 다른 속성의 은하를 연구하는 천문학 프로젝트입니다. 저희는 지도를 만들기 위해서 다파장(자외선, 가시광선 및 근적외선) 은하 이미지로 픽셀 단위 계산을 실시하고자 여러분의 처리 능력을 이용합니다. 이는 원거리 우주를 보다 잘 이해하려는 천문학자들에게 도움이 될 것입니다."
+#: projects.inc:280 projects.inc:366
+msgid "Astrophysics"
+msgstr "천체물리학"
+#: projects.inc:281
+msgid ""
+"The aim of the project is to derive shapes and spin for a significant part "
+"of the asteroid population. As input data, we use any asteroid photometry "
+"that is available. The results are asteroid convex shape models with the "
+"direction of the spin axis and the rotation period."
+msgstr "본 프로젝트의 목표는 소행성 천체의 밝혀진 일부로부터 모양과 회전을 알아내는 것입니다. 저희는 가능하면 어떠한 소행성 광도 측정 자료라도 데이터로 집어 넣습니다. 결과로서 소행성의 회전축의 방향과 회전 주기를 포함한 볼록형 모형을 얻습니다."
+#: projects.inc:290
+msgid "Aerospace-related science and engineering"
+msgstr "항공우주 관련 과학 및 "
+#: projects.inc:291
+msgid ""
+"Constellation is a platform for aerospace-related simulations, including "
+"trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes, simulation of "
+"Moon's near-surface exosphere, and analysis of dynamic systems of "
+msgstr "Constellation은 발사대, 위성, 탐사기의 궤적 최적화, 달의 근접표면 외기권 시뮬레이션, 월면차의 동역학계 분석을 포함한 항공우주 관련 시뮬레이션용 플랫폼입니다."
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Perform aerospace-related simulations"
+msgstr "항공우주 관련 시뮬레이션 수행"
+#: projects.inc:329
+msgid ""
+"Universe at Home aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar "
+"content of the Universe, from the earliest stars to the most exotic black "
+"hole binaries."
+msgstr "Universe at Home 가장 바깥에 있는 블랙홀 바이너리 데이터로 가장 이른 별로부터, 우주를 시뮬레이션한 항성 데이터로 첫번째 데이터베이스를 생성하는 것을 목표로 합니다."
+#: projects.inc:332
+msgid "Do research in physics and astronomy"
+msgstr "물리학 및 천문학 연구 수행"
#: projects.inc:337
msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
msgstr "렌셀러 폴리테크닉 대학교(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)"
@@ -589,6 +609,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Milkyway at Home의 목표는 슬론 디지털 스카이 탐사(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)에서 수집된 데이터를 사용해서 은하수 은하의 가장 정확한 3차원 모델을 만드는 것입니다."
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Study the structure of the Milky Way galaxy"
+msgstr "은하수의 은하 구조 연구"
#: projects.inc:347
msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
msgstr "네덜란드 Leiden 대학교"
@@ -607,14 +631,14 @@ msgid ""
"simulations through the grid."
msgstr "표면 과학 계산은 고전 역학을 이용합니다. Leiden Classical은 기여자, 학생, 다른 과학자에게 가각 개인적으로 한 계산을 그리드로 제출할 수 있게 해줍니다. 각 유저는 고전 역학 작업을 위한 개인적인 대기열을 가지고 있습니다. 이런 방식으로 학생들은 액체 아르곤을 시뮬레이션하기 위해서 또는 실제로 그리드를 통해서 시뮬레이션을 실행함으로써 이상기체 법칙의 타당성을 시험하기 위해 그리드를 이용할 수 있습니다."
+#: projects.inc:352
+msgid "Help students do atomic simulations"
+msgstr "원자 시뮬레이션을 수행하는 학생을 도와주세요"
#: projects.inc:365
msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
msgstr "위스콘신-밀워키 대학교(Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee), 막스 플랑크 연구소(Max Planck Institute)"
-#: projects.inc:366
-msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr "천체물리학"
#: projects.inc:367
msgid ""
"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
@@ -624,6 +648,10 @@ msgid ""
"international organizations."
msgstr "LIGO 및 GEO 중력파 감지기와 아레시보 전파 망원경에서 수집된 데이터를 사용해서 회전하는 중성자 별(펄서라고도 합니다)을 찾습니다. Einstein at Home은 미국 물리학 협회(APS) 및 수많은 국제 단체로부터 지원을 받는 2005 세계 과학의 해 프로젝트입니다."
+#: projects.inc:370
+msgid "Help detect pulsars and gravitational waves"
+msgstr "중성자 별 및 중력파 탐지를 도와주세요"
#: projects.inc:383 projects.inc:393 projects.inc:403
msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
msgstr "CERN (유럽 입자 물리 연구소)"
@@ -641,6 +669,10 @@ msgid ""
"the design of LHC and its detectors."
msgstr "대형 강입자 가속기(LHC)는 CERN(유럽 입자 물리 연구소)에 위치한 소립자 가속기이며, 세계에서 가장 큰 입자 물리학 연구시설입니다. 이것은 입자의 속성을 조사하기 위해서 건설한 것 중 가장 강력한 장치입니다. LHC at home은 LHC 및 검출기의 설계를 향상시키기 위한 시뮬레이션을 수행합니다."
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Improve the design of the Large Hadron Collider"
+msgstr "거대 강입자 가속기의 설계를 개선합니다"
#: projects.inc:395
msgid ""
"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for LHC event "
@@ -648,6 +680,10 @@ msgid ""
"VirtualBox on your computer"
msgstr "이 프로젝트는 CERN이 개발한, 완전히 독립된 LHC 사건(event) 물리학 시뮬레이션용 가상 머신 기술을 기여자 컴퓨터 상에서 사용합니다. 따라서 여러분 컴퓨터에 VirtualBox를 설치해야 됩니다."
+#: projects.inc:398
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions"
+msgstr "고에너지 입자 충돌 시뮬레이션"
#: projects.inc:405
msgid ""
"ATLAS at Home uses volunteer computing to run simulations for ATLAS, a particle"
@@ -656,6 +692,10 @@ msgid ""
"extraordinary high energy."
msgstr "ATLAS at Home은 CERN의 강입자 가속기 상의 입자 물리학 실험 장치인 ATLAS를 위한 시뮬레이션을 수행하고자 기여자의 컴퓨터를 이용합니다. ATLAS는 새로운 입자를 찾고 매우 높은 에너지의 양자 정면 충돌을 처리합니다."
+#: projects.inc:408
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions for CERN"
+msgstr "CERN의 고에너지 입자 충돌 시뮬레이션"
#: projects.inc:413
msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
msgstr "캘리포니아 대학교 버클리 캠퍼스(University of California, Berkeley)"
@@ -673,10 +713,28 @@ msgid ""
"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
msgstr "SETI(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, 외계 지성체 탐사)는 지구 밖에 존재하는 지성체를 감지하는 데 목표를 둔 과학 분야입니다. 라디오 SETI로 알려진 한가지 접근 방법은 우주에서 오는, 좁은 대역폭의 전파를 듣기 위해서 전파 망원경을 사용합니다. 어떤 신호는 자연적으로 발생하지 않는다고 알려져 있습니다. 따라서 이 것의 감지는 외계 기술의 증거를 제공해 줄 수도 있습니다."
+#: projects.inc:418
+msgid "Search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life"
+msgstr "지구외 생명체의 증거 탐색"
#: projects.inc:442
msgid "Multiple applications"
msgstr "여러 응용 분야"
+#: projects.inc:448
+msgid "Molecular biology, Computer Science"
+msgstr "분자 생물학, 컴퓨터 과학"
+#: projects.inc:449
+msgid ""
+"The Citizen Science Grid is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research"
+" and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science."
+msgstr "The Citizen Science Grid는 기여자 컴퓨팅과 공공과학(citizen science)을 이용한 광범위 연구 및 교육 프로젝트를 지원합니다"
+#: projects.inc:452
+msgid "Support science from the University of North Dakota"
+msgstr "노스다코타 대학교의 과학 연구 지원"
#: projects.inc:457
msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
msgstr "중국 과학원"
@@ -692,6 +750,10 @@ msgid ""
"their research."
msgstr "CAS at home의 목적은 기여자 컴퓨팅 기술과 연구에 대한 기여자들의 생각을 채택해서 중국에 있는 과학자들을 장려하고 지원하는 것입니다."
+#: projects.inc:462
+msgid "Help Chinese researchers"
+msgstr "중국 연구자들을 도와주세요"
#: projects.inc:468
msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
msgstr "수학, 물리학, 진화론"
@@ -702,6 +764,10 @@ msgid ""
"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
msgstr "Yoyo at home은 BOINC와 기존 기여자 컴퓨팅 프로젝트(ECM, 뮤온, Evolution at home, distributed.net)를 중개합니다."
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Do research in math, physics, and evolution"
+msgstr "수학, 물리학, 진화론 분야 연구 수행"
#: projects.inc:477 projects.inc:677
msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
msgstr "MTA-SZTAKI 병렬 및 분산 시스템 연구소 (헝가리, MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems)"
@@ -718,6 +784,10 @@ msgid ""
" by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
msgstr "EDGeS at Home 베타 프로젝트는 해당 프로젝트의 기여자가 처리해야할 작업 유닛을 전송하는 서비스 그리드를 허용함으로써 유럽 서비스 그리드 네트워크와 기여자 컴퓨팅을 통합합니다. 과학 프로젝트는 수학, 물리학, 생물학, 기타 등을 포함하고 있습니다."
+#: projects.inc:482
+msgid "Help European researchers"
+msgstr "유럽의 연구자들을 "
#: projects.inc:487
msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
msgstr "여러 스페인 대학교 및 연구소"
@@ -730,6 +800,10 @@ msgstr "스페인의 각종 연구 프로젝트"
msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
msgstr "물리학, 재료 과학, 생물 의학 등의 연구"
+#: projects.inc:492
+msgid "Help Spanish researchers"
+msgstr "스페인 연구자들을 "
#: projects.inc:497
msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
msgstr "IBM 시민 공동체(IBM Corporate Citizenship)"
@@ -746,14 +820,56 @@ msgid ""
"clean water and many more."
msgstr "세계에서 가장 큰 기여자 컴퓨팅 그리드를 통해서 인류가 직면한 가장 심각한 문제를 비영리적으로 연구합니다. 연구에는 HIV 에이즈, 암, 열대 지방의 병 및 연구가 덜 된 질병, 태양 에너지, 깨끗한 물 이외에 많은 것들이 포함됩니다."
+#: projects.inc:502
+msgid "Do biomedical and environmental research"
+msgstr "생의학 및 환경 연구 수행"
#: projects.inc:507
msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
msgstr "수학, 컴퓨팅, 게임"
+#: projects.inc:533 projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668
+#: projects.inc:678
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "수학"
+#: projects.inc:534
+msgid ""
+"NumberFields at home searches for fields with special properties. The primary "
+"application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. "
+"Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them "
+"formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will "
+"lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the "
+"basic building blocks of all mathematics."
+msgstr "NumberFields at home은 특수한 속성을 갖는 수체를 탐색합니다. 본 연구의 첫번째 목표는 대수적 수론 분야에 있습니다. 수 이론가들은 수체에 관한 추측을 공식화하는데 있어 도움을 줄 흥미로운 패턴 데이터를 채취할 수 있습니다. 궁극적으로 본 연구는 모든 수학의 기초 공사인, 심오한 수의 속성을 보다 깊이 이해하도록 이끌 것입니다."
+#: projects.inc:537
+msgid "Do research in algebraic number theory"
+msgstr "대수적 수론 연구 수행"
+#: projects.inc:553
+msgid "Computer Science"
+msgstr "컴퓨터 과학"
+#: projects.inc:554
+msgid ""
+"Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion "
+"problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc.) that can be "
+"effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem."
+msgstr "불린 충족 가능성 문제를 효과적으로 경감시킬 수 있는 어렵고 완벽히 불가능한 문제들(이산함수 역문제, 이산최적화, 생물정보학, 기타)의 풀이"
+#: projects.inc:557
+msgid "Study computational complexity"
+msgstr "계산의 복잡성 연구"
#: projects.inc:582
msgid "Cryptography and combinatorics"
msgstr "암호학 및 조합론"
+#: projects.inc:583 projects.inc:586
+msgid "Run applications from distributed.net"
+msgstr "distributed.net에서 배포된 응용 프로그램 실행"
#: projects.inc:592
msgid "Cryptography"
msgstr "암호학"
@@ -764,14 +880,18 @@ msgid ""
"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
msgstr "3가지 에니그마 원문을 해독하고자 시도합니다. 이 신호는 1942년 북대서양에서 포착되었으며 깨지지 않은 것으로 여겨지고 있습니다."
-#: projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668 projects.inc:678
-msgid "Mathematics"
-msgstr "수학"
+#: projects.inc:596
+msgid "Decode WWII submarine messages"
+msgstr "2차 세계 대전 당시 잠수함의 암호문 해독"
#: projects.inc:603
msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
msgstr "수학에서 풀리지 않은 Collatz 추측을 연구합니다."
+#: projects.inc:606
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture"
+msgstr "콜라츠 추측 연구"
#: projects.inc:611
msgid "California State University Fullerton"
msgstr "캘리포니아 주립 대학교 풀러턴 캠퍼스(California State University Fullerton)"
@@ -790,12 +910,20 @@ msgid ""
"hundreds of digits long."
msgstr "NFS at Home은 큰 정수들을 수체선별법(Number Field Sieve)으로써 인수분해하는 래티스 시빙 절차를 시행하기 위해서, 인터넷에 연결된 컴퓨터를 사용하는 연구 프로젝트입니다. 초등학교 저학년 시절에 15 = 3 * 5 혹은 35 = 5 * 7처럼 정수를 소인수로 쪼개어 본 경험을 하셨을 것입니다. NFS at Home은 이러한 경험의 연장선입니다. 단지 정수가 백자리 정도의 길이를 갖을 뿐입니다."
+#: projects.inc:616
+msgid "Study the factorization of large integers"
+msgstr "거대 정수의 인수 분해 연구"
#: projects.inc:659
msgid ""
"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
msgstr "Primegrid는 다른 형태의 매우 큰 소수를 찾는 복수 프로젝트입니다. 그중에는 알려진 소수 중 가장 큰 소수를 찾는 프로젝트도 포함됩니다."
+#: projects.inc:662
+msgid "Search for large prime numbers"
+msgstr "거대 소수 찾기"
#: projects.inc:667
msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
msgstr "Hochschule RheinMain 응용 과학 대학교"
@@ -806,12 +934,27 @@ msgid ""
"of prime numbers"
msgstr "소수 증명과 관련된 두가지 추측의 반례를 찾습니다"
+#: projects.inc:672
+msgid "Study the properties of prime numbers"
+msgstr "소수의 속성 "
#: projects.inc:679
msgid ""
"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
msgstr "11차원 이상에서 법칙화된 2진수 체계(행렬들로 이루어졌으며, 숫자는 벡터)를 모두 찾습니다."
+#: projects.inc:682
+msgid "Study number theory"
+msgstr "수 이론 "
+#: projects.inc:739
+msgid ""
+"Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of "
+"parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control "
+msgstr "로직 제어 시스템 설계를 위한, CAD 시스템에서 작동하는 병렬 알고리즘의 구분 채집을 위한 휴리스틱 방법을 비교하고 테스트합니다"
#: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "코멘트"
diff --git a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo
index e4a586d..d8415a8 100644
Binary files a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
index 8f37bd2..8687860 100644
--- a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-03 14:18-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-22 14:22+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-04 08:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Atis Kozulis <boinc.at.latvia at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/lv/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/boinc/boinc/language/lv/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -205,369 +205,369 @@ msgstr "Savienots"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Atvienots"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Jauns %s logs..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Atvērt vēl vienu %s logu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "&Izvēlieties datoru..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Pieslēgties BOINC klientam uz cita datora"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Slēgt pievienoto klientu..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Izslēgt pašlaik pieslēgto BOINC klientu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Aizvērt %s logu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "&Aizvērt logu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Iziet %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Preferences..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-msgstr "P&aziņojumi\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
+msgstr "P&aziņojumi\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Rādīt paziņojumus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-msgstr "&Projekti\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
+msgstr "&Projecti\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Rādīt projektus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-msgstr "&Uzdevumi\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
+msgstr "&Uzdevumi\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Rādīt uzdevumus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-msgstr "Pārsūtīša&na\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
+msgstr "Pārsūtīša&na\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Rādīt failu pārsūtīšanu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-msgstr "&Statistika\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
+msgstr "&Statistika\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Rādīt statistiku"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-msgstr "&Disks⇥Ctrl+Shift+D"
+msgstr "&Disks\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Rādīt diska izlietojumu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "&Vienāršais skats...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Pārslēgties uz vienkāršo skatu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "P&ievienot projektu..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Pievienot projektu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "&Lietot konta menedžeri"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Lietot konta menedžeri, lai kontrolētu šo datoru."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "&Sinhronizēties ar %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Iegūt pašreizējos iestatījumus no %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "Nelie&tot %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Noņemt šo datoru no konta menedžera kontroles."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Palaist CPU veiktspējas te&stu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Palaist CPU veiktspējas testus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Atkārtot iepriekšējo pārsūtīšanu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Atkārtot atlikto failu pārsūtīšanu un uzdevumu pieprasījumu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "Žurnāls...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Rādīt diagnostikas ziņojumus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "&Izpildīt vienmēr"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Atļaut darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "Izpildīt balstoties uz &preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Atļaut darbu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Atlikt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Aptur darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "Vienmēr lietot GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Atļaut GPU darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "&Lietot GPU balstoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "Atļaut GPU darbu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Atlikt GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Pārstāt izpildīt GPU darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Tīkla aktivitāte vienmēr"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Atļaut lietot tīklu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "&Pieslēgties tīklam balstoties uz preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Lietot tīklu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Atlikt tīkla aktivitāti"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Apturēt tīkla aktivitāti"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "Skaitļošanas &preferences..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Konfigurēt skaitļošanas preferences"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Īpašās lietojumprogrammas..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Konfigurēt īpašās lietojumprogrammas"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Izvēlēties kolonnas..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Izvēlēties, kuras kolonnas rādīt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "Žurnāla opcijas...⇥Ctrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Atļaut vai neļaut dažādus diagnostikas ziņojumus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "Citas &opcijas..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Konfigurēt attēlošanas opcijas un tīkla iestatījumus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Lasīt konfigurācijas failus"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Lasīt konfigurācijas informāciju no cc_config.xml un jebkuriem app_config.xml failiem"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Lasīt vietējo preferenču failu"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Lasīt preferences no global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s &palīdzība"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "&%s palīdzība"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s &mājas lapa"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par BOINC un %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "&Par %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Licencēšanas un autortiesību informācija."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Fails"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Skats"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "&Aktivitāte"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "&Opcijas"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Rīki"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Palīdzība"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Pārtraukt lietot %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Ja jūs pārtrauksiet lietot %s,\nJūs paturēsiet visus jūsu esošos projektus,\nbet jums būs jāpārvalda projektus manuāli.\n\nVai jūs vēlaties pārtraukt lietot %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Slēgt pašreizējo klientu..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s slēgs pašreizējo klientu\nun prasīs jums citu hostu kam pievienoties."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s veiksmīgi pievienoja %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Pieslēdzas pie %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Pieslēdzās pie %s (%s)"
@@ -657,9 +657,9 @@ msgstr "I&ziet %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Sazināšanās"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Atcelt"
@@ -893,79 +893,79 @@ msgstr "(Nezināms)"
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(Lietotāja definēts)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "Atvērt %s tīmekli..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:526
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "Atvērt %s..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:634
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:636
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "Iesnaust"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:535 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:650
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:655
msgid "Snooze GPU"
msgstr "Iesnaust GPU"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "I&ziet"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:806
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:882 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:894
#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:118
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Atsākt"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:649
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646
msgid "Resume GPU"
msgstr "Atsākt GPU"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:712
msgid "Computing is enabled"
msgstr "Skaitļošana atļauta"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:716
msgid "Computing is suspended - "
msgstr "Skaitļošana atlikta - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:726
msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
msgstr "GPU skaitļošana atļauta"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
msgstr "GPU skaitļošana atlikta - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:738
msgid "Network is enabled"
msgstr "Pi&eslēgums tīklam atļauts"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
msgid "Network is suspended - "
msgstr "P&ieslēgums tīklam atlikts - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:749
msgid "Reconnecting to client."
msgstr "Atjauno saikni ar klientu."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
msgid "Not connected to a client."
msgstr "Nav savienots ar klientu."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s Notices"
msgstr "%s Paziņojumi"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:810
msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
msgstr "Ir jauni paziņojumi - klikšķināt, lai skatītu."
@@ -1080,39 +1080,39 @@ msgstr "Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&Labi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "Nederīgs skaitlis"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Nederīgs laiks, vērtībai jābūt starp 0:00 un 24:00 HH:MM formātā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Start laikam jāatšķiras no beigu laika"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Skaitlim jābūt robežās no 0 līdz 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:772
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Skaitlim jābūt robežās no 0 līdz 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "noteikta nederīga ievadītā vērtība"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Validācijas kļūda"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Vai izmest lokālās preferences un lietot tīmeklī-bāzētās?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Apstiprināšana"
@@ -1135,97 +1135,81 @@ msgstr "Lieto tīmeklī-bāzētās preferences no"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Iestatīt vērtības un noklikšķināt Labi, lai lietotu lokālās preferences."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Šis dialogs kontrolē preferences tikai šim datoram.\nNoklikšķiniet Labi, lai iestatītu preferences.\nNoklikšķināt Notīrīt, lai atjaunotu tīmeklī-bāzētos iestatījumus."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Notīrīt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Notīrīt visas lokālās preferences un aizvērt dialoga logu"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Lietot tīmekļa pref."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Atjaunot tīmeklī-bāzētās preferences un aizvērt dialoga logu."
-#. Computing schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "Skaitļošana"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Tīkls"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Disks un atmiņa"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Ikdienas plāni"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Labi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Saglabāt visas vērtības un aizvērt dialoga logu."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Aizvērt dialoga logu nesaglabājot."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Palīdzība"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Rāda preferenču tīmekļa lapu."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Lietošanas ierobežojumi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Atstāt dažus CPU brīvus citām lietojumprogrammām. Piem., 75% nozīmē 6 kodolus 8-kodolu CPU."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% no CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1233,355 +1217,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Apturēt/atsākt skaitļošanu ik dažas sekundes, lai samazinātu CPU temperatūru un enerģijas patēriņu. Piem., 75% nozīmē skaitļot 3 sekundes, gaidīt 1 sekundi un tad atkārtot."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% CPU laiks"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Kad apturēt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Apturēt, ja dators lieto akumulatoru"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Atzīmējiet šo, lai apturētu skaitļošanu uz portatīvajām ierīcēm, kad tās lieto akumulatoru."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Apturēt, ja dators ir lietošanā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Atzīmējiet šo, lai apturētu skaitļošanu un failu pārsūtīšanu, kad Jūs lietojat datoru."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Apturēt GPU skaitļošanu, ja dators ir lietošanā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Atzīmējiet šo, lai apturētu GPU skaitļošanu, kad Jūs lietojat datoru."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Šis nosaka, kad dators tiek uzskatīts 'lietošanā'."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'Lietošanā' nozīmē peles/tastatūras ievadi pēdējās"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minūtes"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Apturēt, ja ne-BOINC CPU lietojums pārsniedz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Apturēt skaitļošanu, ja dators ir aizņemts ar citām programmām."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Lai atliktu dienas laikā, skat. \"Ikdienas plāni\" nodaļā."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Citi"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Uzglabāt pietiekami daudz uzdevumu, lai nodarbinātu datoru tik ilgi."
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Uzglabāt vismaz"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "dienu darba"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Uzglabāt papildu uzdevumus virs minimālā līmeņa. Nosaka cik daudz darba tiek pieprasīts, kad sazinās ar projektu."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Uzglabāt papildu līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Ja skaitļojat vairākiem projektiem, %s var pārslēgties starp tiem tik bieži."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Pārslēgties starp uzdevumiem katru"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Šis kontrolē cik bieži uzdevumi saglabā savu stāvokli uz diska, tā, lai tie varētu tikt pārstartēti vēlāk."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Pieprasīt uzdevumiem rakstīt kontropunktus uz diska ne vairāk kā katras"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekundes"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Ierobežo failu pārsūtīšanas lejupielādes ātrumu."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Ierobežot lejupielādes ātrumu līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB/sekundē"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Ierobežo failu pārsūtīšanas augšupielādes ātrumu."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Ierobežot augšupielādes ātrumu līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Piemērs: %s drīkst pārsūtīt ne vairāk kā 2000 MB datu katras 30 dienas."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Ierobežot lietošanu līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB katras"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "dienas"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Lai ierobežotu pārsūtīšanu dienas laikā, skat. \"Ikdienas plāni\" nodaļā."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Atzīmējiet tikai, ja jūsu Internet pakalpojumu sniedzējs modificē attēlu failus. Pārbaudes izlaišana samazina %s drošību."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Izlaist datu pārbaudi attēlu failiem"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Apstiprināt pirms pievienoties Internet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Lietderīgs tikai, ja Jums ir modems, ISDN vai VPN savienojums."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Atvienoties, kad pabeigs"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disks"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s lietos vis ierobežojošāko no šiem iestatījumiem:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Ierobežo kopēju aizņemtā diska vietas apjomu, ko lieto %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Nelietot vairāk par"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Ierobežo diska lietojumu, lai atstātu vismaz tik daudz brīvas vietas sējumā, kur %s glabā datus."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Atstāt vismaz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB brīvi"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Ierobežo procentuāli %s diska lietojumu sējumā, kur tas glabā datus."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% no kopējā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Atmiņa"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Ierobežo %s atmiņas lietojumu, kad Jūs lietojat datoru."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Kad dators ir lietošanā, lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Ierobežo %s atmiņas lietojumu, kad Jūs nelietojat datoru."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Kad dators nav lietošanā, lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Atstāt ne-GPU uzdevumus atmiņā kamēr tie ir apturēti"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Ja atzīmēts, apturētie uzdevumi paliek atmiņā un atjauno darbību neko nezaudējot. Ja nav atzīmēts, apturētie uzdevumi tiek izņemti no atmiņas un atjauno darbību no to pēdējā kontrolpunkta."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Ierobežo %s lietoto swap vietu (page file)."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Page/swap fails: lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "un"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Ikdienā skaitļot tikai noteiktā dienas periodā."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:695 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Skaitļot tikai starp"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:705
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:852
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "Nedēļas dienās savādāk"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:709
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Ignorēt iepriekšminētos laikus noteiktās dienās:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Pirmdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:742
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Piektdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:901
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Otrdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:770
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:916
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sestdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:783
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:929
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Trešdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:798
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:944
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Svētdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:811
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:957
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Ceturtdiena"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:840 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Ikdienā pārsūtīt failus tikai noteiktā dienas periodā."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:842 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Pārsūtīt failus tikai starp"
@@ -1854,216 +1846,244 @@ msgstr "Projektam nav lietojumu priekš"
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "Klienta konfigurācija izslēdz "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr "darba ņemšana atlikta uz"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s darba ņemšana atlikta uz"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr "darba ņemšanas atlikšanas intervāls"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s darba ņemšanas atlikšanas intervāls"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Projekta īpašības "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Vispārējais"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
-msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr "Centrālais URL"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Lietotāja vārds"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Komandas vārds"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Resursu daļa"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Plānotāja RPC atlikts uz"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Faila lejupielāde atlikta uz"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Failu augšupielāde atlikta uz"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Diska izlietojums"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Datora ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "CPU neintensitīvs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "jā"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Atlikts caur GUI"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "nē"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Nepieprasīt vairāk darbu"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Izveic plānotāja pieprasījumu"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Sūkties līdz"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Hosta atrašanās vieta"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "noklusētais"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Pievienots caur konta pārvaldnieku"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Noņemt, kad uzdevums pabeigts"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Pabeigts"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Pabeigtie uzdevumi"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Neizdevušies uzdevumi"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Kredīts"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Lietotājs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f kopā, %0.2f vidēji"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Hosts"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Plānošana"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Plānošanas prioritāte"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Ilguma korekcijas faktors"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+msgid "Last scheduler reply"
+msgstr "Plānotāja pēdējā atbilde"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Īpašības uzdevumam "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Lietojums"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Uzdevums"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stāvoklis"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Saņemts"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Termiņš"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Resursi"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Plānotais skaitļošanas izmērs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "CPU laiks kopš pēdējā kontrolpunkta"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU laiks"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Pavadītais laiks"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Plānotais atlikušais laiks"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Daļa pabeigta"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Virtuālās atmiņas izmērs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Darba kopuma izmērs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Katalogs"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "Precesa ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "Progress rate"
+msgstr "Progress"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+msgid "per hour"
+msgstr "stundā"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+msgid "per minute"
+msgstr "minūtē"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
+msgid "per second"
+msgstr "sekundē"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Lokāls: "
@@ -3581,10 +3601,6 @@ msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties atcelt?"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Jautājums"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64 clientgui\common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35 clientgui\mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Servisi"
@@ -3652,7 +3668,7 @@ msgstr "Atsākt skaitļošanu"
msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
msgstr "Atvērt logu, lai redzētu paziņojumus no projektiem vai BOINC"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:934 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Get help with %s"
msgstr "Saņemt palīdzību par %s"
@@ -3671,16 +3687,16 @@ msgid ""
"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
msgstr "Papildu iestatījumiem izvēlieties Skaitļošanas preferences Detalizētajā skatā."
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
msgid "GB of disk space"
msgstr "GB diska vietas"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1089
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1093
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
msgstr "%s - skaitļošanas preferences"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1174
msgid "Discard all local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Vai izmest visas lokālās preferences un lietot tīmeklī-bāzētās?"
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.mo b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.mo
index 83e1a30..91d2133 100644
Binary files a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.mo and b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.po b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.po
index a6ed37c..c8fabcc 100644
--- a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.po
+++ b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Client.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:25-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-26 01:20+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-30 11:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Miguel Filipe Paulino de Sousa Veiga <Miguel.veig at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/pt_PT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr "Mensagem do gestor de conta"
#: client_msgs.cpp:81
msgid "Message from server"
-msgstr "Mensagem do servidor "
+msgstr "Mensagem do servidor"
#: client_state.cpp:258
msgid ""
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ msgstr "Actualize os seus drivers para processar as tarefas, utilizando a GPU do
#: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1099
msgid ""
"Upgrade to the latest driver to use all of this project's GPU applications"
-msgstr "Actualize os seus drivers para utilizar todas as aplicações GPU deste projecto"
+msgstr "Actualize para os drivers mais recentes, para utilizar todas as aplicações GPU deste projecto"
#: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1118
msgid ""
"A newer version of BOINC is needed to use your NVIDIA GPU; please upgrade to"
" the current version"
-msgstr "É necessária uma versão mais recente do BOINC para utilizador a GPU da NVIDIA; por favor actualize para a versão mais recente"
+msgstr "É necessária uma versão mais recente do BOINC para utilizador a GPU da NVIDIA; por favor actualize para a versão actual"
#: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1146
#, c-format
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "Uma GPU %s é necessária para executar tarefas para este projecto"
#: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1262
msgid "No tasks are available for the applications you have selected."
-msgstr "Não estão disponíveis as tarefas para as aplicações selecionadas. "
+msgstr "Não estão disponíveis tarefas para as aplicações que seleccionou. "
#: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1288
msgid "Your computer type is not supported by this project"
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ msgstr "É necessária uma versão mais recente do BOINC; por favor instale a ve
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Tasks for %s are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them"
-msgstr "Tarefas para %s estão disponíveis mas, as suas preferências estão definidas para não as aceitar"
+msgstr "Tarefas para %s estão disponíveis, mas as suas preferências estão definidas para não as aceitar"
#: ../sched/sched_types.cpp:254
msgid "Unknown app name in app_info.xml"
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 491f132..40e4132 100644
--- a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-04 08:56 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-05 11:43+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Miguel Filipe Paulino de Sousa Veiga <Miguel.veig at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-30 11:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rom Walton\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/pt_PT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
msgstr "Um código de convite válido é necessário para criar uma conta."
#: ../inc/account.inc:44 ../inc/host.inc:674 ../inc/result.inc:632
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:198
+#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/user.inc:198
#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/team_admins.php:64
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:124
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ msgstr "Tem que ter pelo menos %1 caracteres"
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Confirme palavra passe"
-#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:129
-#: ../inc/team.inc:242 ../inc/team.inc:382 ../inc/team.inc:470
+#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:134
+#: ../inc/team.inc:247 ../inc/team.inc:387 ../inc/team.inc:475
#: ../inc/user.inc:212 ../inc/user.inc:395 ../user/account_finish.php:45
#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38 ../user/profile_search_action.php:44
#: ../user/team_email_list.php:73 ../user/team_search.php:85
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ msgstr "esqueceu-se da palavra passe?"
msgid "Stay logged in"
msgstr "Manter-se logado"
+#. kludge
#: ../inc/account.inc:114 ../inc/util.inc:238 ../user/login_form.php:41
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Entrar"
@@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ msgstr "Fechar todas as tags bbCode abertas"
msgid "Close Tags"
msgstr "Fechar Tags"
+#. names for the above
#: ../inc/forum.inc:38
msgid "Oldest first"
msgstr "Os mais antigos primeiro"
@@ -273,185 +275,220 @@ msgstr "Mais vistos primeiro"
msgid "Most posts first"
msgstr "Mais posts primeiro"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:104
+msgid "Volunteer moderator"
+msgstr "Moderador voluntário"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:105
+msgid "Project administrator"
+msgstr "Administrador de projecto"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:106
+msgid "Project developer"
+msgstr "Desenvolvedor de projecto"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:107
+msgid "Project tester"
+msgstr "Tester de projecto"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:108
+msgid "Volunteer developer"
+msgstr "Desenvolvedor voluntário"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:109
+msgid "Volunteer tester"
+msgstr "Tester voluntário"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:110
+msgid "Project scientist"
+msgstr "Cientista de projecto"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:111
+msgid "Help desk expert"
+msgstr "Especialista de Helpdesk"
+#. Search
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search for words in forum messages"
msgstr "Pesquisar por palavras em mensagens nos fóruns"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search forums"
msgstr "Pesquisar fóruns"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:127
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:130
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Pesquisa avançada"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:133 ../inc/user.inc:325 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:136 ../inc/user.inc:325 ../user/pm.php:69
#: ../user/pm.php:138
msgid "Private messages"
msgstr "Mensagens privadas"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:152 ../user/forum_forum.php:74
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../user/forum_forum.php:74
#: ../user/sample_index.php:128
msgid "Questions and Answers"
msgstr "Perguntas e Respostas"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:152 ../inc/forum.inc:184 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../inc/forum.inc:187 ../inc/user.inc:321
#: ../inc/user.inc:454 ../user/forum_forum.php:76 ../user/sample_index.php:127
#: ../project.sample/project.inc:70
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Mensagens do fórum"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:188 ../inc/forum.inc:196
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:191 ../inc/forum.inc:199
msgid "%1 message board"
msgstr "%1 mensagem do fórum"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:246 ../inc/result.inc:717
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:249 ../inc/result.inc:717
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Anterior"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:284 ../inc/result.inc:726
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:287 ../inc/result.inc:726
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Próximo"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:413 ../inc/forum.inc:1218 ../user/forum_forum.php:140
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/forum.inc:1234 ../user/forum_forum.php:140
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:413 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:133 ../user/forum_post.php:120
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
#: ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:149
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:583
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Enviar mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:583
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send %1 a private message"
msgstr "Enviar %1 uma mensagem privada"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:584
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:587
msgid "Joined: %1"
msgstr "Juntou-se: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:593
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:596
msgid "Posts: %1"
msgstr "Posts: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:599
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:602
msgid "Credit: %1"
msgstr "Crédito: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:600
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:603
msgid "RAC: %1"
msgstr "RAC: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "You haven't read this message yet"
msgstr "Ainda não leu esta mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "Unread"
msgstr "Não lidas"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:627 ../inc/forum.inc:632 ../inc/forum.inc:731
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:630 ../inc/forum.inc:635 ../inc/forum.inc:736
msgid "Message %1"
msgstr "Mensagem %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:628 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/forum_forum.php:178
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:631 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/forum_forum.php:178
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "oculto"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:629
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:632
msgid "Posted: %1"
msgstr "Postado: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:632
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
msgid " - in response to "
msgstr " - em resposta a"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "Edite esta mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:641
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:644
msgid "Last modified: %1"
msgstr "Modificadas em último: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:644
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:647
msgid ""
"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list. Click "
"%1here%2 to view this post"
msgstr "Este post não é mostrado porque o remetente está na sua lista de pessoas' ignoradas'. Carregue %1aqui%2 para ver este post"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672 ../inc/forum.inc:683
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report this post as offensive"
msgstr "Reportar este post como ofensivo"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672 ../inc/forum.inc:683
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report as offensive"
msgstr "Reportar como ofensivo"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "Rating: %1"
msgstr "Classificação: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "rate: "
msgstr "classificar:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Click if you like this message"
msgstr "Carregue aqui se gosta da mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Rate +"
msgstr "Classifique +"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:681
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Click if you don't like this message"
msgstr "Carregue aqui se não gosta desta mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:681
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Rate -"
msgstr "Classifique -"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:689 ../user/pm.php:111 ../user/pm.php:151
+#. "Reply" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693 ../user/pm.php:111 ../user/pm.php:151
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Responder"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:689
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693
msgid "Post a reply to this message"
msgstr "Poste uma resposta a esta mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:691
+#. "Quote" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:691
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Post a reply by quoting this message"
msgstr "Poste uma resposta citando esta mensagem"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:712
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:717
msgid "Hidden by a moderator"
msgstr "Oculto pelo moderador"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:733
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:738
msgid "Posted %1 by %2"
msgstr "Postado %1 por %2"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:751
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:756
msgid "You may not post or rate messages until %1"
msgstr "Não pode postar ou classificar mensagens ate %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:762
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:767
msgid ""
" <ul>\n"
@@ -469,125 +506,125 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr "\n <ul>\n <li> Os posts têm de ser 'amigáveis': não poderão conter\n conteúdo que seja obsceno, conteúdo sexual\n explícito ou sugestivo.\n <li> Publicidade.\n <li> Links para websites envolvendo conteúdo sexual,\n jogos de azar, ou intolerâncias de outros tipos.\n <li> Mensagens destinadas a importunar ou antoganizar outras pessoas,\n ou para sequestrar um tópico.\n <li> Mensagens que [...]
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:784
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:799
msgid "Rules:"
msgstr "Regras:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:785
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:800
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Mais informação"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1082 ../user/forum_thread.php:190
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098 ../user/forum_thread.php:190
msgid "Unhide"
msgstr "Revelar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1082
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098
msgid "Unhide this post"
msgstr "Revelar este tópico"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1084 ../user/forum_thread.php:196
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100 ../user/forum_thread.php:196
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ocultar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1084
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100
msgid "Hide this post"
msgstr "Ocultar este post"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1089 ../user/forum_thread.php:229
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105 ../user/forum_thread.php:229
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1089
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105
msgid "Move post to a different thread"
msgstr "Mover post para um tópico diferente"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1094
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1110
msgid "Banish author"
msgstr "Banir autor"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1101
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1117
msgid "Vote to banish author"
msgstr "Votar para banir autor"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1121
msgid "Vote not to banish author"
msgstr "Votar para não banir autor"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1110
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
msgid "Start vote to banish author"
msgstr "Iniciar votação para banir autor"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1115 ../inc/user.inc:312 ../user/forum_thread.php:243
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131 ../inc/user.inc:312 ../user/forum_thread.php:243
#: ../user/pm.php:112 ../user/pm.php:152
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1115
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131
msgid "Delete this post"
msgstr "Apagar este post"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1153
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1169
msgid "Only team members can post to the team message board"
msgstr "Apenas membros da equipa podem postar no fórum da equipa"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1163
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1179
msgid ""
"In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
"credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr "Em ordem para criar um novo tópico no %1 tem que ter um certo número de créditos. Isto previne e protege contra abusos do sistema."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1170
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1186
msgid ""
"You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before "
"trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
msgstr "Não pode criar mais tópicos de momento. Por favor, aguarde um momento antes de tentar novamente. Este atraso foi forçado para protecção de abusos do sistema."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1193
msgid ""
"This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
"to post there."
msgstr "Este tópico está bloqueado. Apenas moderadores do fórum e administradores podem postar aqui."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1182
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1198
msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
msgstr "Não pode postar num tópico oculto."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1216
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1232
msgid "Thread"
msgstr "Tópico"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1217 ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1233 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
#: ../user/forum_index.php:99
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Posts"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1219 ../user/forum_forum.php:141
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1235 ../user/forum_forum.php:141
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Vistas"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1220 ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:142
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1236 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:142
#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:48 ../user/forum_index.php:100
msgid "Last post"
msgstr "Último post"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1278
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1294
msgid "New posts in the thread %1"
msgstr "Novos posts no tópico %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1283
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1299
msgid "New posts in subscribed thread"
msgstr "Novos posts no tópico subscrito"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1284
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1300
msgid "There are new posts in the thread '%1'"
msgstr "Existem novos posts no tópico '%1'"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1294
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1310
msgid "Mark all threads as read"
msgstr "Marcar todos os tópicos como lidos"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1295
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1311
msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as read."
msgstr "Marcar todos os tópicos em todas as mensagens do fórum como lidas."
@@ -604,7 +641,7 @@ msgid "Home"
msgstr "Casa"
#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:666 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:549
-#: ../user/server_status.php:138
+#: ../user/server_status.php:142
msgid "Work"
msgstr "Trabalho"
@@ -666,9 +703,9 @@ msgid "Created"
msgstr "Criado"
#: ../inc/host.inc:112 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:686 ../inc/team.inc:105 ../inc/team.inc:224
-#: ../inc/team.inc:229 ../inc/team.inc:231 ../inc/team.inc:373
-#: ../inc/team.inc:378 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:686 ../inc/team.inc:110 ../inc/team.inc:229
+#: ../inc/team.inc:234 ../inc/team.inc:236 ../inc/team.inc:378
+#: ../inc/team.inc:383 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../inc/user.inc:139
#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:45
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:80 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:43 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -846,7 +883,7 @@ msgstr "Último contacto"
msgid "Computer info"
msgstr "Informações do computador"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:366
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:371
#: ../user/top_users.php:48
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Classificação"
@@ -855,9 +892,9 @@ msgstr "Classificação"
msgid "Avg. credit"
msgstr "Média de créditos"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:106 ../inc/team.inc:225
-#: ../inc/team.inc:234 ../inc/team.inc:236 ../inc/team.inc:372
-#: ../inc/team.inc:377 ../inc/user.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:111 ../inc/team.inc:230
+#: ../inc/team.inc:239 ../inc/team.inc:241 ../inc/team.inc:377
+#: ../inc/team.inc:382 ../inc/user.inc:140
#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:81 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:44 ../user/top_users.php:53
#: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -1332,7 +1369,7 @@ msgstr "Útil apenas se tiver um modem, ISDN ou conexão VPN."
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Disconectar quando terminado"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:235 ../inc/prefs.inc:472 ../user/explain_state.php:94
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:235 ../user/explain_state.php:94
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "A computar"
@@ -1344,6 +1381,7 @@ msgstr "Disco"
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Rede"
+#. These texts are used in multiple places in prefs_edit.php and add_venue.php
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
msgid ""
"These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
@@ -1355,6 +1393,10 @@ msgid ""
" range or not numeric."
msgstr "%1Não foi possível actualizar as preferências.%2 Os valores marcados abaixo a vermelho ficaram fora de alcance ou não são numéricos."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:472
+msgid "computing"
+msgstr "computando"
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:483
msgid "Separate preferences for %1"
msgstr "Separar preferências para %1"
@@ -1419,6 +1461,7 @@ msgstr "sim"
msgid "no"
msgstr "não"
+#. TODO: make this a subclass of PREF
#: ../inc/prefs.inc:638
msgid "Default computer location"
msgstr "Localização do computador por predefinição"
@@ -1534,7 +1577,7 @@ msgstr "O utilizador está banido"
msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
msgstr "Não existe nenhum perfil para o utilizador com esse ID."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:309
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:317
msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr "Editar o seu perfil"
@@ -1587,7 +1630,7 @@ msgid "All"
msgstr "Todos"
#: ../inc/result.inc:115 ../inc/result.inc:176 ../inc/result.inc:223
-#: ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "In progress"
msgstr "Em progresso"
@@ -1616,7 +1659,7 @@ msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Inactivo"
#: ../inc/result.inc:175 ../inc/result.inc:222 ../user/explain_state.php:37
-#: ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Unsent"
msgstr "Não enviado"
@@ -1805,7 +1848,7 @@ msgstr "Mostrar IDs"
msgid "Show names"
msgstr "Mostrar nomes"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:361
+#: ../inc/result.inc:361 ../user/result.php:36
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Tarefa"
@@ -1845,7 +1888,7 @@ msgstr "Tempo de CPU<br />(seg)"
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Créditos"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:384 ../inc/result.inc:746 ../user/server_status.php:163
+#: ../inc/result.inc:384 ../inc/result.inc:746 ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Aplicação"
@@ -1925,7 +1968,7 @@ msgstr "Palavras chave"
msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
msgstr "Pesquisar por equipas com estas palavras nos seus nomes ou descrições"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:468
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:473
msgid "Type of team"
msgstr "Tipo de equipa"
@@ -1953,7 +1996,7 @@ msgstr "Solicitado por si"
msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
msgstr "o tempo de resposta limite do fundador é %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:570 ../inc/user.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:575 ../inc/user.inc:358
#: ../inc/user.inc:449
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nenhum"
@@ -1966,169 +2009,169 @@ msgstr "Iniciar pedido"
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Deferido"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:87
+#: ../inc/team.inc:91
msgid "Team info"
msgstr "Informações da equipa"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:89 ../user/team_forum.php:72 ../user/team_search.php:82
+#: ../inc/team.inc:93 ../user/team_forum.php:72 ../user/team_search.php:82
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrição"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:101
+#: ../inc/team.inc:106
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "Website"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127
+#: ../inc/team.inc:132
msgid "Cross-project stats"
msgstr "Cruzar estatísticas do projecto"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:130 ../inc/team.inc:383 ../user/team_search.php:84
+#: ../inc/team.inc:135 ../inc/team.inc:388 ../user/team_search.php:84
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:134 ../user/team_manage.php:65
+#: ../inc/team.inc:139 ../user/team_manage.php:65
msgid "Message board"
msgstr "Fórum"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135 ../user/forum_forum.php:138 ../user/forum_index.php:98
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:138 ../user/forum_index.php:98
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Tópicos"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:143
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
msgid "Join this team"
msgstr "Juntar-se a esta equipa"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:144
+#: ../inc/team.inc:149
msgid ""
"Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
"gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr "Nota: Se o 'OK para o email' está definido nas preferências do projecto, juntar-se a uma equipa dá ao fundador acesso ao seu endereço de email."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
msgid "Not accepting new members"
msgstr "Não aceita novos membros"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:154
+#: ../inc/team.inc:159
msgid "Foundership change requested"
msgstr "Mudança de liderança pedida"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155
+#: ../inc/team.inc:160
msgid "Respond by %1"
msgstr "Responder por %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:159
+#: ../inc/team.inc:164
msgid "Team foundership change"
msgstr "Mudança de liderança da equipa"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:163 ../inc/team.inc:368
+#: ../inc/team.inc:168 ../inc/team.inc:373
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Membros"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:164 ../inc/team.inc:263
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169 ../inc/team.inc:268
msgid "Founder"
msgstr "Fundador"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:178
+#: ../inc/team.inc:183
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Administradores"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:193
+#: ../inc/team.inc:198
msgid "New members in last day"
msgstr "Novos membros no último dia"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:194
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199
msgid "Total members"
msgstr "Total de membros"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:194 ../inc/team.inc:195 ../inc/team.inc:196
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199 ../inc/team.inc:200 ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "view"
msgstr "ver"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:195
+#: ../inc/team.inc:200
msgid "Active members"
msgstr "Membros activos"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:196
+#: ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "Members with credit"
msgstr "Membros com créditos"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:265
+#: ../inc/team.inc:270
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrador"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:286 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:124
+#: ../inc/team.inc:291 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:124
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:123
#: ../user/top_users.php:128
msgid "Previous %1"
msgstr "Anterior %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:290 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:133
+#: ../inc/team.inc:295 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:133
#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:63 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
#: ../user/top_teams.php:128 ../user/top_users.php:133
msgid "Next %1"
msgstr "Próximo %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:298
+#: ../inc/team.inc:303
msgid "No such team."
msgstr "Não existe essa equipa."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:311
+#: ../inc/team.inc:316
msgid "This operation requires foundership."
msgstr "Esta operação requer privilégios de líder."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:335
+#: ../inc/team.inc:340
msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
msgstr "Esta operação requer privilégios de administrador da equipa"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
msgid ""
"WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon"
" be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
msgstr "ATENÇÃO: esta é uma equipa ampla do BOINC. Se fizer alterações aqui, elas brevemente serão re-escritas. Edite a %1equipa ampla do BOINC%2 em alternativa."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:448
msgid ""
"%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
"share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
msgstr "%1Nota privada%2: se criar uma equipa, as preferências do projecto (partilha de recursos, preferências gráficas) ficarão visíveis ao público."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:452
msgid "Team name, text version"
msgstr "Nome da equipa, versão do texto"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:448
+#: ../inc/team.inc:453
msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
msgstr "Não use tags HTML."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:451
+#: ../inc/team.inc:456
msgid "Team name, HTML version"
msgstr "Nome da equipa, versão de HTML"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:453 ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:458 ../inc/team.inc:468
msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
msgstr "Pode usar %1tags limitadas HTML%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:459
msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
msgstr "Se não sabe o que é HTML, deixe esta caixa em branco."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:457
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
msgstr "URL da página web da equipa, se existir"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:457
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "without \"http://\""
msgstr "sem \"http://\""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:458
+#: ../inc/team.inc:463
msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
msgstr "Este URL será linkado para a página da equipa neste site."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:461
+#: ../inc/team.inc:466
msgid "Description of team"
msgstr "Descrição da equipa"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:477
+#: ../inc/team.inc:482
msgid "Accept new members?"
msgstr "Aceitar novos membros?"
@@ -2220,6 +2263,7 @@ msgstr "Código postal"
msgid "%1 member since"
msgstr "%1 membro desde"
+#. LDAP accounts can't change email or password
#: ../inc/user.inc:219 ../inc/user.inc:223
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Mudar"
@@ -2296,6 +2340,7 @@ msgstr "Criar"
msgid "%1 posts"
msgstr "%1 posts"
+#. ------------ Notification -----------
#: ../inc/user.inc:339 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:40
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Notificações"
@@ -2333,7 +2378,7 @@ msgstr "Encontrar amigos"
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Amigos"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/server_status.php:153
+#: ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/server_status.php:157
msgid "Computers"
msgstr "Computadores"
@@ -2719,32 +2764,32 @@ msgstr "A sua segunda resposta foi indicada como spam pelo sistema Akismet anti-
msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
msgstr "A sua submissão do perfil estava vazia."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:281
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:283
msgid "Could not update the profile: database error"
msgstr "Não foi possivel actualizar o perfil: erro da base de dados"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:293
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:299
msgid "Could not create the profile: database error"
msgstr "Não foi possivel criar o perfil: erro da base de dados"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:298
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:304
msgid "Profile saved"
msgstr "Perfil salvo"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:300
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:306
msgid ""
"Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
msgstr "Parabéns! O seu perfil foi inserido com sucesso na nossa base de dados."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:302
-msgid "%1View your profile%2"
-msgstr "%1Ver o seu perfil%2"
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:309
+msgid "View your profile"
+msgstr "Ver o seu perfil"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:311
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:319
msgid "Create a profile"
msgstr "Criar um perfil"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:339
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:347
msgid ""
"To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or"
" edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience."
@@ -3024,6 +3069,7 @@ msgstr "Esta acção apagará quaisquer mudanças que tenha feito nas preferênc
msgid "Reset preferences"
msgstr "Preferências de reset"
+#. Not the right kind of file
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:95
msgid "Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported."
msgstr "Erro: Tipo de ficheiro incorrecto, apenas PNG e JPEG são suportados."
@@ -3034,8 +3080,8 @@ msgstr "A sua assinatura é demasiado longa, por favor mantenha-a com menos de 2
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:139
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:153
-msgid "No such user: %1"
-msgstr "Não existe tal utilizador: %1"
+msgid "No such user:"
+msgstr "Não existe esse utilizador:"
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:45
msgid ""
@@ -3166,6 +3212,8 @@ msgstr "Saltar para os primeiros posts no tópico automaticamente"
msgid "Don't move sticky posts to top"
msgstr "Não mover posts sticky para o topo"
+#. ------------ Message filtering -----------
#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:137
msgid "Message filtering"
msgstr "Filtragem de mensagens"
@@ -3492,6 +3540,7 @@ msgstr "Mensagem adicional (opcional):"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
+#. Can't moderate without being moderator
#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:37
#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:35
msgid "You are not authorized to banish users."
@@ -4258,6 +4307,7 @@ msgstr "Não exportar estas novidades como Notícias"
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Ordenar"
+#. --------------
#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:54
msgid "Thread status updated"
msgstr "Estado do tópico actualizado"
@@ -5039,9 +5089,10 @@ msgstr "Não foi possivel encontrar o utilizador com o id %1"
msgid "Could not find user with username %1"
msgstr "Não foi possivel encontrar o utilizador com o nome de utilizador %1"
+#. Non-unique username
#: ../user/pm.php:217
msgid "%1 is not a unique username; you will have to use user ID"
-msgstr "%1 não é um nome de utilizador unico; terá que usar o ID do utilizador"
+msgstr "%1 não é um nome de utilizador único; terá que usar o ID do utilizador"
#: ../user/pm.php:222
msgid "User %1 (ID: %2) is not accepting private messages from you."
@@ -5237,9 +5288,9 @@ msgstr "Créditos recentes"
msgid "No profiles found containing '%1'"
msgstr "Não encontrou perfis contendo '%1'"
-#: ../user/result.php:35
-msgid "Task %1"
-msgstr "Tarefa %1"
+#: ../user/result.php:33
+msgid "No such task:"
+msgstr "Não existe essa tarefa:"
#: ../user/results.php:29
msgid "This feature is turned off temporarily"
@@ -5297,23 +5348,23 @@ msgstr "Anfitrião"
msgid "Database schema version: "
msgstr "Versão do esquema da Base de Dados:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:134
+#: ../user/server_status.php:138
msgid "Computing status"
msgstr "Estado da computação"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:149
+#: ../user/server_status.php:153
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Utilizadores"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:161
+#: ../user/server_status.php:165
msgid "Tasks by application"
msgstr "Tarefas por aplicação"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:164
+#: ../user/server_status.php:168
msgid "Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max"
msgstr "Tempo decorridos das últimas 100 tarefas em horas: média, min, máx"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:165
+#: ../user/server_status.php:169
msgid "Users in last 24 hours"
msgstr "Utilizadores nas últimas 24 horas"
@@ -5329,6 +5380,7 @@ msgstr "Estatísticas e líderes"
msgid "Statistics for %1"
msgstr "Estatísticas para %1"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/top_users.php:117
msgid "Top participants"
msgstr "Top - Participantes"
@@ -6139,10 +6191,12 @@ msgstr "%1Não estou interessado%2 em juntar-me a uma equipa neste momento."
msgid "Limit exceeded - Sorry, first %1 items only"
msgstr "Limite excedido - Pedimos desculpa, os primeiros %1 items apenas"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:82
msgid "Top hosts"
msgstr "Top - Anfitriões"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/top_teams.php:107
msgid "Top %1 teams"
msgstr "Top %1 equipas"
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 2c5be90..1df5fb7 100644
Binary files a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
index 3fece76..1921234 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-04 18:01+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 04:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Nikolay Sakharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ru/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -206,369 +206,369 @@ msgstr "Соединение установлено"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Отсутствует соединение"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "Новое окно %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "Открыть ещё одно окно %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "Сменить компьютер..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "Подключиться к клиенту BOINC на другом компьютере"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "Завершить работу подключенного BOINC клиента..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "Завершить работу подключенного BOINC-клиента"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "Закрыть окно %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "Закрыть окно"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "Выйти из %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Настройки..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "Уведомления\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "Показать уведомления"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "Проекты\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "Показать проекты"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "Задания\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "Показать задания"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "Передача\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "Показать передачу файлов"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "Статистика\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "Показать статистику"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "Диск\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "Показать использование диска"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-msgstr "Упрощенный вид...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
+msgstr "Упрощённый вид...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "Переключиться в Упрощённый вид"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "Добавить проект..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "Добавить проект"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "Использовать менеджер проектов..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "Использовать менеджер проектов для управления этим компьютером."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "Синхронизироваться с %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "Обновить настройки с %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "Отсоединиться от %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "Отсоединить этот компьютер от менеджера проектов."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "Запустить тест производительности"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "Запустить тесты, измеряющие скорость процессора"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "Повторить незавершённые передачи"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "Повторить отложенные запросы заданий и передачу файлов"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "Просмотр событий...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Показать диагностические сообщения"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "Постоянная обработка"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Обработка заданий запущена всегда"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "График работы определяется настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "Обработка заданий выполняется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "Приостановить обработку"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Приостанавливается обработка всех заданий во всех проектах"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "Постоянная обработка на ГП"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Обработка заданий на ГП запущена всегда"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "График работы ГП определяется настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "Обработка на ГП выполняется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "Приостановить использование ГП"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Остановить обработку заданий на ГП независимо от настроек"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "Подключен к интернету"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "Разрешается обмен данными через интернет в любой момент времени, независимо от настроек"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "Доступ в интернет определяется настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "Обмен данными через интернет осуществляется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "Работать автономно"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "Остановить сетевую активность"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "Настройки клиента..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "Изменить локальные настройки вычислений подключенного клиента"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "Привилегированные приложения..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "Настроить привилегированные приложения"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "Выбрать столбцы..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "Выберите отображаемые столбцы"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "Параметры журнала событий...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "Включить или отключить различные диагностические сообщения"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "Другие параметры..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "Настроить параметры отображения и сети"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "Перезагрузить файлы настроек"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "Перезагрузить информацию о настройках из cc_config.xml и каких-либо файлов app_config.xml"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "Перезагрузить локальный файл общих настроек"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "Перезагрузить локальный файл общих настроек global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "Справка %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "Показать справку по %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "Справка %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "Показать справку по программе %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "&Веб-сайт %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "Показать информацию о BOINC и %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "О %s..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "Показать сведения о версии программы и авторских правах."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "Файл"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "Вид"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "Управление"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "Параметры"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "Сервис"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "Справка"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - Прекратить использование %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -578,39 +578,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "Если Вы прекратите использование %s,\nвсе ваши текущие проекты сохранятся,\nно Вы должны будете управлять ими вручную.\n\nВы действительно хотите прекратить использовать %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - Завершение работы текущего BOINC клиента..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s остановит подключенного в данный момент клиента,\nи запросит у Вас для подключения адрес другого компьютера."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s успешно добавил проект %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "Идёт подключение к %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "Подключен к %s (%s)"
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ msgstr "Выйти из %s"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - Установка связи"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1081,39 +1081,39 @@ msgstr "Для получения дополнительной информац
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "Неверное число"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "Неверное время. Значение должно быть между 0:00 и 24:00 в формате ЧЧ:ММ"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "Время начала должно отличаться от времени окончания"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "Число должно быть от 0 до 10"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "Число должно быть от 0 до 100"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "обнаружено некорректное значение"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "Ошибка проверки"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "Отменить локальные настройки и использовать веб-настройки?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Подтверждение"
@@ -1136,96 +1136,81 @@ msgstr "Использование веб-настроек"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "Установите значения и нажмите 'OK' для использования локальных настроек."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Это диалоговое окно настроек только для этого компьютера.\nДля сохранения настроек нажмите 'OK'.\nДля возврата к веб-настройкам нажмите 'Удалить'."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Удалить"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "Удалить локально хранимые настройки для данного компьютера и закрыть окно."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "Использовать веб-настройки"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "Восстановить веб-настройки и закрыть окно."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
-msgstr "вычислений"
+msgstr "Вычисления"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Сеть"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "Диск и память"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "Ежедневное расписание"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "Сохранить все значения и закрыть окно."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "Закрыть диалоговое окно без сохранения."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Помощь"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "Перейти на веб-страницу с описанием данных настроек."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Ограничения использования"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Оставлять часть процессоров свободными для других приложений. Например: 75% означает использовать 6 ядер на 8-ядерном процессоре."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "Использовать не более"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "% процессоров"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1233,355 +1218,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "Приостанавливать/возобновлять вычисления каждые несколько секунд, чтобы понизить температуру процессора и уменьшить потребляемую энергию. Пример: 75% означает вычислять 3 секунды, подождать 1 секунду и повторить."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% времени ЦП"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "Когда приостанавливать"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "Приостановить, когда компьютер работает от аккумулятора"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "Отметьте здесь, чтобы приостановить вычисления на портативных компьютерах при работе от аккумулятора."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "Приостановить, когда компьютер используется"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "Отметьте здесь, чтобы приостановить вычисления и передачу файлов, когда Вы используете компьютер."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "Приостановить вычисления на ГП, когда компьютер используется"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Отметьте здесь, чтобы приостановить вычисления на ГП, когда Вы используете компьютер."
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "Это определяет, когда компьютер считается 'используемым'."
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "'Использование' означает ввод с помощью мыши/клавиатуры за последние"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "минут"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "Приостановить, если использование процессора не-BOINC-задачами выше"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "Приостановить вычисления, когда ваш компьютер занят, выполняя другие программы."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Чтобы приостанавливать по времени суток, выполните настройки в разделе «Ежедневное расписание»."
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Другое"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "Поддерживать минимально допустимое количество заданий, чтобы компьютер был занят указанное время"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "Запасать не менее"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "дней работы"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "Поддерживать дополнительное количество заданий выше минимального уровня. Определяет, сколько работы запрашивается при обращении к проекту."
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "Запасать дополнительно на"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "Если у Вас работает несколько проектов, то %s может переключаться между ними с указанной периодичностью."
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "Переключение между заданиями каждые"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "Эта настройка управляет тем, как часто задания сохраняют на диск своё состояние для того, чтобы они могли позже перезапуститься с этой точки."
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "Запрашивать сохранение промежуточных результатов заданий примерно каждые"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "секунд"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Ограничивает скорость загрузки при передаче файлов."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "Ограничить скорость загрузки"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "КБ/с"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "Ограничивает скорость отправки при передаче файлов."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "Ограничить скорость отправки"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "Пример: %s должен передавать не более 2000 Мб данных каждые 30 дней."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "Ограничить использование до"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "Мб каждые"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "дней"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "Чтобы ограничить передачи по времени суток, выполните настройки в разделе «Ежедневное расписание»."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "Отметьте только в том случае, если ваш интернет-провайдер изменяет файлы изображений. Пропуск проверки уменьшает безопасность %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "Пропустить проверку данных для файлов изображений"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "Предупреждать перед подключением к сети Интернет"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "Используется только при наличии модемного, ISDN- или VPN-подключения."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "Разорвать соединение после завершения"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Диск"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s будет использовать наиболее строгие из этих параметров:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "Ограничивает общий объём дискового пространства, используемого %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "Использовать не более"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "Гб"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "Ограничивает использование диска, чтобы оставалось не менее указанного объёма свободного места на томе, где %s хранит данные."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "Оставлять не менее"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "Гб свободного места"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "Ограничивает процент дискового пространства, используемого %s на томе, где он хранит данные."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "% от полного объема диска"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Память"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "Ограничивает память, используемую %s, когда Вы используете компьютер."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "Когда компьютер используется, использовать не более"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Ограничивает память, используемую %s, когда Вы не используете компьютер."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "Когда компьютер не используется, использовать не более"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Оставлять в памяти неактивные задания, которые не используют графический процессор"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Если флажок установлен, приостановленные задания остаются в памяти и возобновляются без потери выполненной работы. Если флажок не установлен, приостановленные задания удаляются из памяти и перезапускаются с их последней контрольной точки."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "Ограничивает виртуальную память (файл подкачки), используемую %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Виртуальная память/файл подкачки: использовать не более"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "до"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "до"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Вычислять каждый день только во время определённого периода."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "Вычислять только между"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "По расписанию"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "Переопределить время в выбранные дни:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Понедельник"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Пятница"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Вторник"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Суббота"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Среда"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Воскресенье"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Четверг"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "Передавать файлы только в конкретный период каждый день."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "Передавать файлы только между"
@@ -1854,237 +1847,244 @@ msgstr "У проекта нет приложений для"
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "Конфигурация клиента исключает"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr " запрос заданий отложен на"
#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr "интервал задержки запроса заданий"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "Запрос заданий для %s отложен на"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "Интервал задержки запроса заданий для %s"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "Информация о проекте "
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "Общие"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Имя участника"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Команда"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Выделено ресурсов"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "Запрос к планировщику отложен на"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "Загрузка файлов отложена на"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "Отправка файлов отложена на"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "Использование диска"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Идентификатор компьютера"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "Без использования ЦП"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "да"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "Приостановлен вручную"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "нет"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "Не запрашивать задания"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "Сеанс связи с планировщиком"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "Ожидание промежуточной отправки"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "Размещение компьютера"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "по умолчанию"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "Добавлен менеджером проектов"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "Будет удалён после завершения заданий"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "Завершён"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "Завершённых успешно заданий"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "Завершённых неудачно заданий"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Очки"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "Участник"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f всего, %0.2f в среднем"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Компьютер (хост)"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Планировщик"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "Приоритет планировщика"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "ЦП"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "Поправочный коэффициент продолжительности"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr "Последний ответ планировщика"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "Информация о задании "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Приложение"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Задание"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "Состояние"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Получено"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "Отправить до"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Выделено ресурсов"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "Предполагаемый объём вычислений"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "Время ЦП в контрольной точке"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "Время ЦП"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Затрачено времени"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "Осталось до завершения"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "Процент выполнения"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "Объём виртуальной памяти"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "Использование памяти"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Каталог"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "ID процесса"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr "Скорость прогресса"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr "в час"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr "в минуту"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr "в секунду"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "Локальное: "
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo
index f54307f..07fb62b 100644
Binary files a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
index cbf8c02..c65ed41 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-04 18:34+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-09 18:59 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-23 21:06+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Nikolay Sakharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/ru/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ msgstr "Системные требования"
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "Описание последней версии"
-#: download.php:179 index.php:89
+#: download.php:179 index.php:93
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Помощь"
@@ -221,153 +221,103 @@ msgid "News"
msgstr "Новости"
#. "Volunteer" is used as a verb
-#: index.php:85
+#: index.php:89
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "Информация для участников"
-#: index.php:88
+#: index.php:92
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Страница загрузки"
-#: index.php:90 index.php:132 index.php:184
+#: index.php:94 index.php:138
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Документация"
-#: index.php:91
+#: index.php:95
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Дополнения"
-#: index.php:92
+#: index.php:96
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Ссылки"
-#: index.php:97
+#: index.php:101
msgid ""
"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure"
" diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types "
"of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:"
msgstr "Используйте время простоя на вашем компьютере (Windows, Mac, Linux или Android), чтобы лечить болезни, изучать глобальное потепление, открывать пульсары, и делать много других типов научных исследований. Это безопасно, надёжно и просто:"
-#: index.php:99
+#: index.php:103
msgid "Choose projects"
msgstr "Выберите проекты"
-#: index.php:100
+#: index.php:104
msgid "Download BOINC software"
msgstr "Загрузите программное обеспечение BOINC"
-#: index.php:101
+#: index.php:105
msgid "Enter an email address and password."
msgstr "Введите адрес электронной почты и пароль."
-#: index.php:105
+#: index.php:109
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "При желании участвовать одновременно в нескольких проектах, в качестве альтернативы можно воспользоваться сайтами %sменеджеров проектов%s, такими как %sGridRepublic%s или %sBAM!%s. "
-#: index.php:130
+#: index.php:136
msgid "Compute with BOINC"
msgstr "Используйте BOINC для организации вычислений"
-#: index.php:133
+#: index.php:139
msgid "Software updates"
msgstr "Обновления серверного ПО"
-#: index.php:140
+#: index.php:146
msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving"
-" you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
-msgstr "%1Ученые%2: используйте BOINC, чтобы создать %3проект добровольных распределённых вычислений%4, дающий Вам вычислительную мощь тысяч центральных процессоров."
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, "
+"giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs."
+msgstr "%1Учёные%2: используйте BOINC, чтобы создать %3проект добровольных распределённых вычислений%4, дающий Вам вычислительную мощь тысяч центральных процессоров и графических ускорителей."
-#: index.php:144
+#: index.php:150
msgid ""
"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
msgstr "%1Университеты%2: используйте BOINC, чтобы создать %3Виртуальный Суперкомпьютерный Центр ВУЗа%4."
-#: index.php:149
+#: index.php:155
msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
msgstr "%1Компании%2: используйте BOINC для %3распределённых вычислений в локальной сети%4."
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "Разработка BOINC"
#: index.php:167
+msgid "About BOINC"
+msgstr "О BOINC"
+#: index.php:181
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Доска сообщений"
-#: index.php:168
+#: index.php:182
msgid "Email lists"
msgstr "Рассылки"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr "Список разработчиков"
-#: index.php:170
+#: index.php:183
msgid "Events"
msgstr "События"
-#: index.php:171
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "Статьи и доклады"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "Научно-исследовательские проекты"
-#: index.php:173
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "Изображения и логотипы"
-#: index.php:174
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "и"
-#: index.php:178
+#: index.php:184
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "Исходный код"
-#: index.php:179
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "Нужна помощь"
-#: index.php:181
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "Программирование"
-#: index.php:182
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "Перевод"
-#: index.php:183
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "Тестирование"
-#: index.php:185
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "Реклама"
-#: index.php:187
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "Разработка программного обеспечения"
-#: index.php:188
+#: index.php:186
msgid "APIs for add-on software"
msgstr "API для ПО сторонних разработчиков"
-#: index.php:230
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
-msgstr "Программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом для организации %sдобровольных распределённых вычислений%s и %sраспределённых вычислений в сети%s."
-#: index.php:243
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr "BOINC находится в Университете Калифорнии, Беркли"
+#: index.php:231
+msgid "Open-source software for volunteer computing"
+msgstr "Программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом для организации добровольных распределённых вычислений."
#: projects.inc:19
msgid "Distributed sensing"
@@ -406,6 +356,17 @@ msgstr "Radioactive at Home создает бесплатную и постоянн
msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
msgstr "Когнитивная наука и искусственный интеллект"
+#: projects.inc:51
+msgid "Cognitive Science"
+msgstr "Когнитивная наука"
+#: projects.inc:52
+msgid ""
+"MindModeling at Home uses computational cognitive process modeling to better "
+"understand the human mind, and specifically to study the mechanisms and "
+"processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning."
+msgstr "MindModeling at Home использует вычислительное моделирование познавательного процесса, чтобы лучше понять человеческий разум, и особенно для того, чтобы изучить механизмы и процессы, которые активируют и управляют человеческой деятельностью и обучением."
#: projects.inc:70 projects.inc:467 projects.inc:591 projects.inc:601
#: projects.inc:657
msgid "Private"
@@ -427,6 +388,26 @@ msgstr "Разбор и преобразование семантических
msgid "Biology and Medicine"
msgstr "Биология и Медицина"
+#: projects.inc:88
+msgid "Medical physiology"
+msgstr "Медицинская физиология"
+#: projects.inc:89
+msgid ""
+"DENIS at Home does cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the "
+"electrical activity of the heart."
+msgstr "DENIS at Home выполняет электрофизиологическое кардио-моделирование, изучая электрическую активность сердца."
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "Molecular biology"
+msgstr "Молекулярная биология"
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid ""
+"RNA World seeks to identify, analyze, structurally predict and design RNA "
+"molecules on the basis of established bioinformatics software."
+msgstr "RNA World стремится выявить, проанализировать, структурно предсказать и спроектировать молекулы РНК на основе признанного биоинформационного программного обеспечения."
#: projects.inc:107
msgid "University College Dublin"
msgstr "Университетский Колледж Дублина"
@@ -579,7 +560,46 @@ msgid ""
"calculations on multi-wavelength (ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared "
"light) images of galaxies to produce an atlas that will help astronomers to "
"better understand the distant universe."
-msgstr "TheSkyNet POGS — это астрономический проект, изучающий 16 различных свойств галактик, включая яркость, массу, количество пыли и как быстро формируются звёзды. Мы используем ваши вычислительные мощности для проведения расчётов пиксель за пикселем на многочастотных ((ультрафиолетовый, оптический и инфракрасный спектры) изображениях галактик, чтобы создать Атлас, который поможет астрономам лучше понять далёкую Вселенную."
+msgstr "TheSkyNet POGS — это астрономический проект, изучающий 16 различных свойств галактик, включая яркость, массу, количество пыли и как быстро формируются звёзды. Мы используем ваши вычислительные мощности для проведения расчётов пиксель за пикселем на многочастотных (ультрафиолетовый, оптический и инфракрасный спектры) изображениях галактик, чтобы создать Атлас, который поможет астрономам лучше понять далёкую Вселенную."
+#: projects.inc:280 projects.inc:366
+msgid "Astrophysics"
+msgstr "Астрофизика"
+#: projects.inc:281
+msgid ""
+"The aim of the project is to derive shapes and spin for a significant part "
+"of the asteroid population. As input data, we use any asteroid photometry "
+"that is available. The results are asteroid convex shape models with the "
+"direction of the spin axis and the rotation period."
+msgstr "Целью проекта является получение форм и направлений вращения для значительной части популяции астероидов. В качестве входных данных мы используем любую доступную фотометрию астероидов. Результатами являются объёмные модели астероидов с направлением оси и периода вращения."
+#: projects.inc:290
+msgid "Aerospace-related science and engineering"
+msgstr "Аэрокосмическая наука и техника"
+#: projects.inc:291
+msgid ""
+"Constellation is a platform for aerospace-related simulations, including "
+"trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes, simulation of "
+"Moon's near-surface exosphere, and analysis of dynamic systems of "
+msgstr "Constellation представляет собой платформу для аэрокосмического моделирования, включая оптимизацию траекторий пусковых установок, спутников и зондов, моделирование экзосферы вблизи поверхности Луны и анализ динамических систем исследовательских аппаратов-планетоходов"
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Perform aerospace-related simulations"
+msgstr "Выполнение аэрокосмического моделирования"
+#: projects.inc:329
+msgid ""
+"Universe at Home aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar "
+"content of the Universe, from the earliest stars to the most exotic black "
+"hole binaries."
+msgstr "Universe at Home направлен на создание первой базы данных смоделированного звёздного содержания Вселенной, от ранних звёзд до самых экзотических двойных чёрных дыр."
+#: projects.inc:332
+msgid "Do research in physics and astronomy"
+msgstr "Исследования в области физики и астрономии"
#: projects.inc:337
msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
@@ -592,6 +612,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Цель Milkyway at Home состоит в том, чтобы создать очень точную трёхмерную модель галактики Млечный путь используя данные, собранные Слоановским цифровым обзором неба."
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Study the structure of the Milky Way galaxy"
+msgstr "Изучение структуры галактики Млечный путь"
#: projects.inc:347
msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
msgstr "Лейденский Университет, Нидерланды"
@@ -610,14 +634,14 @@ msgid ""
"simulations through the grid."
msgstr "Вычисления науки поверхностей используют Classical Dynamics. Leiden Classical позволяет добровольцам, студентам и другим ученым отправлять результаты своих вычислений в сеть. Каждый пользователь имеет свою собственную личную очередь заданий Classical Dynamics. Таким образом, студенты используют сеть, чтобы смоделировать жидкий аргон, или проверить обоснованность закона идеального газа, фактически производя моделирование посредством сети."
+#: projects.inc:352
+msgid "Help students do atomic simulations"
+msgstr "Помощь студентам в атомном моделировании"
#: projects.inc:365
msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
msgstr "Университет Висконсина - Милуоки, Институт Макса Планка"
-#: projects.inc:366
-msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr "Астрофизика"
#: projects.inc:367
msgid ""
"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
@@ -627,6 +651,10 @@ msgid ""
"international organizations."
msgstr "Поиск вращающихся нейтронных звезд (также называющихся пульсарами) используя данные детекторов гравитационных волн LIGO и GEO, а также радиообсерватории Аресибо. Einstein at Home - проект Международного Года Физики 2005, поддержанный Американским Физическим Обществом (APS) и множеством международных организаций."
+#: projects.inc:370
+msgid "Help detect pulsars and gravitational waves"
+msgstr "Помощь в обнаружении пульсаров и гравитационных волн"
#: projects.inc:383 projects.inc:393 projects.inc:403
msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
msgstr "CERN (Европейская Организация Ядерных Исследований)"
@@ -644,6 +672,10 @@ msgid ""
"the design of LHC and its detectors."
msgstr "Большой Адронный Коллайдер (LHC) - ускоритель частиц в CERN, Европейской Организации Ядерных Исследований, самой большой в мире лаборатории физики элементарных частиц. Это самый мощный инструмент, когда-либо построенный, для исследования поведения элементарных частиц. LHC at home выполняет моделирование для улучшения проекта LHC и его датчиков."
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Improve the design of the Large Hadron Collider"
+msgstr "Улучшение дизайна Большого Адронного Коллайдера"
#: projects.inc:395
msgid ""
"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for LHC event "
@@ -651,6 +683,10 @@ msgid ""
"VirtualBox on your computer"
msgstr "Этот проект использует разработанную ЦЕРН технологию виртуализации для симуляции процессов, происходящих на Большом Адронном Коллайдере, на компьютерах волонтеров. Требует наличия установленного VirtualBox на компьютере."
+#: projects.inc:398
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions"
+msgstr "Симуляция столкновений частиц высоких энергий"
#: projects.inc:405
msgid ""
"ATLAS at Home uses volunteer computing to run simulations for ATLAS, a particle"
@@ -659,6 +695,10 @@ msgid ""
"extraordinary high energy."
msgstr "ATLAS at Home использует распределенные вычисления для симуляции эксперимента ATLAS - эксперимента в области физики элементарных частиц, проходящего в ЦЕРН на Большом Адронном Коллайдере. ATLAS занимается поиском новых элементарных частиц и процессов с помощью столкновений встречных пучков протонов на сверхвысоких энергиях."
+#: projects.inc:408
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions for CERN"
+msgstr "Симуляция столкновений частиц высоких энергий для CERN"
#: projects.inc:413
msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
msgstr "Университет Калифорнии, Беркли"
@@ -676,10 +716,28 @@ msgid ""
"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
msgstr "SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Поиск ВнеЗемного Разума) - это научное направление, цель которого - обнаружить разумную жизнь вне Земли. На первом этапе, известном как radio SETI (радио SETI), используются радио телескопы для слежения за узкополосными радиосигналами космоса. Естественные источники таких сигналов не известны, поэтому их обнаружение может дать подтверждение о существовании внеземной технологии."
+#: projects.inc:418
+msgid "Search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life"
+msgstr "Поиск свидетельств внеземной жизни"
#: projects.inc:442
msgid "Multiple applications"
msgstr "Различные приложения"
+#: projects.inc:448
+msgid "Molecular biology, Computer Science"
+msgstr "Молекулярная биология, наука о компьютерах"
+#: projects.inc:449
+msgid ""
+"The Citizen Science Grid is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research"
+" and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science."
+msgstr "Citizen Science Grid посвящён поддержке широкого спектра научно-исследовательских и образовательных проектов с использованием добровольных вычислений и науки для граждан."
+#: projects.inc:452
+msgid "Support science from the University of North Dakota"
+msgstr "Поддержка науки из Университета Северной Дакоты"
#: projects.inc:457
msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
msgstr "Китайская Академия Наук"
@@ -695,6 +753,10 @@ msgid ""
"their research."
msgstr "Цель CAS at home состоит в том, чтобы рекомендовать и помочь ученым в Китае принять технологии добровольных вычислений и добровольных размышлений в их исследованиях."
+#: projects.inc:462
+msgid "Help Chinese researchers"
+msgstr "Помощь китайским исследователям"
#: projects.inc:468
msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
msgstr "Математика, физика, эволюция"
@@ -705,6 +767,10 @@ msgid ""
"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
msgstr "Yoyo at home - адаптер между BOINC и несколькими существующими добровольными распределёнными проектами: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, и distributed.net"
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Do research in math, physics, and evolution"
+msgstr "Исследования в математике, физике и эволюции"
#: projects.inc:477 projects.inc:677
msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
msgstr "Лаборатория Параллельных и Распределенных Систем MTA-SZTAKI (Венгрия)"
@@ -721,6 +787,10 @@ msgid ""
" by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
msgstr "Бета-проект EDGeS at Home объединяет вычисления добровольцев в европейскую сервисную сеть, позволяя сервисной сети посылать задания для обработки добровольцами этого проекта. Научные проекты, поддерживаемые данным проектом, включают в себя математику, физику, биологию и т.д."
+#: projects.inc:482
+msgid "Help European researchers"
+msgstr "Помощь европейским исследователям"
#: projects.inc:487
msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
msgstr "Испанские университеты и исследовательские центры"
@@ -733,6 +803,10 @@ msgstr "Различные испанские исследовательские
msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
msgstr "Исследования в физике, материаловедении, и биомедицине"
+#: projects.inc:492
+msgid "Help Spanish researchers"
+msgstr "Помощь испанским исследователям"
#: projects.inc:497
msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
msgstr "Корпоративное Гражданство IBM"
@@ -749,14 +823,56 @@ msgid ""
"clean water and many more."
msgstr "Для дальнейших критических некоммерческих исследований некоторых из наиболее актуальных проблем человечества, создав крупнейшую в мире добровольную вычислительную сеть. Исследования включают в себя ВИЧ-СПИД, рак, тропические и забытые болезни, солнечную энергию, чистую воду и многое другое."
+#: projects.inc:502
+msgid "Do biomedical and environmental research"
+msgstr "Биомедицинские и экологические исследования"
#: projects.inc:507
msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
msgstr "Математика, информатика, и игры"
+#: projects.inc:533 projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668
+#: projects.inc:678
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "Математика"
+#: projects.inc:534
+msgid ""
+"NumberFields at home searches for fields with special properties. The primary "
+"application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. "
+"Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them "
+"formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will "
+"lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the "
+"basic building blocks of all mathematics."
+msgstr "NumberFields at home ищет поля с особыми свойствами. Основная сфера применения этого исследования - в области алгебраической теории чисел. Теоретики могут добывать данные для интересных паттернов, чтобы помочь им формулировать гипотезы о числовых полях. В конечном счёте это исследование приведёт к более глубокому пониманию фундаментальных свойств чисел - основных строительных блоков любых разделов математики."
+#: projects.inc:537
+msgid "Do research in algebraic number theory"
+msgstr "Исследования в алгебраической теории чисел"
+#: projects.inc:553
+msgid "Computer Science"
+msgstr "Наука о компьютерах"
+#: projects.inc:554
+msgid ""
+"Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion "
+"problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc.) that can be "
+"effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem."
+msgstr "Решение трудных и практически важных задач (обращения дискретных функций, дискретной оптимизации, биоинформатики и т.д.), которые могут быть эффективно сведены к задаче о выполнимости булевых формул."
+#: projects.inc:557
+msgid "Study computational complexity"
+msgstr "Изучение вычислительной сложности"
#: projects.inc:582
msgid "Cryptography and combinatorics"
msgstr "Криптография и комбинаторика"
+#: projects.inc:583 projects.inc:586
+msgid "Run applications from distributed.net"
+msgstr "Запуск приложений проекта distributed.net"
#: projects.inc:592
msgid "Cryptography"
msgstr "Криптография"
@@ -767,14 +883,18 @@ msgid ""
"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
msgstr "Попытка расшифровать 3 оригинальных сообщения Энигмы. Сигналы были перехвачены в Североатлантическом океане в 1942 году и считалось, что их невозможно взломать."
-#: projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668 projects.inc:678
-msgid "Mathematics"
-msgstr "Математика"
+#: projects.inc:596
+msgid "Decode WWII submarine messages"
+msgstr "Расшифровка сообщений подводных лодок Второй мировой войны"
#: projects.inc:603
msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
msgstr "Исследование Гипотезы Коллатца, неразрешенной гипотезы в математике"
+#: projects.inc:606
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture"
+msgstr "Изучение Гипотезы Коллатца"
#: projects.inc:611
msgid "California State University Fullerton"
msgstr "Калифорнийский государственный университет Фуллертон"
@@ -793,12 +913,20 @@ msgid ""
"hundreds of digits long."
msgstr "NFS at Home - это исследовательский проект, который использует подключенные к Интернету компьютеры, чтобы рассчитать шаг решетки просеивания при факторизации больших целых чисел в Number Field Sieve (NFS). Школьником Вы получили ваш первый опыт в разложении целых чисел на простые, такие как 15 = 3 * 5 или 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home является продолжением этого опыта, только с целыми числами, состоящими из сотен цифр."
+#: projects.inc:616
+msgid "Study the factorization of large integers"
+msgstr "Исследование факторизации больших целых чисел"
#: projects.inc:659
msgid ""
"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
msgstr "Primegrid поддерживает множество проектов, ищущих различные формы очень больших простых чисел, включая поиск крупнейшего известного простого числа."
+#: projects.inc:662
+msgid "Search for large prime numbers"
+msgstr "Поиск больших простых чисел"
#: projects.inc:667
msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
msgstr "Университет Прикладных Наук РейнМэйн"
@@ -809,12 +937,27 @@ msgid ""
"of prime numbers"
msgstr "Поиск контрпримеров к двум теоремам, связанным с идентификацией главных чисел"
+#: projects.inc:672
+msgid "Study the properties of prime numbers"
+msgstr "Изучение свойств простых чисел"
#: projects.inc:679
msgid ""
"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
msgstr "Поиск всех систем обобщенных двоичных чисел (в которых основания являются матрицами, а цифры - векторами) до 11-го измерения."
+#: projects.inc:682
+msgid "Study number theory"
+msgstr "Изучение теории чисел"
+#: projects.inc:739
+msgid ""
+"Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of "
+"parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control "
+msgstr "Тестирование и сравнение эвристических методов для получения разделения параллельных алгоритмов, работающих в системе САПР для проектирования логики систем управления"
#: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Комментарий"
diff --git a/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot b/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
index 3171ba2..7ec86b1 100644
--- a/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
+++ b/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC 7.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-24 16:16-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Rom Walton <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
"Language-Team: BOINC Localization Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
"Language: en_US\n"
@@ -203,368 +203,368 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -574,39 +574,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr ""
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1080,39 +1080,39 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&OK"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr ""
@@ -1135,97 +1135,82 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr ""
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1233,355 +1218,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr ""
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr ""
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr ""
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr ""
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr ""
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr ""
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is "
"requested when contacting a project."
msgstr ""
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr ""
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr ""
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr ""
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores "
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If "
"unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr ""
@@ -1852,237 +1845,244 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
msgstr ""
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr ""
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Drupal.po b/locale/tr/BOINC-Drupal.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b17ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/BOINC-Drupal.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@
+# LANGUAGE translation of PROJECT
+# Copyright (c) YEAR NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-05-07 12:21+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-01 08:24+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Can Demirel <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/tr/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+msgid ""
+"If you have a <a href=\"@gravatar-check\">valid Gravatar</a> associated with"
+" your e-mail address, it will be used for your user picture."
+msgstr "E-posta adresinizle ilişkilendirilmiş bir <a href=\"@gravatar-check\">geçerli Gravatarınız</a> varsa, kullanıcı resminiz olarak kullanılacaktır."
+msgid "Your Gravatar will not be shown if you upload a user picture."
+msgstr "Bir kullanıcı resimi yüklerseniz Gravatarınız gösterilmez."
+msgid ""
+"If you have a <a href=\"@gravatar-check\">valid Gravatar</a> associated with"
+" your e-mail address, use it for your user picture."
+msgstr "E-posta adresinizle ilişkilendirilmiş bir <a href=\"@gravatar-check\">geçerli Gravatarınız</a> varsa, kullanıcı resminiz olarak kullanın."
+msgid "Gravatar will not be shown if an avatar is uploaded."
+msgstr "Bir kullanıcı resmi yüklerseniz Gravatarınız gösterilmez."
+msgid "This is not available until your profile is set up."
+msgstr "Bu, profiliniz ayarlanana kadar kullanılamaz."
+msgid "Should @project show your computers on its web site?"
+msgstr "@project, bilgisayarlarınızı kendi internet sitesi üzerinde göstersin mi?"
+msgid "Click here to revoke your membership with @this_team"
+msgstr "@this_team ile üyeliğinizi iptal etmek için buraya tıklayın"
+msgid "Minimum avg credit to post"
+msgstr "İleti gönderebilmek için sahip olunması gereken en az ortalama kredi"
+msgid "Founder & Team Admins have moderator privileges"
+msgstr "Kurucu ve Takım Yöneticileri moderasyon izinlerine sahip olacak"
+msgid "Notes about changes in foundership:"
+msgstr "Kurucu değişimleri hakkında notlar:"
+msgid "Foundership can be requested by team members:"
+msgstr "Kuruculuk ekip üyeleri tarafından talep edilebilir:"
+msgid "One request is allowed at a time"
+msgstr "Bir defada bir isteğe izin verilir"
+msgid "Any active request must be older than 90 days"
+msgstr "Herhangi bir etkin isteğin 90 günden daha eski olması gerekir"
+msgid "Current founder has 60 days to respond to a request"
+msgstr "Geçerli kurucunun bir isteğine yanıt vermek için 60 günü vardır"
+msgid ""
+"If a team admin quits the team, they cease to be a team admin. We recommend "
+"only selecting people you know and trust"
+msgstr "Bir takım yöneticisi takımdan çıkarsa, takım yöneticisi olmak çıkar. Sadece tanıdığınız ve güvendiğiniz kişileri seçmenizi öneririz"
+msgid "You may create a message board for use by @team"
+msgstr "@team tarafından kullanılması için bir mesaj panosu oluşturabilirsiniz"
+msgid "parent removed"
+msgstr "üst kaldırıldı"
+msgid "Maximum daily WU quota per CPU"
+msgstr "CPU başına maksimum günlük İB kotası"
+msgid "Received time"
+msgstr "Alınma zamanı"
+msgid "App ID"
+msgstr "Uygulama ID"
+msgid "Error mask"
+msgstr "Hata maskesi"
+msgid "Minimum quorum"
+msgstr "Asgari yeter sayı"
+msgid "Max error tasks"
+msgstr "Azami hatalı iş"
+msgid "Max success tasks"
+msgstr "Azami başarılı iş"
+msgid "Max total tasks"
+msgstr "Azami toplam iş"
+msgid "Target number of results"
+msgstr "Sonuçların hedef sayısı"
+msgid "Application version ID"
+msgstr "Uygulama sürüm ID"
+msgid "Plan class"
+msgstr "Plan sınıfı"
+msgid "Version number"
+msgstr "Sürüm sayısı"
+msgid "App version ID"
+msgstr "Uyg. sürüm ID"
+msgid "@count million ops/sec"
+msgstr "@count milyon işl/sn"
+msgid "@rate KiB/sec"
+msgstr "@rate KiB/sn"
+msgid "@count days"
+msgstr "@count gün"
+msgid "@ip_address (same the last @count times)"
+msgstr "@ip_address (son @count kez ile aynı)"
+msgid "commented on"
+msgstr "yorumlandı"
+msgid "Remove sticky status from this topic"
+msgstr "Bu konudan yapışkan durumunu kaldır"
+msgid ""
+"Check the computers that are the same as @name (created on @date at @time "
+"with computer ID @id)"
+msgstr "@name ile aynı bilgisayarları kontrol et (@date tarihinde @time saatinde @id bilgisayar ID'si ile yaratılanları)"
+msgid "Computer @old_id has been merged successfully into @id."
+msgstr "@old_id bilgisayarı @id ile başarılı şekilde birleştirildi."
+msgid "started discussion"
+msgstr "başlamış tartışma"
+msgid "posted"
+msgstr "gönderildi"
+msgid "Minimum value not met for @field"
+msgstr "@field için asgari değer karşılanmadı"
+msgid "Invalid data type for @field"
+msgstr "@field için geçersiz veri tipi"
+msgid ""
+"Authentication is required when changing E-mail address or setting new "
+msgstr "E-posta adresini değiştirirken veya yeni bir parola ayarlarken doğrulama gereklidir."
+msgid "Request foundership"
+msgstr "Kurucu değişimi talebi"
+msgid ""
+"If the team founder is not active and you want to assume the role of "
+"founder, click below to request foundership of @this_team."
+msgstr "Takım kurucusu aktif değilse ve kurucu rolünü üstlenmek istiyorsanız , @this_team takımının kuruculuğunu talep etmek için aşağıdaki linke tıklayınız."
+msgid "Initiate request"
+msgstr "İstekte bulun"
+msgid "A BOINC account already exists for @email."
+msgstr "@email adresi için bir BOINC hesabı zaten var."
+msgid ""
+"Please be responsible in what you write and do not create posts which are "
+"offensive or insulting. Offensive posts or threads may be deleted by forum "
+"moderators without warning or discussion. Do not respond to offensive "
+"postings. Click on the \"report\" button at the bottom of the post to call "
+"it to the attention of the moderators."
+msgstr "Lütfen yazdıklarınızdan sorumlu olun ve saldırgan veya hakaret içeren mesajlar oluşturmayın. Saldırgan mesajlar veya konular, uyarı veya tartışma olmadan forum moderatörleri tarafından silinebilir. Saldırgan gönderilere cevap vermeyin. Moderatörlerin dikkatine sunmak için gönderinin altındaki \"Raporla\" butonuna tıklayın."
+msgid "this project"
+msgstr "bu proje"
+msgid ""
+"We also ask that you keep all discussion on the message boards related to "
+"@project or BOINC with the small exception of the Science message board "
+"where you are free to discuss anything relevant to the underlying science. "
+"Participants interested in broader discussions should post to unofficial "
+"forums for @project."
+msgstr "Mesaj panolarındaki tüm tartışmaları, küçük istisnalar dışında, @project veya BOINC hakkında, altında yatan bilime uygun konuların görüşüldüğü serbest bir Bilim mesaj panosu olarak sürdürmenizi rica ediyoruz. Geniş tartışmalarla ilgilenen katılımcıların @project için kurulan gayri resmi forumlara yönlendirilmesi uygun olur."
+msgid "These message boards now support BBCode tags only."
+msgstr "Bu mesaj panoları artık yalnızca BBCode etiketlerini destekler."
+msgid "Posts contributed"
+msgstr "Katkıda bulunulan gönderiler"
+msgid "Profile awaiting moderator approval"
+msgstr "Moderatör onayı bekleyen profil"
+msgid "Approve profile"
+msgstr "Profilli onayla"
+msgid "Approve this profile content"
+msgstr "Bu profili içeriğini onayla"
+msgid "Edit profile"
+msgstr "Profili düzenle"
+msgid "Edit the content of this profile"
+msgstr "Bu profili içeriğini düzenle"
+msgid "Remove profile"
+msgstr "Profili kaldır"
+msgid "Remove this profile content from the system"
+msgstr "Bu profilin içeriğini sistemden kaldır"
+msgid "The team founder has @count days to respond to your transfer request."
+msgstr "Takım kurucusu transfer isteğinize yanıt vermek için @count güne sahip."
+msgid "Reject profile"
+msgstr "Profili reddet"
+msgid "Reject this profile content"
+msgstr "Bu profilin içeriğini reddet"
+msgid "Reason for rejecting this profile"
+msgstr "Bu profilin reddedilme nedeni"
+msgid ""
+"This reason will be included in an email to the user. Please write a brief "
+"explanation of the problem and how to fix it."
+msgstr "Bu neden, kullanıcıya gönderilecek e-postanın içeriğine dahil edilecek. Problemi kısaca açıklayın ve nasıl düzeltebileceğini yazın."
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Gönder"
+msgid "project"
+msgstr "proje"
+msgid "Email address"
+msgstr "E-posta adresi"
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Ev"
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Giriş yap"
+msgid "search"
+msgstr "ara"
+msgid "Server status"
+msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Dil"
+msgid "Enter your @s email address."
+msgstr "Lütfen @s e-posta adresinizi yazın."
+msgid "Join now"
+msgstr "Şimdi katıl"
+msgid "I'm new"
+msgstr "Yeniyim"
+msgid "I'm a BOINC user"
+msgstr "BOINC kullanıcısıyım"
+msgid "Welcome back!"
+msgstr "Tekrar hoş geldiniz!"
+msgid ""
+"Einstein at Home is a program that uses your computer's idle time to run a "
+"screensaver to search for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars "
+"(also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO gravitational wave detector."
+msgstr "Einstein at Home bilgisayarınızın boşta kalan zamanını, bir ekran koruyucu çalıştırarak, çok hızlı dönen nötron yıldızlarının (pulsar olarak da adlandırılır) kütleçekim dalgalarını aramak için kullanan bir programdır. Bunu, LIGO kütleçekim dalga detektörlerinden elde edilen verileri analiz ederek yapar."
+msgid "Learn more"
+msgstr "Daha fazlasını öğren"
+msgid "View account"
+msgstr "Hesabı görüntüle"
+msgid "About our screensaver"
+msgstr "Ekran koruyucumuz hakkında"
+msgid "Over 500,000 volunteers and counting."
+msgstr "500.000'den fazla gönüllü ve artıyor."
+msgid "Windows"
+msgstr "Windows"
+msgid "Mac"
+msgstr "Mac"
+msgid "Linux"
+msgstr "Linux"
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Çıkış"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "İsim"
+msgid "Avg credit"
+msgstr "Ort. kredi"
+msgid "Total credit"
+msgstr "Toplam kredi"
+msgid "Enter your password to save changes"
+msgstr "Değişiklikleri kaydetmek için parolanızı girin"
+msgid ""
+"Enter your current password if changing your email\n"
+" address or password."
+msgstr "E-posta adresinizi ya da şifrenizi değiştiriyorsanız\n mevcut şifrenizi girin."
+msgid "BOINC user ID"
+msgstr "BOINC kullanıcı no"
+msgid "Drupal user ID"
+msgstr "Drupal kullanıcı no"
+msgid "Account key"
+msgstr "Hesap anahtarı"
+msgid "Weak account key"
+msgstr "Zayıf hesap anahtarı"
+msgid "Cross-project ID"
+msgstr "Çapraz-proje NO"
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Değişiklikleri kaydet"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Vazgeç"
+msgid "Change password"
+msgstr "Parolayı değiştir"
+msgid "What is @this_project?"
+msgstr "@this_project nedir?"
+msgid "no projects..."
+msgstr "proje yok..."
+msgid "Download the desktop software"
+msgstr "Masaüstü yazılımını indir"
+msgid "Run the installer"
+msgstr "Kurulumu çalıştır"
+msgid "When prompted enter @siteurl"
+msgstr "Sorulduğunda @siteurl girin"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Parola"
+msgid "Enter the password that accompanies your username."
+msgstr "Kullanıcı adınızla eşleşen parolanızı giriniz."
+msgid "Request new password"
+msgstr "Yani parola talep et"
+msgid ""
+"If you're already running BOINC, select <i>Add\n"
+" Project</i>."
+msgstr "Zaten BOINC çalıştırıyorsanız, <i>Proje\n Ekle</i>yi seçin."
+msgid ""
+"If you're running a command-line version of BOINC,\n"
+" first use the BOINC Manager software (elsewhere if necessary) to create an\n"
+" an account at this project, then use that account to connect with the\n"
+" command-line version."
+msgstr "Eğer BOINC'in bir komut satırı sürümünü çalıştırıyorsanız,\n önce bu projede bir hesap oluşturmak için (gerekirse başka bir yerde)\n BOINC Manager yazılımını kullanın, daha sonra komut satırı sürümü ile\n bağlanmak için, oluşturduğunuz söz konusu hesabı kullanabilirsiniz."
+msgid ""
+"If you're running a pre-5.0 version of BOINC, please\n"
+" upgrade to a more recent version to create an account\n"
+" at this project."
+msgstr "Eğer 5.0 öncesi BOINC sürümünü çalıştırıyorsanız,\n bu projede bir hesap oluşturmak için lütfen daha yeni bir\n sürüme yükseltin."
+msgid ""
+"1) If you know your account's email address, and you can receive email "
+msgstr "1) Eğer hesabınızın e-posta adresini biliyorsanız, oradan e-posta alabilirsiniz:"
+msgid ""
+"Enter the email address and click OK. You will be sent email instructions "
+"for resetting your password."
+msgstr "E-posta adresini girin ve Tamam'a tıklayın. Şifrenizi sıfırlamak için e-posta talimatları gönderilir."
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "Tamam"
+msgid "The latest news from the @site_name project"
+msgstr "@site_name projesinden gelen son haberler"
+msgid "Comment form"
+msgstr "Buradan yorum:"
+msgid "Total credits"
+msgstr "Toplam kredi"
+msgid "Recent avg credits"
+msgstr "Güncel ort. kredi"
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Ülke"
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tip"
+msgid "Founder"
+msgstr "Kurucu"
+msgid "New members in last day"
+msgstr "Son günlerdeki yeni üyeler"
+msgid "Total members"
+msgstr "Toplam üye"
+msgid "Active members"
+msgstr "Aktif üye"
+msgid "Members with credit"
+msgstr "Kredisi bulunan üye"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Tanıtım"
+msgid "Search teams"
+msgstr "Takımları ara"
+msgid "Send message"
+msgstr "Mesaj gönder"
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
+msgid "Project"
+msgstr "Proje"
+msgid "Web site"
+msgstr "İnternet sitesi"
+msgid "No active computers"
+msgstr "Etkin bilgisayar yok"
+msgid "This user has no computers that have been active in the last 30 days."
+msgstr "Bu kullanıcının son 30 gün içinde aktif olan hiçbir bilgisayarı bulunmamakta."
+msgid " Default value: @default"
+msgstr "Varsayılan değer: @default"
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Uygulamalar"
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "evet"
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "hayır"
+msgid "Message @id"
+msgstr "Mesaj @id"
+msgid "message @id"
+msgstr "mesaj @id"
+msgid " in response to !parent"
+msgstr " - Şuna yanıt olarak !parent"
+msgid "Credits per day"
+msgstr "Gün başına kredi"
+msgid "Computers hidden"
+msgstr "Gizlenen bilgisayarlar"
+msgid "This user has chosen not to show information about their computers."
+msgstr "Bu kullanıcı, bilgisayarları hakkında bilgi gösterilmemesini tercih etti."
+msgid "Stderr output"
+msgstr "Stderr çıktısı"
+msgid "@time ago"
+msgstr "@time önce"
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr "yok"
+msgid "Submitted by !username on !datetime"
+msgstr "!username tarafından !datetime zamanında gönderildi"
+msgid "Member since"
+msgstr "Üyelik tarihi"
+msgid "View team"
+msgstr "Takımı gör"
+msgid "Friends (@count)"
+msgstr "Arkadaşlar (@count)"
+msgid "Website"
+msgstr "Site"
+msgid "Locked"
+msgstr "Kilitli"
+msgid "Computers pending"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarlar beklemede"
+msgid ""
+"This user does not yet have any associated computers. Computers will be "
+"displayed when they have earned their first credits."
+msgstr "Bu kullanıcının henüz herhangi bir ilişkili bilgisayarı yok. Bilgisayarlar ilk kredi kazandıkları zaman görüntülenir."
+msgid "No results found..."
+msgstr "Sonuç bulunamadı..."
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arkaplan"
+msgid "Teams"
+msgstr "Takımlar"
+msgid ""
+"@project participants may form teams. You may belong to only one team. You "
+"can join or quit a team at any time. To join a team, visit its team page and"
+" click \"Join this team\". Each team has a founder who may:"
+msgstr "@Project katılımcıları takımlar oluşturabilir. Yalnızca bir takıma ait olabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir zamanda bir takıma katılabilir veya ayrılabilirsiniz. Bir takıma katılmak için, kendi takım sayfasını ziyaret edin ve \"Bu takıma katıl\" butonuna tıklayın. Her takımın bir kurucusu olabilir:"
+msgid "access team members' email addresses"
+msgstr "Takım üyelerinin e-posta adreslerini görme"
+msgid "edit the team's name and description"
+msgstr "Takımın ismini ve tanıtımını düzenleme"
+msgid "add or remove team admins"
+msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri ekleme ya da çıkarma"
+msgid "remove members from the team"
+msgstr "Takımdan bir üyeyi çıkarma"
+msgid "disband a team if it has no members"
+msgstr "Üyesi yoksa takımı kaldırma."
+msgid "Create a new team"
+msgstr "Yeni bir takım oluştur"
+msgid ""
+"If you cannot find a team that is right for you, you can create a team."
+msgstr "Sizin için uygun bir takım bulamazsanız, bir takım oluşturabilirsiniz."
+msgid "You must earn @count more credits!"
+msgstr "@count kredi daha kazanmanız gerekir!"
+msgid "Threads"
+msgstr "Konu başlıkları"
+msgid "Posts"
+msgstr "Yanıtlar"
+msgid "Last post"
+msgstr "Son mesaj"
+msgid "Manage subscriptions"
+msgstr "Abonelikleri yönet"
+msgid "Featured"
+msgstr "Öne çıkan"
+msgid "Submitted on !datetime"
+msgstr "Gönderilme zamanı !datetime"
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Yorumlar"
+msgid "Opinion"
+msgstr "Görüş"
+msgid "More"
+msgstr "Daha fazla"
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "İşler"
+msgid "Generic"
+msgstr "Genel"
+msgid "Work"
+msgstr "İş"
+msgid "School"
+msgstr "Okul"
+msgid "Presets"
+msgstr "Önayarlar"
+msgid "Standard"
+msgstr "Standart"
+msgid "Maximum"
+msgstr "En yüksek"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Yeşil"
+msgid "Minimum"
+msgstr "En düşük"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Özel"
+msgid "Update preset"
+msgstr "Önayarı güncelle"
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Gelişmiş ayarlar"
+msgid "Processor usage"
+msgstr "İşlemci kullanımı"
+msgid "Run while computer is on battery power?"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar pil gücünde olduğunda çalışsın mı?"
+msgid "Only applies to portable computers"
+msgstr "Yalnızca taşınabilir bilgisayarlar için geçerlidir"
+msgid "Run while computer is in use?"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımda olduğunda çalışsın mı?"
+msgid "Run GPU work while computer is in use?"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımdayken GPU işi çalışsın mı?"
+msgid "Enforced by version @number"
+msgstr "@number sürümü tarafından zorunlu"
+msgid "\"In use\" means mouse/keyboard activity in last"
+msgstr "'Kullanımda', en son bu kadar süre önce fare/klavye kullanıldı demektir:"
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "dakika"
+msgid "Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last"
+msgstr "Fare ve klavyeyi bu kadar süre kullanmadığımda duraklatılsın"
+msgid "Needed to enter low-power mode on some computers"
+msgstr "Bu, bazı bilgisayarların kullanılmadığı zaman düşük güç moduna girmesini sağlar."
+msgid "Suspend work if CPU usage is above"
+msgstr "İşlemci kullanımı bundan fazlaysa duraklat:"
+msgid "0 means no restriction. Enforced by version @number"
+msgstr "0 sınırlama yok anlamına gelir. @number sürümü tarafından zorunlu."
+msgid "Do work only between the hours of:"
+msgstr "Yalnızca bu saatler arasında işleri çalıştır:"
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "ve"
+msgid "No restriction if equal"
+msgstr "Birbirine eşitse sınırlama yok."
+msgid "Leave tasks in memory while suspended?"
+msgstr "Durakladığında işler bellekte kalsın mı?"
+msgid "Suspended tasks will consume swap space if \"yes\""
+msgstr "\"Evet\" seçilirse, duraklatılan görevler takas alanını tüketecektir"
+msgid "Switch between tasks every"
+msgstr "Çalışan uygulamayı değiştirme aralığı"
+msgid "Recommended: @period minutes"
+msgstr "Önerilen: @period dakika"
+msgid "On multiprocessors, use at most"
+msgstr "Çok işlemcili sistemlerde işlemcilerin en fazla"
+msgid "processors"
+msgstr "adeti kullanılsın"
+msgid "Set to 0 for no limit"
+msgstr "Sınırlama olmaması için 0'a ayarlayın"
+msgid "% of the processors"
+msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın"
+msgid "Use at most"
+msgstr "En çok"
+msgid "% of the CPU time"
+msgstr "% kadar CPU gücü kullan"
+msgid "Can be used to reduce CPU heat"
+msgstr "CPU ısısını azaltmak için kullanılabilir"
+msgid "Disk and memory usage"
+msgstr "Disk ve bellek kullanımı"
+msgid "Disk: use at most"
+msgstr "Disk: En fazla kullanım"
+msgid "Disk: leave free at least"
+msgstr "Disk: En az bu kadar alan bırak"
+msgid "Values smaller than @number are ignored"
+msgstr "@number değerinden küçükse görmezden gelinir"
+msgid "% of total"
+msgstr "% kadar "
+msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
+msgstr "İşler, kontrol noktasını diske en fazla"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "saniyede bir kaydetsin"
+msgid "Swap space: use at most"
+msgstr "Sanal bellek: En fazla kullanım"
+msgid "Memory: when computer is in use, use at most"
+msgstr "Bellek: Bilgisayar kullanımdayken en fazla kullanım"
+msgid "Memory: when computer is not in use, use at most"
+msgstr "Bellek: Bilgisayar boştayken en fazla kullanım"
+msgid "Network usage"
+msgstr "Ağ kullanımı"
+msgid "Computer is connected to the Internet about every"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar İnternete bu kadar sürede bir bağlanır:"
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "günlük"
+msgid ""
+"Leave blank or 0 if always connected. @project will try to maintain at least"
+" this much work."
+msgstr "Her zaman bağlı ise boş bırakın ya d 0 yazın. @project en az bu kadar süre yetecek miktarda iş bulundurmaya çalışacak."
+msgid "Maintain enough work for an additional"
+msgstr "Bu kadar süre çalışmayı sürdürmeye yetecek miktarda ek iş indir:"
+msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet?"
+msgstr "İnternete bağlanmadan önce onay istensin mi?"
+msgid "Matters only if you have a modem, ISDN, or VPN connection"
+msgstr "Bir modem, ISDN ya da VPN bağlantısına sahipseniz kullanışlı olabilir."
+msgid "Disconnect when done?"
+msgstr "Tamamlandığında bağlantıyı kesilsin mi?"
+msgid "Maximum download rate"
+msgstr "En yüksek indirme hızı:"
+msgid "Maximum upload rate"
+msgstr "En yüksek gönderme hızı:"
+msgid "Use network only between the hours of:"
+msgstr "Yalnızca bu saatler arasında ağı kullan:"
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "İnternet kullanım kotası:"
+msgid "Skip image file verification?"
+msgstr "Görüntü dosyaları veri doğrulamasını atla?"
+msgid ""
+"Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files (UMTS does "
+"this, for example). Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC."
+msgstr "İnternet servis sağlayıcınız görüntü dosyalarını değiştiriyorsa (örneğin UMTS bunu yapar) işaretleyin. Doğrulamayı atlamak, BOINC'in güvenliğini zayıflatacaktır."
+msgid "Show comparison view"
+msgstr "Karşılaştırma görünümü göster"
+msgid "Resource settings"
+msgstr "Kaynak ayarları"
+msgid "Resource share"
+msgstr "Kaynak paylaşımı"
+msgid ""
+"Determines the proportion of your computer's resources allocated to this "
+"project. Example: if you participate in two BOINC projects with resource "
+"shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your resources and the "
+"second will get 2/3."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın, bu projeye tahsis edilecek kaynak oranını belirler. Örneğin, 100 ve 200 kaynak payları ile iki BOINC projesine katılırsanız, ilki kaynakların üçte birini, ikincisi ise üçte ikisini kullanacaktır."
+msgid "Use CPU"
+msgstr "CPU kullan"
+msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU"
+msgstr "NVIDIA GPU kullan"
+msgid "Use ATI GPU"
+msgstr "ATI GPU kullan"
+msgid "Use INTEL GPU"
+msgstr "Intel GPU kullan"
+msgid "Beta settings"
+msgstr "Beta ayarları"
+msgid "Run test applications?"
+msgstr "Test uygulamaları çalıştırılsın mı?"
+msgid ""
+"This helps us develop applications, but may cause jobs to fail on your "
+msgstr "Bu, uygulamaları geliştirme konusunda bize yardımcı olacak. Ancak, bazen iş hesaplamalarının başarısız olmasına sebep olabilir."
+msgid "Default set"
+msgstr "Varsayılan küme"
+msgid "Set used for new computers"
+msgstr "Küme yeni bilgisayarlar için kullanılacak"
+msgid "Merge"
+msgstr "Birleştir"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Sil"
+msgid ""
+"This will delete host @id from your account forever. Are you sure this is "
+msgstr "Bu, @id bilgisayarını sonsuza kadar hesabınızdan siler. Bunu yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
+msgid "Mark all topics read"
+msgstr "Tüm konuları okundu olarak işaretle"
+msgid "Mark all forums read"
+msgstr "Tüm forumları forumları okundu olarak işaretle"
+msgid ""
+"CAPTCHA validation error: unknown CAPTCHA session ID. Contact the site "
+"administrator if this problem persists."
+msgstr "CAPTCHA doğrulama hatası: Bilinmeyen CAPTCHA oturum kimliği. Bu sorun devam ederse site yöneticisine başvurun."
+msgid "The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct."
+msgstr "CAPTCHA için verdiğiniz yanıt doğru değil."
+msgid "Access denied. You must login to view this page."
+msgstr "Erişim engellendi. Bu sayfayı görüntülemek için giriş yapmalısınız."
+msgid "You are not authorized to access this page."
+msgstr "Bu sayfaya erişmek için yetkiniz yok."
+msgid "Disable rich-text"
+msgstr "Zengin metni devre dışı bırak"
+msgid "Enable rich-text"
+msgstr "Zengin metin etkinleştir"
+msgid "View user profile."
+msgstr "Kullanıcı profilini gör."
+msgid "BBcode help"
+msgstr "BBcode yardımı"
+msgid "Post comment"
+msgstr "Yorum gönder"
+msgid "No @type tasks"
+msgstr "Hiçbir @type işi bulunamadı"
+msgid "There are no tasks of this type on record"
+msgstr "Kayıtlarda bu tip için herhangi bir iş bulunmuyor"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Temizle"
+msgid ""
+"This will remove all of your settings from the @name preference set. Are you"
+" sure?"
+msgstr "Bu, @name önayar kümesindeki tüm ayarlarınızı kaldıracak. Emin misiniz?"
+msgid "These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate."
+msgstr "Bu tercihler, katıldığınız tüm BOINC projelerine uygulanacak."
+msgid ""
+"On computers attached to multiple projects, the most recently modified "
+"preferences will be used."
+msgstr "Birden fazla proje bağlı bilgisayarlarda, en son değiştirilen tercihler kullanılacaktır."
+msgid "Preferences last modified: @mod_time"
+msgstr "Tercihlerin son güncellenmesi: @mod_time"
+msgid "Combined preferences"
+msgstr "Ortak tercihler"
+msgid "Switch View"
+msgstr "Görünümü değiştir"
+msgid "every"
+msgstr "her"
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Düzenle"
+msgid ""
+"This will remove all of your settings from the \"@name\" preference set. Are"
+" you sure?"
+msgstr "Bu, \"@name\" önayar kümesindeki tüm ayarlarınızı kaldıracak. Emin misiniz?"
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Ekle"
+msgid "General settings"
+msgstr "Genel ayarlar"
+msgid "Time zone"
+msgstr "Saat dilimi"
+msgid "Notification settings"
+msgstr "Bildirim ayarları"
+msgid "Receive email notification for private messages?"
+msgstr "Özel mesajlar için e-posta bildirimi alınsın mı?"
+msgid "Receive email notification for friend requests?"
+msgstr "Arkadaşlık istekleri için e-posta bildirimi alınsın mı?"
+msgid "Language settings"
+msgstr "Dil ayarları"
+msgid ""
+"This account's default language for e-mails and preferred language for site "
+msgstr "Bu hesabın e-posta ve site kullanımı için tercih edilen varsayılan dili."
+msgid "Avatar settings"
+msgstr "Avatar ayarları"
+msgid "Create a profile"
+msgstr "Bir profil oluştur"
+msgid "Upload an avatar"
+msgstr "Bir avatar yükle"
+msgid "Forum settings"
+msgstr "Forum ayarları"
+msgid "In discussion topics, show at most @comments_per_page"
+msgstr "Tartışma konularında, sayfa başına en fazla @comments_per_page"
+msgid "comments per page"
+msgstr "yorum göster"
+msgid "Sort comments in discussions"
+msgstr "Tartışmalarda yorumları sırala"
+msgid "Newest post first"
+msgstr "Önce en yeni"
+msgid "Oldest post first"
+msgstr "Önce en eski"
+msgid "Signature"
+msgstr "İmza"
+msgid "Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments."
+msgstr "İmzanız yorumlarınızın sonunda herkese açık olarak görüntülenir."
+msgid "Hide signatures in forums"
+msgstr "Forumlarda imzaları gizle"
+msgid "Privacy settings"
+msgstr "Gizlilik ayarları"
+msgid "Is it OK for @project and your team (if any) to email you?"
+msgstr "Takımınızın (eğer varsa) ve @Project projesinin size e-posta göndermesine izin verilsin mi?"
+msgid "Hide"
+msgstr "Gizle"
+msgid "Hide this topic"
+msgstr "Bu konuyu gizle"
+msgid "Lock"
+msgstr "Kilitle"
+msgid "Lock this thread for comments"
+msgstr "Bu konuyu yorumlar için kilitle"
+msgid "Make sticky"
+msgstr "Üst konu yap"
+msgid "Make this topic sticky"
+msgstr "Bu konuyu yapışkan yap"
+msgid "moderation"
+msgstr "moderasyon"
+msgid "Post new comment"
+msgstr "Yeni yorum gönder"
+msgid "You must earn 1 more credit!"
+msgstr "1 kredi daha kazanmanız gerekir!"
+msgid "Joined"
+msgstr "Üyelik"
+msgid "Credit"
+msgstr "Kredi"
+msgid "RAC"
+msgstr "Güncel ort. kredi"
+msgid "Join team"
+msgstr "Takıma katıl"
+msgid "Click here to become a member of @this_team"
+msgstr "@this_team üyesi olmak için tıklayın"
+msgid "Join this team"
+msgstr "Bu takıma katıl"
+msgid "Manage team"
+msgstr "Takımı yönet"
+msgid "View member list"
+msgstr "Üye listesini görüntüle"
+msgid "Member names and emails"
+msgstr "Üyelerin adları ve e-postaları"
+msgid "View change history"
+msgstr "Değişiklik tarihçesini görüntüle"
+msgid "See member activity"
+msgstr "Üye aktivitesine bak"
+msgid "Manage team message board"
+msgstr "Takım mesaj panosu yönet"
+msgid "Create or manage message board"
+msgstr "Takım mesaj panosu oluştur ya da yönet."
+msgid "Remove members"
+msgstr "Üyeleri çıkartma"
+msgid "Change founder"
+msgstr "Kurucuyu değiştir"
+msgid "Manage team admins"
+msgstr "Takım Yöneticilerini yönet"
+msgid "Edit team info"
+msgstr "Takım bilgilerini düzenle"
+msgid "Remove team"
+msgstr "Takımı kaldır"
+msgid "Team forum"
+msgstr "Takım forumu"
+msgid "A discussion forum has been set up for team members."
+msgstr "Ekip üyeleri için bir tartışma forumu kurulmuştur."
+msgid "Enter forum"
+msgstr "Foruma gir"
+msgid "Leave team"
+msgstr "Takımdan ayrıl"
+msgid "Leave this team"
+msgstr "Bu takımdan ayrıl"
+msgid "Edit message board"
+msgstr "Mesaj panosunu düzenle"
+msgid "Message board title"
+msgstr "Mesaj panosu başlığı"
+msgid "Text only, no HTML tags"
+msgstr "Sadece metin, HTML etiketleri yok"
+msgid "Minimum time between posts"
+msgstr "İki gönderi arasındaki en kısa süre"
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr "Saniye"
+msgid "Minimum total credit to post"
+msgstr "İleti gönderebilmek için sahip olunması gereken en az kredi"
+msgid "Allow public to read board?"
+msgstr "Panoyu herkes okuyabilsin mi?"
+msgid "Save message board"
+msgstr "Mesaj panosunu kaydet"
+msgid "About message boards"
+msgstr "Mesaj panoları hakkında"
+msgid "This is a team-only message board"
+msgstr "Bu, yalnızca takıma ait bit mesaj panosudur"
+msgid "Only members may post"
+msgstr "Yalnızca takım üyeleri gönderi gönderebilir."
+msgid "Only members may read (optional)"
+msgstr "Yalnızca üyeler gönderileri okuyabilir (tercihinize bağlı)."
+msgid "Changing the team founder"
+msgstr "Takım kurucusu değiştirme"
+msgid "Any member of the team is eligible"
+msgstr "Takımın herhangi bir üyesi uygundur"
+msgid "Current founder becomes a normal user"
+msgstr "Güncel kurucu normal bir kullanıcı haline gelecektir"
+msgid "It must be 60 days since any previous request"
+msgstr "Herhangi bir önceki istekten bu yana 60 gün geçmeli"
+msgid "Add team admin"
+msgstr "Takım yöneticisi ekle"
+msgid "Enter email address"
+msgstr "E-posta adresinizi girin"
+msgid "Current team admins"
+msgstr "Şu anki takımı yöneticileri"
+msgid "About team admins"
+msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri hakkında"
+msgid "Team admins can:"
+msgstr "Takım yöneticileri bunları yapabilir:"
+msgid "Edit team information"
+msgstr "Takım bilgisini düzenleme"
+msgid "View the team's join / quit history"
+msgstr "Takımın katılma/ayrılma geçmişini görüntüleme"
+msgid "Moderate the team forum"
+msgstr "Mevcutsa, takım forumunu yönetme"
+msgid "Remove members from the team"
+msgstr "Takımdan bir üyeyi çıkarma"
+msgid "Disband a team if it has no members"
+msgstr "Üyesi yoksa takımı kaldırma"
+msgid "Team admins cannot:"
+msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri şunları yapamaz:"
+msgid "Change the team founder"
+msgstr "Takım kurucusunu değiştirme"
+msgid "Add / Remove team admins"
+msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri ekle/kaldır"
+msgid "Choose type"
+msgstr "Tip seçin"
+msgid "Team name"
+msgstr "Takım adı"
+msgid "Team name -- HTML version (optional)"
+msgstr "Takım adı -- HTML sürümü (isteğe bağlı)"
+msgid "You may use limited HTML tags"
+msgstr "Sınırlı HTML etiketleri kullanabilirsiniz"
+msgid "Team website (optional)"
+msgstr "Takım websitesi (isteğe bağlı)"
+msgid "Displayed on the team's page"
+msgstr "Takımın sayfasında görüntülenir"
+msgid "Type of team"
+msgstr "Takımın tipi"
+msgid "Accept new members?"
+msgstr "Yeni üyeler kabul edilsin mi?"
+msgid "Description of team"
+msgstr "Takımın tanıtımı"
+msgid "Create new team"
+msgstr "Yeni bir takım oluştur"
+msgid "Create a team"
+msgstr "Takım oluştur"
+msgid "Save team"
+msgstr "Takımı kaydet"
+msgid "Create team message board"
+msgstr "Takım mesaj panosu oluştur"
+msgid "Create message board"
+msgstr "Mesaj panosu oluştur"
+msgid ""
+"Please set the minimum average credit that a user is required to have in "
+"order to post to this message board."
+msgstr "Bir kullanıcının bu mesaj panosuna gönderebilmek için sahip olması gereken minimum ortalama krediyi ayarlayın."
+msgid "Post new topic"
+msgstr "Yeni konu gönder"
+msgid "Anonymous"
+msgstr "Anonim"
+msgid "Unpublished"
+msgstr "Yayınlanmamış"
+msgid "Sorry, unrecognized email address or password."
+msgstr "Maalesef, tanınmayan e-posta adresi veya şifre."
+msgid "Have you forgotten your password?"
+msgstr "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
+msgid "Id"
+msgstr "NO"
+msgid "Recent average credit"
+msgstr "Güncel ortalama kredi"
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Üyeler"
+msgid "Total Credit"
+msgstr "Toplam kredi"
+msgid "User ID"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı NO"
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı"
+msgid "Admin since"
+msgstr "Yöneticilik başlangıcı"
+msgid "Team ID"
+msgstr "Takım NO"
+msgid "User joined"
+msgstr "Katılma tarihi"
+msgid "Timestamp"
+msgstr "Zaman damgası"
+msgid "Account Key"
+msgstr "Hesap anahtarı"
+msgid "CPID"
+msgstr "CPID"
+msgid "Email Address"
+msgstr "E-posta Adresi"
+msgid "Password Hash"
+msgstr "Parola kodu"
+msgid "Postal Code"
+msgstr "Posta kodu"
+msgid "Send Email"
+msgstr "E-posta gönder"
+msgid "Show Hosts"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarları göster"
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "Site"
+msgid "Computer ID"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar NO"
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Konum"
+msgid "While BOINC running, % of time work is allowed"
+msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, yeni işlerin kabul edildiği zaman yüzdesi"
+msgid "Average turnaround time"
+msgstr "Ortalama geri dönüş zamanı"
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Oluşturulma"
+msgid "While BOINC running, % of time host has an Internet connection"
+msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, bilgisayarın internet bağlantısına sahip olduğu zaman yüzdesi"
+msgid "Average CPU efficiency"
+msgstr "Ortalama CPU verimi"
+msgid "Free disk space"
+msgstr "Boş disk alanı"
+msgid "Total disk space"
+msgstr "Toplam disk alanı"
+msgid "Task duration correction factor"
+msgstr "İş süre düzeltme çarpanı"
+msgid "Avg. credit"
+msgstr "Ort. kredi"
+msgid "External IP address"
+msgstr "Harici IP adresi"
+msgid "Cross project ID"
+msgstr "Çapraz-proje NO"
+msgid "Last IP address"
+msgstr "Son IP adresi"
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr "Önbellek"
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Bellek"
+msgid "Swap space"
+msgstr "Sanal bellek"
+msgid "Average download rate"
+msgstr "Ortalama indirme hızı"
+msgid "Average upload rate"
+msgstr "Ortalama gönderme hızı"
+msgid "Same IP address count"
+msgstr "Aynı IP adresi sayımı"
+msgid "% of time BOINC client is running"
+msgstr "BOINC'in çalışır durumda olduğu zaman yüzdesi"
+msgid "Operating system"
+msgstr "İşletim sistemi"
+msgid "Operating system version"
+msgstr "İşletim sistemi sürümü"
+msgid "Measured floating point speed"
+msgstr "Ölçülen kayan nokta hızı"
+msgid "Measured integer speed"
+msgstr "Ölçülen tamsayı hızı"
+msgid "CPU model"
+msgstr "CPU modeli"
+msgid "Number of processors"
+msgstr "İşlemci adedi"
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+msgid "Number of times client has contacted server"
+msgstr "İstemcinin sunucuya bağlanma sayısı"
+msgid "Last contact"
+msgstr "Son bağlantı"
+msgid "Serial number"
+msgstr "Seri numarası"
+msgid "Timezone"
+msgstr "Zaman dilimi"
+msgid "Platform ID"
+msgstr "Platform NO"
+msgid "Task ID"
+msgstr "İş NO"
+msgid "Workunit ID"
+msgstr "İş birimi NO"
+msgid "Host ID"
+msgstr "Sunucu NO"
+msgid "Application ID"
+msgstr "Uygulama NO"
+msgid "Application version"
+msgstr "Uygulama sürümü"
+msgid "Claimed credit"
+msgstr "İstenen kredi"
+msgid "Client state"
+msgstr "İstemci durumu"
+msgid "CPU time"
+msgstr "CPU zamanı"
+msgid "Run time"
+msgstr "Çalışma zamanı"
+msgid "Exit status"
+msgstr "Çıkış kodu"
+msgid "Granted credit"
+msgstr "Alınan kredi"
+msgid "Outcome"
+msgstr "Sonuç"
+msgid "Report deadline"
+msgstr "Son teslim zamanı"
+msgid "Sent"
+msgstr "Gönderilme"
+msgid "Server state"
+msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
+msgid "Stderr out"
+msgstr "Stderr çıktısı"
+msgid "Validation state"
+msgstr "Doğrulama durumu"
+msgid "Canonical credit"
+msgstr "Kabul edilen kredi"
+msgid "Canonical result ID"
+msgstr "Kabul edilen sonuç NO"
+msgid "Created time"
+msgstr "Oluşturulma zamanı"
+msgid "Needs validation"
+msgstr "Doğrulama gerekiyor"
+msgid "Initial replication"
+msgstr "Başlangıçtaki kopya sayısı"
+msgid "Computer"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar"
+msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
+msgstr "Ardarda gelen doğrulanmış işler"
+msgid "Number of tasks completed"
+msgstr "Tamamlanan iş sayısı"
+msgid "Max tasks per day"
+msgstr "Günlük ortalama en fazla iş"
+msgid "Number of tasks today"
+msgstr "Bugünkü iş sayısı"
+msgid "Show IP address"
+msgstr "IP adresini görüntüle"
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "saat"
+msgid "Remove friend"
+msgstr "Arkadaşlıktan çıkar"
+msgid "Ban user"
+msgstr "Kullanıcıyı engelle"
+msgid "Add as friend"
+msgstr "Arkadaş olarak ekle"
+msgid "Team"
+msgstr "Takım"
+msgid "Reply"
+msgstr "Yanıtla"
+msgid "Reply to this comment"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu yanıtla"
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Alıntı"
+msgid "Reply to this comment with quote"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu alıntıyla yanıtla"
+msgid "Edit this comment"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu düzenle"
+msgid "Delete this comment"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu sil"
+msgid "Hide this comment"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu gizle"
+msgid "Convert"
+msgstr "Dönüştür"
+msgid "Convert this comment to a new topic"
+msgstr "Bu yorumu yeni bir konuya dönüştür"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detaylar"
+msgid "Make unsticky"
+msgstr "Üst konudan kaldır"
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes BOINC assigns separate identities to the same computer by mistake."
+" You can correct this by merging old identities with the newest one."
+msgstr "Bazen BOINC yanlışlıkla aynı bilgisayara farklı kimlikler atar. En yenisiyle eski kimlikleri birleştirerek, bunu düzeltebilirsiniz."
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Kaldır"
+msgid "hidden"
+msgstr "gizli"
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/tr/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 4d0a9a4..b802ec8 100644
--- a/locale/tr/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/tr/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@
# FileID : $Id$
# Translators:
+# Can Demirel <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>, 2015
# Faruk SARI <faruksari at hotmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: boinc\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-09 07:33+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Faruk SARI <faruksari at hotmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-01 08:24+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Can Demirel <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/tr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -28,6 +29,97 @@ msgstr "Türkçe"
msgstr "Turkish"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:38
+msgid "Invitation Code"
+msgstr "Davet Kodu"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:38
+msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
+msgstr "Hesap oluşturmak için geçerli bir davet kodu gerekiyor."
+#: ../inc/account.inc:44 ../inc/host.inc:674 ../inc/result.inc:632
+#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/user.inc:198
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/team_admins.php:64
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
+#: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:124
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "İsim"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:44 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
+msgstr "Sitemizde bu isimle yer alacaksınız. Gerçek adınızı ya da takma adınızı kullanın."
+#: ../inc/account.inc:48
+msgid "Email Address"
+msgstr "E-posta Adresi"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:48
+msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
+msgstr "'isim at site' biçiminde geçerli bir adres olmalı."
+#: ../inc/account.inc:57 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Parola"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:58
+msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
+msgstr "En az %1 karakter olmalı"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:61
+msgid "Confirm password"
+msgstr "Parolayı doğrula"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:134
+#: ../inc/team.inc:247 ../inc/team.inc:387 ../inc/team.inc:475
+#: ../inc/user.inc:212 ../inc/user.inc:395 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38 ../user/profile_search_action.php:44
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:73 ../user/team_search.php:85
+#: ../user/top_users.php:63 ../user/user_search.php:53
+#: ../user/user_search.php:125
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Ülke"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:63 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
+msgstr "Temsil ettiğiniz ülkeyi seçin, eğer mevcutsa."
+#: ../inc/account.inc:70 ../user/account_finish.php:51
+msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
+msgstr "Posta ya da ZIP Kodu"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:70 ../user/account_finish.php:51
+msgid "Optional"
+msgstr "İsteğe bağlı"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:86
+msgid "Create account"
+msgstr "Hesap oluştur"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:101
+msgid "Email address:"
+msgstr "E-posta adresi:"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:103
+msgid "forgot email address?"
+msgstr "e-posta adresinizi mi unuttunuz?"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:106
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Parola:"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:106
+msgid "forgot password?"
+msgstr "parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
+#: ../inc/account.inc:109
+msgid "Stay logged in"
+msgstr "Daima bağlı kal"
+#. kludge
+#: ../inc/account.inc:114 ../inc/util.inc:238 ../user/login_form.php:41
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Oturum aç"
#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:11
msgid "Bold text: [b]text[/b] (alt+b)"
msgstr "Kalın metin: [b]metin[/b] (alt+b)"
@@ -41,323 +133,363 @@ msgid "Underline text: [u]text[/u] (alt+u)"
msgstr "Altı çizili metin: [u]metin[/u] (alt+u)"
#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:20
+msgid "Strikethrough text: [s]text[/s] (alt+k)"
+msgstr "Üstü çizili metin: [i]metin[/i] (alt+k)"
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:23
msgid "Quote text: [quote]text[/quote] (alt+q)"
msgstr "Alıntılanmış metin: [quote]metin[/quote] (alt+q)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:23
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:26
msgid "Code display: [code]code[/code] (alt+c)"
msgstr "Kod görünümü: [code]kod[/code] (alt+c)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:26
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:29
msgid "List: [list]text[/list] (alt+l)"
msgstr "Liste: [list]metin[/list] (alt+l)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:29
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:32
msgid "Ordered list: [list=]text[/list] (alt+o)"
msgstr "Sıralı liste: [list=]metin[/list] (alt+o)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:32
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:35
msgid "Insert image: [img]http://image_url[/img] (alt+p)"
msgstr "Resim ekle: [img]http://resim_adresi[/img] (alt+p)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:35
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:38
msgid ""
"Insert URL: [url]http://url[/url] or [url=http://url]URL text[/url] (alt+w)"
msgstr "Adres gir: [url]http://adres[/url] ya da [url=http://url]adres metni[/url] (alt+w)"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:42
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:45
msgid "Font color"
msgstr "Font rengi"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:43
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:46
msgid ""
"Font color: [color=red]text[/color] Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000"
msgstr "Font rengi: [color=red]metin[/color] İpucu: color=#FF0000 şeklinde de yazabilirsiniz"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:44 ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:59 ../inc/prefs.inc:638
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:47 ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:62
+#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:546
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Varsayılan"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:45
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:48
msgid "Dark Red"
msgstr "Koyu kırmızı"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:46
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:49
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Kırmızı"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:47
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:50
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Turuncu"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:48
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:51
msgid "Brown"
msgstr "Kahverengi"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:49
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:52
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Sarı"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:50
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:53
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Yeşil"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:51
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:54
msgid "Olive"
msgstr "Zeytin yeşili"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:52
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:55
msgid "Cyan"
msgstr "Camgöbeği"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:53
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:56
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Mavi"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:54
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:57
msgid "Dark Blue"
msgstr "Koyu mavi"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:55
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:58
msgid "Indigo"
msgstr "Çivit"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:56
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:59
msgid "Violet"
msgstr "Mor"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:57
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:60
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Font boyu"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:58
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:61
msgid "Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]"
msgstr "Font boyu: [size=x-small]küçük metin[/size]"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:60
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:63
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Küçük"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:61
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:64
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:62
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:65
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Büyük"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:65
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:68
msgid "Close all open bbCode tags"
msgstr "Açık bbCode etiketlerini kapat"
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:65
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:68
msgid "Close Tags"
msgstr "Etiketleri kapat"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:37
+#. names for the above
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:38
msgid "Oldest first"
msgstr "Eskiler başta"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:38 ../inc/forum.inc:44
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:39 ../inc/forum.inc:45
msgid "Newest first"
msgstr "Yeniler başta"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:39
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:40
msgid "Highest rated posts first"
msgstr "En çok oylananlar başta"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:41
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:42
msgid "Newest post first"
msgstr "Yeni gönderiler başa"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:42
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:43
msgid "Most views first"
msgstr "En çok okunanlar başa"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:43
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:44
msgid "Most posts first"
msgstr "En çok yanıtlananlar başa"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:125
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:104
+msgid "Volunteer moderator"
+msgstr "Gönüllü moderatör"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:105
+msgid "Project administrator"
+msgstr "Proje yöneticisi"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:106
+msgid "Project developer"
+msgstr "Proje geliştiricisi"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:107
+msgid "Project tester"
+msgstr "Proje test görevlisi"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:108
+msgid "Volunteer developer"
+msgstr "Gönüllü geliştirici"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:109
+msgid "Volunteer tester"
+msgstr "Gönüllü test görevlisi"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:110
+msgid "Project scientist"
+msgstr "Proje bilim insanı"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:111
+msgid "Help desk expert"
+msgstr "Yardım maaşı uzmanı"
+#. Search
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search for words in forum messages"
msgstr "Forum mesajlarında arama yap"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:125
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:129
msgid "Search forums"
msgstr "Forumlarda ara"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:130
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Gelişmiş arama"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
-#: ../user/pm.php:133
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:136 ../inc/user.inc:325 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../user/pm.php:138
msgid "Private messages"
msgstr "Özel mesajlar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../user/forum_forum.php:74
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:128
msgid "Questions and Answers"
msgstr "Soru ve Yanıtlar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
-#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:155 ../inc/forum.inc:187 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454 ../user/forum_forum.php:76 ../user/sample_index.php:127
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:70
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Mesaj panoları"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:187 ../inc/forum.inc:195
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:191 ../inc/forum.inc:199
msgid "%1 message board"
msgstr "%1 mesaj panosu"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:245 ../inc/result.inc:695
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:249 ../inc/result.inc:717
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Önceki"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:283 ../inc/result.inc:704
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:287 ../inc/result.inc:726
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Sonraki"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:412 ../inc/forum.inc:1175 ../user/forum_forum.php:137
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:120 ../user/forum_report_post.php:76
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/forum.inc:1234 ../user/forum_forum.php:140
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Başlatan"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:412 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
-#: ../user/forum_edit.php:133 ../user/forum_post.php:116
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:120 ../user/forum_report_post.php:76
-#: ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:144
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:416 ../inc/pm.inc:86 ../user/forum_edit.php:128
+#: ../user/forum_edit.php:133 ../user/forum_post.php:120
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:126 ../user/forum_report_post.php:79
+#: ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:149
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mesaj"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:580
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Mesaj gönder"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:580
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:586
msgid "Send %1 a private message"
msgstr "%1 kişisine özel mesaj gönder"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:581
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:587
msgid "Joined: %1"
msgstr "Üyelik: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:590
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:596
msgid "Posts: %1"
msgstr "Gönderiler: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:596
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:602
msgid "Credit: %1"
msgstr "Kredi: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:597
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:603
msgid "RAC: %1"
msgstr "Güncel kredi: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:620
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "You haven't read this message yet"
msgstr "Bu mesajı henüz okumadınız"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:620
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
msgid "Unread"
msgstr "Okunmamış"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:623 ../inc/forum.inc:628 ../inc/forum.inc:727
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:630 ../inc/forum.inc:635 ../inc/forum.inc:736
msgid "Message %1"
msgstr "Mesaj %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:631 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/forum_forum.php:178
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "gizli"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:625
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:632
msgid "Posted: %1"
msgstr "Gönderildi: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:628
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:635
msgid " - in response to "
msgstr " - Şuna yanıt olarak: "
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:631 ../inc/prefs.inc:705 ../inc/prefs.inc:707
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenle"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:631
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:638
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "Bu mesajı düzenler"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:637
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:644
msgid "Last modified: %1"
msgstr "Son düzenleme: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:640
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:647
msgid ""
"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list. Click "
"%1here%2 to view this post"
msgstr "Bu gönderi gösterilemiyor, çünkü gönderici 'yoksay' listenizde. Bu gönderiyi okumak için %1buraya%2 tıklayın"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report this post as offensive"
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi yöneticiye şikayet et"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675 ../inc/forum.inc:686
msgid "Report as offensive"
msgstr "Şikayet et"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "Rating: %1"
msgstr "Oy: %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:672
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:679
msgid "rate: "
msgstr "oyla:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:675
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Click if you like this message"
msgstr "Bu mesajdan hoşlandıysanız tıklayın"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:675
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:682
msgid "Rate +"
msgstr "+ Oy"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:677
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Click if you don't like this message"
msgstr "Bu mesajdan hoşlanmadıysanız tıklayın"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:677
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
msgid "Rate -"
msgstr "- Oy"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:685 ../user/pm.php:106 ../user/pm.php:146
+#. "Reply" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693 ../user/pm.php:111 ../user/pm.php:151
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Yanıtla"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:685
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:693
msgid "Post a reply to this message"
msgstr "Bu mesaja yanıt ver"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:687
+#. "Quote" is used as a verb
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Alıntı"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:687
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:696
msgid "Post a reply by quoting this message"
msgstr "Bu mesaja alıntı yaparak yanıt ver"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:708
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:717
msgid "Hidden by a moderator"
msgstr "Moderatör tarafından gizlendi"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:729
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:738
msgid "Posted %1 by %2"
msgstr "%2 tarafından gönderildi, %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:747
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:756
msgid "You may not post or rate messages until %1"
msgstr "Bu zamana kadar gönderim yapamaz ya da oylayamazsınız: "
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:758
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:767
msgid ""
" <ul>\n"
@@ -375,340 +507,350 @@ msgid ""
" "
msgstr "\n <ul>\n <li> Gönderiler mutlaka 'çocuk dostu' olmalıdır: İçerikleri açık saçık,\n nefretle ilişkili, cinsel açıdan müstehcen ya da imalı olmamalıdır.\n <li> Mesajlarda ticari reklamlar olmamalı,\n <li> Seksüel içerikli, kumar oynatan ya da başkalarını rahatsız edecek\n internet sitelerine bağlantı içermemeli,\n <li> İnsanları yönlendirmeyi ya da kışkırtmayı, ya da bir konuda\n kandırmayı amaçlamamalı,\n [...]
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:780
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:799
msgid "Rules:"
msgstr "Kurallar:"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:781
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:800
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1055 ../user/forum_thread.php:189
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098 ../user/forum_thread.php:190
msgid "Unhide"
msgstr "Gizliliği kaldır"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1055
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1098
msgid "Unhide this post"
msgstr "Bu gönderinin gizliliğini kaldırır"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1057 ../user/forum_thread.php:195
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100 ../user/forum_thread.php:196
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Gizle"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1057
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1100
msgid "Hide this post"
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi gizler"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1062 ../user/forum_thread.php:228
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105 ../user/forum_thread.php:229
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Taşı"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1062
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1105
msgid "Move post to a different thread"
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi başka bir foruma taşır"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1067
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1110
msgid "Banish author"
msgstr "Yazarı yasakla"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1074
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1117
msgid "Vote to banish author"
msgstr "Yazarın yasaklanması için oy ver"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1078
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1121
msgid "Vote not to banish author"
msgstr "Yazarın kalması için oy ver"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1083
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
msgid "Start vote to banish author"
msgstr "Yazarın yasaklanması için oylama başlat"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1116
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131 ../inc/user.inc:312 ../user/forum_thread.php:243
+#: ../user/pm.php:112 ../user/pm.php:152
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Sil"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1131
+msgid "Delete this post"
+msgstr "Bu gönderiyi sil"
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1169
msgid "Only team members can post to the team message board"
msgstr "Takım mesaj panosuna yalnızca takım üyeleri gönderim yapabilir"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1179
msgid ""
"In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
"credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr "%1 içerisinde yeni bir konu başlığı oluşturmak için, belli bir kredi miktarına sahip olmalısınız. Bu uygulamayla, sistemin kural dışı kullanımını ve suistimal edilmesini önlemeyi amaçlıyoruz."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1133
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1186
msgid ""
"You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before "
"trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
msgstr "Şu anda daha fazla yeni konu başlığı oluşturamazsınız. Lütfen yeniden denemek için bir süre bekleyin. Bu gecikmeyle, sistemin kural dışı kullanımını önlemeyi amaçlıyoruz."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1140
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1193
msgid ""
"This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
"to post there."
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı kilitli. Yalnızca forum moderatörleri ya da yöneticilerin gönderi yapmasına izin var."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1145
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1198
msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
msgstr "Gizli bir konu başlığına gönderi yapılamaz."
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1173
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1232
msgid "Thread"
msgstr "Yeni konu"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
-#: ../user/forum_index.php:94
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1233 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../user/forum_index.php:99
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Yanıtlar"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1176 ../user/forum_forum.php:138
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1235 ../user/forum_forum.php:141
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Okunma"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
-#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1236 ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:142
+#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:48 ../user/forum_index.php:100
msgid "Last post"
msgstr "Son mesaj"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1235
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1294
msgid "New posts in the thread %1"
msgstr "%1 konu başlığındaki yeni gönderiler"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1240
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1299
msgid "New posts in subscribed thread"
msgstr "Abone olunan konu başlığındaki yeni gönderiler"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1241
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1300
msgid "There are new posts in the thread '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' konu başlığında yöne gönderiler var"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1251
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1310
msgid "Mark all threads as read"
msgstr "Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1252
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1311
msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as read."
msgstr "Tüm mesaj panolarındaki tüm konu başlıklarını -okundu- olarak işaretler."
-#: ../inc/host.inc:24
+#: ../inc/host.inc:25
msgid "No host"
msgstr "Sunucu yok"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:26
+#: ../inc/host.inc:27
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Mevcut değil"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:56 ../inc/prefs.inc:639 ../inc/prefs.inc:1048
+#: ../inc/host.inc:56 ../inc/prefs.inc:665 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:547
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Ev"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:666 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:549
+#: ../user/server_status.php:142
msgid "Work"
msgstr "İş"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:58 ../inc/prefs.inc:640 ../inc/prefs.inc:1050
+#: ../inc/host.inc:58 ../inc/prefs.inc:667 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:548
msgid "School"
msgstr "Okul"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:59
-msgid "Mobile"
-msgstr "Mobil"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:61 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:172
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:173
+#: ../inc/host.inc:60 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:161
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:162
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Güncelle"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:85
+#: ../inc/host.inc:84
msgid "Computer information"
msgstr "Bilgisayar bilgisi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:89 ../inc/host.inc:94
+#: ../inc/host.inc:88 ../inc/host.inc:93
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP adresi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:89
+#: ../inc/host.inc:88
msgid "(same the last %1 times)"
msgstr "(son %1 seferle aynı)"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:91
+#: ../inc/host.inc:90
msgid "External IP address"
msgstr "Harici IP adresi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:94
+#: ../inc/host.inc:93
msgid "Show IP address"
msgstr "IP adresini görüntüle"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:96
+#: ../inc/host.inc:95
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Etki alanı adı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:98
+#: ../inc/host.inc:97
msgid "Product name"
msgstr "Ürün adı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:102
+#: ../inc/host.inc:101
msgid "Local Standard Time"
msgstr "Yerel Standart Zaman"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:102
+#: ../inc/host.inc:101
msgid "UTC %1 hours"
msgstr "UTC %1 saat"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:106 ../inc/host.inc:108 ../inc/host.inc:222
+#: ../inc/host.inc:105 ../inc/host.inc:107 ../inc/host.inc:222
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Sahibi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:108 ../inc/host.inc:355
+#: ../inc/host.inc:107 ../inc/host.inc:360
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "Anonim"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:112 ../inc/result.inc:630
+#: ../inc/host.inc:111 ../inc/result.inc:634 ../user/apps.php:56
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Oluşturulma"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
-#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
-#: ../user/top_users.php:59 ../user/user_search.php:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:112 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
+#: ../inc/host.inc:686 ../inc/team.inc:110 ../inc/team.inc:229
+#: ../inc/team.inc:234 ../inc/team.inc:236 ../inc/team.inc:378
+#: ../inc/team.inc:383 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:45
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:80 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:43 ../user/top_users.php:54
+#: ../user/top_users.php:59 ../user/user_search.php:125
msgid "Total credit"
msgstr "Toplam kredi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:114 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../user/team_search.php:70
-#: ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/user.inc:126 ../user/team_search.php:83
+#: ../user/user_search.php:124
msgid "Average credit"
msgstr "Ortalama kredi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:116
+#: ../inc/host.inc:115
msgid "Cross project credit"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje kredisi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:118
+#: ../inc/host.inc:117
msgid "CPU type"
msgstr "CPU tipi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:119
+#: ../inc/host.inc:118
msgid "Number of processors"
msgstr "İşlemci adedi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:121
+#: ../inc/host.inc:120
msgid "Coprocessors"
msgstr "Yardımcı işlemciler"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:123 ../inc/host.inc:687
+#: ../inc/host.inc:122 ../inc/host.inc:692
msgid "Operating System"
msgstr "İşletim sistemi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:126 ../inc/host.inc:235
+#: ../inc/host.inc:125 ../inc/host.inc:235
msgid "BOINC version"
msgstr "BOINC sürümü"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:130
+#: ../inc/host.inc:129 ../inc/prefs.inc:237
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Bellek"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:130 ../inc/host.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:129 ../inc/host.inc:139
msgid "%1 MB"
msgstr "%1 MB"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:134
+#: ../inc/host.inc:133
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Önbellek"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:134
+#: ../inc/host.inc:133
msgid "%1 KB"
msgstr "%1 KB"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:139
msgid "Swap space"
msgstr "Sanal bellek"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:143
+#: ../inc/host.inc:142
msgid "Total disk space"
msgstr "Toplam disk alanı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:143 ../inc/host.inc:146
+#: ../inc/host.inc:142 ../inc/host.inc:145
msgid "%1 GB"
msgstr "%1 GB"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:146
+#: ../inc/host.inc:145
msgid "Free Disk Space"
msgstr "Boş disk alanı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:150
+#: ../inc/host.inc:149
msgid "Measured floating point speed"
msgstr "Ölçülen kayan nokta hızı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:150 ../inc/host.inc:153
+#: ../inc/host.inc:149 ../inc/host.inc:152
msgid "%1 million ops/sec"
msgstr "%1 milyon işl/sn"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:153
+#: ../inc/host.inc:152
msgid "Measured integer speed"
msgstr "Ölçülen tamsayı hızı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:159
+#: ../inc/host.inc:156 ../inc/host.inc:158
msgid "Average upload rate"
msgstr "Ortalama gönderme hızı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:164
+#: ../inc/host.inc:156 ../inc/host.inc:163
msgid "%1 KB/sec"
msgstr "%1 KB/sn"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
+#: ../inc/host.inc:158 ../inc/host.inc:165 ../inc/result.inc:216
#: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
#: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmiyor"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:164 ../inc/host.inc:166
+#: ../inc/host.inc:163 ../inc/host.inc:165
msgid "Average download rate"
msgstr "Ortalama indirme hızı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
+#: ../inc/host.inc:168 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
msgid "Average turnaround time"
msgstr "Ortalama geri dönüş zamanı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/forum_search.php:46 ../user/forum_search.php:47
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:48 ../user/forum_search.php:49
+#: ../inc/host.inc:168 ../user/forum_search.php:48 ../user/forum_search.php:49
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:50 ../user/forum_search.php:51
msgid "%1 days"
msgstr "%1 gün"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:170
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169
msgid "Application details"
msgstr "Uygulama detayları"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:171
+#: ../inc/host.inc:170
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Göster"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:181 ../inc/host.inc:336 ../inc/user.inc:152
+#: ../inc/host.inc:180 ../inc/host.inc:341 ../inc/user.inc:155
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "İşler"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:185 ../inc/host.inc:206
+#: ../inc/host.inc:184 ../inc/host.inc:206
msgid "Number of times client has contacted server"
msgstr "İstemcinin sunucuya bağlanma sayısı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:186
+#: ../inc/host.inc:185
msgid "Last time contacted server"
msgstr "Sunucuya son bağlandığı zaman"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:187
-msgid "% of time BOINC is running"
-msgstr "BOINC'in çalışır durumda olduğu zaman yüzdesi"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:186
+msgid "Fraction of time BOINC is running"
+msgstr "BOINC'in çalışır durumda olduğu zaman oranı"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:188
+msgid ""
+"While BOINC is running, fraction of time computer has an Internet connection"
+msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, bilgisayarın internet bağlantısına sahip olduğu zaman oranı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:189
-msgid "While BOINC running, % of time host has an Internet connection"
-msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, bilgisayarın internet bağlantısına sahip olduğu zaman yüzdesi"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:190
+msgid "While BOINC is running, fraction of time computing is allowed"
+msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, yeni işlerin kabul edildiği zaman oranı"
#: ../inc/host.inc:191
-msgid "While BOINC running, % of time work is allowed"
-msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, yeni işlerin kabul edildiği zaman yüzdesi"
+msgid "While is BOINC running, fraction of time GPU computing is allowed"
+msgstr "BOINC çalışırken, yeni işlerin kabul edildiği zaman oranı"
#: ../inc/host.inc:193
msgid "Average CPU efficiency"
@@ -718,7 +860,7 @@ msgstr "Ortalama CPU verimi"
msgid "Task duration correction factor"
msgstr "İş süre düzeltme çarpanı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:198 ../inc/host.inc:674
+#: ../inc/host.inc:198 ../inc/host.inc:679
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"
@@ -734,7 +876,7 @@ msgstr "Bu bilgisayarın yinelenen kayıtlarını birleştir"
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Birleştir"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:207 ../inc/host.inc:689
+#: ../inc/host.inc:207 ../inc/host.inc:694
msgid "Last contact"
msgstr "Son bağlantı"
@@ -742,30 +884,30 @@ msgstr "Son bağlantı"
msgid "Computer info"
msgstr "Bilgisayar bilgisi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:371
#: ../user/top_users.php:48
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Sıra"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:225 ../inc/host.inc:679
+#: ../inc/host.inc:225 ../inc/host.inc:684
msgid "Avg. credit"
msgstr "Ort. kredi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
-#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:111 ../inc/team.inc:230
+#: ../inc/team.inc:239 ../inc/team.inc:241 ../inc/team.inc:377
+#: ../inc/team.inc:382 ../inc/user.inc:140
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:81 ../user/team_email_list.php:73
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:44 ../user/top_users.php:53
#: ../user/top_users.php:58
msgid "Recent average credit"
msgstr "Güncel ortalama kredi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:236 ../inc/host.inc:684 ../inc/result.inc:51
+#: ../inc/host.inc:236 ../inc/host.inc:689 ../inc/result.inc:51
#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:25
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:237 ../inc/host.inc:685
+#: ../inc/host.inc:237 ../inc/host.inc:690
msgid "GPU"
msgstr "GPU"
@@ -773,91 +915,83 @@ msgstr "GPU"
msgid "Operating system"
msgstr "İşletim sistemi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:315
+#: ../inc/host.inc:320
msgid "(%1 processors)"
msgstr "(%1 işlemci)"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:335
+#: ../inc/host.inc:340
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaylar"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:340
+#: ../inc/host.inc:345
msgid "Cross-project stats:"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje ist.:"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:515
+#: ../inc/host.inc:520
msgid "Host %1 has overlapping lifetime:"
msgstr "Sunucu %1 kullanım süresi olarak örtüşmüyor:"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:522
+#: ../inc/host.inc:527
msgid "Host %1 has an incompatible OS:"
msgstr "Sunucu %1 farklı bir işletim sistemine sahip:"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:528
+#: ../inc/host.inc:533
msgid "Host %1 has an incompatible CPU:"
msgstr "Sunucu %1 farklı bir CPU'ya sahip:"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:595
+#: ../inc/host.inc:600
msgid "same host"
msgstr "aynı sunucu"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:598
+#: ../inc/host.inc:603
msgid "Can't merge host %1 into %2 - they're incompatible"
msgstr "Sunucu %1 ile %2 birleştirilemedi. Birbirlerinden farklılar"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:601
+#: ../inc/host.inc:606
msgid "Merging host %1 into host %2"
msgstr "Sunucu %1, %2 ile birleştiriliyor"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:618
+#: ../inc/host.inc:623
msgid "Couldn't update credit of new computer"
msgstr "Yeni bilgisayarın kredisi güncellenemedi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:622
+#: ../inc/host.inc:627
msgid "Couldn't update results"
msgstr "Sonuçlar güncellenemedi"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:627
+#: ../inc/host.inc:632
msgid "Couldn't retire old computer"
msgstr "Eski bilgisayar kullanımdan kaldırılamadı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:629
+#: ../inc/host.inc:634
msgid "Retired old computer %1"
msgstr "Eski bilgisayar %1 kullanımdan kaldırıldı"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
+#: ../inc/host.inc:657 ../inc/host.inc:660
msgid "Show:"
msgstr "Göster:"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
+#: ../inc/host.inc:657 ../inc/host.inc:660
msgid "All computers"
msgstr "Tüm bilgisayarlar"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
+#: ../inc/host.inc:657 ../inc/host.inc:660
msgid "Only computers active in past 30 days"
msgstr "Yalnızca son 30 gün içerisinde aktif olan bilgisayarlar"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:666 ../inc/result.inc:637
+#: ../inc/host.inc:671 ../inc/result.inc:642
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "Bilgisayar NO"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
-#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
-#: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "İsim"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:682
+#: ../inc/host.inc:687
msgid "BOINC<br>version"
msgstr "BOINC<br>sürümü"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
+#: ../inc/host.inc:750 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
msgid "Merge computers by name"
msgstr "Bilgisayarları isme göre birleştir"
-#: ../inc/language_names.inc:61
+#: ../inc/language_names.inc:62
msgid "Browser default"
msgstr "Tarayıcı varsayılanı"
@@ -870,29 +1004,29 @@ msgstr "Yorumlar"
msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
msgstr "Haberler bir %sRSS beslemesi%s olarak da mevcuttur"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:25 ../inc/pm.inc:174 ../user/pm.php:69 ../user/pm.php:148
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:25 ../inc/pm.inc:176 ../user/pm.php:69 ../user/pm.php:153
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr "Gelen kutusu"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:26 ../inc/pm.inc:178
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:26 ../inc/pm.inc:180
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Yaz"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:458
msgid "Send private message"
msgstr "Özel mesaj gönder"
#: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:74 ../user/forum_reply.php:107
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:109 ../user/forum_reply.php:165 ../user/pm.php:181
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:65 ../user/forum_post.php:91
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:93 ../user/forum_post.php:134
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:77 ../user/forum_reply.php:110
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:115 ../user/forum_reply.php:171 ../user/pm.php:186
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Önizleme"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:48 ../user/pm.php:131
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:48 ../user/pm.php:136
msgid "no such message"
msgstr "eşleşen mesaj yok"
@@ -904,7 +1038,7 @@ msgstr "Alıcı"
msgid "User IDs or unique usernames, separated with commas"
msgstr "Kullanıcı NO'ları ya da benzersiz kullanıcı adları, virgülle ayrılmış"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:85 ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:139
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:85 ../user/pm.php:90 ../user/pm.php:144
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Konu"
@@ -912,373 +1046,505 @@ msgstr "Konu"
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Mesaj gönder"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:121
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:122
msgid "sent you a private message; subject:"
msgstr "size özel mesaj gönderdi; konu:"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:127
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:129
msgid "Private message%1 from %2, subject:"
msgstr "Özel mesaj %1, %2 kişisinden, konu:"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:135
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:137
msgid "Couldn't create message"
msgstr "mesaj oluşturulamadı"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:166
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:168
msgid ""
"You are not allowed to send privates messages so often. Please wait some "
"time before sending more messages."
msgstr "Çok sık aralıklarla özel mesaj gönderemezsiniz. Yeni mesaj göndermek için lütfen bir süre bekleyin."
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:176 ../user/forum_forum.php:186
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:178 ../user/forum_forum.php:190
msgid "unread"
msgstr "okunmamış"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:186
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:188
msgid "For email notification, %1edit community prefs%2"
msgstr "E-posta uyarısı için, %1topluluk tercihlerini düzenleyin%2"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:198
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:204
msgid "Private message"
msgstr "Özel mesaj"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:77
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:45 ../inc/prefs.inc:187
+msgid "Usage limits"
+msgstr "Kullanım sınırlamaları"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:47 ../inc/prefs.inc:55
+msgid "Use at most"
+msgstr "En çok"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:49
+#, no-php-format
msgid ""
-"Suspend work while computer is on battery power? %1 Matters only for "
-"portable computers %2"
-msgstr "Bilgisayar pil gücünde olduğunda çalışma duraklatılsın mı? %1 Yalnızca taşınabilir bilgisayarlara uygulanır. %2"
+"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
+"on an 8-core CPU."
+msgstr "Bazı CPU (işlemci) çekirdeklerini diğer uygulamalar için boşta tut. Örneğin %75, 8 çekirdekli işlemcinin 6 çekirdeğinin kullanılmasını sağlar."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:85
-msgid "Suspend work while computer is in use?"
-msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımda olduğunda çalışma duraklatılsın mı?"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:52
+#, no-php-format
+msgid "% of the CPUs"
+msgstr "% kadar CPU çekirdeği kullan"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:91
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:57
+#, no-php-format
msgid ""
-"Suspend GPU work while computer is in use? %1 Enforced by version 6.6.21+ %2"
-msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımda olduğunda GPU kullanımı duraklatılsın mı? %1 Sürüm 6.6.21 ve üzeri için. %2"
+"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
+"energy usage. Example: 75% means compute for 3 seconds, wait for 1 second, "
+"and repeat."
+msgstr "Her birkaç saniyede bir hesaplamayı durdurmak/sürdürmek, CPU (işlemci) sıcaklığını ve enerji kullanımını azaltır. Örneğin %75, 3 saniye hesaplama, 1 saniye bekleme ve bunu tekrarlama demektir."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:99
-msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last"
-msgstr "Bilgisayarı, yani fare ve klavyeyi bu kadar süre kullanmadığımda çalışma başlasın"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:60
+#, no-php-format
+msgid "% of CPU time"
+msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:101 ../inc/prefs.inc:110 ../inc/prefs.inc:144
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "dakika"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:62 ../inc/prefs.inc:208
+msgid "When to suspend"
+msgstr "Duraklatıldığında"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:105
-msgid ""
-"Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last %1 Needed to enter low-"
-"power mode on some computers %2"
-msgstr "Bu kadar süre fare/klavye aktivitesi yoksa çalışma duraklasın %1 Bazı bilgisayarlarda, düşük güç moduna geçmek için gerekli. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:64
+msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar pil gücünde olduğunda duraklat"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:114
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:65
msgid ""
-"Suspend work when non-BOINC CPU usage is above %1 0 means no "
-"restriction<br>Enforced by version 6.10.30+ %2"
-msgstr "BOINC dışındaki uygulamaların CPU kullanımı bu orandan fazlaysa çalışma duraklasın %1 0 yazılırsa sınırlama olmaz<br>Sürüm 6.10.30 ve üzeri için. %2"
+"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
+msgstr "Taşınabilir cihazlar pil gücünde olduğunda hesaplamayı duraklatmak için işaretleyin."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:122
-msgid "Do work only between the hours of %1 No restriction if equal %2"
-msgstr "İşler hergün yalnızca bu saatler arasında çalışsın %1 İki kutuya da aynı saat yazılırsa sınırlama ortadan kalkar. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:70
+msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımda olduğunda duraklat"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:130
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:71
msgid ""
-"Leave tasks in memory while suspended? %1 Suspended tasks will consume swap "
-"space if 'yes' %2"
-msgstr "Durakladığında uygulamalar bellekte kalsın mı? %1 'Evet'i seçerseniz, uygulamalar durakladığında sanal bellekte yer işgal etmeyi sürdürür. %2"
+"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızı kullandığınız sırada hesaplamanın ve dosya aktarımının duraklatılması için işaretleyin."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:139
-msgid "Switch between tasks every %1 Recommended: 60 minutes %2"
-msgstr "Çalışan uygulama bu kadar sürede bir değişsin %1 Önerilen: 60 dakika. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:76
+msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımda olduğunda GPU ile hesaplamayı duraklat"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:147
-msgid "On multiprocessors, use at most"
-msgstr "Çok işlemcili sistemlerde işlemcilerin en fazla"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:77
+msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızı kullandığınız sırada GPU ile (ekran kartı) hesaplamanın duraklatılması için işaretleyin."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:149
-msgid "processors"
-msgstr "adeti kullanılsın"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:82
+msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
+msgstr "'Kullanımda', en son bu kadar süre önce fare/klavye kullanıldı demektir:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:153
-msgid "On multiprocessors, use at most %1 Enforced by version 6.1+ %2"
-msgstr "Çok işlemcili sistemlerde, işlemcilerin en fazla %1 Sürüm 6.1+ ve üzeri için geçerli. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:83
+msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
+msgstr "Bu, bilgisayarın ne zaman 'kullanımda' kabul edildiğini belirler."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:158
-msgid "% of the processors"
-msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:85 ../inc/prefs.inc:92 ../inc/prefs.inc:122
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "dakika"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:162
-msgid "Use at most %1 Can be used to reduce CPU heat %2"
-msgstr "CPU zamanının en fazla %1 CPU sıcaklığını azaltmak için kullanılabilir. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:89
+msgid "Suspend when no mouse/keyboard input in last"
+msgstr "Fare ve klavyeyi bu kadar süre kullanmadığımda duraklatılsın"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:167
-msgid "% of CPU time"
-msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:90
+msgid "This allows some computers to enter low-power mode when not in use."
+msgstr "Bu, bazı bilgisayarların kullanılmadığı zaman düşük güç moduna girmesini sağlar."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:175 ../inc/prefs.inc:189
-msgid "Disk: use at most"
-msgstr "Disk: En fazla kullanım"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:95
+msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
+msgstr "BOINC harici CPU kullanımı bunu aşarsa duraklat:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:177 ../inc/prefs.inc:186
-msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:96
+msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınız diğer uygulamaları çalıştırmakla meşgulse hesaplama duraklatılır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:180
-msgid "Disk: leave free at least %1 Values smaller than %2 are ignored %3"
-msgstr "Disk: En az kullanım %1 %2'den küçük değerler görmezden gelinecek %3"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:101
+msgid "Compute only between"
+msgstr "Yalnızca bu saatler arasında hesapla"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:191 ../inc/prefs.inc:201 ../inc/prefs.inc:206
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:211
-msgid "% of total"
-msgstr "% kadar "
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:102
+msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
+msgstr "Hesaplama her gün sadece belirli saatler arasında yapılır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:194
-msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
-msgstr "İşler kontrol noktasını diske en fazla bu kadar sürede bir kaydetsin"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:105 ../inc/prefs.inc:214
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:70
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:65
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:63 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:61
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Diğer"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:196
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:107
+msgid "Store at least"
+msgstr "En az"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:108
+msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
+msgstr "En azından bilgisayarı bu kadar süre boyunca meşgul tutmaya yetecek miktarda iş depolanır."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:110 ../inc/prefs.inc:116
+msgid "days of work"
+msgstr "günlük iş depola"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:113
+msgid "Store up to an additional"
+msgstr "Ek olarak da depoda"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:114
+msgid ""
+"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
+" requested when contacting a project."
+msgstr "Asgari düzeyin üzerinde ek işler depolayın. Bir proje ile iletişime geçildiğinde ne kadar iş talep edileceğini belirler."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:119
+msgid "Switch between tasks about every"
+msgstr "Bu kadar sürede bir, çalışan uygulamayı değiştir:"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:120
+msgid "If you run several projects, BOINC may switch between them this often."
+msgstr "Birden fazla proje çalıştırıyorsanız, %s bu kadar sürede bir çalışan projenin işini durdurup, başka bir işi çalıştıracaktır."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:125
+msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
+msgstr "İşlerin, kontrol noktasını diske yazma aralığı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:126
+msgid ""
+"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
+"restarted later."
+msgstr "Bu, işlerin diske kendi durumunu ne sıklıkta kaydedeceğini kontrol eder. Böylece daha sonra, son kaydedilen konumdan yeniden başlatılabilirler."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:128
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "saniye"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:199
-msgid "Swap space: use at most"
-msgstr "Sanal bellek: En fazla kullanım"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:136 ../inc/prefs.inc:148
+msgid "Use no more than"
+msgstr "Bundan fazlasını kullanma:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:204
-msgid "Memory: when computer is in use, use at most"
-msgstr "Bellek: Bilgisayar kullanımdayken en fazla kullanım"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:137
+msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by BOINC."
+msgstr "BOINC tarafından kullanılabilecek toplam disk alanını sınırlandırın."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:209
-msgid "Memory: when computer is not in use, use at most"
-msgstr "Bellek: Bilgisayar boştayken en fazla kullanım"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:139
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "GB"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:218
-msgid "Maintain enough tasks to keep busy for at least%1(max 10 days).%2"
-msgstr "En az bu süre kadar meşgul tutacak miktarda iş bulundur%1(en fazla 10 gün).%2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:142
+msgid "Leave at least"
+msgstr "En az"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
-#: ../inc/util.inc:274
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "gün"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:143
+msgid ""
+"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where BOINC "
+"stores data."
+msgstr "BOINC'in verilerini depoladığı diskte en az bu kadar boş alan kalacak şekilde disk kullanımını sınırla."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:226
-msgid "... and up to an additional"
-msgstr "... ve ek olarak da depoda bu kadar iş bulunsun"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:145
+msgid "GB free"
+msgstr "GB boş alan"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:232
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:149
msgid ""
-"Confirm before connecting to Internet? %1 Matters only if you have a modem, "
-"ISDN or VPN connection %2"
-msgstr "İnternete bağlanmadan önce onay istensin mi? %1 Yalnızca bir modeme, ISDN ya da VPN bağlantısına sahip olmanız durumunda. %2"
+"Limit the percentage of disk space used by BOINC on the volume where it "
+"stores data."
+msgstr "BOINC'in verilerini depoladığı diskin en fazla bu kadar yüzdesi kullanılacak şekilde disk kullanımını sınırla."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
-msgid ""
-"Disconnect when done? %1 Matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN "
-"connection %2"
-msgstr "Tamamlandığında bağlantı kesilsin mi? %1 Yalnızca bir modeme, ISDN ya da VPN bağlantısına sahip olmanız durumunda. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:152
+#, no-php-format
+msgid "% of total"
+msgstr "% kadar "
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:249
-msgid "Maximum download rate:"
-msgstr "En yüksek indirme hızı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:158
+msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kullanımdayken, en fazla bu kadar kullan:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:251 ../inc/prefs.inc:256
-msgid "Kbytes/sec"
-msgstr "KB/sn"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:159
+msgid "Limit the memory used by BOINC when you're using the computer."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızı kullandığınız sırada BOINC tarafından kullanılabilecek belek (RAM) miktarını sınırlayın."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:254
-msgid "Maximum upload rate:"
-msgstr "En yüksek gönderme hızı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:162 ../inc/prefs.inc:169 ../inc/prefs.inc:182
+#, no-php-format
+msgid "%"
+msgstr "%"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:259
-msgid "Use network only between the hours of"
-msgstr "Ağ bağlantısı yalnızca bu saatler arasında kullanılsın"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:165
+msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar boştayken, en fazla bu kadar kullan:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:263
-msgid "Transfer at most %1 Enforced by version 6.10.46+ %2"
-msgstr "İnternet kullanım kotası %1 Sürüm 6.10.46 ve üzeri için geçerli. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:166
+msgid "Limit the memory used by BOINC when you're not using the computer."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınız boştayken BOINC tarafından kullanılabilecek belek (RAM) miktarını sınırlayın."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:269
-msgid "Mbytes every"
-msgstr "MB, her"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:172
+msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
+msgstr "Durakladığında GPU-olmayan işleri bellekte bırak"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:274
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:173
msgid ""
-"Skip image file verification? %1 Check this ONLY if your Internet provider "
-"modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example). %2 Skipping verification"
-" reduces the security of BOINC. %3"
-msgstr "Resim dosyasıyla doğrulama atlansın mı? %1 YALNIZCA, internet sağlayıcınız resim dosyalarını değiştiriyorsa işaretleyin (örneğin UMTS bunu yapabilir). %2 Resim dosyasıyla doğrulamayı atlamak, BOINC'in güvenliğini azaltır. %3"
+"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
+" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
+"last checkpoint."
+msgstr "İşaretliyse, duraklatılan görevler bellekte kalır ve hiçbir kayıp yaşanmadan çalışmaya devam eder. İşaretlenmezse, duraklatılan görevler bellekten kaldırılır ve son kontrol noktasından devam eder."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:287
-msgid ""
-"Resource share %1 Determines the proportion of your computer's resources "
-"allocated to this project. Example: if you participate in two BOINC projects"
-" with resource shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your "
-"resources and the second will get 2/3. %2"
-msgstr "Kaynak paylaşımı %1 Bilgisayarınızın bu projeye ayırılacak kaynak oranını belirler. Örneğin: Bilgisayarınızda iki BOINC projesine katıldıysanız ve projelere 100 ve 200 kaynak ayrıldıysa, ilk proje kaynakların 1/3'ünü, ikincisi ise 2/3'ünü kullanır. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:178
+msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
+msgstr "Disk belleği/swap dosyasını en fazla bu kadar kullan:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:298
-msgid "Accelerate GPU tasks by dedicating a CPU to each one?"
-msgstr "GPU işleri, işlerin her birine birer CPU atanarak hızlandırılsın mı?"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:179
+msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by BOINC."
+msgstr "BOINC'in disk belleği (swap dosyası) kullanımını sınırlandırır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:308
-msgid "Use CPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
-msgstr "CPU kullanılsın %1 Sürüm 6.10 ve üzeri için. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:189
+msgid "Limit download rate to"
+msgstr "İndirme hızını bununla sınırla:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:320
-msgid "Use ATI GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
-msgstr "ATI GPU kullanılsın %1 Sürüm 6.10 ve üzeri için. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:190
+msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
+msgstr "Dosya transferlerinde indirme hızı bununla sınırlanır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:332
-msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
-msgstr "NVIDIA GPU kullanılsın %1 Sürüm 6.10 ve üzeri için. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:192 ../inc/prefs.inc:198
+msgid "KB/second"
+msgstr "KB/saniye"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
-msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr "Intel GPU kullanılsın %1 Sürüm 7.2 ve üzeri için. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:195
+msgid "Limit upload rate to"
+msgstr "Gönderme hızını bunula sınırla:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
-msgid ""
-"Run test applications? %1 This helps us develop applications, but may cause "
-"jobs to fail on your computer %2"
-msgstr "Test uygulamaları çalıştırılsın mı? %1 Bu, uygulamaları geliştirme konusunda bize yardımcı olacak. Ancak, bazen iş hesaplamalarının başarısız olmasına sebep olabilir. %2"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:196
+msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
+msgstr "Dosya transferlerinde gönderme hızı bununla sınırlanır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:367
-msgid ""
-"Emails will be sent from %1; make sure your spam filter accepts this "
-msgstr "E-postalar %1 adresinden gönderilecek; gereksiz posta (spam) filtrenizin bu adresi kabul ettiğinden emin olun."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:201
+msgid "Limit usage to"
+msgstr "Kullanımı bunula sınırla:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:374
-msgid "Is it OK for %1 and your team (if any) to email you?"
-msgstr "Takımınızın (eğer varsa) ve %1 projesinin size e-posta göndermesine izin verilsin mi?"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:202
+msgid "Example: BOINC should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
+msgstr "Örneğin, BOINC son 30 günde en fazla 2000 MB veri aktarımı yapabilecektir."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:380
-msgid "Should %1 show your computers on its web site?"
-msgstr "%1, projeye katıldığınız bilgisayarları bu internet sitesi üzerinde göstersin mi?"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:205
+msgid "MB every"
+msgstr "MB, son"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:387
-msgid "Disk and memory usage"
-msgstr "Disk ve bellek kullanımı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:206 ../inc/util.inc:303
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "gün"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:388
-msgid "Processor usage"
-msgstr "İşlemci kullanımı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:210
+msgid "Transfer files only between"
+msgstr "Dosyaları bu saatler arasında aktar"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:389
-msgid "Network usage"
-msgstr "Ağ kullanımı"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:211
+msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
+msgstr "Dosyalar her gün sadece belirli saatler arasında aktarılır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:392
-msgid ""
-"These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
-msgstr "Bu tercihler, katıldığınız tüm BOINC projelerine uygulanacak."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:216
+msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
+msgstr "Görüntü dosyaları için veri doğrulamasını atla"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:395
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:217
msgid ""
-"%1Unable to update preferences.%2 The values marked in red below were out of"
-" range or not numeric."
-msgstr "%1Tercihler güncellenemedi.%2 Kırmızıyla işaretlenen değerler izin verilen aralık dışında ya da rakam değiller."
+"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
+"verification reduces the security of BOINC."
+msgstr "İnternet servis sağlayıcınız görüntü dosyalarını değiştiriyorsa bunu işaretleyin. Doğrulamayı atlamak, BOINC'in güvenliğini zayıflatacaktır."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:445
-msgid "bad venue: %1"
-msgstr "geçersiz yetki: %1"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:222
+msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
+msgstr "İnternete bağlanmadan önce onay iste"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:451
-msgid "bad subset: %1"
-msgstr "geçersiz altküme: %1"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:229
+msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
+msgstr "Bir modem, ISDN ya da VPN bağlantısına sahipseniz kullanışlı olabilir."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:671 ../inc/prefs.inc:674 ../inc/prefs.inc:1025
-#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:93 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:85
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "Evet"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:228
+msgid "Disconnect when done"
+msgstr "Tamamlandığında bağlantıyı kes"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:671 ../inc/prefs.inc:674 ../inc/prefs.inc:1027
-#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:93 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:87
-msgid "no"
-msgstr "Hayır"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:235 ../user/explain_state.php:94
+msgid "Computing"
+msgstr "Hesaplama"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:679 ../user/forum_search.php:53
-msgid "no limit"
-msgstr "Sınırlama yok"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:236
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:704 ../user/team_admins.php:79
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Ekle"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:238
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Ağ-İnternet"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:706 ../inc/prefs.inc:834
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:160 ../user/team_admins.php:34
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Kaldır"
+#. These texts are used in multiple places in prefs_edit.php and add_venue.php
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
+msgid ""
+"These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
+msgstr "Bu tercihler, katıldığınız tüm BOINC projelerine uygulanacak."
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:812 ../user/explain_state.php:94
-msgid "Computing"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:244
+msgid ""
+"%1Unable to update preferences.%2 The values marked in red below were out of"
+" range or not numeric."
+msgstr "%1Tercihler güncellenemedi.%2 Kırmızıyla işaretlenen değerler izin verilen aralık dışında ya da rakam değiller."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:472
+msgid "computing"
msgstr "Hesaplama"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:823
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:483
msgid "Separate preferences for %1"
msgstr "%1 için ayrı tercihler"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:833 ../inc/prefs.inc:914
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:493 ../inc/prefs.inc:528 ../inc/prefs_project.inc:291
msgid "Edit preferences"
msgstr "Tercihleri düzenle"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:839
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:494 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:149
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:36
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Kaldır"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:499
msgid "Add separate preferences for %1"
msgstr "%1 için ayrı tercihler oluştur"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:847 ../inc/prefs.inc:895
-msgid "(Switch View)"
-msgstr "(görünümü değiştir)"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:849 ../inc/prefs.inc:898
-msgid "Combined preferences"
-msgstr "Ortak tercihler"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:854
-msgid "Project specific settings"
-msgstr "Projeye özel ayarlar"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:506
+msgid "These settings apply to all computers using this account except"
+msgstr "Bu ayarlar, BOINC Manager'ı kullanarak tercihlerini yerel olarak belirlediğiniz "
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:862 ../inc/prefs.inc:907
-msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
-msgstr "Birincil (varsayılan) tercihler"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:508
+msgid ""
+"computers where you have set preferences locally using the BOINC Manager"
+msgstr "bilgisayarlar dışındaki, bu hesabı kullanan tüm bilgisayarlar için geçerlidir"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
-#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
-#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
-msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
-msgstr "%1 tercihlerini düzenle"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:510
+msgid "Android devices"
+msgstr "Android cihazları"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:885
-msgid "These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate."
-msgstr "Bu tercihler, katıldığınız tüm BOINC projelerine uygulanacak."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:513
+msgid "(Switch view)"
+msgstr "(Görünümü değiştir)"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:887
-msgid ""
-"On computers participating in multiple projects, the most recently modified "
-"preferences will be used."
-msgstr "Çok sayıda projeye katıldığınız bilgisayarlarda, değiştirilme tarihi en yakın olan tercihler kullanılacak."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:515 ../inc/prefs_project.inc:272
+msgid "Combined preferences"
+msgstr "Birleştirilmiş tercihler"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:889
-msgid "These preferences do not apply to Android devices."
-msgstr "Bu tercihler Android cihazlara uygulanmaz."
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:522 ../inc/prefs_project.inc:283
+msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
+msgstr "Birincil (varsayılan) tercihler"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:892
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:537
msgid "Preferences last modified:"
msgstr "Tercihlerin son güncellenmesi:"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:944
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:553
msgid "Add preferences"
msgstr "Tercihleri ekle"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:948
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:557
msgid "Update preferences"
msgstr "Tercihleri güncelle"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:1036 ../inc/prefs.inc:1045
-msgid "Default computer location"
-msgstr "Varsayılan bilgisayar konumu"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:628 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:84
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:224
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "Evet"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:630 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:86
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:224
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "Hayır"
+#. TODO: make this a subclass of PREF
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:638
+msgid "Default computer location"
+msgstr "Varsayılan bilgisayar konumu"
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:639
+msgid ""
+"New computers will use this location for computing and project preferences."
+msgstr "Yeni bilgisayarlar hesaplama ve proje tercihleri için bu konumu kullanır."
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:52
+msgid "Resource share"
+msgstr "Kaynak paylaşımı"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:53
+msgid ""
+"Determines the proportion of your computer's resources allocated to this "
+"project. For example, if you participate in two BOINC projects with resource"
+" shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your resources and the "
+"second will get 2/3."
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın, bu projeye tahsis edilecek kaynak oranını belirler. Örneğin, 100 ve 200 kaynak payları ile iki BOINC projesine katılırsanız, ilki kaynakların üçte birini, ikincisi ise üçte ikisini kullanacaktır."
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:61
+msgid "Accelerate GPU tasks by dedicating a CPU to each one?"
+msgstr "GPU işleri, işlerin her birine birer CPU atanarak hızlandırılsın mı?"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:70
+msgid "Use CPU"
+msgstr "CPU kullan"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:79
+msgid "Use ATI GPU"
+msgstr "ATI GPU kullan"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:88
+msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU"
+msgstr "NVIDIA GPU kullan"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:97
+msgid "Use Intel GPU"
+msgstr "Intel GPU kullan"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:107
+msgid "Run test applications?"
+msgstr "Test uygulamaları çalıştırılsın mı?"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:108
+msgid ""
+"This helps us develop applications, but may cause jobs to fail on your "
+msgstr "Bu, uygulamaları geliştirme konusunda bize yardımcı olacak. Ancak, bazen iş hesaplamalarının başarısız olmasına sebep olabilir."
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:115
+msgid ""
+"Emails will be sent from %1; make sure your spam filter accepts this "
+msgstr "E-postalar %1 adresinden gönderilecek; gereksiz posta (spam) filtrenizin bu adresi kabul ettiğinden emin olun."
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:123
+msgid "Is it OK for %1 and your team (if any) to email you?"
+msgstr "Takımınızın (eğer varsa) ve %1 projesinin size e-posta göndermesine izin verilsin mi?"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:130
+msgid "Should %1 show your computers on its web site?"
+msgstr "%1, projeye katıldığınız bilgisayarları bu internet sitesi üzerinde göstersin mi?"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:270
+msgid "(Switch View)"
+msgstr "(görünümü değiştir)"
+#: ../inc/prefs_project.inc:276
+msgid "Project specific settings"
+msgstr "Projeye özel ayarlar"
+#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:33
+msgid "bad venue: %1"
+msgstr "geçersiz yetki: %1"
+#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:39
+msgid "bad subset: %1"
+msgstr "geçersiz altküme: %1"
-#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:305 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:315
+#: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:476 ../inc/prefs_util.inc:500
msgid "and"
msgstr "ve"
@@ -1294,7 +1560,7 @@ msgid ""
"people. Please change it."
msgstr "Profiliniz onaylanmadı. Diğerleri tarafından görülemeyecek. Lütfen gerekli kısımları değiştirin."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:172 ../user/friend.php:105 ../user/friend.php:172
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:172 ../user/friend.php:107 ../user/friend.php:174
msgid "Database error"
msgstr "Veritabanı hatası"
@@ -1312,7 +1578,7 @@ msgstr "Kullanıcı uzaklaştırıldı"
msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
msgstr "Bu kullanıcı NO ile eşleşen profil yok."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:317
msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr "Profilinizi düzenleyin"
@@ -1360,11 +1626,12 @@ msgstr "DB içinde yok"
msgid "pending"
msgstr "beklemede"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:114 ../user/forum_search.php:60
+#: ../inc/result.inc:114 ../user/forum_search.php:62
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tümü"
#: ../inc/result.inc:115 ../inc/result.inc:176 ../inc/result.inc:223
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "In progress"
msgstr "Sürmekte"
@@ -1393,6 +1660,7 @@ msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Pasif"
#: ../inc/result.inc:175 ../inc/result.inc:222 ../user/explain_state.php:37
+#: ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Unsent"
msgstr "Gönderilmemiş"
@@ -1557,127 +1825,135 @@ msgid "WU cancelled"
msgstr "İş birimi iptal edildi"
#: ../inc/result.inc:322
+msgid "Canonical result is missing"
+msgstr "Kabul edilebilir sonuç eksik"
+#: ../inc/result.inc:326
msgid "Unrecognized Error: %1"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen hata: %1"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:349
+#: ../inc/result.inc:353
msgid "Task name"
msgstr "İş adı"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:349 ../inc/result.inc:354 ../inc/result.inc:357
-#: ../inc/result.inc:360
+#: ../inc/result.inc:353 ../inc/result.inc:358 ../inc/result.inc:361
+#: ../inc/result.inc:364
msgid "click for details"
msgstr "detaylar için tıklayın"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:349
+#: ../inc/result.inc:353
msgid "Show IDs"
msgstr "NO'ları göster"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:354
+#: ../inc/result.inc:358
msgid "Show names"
msgstr "İsimleri göster"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:357
+#: ../inc/result.inc:361 ../user/result.php:36
msgid "Task"
msgstr "İş"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:360
+#: ../inc/result.inc:364
msgid "Work unit"
msgstr "İş birimi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:369
+#: ../inc/result.inc:373
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Bilgisayar"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:372 ../inc/result.inc:631
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../inc/result.inc:635
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Gönderilme"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:373
+#: ../inc/result.inc:377
msgid "Time reported<br />or deadline"
msgstr "Raporlanma ya da<br />son teslim tarihi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:374
+#: ../inc/result.inc:378
msgid "explain"
msgstr "açıklama"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
+#: ../inc/result.inc:380 ../user/server_status.php:113
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Durum"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:377
+#: ../inc/result.inc:381
msgid "Run time<br />(sec)"
msgstr "Çalışma zamanı<br />(sn)"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:378
+#: ../inc/result.inc:382
msgid "CPU time<br />(sec)"
msgstr "CPU zamanı<br />(sn)"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:379 ../inc/result.inc:642
+#: ../inc/result.inc:383 ../inc/result.inc:646
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "Kredi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:380 ../inc/result.inc:724
+#: ../inc/result.inc:384 ../inc/result.inc:746 ../user/server_status.php:167
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Uygulama"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:629
+#: ../inc/result.inc:633
msgid "Workunit"
msgstr "İş birimi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:632
+#: ../inc/result.inc:636
+msgid "Report deadline"
+msgstr "Son teslim tarihi"
+#: ../inc/result.inc:637
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Alınma tarihi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:633
+#: ../inc/result.inc:638
msgid "Server state"
msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:634
+#: ../inc/result.inc:639
msgid "Outcome"
msgstr "Sonuç"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:635
+#: ../inc/result.inc:640
msgid "Client state"
msgstr "İstemci durumu"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:636
+#: ../inc/result.inc:641
msgid "Exit status"
msgstr "Çıkış kodu"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:638
-msgid "Report deadline"
-msgstr "Son teslim tarihi"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:639
+#: ../inc/result.inc:643
msgid "Run time"
msgstr "Çalışma zamanı"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:640
+#: ../inc/result.inc:644
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU zamanı"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:641
+#: ../inc/result.inc:645
msgid "Validate state"
msgstr "Doğrulama durumu"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:643
+#: ../inc/result.inc:647
+msgid "Device peak FLOPS"
+msgstr "Cihaz en yüksek FLOP"
+#: ../inc/result.inc:648
msgid "Application version"
msgstr "Uygulama sürümü"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:656
+#: ../inc/result.inc:673
msgid "Output files"
msgstr "Çıktı dosyaları"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:659
+#: ../inc/result.inc:676
msgid "Stderr output"
msgstr "Stderr çıktısı"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:706
+#: ../inc/result.inc:728
msgid "State"
msgstr "Durum"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#: ../inc/result.inc:769
msgid "Task name:"
msgstr "İş adı:"
@@ -1693,17 +1969,7 @@ msgstr "Anahtar kelimeler"
msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
msgstr "Takımları, isimleri ya da tanıtımlarındaki bu kelimelere göre bul"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
-#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
-#: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
-#: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
-msgid "Country"
-msgstr "Ülke"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:473
msgid "Type of team"
msgstr "Takımın tipi"
@@ -1711,7 +1977,7 @@ msgstr "Takımın tipi"
msgid "Show only active teams"
msgstr "Yalnızca aktif takımları göster"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:78 ../user/user_search.php:70
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"
@@ -1731,8 +1997,8 @@ msgstr "Değişim talep ettiniz"
msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
msgstr "kurucunun son yanıt tarihi %1."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
-#: ../inc/user.inc:371
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:575 ../inc/user.inc:358
+#: ../inc/user.inc:449
msgid "None"
msgstr "Yok"
@@ -1744,490 +2010,483 @@ msgstr "İstekte bulun"
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Ertelendi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:87
+#: ../inc/team.inc:91
msgid "Team info"
msgstr "Takım bilgisi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:89 ../user/team_forum.php:70 ../user/team_search.php:69
+#: ../inc/team.inc:93 ../user/team_forum.php:72 ../user/team_search.php:82
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tanıtım"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:97
+#: ../inc/team.inc:106
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "İnternet sitesi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:120
+#: ../inc/team.inc:132
msgid "Cross-project stats"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje istatistikleri"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:135 ../inc/team.inc:388 ../user/team_search.php:84
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tip"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:139 ../user/team_manage.php:65
msgid "Message board"
msgstr "Mesaj panosu"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140 ../user/forum_forum.php:138 ../user/forum_index.php:98
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Konu başlıkları"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
msgid "Join this team"
msgstr "Bu takıma katıl"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:137
+#: ../inc/team.inc:149
msgid ""
"Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
"gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr "Not: Topluluk tercihlerinizde 'e-postayla uyarı' aktifse, katıldığınızda takım kurucusu e-posta adresinizi görebilecek."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:140
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
msgid "Not accepting new members"
msgstr "Yeni üyeler kabul edilmiyor"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:159
msgid "Foundership change requested"
msgstr "Kurucu değişimi talep edildi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:148
+#: ../inc/team.inc:160
msgid "Respond by %1"
msgstr "%1 tarihine kadar yanıtlanmalı"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:152
+#: ../inc/team.inc:164
msgid "Team foundership change"
msgstr "Takım kurucusu değişimi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
+#: ../inc/team.inc:168 ../inc/team.inc:373
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Üyeler"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169 ../inc/team.inc:268
msgid "Founder"
msgstr "Kurucu"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:169
+#: ../inc/team.inc:183
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Yöneticiler"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:198
msgid "New members in last day"
msgstr "Son günlerdeki yeni üyeler"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199
msgid "Total members"
msgstr "Toplam üye"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
+#: ../inc/team.inc:199 ../inc/team.inc:200 ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "view"
msgstr "bak"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:200
msgid "Active members"
msgstr "Aktif üye"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:187
+#: ../inc/team.inc:201
msgid "Members with credit"
msgstr "Kredisi bulunan üye"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:256
+#: ../inc/team.inc:270
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Yönetici"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
-#: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
-#: ../user/top_users.php:127
+#: ../inc/team.inc:291 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:124
+#: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:123
+#: ../user/top_users.php:128
msgid "Previous %1"
msgstr "Önceki %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
-#: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
+#: ../inc/team.inc:295 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:133
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:63 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
+#: ../user/top_teams.php:128 ../user/top_users.php:133
msgid "Next %1"
msgstr "Sonraki %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:289
+#: ../inc/team.inc:303
msgid "No such team."
msgstr "Eşleşen takım yok."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:302
+#: ../inc/team.inc:316
msgid "This operation requires foundership."
msgstr "Bu işlem kurucu olmayı gerektirir."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:326
+#: ../inc/team.inc:340
msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
msgstr "Bu işlem takım yöneticisi hakları gerektirir."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:422
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
msgid ""
"WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon"
" be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
msgstr "UYARI: Bu bir BOINC genişletilmiş-takımıdır. Eğer burada değişiklikler yaparsanız, bir süre sonra üzerine yazılabilir. Bunun yerine, %1BOINC genişletilmiş-takım%2ı düzenleyin."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:428
+#: ../inc/team.inc:448
msgid ""
"%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
"share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
msgstr "%1Gizlilik notu%2: Bir takım kurarsanız, proje tercihleriniz (kaynak paylaşımı, grafik tercihleri) herkese görünür olacaktır."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:432
+#: ../inc/team.inc:452
msgid "Team name, text version"
msgstr "Takım adı, salt metin sürümü"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:453
msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
msgstr "HTML etiketleri kullanmayın."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:436
+#: ../inc/team.inc:456
msgid "Team name, HTML version"
msgstr "Takım adı, HTML sürümü"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
+#: ../inc/team.inc:458 ../inc/team.inc:468
msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
msgstr "%1Sınırlı HTML etiketleri%2 kullanabilirsiniz."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439
+#: ../inc/team.inc:459
msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
msgstr "HTML bilmiyorsanız, bu bölümü boş bırakın."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:442
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
msgstr "Varsa, takımın İnternet sitesi adresi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:442
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
msgid "without \"http://\""
msgstr "\"http://\" olmadan"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:463
msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
msgstr "Belirttiğiniz URL, takımın bu sitedeki sayfasında gösterilecek."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:446
+#: ../inc/team.inc:466
msgid "Description of team"
msgstr "Takımın tanıtımı"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:462
+#: ../inc/team.inc:482
msgid "Accept new members?"
msgstr "Yeni üyeler kabul edilsin mi?"
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:30
msgid "User profile"
msgstr "Kullanıcı profili"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:119
+#: ../inc/user.inc:120
msgid "Projects in which you are participating"
msgstr "Katıldığınız projeler"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:121
+#: ../inc/user.inc:122
msgid "Projects in which %1 is participating"
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının katıldığı projeler"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:125
+#: ../inc/user.inc:126
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Proje"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:125
+#: ../inc/user.inc:126
msgid "Click for user page"
msgstr "Kullanıcı safyası için tıklayın"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:125
+#: ../inc/user.inc:126
msgid "Since"
msgstr "Katılma tarihi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:148
+#: ../inc/user.inc:151
msgid "Computing and credit"
msgstr "Hesaplama ve kredi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:151
+#: ../inc/user.inc:154
msgid "Computers on this account"
msgstr "Bu hesaptaki bilgisayarlar"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
-#: ../user/view_profile.php:64
+#: ../inc/user.inc:154 ../inc/user.inc:155 ../inc/user.inc:233
+#: ../inc/user.inc:312 ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:482
+#: ../user/view_profile.php:66
msgid "View"
msgstr "Bak"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:161
+#: ../inc/user.inc:164
msgid "Cross-project ID"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje NO"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:162
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165
msgid "Cross-project statistics"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje istatistikleri"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:163
+#: ../inc/user.inc:166
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Hesap"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
-#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:168 ../inc/user.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:447
+#: ../inc/user.inc:449 ../user/user_search.php:124
msgid "Team"
msgstr "Takım"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:167
+#: ../inc/user.inc:170
msgid "Cross-project"
msgstr "Çapraz-proje"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:168 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:54
+#: ../inc/user.inc:171
msgid "Certificate"
msgstr "Sertifika"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:169
+#: ../inc/user.inc:172
msgid "Stats on your cell phone"
msgstr "Cep telefonunuz için istatistik sayfanız"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:183
-msgid "Unknown notification type: %1"
-msgstr "Bilinmeyen bildirim tipi: %1"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:198
+#: ../inc/user.inc:197
msgid "Account information"
msgstr "Hesap bilgisi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
-#: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
+#: ../inc/user.inc:206 ../user/get_passwd.php:31
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:73
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-posta adresi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
+#: ../inc/user.inc:210 ../inc/user.inc:400
msgid "URL"
msgstr "Site"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:206
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Posta kodu"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
+#: ../inc/user.inc:214 ../inc/user.inc:394
msgid "%1 member since"
msgstr "%1 üyelik tarihi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:209
+#. LDAP accounts can't change email or password
+#: ../inc/user.inc:219 ../inc/user.inc:223
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Değiştir"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:209
+#: ../inc/user.inc:224
msgid "email address"
msgstr "e-posta adresi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:210
+#: ../inc/user.inc:225
msgid "password"
msgstr "parola"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:211
+#: ../inc/user.inc:226
msgid "other account info"
msgstr "diğer hesap bilgisi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:229 ../inc/user.inc:393
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Kullanıcı NO"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213
+#: ../inc/user.inc:229
msgid "Used in community functions"
msgstr "Topluluk işlevlerinde kullanılır (özel mesaj için vs.)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#: ../inc/user.inc:232 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
msgid "Account keys"
msgstr "Hesap anahtarları"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:221
+#: ../inc/user.inc:237
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Tercihler"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:224
+#: ../inc/user.inc:240
msgid "When and how BOINC uses your computer"
msgstr "BOINC bilgisayarınızı ne zaman ve nasıl kullanacak"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:225
+#: ../inc/user.inc:241
msgid "Computing preferences"
msgstr "Hesaplama tercihleri"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:228
+#: ../inc/user.inc:244
msgid "Message boards and private messages"
msgstr "Mesaj panoları ve özel mesajlar"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:229 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:31
msgid "Community preferences"
msgstr "Topluluk tercihleri"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:232
+#: ../inc/user.inc:248
msgid "Preferences for this project"
msgstr "Bu proje için tercihler"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
+#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../user/prefs.php:30
msgid "%1 preferences"
msgstr "%1 tercihleri"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
+#: ../inc/user.inc:266
+msgid "View the profile of %1"
+msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının profilini gör"
+#: ../inc/user.inc:267 ../inc/user.inc:316 ../inc/user.inc:482
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+#: ../inc/user.inc:307 ../user/sample_index.php:114
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Topluluk"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Sil"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:245
+#: ../inc/user.inc:314
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Oluştur"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
+#: ../inc/user.inc:321 ../inc/user.inc:454
msgid "%1 posts"
msgstr "%1 gönderi"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#. ------------ Notification -----------
+#: ../inc/user.inc:339 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:40
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Uyarılar"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:269
+#: ../inc/user.inc:346
msgid "Quit team"
msgstr "Takımdan ayrıl"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
+#: ../inc/user.inc:348 ../inc/user.inc:365
msgid "Administer"
msgstr "Yönet"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
+#: ../inc/user.inc:354 ../inc/user.inc:367
msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
msgstr "(kurucu değişim isteği beklemede)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:279
+#: ../inc/user.inc:356
msgid "Member of team"
msgstr "Takım üyeliği"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:358
msgid "find a team"
msgstr "bir takım bul"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:292
+#: ../inc/user.inc:369
msgid "Founder but not member of"
msgstr "Kurucusu fakat üyesi değil"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:298
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375
msgid "Find friends"
msgstr "Arkadaş bul"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
-#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
+#: ../inc/user.inc:383 ../inc/user.inc:385 ../inc/user.inc:465
+#: ../inc/user.inc:467 ../inc/user.inc:476
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Arkadaşlar"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
+#: ../inc/user.inc:407 ../inc/user.inc:409 ../user/server_status.php:157
msgid "Computers"
msgstr "Bilgisayarlar"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:338
+#: ../inc/user.inc:415
msgid "Donor"
msgstr "Bağışçı"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:378
+#: ../inc/user.inc:458
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "İrtibat"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381
+#: ../inc/user.inc:461
msgid "This person is a friend"
msgstr "Bu kişi arkadaşınız"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:462 ../user/friend.php:240
msgid "Cancel friendship"
msgstr "Arkadaşlığı bitir"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:465 ../user/friend.php:39
msgid "Request pending"
msgstr "İstek beklemede"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:387
+#: ../inc/user.inc:467
msgid "Add as friend"
msgstr "Arkadaş olarak ekle"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:446
+#: ../inc/user.inc:526
msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
msgstr "kullanıcı adı başında veya sonda boşluk karakteri olamaz"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:450
+#: ../inc/user.inc:530
msgid "user name must be nonempty"
msgstr "kullanıcı adı boş olamaz"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:454
+#: ../inc/user.inc:534
msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
msgstr "kullanıcı adı HTML etiketleri içeremez"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:131
+#: ../inc/util.inc:161
msgid "log out"
msgstr "çıkış"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:133
+#: ../inc/util.inc:163
msgid "log in"
msgstr "oturum aç"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
-msgid "Log in"
-msgstr "Oturum aç"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
+#: ../inc/util.inc:239 ../user/create_account_form.php:41
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Bir hesap oluştur"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:206
+#: ../inc/util.inc:240
msgid "Server status page"
msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:248
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
msgid ""
"A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
msgstr "İsteğiniz gerçekleştirilirken veritabanı hatası oluştu; lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:257
+#: ../inc/util.inc:286
msgid "Unable to handle request"
msgstr "Talep gerçekleştirilemedi"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:277
+#: ../inc/util.inc:306
msgid "hours"
msgstr "saat"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:280
+#: ../inc/util.inc:309
msgid "min"
msgstr "dak"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:283
+#: ../inc/util.inc:312
msgid "sec"
msgstr "san"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:444
+#: ../inc/util.inc:473
msgid ""
"Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
msgstr "Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı. Lütfen Geri'ye tıklayın ve sayfayı yenileyip, yeniden deneyin."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:513
-msgid "View the profile of %1"
-msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının profilini gör"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:569
+#: ../inc/util.inc:552
msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
msgstr "Yazınızı biçimlendirmek için BBCode etiketleri kullanın"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:796
+#: ../inc/util.inc:779
msgid "Project down for maintenance"
msgstr "Proje bakım için kapatıldı"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:799
+#: ../inc/util.inc:782
msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance. Please try again later."
msgstr "%1 sunucumuz bakım için geçiçi olarak kapalı durumda. Lütfen taha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:817
+#: ../inc/util.inc:800
msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
msgstr "Veritabanına erişilemedi - lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:821
+#: ../inc/util.inc:804
msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
msgstr "Veritabanı seçilemedi - lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util.inc:976
+msgid "characters remaining"
+msgstr "karakter kaldı"
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:115 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
msgstr "Bu bilgisayarda oturumumu açık tut"
@@ -2235,22 +2494,6 @@ msgstr "Bu bilgisayarda oturumumu açık tut"
msgid "Finish account setup"
msgstr "Hesap yapılandırmasını bitir"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
-msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
-msgstr "Sitemizde bu isimle yer alacaksınız. Gerçek adınızı ya da takma adınızı kullanın."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
-msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
-msgstr "Temsil ettiğiniz ülkeyi seçin, eğer mevcutsa."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
-msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
-msgstr "Posta ya da ZIP Kodu"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "İsteğe bağlı"
#: ../user/account_finish_action.php:27
msgid "You must supply a name for your account"
msgstr "Hesabınız için bir isim belirlemelisiniz"
@@ -2259,34 +2502,38 @@ msgstr "Hesabınız için bir isim belirlemelisiniz"
msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
msgstr "İsminizde HTML etiketleri kullanamazsınız"
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:40 ../user/add_venue.php:64 ../user/prefs_edit.php:41
+#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:65 ../user/prefs_edit.php:93
+msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
+msgstr "%1 tercihlerini düzenle"
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:82
msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
msgstr "%2 için %1 farklı tercihleri ekle"
-#: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
+#: ../user/apps.php:31 ../user/sample_index.php:104
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Uygulamalar"
-#: ../user/apps.php:33
+#: ../user/apps.php:32
msgid ""
"%1 currently has the following applications. When you participate in %1, "
-"work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your "
+"tasks for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your "
"computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your "
"computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything."
msgstr "%1 şu anda aşağıdaki uygulamalara sahip. %1 projesine katıldığınızda, bu uygulamalardan bir ya da daha fazlasına ait işler bilgisayarınıza gönderilecek. İşleri hesaplamak için gerekli uygulamanın son sürümü de bilgisayarınıza indirilecek. Bu otomatik olarak gerçekleşecek, herhangi bir şey yapmanız gerekmeyecek."
-#: ../user/apps.php:50
+#: ../user/apps.php:54
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Platform"
-#: ../user/apps.php:51
+#: ../user/apps.php:55
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Sürüm"
-#: ../user/apps.php:52
-msgid "Installation time"
-msgstr "Yayınlanma tarihi"
+#: ../user/apps.php:57
+msgid "Average computing"
+msgstr "Ortalama hesaplama"
#: ../user/bbcode.php:23
msgid "BBCode tags"
@@ -2317,153 +2564,79 @@ msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Altı çizili"
#: ../user/bbcode.php:35
+msgid "Strikethrough"
+msgstr "Üstü çizili"
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:36
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Üstsimge"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:36
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:37
msgid "Big text"
msgstr "Büyük metin"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:37
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:38
msgid "Red text"
msgstr "Kırmızı metin"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:38
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:39
msgid "link to website"
msgstr "internet sitesine bağlantı"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:39
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:40
msgid "Quoted text"
msgstr "Alıntı metin"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:39
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:40
msgid "use for quoted blocks of text"
msgstr "metinden alıntı blokları yapmak için kullanın"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:40
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:41
msgid "use to display an image"
msgstr "resim göstermek için kullanın"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:41
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:42
msgid "Code snippet here"
msgstr "Kod parçası"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:41
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:42
msgid "use to display some code"
msgstr "bir kodu düzgün görüntülemek için"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:42
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:43
msgid "Pre-formatted text"
msgstr "Önceden biçimlenmiş metin"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:42
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:43
msgid "use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"
msgstr "önceden biçimlenmiş (genellikle eşaralıklı) metin görüntülemek için"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:43
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:44
msgid "Item 1"
msgstr "Öğe 1"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:43
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:44
msgid "Item2"
msgstr "Öğe 2"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:43
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:44
msgid "Item 2"
msgstr "Öğe 3"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:45
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:46
msgid "use to link to Trac ticket on BOINC website"
msgstr "BOINC sitesindeki Trac biletine bağlantı için"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:47
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:48
msgid "use to link to Trac Wiki on BOINC website"
msgstr "BOINC sitesindeki Trac Wiki'sine bağlantı için"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:49
-msgid "use to link to SVN changeset on BOINC website"
-msgstr "BOINC sitesindeki SVN değişiklik setine bağlantı için"
-#: ../user/bbcode.php:53
+#: ../user/bbcode.php:52
msgid ""
"If you don't close a tag or don't specify a parameter correctly,\n"
"the raw tag itself will display instead of the formatted text."
msgstr "Eğer bir etiketi kapatmaz ya da parametreyi doğru girmezseniz,\nbiçimlenmiş metin yerine, etiketin ham hali görüntülenecektir."
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:44
-msgid "Participants"
-msgstr "Katılımcılar"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:46
-msgid "Do work"
-msgstr "Çalışma yap"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
-#: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:43
-msgid "Your account"
-msgstr "Hesabınız"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
-msgid "view stats, modify preferences"
-msgstr "istatistikleri gör, tercihleri değiştir"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
-#: ../user/team.php:25
-msgid "Teams"
-msgstr "Takımlar"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
-msgid "create or join a team"
-msgstr "takım oluştur ya da katıl"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
-msgid "User of the day"
-msgstr "Günün kullanıcısı"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
-msgid "Server status"
-msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr "Profiller"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:61
-msgid "User search"
-msgstr "Kullanıcı arama"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:64
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "İstatistikler"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:65 ../user/stats.php:30
-#: ../user/top_users.php:116
-msgid "Top participants"
-msgstr "En iyi katılımcılar"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:66 ../user/stats.php:31
-msgid "Top computers"
-msgstr "En iyi bilgisayarlar"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:67 ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/team.php:46
-msgid "Top teams"
-msgstr "En iyi takımlar"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:68 ../user/gpu_list.php:182
-#: ../user/stats.php:33
-msgid "Top GPU models"
-msgstr "En iyi GPU modelleri"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Diller"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
-msgid "Read our rules and policies"
-msgstr "Kurallarımızı ve politikamızı okuyun"
#: ../user/create_account_action.php:26
msgid "Can't create account"
msgstr "Hesap oluşturulamadı"
@@ -2472,192 +2645,152 @@ msgstr "Hesap oluşturulamadı"
msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
msgstr "Yeniden denemek için, tarayıcınızın <b>Geri</b> butonuna tıklayın."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:46
msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
msgstr "reCAPTCHA yanıtınız doğru değil. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:69
msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
msgstr "Hesap oluşturmak için bir davet kodu temin etmelisiniz."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:72
msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
msgstr "Sahip olduğunuz davet kodu geçersiz."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:83
msgid ""
"Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form "
"name at domain"
msgstr "Geçersiz e-posta adresi: 'isim at site' biçiminde geçerli bir adres girmelisiniz"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:87
msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
msgstr "Bu e-posta adresiyle bir hesap zaten var."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:93 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:32
msgid "New passwords are different"
msgstr "Yeni parola bölümleri birbirinden farklı"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:100 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:40
msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
msgstr "Parolalar yalnızca ASCII karakterleri içerebilir."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:105 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:44
msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
msgstr "Yeni parola çok kısa. En az %1 karakter olmalı."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:126
msgid "Couldn't create account"
msgstr "Hesap oluşturulamadı"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:45
msgid ""
"NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
"select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
msgstr "Not: BOINC Manager kullanıyorsanız, bu formu kullanmayın. Sadece BOINC'i çalıştırın, Proje Ekle'yi seçin ve bir e-posta adresi ve şifre girin."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:57
msgid ""
"This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
"preferences of its founder."
msgstr "Bu hesap %1 takımının üyesi olacak ve takım kurucusunun proje tercihlerine sahip olacak."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
-msgid "Invitation Code"
-msgstr "Davet Kodu"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
-msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
-msgstr "Hesap oluşturmak için geçerli bir davet kodu gerekiyor."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "E-posta Adresi"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
-msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
-msgstr "'isim at site' biçiminde geçerli bir adres olmalı."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "Parola"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
-msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
-msgstr "En az %1 karakter olmalı"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
-msgid "Confirm password"
-msgstr "Parolayı doğrula"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
-msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
-msgstr "Lütfen resimde görülen kelimeleri girin"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
-msgid "Create account"
-msgstr "Hesap oluştur"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:50
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:52
msgid "Picture"
msgstr "Resim"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:64
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:66
msgid "%1 Your profile picture is shown to the left."
msgstr "%1 Profil fotoğrafınız solda gösteriliyor."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:66
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:68
msgid ""
"To replace it, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file (%1"
" or less)."
msgstr "Yenisiyle değiştirmek için, \"Gözat\" butonuna tıklayın ve bir JPEG veya PNG dosyası seçin (%1 ya da daha küçük)."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:69
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:71
msgid "To remove it from your profile, check this box:"
msgstr "Profilinizden kaldırmak için, bu kutucuğu işaretleyin:"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:77
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:79
msgid ""
"If you would like include a picture with your profile, click the \"Browse\" "
"button and select a JPEG or PNG file. Please select images of %1 or less."
msgstr "Eğer profilinizin bir resim içermesini istiyorsanız, \"Gözat\" butonuna tıklayın ve bir JPEG veya PNG dosyası seçin. Lütfen %1 ya da daha küçük resim dosyalarını seçin."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:89
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:91
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Dil"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:92
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:94
msgid "Select the language in which your profile is written:"
msgstr "Lütfen profilinizi yazdığınız dili seçin:"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:104
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:106
msgid "Submit profile"
msgstr "Profili gönder"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:110
-msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image."
-msgstr "Lütfen resimde görülen harfleri girin."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:115
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:112
msgid "Create/edit profile"
msgstr "Profil oluştur/düzenle"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:137
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:134
msgid "The format of your uploaded image is not supported."
msgstr "Gönderdiğiniz resim formatı desteklenmiyor."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:166
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:163
msgid ""
"Your %1profile%2 lets you share your opinions and background with the %3 "
msgstr "%1Profiliniz%2, fikirlerinizi ve özgeçmişinizi %3 topluluğuyla paylaşmanızı sağlar."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:213
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:209
msgid "Your ReCaptcha response was not correct. Please try again."
msgstr "ReCaptcha yanıtınız doğru değil. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:222
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:218
msgid ""
"Your first response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr "İlk yanıtınız Akismet anti-spam sistemi tarafından bir saldırı olarak algılandı. Lütfen yazdığınızı değiştirip tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:230
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:226
msgid ""
"Your second response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr "İkinci yanıtınız Akismet anti-spam sistemi tarafından bir saldırı olarak algılandı. Lütfen yazdığınızı değiştirip tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:246
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:242
msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
msgstr "Gönderdiğiniz profil boş."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:285
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:283
msgid "Could not update the profile: database error"
msgstr "Profil güncellenemedi: Veritabanı hatası"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:297
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:299
msgid "Could not create the profile: database error"
msgstr "Profil oluşturulamadı: Veritabanı hatası"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:302
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:304
msgid "Profile saved"
msgstr "Profil kaydedildi"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:304
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:306
msgid ""
"Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
msgstr "Tebrikler! Profiliniz başarıyla veritabanımıza kaydedildi."
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:306
-msgid "%1View your profile%2"
-msgstr "%1Profilinizi görün%2"
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:309
+msgid "View your profile"
+msgstr "Profilinizi görün"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:315
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:319
msgid "Create a profile"
msgstr "Bir profil oluştur"
-#: ../user/create_profile.php:343
+#: ../user/create_profile.php:347
msgid ""
"To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or"
" edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience."
@@ -2698,9 +2831,9 @@ msgstr "Bu işlem geri alınamaz.\nHesabınızı sildiğinizde, onu tekrar geri
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your account?"
msgstr "Hesabınızı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
-#: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:54
+#: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:240
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:59
#: ../user/user_search.php:64
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"
@@ -2709,8 +2842,8 @@ msgstr "Evet"
msgid "Delete this account"
msgstr "Bu hesabı sil"
-#: ../user/delete_account.php:80 ../user/delete_profile.php:53
-#: ../user/friend.php:239 ../user/user_search.php:58
+#: ../user/delete_account.php:80 ../user/delete_profile.php:55
+#: ../user/friend.php:241 ../user/user_search.php:58
#: ../user/user_search.php:63
msgid "No"
msgstr "Hayır"
@@ -2719,44 +2852,44 @@ msgstr "Hayır"
msgid "Do not delete this account"
msgstr "Bu hesabı silme"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:30
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:32
msgid "couldn't delete profile - please try again later"
msgstr "profil silinemedi - lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:33
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:35
msgid "Delete Confirmation"
msgstr "Silmeyi Onayla"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:35
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:37
msgid "Your profile has been deleted."
msgstr "Profiliniz silindi."
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:40
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:42
msgid "Profile delete confirmation"
msgstr "Profil silme onayı"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:43
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:45
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:44
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:46
msgid ""
"Deleted profiles are gone forever and cannot be recovered --\n"
"you will have to start from scratch\n"
"if you want another profile in the future."
msgstr "Silinen profiller sonsuza kadar yok olur ve kurtarılamaz--\nGelecekte yeni bir profil yaratmak için baştan başlamanız gerekir."
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:48
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:50
msgid ""
"If you're sure, click 'Yes'\n"
"to remove your profile from our database."
msgstr "Eminseniz, profilinizin sunucularımızdan silinmesi için\nlütfen 'Evet'e tıklayın."
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:52
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:54
msgid "Delete my profile"
msgstr "Profilimi sil"
-#: ../user/delete_profile.php:53
+#: ../user/delete_profile.php:55
msgid "Do not delete my profile"
msgstr "Profilimi silme"
@@ -2937,241 +3070,204 @@ msgstr "Bu eylem, topluluk tercihlerinizde yaptığınız değişiklikleri silec
msgid "Reset preferences"
msgstr "Sıfırlama tercihleri"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:88
+#. Not the right kind of file
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:95
msgid "Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported."
msgstr "Hata: Yanlış dosya tipi. Yalnızca PNG ve JPEG destekleniyor."
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:114
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:120
msgid "Your signature was too long, please keep it less than 250 characters."
msgstr "İmzanız çok uzun. Lütfen 250 karakterden kısa tutun."
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:132
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:146
-msgid "No such user: %1"
-msgstr "Böyle bir kullanıcı yok: %1"
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:139
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:153
+msgid "No such user:"
+msgstr "Böyle bir kullanıcı yok:"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:45
msgid ""
"How should we notify you of new private messages, friend requests, posts in "
"subscribed threads, and other events?"
msgstr "Sizi yeni özel mesajlar, arkadaşlık istekleri , abone olunan konu başlıklarına gönderiler ve diğer olaylar hakkında nasıl bilgilendirelim?"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:46
msgid "On my Account page (no email)"
msgstr "Hesap sayfamda (e-posta yok)"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:47
msgid "Immediately, by email"
msgstr "Derhal, e-posta ile"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:59
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:48
msgid "In a single daily email"
msgstr "Günde tek e-posta ile"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:75
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:65
msgid "Message-board identity"
msgstr "Mesaj panosu kimliği"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:76
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:66
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:77
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:67
msgid "An image representing you on the message boards."
msgstr "Mesaj panolarında sizi temsil edecek bir resim."
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:78
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:68
msgid "Format: JPG or PNG. Size: at most 4 KB, 100x100 pixels"
msgstr "Format: JPG ya da PNG. Boyut: 4 KB civarı, 100x100 piksel"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:80
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:70
msgid "Don't use an avatar"
msgstr "Bir avatar kullanma"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:82
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:72
msgid "Use a Globally Recognized Avatar provided by %1"
msgstr "%1 tarafından sağlanan bir Globally Recognized Avatar (Gravatar) kullan"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:84
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:74
msgid "Use this uploaded avatar:"
msgstr "Yüklediğim bu avatarı kullan:"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:87
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:77
msgid "Avatar preview"
msgstr "Avatar önizlemesi"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:87
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:77
msgid "This is how your avatar will look"
msgstr "Bu, avatarınızın nasıl görüneceğini gösterir"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:96
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:86
msgid "Signature for message board posts"
msgstr "Mesaj panosu gönderileri için imza"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:99
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:89
msgid ""
"Check out %1various free services%2\n"
"<br> providing dynamic 'signature images'\n"
"<br> showing your latest credit info, project news, etc."
msgstr "%1Çeşitli bedava servislere%2 gözatın.\n<br> Dinamik 'imza resimleri',\n<br> son kredi bilginizi, proje haberlerini vs gösterir."
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:104
-msgid "characters remaining"
-msgstr "karakter kaldı"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:105
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:93
msgid "Attach signature by default"
msgstr "İmzayı varsayılan olarak ekle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:108
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:96
msgid "Signature preview"
msgstr "İmza önizlemesi"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:109
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:97
msgid "This is how your signature will look in the forums"
msgstr "Bu, imzanızın forumlarda nasıl gösterileceğinin bir önizlemesidir"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:127
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:115
msgid "Message display"
msgstr "Mesaj görüntüleme"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:129
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:117
msgid "What to display"
msgstr "Görüntülenecek öğeler"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:130
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:118
msgid "Hide avatar images"
msgstr "Avatar resimlerini gizle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:131
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:119
msgid "Hide signatures"
msgstr "İmzaları gizle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:132
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:120
msgid "Show images as links"
msgstr "Resimleri bağlantı olarak görüntüle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:133
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:121
msgid "Open links in new window/tab"
msgstr "Bağlantıları yeni sekmelerde/pencerelerde aç"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:134
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:122
msgid "Highlight special users"
msgstr "Özel kullanıcıları vurgula"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:135
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:123
msgid "Display this many messages per page"
msgstr "Her sayfada bu miktarda mesaj görüntüle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:139
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:127
msgid "How to sort"
msgstr "Nasıl sıralanacak"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:140
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:128
msgid "Threads:"
msgstr "Konu başlıkları:"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:140
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:128
msgid "Posts:"
msgstr "Cevaplar:"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:141
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:129
msgid "Jump to first new post in thread automatically"
msgstr "Konu başlığındaki ilk yeni gönderiye otomatik olarak atla"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:142
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:130
msgid "Don't move sticky posts to top"
msgstr "Yapışkan mesajları en üste taşıma"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:148
+#. ------------ Message filtering -----------
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:137
msgid "Message filtering"
msgstr "Mesaj filtreleme"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:164
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:153
msgid "Filtered users"
msgstr "Filtrelenen kullanıcılar"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:165
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:154
msgid "Ignore message board posts and private messages from these users."
msgstr "Bu kullanıcıların mesaj panosu ve özel mesaj gönderilerini görmezden gel."
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:167
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:156
msgid "User ID (For instance: 123456789)"
msgstr "Kullanıcı NO (Örneğin: 123456789)"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:168 ../user/pm.php:251
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:157 ../user/pm.php:256
msgid "Add user to filter"
msgstr "Kullanıcıyı filtreye ekle"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:173
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:162
msgid "Click here to update preferences"
msgstr "Tercihleri güncellemek için buraya tıklayın"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:175
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:177
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:164
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:166
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Sıfırla"
-#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:176
+#: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:165
msgid "Or click here to reset preferences to the defaults"
msgstr "Ya da ayarları varsayılana sıfırlamak için buraya tıklayın"
#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:50
-msgid "Invalid account key"
-msgstr "Geçersiz hesap anahtarı"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:55
-msgid "No account with that email address was found"
-msgstr "Bu e-posta adresine ait bir hesap bulunamadı"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:59
-msgid "Invalid password"
-msgstr "Geçersiz parola"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
-msgid "Change password"
-msgstr "Parolayı değiştir"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:67
-msgid "Your password has been changed."
-msgstr "Parolanız değişti."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:69
msgid ""
"We can't update your password due to a database problem. Please try again "
msgstr "Parolanızı veritaban problemi nedeniyle güncelleyemedik. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
-msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
-msgstr "Kendinizi, e-posta adresi ve eski parolanızın"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
-msgid "your email address and old password"
-msgstr "her ikisini de girerek tanıtabilirsiniz"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
-msgid "your account key"
-msgstr "hesap anahtarınız"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
-msgid "Current password"
-msgstr "Mevcut parola"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
-msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
-msgstr "<b>YA DA</b>: Hesap anahtarı"
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:53 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:34
+msgid "Change password"
+msgstr "Parolayı değiştir"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
-msgid "Get account key by email"
-msgstr "Hesap anahtarını e-posta ile al"
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:54
+msgid "Your password has been changed."
+msgstr "Parolanız değişti."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:32
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Yeni parola"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:33
msgid "New password, again"
msgstr "Yeni parola, yeniden"
@@ -3382,19 +3478,19 @@ msgstr "Mesaj formuna dönmek için tarayıcınızın Geri butonunu kullanın"
msgid "Sending emails"
msgstr "E-postalar gönderiliyor"
-#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:84
+#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:82
msgid "email sent successfully to %1"
msgstr "%1 kişisine e-posta gönderimi başarıyla tamamlandı"
-#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:86
+#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:84
msgid "failed to send email to %1: %2"
msgstr "%1 kişisine e-posta gönderimi tamamlanamadı: %2"
-#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:92
+#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:90
msgid "Thanks for telling your friends about %1"
msgstr "Arkadaşlarınıza %1 projesinden bahsettiğiniz için teşekkürler"
-#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:94
+#: ../user/ffmail_action.php:92
msgid ""
"You forgot to enter your friends' names and/or email addresses; Please "
"%1return to the form%2 and enter them."
@@ -3445,79 +3541,74 @@ msgstr "Ek mesaj (isteğe bağlı)"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Yolla"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:35
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:33
+#. Can't moderate without being moderator
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:37
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:35
msgid "You are not authorized to banish users."
msgstr "Kullanıcıları yasaklamak için yetkili değilsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:41 ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:46
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:43 ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:48
msgid "Banishment Vote"
msgstr "Yasaklama Oylaması"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:50
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:52
msgid "No user with this ID found."
msgstr "Bu NO'ya sahip kullanıcı bulunamadı."
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:54 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:76
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:57 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:79
msgid "User is already banished"
msgstr "Kullanıcı zaten yasaklanmış"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:59 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:79
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:62 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:82
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to banish %1?<br/>This will prevent %1 from posting "
"for chosen time period.<br/>It should be done only if %1 has consistently "
"exhibited trollish behavior."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısını yasaklamak istediğine emin misin?<br/>Bu, %1 kullanıcısının seçilen zaman aralığında gönderim yapmasını engelleyecektir.<br/>Yasaklama, %1 gerçekten uygunsuz davranışlarda bulunduysa yapılmalıdır."
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:61
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:64
msgid ""
"Select the reason category, optionally write a longer description of why the"
" user should be banished."
msgstr "Gerekçe kategorisini seçin, tercihen kullanıcının neden yasaklanması gerektiğini belirten daha uzun bir açıklama yazın."
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:62 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:50
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:65 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:56
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategori"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:64
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:57
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:55 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:52
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:67
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:59
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:58 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:58
msgid "Obscene"
msgstr "Müstehcen"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:65
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:59
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:56 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:53
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:68
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:61
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:59 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:59
msgid "Flame/Hate mail"
msgstr "Öfke/Nefret söylemi"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:66
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:61
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:59
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:69
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:63
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:62
msgid "User Request"
msgstr "Kullanıcı talebi"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:67
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:60 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:55
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Diğer"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:69 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:53
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:85
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:72 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:56
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:100
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Sebep"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:69 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:85
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:72 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:100
msgid "Mailed if nonempty"
msgstr "Boş değilse postalanır"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:74
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:77
msgid "Proceed with vote"
msgstr "Oy ile devam et"
-#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:39
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:63
+#: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:41
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:66
msgid "You must specify an action..."
msgstr "Bir eylem seçmelisiniz..."
@@ -3531,7 +3622,7 @@ msgstr "Bu gönderiyi şu anda düzenleyemezsiniz.<br/>Gönderiler oluşturulduk
msgid "You are not authorized to edit this post."
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi düzenlemek için yetkili değilsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_edit.php:86 ../user/forum_search.php:72
+#: ../user/forum_edit.php:86 ../user/forum_search.php:74
msgid "Forum"
msgstr "Forum"
@@ -3540,828 +3631,829 @@ msgid "Edit your message"
msgstr "Mesajınızı düzenleyin"
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:115 ../user/forum_edit.php:120
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:109 ../user/forum_post.php:111
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:69
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:113 ../user/forum_post.php:115
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:71
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlık"
-#: ../user/forum_edit.php:144 ../user/forum_post.php:129
+#: ../user/forum_edit.php:144 ../user/forum_post.php:133
msgid "Add my signature to this post"
msgstr "İmzamı bu gönderiye ekle"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:41
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:46
msgid "Not visible to you"
msgstr "Size görünür değil"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:80
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:83
msgid "Team message board for %1"
msgstr "%1 için takım mesaj panosu"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:96
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:99
msgid "New thread"
msgstr "Yeni konu başlığı"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:96
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:99
msgid "Add a new thread to this forum"
msgstr "Bu foruma yeni bir konu başlığı ekle"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:116
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:119
msgid "This message board is available as an %1RSS feed%2"
msgstr "Bu mesaj panosu bir %sRSS beslemesi%s olarak da mevcuttur"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:178
msgid "This thread is hidden"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı gizli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:178
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:182
msgid "This thread is sticky and locked, and you haven't read it yet"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı sabit ve kilitli, onu henüz okumadınız"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:178
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:182
msgid "sticky/locked/unread"
msgstr "sabit/kilitli/okunmamış"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:180
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:184
msgid "This thread is sticky and you haven't read it yet"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı sabit ve onu henüz okumadınız"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:180
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:184
msgid "sticky/unread"
msgstr "sabit/okunmamış"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:184
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:188
msgid "You haven't read this thread yet, and it's locked"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığını henüz okumadınız ve kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:184
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:188
msgid "unread/locked"
msgstr "okunmamış/kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:186
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:190
msgid "You haven't read this thread yet"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığını henüz okumadınız"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:192
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:196
msgid "This thread is sticky and locked"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı sabit ve kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:192
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:196
msgid "sticky/locked"
msgstr "sabit/kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:194
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:198
msgid "This thread is sticky"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı sabit"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:194
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:198
msgid "sticky"
msgstr "sabit"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:198
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:202
msgid "This thread is locked"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:198
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:202
msgid "locked"
msgstr "kilitli"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:200
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:204
msgid "You read this thread"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığını okudunuz"
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:200
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:204
msgid "read"
msgstr "oku"
-#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:27
+#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:29
msgid "Questions and answers"
msgstr "Soru ve yanıtlar"
-#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:30
+#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:32
msgid ""
"Talk live via Skype with a volunteer, in any of several languages. Go to "
"%1BOINC Online Help%2."
msgstr "Bir gönüllüyle Skype aracılığıyla konuşun. Bir çok dilde mevcuttur. %1BOINC Online Yardım%2a gidin."
-#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:44 ../user/forum_index.php:92
+#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:97
msgid "Topic"
msgstr "Konu"
-#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:45
+#: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:47
msgid "Questions"
msgstr "Sorular"
-#: ../user/forum_index.php:53 ../user/team_forum.php:68
+#: ../user/forum_index.php:58 ../user/team_forum.php:70
msgid "Discussion among members of %1"
msgstr "%1 üyeleri arasında tartışmalar"
-#: ../user/forum_index.php:69
+#: ../user/forum_index.php:74
msgid "%1 Message boards"
msgstr "%1 Mesaj panoları"
-#: ../user/forum_index.php:78
+#: ../user/forum_index.php:83
msgid ""
"If you have a question or problem, please use the %1Questions & Answers%2 "
"section of the message boards."
msgstr "Bir soru ya da probleminiz varsa, lütfen mesaj panolarındaki %1Soru ve Yanıtlar%2 bölümünü kullanın."
-#: ../user/forum_index.php:123
+#: ../user/forum_index.php:128
msgid "Subscribed threads"
msgstr "Abone olunan konu başlıkları"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:43
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:45
msgid "Moderate post"
msgstr "Gönderiyi denetle"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:52
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:55
msgid "Hide post"
msgstr "Gönderiyi gizle"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:57 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:54
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:60 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:60
msgid "Commercial spam"
msgstr "Ticari reklam"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:58
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:61
msgid "Doublepost"
msgstr "Çifte gönderi"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:63
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:66
msgid "Move post"
msgstr "Gönderiyi taşı"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:65
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:68
msgid "Destination thread ID:"
msgstr "Hedef konu numarası"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:78
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:81
msgid "Banish user"
msgstr "Kullanıcıyı engelle"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:80
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:83
msgid "Ban duration"
msgstr "Engelleme süresi"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:81
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:84
msgid "4 hours"
msgstr "4 saat"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:82 ../user/forum_search.php:45
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:85 ../user/forum_search.php:47
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 gün"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:83
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:86
msgid "1 week"
msgstr "1 hafta"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:84
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:87
msgid "2 weeks"
msgstr "2 hafta"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:85
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:88
msgid "1 month"
msgstr "1 ay"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:86
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:89
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "Süresiz"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:96
-msgid "Optional explanation %1 This is included in email to user.%2"
-msgstr "İsteğe bağlı açıklama %1 Bu kullanıcıya gönderilecek e-postaya eklenecek.%2"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:101 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:91
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:130 ../user/forum_report_post.php:85
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:55 ../user/friend.php:81 ../user/get_passwd.php:41
-#: ../user/get_passwd.php:75
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:99 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:112
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:106 ../user/forum_post.php:134
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:88 ../user/forum_rss.php:51
+#: ../user/friend.php:83 ../user/get_passwd.php:32 ../user/get_passwd.php:75
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Tamam"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:57
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:107
+msgid "Optional explanation %1 This is included in email to user.%2"
+msgstr "İsteğe bağlı açıklama %1 Bu kullanıcıya gönderilecek e-postaya eklenecek.%2"
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:60
msgid "You are not authorized to moderate this post."
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi denetlemek için yetkili değilsiniz"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:85
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:105
msgid "Can't move to different category type"
msgstr "Farklı kategori tipine taşınamıyor"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:89
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:109
msgid "Can't move to different category"
msgstr "Farklı kategoriye taşınamıyor"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:110
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:130
msgid "Not authorized to banish users"
msgstr "Kullanıcıları engellemek için yetkili değil"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:126
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:146
msgid "Banishment"
msgstr "Engelleme"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:128
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:148
msgid "User %1 has been banished."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısı engellendi."
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:131
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:151
msgid "Action failed: possible database problem"
msgstr "Eylem başarısız: Muhtemelen database problemi"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:33
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:38
msgid "not authorized"
msgstr "yetkili değil"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:36
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:41
msgid "Moderate thread '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' konu başlığını denetle"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:48
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:54
msgid ""
"Select the reason category, or write a longer description of why you're "
"hiding or locking the thread; then press OK."
msgstr "Bir sebep kategorisi seçin ya da konu başlığını neden kilitlediğinize ya da gizlediğinize ilişkin bir açıklama yazın; ardından Tamam'ı tıklayın."
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:72
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:78
msgid "Current forum"
msgstr "Mevcut forum"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:79
msgid "Destination forum"
msgstr "Hedef forum"
-#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:77
+#: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:83
msgid "New title:"
msgstr "Yeni başlık:"
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:40
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:44
msgid ""
"Only project admins may create a thread here. However, you may reply to "
"existing threads."
msgstr "Burada yalnızca proje yöneticileri konu başlığı yaratabilir. Bununla birlikte, mevcut konu başlıklarına yanıt yazabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:60
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:64
msgid ""
"Your message was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please "
"modify your text and try again."
msgstr "Mesajınız Akismet anti-spam sistemi tarafından bir saldırı olarak algılandı. Lütfen yazdığınızı değiştirip, tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:70
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:74
msgid "Create new thread"
msgstr "Yeni konu başlığı oluştur"
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:100
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:104
msgid "Create a new thread"
msgstr "Yeni bir konu başlığı oluştur"
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:105
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:109
msgid "Remember to add a title"
msgstr "Bir başlık eklemeyi unutmayın"
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:127
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:131
msgid "Show this item as a Notice in the BOINC Manager"
msgstr "Bunu Bildirim olarak BOINC Manager'da görüntüle"
-#: ../user/forum_post.php:127
+#: ../user/forum_post.php:131
msgid "Do so only for items likely to be of interest to all volunteers."
msgstr "Sadece, tüm gönüllüleri ilgilendirmesi muhtemel öğeler için bunu yapın."
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:26
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:28
msgid "Rating offline"
msgstr "Değerlendirme devredışı"
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:27
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:29
msgid "This function is turned off by the project"
msgstr "Bu özellik proje tarafından kapatıldı"
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:58
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:60
msgid "You need more average or total credit to rate a post."
msgstr "Oylayabilmek için daha fazla ortalama ya da toplam krediye sahip olmalısınız."
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:64
msgid "You have already rated this post."
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi zaten değerlendirmişsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:62 ../user/forum_rate.php:78
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:83 ../user/forum_report_post.php:69
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:94 ../user/forum_subscribe.php:54
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:69 ../user/forum_thread_status.php:51
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:64 ../user/forum_rate.php:80
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:85 ../user/forum_report_post.php:72
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:97 ../user/forum_subscribe.php:56
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:71 ../user/forum_thread_status.php:56
msgid "Return to thread"
msgstr "Konu başlığına dön"
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:72
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:74
msgid "Input Recorded"
msgstr "Rapor Kaydedildi"
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:75
msgid "Your input has been recorded. Thanks for your help."
msgstr "Raporunuz kaydedildi. Yardımlarınız için teşekkürler."
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:75
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:77
msgid "Vote Registered"
msgstr "Oy Kaydedildi"
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:76
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:78
msgid "Your rating has been recorded. Thanks for your input."
msgstr "Değerlendirmeniz kaydedildi. Bildiriminiz için teşekkürler."
-#: ../user/forum_rate.php:80
+#: ../user/forum_rate.php:82
msgid "Vote Submission Problem"
msgstr "Oy Gönderme Problemi"
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:76
msgid ""
"Your post has been flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please "
"modify your text and try again."
msgstr "Gönderiniz Akismet anti-spam sistemi tarafından bir saldırı olarak algılandı. Lütfen yazdığınızı değiştirip, tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:88 ../user/forum_thread.php:158
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:274
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:91 ../user/forum_thread.php:159
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:284
msgid "Post to thread"
msgstr "Cevap yaz"
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:137
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:143
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Mesaj:"
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:140
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:146
msgid "reply to %1Message ID%2:"
msgstr "%1Mesaj NO%2'ya yanıt:"
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:166
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:172
msgid "Post reply"
msgstr "Yanıt gönder"
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:169
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:175
msgid "Add my signature to this reply"
msgstr "İmzamı bu yanıta ekle"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:45
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:48
msgid "You need more average or total credit to report a post."
msgstr "Gönderi raporlayabilmeniz için daha fazla ortalama ya da toplam krediye sahip olmalısınız."
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:65
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:68
msgid "Report Registered"
msgstr "Raporlama kaydedildi"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:66
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:69
msgid "Your report has been recorded. Thanks for your input."
msgstr "Raporunuz kaydedildi. Çabanız için teşekkürler."
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:67
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:70
msgid ""
"A moderator will now look at your report and decide what will happen - this "
"may take a little while, so please be patient"
msgstr "Bir yönetici raporunuza bakacak ve ne yapılacağına karar verecek - bu belli bir süre alabilir, lütfen sabırlı olun"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:71
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:74
msgid "Report a forum post"
msgstr "Bir forum gönderisini raporla"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:76
msgid ""
"Before reporting this post, consider using the +/- rating system instead. If"
" enough users rate a post negatively it will eventually be hidden.<br />You "
"can find the rating system at the bottom of the post."
msgstr "Bu gönderiyi raporlamadan önce, +/- oylama sistemini kullanmayı tercih edin. Eğer yeterli sayıda kullanıcı olumsuz oy kullanırsa, en sonunda gizli hale gelecek.<br />Oylama sistemini gönderinin altında bulabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:80
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:83
msgid "Report post"
msgstr "Gönderiyi raporla"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:81
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:84
msgid ""
"Why do you find the post offensive: %1Please include enough information so that a person that\n"
"has not yet read the thread will quickly be able to identify the issue.%2"
msgstr "Gönderiyi neden saldırgan buldunuz: %1Yeterli bilgi eklemeyi unutmayın. Böylece konu başlığını\nhenüz okumamış bir kişinin sorunu kısa sürede tespit etmesi mümkün olacak.%2"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:90
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:93
msgid "Report not registered"
msgstr "Rapor kaydedilmedi"
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:91
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:94
msgid "Your report could not be recorded. Please wait a while and try again."
msgstr "Raporunuz kaydedilmedi. Bir süre bekleyip tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:92
+#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:95
msgid ""
"If this is not a temporary error, please report it to the project "
msgstr "Bu geçici bir sorun değilse, lütfen proje yöneticilerine durumu bildirin."
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:41
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:38
msgid "%1 RSS feed"
msgstr "%1 RSS beslemesi"
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:42
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:39
msgid "This message board is available as an RSS feed."
msgstr "Bu mesaj panosu bir RSS beslemesi olarak da mevcuttur."
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:43
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:41
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Seçenekler:"
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:47
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:45
msgid "Include only posts by user ID %1 (default: all users)."
msgstr "Yalnızca kullanıcı NO %1 olan mesajları içer (varsayılan: tüm kullanıcılar)."
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:49
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:47
msgid "Include only posts from the last %1 days (default: 30)."
msgstr "Yalnızca son %1 günlük mesajları içer (varsayılan: 30)."
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:51
-msgid "Truncate posts: %1 (Include only first 265 characters of each post)"
-msgstr "Mesajları kısalt: %1 (her gönderinin sadece ilk 265 karakterlerini içerir)"
-#: ../user/forum_rss.php:53
+#: ../user/forum_rss.php:49
msgid "Threads only: %1 (Include only the first post of every thread)"
msgstr "Yalnızca konular: %1 (her konunun sadece ilk mesajını içerir)"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:27
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:29
msgid "Forum search"
msgstr "Forum ara"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:31
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:33
msgid "Search query"
msgstr "Arama sorgusu"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:32
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:34
msgid "Search for keywords:"
msgstr "Anahtar kelimeler için ara:"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:33
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:35
msgid "Posts that contain all the specified words will be displayed"
msgstr "Belirtilen tüm kelimeleri içeren mesajlar görüntülenir."
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:35
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:37
msgid "For example: \"screensaver freeze\""
msgstr "Örneğin: \"ekran koruyucu dondu\""
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:36
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:38
msgid "Search for author ID:"
msgstr "Yazar NO için ara:"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:37
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:39
msgid "Only posts by this author will be displayed"
msgstr "Sadece bu yazarın mesajları görüntülenir"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:39
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:41
msgid "For example: \"43214\""
msgstr "Örneğin: \"43214\""
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:41
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:43
msgid "Search options"
msgstr "Arama seçenekleri"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:42
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:44
msgid "Search limits"
msgstr "Arama sınırlamaları"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:43
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:45
msgid "Search at most this many days back in time"
msgstr "En fazla bu kadar gün geriye doğru ara."
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:50 ../user/forum_search.php:51
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:52 ../user/forum_search.php:53
msgid "%1 months"
msgstr "%1 ay"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:52
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:54
msgid "1 year"
msgstr "1 yıl"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:55
+msgid "no limit"
+msgstr "Sınırlama yok"
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:75
msgid "Only display posts from this forum"
msgstr "Sadece bu forumdan mesajları görüntüle"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:84
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:86
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Sırala:"
-#: ../user/forum_search.php:88
+#: ../user/forum_search.php:90
msgid "Start the search"
msgstr "Aramayı başlat"
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:141
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:143
msgid "Forum search results"
msgstr "Forum arama sonuçları"
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:174
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:176
msgid "Thread titles matching your query:"
msgstr "Aramanızla eşleşen konu başlıkları:"
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:194
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:196
msgid "Messages matching your query:"
msgstr "Aramanızla eşleşen mesajlar:"
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:217
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:219
msgid ""
"Sorry, couldn't find anything matching your search query. You can try to "
"broaden your search by using less words (or less specific words)."
msgstr "Üzgüm, arama sorgunuza uyan bir şey bulamadı. Daha az kelime (veya daha az özgün kelimeler) kullanarak aramanızı genişletmeyi deneyebilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:219
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:221
msgid "You can also %1try the same search on Google.%2"
msgstr "Ayrıca, %1aynı aramayı Google kullanarak da yapabilirsiniz.%2"
-#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:224
+#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:226
msgid "Perform another search"
msgstr "arama sonuçları"
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:46
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:48
msgid "Subscription successful"
msgstr "Abonelik başarılı"
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:49
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:51
msgid ""
"You are now subscribed to %1. You will be notified whenever there is a new "
msgstr "Artık %1 abonesisiniz. Yeni bir gönderim olduğunda size bildirilecek."
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:51
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:53
msgid "Subscription failed"
msgstr "Abonelik başarısız"
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:52
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:54
msgid ""
"We are currently unable to subscribe you to %1. Please try again later.."
msgstr "Sizi %1 konusuna abone yapamadık. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:61
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:63
msgid "Unsubscription successful"
msgstr "Abonelik iptali başarılı"
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:64
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:66
msgid ""
"You are no longer subscribed to %1. You will no longer receive notifications"
" for this thread."
msgstr "Artık %1 abonesi değilsiniz. Artık bu konu için bildirimler almayacaksınız."
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:66
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:68
msgid "Unsubscription failed"
msgstr "Abonelik iptali başarısız oldu"
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:67
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:69
msgid ""
"We are currently unable to unsubscribe you from %1. Please try again later.."
msgstr "%1 konusundan aboneliğinizi kaldıramadık. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:74
+#: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:76
msgid "Unknown subscription action"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen abonelik eylemi"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:61
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:66
msgid "This forum is not visible to you."
msgstr "Bu forum sizin tarafınızdan görülebilir değil."
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:69
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:74
msgid "This thread has been hidden by moderators."
msgstr "Bu konu başlığı moderatörler tarafından gizlendi."
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:128
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:129
msgid "My question was answered"
msgstr "Sorum yanıtlandı"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:129
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:130
msgid "Click here if your question has been adequately answered"
msgstr "Eğer sorunuz yeterli şekilde yanıtlandıysa, lütfen buraya tıklayın."
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:137
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:138
msgid "I've also got this question"
msgstr "Ben de aynısını soruyorum"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:159 ../user/forum_thread.php:275
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:160 ../user/forum_thread.php:285
msgid "Add a new message to this thread"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığına yeni bir mesaj ekle"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:171
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:172
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Aboneliği bitir"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:172
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:173
msgid "You are subscribed to this thread. Click here to unsubscribe."
msgstr "Bu konu başlığına abonesiniz. Aboneliği bitirmek için tıklayın."
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:178
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:179
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Abone ol"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:179
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:180
msgid "Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığına yeni mesajlar yazıldığında e-posta almak için tıklayın"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:190
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:191
msgid "Unhide this thread"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığının gizliliğini kaldırır"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:196
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:197
msgid "Hide this thread"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığını gizler"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:202
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:203
msgid "Make unsticky"
msgstr "Üst konudan kaldır"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:203
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:204
msgid "Make this thread not sticky"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığının üst konu durumunu kaldır"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:208
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:209
msgid "Make sticky"
msgstr "Üst konu yap"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:209
-msgid "Make this thread sticky"
-msgstr "Bu konu başlığını üst konu başlığı yapar"
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:210
+msgid "Make this thread always appear at top of forum"
+msgstr "Bu konu başlığını forumun her zaman en tepesinde görünür yap"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:215
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:216
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Kilidi kaldır"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:216
-msgid "Unlock this thread"
-msgstr "Bu konu başlığının kilidini kaldırır"
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:217
+msgid "Allow new posts in this thread"
+msgstr "Bu konu başlığında yeni gönderilere izin ver"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:221
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:222
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Kilitle"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:222
-msgid "Lock this thread"
-msgstr "Bu konu başlığını kilitler"
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:223
+msgid "Don't allow new posts in this thread"
+msgstr "Bu konu başlığında yeni gönderilere izin verme"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:229
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:230
msgid "Move this thread to a different forum"
msgstr "Bu konu başlığını başka bir foruma taşır"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:234
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:235
msgid "Edit title"
msgstr "Başlığı düzenle"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:235
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:236
msgid "Edit thread title"
msgstr "Konu başlığını düzenler"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:245
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:244
+msgid "Delete thread permanently"
+msgstr "Konu başlığını kalıcı olarak sil"
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:254
msgid "Export as Notice"
msgstr "Bildirim olarak dışa aktar"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:251
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:260
msgid "Don't export"
msgstr "Dışa aktarma"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:252
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:261
msgid "Don't export this news item as a Notice"
msgstr "Bu haber öğesini bir Bildirim olarak dışa aktarmaz"
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:260 ../user/forum_thread.php:262
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:270 ../user/forum_thread.php:272
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Sırala"
-#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:49
+#. --------------
+#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:54
msgid "Thread status updated"
msgstr "Konu başlığı durum bilgisi güncellendi"
-#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:50
+#: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:55
msgid "The status has been updated."
msgstr "Durum bilgisi güncellendi."
-#: ../user/forum_user_posts.php:73
+#: ../user/forum_user_posts.php:75
msgid "Posts by %1"
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının gönderileri"
-#: ../user/friend.php:33
+#: ../user/friend.php:35
msgid "Already friends"
msgstr "Zaten arkadaş"
-#: ../user/friend.php:39
+#: ../user/friend.php:41
msgid "You requested friendship with %1 on %2."
msgstr "%1 ile %2 üzerinde arkadaşlık isteği aldınız."
-#: ../user/friend.php:41
+#: ../user/friend.php:43
msgid "This request is still pending confirmation."
msgstr "Bu istek halen onaylanmayı bekliyor."
-#: ../user/friend.php:52
+#: ../user/friend.php:54
msgid "%1 is not accepting friendship requests from you"
msgstr "%1 gönderdiğiniz arkadaşlık isteğini onaylamadı"
-#: ../user/friend.php:61
+#: ../user/friend.php:63
msgid "You can't be friends with yourself"
msgstr "Kendinizle arkadaş olamazsınız"
-#: ../user/friend.php:69
+#: ../user/friend.php:71
msgid "Add friend"
msgstr "Arkadaş ekle"
-#: ../user/friend.php:74
+#: ../user/friend.php:76
msgid ""
"You have asked to add %1 as a friend. We will notify %1 and will ask him/her"
" to confirm that you are friends."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısını arkadaş olarak eklemek istediniz. %2 kullanıcısını uyaracağız ve isteğinizi yanıtlamasını isteyeceğiz."
-#: ../user/friend.php:77
+#: ../user/friend.php:79
msgid "Add an optional message here:"
msgstr "İstiyorsanız buraya bir mesaj ekleyin:"
-#: ../user/friend.php:115
+#: ../user/friend.php:117
msgid "Friend request sent"
msgstr "Arkadaşlık isteği gönderildi"
-#: ../user/friend.php:116
+#: ../user/friend.php:118
msgid "We have notified %1 of your request."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısını isteğiniz konusunda uyardık."
-#: ../user/friend.php:126
+#: ../user/friend.php:128
msgid "Please log in as %1"
msgstr "Lütfen %1 olarak giriş yapın"
-#: ../user/friend.php:127
+#: ../user/friend.php:129
msgid "You must log in as %1 to view this friend request"
msgstr "Bu arkadaşlık isteğini görebilmek için %1 olarak giriş yapmanız gerek"
-#: ../user/friend.php:138
+#: ../user/friend.php:140
msgid "Friend request"
msgstr "Arkadaşlık isteği"
-#: ../user/friend.php:141
+#: ../user/friend.php:143
msgid "%1 has requested friendship with you."
msgstr "%1 sizinle arkadaş olmak istedi."
-#: ../user/friend.php:143
+#: ../user/friend.php:145
msgid "%1 says: %2"
msgstr "%1 diyor ki: %2"
-#: ../user/friend.php:146
+#: ../user/friend.php:148
msgid "Accept friendship"
msgstr "Arkadaşlığı onayla"
-#: ../user/friend.php:146
+#: ../user/friend.php:148
msgid "Click accept if %1 is in fact a friend"
msgstr "%1 gerçekten arkadaşınızsa onaylamayı tıklayın"
-#: ../user/friend.php:147
+#: ../user/friend.php:149
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "Reddet"
-#: ../user/friend.php:147
+#: ../user/friend.php:149
msgid "Click decline if %1 is not a friend"
msgstr "%1 arkadaşınız değilse reddetmeyi tıklayın"
-#: ../user/friend.php:186
+#: ../user/friend.php:188
msgid "Friendship confirmed"
msgstr "Arkadaşlık onaylandı"
-#: ../user/friend.php:187
+#: ../user/friend.php:189
msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been confirmed."
msgstr "%1 ile arkadaşlık talebiniz onaylandı."
-#: ../user/friend.php:205
+#: ../user/friend.php:207
msgid "Friendship declined"
msgstr "Arkadaşlık reddedildi"
-#: ../user/friend.php:206
+#: ../user/friend.php:208
msgid "You have declined friendship with %1"
msgstr "%1 ile arkadaşlık talebiniz reddedildi."
-#: ../user/friend.php:221
+#: ../user/friend.php:223
msgid "Notification not found"
msgstr "Uyarı bulunamadı"
-#: ../user/friend.php:223
+#: ../user/friend.php:225
msgid "Friend confirmed"
msgstr "Arkadaş onayladı"
-#: ../user/friend.php:224
+#: ../user/friend.php:226
msgid "You are now friends with %1."
msgstr "%1 ile artık arkadaşsınız."
-#: ../user/friend.php:232
+#: ../user/friend.php:234
msgid "Cancel friendship?"
msgstr "Arkadaşlığı bitir?"
-#: ../user/friend.php:234
+#: ../user/friend.php:236
msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel your friendship with %1?"
msgstr "%1 ile arkadaşlığınızı bitirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/friend.php:239
+#: ../user/friend.php:241
msgid "Stay friends"
msgstr "Arkadaş kal"
-#: ../user/friend.php:249
+#: ../user/friend.php:251
msgid "Friendship cancelled"
msgstr "Arkadaşlık bitirildi"
-#: ../user/friend.php:250
+#: ../user/friend.php:252
msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been cancelled."
msgstr "%1 ile arkadaşlığınız bitti."
-#: ../user/get_passwd.php:25
-msgid "Forgot your account info?"
-msgstr "Hesap bilginizi mi unuttunuz?"
-#: ../user/get_passwd.php:28
+#: ../user/get_passwd.php:27
msgid ""
"1) If you know your account's email address, and you can receive email "
msgstr "1) Hesabınızın e-posta adresini biliyorsanız, buradan bir e-posta alabilirsiniz:"
-#: ../user/get_passwd.php:29
+#: ../user/get_passwd.php:28
msgid ""
"Enter the email address below, and click OK. You will be sent email "
"instructions for resetting your password."
@@ -4412,15 +4504,24 @@ msgstr "Artık hesabınıza giriş yapmış olacaksınız; hesabınızın e-post
msgid "Log in with authenticator"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulayıcı ile giriş"
-#: ../user/gpu_list.php:126 ../user/gpu_list.php:152
+#: ../user/get_passwd.php:81
+msgid "Forgot your account info?"
+msgstr "Hesap bilginizi mi unuttunuz?"
+#: ../user/gpu_list.php:150 ../user/gpu_list.php:176
msgid "No GPU tasks reported"
msgstr "GPU işleri raporlanmadı"
-#: ../user/gpu_list.php:183
+#: ../user/gpu_list.php:206
+msgid "Top GPU models"
+msgstr "En iyi GPU modelleri"
+#: ../user/gpu_list.php:207
msgid ""
"The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different "
-"platforms. Relative speeds are shown in parentheses."
-msgstr "Aşağıdaki listeler farklı platformlardaki en verimli GPU modellerini göstermektedir. Göreceli hızları parantez içinde gösterilmiştir."
+"platforms. Relative speeds, measured by average elapsed time of tasks, are "
+"shown in parentheses."
+msgstr "Aşağıdaki listeler farklı platformlardaki en verimli GPU modellerini göstermektedir. Göreceli hızları, yani işlerin tamamlanması için geçen sürelerin ortalaması, parantez içinde gösterilmiştir."
#: ../user/home.php:42
msgid "Welcome to %1"
@@ -4434,6 +4535,10 @@ msgstr "Hesap tercihlerinizi aşağıdaki bağlantılardan görüp değiştirebi
msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
msgstr "Şimdiye kadar yapmadıysanız, %1BOINC istemci yazılımını indirin%2."
+#: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:70
+msgid "Your account"
+msgstr "Hesabınız"
#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
msgstr "Anonim platform, uygulama mevcut değil"
@@ -4548,10 +4653,14 @@ msgstr "sunucu ismi yok"
msgid "Merge hosts"
msgstr "Sunucuları birleştir"
-#: ../user/host_update_credit.php:28
+#: ../user/host_update_credit.php:27
msgid "Updating computer credit"
msgstr "Bilgisayar kredisi güncelleniyor"
+#: ../user/host_update_credit.php:37
+msgid "Host credit updated"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar kredisi güncellendi"
#: ../user/host_venue_action.php:41
msgid "Host venue updated"
msgstr "Bilgisayar konumu güncellendi"
@@ -4633,6 +4742,10 @@ msgstr "resim; yüksekliği 450 pikseli geçemez. Lütfen resmi barındıran web
msgid "You can also use ampersand notation for special characters."
msgstr "Ayrıca özel karakterler için 've işareti' (ampersand) gösterimi kullanabilirsiniz."
+#: ../user/info.php:24 ../user/sample_index.php:78
+msgid "Read our rules and policies"
+msgstr "Kurallarımızı ve politikamızı okuyun"
#: ../user/info.php:35
msgid "Run %1 only on authorized computers"
msgstr "%1 projesini yalnızca yetkili bilgisayarlarda çalıştırın"
@@ -4806,27 +4919,7 @@ msgid ""
"%1you can provide a translation%2."
msgstr "Çeviriler gönüllüler tarafından yapılır. Eğer anadiliniz burada mevcut değilse, %1bir çeviri gerçekleştirebilirsiniz%2."
-#: ../user/login_form.php:45
-msgid "Email address:"
-msgstr "E-posta adresi:"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:45
-msgid "forgot email address?"
-msgstr "e-posta adresinizi mi unuttunuz?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:48
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Parola:"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:48
-msgid "forgot password?"
-msgstr "parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:51
-msgid "Stay logged in"
-msgstr "Daima bağlı kal"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:62
+#: ../user/login_form.php:57
msgid "or %1create an account%2."
msgstr "ya da %1bir hesap oluştur%2."
@@ -4950,250 +5043,255 @@ msgstr "Özel mesajınız bulunmuyor."
msgid "Sender and date"
msgstr "Gönderen ve tarih"
-#: ../user/pm.php:106
+#: ../user/pm.php:111
msgid "Reply to this message"
msgstr "konu başlığına yeni bir mesaj ekle"
-#: ../user/pm.php:107
+#: ../user/pm.php:112
msgid "Delete this message"
msgstr "Bu mesajı sil"
-#: ../user/pm.php:112
+#: ../user/pm.php:117
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Tümünü seç"
-#: ../user/pm.php:114
+#: ../user/pm.php:119
msgid "Unselect all"
msgstr "Tümünün seçimini kaldır"
-#: ../user/pm.php:117
+#: ../user/pm.php:122
msgid "Delete selected messages"
msgstr "Seçili mesajları sil"
-#: ../user/pm.php:140
+#: ../user/pm.php:145
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Gönderen"
-#: ../user/pm.php:143
+#: ../user/pm.php:148
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tarih"
-#: ../user/pm.php:185
+#: ../user/pm.php:190
msgid "You need to fill all fields to send a private message"
msgstr "Özel mesaj göndermek için tüm alanları doldurmalısınız"
-#: ../user/pm.php:188
+#: ../user/pm.php:193
msgid ""
"Your message was flagged as spam\n"
" by the Akismet anti-spam system.\n"
" Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr "İlk yanıtınız Akismet anti-spam sistemi\n tarafından bir saldırı olarak algılandı.\n Lütfen yazdığınızı değiştirip tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/pm.php:205
+#: ../user/pm.php:210
msgid "Could not find user with id %1"
msgstr "%1 NO'suyla bir kullanıcı bulunamadı"
-#: ../user/pm.php:210
+#: ../user/pm.php:215
msgid "Could not find user with username %1"
msgstr "%1 adında bir kullanıcı bulunamadı."
-#: ../user/pm.php:212
+#. Non-unique username
+#: ../user/pm.php:217
msgid "%1 is not a unique username; you will have to use user ID"
msgstr "%1 benzersiz bir kullanıcı adı değil; kullanıcının kimlik NO'sunu kullanmalısınız"
-#: ../user/pm.php:217
+#: ../user/pm.php:222
msgid "User %1 (ID: %2) is not accepting private messages from you."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısı (NO: %2) sizden gelen özel mesajları kabul etmiyor."
-#: ../user/pm.php:240 ../user/view_profile.php:26
+#: ../user/pm.php:245 ../user/view_profile.php:28
msgid "No such user"
msgstr "Böyle bir kullanıcı yok"
-#: ../user/pm.php:242
+#: ../user/pm.php:247
msgid "Really block %1?"
msgstr "%1 gerçekten engellensin mi?"
-#: ../user/pm.php:243
+#: ../user/pm.php:248
msgid ""
"Are you really sure you want to block user %1 from sending you private "
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının size özel mesaj göndermesini engellemek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/pm.php:244
+#: ../user/pm.php:249
msgid "Please note that you can only block a limited amount of users."
msgstr "Unutmayın ki, yalnızca sınırlı sayıda kullanıcıyı engelleyebilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/pm.php:245
+#: ../user/pm.php:250
msgid ""
"Once the user has been blocked you can unblock it using forum preferences "
msgstr "Bir kullanıcı engellendiğinizde, engelini forum tercihleri sayfasından kaldırabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/pm.php:252
+#: ../user/pm.php:257
msgid "No, cancel"
msgstr "Hayır, iptal"
-#: ../user/pm.php:260 ../user/team_admins.php:98
+#: ../user/pm.php:265 ../user/team_admins.php:100
msgid "no such user"
msgstr "eşleşen kullanıcı yok"
-#: ../user/pm.php:263
+#: ../user/pm.php:268
msgid "User %1 blocked"
msgstr "%1 kullancısı engellendi"
-#: ../user/pm.php:265
+#: ../user/pm.php:270
msgid "User %1 has been blocked from sending you private messages."
msgstr "%1 kullanıcısının size özel mesaj göndermesi engellendi."
-#: ../user/pm.php:266
+#: ../user/pm.php:271
msgid "To unblock, visit %1message board preferences%2"
msgstr "Engellemeyi kaldırmak için, %1forum tercihlerini%2 ziyaret edin"
-#: ../user/pm.php:302
+#: ../user/pm.php:307
msgid "Unknown action"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen eylem"
-#: ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../user/prefs.php:33
msgid ""
"Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
" will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
" or you issue the %2Update%3 command from the BOINC Manager."
msgstr "Tercihleriniz güncellendi. Güncel tercihler,\n bilgisayarınız %1 ile ilk bağlantı kurduğunda ya da\n BOINC Manager'da %2Güncelle%3 komutunu kullandığınızda kullanılmaya başlanacak."
-#: ../user/prefs.php:41
+#: ../user/prefs.php:42
msgid ""
"Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
" will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
" or you issue the %2Update%3 command from the BOINC Manager."
msgstr "Tercihleriniz varsayılan değerlerine sıfırlandı ve bilgisayarınız\n %1 ile iletişim kurduğunda ya da BOINC Manager'dan\n %2Güncelle%3 komutu kullanıldığında yürürlüğe girecek."
-#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:65 ../user/prefs_edit.php:93
+#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:66 ../user/prefs_edit.php:94
msgid "%1 for %2"
msgstr "%1 için %2"
-#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:110
+#: ../user/prefs_edit.php:112
msgid "Back to preferences"
msgstr "Tercihlere dön"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:46
msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
msgstr "Tercihlerin kaldırılmasını onayla"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:49
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
msgstr "%2 için ayrı %1 tercihlerinizi silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:53
msgid "Remove preferences"
msgstr "Tercihleri kaldır"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "İptal"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:34 ../user/sample_index.php:119
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Profiller"
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
msgid ""
"%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
msgstr "%1Profilller%2, fikirlerinizi ve özgeçmişinizi %3 topluluğuyla paylaşmanızı sağlar."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
msgid ""
"Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
"views for others to enjoy."
msgstr "Sizin gibi düşünen gönüllüleri arayın ve görüşlerinizle diğerlerine katkıda bulunun."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
msgid ""
"If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
"to see!"
msgstr "Sahip değilseniz, diğerlerinin görmesi için %1kendi kullanıcı profilinizi oluşturabilirsiniz%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:44
msgid "User of the Day"
msgstr "Günün Kullanıcısı"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:59
msgid "User Profile Explorer"
msgstr "Kullancı Profili Gezgini"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
msgstr "%1Kullancı Resim Galerisine%2 bak."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
msgstr "Profillere %1ülkelerine göre%2 gözat."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:64
msgid ""
"Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
"without pictures%2."
msgstr "Profillere %1rasgele%2, %3resimlerle rasgele%2 ya da %4resimler olmadan rasgele%2 gözat."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:68
msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
msgstr "Alfabetik profil listesi:"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:74
msgid "Search profile text"
msgstr "Profil yazısında ara"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:98
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:100
msgid "No profiles"
msgstr "Profil yok"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:101
msgid "No profiles matched your query."
msgstr "Aramanızla eşleşen profil yok."
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:29
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:31
msgid "Invalid vote type:"
msgstr "Geçersiz oy tipi:"
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:34
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:36
msgid "Vote Recorded"
msgstr "Oy Kaydedildi"
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:40
msgid "Thank you"
msgstr "Teşekkürler"
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:41
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:43
msgid "Your recommendation has been recorded."
msgstr "Öneriniz kaydedildi."
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:43
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:45
msgid "Your vote to reject this profile has been recorded."
msgstr "Bu profilin çıkarılması konusundaki oyunuz kaydedildi."
-#: ../user/profile_rate.php:46
+#: ../user/profile_rate.php:48
msgid "Return to profile."
msgstr "Profile dön."
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:36
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:38
msgid "Profiles containing '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' içeren profiller"
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Kullanıcı adı"
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:41
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
msgid "Joined project"
msgstr "Katıldığı projeler"
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:44
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:46
msgid "Recent credit"
msgstr "Güncel ortalama kredi"
-#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:54
+#: ../user/profile_search_action.php:56
msgid "No profiles found containing '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' içeren profil bulunamadı"
-#: ../user/result.php:35
-msgid "Task %1"
-msgstr "İş %1"
+#: ../user/result.php:33
+msgid "No such task:"
+msgstr "Eşleşen iş yok:"
#: ../user/results.php:29
msgid "This feature is turned off temporarily"
@@ -5215,149 +5313,61 @@ msgstr "Eksik kullanıcı NO ya da sunucu NO"
msgid "No tasks to display"
msgstr "Görüntülenecek iş yok"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:97
-msgid "Running"
-msgstr "Çalışıyor"
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:195
+msgid "User of the day"
+msgstr "Günün kullanıcısı"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:100
+#: ../user/server_status.php:59
msgid "Not Running"
msgstr "Çalışmıyor"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:103
+#: ../user/server_status.php:63
+msgid "Running"
+msgstr "Çalışıyor"
+#: ../user/server_status.php:67
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Devre dışı"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:231
+#: ../user/server_status.php:105
msgid "Project status"
msgstr "Proje durumu"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:233
-msgid "Server software version: %1"
-msgstr "Sunucu yazılımı sürümü: %1"
+#: ../user/server_status.php:110
+msgid "Server status"
+msgstr "Sunucu durumu"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:241
+#: ../user/server_status.php:113
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Program"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:241
+#: ../user/server_status.php:113
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Sunucu"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:252
-msgid "data-driven web pages"
-msgstr "veri-yürüten internet sayfaları"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:258
-msgid "upload/download server"
-msgstr "gönderme/indirme sunucusu"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:261
-msgid "scheduler"
-msgstr "zamanlayıcı"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:294
-msgid "Running:"
-msgstr "Çalışıyor:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:295
-msgid "Program is operating normally"
-msgstr "Program normal olarak çalışıyor"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:296
-msgid "Not Running:"
-msgstr "Çalışmıyor:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:297
-msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
-msgstr "Programda hata var ya da proje kapalı"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:298
-msgid "Disabled:"
-msgstr "Devre dışı:"
+#: ../user/server_status.php:125
+msgid "Database schema version: "
+msgstr "Veritabanı şeması sürümü:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:299
-msgid "Program is disabled"
-msgstr "Program devre dışı"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:303
+#: ../user/server_status.php:138
msgid "Computing status"
msgstr "Hesaplama durumu"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
-msgid "The database server is not accessible"
-msgstr "Veritabanı sunucusu erişilebilir değil"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:326
-msgid "Tasks ready to send"
-msgstr "Gönderilmeye hazır işler"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
-msgid "Tasks in progress"
-msgstr "Süren işler"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:336
-msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
-msgstr "Doğrulama için bekleyen iş birimleri"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
-msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
-msgstr "Benzetme için bekleyen iş birimleri"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346
-msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
-msgstr "Silinmek için bekleyen iş birimleri"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
-msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
-msgstr "Dosya silinmesi için bekleyen işler"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:367
-msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
-msgstr "Dönüştürücüde biriken iş (saat)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:374
+#: ../user/server_status.php:153
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Kullanıcılar"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
-msgid "with recent credit"
-msgstr "güncel krediye sahip"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
-msgid "with credit"
-msgstr "krediye sahip"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
-msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
-msgstr "son 24 saatte kaydolan"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:411
-msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
-msgstr "şuanki GigaFLOP"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:420
+#: ../user/server_status.php:165
msgid "Tasks by application"
msgstr "Uygulamaya göre işler"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
-msgid "application"
-msgstr "uygulama"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:424
-msgid "unsent"
-msgstr "gönderilmemiş"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:425
-msgid "in progress"
-msgstr "sürmekte"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:426
-msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
-msgstr "son 100 sonucun ortalama çalışma saati (en az-çok)"
+#: ../user/server_status.php:168
+msgid "Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max"
+msgstr "Son 100 sonucun ortalama çalışma saati: Ortalama, en az, en çok)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
-msgid "users in last 24h"
-msgstr "son 24 saatteki yeni üyeler"
+#: ../user/server_status.php:169
+msgid "Users in last 24 hours"
+msgstr "Son 24 saatteki kullanıcılar"
#: ../user/show_host_detail.php:40
msgid "Computer %1"
@@ -5367,679 +5377,702 @@ msgstr "Bilgisayar %1"
msgid "Statistics and leaderboards"
msgstr "İstatistikler ve en iyiler listeleri"
-#: ../user/stats.php:28
+#: ../user/stats.php:30
msgid "Statistics for %1"
msgstr "%1 için istatistikler"
-#: ../user/stats.php:37
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
+#: ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/top_users.php:117
+msgid "Top participants"
+msgstr "En iyi katılımcılar"
+#: ../user/stats.php:40 ../user/team.php:48
+msgid "Top teams"
+msgstr "En iyi takımlar"
+#: ../user/stats.php:47
+msgid "Top computers"
+msgstr "En iyi bilgisayarlar"
+#: ../user/stats.php:48
+msgid "GPU models"
+msgstr "GPU modelleri"
+#: ../user/stats.php:49
+msgid "CPU models"
+msgstr "CPU modelleri"
+#: ../user/stats.php:53
msgid ""
"More detailed statistics for %1 and other BOINC-based projects are available"
" at several web sites:"
msgstr "%1 ve diğer BOINC-tabanlı projeler için daha detaylı istatistikler, çeşitli internet sitelerinde mevcuttur:"
-#: ../user/stats.php:40
+#: ../user/stats.php:56
msgid ""
"You can also get your current statistics in the form of a \"signature "
msgstr "Güncel istatistiklerinizi, bir \"imza resmi\" biçiminde de görebilirsiniz:"
-#: ../user/stats.php:43
+#: ../user/stats.php:59
msgid ""
"Additionally you can get your individual statistics summed across all BOINC "
"projects from several sites; see your %1home page%2."
msgstr "Ek olarak, tüm BOINC projelerindeki kişisel istatistiklerinizin özetini de çeşitli sitelerden alabilirsiniz; %1ana sayfanıza%2 bakın."
#: ../user/team.php:27
+msgid "Teams"
+msgstr "Takımlar"
+#: ../user/team.php:29
msgid "%1 participants may form %2teams%3."
msgstr "%1 katılımcıları %2takımlar%3 oluşturabilir."
-#: ../user/team.php:29
+#: ../user/team.php:31
msgid ""
"You may belong to only one team. You can join or quit a team at any time."
msgstr "Aynı anda yalnızca bir takımın üyesi olabilirsiniz. Bir takıma istediğiniz zaman katılıp ayrılabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/team.php:31
+#: ../user/team.php:33
msgid "Each team has a %1founder%2 who may:"
msgstr "Her takım şunları yapabilen bir %1kurucuya%2 sahiptir:"
-#: ../user/team.php:33
+#: ../user/team.php:35
msgid "access team members' email addresses"
msgstr "Takım üyelerinin e-posta adreslerini görme"
-#: ../user/team.php:34
+#: ../user/team.php:36
msgid "edit the team's name and description"
msgstr "Takımın ismini ve tanıtımını düzenleme"
-#: ../user/team.php:35
+#: ../user/team.php:37
msgid "add or remove team admins"
msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri ekleme ya da çıkarma"
-#: ../user/team.php:36
+#: ../user/team.php:38
msgid "remove members from the team"
msgstr "Takımdan bir üyeyi çıkarma"
-#: ../user/team.php:37
+#: ../user/team.php:39
msgid "disband a team if it has no members"
msgstr "Üyesi yoksa takımı kaldırma."
-#: ../user/team.php:40
+#: ../user/team.php:42
msgid "To join a team, visit its team page and click %1Join this team%2."
msgstr "Bir takıma katılmak için, takımın sayfasını ziyaret edin ve %1Bu takıma katıl%2 bağlantısına tıklayın."
-#: ../user/team.php:41 ../user/team_search.php:180
+#: ../user/team.php:43 ../user/team_search.php:201
msgid "Find a team"
msgstr "Bir takım bul"
-#: ../user/team.php:48
+#: ../user/team.php:50
msgid "All teams"
msgstr "Tüm takımlar"
-#: ../user/team.php:52
+#: ../user/team.php:54
msgid "%1 teams"
msgstr "%1 takımları"
-#: ../user/team.php:58
+#: ../user/team.php:60
msgid "Create a new team"
msgstr "Yeni bir takım oluştur"
-#: ../user/team.php:59
+#: ../user/team.php:61
msgid ""
"If you cannot find a team that is right for you, you can %1create a team%2."
msgstr "Size göre bir takım bulamadıysanız, %1bir takım oluşturabilirsiniz%2."
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:34
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:36
msgid "Remove Team Admin status from this member"
msgstr "Bu kullanıcıyı Takım Yöneticiliğinden çıkar"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:40 ../user/team_admins.php:51
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:42 ../user/team_admins.php:53
msgid "Add or remove Team Admins"
msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri ekleme ya da çıkarma"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:41
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:43
msgid "You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:"
msgstr "Takımınızın üyelerini 'Takım Yöneticisi' yapabilirsiniz. Takım Yöneticileri şunları gerçekleştirebilir:"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:43
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:45
msgid "Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)"
msgstr "Takım bilgisini düzenleme (isim, URL, tanıtım, ülke)"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:44
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:46
msgid "View the team's join/quit history"
msgstr "Takımın katılma/ayrılma geçmişini görüntüleme"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:45
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:47
msgid ""
"Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation"
" events and red X reports)"
msgstr "Eğer mevcutsa, takım forumunu yönetme (yöneticiler, moderasyon olayları ve red X raporları hakkında uyarı e-postaları alır)"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:47
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:49
msgid "Team Admins cannot:"
msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri şunları yapamaz:"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:49
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:51
msgid "Change the team founder"
msgstr "Takım kurucusunu değiştirme"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:50 ../user/team_manage.php:54
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:52 ../user/team_manage.php:56
msgid "Remove members"
msgstr "Üyeleri çıkartma"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:53
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:55
msgid "If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin."
msgstr "Bir Takım Yöneticisi takımdan ayrılırsa, Takım Yöneticiliği de sona erer."
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:54
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:56
msgid ""
"We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as "
"Team Admins."
msgstr "Yalnızca bildiğiniz ve tamamen güvendiğiniz kişileri Takım Yöneticisi yapmanızı öneririz."
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:59
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:61
msgid "There are currently no Team Admins"
msgstr "Şu anda bir Takım Yöneticisi bulunmuyor"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:61
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:63
msgid "Current Team Admins"
msgstr "Mevcut Takım Yöneticileri"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:64
msgid "Became Team Admin on"
msgstr "Burada Takım Yöneticisi ol: "
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:77
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:79
msgid "Add Team Admin"
msgstr "Takım Yöneticisi ekle"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:78
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:80
msgid "Email address of team member:"
msgstr "Takım üyesinin E-posta adresi:"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:90
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:81
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Ekle"
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:92
msgid "failed to remove admin"
msgstr "yöneticiyi kaldırma başarısız oldu"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:99
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:101
msgid "User is not member of team"
msgstr "Kullanıcı takımın üyesi değil"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:101
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:103
msgid "%1 is already an admin of %2"
msgstr "%1 zaten %2 takımının bir yöneticisi"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:105
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:107
msgid "Couldn't add admin"
msgstr "Yönetici eklenemedi"
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:113 ../user/team_manage.php:85
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:30
msgid "No such team"
msgstr "Eşleşen takım yok"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:30
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:33 ../user/team_display.php:67
-#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:30 ../user/team_edit_form.php:29
-#: ../user/team_email_list.php:55
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:32
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:35 ../user/team_display.php:69
+#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:32 ../user/team_edit_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:64
msgid "no such team"
msgstr "eşleşen takım yok"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:38
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:40
msgid "User is not a member of %1"
msgstr "Kullanıcı %1 takımının üyesi değil"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:41
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:43
msgid "Changing founder of %1"
msgstr "%1 takımının kurucu değişimi"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:43
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:45
msgid "%1 is now founder of %2"
msgstr "%1, %2 takımının kurucusu oldu"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:39
msgid "Change founder of %1"
msgstr "%1 takımının kurucusunu değiştir"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:43
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:45
msgid ""
"Team member %1 requested this team's foundership on %2, but left the team, "
"thus canceling the request."
msgstr "Takım üyesi %1, %2 tarihinde bu takımın yöneticisi olmayı talep etti, ancak takımdan ayrıldı. Dolayısıyla talep iptal ediliyor."
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:49
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:51
msgid ""
"Team member %1 has requested this team's foundership. This may be because "
"you left the team or haven't had contact with the team for a long time."
msgstr "Takım üyesi %1, bu takımın yöneticisi olmayı talep etti. Bu gerçekleşebilir çünkü takımdan ayrıldınız ya da takımla uzun süredir irtibat kurmuyorsunuz."
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:55
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:57
msgid "decline request"
msgstr "isteği reddet"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:58
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:60
msgid ""
"If you don't decline the request by %1, %2 will have the option of assuming team foundership.<br /><br />\n"
" To accept the request, assign foundership to %3 using the form below."
msgstr "%1 tarihine kadar talebi reddetmezseniz, %2 takımın yöneticisi olma seçeneğine sahip olacak.<br /><br />\n Talebi kabul etmek için, aşağıdaki formu kullanarak %3 takımına kurucu olarak atayın."
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:66
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:68
msgid "No transfer request is pending."
msgstr "Beklemede olan değişim isteği bulunmuyor."
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:69
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:71
msgid ""
"To assign foundership of this team to another member, check the box next to "
"member name and click <strong>Change founder</strong> below."
msgstr "Başka bir kullanıcıyı bu takımın kurucusu yapmak için, üye isminin yanındaki kutucuğu işaretleyin ve aşağıdaki <strong>Kurucuyu değiştir</strong>e tıklayın."
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:76
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78
msgid "New founder?"
msgstr "Yeni kurucu olsun"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:105 ../user/team_manage.php:56
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:107 ../user/team_manage.php:58
msgid "Change founder"
msgstr "Kurucuyu değiştir"
-#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:110
msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
msgstr "Takımın aktarılacağı hiçbir kullanıcı yok."
-#: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
+#: ../user/team_create_action.php:31
msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
msgstr "Boş olmayan bir takım adı seçmelisiniz."
-#: ../user/team_create_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_create_action.php:36
msgid "A team named %1 already exists - try another name"
msgstr "%1 adında bir takım zaten mevcut - lütfen başka bir isim deneyin."
-#: ../user/team_create_action.php:54
+#: ../user/team_create_action.php:56
msgid "Could not create team - please try later."
msgstr "Takım oluşturulamadı - lütfen tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/team_create_form.php:27 ../user/team_create_form.php:32
+#: ../user/team_create_form.php:29 ../user/team_create_form.php:34
msgid "Create a team"
msgstr "Takım oluştur"
-#: ../user/team_create_form.php:30
+#: ../user/team_create_form.php:32
msgid ""
"You belong to %1. You must %2quit this team%3 before creating a new one."
msgstr "%1 üyesisiniz. Yeni bir tane oluşturmadan önce %2bu takımdan ayrılmalısınız%3."
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:65
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:66
msgid "Not founder or admin"
msgstr "Kurucu ya da yönetici yok"
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:72
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:73
msgid "Team history for %1"
msgstr "%1 için takım geçmişi"
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:75
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:76
msgid "When"
msgstr "Ne zaman"
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:76
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:77
msgid "User"
msgstr "Kullanıcı"
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:77
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:78
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Eylem"
-#: ../user/team_delta.php:78
+#: ../user/team_delta.php:79
msgid "Total credit at time of action"
msgstr "Eylem gerçekleştirildiğindeki toplam kredi"
-#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:53
+#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:55
msgid "bad country"
msgstr "geçersiz ülke"
-#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:59
+#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:61
msgid "The name '%1' is being used by another team."
msgstr "'%1' ismi başka bir takım tarafından kullanılıyor."
-#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:62
+#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:64
msgid "Must specify team name"
msgstr "Bir takım adı belirtilmeli"
-#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:90
+#: ../user/team_edit_action.php:92
msgid "Could not update team - please try again later."
msgstr "Takım güncelleştirilemedi - lütfen tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/team_edit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_edit_form.php:35
msgid "Edit %1"
msgstr "%1 takımını düzenle"
-#: ../user/team_edit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_edit_form.php:36
msgid "Update team info"
msgstr "Takım bilgisini güncelle"
-#: ../user/team_email_list.php:61
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:70
msgid "%1 Email List"
msgstr "%1 e-posta listesi"
-#: ../user/team_email_list.php:63
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:72
msgid "Member list of %1"
msgstr "%1 üye listesi"
-#: ../user/team_email_list.php:78
+#: ../user/team_email_list.php:87
msgid "Show as plain text"
msgstr "Salt metin olarak görüntüle"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:28 ../user/team_forum.php:39
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:30 ../user/team_forum.php:41
msgid "Create Message Board"
msgstr "Mesaj panosu oluştur"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:29
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:31
msgid "You may create a message board for use by %1."
msgstr "%1 için kullanmak üzere bir mesaj panosu oluşturabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:31
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:33
msgid "Only team members will be able to post."
msgstr "Yalnızca takım üyeleri gönderi gönderebilecek."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:32
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:34
msgid "At your option, only members will be able to read."
msgstr "Tercihinize bağlı olarak, yalnızca üyeler gönderileri okuyabilecek."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:33
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:35
msgid "You and your Team Admins will have moderator privileges."
msgstr "Siz ve Takım Yöneticileri moderasyon izinlerine sahip olacak."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:40
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:42
msgid "Create a message board for %1"
msgstr "%1 için bir mesaj panosu oluştur"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:48
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:50
msgid "Team already has a message board"
msgstr "Takım zaten bir mesaj panosuna sahip"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:59
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:61
msgid "Team Message Board"
msgstr "Takım Mesaj Panosu"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:71
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:73
msgid "Minimum time between posts (seconds)"
msgstr "İki gönderi arasındaki en kısa süre (saniye olarak)"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:74
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:76
msgid "Minimum total credit to post"
msgstr "İleti gönderebilmek için sahip olunması gereken en az kredi"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:77
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:79
msgid "Minimum average credit to post"
msgstr "İleti gönderebilmek için sahip olunması gereken en az ortalama kredi"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:80
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:82
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Gönder"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:89
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:91
msgid "Remove your team's message board."
msgstr "Takımınızın mesaj panosunu kaldırmak için tıklayın."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:97
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:99
msgid "Really remove message board?"
msgstr "Mesaj panosunu kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:98
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:100
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove your team's message board? All threads and "
"posts will be permanently removed. (You may, however, create a new message "
"board later)."
msgstr "Takımınızın mesaj panosunu kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz? Tüm başlıklar ve gönderiler kalıcı olarak silinecek (Bununla birlikte, daha sonra yeni bir mesaj panosu oluşturabilirsiniz)."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:100
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:102
msgid "Yes - remove message board"
msgstr "Evet - mesaj panosunu kaldır"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:121
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:123
msgid "Message board removed"
msgstr "Mesaj panosu kaldırıldı"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:124
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:126
msgid ""
"Your team's message board has been removed. You may now %1create a new "
msgstr "Takımınızın mesaj panosu kaldırıldı. Şimdi yeni bir tane %1oluşturabilirsiniz%2."
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:143
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:145
msgid "Team Message Board Updated"
msgstr "Takım mesaj panosu güncellendi"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:144
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:146
msgid "Update successful"
msgstr "Güncelleme başarılı"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:147
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:149
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Güncelleme başarısız"
-#: ../user/team_forum.php:154
+#: ../user/team_forum.php:156
msgid "Team has no forum"
msgstr "Takımın forumu yok"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:36
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:38
msgid "You must be a member of a team to access this page."
msgstr "Bu sayfaya erişmek için takımın üyesi olmalısınız."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:90
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:92
msgid "Requesting foundership of %1"
msgstr "%1 kurucusu olma talebi gönderiliyor"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:98
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:100
msgid ""
"The current founder has been notified of your request by email and private message.<br /><br />\n"
" If the founder does not respond within 60 days you will be allowed to become the founder."
msgstr "Mevcut kurucu, talebiniz hakkında e-posta ve özel mesaj yollarıyla uyarıldı.<br /><br />\n Kurucu 60 gün içerisinde yanıt vermezse, yeni kurucu olabileceksiniz."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:102
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:113
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:104
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:115
msgid "Foundership request not allowed now"
msgstr "Kurucu olma talebi şu anda kabul edilmiyor"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:109
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:111
msgid "Assumed foundership of %1"
msgstr "%1 takımının kuruculuğunu üstlendiniz"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:111
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:113
msgid ""
"Congratulations, you are now the founder of team %1. Go to %2Your Account "
"page%3 to find the Team Admin options."
msgstr "Tebrikler, %1 takımının kurucusu oldunuz. Takım Yönetimi seçeneklerine ulaşmak için %2Hesap Sayfanız%3a gidin. <br>"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:120
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:122
msgid "Decline founder change request"
msgstr "Kurucu değişimi talebini reddet"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:127
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:129
msgid "The foundership request from %1 has been declined."
msgstr "%1 tarafından gönderilen kurucu olma talebi reddedildi"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:130
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:132
msgid "There were no foundership requests."
msgstr "Kurucu olma talebi bulunmuyor."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:134
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:136
msgid "undefined action %1"
msgstr "bilinmeyen eylem %1"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:137
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:83
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:139
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:85
msgid "Return to team page"
msgstr "Takım sayfasına dön"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:28
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:30
msgid "You need to be a member of a team to access this page."
msgstr "Bu sayfaya erişmek için bir takımın üyesi olmalısınız."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:33
msgid "Request foundership of %1"
msgstr "%1 kurucusu olma talebi gönder"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:40
msgid "You are now founder of team %1."
msgstr "%1 takımının kurucusu oldunuz."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:44
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:46
msgid "You requested the foundership of %1 on %2."
msgstr "%2 tarihinde %1 için kurucu olmayı talep ettiniz."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:47
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:49
msgid ""
"60 days have elapsed since your request, and the founder has not responded. "
"You may now assume foundership by clicking here:"
msgstr "Talebinizden bu yana 60 gün geçti ve kurucu yanıt vermedi. Buraya tıklayarak kuruculuğu üstlenebilirsiniz:"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:50
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:52
msgid "Assume foundership"
msgstr "Kuruculuğu üstlen"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:54
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:56
msgid ""
"The founder was notified of your request. If he/she does not respond by %1 "
"you will be given an option to become founder."
msgstr "Kurucu, talebiniz hakkında uyarıldı. Eğer %1 tarihine kadar yanıt vermezse, kurucu olmak için seçeneğiniz olacak."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:60
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:62
msgid ""
"If the team founder is not active and you want to assume the role of founder, click the button below. The current founder will be sent an email detailing your request, and will be able to transfer foundership to you or to decline your request. If the founder does not respond in 60 days, you will be allowed to become the founder.<br /><br />\n"
" Are you sure you want to request foundership?"
msgstr "Eğer takım kurucusu aktif değilse ve kuruculuğu üstlenmek istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki butona tıklayın. Mevcut kurucuya isteğinizle ilgili detaylı bir e-posta gönderilecek ve kuruculuğu size devretme ya da talebi reddetme seçenekleri olacak. Kurucu 60 gün içerisinde bir yanıt vermezse, kurucu olabileceksiniz.<br /><br />\n Kurucu olma talebi göndermek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:65
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:67
msgid "Request foundership"
msgstr "Kurucu değişimi talebi"
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:74
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:76
msgid "Founder change has already been requested by %1 on %2."
msgstr "Kurucu değişimi, %1 tarafından %2 tarihinde zaten talep edildi."
-#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:77
+#: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:79
msgid ""
"A foundership change was requested during the last 90 days, so new requests "
"are not allowed. Please try again later."
msgstr "Son 90 gün içerisinde bir kurucu değişimi talebi oldu, bu nedenle yeni talepler kabul edilmiyor. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
+#: ../user/team_join.php:34 ../user/team_join_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
msgstr "%1 takımı yeni üye kabul etmiyor."
-#: ../user/team_join.php:35 ../user/team_join_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join.php:37 ../user/team_join_action.php:37
msgid "Already a member"
msgstr "Zaten üye"
-#: ../user/team_join.php:36 ../user/team_join_action.php:36
+#: ../user/team_join.php:38 ../user/team_join_action.php:38
msgid "You are already a member of %1."
msgstr "Zaten %1 takımının üyesisiniz."
-#: ../user/team_join.php:42 ../user/team_join_action.php:43
+#: ../user/team_join.php:44 ../user/team_join_action.php:45
msgid "Couldn't join team - please try again later."
msgstr "Takıma katılamadınız - lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ../user/team_join_action.php:40
+#: ../user/team_join_action.php:42
msgid "Joined %1"
msgstr "Üyelik %1"
-#: ../user/team_join_action.php:41
+#: ../user/team_join_action.php:43
msgid "You have joined %1."
msgstr "%1 takımına katıldınız."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
msgid "Join %1"
msgstr "%1 takımına katıl"
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
msgid "Please note:"
msgstr "Lütfen dikkat:"
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr "Bir takıma katıldığınızda, kurucusu e-posta adresinizi görebilir."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
msgstr "Bir takıma katılmak, hesabınızdaki kredi miktarını etkilemez."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
msgid "Join team"
msgstr "Takıma katıl"
-#: ../user/team_lookup.php:84
+#: ../user/team_lookup.php:86
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Arama Sonuçları"
-#: ../user/team_lookup.php:86
+#: ../user/team_lookup.php:88
msgid "Search results for '%1'"
msgstr "'%1' için arama sonuçları"
-#: ../user/team_lookup.php:88
+#: ../user/team_lookup.php:90
msgid "You may view these teams' members, statistics, and information."
msgstr "Bu takımların üyeleri, istatistikleri ve bilgilerini görebilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/team_lookup.php:98
+#: ../user/team_lookup.php:100
msgid "More than 100 teams match your search. The first 100 are shown."
msgstr "Aramanız sonucunda 100'den fazla takım bulundu. İlk 100 takım gösteriliyor."
-#: ../user/team_lookup.php:104
+#: ../user/team_lookup.php:106
msgid ""
"End of results. %1 If you cannot find the team you are looking for, you may "
"%2create a team%3 yourself."
msgstr "Sonuçların sonu. %1 Eğer istediğiniz gibi bir takım bulamadıysanız, kendiniz %2bir takım oluşturabilirsiniz%3."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:26
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:28
msgid "Team administration for %1"
msgstr "%1 için takım yönetimi"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:29
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:31
msgid "Edit team info"
msgstr "Takım bilgilerini düzenle"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:30
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:32
msgid "Change team name, URL, description, type, or country"
msgstr "Takım adı, URL'si, tanıtımı, tipi ya da ülkesini değiştirin."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:32
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:34
msgid "Member list:"
msgstr "Üye listesi:"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:33 ../user/team_manage.php:37
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:35 ../user/team_manage.php:39
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:34
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:36
msgid "text"
msgstr "salt metin"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:35
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:37
msgid "View member names and email addresses"
msgstr "Takım üyelerinin isimlerini ve e-posta adreslerini görün."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:36
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:38
msgid "View change history:"
msgstr "Değişiklik tarihçesini gözden geçir:"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:38
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:40
msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:39
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:41
msgid "See when members joined or quit this team"
msgstr "Üyelerin takıma ne zaman katıldığını ya da ayrıldığını görün."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:50
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:52
msgid "Respond to foundership request."
msgstr "Kurucu değişimi talebine yanıt verin."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:50
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:52
msgid "If you don't respond by %1, %2 may assume foundership of this team."
msgstr "Eğer %1 tarihine kadar yanıt vermezseniz, %2 bu takımın kuruculuğunu üstlenebilir."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:55
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:57
msgid "Remove inactive or unwanted members from this team"
msgstr "Aktif olmayan ya da istemediğiniz üyeleri takımdan çıkarın."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:57
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:59
msgid "Transfer foundership to another member"
msgstr "Takım kuruculuğunu başka bir üyeye devredin."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:58
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:60
msgid "Add/remove Team Admins"
msgstr "Takım Yöneticileri ekle/kaldır"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:59
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:61
msgid "Give selected team members Team Admin privileges"
msgstr "Seçtiğiniz üyelere Takım Yöneticisi yetkileri verin."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:61
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:63
msgid "Remove team"
msgstr "Takımı kaldır"
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:62
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:64
msgid "Allowed only if team has no members"
msgstr "Yalnızca takımın üyesi yoksa gerçekleştirilebilir."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:64
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:66
msgid "Create or manage a team message board"
msgstr "Takım mesaj panosu oluşturun ya da yönetin."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:71
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:73
msgid ""
"To have this team created on all BOINC projects (current and future) you can"
" make it into a %1BOINC-wide team%2."
msgstr "Mevcut tüm BOINC projelerinde bu takımın bulunmasını istiyorsanız (şu anda ve gelecekte), %1BOINC genişletilmiş-takımı%2 haline getirebilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:73
+#: ../user/team_manage.php:75
msgid ""
"Team admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google %1boinc-"
"team-founders%2 group."
msgstr "Takım yöneticilerini, Google'daki %1boinc-takım-kurucuları%2 grubuna katılmaya teşvik ediyoruz."
-#: ../user/team_manage.php:75
-msgid ""
-"Other resources for BOINC team admins are available from a third-party site,"
-" %1www.boincteams.com%2."
-msgstr "BOINC takım yöneticileri için diğer kaynaklar, üçüncü parti bir sitededir: %1www.boincteams.com%2."
#: ../user/team_manage.php:91
msgid "Can't delete non-empty team"
msgstr "Boş olmayan bir takım kaldırılamaz."
@@ -6048,27 +6081,27 @@ msgstr "Boş olmayan bir takım kaldırılamaz."
msgid "Team %1 deleted"
msgstr "%1 takımı kaldırıldı"
-#: ../user/team_members.php:36
+#: ../user/team_members.php:38
msgid "Limit exceeded: Can only display the first 1000 members."
msgstr "Limite ulaşıldı: Yalnızca ilk 1000 üye görüntülenebilir."
-#: ../user/team_members.php:49
+#: ../user/team_members.php:51
msgid "Members of %1"
msgstr "%1 takımının üyeleri"
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
msgid "Unable to quit team"
msgstr "Takımdan ayrılamıyorsunuz."
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
msgstr "Takım mevcut değil ya da takıma ait değilsiniz."
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
msgid "Quit %1"
msgstr "%1 takımından ayrıl"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
msgid ""
"<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
" <ul>\n"
@@ -6077,97 +6110,99 @@ msgid ""
" </ul>"
msgstr "<strong>Takımdan ayrılmadan önce lütfen şunlara dikkat edin:</strong>\n <ul>\n <li>Takımdan ayrılırsanız, daha sonra yeniden katılabilirsiniz ya da istediğiniz başka bir takıma katılabilirsiniz\n <li>Bir takımdan ayrılmak, kişisel kredi miktarlarınızı herhangi bir şekilde etkilemez.\n </ul>"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
msgid "Quit Team"
msgstr "Takımdan ayrıl"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:31
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:33
msgid "Removing users from %1"
msgstr "%1 takımından üyeler çıkartılıyor"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:39
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:41
msgid "%1 is not a member of %2"
msgstr "%1, %2 takımının bir üyesi değil"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:42
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:44
msgid "%1 has been removed"
msgstr "%1 çıkartıldı"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:32
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:34
msgid "Remove members from %1"
msgstr "%1 takımından üyeleri çıkart"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:39
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41
msgid "Remove?"
msgstr "Çıkartılsın mı?"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:40
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42
msgid "Name (ID)"
msgstr "İsim (NO)"
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:65
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:67
msgid "No members are eligible for removal."
msgstr "Çıkartılabilecek üye mevcut değil."
-#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:68
+#: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:70
msgid "Remove users"
msgstr "Üyeleri çıkart"
-#: ../user/team_search.php:68
+#: ../user/team_search.php:76
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Takım adı"
-#: ../user/team_search.php:92
+#: ../user/team_search.php:113
msgid "Team search results"
msgstr "Takım arama sonuçları"
-#: ../user/team_search.php:94
+#: ../user/team_search.php:115
msgid "No teams were found matching your criteria. Try another search."
msgstr "Arama kriterlerinize uygun takım bulunamadı. Lütfen arama kriterlerinizi değiştirin."
-#: ../user/team_search.php:96
+#: ../user/team_search.php:117
msgid "Or you can %1create a new team%2."
msgstr "Ya da %1yeni bir takım oluşturabilirsiniz%2."
-#: ../user/team_search.php:100
+#: ../user/team_search.php:121
msgid ""
"The following teams match one or more of your search criteria.\n"
" To join a team, click its name to go to the team page,\n"
" then click %1Join this team%2."
msgstr "Aşağıdaki takımlar bir ya da daha fazla arama kriterinize uyuyor.\n Bir takıma katılmak için, ismine tıklayın ve takım sayfasına gidin,\n ardından %1Bu takıma katıl%2a tıklayın."
-#: ../user/team_search.php:107
+#: ../user/team_search.php:128
msgid "Change your search"
msgstr "Aramanızı değiştirin"
-#: ../user/team_search.php:181
+#: ../user/team_search.php:202
msgid ""
"You can team up with other people with similar interests, or from the same "
"country, company, or school."
msgstr "Sizinle benzer ilgilere sahip olan ya da aynı ülke, şirket ya da okuldan kişilerin bulunduğu takımlara katılabilirsiniz."
-#: ../user/team_search.php:183
+#: ../user/team_search.php:204
msgid "Use this form to find teams that might be right for you."
msgstr "Bu formu kendiniz için doğru olan takımları bulmak için kullanın."
-#: ../user/team_search.php:188
+#: ../user/team_search.php:209
msgid "%1I'm not interested%2 in joining a team right now."
msgstr "Şu anda bir takıma katılma konusuyla %1ilgilenmiyorum%2."
-#: ../user/top_hosts.php:67 ../user/top_teams.php:100
-#: ../user/top_users.php:112
+#: ../user/top_hosts.php:67 ../user/top_teams.php:102
+#: ../user/top_users.php:113
msgid "Limit exceeded - Sorry, first %1 items only"
msgstr "Limite ulaşıldı - Üzgünüz, yalnızca ilk %1 öğe"
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:82
msgid "Top hosts"
msgstr "En iyi sunucular"
-#: ../user/top_teams.php:105
+#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
+#: ../user/top_teams.php:107
msgid "Top %1 teams"
msgstr "En iyi %1 takımlar"
-#: ../user/top_teams.php:108
+#: ../user/top_teams.php:110
msgid "There are no %1 teams"
msgstr "%1 takımları yok"
@@ -6175,11 +6210,11 @@ msgstr "%1 takımları yok"
msgid "Participant since"
msgstr "Katılma tarihi"
-#: ../user/uotd.php:29
+#: ../user/uotd.php:31
msgid "No user of the day has been chosen."
msgstr "\"Günün kullanıcısı\" seçilmedi."
-#: ../user/uotd.php:33
+#: ../user/uotd.php:35
msgid "User of the Day for %1: %2"
msgstr "%1 için Günün Kullanıcısı: %2"
@@ -6223,19 +6258,19 @@ msgstr "Ortalama kredi, azalarak"
msgid "Decreasing total credit"
msgstr "Toplam kredi, azalarak"
-#: ../user/user_search.php:100
+#: ../user/user_search.php:84
msgid "search string must be at least 3 characters"
msgstr "Arama değeri en az 3 karakter olmalı"
-#: ../user/user_search.php:133
+#: ../user/user_search.php:118
msgid "User search results"
msgstr "Kullanıcı arama sonuçları"
-#: ../user/user_search.php:140
+#: ../user/user_search.php:125
msgid "Joined"
msgstr "Üyelik"
-#: ../user/user_search.php:148
+#: ../user/user_search.php:133
msgid "No users match your search criteria."
msgstr "Aradığınız kriterlere uygun kullanıcı bulunamadı."
@@ -6303,15 +6338,15 @@ msgstr "E-posta adresini doğrula"
msgid "The email address of your account has been validated."
msgstr "Hesabınızın bağlı olduğu e-posta adresi doğrulandı."
-#: ../user/view_profile.php:36
+#: ../user/view_profile.php:38
msgid "This user has no profile"
msgstr "Bu kullanıcının profili yok"
-#: ../user/view_profile.php:54
+#: ../user/view_profile.php:56
msgid "Profile: %1"
msgstr "Profil: %1"
-#: ../user/view_profile.php:63
+#: ../user/view_profile.php:65
msgid "Account data"
msgstr "Hesap bilgisi"
@@ -6365,6 +6400,10 @@ msgstr "iş birimi bulunamadı"
msgid "Workunit %1"
msgstr "İş birimi %1"
+#: ../user/workunit.php:40
+msgid "application"
+msgstr "uygulama"
#: ../user/workunit.php:43
msgid "canonical result"
msgstr "kabul edilen sonuç"
@@ -6374,6 +6413,10 @@ msgid "granted credit"
msgstr "alınan kredi"
#: ../user/workunit.php:55
+msgid "Tasks in progress"
+msgstr "Süren işler"
+#: ../user/workunit.php:55
msgid "suppressed pending completion"
msgstr "tamamlanma kuyruğunda beklemede"
@@ -6401,33 +6444,33 @@ msgstr "doğrulama"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Beklemede"
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:70
msgid "Main page"
msgstr "Ana sayfa"
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:45
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:72
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Telif hakkı"
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:48
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:75
msgid "Generated"
msgstr "Oluşturulma"
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:79
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:106
msgid "Your personal background."
msgstr "Kişisel geçmişiniz."
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:83
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:110
msgid ""
"Tell us about yourself. You could tell us where you're from, your age, "
"occupation, hobbies, or anything else about yourself."
msgstr "Bize kendinizi anlatın. Örneğin, nereden olduğunuzu, yaşınızı, mesleğinizi, hobilerinizi ya da kendiniz hakkındaki istediğiniz bir şeyi yazabilirsiniz."
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:87
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:114
msgid "Your opinions about %1"
msgstr "%1 hakkındaki fikirleriniz"
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:91
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:118
msgid ""
"Tell us your thoughts about %1<ol>\n"
" <li>Why do you run %1?\n"
@@ -6436,24 +6479,35 @@ msgid ""
" </ol>"
msgstr "Lütfen bize %1 hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi anlatın<ol>\n <li>Neden %1 çalışıtırıyorsunuz?\n <li>Proje hakkındaki gözlemleriniz neler\n <li>Önerilerileriniz var mı?\n </ol>"
-#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:47
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:53
msgid "Color scheme for graphics"
msgstr "Grafikler için renk düzeni"
-#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:48
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:55
+#, no-php-format
msgid "Maximum CPU % for graphics%10 ... 100%2"
msgstr "Grafikler için kullanılacak en yüksek CPU gücü yüzdesi%10 ... 100%2"
-#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:49
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:56
msgid "Run only the selected applications"
msgstr "Yalnızca seçili uygulamaları çalıştır"
-#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:50
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:57
+msgid ""
+"Only get tasks for certain applications. Useful to focus on particular "
+"applications, or to exclude them."
+msgstr "Sadece belirli uygulamalar için işleri al. Belli uygulamalara odaklanmak veya dışlamak için yararlıdır."
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:58
msgid ""
"If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other "
msgstr "Eğer seçili uygulamalar için iş mevcut değilse, diğer uygulamalardan işler kabul edilsin mi?"
-#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:91
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:59
+msgid "Use faster non-graphical applications if available?"
+msgstr "Daha hızlı olan, grafik içermeyen uygulamalar varsa kullanılsın mı?"
+#: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:90
msgid "(all applications)"
msgstr "(tüm uygulamalar)"
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo
index 412511e..3226337 100644
Binary files a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
index 5228e8c..d150682 100644
--- a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-17 15:28+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Faruk SARI <faruksari at hotmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-09 18:59 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-03 08:59+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Can Demirel <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/tr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -35,89 +35,90 @@ msgstr "BOINC ana sayfasına dön"
msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
msgstr "Bu safya %sçevrilebilir%s."
-#: download.php:39
+#: download.php:42
msgid ""
"We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
"science projects that require it."
msgstr "Ayrıca VirtualBox'ı da kurmanızı öneririz, böylece bilgisayarınız onu gerektiren bilimsel projeleri de çalıştırabilir."
-#: download.php:41
+#: download.php:44
msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
msgstr "VirtualBox hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin."
-#: download.php:51
+#: download.php:52
msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
msgstr "BOINC + VirtualBox'ı indir"
-#: download.php:54 download.php:69
+#. "for %s" identifies the operating system, e.g. "for Windows"
+#: download.php:56 download.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "for %s"
msgstr "%s için"
-#: download.php:57 download.php:72
+#: download.php:59 download.php:74
#, php-format
-msgid "BOINC version %s"
-msgstr "BOINC sürümü %s"
+msgid "BOINC %s"
+msgstr "BOINC %s"
-#: download.php:59
+#: download.php:61
#, php-format
-msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
-msgstr "VirtualBox sürümü %s"
+msgid "VirtualBox %s"
+msgstr "VirtualBox %s"
-#: download.php:67
+#: download.php:69
msgid "Download BOINC"
msgstr "BOINC'i indir"
-#: download.php:123
+#: download.php:133
msgid ""
"BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
"projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
"Community Grid, and many others."
msgstr "BOINC, bilgisayarınız boş zamanını SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World Community Grid ve daha pek çoğu gibi bilimsel projelere bağışlamanızı sağlayan bir yazılımdır."
-#: download.php:125
+#: download.php:135
msgid ""
"After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
"these projects as you like."
msgstr "BOINC'i bilgisayarınıza kurduktan sonra, onu bunlar gibi istediğiniz pek çok projeye bağlayabilirsiniz."
-#: download.php:127
+#: download.php:137
msgid ""
"You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have"
" the permission of its owner."
msgstr "Bu yazılımı, yalnızca kendi bilgisayarınızda ya da sahibinin izin verdiği bilgisayarlarda çalıştırabilirsiniz."
-#: download.php:132
+#: download.php:142
msgid ""
"We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
"Appstore, not from here."
msgstr "BOINC'i, Google Play Store ya da Amazon Appstore'dan indirmenizi öneririz, buradan değil."
-#: download.php:167
+#: download.php:177
msgid "System requirements"
msgstr "Sistem gereksinimleri"
-#: download.php:168
+#: download.php:178
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "Sürüm notları"
-#: download.php:169 index.php:86
+#: download.php:179 index.php:93
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Yardım"
-#: download.php:170
+#: download.php:180
msgid "All versions"
msgstr "Diğer sürümler"
-#: download.php:171
+#: download.php:181
msgid "Version history"
msgstr "Sürüm tarihçesi"
-#: download.php:172
+#: download.php:182
msgid "GPU computing"
msgstr "GPU ile hesaplama"
-#: download.php:190
+#: download.php:200
msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
msgstr "BOINC: bilim için hesapla"
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ msgid ""
" Skype is free (both the software and the calls). If you don't already have"
" Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s. When you're finished, "
"return to this page."
-msgstr "BOINC Online Yardım, %sSkype%s tabanlı bir İnternet telefonu sistemidir. Skype bedavadır (yazılım ve görüşmeler). Eğer Skype'a sahip değilseniz, lütfen şimdi %s indirip kurun%s. Tamamladığınızda, bu sayfaya geri dönün."
+msgstr "BOINC Online Yardım, %sSkype%s tabanlı bir İnternet telefonu sistemidir. Skype bedavadır (yazılım ve görüşmeler). Eğer Skype'a sahip değilseniz, lütfen şimdi %sindirip kurun%s. Tamamladığınızda, bu sayfaya geri dönün."
#: help.php:28
msgid ""
@@ -171,13 +172,13 @@ msgid ""
"If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
msgstr "Zaten bir Yardım Günüllüsüyseniz: Ayarlarınızı düzenlemek için, %sburaya tıklayın%s."
-#: help_funcs.php:107
+#: help_funcs.php:136
msgid ""
"BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers. Their advice is not endorsed by BOINC "
"or the University of California."
msgstr "BOINC yardımcıları ücretsiz çalışan gönüllülerdir. Yaptıkları tavsiyeler, BOINC ya da California Üniversitesi'ni bağlamaz."
-#: help_funcs.php:110
+#: help_funcs.php:139
msgid "%1Never%2 give email address or password information to BOINC helpers."
msgstr "%1Asla%2 e-posta ya da parola bilginizi BOINC yardımcılarına vermeyin."
@@ -217,204 +218,163 @@ msgstr "PetaFLOP."
msgid "News"
msgstr "Haberler"
-#: index.php:83
+#. "Volunteer" is used as a verb
+#: index.php:89
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "Gönüllü Olun"
-#: index.php:85
+#: index.php:92
msgid "Download"
msgstr "İndir"
-#: index.php:87 index.php:120 index.php:171
+#: index.php:94 index.php:138
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Belgeler"
-#: index.php:88
+#: index.php:95
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "Eklentiler"
-#: index.php:89
+#: index.php:96
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Bağlantılar"
-#: index.php:94
+#: index.php:101
msgid ""
"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure"
" diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types "
"of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:"
msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın boş zamanını (Windows, Mac, Linux ya da Android) hastalıkların tedavisini ya da küresel ısınmayı araştırmak, elektromanyetik yıldızları keşfetmek ve diğer birçok türde bilimsel araştırma için kullanın. Bu güvenli ve basittir:"
-#: index.php:96
+#: index.php:103
msgid "Choose projects"
msgstr "Projeleri seçin"
-#: index.php:97
+#: index.php:104
msgid "Download BOINC software"
msgstr "BOINC yazılımını indirin"
-#: index.php:98
+#: index.php:105
msgid "Enter an email address and password."
msgstr "Bir e-posta adresi ve parola girin."
-#: index.php:102
+#: index.php:109
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "Ya da çeşitli projeler çalıştırıyorsanız, bir %shesap yöneticisi%s deneyin. Örneğin %sGridRepublic%s ya da %sBAM!%s gibi. "
-#: index.php:118
+#: index.php:136
msgid "Compute with BOINC"
msgstr "BOINC ile Hesaplatın"
-#: index.php:121
+#: index.php:139
msgid "Software updates"
msgstr "Yazılım güncellemeleri"
-#: index.php:128
+#: index.php:146
msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving"
-" you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
-msgstr "%1Bilim insanları%2: BOINC'i bağışlanan binlerce CPU'nun gücünden yararlanmak için bir %3gönüllü hesaplama projesi%4 yaratmak için kullanın."
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, "
+"giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs."
+msgstr "%1Bilim insanları%2: BOINC'i bağışlanan binlerce CPU ve GPU'nun gücünden yararlanmak için bir %3gönüllü hesaplama projesi%4 yaratmak için kullanın."
-#: index.php:132
+#: index.php:150
msgid ""
"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
msgstr "%1Üniversiteler%2: BOINC'i bir %3Sanal Yerleşke Süperbilgisayar Merkezi%4 yaratmak için kullanın."
-#: index.php:137
+#: index.php:155
msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
msgstr "%1Şirketler%2: BOINC'i %3masaüstü dağıtık hesaplama%4 için kullanın."
-#: index.php:149
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "BOINC Projesi"
+#: index.php:167
+msgid "About BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC Hakkında"
-#: index.php:155
+#: index.php:181
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Mesaj panoları"
-#: index.php:156
+#: index.php:182
msgid "Email lists"
msgstr "E-posta listeleri"
-#: index.php:157
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr "Çalışanlar ve katkıda bulunanlar"
-#: index.php:158
+#: index.php:183
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Etkinlikler"
-#: index.php:159
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "Belgeler ve konuşmalar"
-#: index.php:160
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "Araştırma projeleri"
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "Logo ve grafikler"
+#: index.php:184
+msgid "Source code"
+msgstr "Kaynak kodu"
-#: index.php:162
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "ve"
-#: index.php:166
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "Yardım aranıyor"
-#: index.php:168
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "Programlama"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "Çeviri"
-#: index.php:170
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "Test etme"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "Tanıtım, reklam"
-#: index.php:174
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "Yazılım geliştirme"
-#: index.php:175
+#: index.php:186
msgid "APIs for add-on software"
msgstr "API'ler ve eklenti yazılımları"
-#: index.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
-msgstr "Açık kaynaklı %sgönüllü hesaplama%s ve %sdağıtık (grid) hesaplama%s yazılımı."
-#: index.php:230
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr "BOINC, Kalifornia Üniversitesi, Berkeley merkezlidir."
+#: index.php:231
+msgid "Open-source software for volunteer computing"
+msgstr "Gönüllü hesaplama için açık kaynaklı yazılım"
-#: projects.inc:14
+#: projects.inc:19
msgid "Distributed sensing"
msgstr "Dağıtılmış algılama"
-#: projects.inc:19
+#: projects.inc:24
msgid "Stanford University"
msgstr "Stanford Üniversitesi"
-#: projects.inc:20
+#: projects.inc:25
msgid "Seismology"
msgstr "Deprem bilimi"
-#: projects.inc:21
+#: projects.inc:26
msgid ""
-"The Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
-"using sensors attached to Internet-connected computers. You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
-msgstr "Quake-Catcher Network, internet bağlantısı olan bilgisayarlara takılı sensörleri kullanarak dünyanın en büyük sismik ağını geliştirmektedir. Katılmak için bir sensör satın almalısınız."
+"Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
+"using sensors attached to computers and smartphones."
+msgstr "Quake-Catcher Network, bilgisayarlara ve akıllı telefonlara takılı sensörleri kullanarak dünyanın en büyük sismik ağını geliştirmektedir."
-#: projects.inc:27
+#: projects.inc:34
msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
msgstr "BOINC Polonya Vakfı"
-#: projects.inc:28
+#: projects.inc:35
msgid "Environmental research"
msgstr "Çevresel araştırma"
-#: projects.inc:29
+#: projects.inc:36
msgid ""
-"This project is creating a free and continuously updated map of radiation "
-"levels by using sensors connected to volunteers' computers. You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
-msgstr "Bu proje, gönüllülerin bilgisayarlarına bağlı sensörleri kullanarak, radyasyon seviyelerinin ücretsiz ve sürekli olarak güncellenen haritasını oluşturmaktadır. Katılmak için bir sensör satın almalısınız."
+"Radioactive at Home is creating a free and continuously updated map of "
+"radiation levels using sensors connected to volunteers' computers. You must"
+" buy a sensor to participate."
+msgstr "Radioactive at Home, gönüllülerin bilgisayarlarına bağlı sensörleri kullanarak, radyasyon seviyelerinin ücretsiz ve sürekli güncellenen bir haritasını oluşturmaktadır. Katılmak için bir sensör satın almalısınız."
-#: projects.inc:33
-msgid ""
-"To participate in these projects you must buy a sensor and attach it to your"
-" computer."
-msgstr "Bu projelere katılmak için bir sensör satın alıp bilgisayarınıza takmanız gerekir."
-#: projects.inc:37
+#: projects.inc:45
msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
msgstr "Bilişsel bilim ve yapay zeka"
-#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
-#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
+#: projects.inc:51
+msgid "Cognitive Science"
+msgstr "Bilişsel Bilim"
+#: projects.inc:52
+msgid ""
+"MindModeling at Home uses computational cognitive process modeling to better "
+"understand the human mind, and specifically to study the mechanisms and "
+"processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning."
+msgstr "MindModeling at Home, ortalama bir insan performansını elde etmek ve yönetmek amacıyla, insan aklını, özellikle öğrenme mekanizmaları ve süreçlerini daha iyi anlamak için \"hesaplamalı bilişsel süreç modellemesi\"ni kullanır."
+#: projects.inc:70 projects.inc:467 projects.inc:591 projects.inc:601
+#: projects.inc:657
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Özel"
-#: projects.inc:61
+#: projects.inc:71
msgid "Artificial intelligence"
msgstr "Yapay zeka"
-#: projects.inc:62
+#: projects.inc:72
msgid ""
"Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
"intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
@@ -422,36 +382,55 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Konuşmalardaki insan davranışını taklit etmek için, anlamsal ağları FreeHAL'de çözümleyin ve dönüştürün. FreeHAL yapay bir zekadır ve anlamsal ağları, sözcük köklerini, sözcük veri tabanlarının parçalarını ve sözcük etiketlerinin parçalarını kullanır."
-#: projects.inc:69
+#: projects.inc:82
msgid "Biology and Medicine"
msgstr "Biyoloji ve Tıp"
-#: projects.inc:82
+#: projects.inc:88
+msgid "Medical physiology"
+msgstr "Tıbbi fizyoloji"
+#: projects.inc:89
+msgid ""
+"DENIS at Home does cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the "
+"electrical activity of the heart."
+msgstr "DENIS at Home kalbin elektriksel aktivitesini okuyan, kardiyak elektrofizyolojik simülasyonlarını yapar."
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "Molecular biology"
+msgstr "Moleküler biyoloji"
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid ""
+"RNA World seeks to identify, analyze, structurally predict and design RNA "
+"molecules on the basis of established bioinformatics software."
+msgstr "RNA World, kurulan biyoinformatik yazılım temelinde, RNA moleküllerini tanımlamayı, analiz etmeyi, yapı olarak öngörmeyi ve tasarlamayı amaçlamaktadır."
+#: projects.inc:107
msgid "University College Dublin"
msgstr "University College Dublin (İrlanda)"
-#: projects.inc:83
+#: projects.inc:108
msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
msgstr "Sıtma ilacı keşfi"
-#: projects.inc:84
+#: projects.inc:109
msgid ""
"The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available"
-" medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
-"existing drugs. Importantly, these new drugs need to target NEW proteins in "
-"the parasite. The FightMalaria at Home project is aimed at finding these new "
-msgstr "Sıtmaya neden olan parazit, mevcut ilaçlara direnç geliştirmeye devam ediyor. Bu sebeple acilen mevcut ilaçların yerine yeni ilaçlar keşfetmek gerekmekte. En önemlisi, bu yeni ilaçların parazitteki YENİ proteinleri hedeflemesi gerekli. FightMalaria at Home projesi, bu yeni hedefleri bulmayı amaçlıyor."
+" medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs, targeting new"
+" proteins in the parasite. The FightNeglectedDiseases at Home project is aimed "
+"at finding these new targets."
+msgstr "Sıtmaya neden olan parazit, mevcut ilaçlara direnç geliştirmeye devam ediyor. Bu sebeple acilen, parazitteki yeni proteinleri hedefleyen yeni ilaçlar keşfetmek gerekmekte. FightMalaria at Home projesi, bu yeni hedefleri bulmayı amaçlıyor."
-#: projects.inc:90
+#: projects.inc:117
msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
msgstr "Karlsruhe Üniversitesi (Almanya)"
-#: projects.inc:91
+#: projects.inc:118
msgid "Protein structure prediction"
msgstr "Protein yapısı tahmini"
-#: projects.inc:92
+#: projects.inc:119
msgid ""
"POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
"structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
@@ -460,31 +439,15 @@ msgid ""
" the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins."
msgstr "POEM at HOME, biyolojik olarak aktif protein yapılarını tahmin etmek, proteinler birbirleriyle etkileşirken oluşan sinyalleşme mekanizmasını anlamak, protein bozuklukları ve birikmesine ilişkin hastalıkları anlamak, biyolojik olarak önemli proteinlerin 3 boyutlu yapılarını temel alarak yeni ilaçlar geliştirmek için bilgisayarlı bir yöntem kullanır."
-#: projects.inc:98
-msgid "University of Delaware"
-msgstr "Delaware Üniversitesi"
-#: projects.inc:99
-msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
-msgstr "Protein - ligand etkileşimleri araştırması"
-#: projects.inc:100
-msgid ""
-"Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
-"aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
-"interactions and, by doing so, will search for insights into the discovery "
-"of novel pharmaceuticals."
-msgstr "Docking at Home projesinin hem biyoloji hem de bilgisayar bilimiyle ilgili hedefleri var. Proje protein-ligand (bağ) etkileşimlerinin atomik detayları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmeyi amaçlıyor ve bunu yaparak yeni ilaç keşifleri için öncül bilgiler edinmeyi hedefliyor."
-#: projects.inc:114
+#: projects.inc:147
msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
msgstr "Barselona Biyomedikal Araştırma Parkı (PRBB)"
-#: projects.inc:115
+#: projects.inc:148
msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
msgstr "Proteinlerin moleküler simülasyonları"
-#: projects.inc:116
+#: projects.inc:149
msgid ""
"GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
"molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
@@ -492,47 +455,31 @@ msgid ""
"computational biology for biomedical research."
msgstr "GPUGrid.net, özellikle NVIDIA grafik işlem ünitelerinde (GPU) çalışması için optimize edilmiş ilk 'tam-atom molekül dinamikleri kodu' (CellMD) sayesinde, yeni bilgisayarlı senaryolara imkan sağlıyor. Yeni biyomedikal uygulamalar, biyomedikal araştırmalar için bilgisayarlı biyolojiye hızlıca yeni bir rol veriyor."
-#: projects.inc:122
-msgid "Technion, Israel"
-msgstr "Technion, İsrail"
-#: projects.inc:123
-msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
-msgstr "Genetik bağlantı analizi"
-#: projects.inc:124
-msgid ""
-"Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
-"provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
-"pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others."
-msgstr "Superlink at Technion, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki genetik bilimcilere, bazı diyabet türleri, hipertansiyon (yüksek kan basıncı), kanser, şizofreni ve diğer bir çok hastalığa neden olan genleri bulmaları konusunda yardım eder."
-#: projects.inc:138
+#: projects.inc:175
msgid ""
"University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
msgstr "Maryland Üniversitesi Biyoenformatik ve Bilgisayarlı Biyoloji Merkezi"
-#: projects.inc:139
+#: projects.inc:176
msgid "Life science research"
msgstr "Canlı bilimleri araştırması"
-#: projects.inc:140
+#: projects.inc:177
msgid ""
-"The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University"
-" of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data;"
-" bacterial, plasmid, and virus protein sequences; and biological diversity "
-"in nature reserves. "
-msgstr "Lattice Projesi, DNA dizileri verisi, bakteri, plazmit ve virüs proteini dizileri ile doğanın barındırdığı biyolojik farklılıklara dayalı evrimsel bağlantılar üzerinde çalışan Maryland Üniversitesi'ndeki bilim insanlarına hesaplama gücü sağlar."
+"The Lattice Project, developed and administered at the University of "
+"Maryland, supplies computing power to researchers worldwide who are studying"
+" evolutionary relationships using DNA and protein sequence data."
+msgstr "Maryland Üniversitesi'nde geliştirilen ve uygulanan Lattice Project, DNA ve protein dizisi verileri kullanarak evrimsel ilişkileri araştıran dünya çapındaki araştırmacılara işlem gücü sağlar."
-#: projects.inc:146
+#: projects.inc:185
msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
msgstr "İsviçre Tropikal Enstitüsü"
-#: projects.inc:147
+#: projects.inc:186
msgid "Epidemiology"
msgstr "Epidemiyoloji (Salgın hastalıklar bilimi)"
-#: projects.inc:148
+#: projects.inc:187
msgid ""
"Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria"
" are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
@@ -543,48 +490,37 @@ msgid ""
"social factors that influence the distribution of the disease. "
msgstr "Sıtmanın yayılma dinamiği ve sağlık etkileriyle ilgili simülasyon modelleri, sıtma kontrolü için önemli birer araçtır. Modellerden, sivrisinek ağlarının, kemoterapinin ya da geliştirme ve test aşamasında olan yeni aşıların dağıtımında kullanılacak en uygun stratejileri belirleme konusunda yararlanılabilir. Bu modelleme son derece bilgisayar yoğundur, hastalığın dağılımını etkileyen biyolojik ve sosyal faktörlerle ilgili bir dizi parametrenin ve büyük insan popülasyonlarının simül [...]
-#: projects.inc:170
+#: projects.inc:211
msgid "University of Washington"
msgstr "Washington Üniversitesi"
-#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
+#: projects.inc:212
msgid "Biology"
msgstr "Biyoloji"
-#: projects.inc:172
+#: projects.inc:213
msgid ""
"Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
"ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
"Rosetta at home you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we "
"couldn't possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping our "
-"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, "
-"Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
-msgstr "Bazı önemli hastalıklara tedavi bulmayı sağlayabilecek araştırmalar için, proteinlerin 3 boyutlu şekillerini saptayın. Rosetta at home çalıştırarak, yardımınız olmadan hızlandıramayacağımız ve genişletemeyeceğimiz araştırmalarımız konusunda bize katkıda bulunacaksınız. Ayrıca, HIV (AIDS), sıtma, kanser ve Alzheimer gibi hastalıklarla mücadele için yeni proteinler tasarlama çabalarımıza yardımcı olacaksınız."
-#: projects.inc:178
-msgid "University of Vienna"
-msgstr "Viyana Üniversitesi"
+"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, malaria, "
+"cancer, and Alzheimer's"
+msgstr "Bazı önemli insan hastalıklarına tedavi bulmayı sağlayabilecek tıbbi araştırmalar için, proteinlerin 3 boyutlu şekillerini saptayın. Rosetta at home çalıştırarak, yardımınız olmadan hızlandıramayacağımız ve genişletemeyeceğimiz araştırmalarımız konusunda bize katkıda bulunacaksınız. Ayrıca, HIV (AIDS), sıtma, kanser ve Alzheimer gibi hastalıklarla mücadele için yeni proteinler tasarlama çabalarımıza yardımcı olacaksınız."
-#: projects.inc:180
-msgid ""
-"Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of"
-" the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
-msgstr "Proteinler arasındaki benzerlikleri hesaplayın. SIMAP, sonuçta elde edilen verilerle, bir çok biyoenformatik araştırma projesinde anahtar rol oynayan bir halka açık veritabanı sağlar."
-#: projects.inc:186
+#: projects.inc:231
msgid "Earth Sciences"
msgstr "Yer Bilimleri"
-#: projects.inc:198
+#: projects.inc:243
msgid "Oxford University"
msgstr "Oxford Üniversitesi"
-#: projects.inc:199
+#: projects.inc:244
msgid "Climate study"
msgstr "İklim araştırması"
-#: projects.inc:200
+#: projects.inc:245
msgid ""
"Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
"climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
@@ -594,85 +530,99 @@ msgid ""
"changes and also to things like changes in carbon dioxide and the sulphur "
"cycle. This will allow us to explore how climate may change in the next "
"century under a wide range of different scenarios."
-msgstr "Son teknoloji ürünü iklim modellerinde yapılması gereken tahminleri araştırın. Modeli binlerce kez çalıştırarak, modelin küçük ayarlamalara nasıl yanıt verdiğini bulmayı umuyoruz ve tahminleri gerçeğe daha uygun hale getirmeyi bekliyoruz. Bu bize, modellerimizin küçük değişikliklere karşı ne kadar hassas olduğunu anlamamızı ve aynı zamanda karbondioksit değişiklikleri ve kükürt döngüsü gibi şeyler için anlayışımızı geliştirmemizi sağlayacak. Ayrıca, önümüzdeki yüzyılda iklimin ge [...]
+msgstr "Son teknoloji ürünü iklim modellerinde yapılması gereken tahminleri araştırın. Modeli binlerce kez çalıştırarak, modelin küçük ayarlamalara nasıl yanıt verdiğini bulmayı umuyoruz ve tahminleri gerçeğe daha uygun hale getirmeyi bekliyoruz. Bu, modellerimizin küçük değişikliklere karşı ne kadar hassas olduğunu anlamamızı ve aynı zamanda karbondioksit değişiklikleri ve kükürt döngüsü gibi şeyler için anlayışımızı geliştirmemizi sağlayacak. Ayrıca, önümüzdeki yüzyılda iklimin geniş b [...]
-#: projects.inc:207
+#: projects.inc:253
msgid "Physical Science"
msgstr "Fizik Bilimi"
-#: projects.inc:213
+#: projects.inc:259
msgid "Mechanical engineering"
msgstr "Makine mühendisliği"
-#: projects.inc:214
+#: projects.inc:260
msgid ""
"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
"bar truss"
msgstr "Şu anda, 52 bar kafese (kirişe) sahip bir yapının optimum tasarımını araştırıyoruz."
-#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
+#: projects.inc:269 projects.inc:328 projects.inc:338
msgid "Astronomy"
msgstr "Astronomi"
-#: projects.inc:225
+#: projects.inc:270
msgid ""
-"We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
-"generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
-"Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface "
-"density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order "
-"star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
-"energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing "
-msgstr "GALEX, Pan-STARRS1 ve WISE'ın tayfsal kapsama alanını, yakın evren için bir 'çok dalga boylu UV-optik-NIR galaksi atlası' oluşturmak amacıyla birleştireceğiz. Bir dağıtık bilgisayar moduyla, piksel-piksele esasına göre tayfsal enerji dağılımı teknikleri kullanılarak çözülmüş fiziksel parametreleri ölçeceğiz (örneğin yıldız kütlesi yüzey yoğunluğu, yıldız oluşumu oranı yüzey yoğunluğu, zayıflama ve birinci dereceden yıldız oluşumu öyküsü gibi)."
+"TheSkyNet POGS is an astronomy project studying 16 different properties of "
+"galaxies, including brightness, mass, amount of dust and how fast stars are "
+"forming. We are using your processing power to conduct pixel-by-pixel "
+"calculations on multi-wavelength (ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared "
+"light) images of galaxies to produce an atlas that will help astronomers to "
+"better understand the distant universe."
+msgstr "theSkyNet POGS, galaksilerin parlaklık, kütle, toz miktarı ve ne kadar hızlı oluştukları dahil, 16 farklı özelliğini inceleyen bir astronomi projesidir. Biz, astronomların uzak evreni anlamalarına yardımcı olacak bir atlas üretmek amacıyla, çok dalga boylu (ultraviyole, optik ve yakın kızılötesi ışık) galaksi görüntülerinin piksel-piksel hesaplamalarını yapmak için sizin işlemci gücünüzü kullanıyoruz."
-#: projects.inc:247
-msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
-msgstr "Austin'deki Texas Üniversitesi"
+#: projects.inc:280 projects.inc:366
+msgid "Astrophysics"
+msgstr "Astrofizik"
-#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
-msgid "Chemistry"
-msgstr "Kimya"
+#: projects.inc:281
+msgid ""
+"The aim of the project is to derive shapes and spin for a significant part "
+"of the asteroid population. As input data, we use any asteroid photometry "
+"that is available. The results are asteroid convex shape models with the "
+"direction of the spin axis and the rotation period."
+msgstr "Projenin amacı, asteroit nüfusunun önemli bir bölümü için şekillerin ve dönüşlerin türetilmesidir. Veri girişi olarak, mevcut herhangi bir asteroid fotometrisini kullanıyoruz. Sonuçlar, asteroit dönme ekseni yönü ve dönme süresi ile dışbükey şekil modelleridir."
-#: projects.inc:249
+#: projects.inc:290
+msgid "Aerospace-related science and engineering"
+msgstr "Havacılık ve uzayla ilgili bilim ve mühendislik"
+#: projects.inc:291
msgid ""
-"A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
-"materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
-"scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. "
-"Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude "
-"slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct "
-"simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of "
-"years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a "
-"single event of interest can be expected to occur. Our research group is "
-"interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems."
-msgstr "Teorik kimyanın, yoğun madde fiziğinin ve malzeme biliminin yaygın bir sorunu, atom ölçekli bir sistemin zaman evrimini hesaplamaktır. Örneğin, kimyasal reaksiyonlar ve/veya difüzyonun meydana gelişi gibi. Genellikle ilgili olaylar oldukça nadirdir (birçoğunun büyüklüğü, atomların titreşim hareketlerinden daha yavaştır). Bu nedenle, meydana gelecek tek bir olayı incelemek, doğrudan simülasyonlar ve atomların her hareketini izlemek, bugünün en hızlı bilgisayarlarıyla bile yüzlerce [...]
+"Constellation is a platform for aerospace-related simulations, including "
+"trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes, simulation of "
+"Moon's near-surface exosphere, and analysis of dynamic systems of "
+msgstr "Constellation, füze rampaları yörüngesi optimizasyonu, uydular ve sondalar, Ay'ın yüzeye yakın eksosfer simülasyonu, keşif-gezginlerinin dinamik sistemlerinin analizi de dahil olmak üzere, havacılık ve uzayla ilgili simülasyonlar için bir platformdur."
-#: projects.inc:262
-msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
-msgstr "Urbana-Chamapign'deki Illinois Üniversitesi"
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Perform aerospace-related simulations"
+msgstr "Havacılık ve uzayla ilgili simülasyonlar gerçekleştirme"
-#: projects.inc:264
+#: projects.inc:329
msgid ""
-"The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
-"our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
-"astronomical particle physics data."
-msgstr "Cosmology at Home'un temel hedefi, evrenimizi en iyi betimleyen modeli araştırmak ve eldeki astronomik parçacık fiziği verileriyle uyumlu model aralıklarını bulmak."
+"Universe at Home aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar "
+"content of the Universe, from the earliest stars to the most exotic black "
+"hole binaries."
+msgstr "Universe at Home, en erken yıldızlardan en egzotik karadelik ikililerine kadar evrenin simüle yıldız içeriğinin ilk veri tabanını oluşturmayı amaçlıyor."
-#: projects.inc:270
+#: projects.inc:332
+msgid "Do research in physics and astronomy"
+msgstr "Fizik ve astronomi araştırmaları"
+#: projects.inc:337
msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
msgstr "Rensselaer Politeknik Enstitüsü"
-#: projects.inc:272
+#: projects.inc:339
msgid ""
"The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
"model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
msgstr "Milkyway at Home projesinin amacı, Sloan Sayısal Gökyüzü Araştırması tarafından toplanan verileri kullanarak Samanyolu Galaksisi'nin son derece doğru, üç boyutlu modelini oluşturmaktır."
-#: projects.inc:278
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Study the structure of the Milky Way galaxy"
+msgstr "Samanyolu galaksisinin yapısını inceleme"
+#: projects.inc:347
msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
msgstr "Leiden Üniversitesi, Hollanda"
-#: projects.inc:280
+#: projects.inc:348
+msgid "Chemistry"
+msgstr "Kimya"
+#: projects.inc:349
msgid ""
"Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics. Leiden Classical "
"allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
@@ -682,15 +632,15 @@ msgid ""
"simulations through the grid."
msgstr "Yüzey bilimi, Klasik Dinamikleri kullanılarak hesaplamalar yapar. Leiden Classic, şebekeye kendi kişisel hesaplamalarını göndermeleri için gönüllüler, öğrenciler ve diğer bilim adamlarına izin verir. Her kullanıcının Klasik Dinamik işleri için kendi kişisel sırası vardır. Bu yolla öğrenciler sıvı argonu simüle etmek için veya şebeke vasıtasıyla simülasyonlar yaparak, ideal gaz yasasının geçerliliğini test etmek için dağıtık hesaplamayı kullanır."
-#: projects.inc:294
+#: projects.inc:352
+msgid "Help students do atomic simulations"
+msgstr "Atom simülasyonları yapmaları için öğrencilere yardım"
+#: projects.inc:365
msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
msgstr "Wisconsin Üniversitesi - Milwaukee, Max Planck Enstitüsü"
-#: projects.inc:295
-msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr "Astrofizik"
-#: projects.inc:296
+#: projects.inc:367
msgid ""
"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
"LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
@@ -699,15 +649,19 @@ msgid ""
"international organizations."
msgstr "Çok hızlı dönen nötron yıldızlarını (pulsar olarak da adlandırılır) aramakta kullanılan veriler, LIGO ve GEO kütleçekim dalga detektörleri ile, Arecibo Radyo Gözlemevi'nden gelmektedir. Einstein at Home, bir 2005 Dünya Fizik Yılı projesidir ve Amerikan Fizik Derneği (American Physical Society-APS) ile bir dizi uluslararası kuruluş tarafından desteklenmektedir."
-#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
+#: projects.inc:370
+msgid "Help detect pulsars and gravitational waves"
+msgstr "Pulsar ve yerçekimi dalgalarının algılamasına yardım"
+#: projects.inc:383 projects.inc:393 projects.inc:403
msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
msgstr "CERN (Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi)"
-#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
+#: projects.inc:384 projects.inc:394 projects.inc:404
msgid "Physics"
msgstr "Fizik"
-#: projects.inc:312
+#: projects.inc:385
msgid ""
"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
"European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
@@ -716,22 +670,42 @@ msgid ""
"the design of LHC and its detectors."
msgstr "Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı (LHC), Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi CERN'deki dünyanın en büyük parçacık hızlandırıcısıdır. Bu, şimdiye kadar parçacık davranışlarını araştırmak için yapılmış en güçlü araçtır. LHC at home, LHC'nin tasarımını ve detektörlerini geliştirmek amacıyla simülasyonlar yürütür."
-#: projects.inc:320
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Improve the design of the Large Hadron Collider"
+msgstr "Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı'nın tasarımını geliştirme"
+#: projects.inc:395
msgid ""
-"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged"
-" LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers. Requires that you "
-"install VirtualBox on your computer"
-msgstr "Bu proje gönüllü bilgisayarlarda, tam teşekküllü Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı (LHC) olay fizik simülasyonunu gerçekleştirir. Bunun için, Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi (CERN) ile geliştirilen sanal makine teknolojisini kullanır. Bilgisayarınıza VirtualBox yüklemenizi gerektirir."
+"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for LHC event "
+"physics simulation on volunteer computers. Requires that you install "
+"VirtualBox on your computer"
+msgstr "Bu proje, gönüllü bilgisayarlarda Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı (LHC) olay fizik simülasyonunu gerçekleştirmek için, Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi (CERN) tarafından geliştirilen sanal makine teknolojisini kullanır. Bilgisayarınıza VirtualBox yüklemenizi gerektirir."
-#: projects.inc:326
+#: projects.inc:398
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions"
+msgstr "Yüksek enerjili parçacık çarpışmalarını simüle etme"
+#: projects.inc:405
+msgid ""
+"ATLAS at Home uses volunteer computing to run simulations for ATLAS, a particle"
+" physics experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. ATLAS searches for new"
+" particles and processes using head-on collisions of protons of "
+"extraordinary high energy."
+msgstr "ATLAS at Home, Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi'nin (CERN) Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısındaki (LHC) bir parçacık fiziği deneyi olan ATLAS için sümulasyonlar çalıştırmak amacıyla, gönüllü hesaplamacılığı kullanıyor. ATLAS, yeni parçacıklar ve süreçler aramak için, kafa kafaya proton çarpışmalarının olağanüstü yüksek enerjisini kullanıyor."
+#: projects.inc:408
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions for CERN"
+msgstr "CERN için yüksek enerjili parçacık çarpışmalarını simüle etme"
+#: projects.inc:413
msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
msgstr "Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley"
-#: projects.inc:327
+#: projects.inc:414
msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
msgstr "Astrofizik, astrobiyoloji"
-#: projects.inc:328
+#: projects.inc:415
msgid ""
"SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
"goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -740,60 +714,70 @@ msgid ""
"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
msgstr "SETI (Dünya Dışı Zeka Arayışı), amacı dünyanın dışında akıllı yaşamı algılamak olan bilimsel bir alandır. Yaklaşımlardan birisi, radyo SETI olarak bilinen, uzaydan gelen dar-bant radyo sinyallerini dinlemek için radyo teleskopları kullanmaktır. Böyle sinyallerin doğal olarak oluşmadığı bilinmektedir, bu tür bir sinyalin algılanması, uzayda dünya dışı bir teknolojinin kanıtı olabilir."
-#: projects.inc:342
-msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
-msgstr "Bielefeld Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimleri"
+#: projects.inc:418
+msgid "Search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life"
+msgstr "Dünya dışı yaşam için kanıt arayışı"
+#: projects.inc:442
+msgid "Multiple applications"
+msgstr "Çoklu uygulamalar"
-#: projects.inc:343
-msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
-msgstr "Kimya mühendisliği ve nanoteknoloji"
+#: projects.inc:448
+msgid "Molecular biology, Computer Science"
+msgstr "Moleküler biyoloji, Bilgisayar bilimleri"
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:449
msgid ""
-"The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism. These "
-"magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
-"applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
-msgstr "Moleküler mıknatıslar ve kontrollü nano manyetizma çalışması. Bu manyetik moleküllerle, tıp uygulamaları (örneğin bölgesel tümör kemoterapisi) ve biyoteknolojide kullanılacak küçük manyetik anahtarlar geliştirilebilir."
+"The Citizen Science Grid is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research"
+" and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science."
+msgstr "The Citizen Science Grid, gönüllü hesaplama ve vatandaş bilimini kullanan geniş bir yelpazedeki araştırma ve eğitim projelerine desteğe adanmıştır."
-#: projects.inc:351
-msgid "Multiple applications"
-msgstr "Çoklu uygulamalar"
+#: projects.inc:452
+msgid "Support science from the University of North Dakota"
+msgstr "Kuzey Dakota Üniversitesi'nden bilime destek"
-#: projects.inc:356
+#: projects.inc:457
msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
msgstr "Çin Bilimler Akademisi"
-#: projects.inc:357
+#: projects.inc:458
msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
msgstr "Fizik, biyokimya ve diğerleri"
-#: projects.inc:358
+#: projects.inc:459
msgid ""
"The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
"adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
"their research."
msgstr "CAS at home'un amacı, Çin'deki bilim insanlarını gönüllü bilgisayar teknolojilerini benimsemeleri ve kendi araştırmaları için gönüllülerin yardımını düşünmeleri için teşvik etmek ve yardımcı olmaktır."
-#: projects.inc:365
+#: projects.inc:462
+msgid "Help Chinese researchers"
+msgstr "Çinli araştırmacılara yardım"
+#: projects.inc:468
msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
msgstr "Matematik, fizik ve evrim"
-#: projects.inc:366
+#: projects.inc:469
msgid ""
"Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
msgstr "Yoyo at home, BOINC ve mevcut birkaç gönüllü hesaplama projesi arasında bir köprüdür: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home ve distributed.net"
-#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Do research in math, physics, and evolution"
+msgstr "Matematik, fizik ve evrimle ilgili araştırmalar"
+#: projects.inc:477 projects.inc:677
msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
msgstr "MTA-SZTAKI Paralel ve Dağıtık Sistemler Laboratuvarı (Macaristan)"
-#: projects.inc:372
+#: projects.inc:478
msgid "European research projects"
msgstr "Avrupa araştırma projeleri"
-#: projects.inc:373
+#: projects.inc:479
msgid ""
"The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
"grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
@@ -801,27 +785,35 @@ msgid ""
" by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
msgstr "EDGeS at Home Beta projesi, gönüllü hesaplamacılığı, Avrupa hizmet dağıtık ağına entegre eder. Bunu, Avrupa hizmet dağıtık ağlarının, bu projenin gönüllülerine işlenmeleri için iş birimleri göndermesini sağlayarak gerçekleştirir. EDGeS at Home Beta'nın kapsadığı bilimsel projeler, matematik, fizik, biyoloji ve benzerleri alanlardadır."
-#: projects.inc:379
+#: projects.inc:482
+msgid "Help European researchers"
+msgstr "Avrupalı araştırmacılara yardım"
+#: projects.inc:487
msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
msgstr "İspanyol üniversiteleri ve araştırma merkezleri"
-#: projects.inc:380
+#: projects.inc:488
msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
msgstr "Çeşitli İspanyol araştırma projeleri"
-#: projects.inc:381
+#: projects.inc:489
msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
msgstr "Fizik, malzeme bilimi ve biyomedikal araştırmaları"
-#: projects.inc:387
+#: projects.inc:492
+msgid "Help Spanish researchers"
+msgstr "İspanyol araştırmacılara yardım"
+#: projects.inc:497
msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
msgstr "IBM Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk"
-#: projects.inc:388
+#: projects.inc:498
msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
msgstr "Tıbbi, çevresel ve diğer insani araştırmalar"
-#: projects.inc:389
+#: projects.inc:499
msgid ""
"To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
"problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid. Research"
@@ -829,50 +821,87 @@ msgid ""
"clean water and many more."
msgstr "Dünyanın en büyük gönüllü bilgisayar şebekesini oluşturarak, insanlığın en acil sorunlardan bazıları hakkında, kar amacı gütmeyen daha çok kritik araştırma yapmayı hedefler. Araştırma, HIV-AIDS, kanser, tropikal ve ihmal edilen hastalıklar, güneş enerjisi, temiz su ve daha birçoğunu içerir."
-#: projects.inc:395
+#: projects.inc:502
+msgid "Do biomedical and environmental research"
+msgstr "Biyomedikal ve çevre araştırmaları"
+#: projects.inc:507
msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
msgstr "Matematik, hesaplama ve oyunlar"
-#: projects.inc:401
+#: projects.inc:533 projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668
+#: projects.inc:678
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "Matematik"
+#: projects.inc:534
+msgid ""
+"NumberFields at home searches for fields with special properties. The primary "
+"application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. "
+"Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them "
+"formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will "
+"lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the "
+"basic building blocks of all mathematics."
+msgstr "NumberFields at home, özel özelliklere sahip alanları araştırır. Bu araştırmanın temel uygulaması, cebirsel sayılar teorisi alanında yer almaktadır. Sayı teorisyenleri, sayı alanları hakkındaki varsayımlarını formüle etmeye yardımcı olması için, veri madenleri içindeki ilginç desenleri aralar. Sonuçta bu araştırma, tüm matematiğin temel yapı taşları olan sayıların engin özellikleri hakkında daha derin bir anlayışa imkan sağlayacaktır."
+#: projects.inc:537
+msgid "Do research in algebraic number theory"
+msgstr "Cebirsel Sayılar Teorisi üzerinde araştırmalar"
+#: projects.inc:553
msgid "Computer Science"
msgstr "Bilgisayar Bilimi"
-#: projects.inc:409
-msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
-msgstr "Matematik, fizik, yapay zeka"
+#: projects.inc:554
+msgid ""
+"Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion "
+"problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc.) that can be "
+"effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem."
+msgstr "Boolean Satisfiability Problemi'ni etkin bir şekilde azaltılabilecek zor ve pratik olarak önemli meseleler için çözüm arayışı (ayrık fonksiyonları ters çevirme sorunları, ayrık optimizasyon, biyoinformatik, vb). "
+#: projects.inc:557
+msgid "Study computational complexity"
+msgstr "Hesaplama karmaşıklığı çalışması"
+#: projects.inc:582
+msgid "Cryptography and combinatorics"
+msgstr "Kriptografi ve kombinatorik"
-#: projects.inc:410
-msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
-msgstr "Kuantum bilgisayar simülasyonu; Goldbach Hipotezi (Varsayımı)."
+#: projects.inc:583 projects.inc:586
+msgid "Run applications from distributed.net"
+msgstr "distributed.net'ten uygulamalar çalıştırma"
-#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
+#: projects.inc:592
msgid "Cryptography"
-msgstr "Şifre Bilimi"
+msgstr "Kriptografi"
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:593
msgid ""
"Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
msgstr "Enigma, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Almanlar tarafından kullanılan şifreleme cihazıdır. Proje, üç orijinal Enigma mesajını çözmek için bir denemedir. Sinyaller 1942 yılında Kuzey Atlantik'te yakalanmıştı ve kırılamamış olduğuna inanılmaktadır."
-#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
-#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
-msgid "Mathematics"
-msgstr "Matematik"
+#: projects.inc:596
+msgid "Decode WWII submarine messages"
+msgstr "İkinci Dünya Savaşı denizaltı mesajlarını deşifre etme"
-#: projects.inc:466
+#: projects.inc:603
msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
msgstr "Collatz Hipotezi (Varsayımı) çalışması, matematikte çözülememiş bir hipotez."
-#: projects.inc:471
+#: projects.inc:606
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture"
+msgstr "Collatz Hipotezi çalışması"
+#: projects.inc:611
msgid "California State University Fullerton"
msgstr "Kaliforniya Eyalet Üniversitesi, Fullerton"
-#: projects.inc:472
+#: projects.inc:612
msgid "Factorization of large integers"
msgstr "Büyük tamsayıların çarpanlarına ayrılması"
-#: projects.inc:473
+#: projects.inc:613
msgid ""
"NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
"the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
@@ -880,62 +909,52 @@ msgid ""
"breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. "
"NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
"hundreds of digits long."
-msgstr "Sayı Alanı Elemesi (Number Field Sieve-NFS), büyük tamsayıları çarpanlarına ayırmada kullanılan bir yöntemdir. NFS at Home, bu yöntemdeki dağıtık eleme işlemi adımının, internet bağlantılı bilgisayarlar kullanarak yapıldığı bir araştırma projesidir. Bir genç okul öğrencisiyken, bir tamsayıyı asal çarpanlarına ayırmayı ilk kez deneyimlemiş olmalısınız. Mesela 15 = 3 * 5 ya da 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home bu deneyimin bir devamıdır, ancak yüzlerce basamak uzunluğundaki tamsayılar söz konusudur."
-#: projects.inc:479
-msgid ""
-"Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
-msgstr "Vilnius Gediminas Teknik Üniversitesi ve Kaunas Teknoloji Üniversitesi (Litvanya)"
-#: projects.inc:480
-msgid "Software testing"
-msgstr "Yazılım test etme"
-#: projects.inc:481
-msgid ""
-"The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
-"platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
-"well as others Lithuanian academic institutions. Current applications "
-"involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
-msgstr "Bu projenin amacı, Vilnius Gediminas Teknik Üniversitesi (VGTU) bilim insanlarının yanı sıra başka Litvanyalı akademik kurumlar için güçlü bir dağıtık bilgi işlem platformu sağlamaktır. Güncel uygulamalar, Monte-Carlo tabanlı yazılım test çalışmalarını da içermektedir."
-#: projects.inc:503
-msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
-msgstr "Leiden Üniversitesi Matematik Enstitüsü / Kennislink"
+msgstr "Sayı Alanı Elemesi (Number Field Sieve-NFS), büyük tamsayıları çarpanlarına ayırmada kullanılan bir yöntemdir. NFS at Home, bu yöntemdeki 'dağıtık eleme işlemi' adımının, internet bağlantılı bilgisayarlar kullanarak yapıldığı bir araştırma projesidir. Bir genç okul öğrencisiyken, bir tamsayıyı asal çarpanlarına ayırmayı ilk kez deneyimlemiş olmalısınız. Mesela 15 = 3 * 5 ya da 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home bu deneyimin bir devamıdır, ancak yüzlerce basamak uzunluğundaki tamsayılar söz konusudur."
-#: projects.inc:505
-msgid ""
-"Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
-"< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
-"product of the distinct prime factors of n. The ABC conjecture says that "
-"there are only finitely many a,b,c such that log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h for "
-"any real h > 1. The ABC conjecture is currently one of the greatest open "
-"problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
-"problems can be answered directly from it."
-msgstr "'Abc-üçlüsü' arayışı: ABC varsayımı, halen matematikteki büyük süren sorunlardan biridir. Gerçek olduğu kanıtlanırsa, diğer süren bir çok sorun onun sayesinde doğrudan yanıtlanabilir."
+#: projects.inc:616
+msgid "Study the factorization of large integers"
+msgstr "Büyük tamsayıların çarpanlarına ayrılması araştırması"
-#: projects.inc:513
+#: projects.inc:659
msgid ""
"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
msgstr "Primegrid, çok büyük asal sayıların farklı formlarını arayan birden fazla projeye sahiptir. Bunlar arasında, bilinen en büyük asal sayıyı bulma projesi de mevcuttur."
-#: projects.inc:519
+#: projects.inc:662
+msgid "Search for large prime numbers"
+msgstr "Büyük asal sayılar arayışı"
+#: projects.inc:667
msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
msgstr "Hochschule RheinMain Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi"
-#: projects.inc:521
+#: projects.inc:669
msgid ""
"Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
"of prime numbers"
msgstr "Asal sayıların tanımlanmasına ilişkin iki varsayım için karşı örnekler arayışı."
-#: projects.inc:529
+#: projects.inc:672
+msgid "Study the properties of prime numbers"
+msgstr "Büyük asal sayıların özellikleri araştırması"
+#: projects.inc:679
msgid ""
"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
-msgstr "11 ölçüsüne kadar tüm genelleştirilmiş ikili sayı sistemlerini bul (Hangi bazlar matrisler ve rakam vektörler)."
+msgstr "11. boyutluya kadarki tüm genelleştirilmiş ikili sayı sistemlerini (ki tabanları matris ve basamaklı vektörlerdir) bulun "
+#: projects.inc:682
+msgid "Study number theory"
+msgstr "Sayı Teorisi araştıması"
+#: projects.inc:739
+msgid ""
+"Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of "
+"parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control "
+msgstr "Mantık kontrol sistemleri tasarımı için, CAD sisteminde çalışan paralel algoritmaların ayrımlarını elde etmek amacıyla, sezgisel yöntemlerin test ve karşılaştırması."
#: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
msgid "Comment"
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.mo
index b27b5eb..48d7c71 100644
Binary files a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
index 3f99baa..10ef178 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@
# Sheriff Xie, 2015
# Yin Gang <zenith.yin at gmail.com>, 2015
# 周潇波 <zhouxiaobo.500 at gmail.com>, 2015
+# 李泽林, 2015
# 秦赫阳 <qysnn1 at gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 16:15-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-25 09:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 秦赫阳 <qysnn1 at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-23 18:52-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-24 03:08+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 李泽林\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -208,369 +209,369 @@ msgstr "已连接"
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "已断开"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "New %s window..."
msgstr "新建 %s 窗口"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Open another %s window"
msgstr "打开另一个 %s 窗口"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:344
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "选择计算机..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345
msgid "Connect to a BOINC client on another computer"
msgstr "连接到另一台计算机上的 BOINC 客户端"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:349
msgid "Shut down connected client..."
msgstr "关闭当前连接的客户端..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
msgid "Shut down the currently connected BOINC client"
msgstr "关闭当前连接到的 BOINC 客户端"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:353 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Close the %s window"
msgstr "关闭 %s 窗口"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:123
msgid "&Close window"
msgstr "关闭窗口(&C)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:132
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Exit %s"
msgstr "退出 %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:391 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:151
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "参数设置..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:400
msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
msgstr "通知(&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
msgid "Show notices"
msgstr "显示通知"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
msgstr "项目(&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Show projects"
msgstr "显示项目"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
msgstr "任务(&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Show tasks"
msgstr "显示任务"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418
msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
msgstr "网络传输(&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419
msgid "Show file transfers"
msgstr "显示文件传输"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
msgstr "统计(&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:425
msgid "Show statistics"
msgstr "显示统计信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
msgid "&Disk\tCtrl+Shift+D"
msgstr "磁盘(&D)\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Show disk usage"
msgstr "显示磁盘使用情况"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
msgstr "简易视图(&V)...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:439
msgid "Switch to the Simple View"
msgstr "切换到简易视图"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:205
msgid "&Add project..."
msgstr "增加项目(&A)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
msgid "Add a project"
msgstr "增加一个项目"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "&Use account manager..."
msgstr "使用账户管理器(&U)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
msgid "Use an account manager to control this computer."
msgstr "使用账户管理器来控制该计算机。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "与 %s 进行同步(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:467
#, c-format
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "从 %s 获取当前的参数设定"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "S&top using %s..."
msgstr "停止使用 %s(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:487
msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
msgstr "从帐户管理器中移除当前计算机。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:493
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "运行 CPU 基准测试(&B)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:494
msgid "Run tests that measure CPU speed"
msgstr "运行测试以测量 CPU 速度"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
msgid "Retry pending transfers"
msgstr "重新尝试被挂起的传输"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:497
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:499
msgid "Retry deferred file transfers and task requests"
msgstr "重新尝试被延迟的文件传输和任务请求"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:502 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:504 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211
msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
msgstr "事件日志...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
msgid "Show diagnostic messages"
msgstr "显示诊断消息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "一直运行(&R)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
msgid "Run based on &preferences"
msgstr "依照参数运行(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
msgstr "运行计算程序且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:523
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "暂停(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:524
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
msgid "Use GPU always"
msgstr "总是使用 GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "使用 GPU 且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
msgstr "依照参数使用 GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:555
msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
msgstr "运行 GPU 计算程序且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:557
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:559
msgid "Suspend GPU"
msgstr "暂停 GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:558
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560
msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
msgstr "暂停使用 GPU 且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
msgid "Network activity always"
msgstr "网络总是可用"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
msgstr "依照参数使用网络"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
msgstr "允许使用网络且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
msgid "Suspend network activity"
msgstr "暂停网络活动"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
msgid "Stop network activity"
msgstr "停止网络活动"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:604 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:191
msgid "Computing &preferences..."
msgstr "计算参数设置(&P)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:192
msgid "Configure computing preferences"
msgstr "修改计算参数设置"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:610
msgid "Exclusive applications..."
msgstr "互斥应用程序..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
msgid "Configure exclusive applications"
msgstr "设置互斥应用程序"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
msgid "Select columns..."
msgstr "选择列..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
msgid "Select which columns to display"
msgstr "选择要显示的列"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621
msgid "Event Log options...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
msgstr "事件日志选项...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:622
msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
msgstr "启用或禁用各种诊断信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:624 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:197
msgid "&Other options..."
msgstr "(&O)其他选项..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:627
msgid "Configure display options and network settings"
msgstr "设置显示选项和网络设置"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
msgid "Read config files"
msgstr "读取配置文件"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633
msgid ""
"Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
msgstr "从 cc_config.xml 和 app_config.xml 中读取配置信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:637
msgid "Read local prefs file"
msgstr "读取本地参数设置文件"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:638
msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
msgstr "从 global_prefs_override.xml 中读取本地参数设置。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:646 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "%s &help"
msgstr "%s 帮助(&H)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about %s"
msgstr "查看 %s 的信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid "&%s help"
msgstr "%s 帮助"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:664 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:237
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "查看 %s 的信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:673 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:675 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%s &web site"
msgstr "%s 网站(&W)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:677 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "查看 BOINC 和 %s 的信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:688 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:690 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:541
#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:262
#, c-format
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "关于 %s (&A)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:268
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "查看许可与版权信息。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:703 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:275
msgid "&File"
msgstr "文件(&F)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:707 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:279
msgid "&View"
msgstr "视图(&V)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:711
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "活动(&A)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:715 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:283
msgid "&Options"
msgstr "选项(&O)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:717 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:719 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:287
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "工具(&T)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:721 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:723 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:291
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:374 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:381
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "帮助(&H)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
msgstr "%s - 停止使用 %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1240
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -580,39 +581,39 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to stop using %s?"
msgstr "如果您退出 %s,\n您当前所有的计算项目将会保留,\n但您将必须手动对它们进行管理。\n\n您确定要退出 %s 吗?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
msgstr "%s - 关闭当前连接的客户端..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s will shut down the current client\n"
"and prompt you for another host to connect to."
msgstr "%s 将要关闭当前连接的客户端,\n然后会提示您输入想要连接的客户端。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1881 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1883 clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1892
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
msgstr "%s 已经成功地加入了 %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2026
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2028
#, c-format
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2032
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "正在连接至 %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2033
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:2035
#, c-format
msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
msgstr "已连接至 %s ( %s )"
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ msgstr "退出 %s (&X)"
msgid "%s - Communication"
msgstr "%s - 网络通讯"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:168
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:127 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:152
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:108 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:355
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -1083,39 +1084,39 @@ msgstr "要获取更多信息,请访问"
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "确定(&O)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:682 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:773
msgid "Invalid number"
msgstr "无效的数字"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:774
msgid "Invalid time, value must be between 0:00 and 24:00, format is HH:MM"
msgstr "无效的时间,值必须介于 0:00 至 24:00之间,格式是 hh: mm"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:684 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:775
msgid "Start time must be different from end time"
msgstr "起始时间必须和结束时间不同"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:687
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 10"
msgstr "必须是0到10之间的数字"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:686 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:688 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:776
msgid "Number must be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "数字必须介于 0 和 100 之间"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:944 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:847
msgid "invalid input value detected"
msgstr "检测到错误的输入值"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:946 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:958 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849
msgid "Validation Error"
msgstr "验证错误"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1158
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1170
msgid "Discard local preferences and use web-based preferences?"
msgstr "放弃本地首选项并使用网上的首选项吗?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1159 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1171 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1175
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "确认"
@@ -1138,96 +1139,81 @@ msgstr "使用来自下列网站的首选项"
msgid "Set values and click OK to use local preferences instead."
msgstr "设置数值,并单击确定以改用本地首选项。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116
-msgid ""
-"This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
-"Click OK to set preferences.\n"
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "本对话框中的参数设置仅用于本计算机。\n点击“确定”即可保存并应用对话框中的相关设置。\n点击“清除”即可恢复使用项目网站上的参数设置。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "清除"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:120
-msgid "Clear all local preferences and close the dialog."
-msgstr "清除所有本地的参数设置并关闭对话框"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:123 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:115 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:215
msgid "Use web prefs"
msgstr "使用项目网站上的设置"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:124 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:116 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:216
msgid "Restore web-based preferences and close the dialog."
msgstr "恢复使用项目网站上的参数设置并关闭对话框"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:684
msgid "Computing"
msgstr "正在计算"
#. Network schedule
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:894
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:886
msgid "Network"
msgstr "网络"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
msgid "Disk and memory"
msgstr "磁盘和内存"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
msgid "Daily schedules"
msgstr "每日计划"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:162
#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:119 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:146
#: clientgui/DlgHiddenColumns.cpp:100 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:351
msgid "OK"
msgstr "确定"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:163
msgid "Save all values and close the dialog."
msgstr "保存所有参数值并关闭对话框"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:169
msgid "Close the dialog without saving."
msgstr "放弃更改并关闭对话框"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:181 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:173 clientgui/DlgExclusiveApps.cpp:157
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35 clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:930
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361
msgid "Help"
msgstr "帮助"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:174
msgid "Shows the preferences web page."
msgstr "显示参数设置网页"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:471
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "使用率限制"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "保留一些CPU核心以供其他应用程序使用。例如: 75%意味着在8核CPU上使用6个核心。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:263 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:255 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:284
msgid "Use at most"
msgstr "最多使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "%的CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:253 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
@@ -1235,355 +1221,363 @@ msgid ""
"and repeat."
msgstr "每隔几秒钟就暂停一下然后恢复计算,以降低CPU温度并减少电能使用。比如:75%意味着每计算 3 秒就暂停 1 秒,然后如此重复。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:268 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:289
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of CPU time"
msgstr "% 的处理器时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
msgid "When to suspend"
msgstr "以下情况暂停计算"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:237
msgid "Suspend when computer is on battery"
msgstr "当计算机正在使用电池供电时暂停计算"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing on portables when running on battery power."
msgstr "勾选这个选项以使得笔记本电脑在靠电池电源运行时暂停计算。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:290 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:251
msgid "Suspend when computer is in use"
msgstr "当计算机正在使用时暂停计算"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this to suspend computing and file transfers when you're using the "
msgstr "勾选这个选项以使得当您使用计算机时暂停计算和文件传输。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:291
msgid "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use"
msgstr "当使用计算机时暂停 GPU 计算"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:294
msgid "Check this to suspend GPU computing when you're using the computer."
msgstr "勾选这个选项以使得当您使用计算机时暂停GPU计算。"
#. min idle time
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:299 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:262
msgid "This determines when the computer is considered 'in use'."
msgstr "这将确定在怎样的情况下计算机会被视为“正在使用”。"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:312 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:266
msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last"
msgstr "如果在最近的多少分钟内有鼠标或键盘操作则认为计算机在使用中"
#. context: 'In use' means mouse/keyboard input in last ___ minutes
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:413 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:274
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "分钟"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
msgid "Suspend when non-BOINC CPU usage is above"
msgstr "当非BOINC CPU使用率高于多少时暂停"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325
msgid "Suspend computing when your computer is busy running other programs."
msgstr "当您的计算机正忙于运行其他程序时暂停计算。"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+msgid "To suspend by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "若要在一天的特定时间暂停,请参见\"日程\"一节。"
#. Context: heading for a group of miscellaneous preferences
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
msgid "Other"
msgstr "其它"
#. buffer sizes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
msgid "Store at least enough tasks to keep the computer busy for this long."
msgstr "存储至少足够使计算机计算如此长时间的任务。"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359
msgid "Store at least"
msgstr "至少存储"
#. context: Store at least ___ days of work
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392
msgid "days of work"
msgstr "天的工作"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Store additional tasks above the minimum level. Determines how much work is"
" requested when contacting a project."
msgstr "在最低限度之上额外存储一些任务。这将决定BOINC客户端在联系一个项目时要求多少新任务。"
#. context: Store up to an additional ___ days of work
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380
msgid "Store up to an additional"
msgstr "额外存储"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid "If you run several projects, %s may switch between them this often."
msgstr "如果您同时运行几个项目,%s 将每隔这么长时间切换一次任务。"
#. context: Switch between tasks every ___ minutes
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
msgid "Switch between tasks every"
msgstr "每隔多少分钟切换任务"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This controls how often tasks save their state to disk, so that they can be "
"restarted later."
msgstr "这个选项决定计算任务向磁盘保存其进度的频繁程度,以便于之后重新启动。"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:423
msgid "Request tasks to checkpoint at most every"
msgstr "要求任务每隔多少分钟储存一次进度"
#. context: Request tasks to checkpoint at most every ___ seconds
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:432
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "秒"
#. upload/download rates
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469
msgid "Limit the download rate of file transfers."
msgstr "限制文件传输的下载速率。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470
msgid "Limit download rate to"
msgstr "限制下载速度为"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
msgid "KB/second"
msgstr "KB每秒"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
msgid "Limit the upload rate of file transfers."
msgstr "限制文件传输的上传速率。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
msgid "Limit upload rate to"
msgstr "限制上传速率为"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:490
#, c-format
msgid "Example: %s should transfer at most 2000 MB of data every 30 days."
msgstr "例如: 限制%s在30天内最多传输2000 MB数据。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
msgid "Limit usage to"
msgstr "限制使用量为"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
msgid "MB every"
msgstr "MB 每"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
msgid "days"
msgstr "天"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:505
+msgid "To limit transfers by time of day, see the \"Daily Schedules\" section."
+msgstr "若要在一天的特定时间限制通讯,请参见\"日程\"一节。"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Check this only if your Internet provider modifies image files. Skipping "
"verification reduces the security of %s."
msgstr "仅当您的Internet提供商会修改图像文件的情况下才需要选中此选项。跳过验证会降低%s的安全性。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:524
msgid "Skip data verification for image files"
msgstr "跳过图像文件的数据校验"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
msgid "Confirm before connecting to Internet"
msgstr "接入互联网前先确认"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:533
msgid "Useful only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection."
msgstr "仅 Modem、ISDN 和 VPN 用户需要使用该设置"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
msgid "Disconnect when done"
msgstr "传输完成后断开连接"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "磁盘"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "%s will use the most restrictive of these settings:"
msgstr "%s 将使用这些设置中最严格的设置:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:578 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the total amount of disk space used by %s."
msgstr "限制%s使用的磁盘空间总量。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:581
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:336
msgid "Use no more than"
msgstr "最多使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:577
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit disk usage to leave this much free space on the volume where %s stores"
" data."
msgstr "限制%s的磁盘使用,在存储数据的卷上保留如下数量的空闲空间。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:593
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:585
msgid "Leave at least"
msgstr "至少保留"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:589
msgid "GB free"
msgstr "GB可用空间"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Limit the percentage of disk space used by %s on the volume where it stores "
msgstr "限制%s在存储数据的卷上使用的磁盘空间的百分比。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:602
#, no-c-format
msgid "% of total"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:617
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "内存(RAM)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:614
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're using the computer."
msgstr "限制当您使用计算机时%s 使用的内存。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
msgid "When computer is in use, use at most"
msgstr "当计算机在使用时,最多使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:642
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the memory used by %s when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "限制当您未使用计算机时%s 使用的内存。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
msgid "When computer is not in use, use at most"
msgstr "当计算机未在使用时,最多使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:646
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "在暂停时将非GPU任务留在内存中"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "如果选中此选项,暂停的任务将会留在内存中,恢复时不会有进度损失。如果未选中,暂停的任务将从内存中被清除,继续计算时从最后一个保存点开始。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:643
#, c-format
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by %s."
msgstr "限制 %s 使用的交换空间 (页面文件)大小。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:653
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "虚拟内存:最多使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:670 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:293
msgid "and"
msgstr "到"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:671
msgid "to"
msgstr "至"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:294
msgid "Compute only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "仅在每天的特定时间段内计算。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:702 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:297
msgid "Compute only between"
msgstr "仅在如下时间段内计算。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:726
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:910
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:902
msgid "Day-of-week override"
msgstr "自定义每周内各天的可用时间段:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:735
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:906
msgid "Override the times above on the selected days:"
msgstr "在一周选定的各天自定义上述时间设置"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:758
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:931
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:923
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "周一"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:785
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:938
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "周五"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:800
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:959
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:951
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "周二"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:815
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:974
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:966
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "周六"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:828
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:987
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:820
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:979
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "周三"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:843
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1002
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:994
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "周日"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:856
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1015
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:848
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:1007
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "周四"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:898 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:890 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
msgid "Transfer files only during a particular period each day."
msgstr "仅在每天的特定时间段内传输文件。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:900 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:892 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:317
msgid "Transfer files only between"
msgstr "传输文件的时间段:"
@@ -1856,237 +1850,244 @@ msgstr "项目未提供的任务类型 "
msgid "Client configuration excludes "
msgstr "客户端已排除的任务类型 "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
-msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr "任务获取被延迟"
#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:209
-msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr "任务获取延迟间隔"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferred for"
+msgstr "%s 的工作获取推迟"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s work fetch deferral interval"
+msgstr "%s 的工作获取延迟间隔"
#. set dialog title
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
msgid "Properties of project "
msgstr "项目属性"
#. layout controls
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
msgid "General"
msgstr "综合"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:253
msgid "User name"
msgstr "用户名称"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "团队名称"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:258
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "资源分享"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
msgstr "远程调度请求被延迟"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
msgid "File downloads deferred for"
msgstr "文件下载被延迟"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
msgid "File uploads deferred for"
msgstr "文件上传被延迟"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
msgid "Disk usage"
msgstr "磁盘使用"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:266
msgid "Computer ID"
msgstr "计算机编号"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
msgid "Non CPU intensive"
msgstr "非 CPU 密集"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "yes"
msgstr "是"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
msgid "Suspended via GUI"
msgstr "已在界面上被暂停"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:264 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "no"
msgstr "否"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
msgid "Don't request more work"
msgstr "已禁止下载新任务"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
msgstr "正在进行调度请求"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:270
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
msgid "Trickle-up pending"
msgstr "上传消息等待中"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "Host location"
msgstr "主机位置"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:281
msgid "default"
msgstr "缺省"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
msgid "Added via account manager"
msgstr "已通过帐户管理器增加"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:282
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
msgid "Remove when tasks done"
msgstr "任务完成后移除项目"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
msgid "Ended"
msgstr "已结束"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:293
msgid "Tasks completed"
msgstr "任务已完成"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:294
msgid "Tasks failed"
msgstr "任务失败"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
msgid "Credit"
msgstr "积分"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
msgid "User"
msgstr "用户"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:298
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:300 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#, c-format
+msgid "%0.2f total, %0.2f average"
+msgstr "%0.2f %0.2f 平均总量,"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
msgid "Host"
msgstr "主机"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:315
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "调度"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
msgid "Scheduling priority"
msgstr "调度优先级"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:317
msgid "CPU"
msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
msgid "Duration correction factor"
msgstr "时长校正因子"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
msgid "Last scheduler reply"
msgstr "调度程序上次响应时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
msgid "Properties of task "
msgstr "任务属性"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:364 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:266
msgid "Application"
msgstr "计算程序"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:267
msgid "Name"
msgstr "任务名称"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
msgid "State"
msgstr "状态"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
msgid "Received"
msgstr "接收时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "上报期限"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:382
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "资源"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
msgid "Estimated computation size"
msgstr "预计的任务大小"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
msgstr "上次存盘的 CPU 时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:415
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "已用 CPU 时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:391 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:416
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "已用时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
msgid "Estimated time remaining"
msgstr "预计剩余时间"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:394
msgid "Fraction done"
msgstr "完成百分比"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:395
msgid "Virtual memory size"
msgstr "虚存占用大小"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:396
msgid "Working set size"
msgstr "工作集大小"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:398
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "目录"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "进程标识"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "Progress rate"
msgstr "计算效率"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:407
msgid "per hour"
msgstr "每小时"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:409
msgid "per minute"
msgstr "每分钟"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:411
msgid "per second"
msgstr "每秒"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:474 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:482 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:1125
#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:828
msgid "Local: "
msgstr "本地:"
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo
index e3556f7..9a3de89 100644
Binary files a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
index ab2bb2d..68b8146 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
# Translators:
# 周潇波 <zhouxiaobo.500 at gmail.com>, 2015
+# 李泽林, 2015
# 秦赫阳 <qysnn1 at gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-24 13:05 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-06 04:19+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 周潇波 <zhouxiaobo.500 at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-09 18:59 PDT\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-27 11:26+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: 秦赫阳 <qysnn1 at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/boinc/language/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -40,11 +41,11 @@ msgstr "当前页面%s提供翻译接口%s。"
msgid ""
"We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
"science projects that require it."
-msgstr "我们建议你同时安装 VirtualBox,这样你的计算机就可以运行那些要求该软件的科学项目了。"
+msgstr "我们建议你同时安装 VirtualBox,这样你的计算机就可以运行那些需要该软件的科学项目了。"
#: download.php:44
msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
-msgstr "了解更多关于 VirtualBox。"
+msgstr "了解更多关于VirtualBox的信息。"
#: download.php:52
msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ msgstr "系统需求"
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "发行说明"
-#: download.php:179 index.php:89
+#: download.php:179 index.php:93
msgid "Help"
msgstr "帮助"
@@ -220,153 +221,103 @@ msgid "News"
msgstr "新闻"
#. "Volunteer" is used as a verb
-#: index.php:85
+#: index.php:89
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "志愿者"
-#: index.php:88
+#: index.php:92
msgid "Download"
msgstr "下载"
-#: index.php:90 index.php:132 index.php:184
+#: index.php:94 index.php:138
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"
-#: index.php:91
+#: index.php:95
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "辅助工具"
-#: index.php:92
+#: index.php:96
msgid "Links"
msgstr "链接"
-#: index.php:97
+#: index.php:101
msgid ""
"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure"
" diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types "
"of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:"
msgstr "利用你计算机的闲置时间,不管是 Windows, Mac, Linux 还是 Android,来帮助如疾病治疗、全球变暖、发现脉冲星等多种类型的科学研究。这很安全,也很容易:"
-#: index.php:99
+#: index.php:103
msgid "Choose projects"
msgstr "选择项目"
-#: index.php:100
+#: index.php:104
msgid "Download BOINC software"
msgstr "下载 BOINC 软件"
-#: index.php:101
+#: index.php:105
msgid "Enter an email address and password."
msgstr "输入电子邮箱地址及口令。"
-#: index.php:105
+#: index.php:109
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "或者,如果您想参加多个研究项目,可以使用 %s帐户管理器%s 来简化您的日常操作,比如 %sGridRepublic%s 或者 %sBAM!%s。"
-#: index.php:130
+#: index.php:136
msgid "Compute with BOINC"
msgstr "用 BOINC 来计算"
-#: index.php:133
+#: index.php:139
msgid "Software updates"
msgstr "软件更新"
-#: index.php:140
+#: index.php:146
msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving"
-" you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
-msgstr "%1科研人员%2:使用 BOINC 来创建%3志愿计算项目%4,从而得到成千上万个处理器的计算能力。"
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, "
+"giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs."
+msgstr "%1科研人员%2:使用 BOINC 来创建%3志愿计算项目%4,从而得到成千上万个CPU和GPU的计算能力。"
-#: index.php:144
+#: index.php:150
msgid ""
"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
msgstr "%1大学院校%2:使用 BOINC 来创建%3虚拟校园超级计算中心%4。"
-#: index.php:149
+#: index.php:155
msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
msgstr "%1公司企业%2:将 BOINC 用于%3桌面网格计算%4。"
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "BOINC 项目"
#: index.php:167
+msgid "About BOINC"
+msgstr "关于 BOINC"
+#: index.php:181
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "留言板"
-#: index.php:168
+#: index.php:182
msgid "Email lists"
msgstr "电子邮件列表"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr "项目人员"
-#: index.php:170
+#: index.php:183
msgid "Events"
msgstr "事件通告"
-#: index.php:171
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "论文与演讲"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "研究项目"
-#: index.php:173
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "徽标和图片"
-#: index.php:174
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "和"
-#: index.php:178
+#: index.php:184
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "源代码"
-#: index.php:179
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "需要您的帮助! "
-#: index.php:181
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "编程"
-#: index.php:182
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "翻译"
-#: index.php:183
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "测试"
-#: index.php:185
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "公众推介"
-#: index.php:187
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "软件开发"
-#: index.php:188
+#: index.php:186
msgid "APIs for add-on software"
msgstr "辅助软件开发接口"
-#: index.php:230
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
-msgstr "用于 %s志愿计算%s 和 %s网格计算%s 的开源软件"
-#: index.php:243
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr "BOINC 由加州大学伯克利分校推出。"
+#: index.php:231
+msgid "Open-source software for volunteer computing"
+msgstr "用于志愿计算的开源软件"
#: projects.inc:19
msgid "Distributed sensing"
@@ -405,6 +356,17 @@ msgstr "Radioactive at Home项目使用志愿者计算机上的传感器来建立
msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
msgstr "认知科学与人工智能"
+#: projects.inc:51
+msgid "Cognitive Science"
+msgstr "认知科学"
+#: projects.inc:52
+msgid ""
+"MindModeling at Home uses computational cognitive process modeling to better "
+"understand the human mind, and specifically to study the mechanisms and "
+"processes that enable and moderate human performance and learning."
+msgstr "MindModeling at Home 使用计算模拟认知过程模型,以更好地理解人类的思维,特别是学习那些使人类得以启用和改变表现和学习的机制和流程。"
#: projects.inc:70 projects.inc:467 projects.inc:591 projects.inc:601
#: projects.inc:657
msgid "Private"
@@ -426,6 +388,26 @@ msgstr "解析和转换用于 FreeHAL 的语义网,而 FreeHAL 是一个利用
msgid "Biology and Medicine"
msgstr "生物学和医药学"
+#: projects.inc:88
+msgid "Medical physiology"
+msgstr "医学生理学"
+#: projects.inc:89
+msgid ""
+"DENIS at Home does cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the "
+"electrical activity of the heart."
+msgstr "DENIS at Home 通过心脏电生理仿真,研究心脏的电活动。"
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "Molecular biology"
+msgstr "分子生物学"
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid ""
+"RNA World seeks to identify, analyze, structurally predict and design RNA "
+"molecules on the basis of established bioinformatics software."
+msgstr "RNA World 旨在识别、 分析、 结构预测和设计建立生物信息学软件的 RNA 分子。"
#: projects.inc:107
msgid "University College Dublin"
msgstr "都柏林大学"
@@ -580,6 +562,45 @@ msgid ""
"better understand the distant universe."
msgstr "TheSkyNet POGS 是一个研究16种不同星系的天文学项目,包括亮度、质量、尘埃量及其形成的速度。我们使用志愿者的算力从星系的图像中逐像素地进行多种波长的计算(包括紫外线、可见光和近红外线),从而一个能帮助天文学家更好地理解浩瀚宇宙的星图。"
+#: projects.inc:280 projects.inc:366
+msgid "Astrophysics"
+msgstr "天体物理学"
+#: projects.inc:281
+msgid ""
+"The aim of the project is to derive shapes and spin for a significant part "
+"of the asteroid population. As input data, we use any asteroid photometry "
+"that is available. The results are asteroid convex shape models with the "
+"direction of the spin axis and the rotation period."
+msgstr "项目的目的是要获得对小行星总体情况重要的形状和自旋信息。我们使用任何可用的小行星光度作为输入的数据。结果是带自转轴及自转周期的小行星凸面形状模型。"
+#: projects.inc:290
+msgid "Aerospace-related science and engineering"
+msgstr "航空航天相关的科学与工程"
+#: projects.inc:291
+msgid ""
+"Constellation is a platform for aerospace-related simulations, including "
+"trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes, simulation of "
+"Moon's near-surface exosphere, and analysis of dynamic systems of "
+msgstr "星座是一个平台,用于航空航天相关的仿真,包括发射器、 卫星和探测器的轨迹优化、 月球附近表面散逸,仿真和分析的动态系统的探测漫游者"
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Perform aerospace-related simulations"
+msgstr "执行航空航天相关模拟"
+#: projects.inc:329
+msgid ""
+"Universe at Home aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar "
+"content of the Universe, from the earliest stars to the most exotic black "
+"hole binaries."
+msgstr "Universe at Home 的目的是创造宇宙的模拟恒星内容的第一个数据库,从最早的恒星到最独特的黑洞双星。"
+#: projects.inc:332
+msgid "Do research in physics and astronomy"
+msgstr "研究物理学和天文学"
#: projects.inc:337
msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
msgstr "伦斯勒理工学院"
@@ -591,6 +612,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Milkeyway at Home 使用 Sloan 数字巡天的数据来对银河系进行高精度的三维建模。"
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Study the structure of the Milky Way galaxy"
+msgstr "研究银河系的结构"
#: projects.inc:347
msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
msgstr "荷兰莱顿大学"
@@ -609,14 +634,14 @@ msgid ""
"simulations through the grid."
msgstr "使用经典力学进行表面科学的计算。Leiden Classical 允许志愿者、学者和其它科研人员提供他们自己的计算任务,每个用户都有他自己的经典力学任务队列。通过这种方式,学生们可以利用网格来对他们学习到的相关理论进行验证。"
+#: projects.inc:352
+msgid "Help students do atomic simulations"
+msgstr "帮助学生做原子模拟"
#: projects.inc:365
msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
msgstr "美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校,德国马克斯普朗克研究所"
-#: projects.inc:366
-msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr "天体物理学"
#: projects.inc:367
msgid ""
"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
@@ -626,6 +651,10 @@ msgid ""
"international organizations."
msgstr "分析 LIGO 和 GEO 引力波探测器以及阿雷西波观测站采集到的数据,以寻找自旋中子星(也称为脉冲星)。Einstein at Home 是 2005 世界物理学年的推荐项目,由美国物理学会(APS)和一些相关的国际组织发起。"
+#: projects.inc:370
+msgid "Help detect pulsars and gravitational waves"
+msgstr "帮助检测脉冲星和引力波"
#: projects.inc:383 projects.inc:393 projects.inc:403
msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
msgstr "CERN(欧洲核子研究组织)"
@@ -643,6 +672,10 @@ msgid ""
"the design of LHC and its detectors."
msgstr "大型强子对撞机(LHC)是 CERN(欧洲核子研究组织)的一个粒子加速器装置,也是世界上最大的粒子物理实验室。它是人类现有的用于研究基本粒子特性的最强大的实验装置。LHC at home 的作用主要是对加速器进行模拟,并帮助改进 LHC 及其探测器的设计。"
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Improve the design of the Large Hadron Collider"
+msgstr "提高大型强子对撞机的设计"
#: projects.inc:395
msgid ""
"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for LHC event "
@@ -650,6 +683,10 @@ msgid ""
"VirtualBox on your computer"
msgstr "该项目使用由CERN开发的虚拟机技术为志愿者在计算机内运行LHC事件模拟。这需要在计算机内已经安装Virtualbox虚拟化软件。"
+#: projects.inc:398
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions"
+msgstr "模拟高能粒子碰撞"
#: projects.inc:405
msgid ""
"ATLAS at Home uses volunteer computing to run simulations for ATLAS, a particle"
@@ -658,6 +695,10 @@ msgid ""
"extraordinary high energy."
msgstr "ATLAS at Home 使用志愿计算网格来运行ATLAS模拟,一个CERN(欧洲核子研究组织)大型强子对撞机的物理学实验。ATLAS 探测器研究使用特别的高能质子与新粒子正面碰撞的过程。"
+#: projects.inc:408
+msgid "Simulate high-energy particle collisions for CERN"
+msgstr "欧洲核子研究中心的高能粒子对撞模拟"
#: projects.inc:413
msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
msgstr "美国加州大学伯克利分校"
@@ -675,10 +716,28 @@ msgid ""
"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
msgstr "SETI (搜索地外智能)的研究领域是探测地球之外的智慧生命。探测的途径之一,也被称之为射电 SETI,使用射电望远镜来监听太空中的窄波射电信号。因为依照人类目前的认识,这些信号不会自然产生,因此可以作为将其地外技术文明存在的证据。"
+#: projects.inc:418
+msgid "Search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life"
+msgstr "寻找外星生命存在的证据"
#: projects.inc:442
msgid "Multiple applications"
msgstr "多种计算程序"
+#: projects.inc:448
+msgid "Molecular biology, Computer Science"
+msgstr "分子生物学、 计算机科学"
+#: projects.inc:449
+msgid ""
+"The Citizen Science Grid is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research"
+" and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science."
+msgstr "公民科学网格致力于支持广泛的研究和教育项目使用志愿者计算和公民科学。"
+#: projects.inc:452
+msgid "Support science from the University of North Dakota"
+msgstr "支持北达科塔州大学的科学"
#: projects.inc:457
msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
msgstr "中国科学院"
@@ -694,6 +753,10 @@ msgid ""
"their research."
msgstr "CAS at home 的目标是鼓励和帮助中国的科研人员采用志愿计算这种计算技术以及相应的科研思维方式。"
+#: projects.inc:462
+msgid "Help Chinese researchers"
+msgstr "帮助中国的研究人员"
#: projects.inc:468
msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
msgstr "数学、物理学、进化论"
@@ -704,6 +767,10 @@ msgid ""
"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
msgstr "Yoyo at home 项目将包括 ECM、Muon、Evolution at home 和 distributed.net 在内的一些传统志愿计算项目移植到了 BOINC 平台。"
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Do research in math, physics, and evolution"
+msgstr "研究数学,物理和进化"
#: projects.inc:477 projects.inc:677
msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
msgstr "匈牙利 MTA-SZTAKI 并行和分布式系统实验室"
@@ -720,6 +787,10 @@ msgid ""
" by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
msgstr "EDGes at Home Beta 项目将志愿计算融入到欧洲网格计算服务,允许网格将计算任务分发给项目的志愿者们来处理。项目所涉及的科研领域包括数学、物理、生物等等。"
+#: projects.inc:482
+msgid "Help European researchers"
+msgstr "帮助欧洲研究人员"
#: projects.inc:487
msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
msgstr "西班牙的大学和研究中心"
@@ -732,6 +803,10 @@ msgstr "各种西班牙的研究项目"
msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
msgstr "物理学、材料科学和生物医药学方面的研究。"
+#: projects.inc:492
+msgid "Help Spanish researchers"
+msgstr "帮助西班牙研究人员"
#: projects.inc:497
msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
msgstr "IBM 公民科学"
@@ -748,14 +823,56 @@ msgid ""
"clean water and many more."
msgstr "通过建立世界上最大的志愿计算网络来推进一些人类目前迫切想解决的、非赢利性的科学研究。包括艾滋,癌症,登革热以及一些被忽视的疾病,太阳能,清洁水资源等等。"
+#: projects.inc:502
+msgid "Do biomedical and environmental research"
+msgstr "进行有关生物医学和环境科学的研究"
#: projects.inc:507
msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
msgstr "数学、计算机、游戏"
+#: projects.inc:533 projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668
+#: projects.inc:678
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "数学"
+#: projects.inc:534
+msgid ""
+"NumberFields at home searches for fields with special properties. The primary "
+"application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. "
+"Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them "
+"formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will "
+"lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the "
+"basic building blocks of all mathematics."
+msgstr "NumberFields at home 搜索具有特殊性质的数域。本研究主要应用于代数数论领域。数论学家可以挖掘数据之中含有的有趣的模式,以帮助他们提出有关数论的猜想。最终,这项研究将使我们对数字,数学的最基本元素的所有属性有更深入地了解。"
+#: projects.inc:537
+msgid "Do research in algebraic number theory"
+msgstr "代数数论的研究"
+#: projects.inc:553
+msgid "Computer Science"
+msgstr "计算机科学"
+#: projects.inc:554
+msgid ""
+"Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion "
+"problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc.) that can be "
+"effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem."
+msgstr "解决一些可以有效地减少为布尔可满足性问题的困难和具有重要现实意义的问题 (离散函数的反演问题、 离散优化、 生物信息学等)。"
+#: projects.inc:557
+msgid "Study computational complexity"
+msgstr "研究计算复杂度"
#: projects.inc:582
msgid "Cryptography and combinatorics"
msgstr "密码学以及组合学"
+#: projects.inc:583 projects.inc:586
+msgid "Run applications from distributed.net"
+msgstr "运行来自distributed.net的应用程序"
#: projects.inc:592
msgid "Cryptography"
msgstr "密码学"
@@ -766,13 +883,17 @@ msgid ""
"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
msgstr "该项目试图解密三条二战期间的加密电报消息,这些消息于 1942 年在北大西洋截获而且一直被认为是不可破解的。"
-#: projects.inc:602 projects.inc:658 projects.inc:668 projects.inc:678
-msgid "Mathematics"
-msgstr "数学"
+#: projects.inc:596
+msgid "Decode WWII submarine messages"
+msgstr "解密二战潜艇电报"
#: projects.inc:603
msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
-msgstr "研究考拉兹猜想(Collatz conjecture),一个尚未被证明的数学猜想。"
+msgstr "研究考拉兹猜想(Collatz conjecture),一个尚未被证明的数学猜想。"
+#: projects.inc:606
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture"
+msgstr "研究考拉兹猜想(Collatz Conjecture)"
#: projects.inc:611
msgid "California State University Fullerton"
@@ -790,13 +911,21 @@ msgid ""
"breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. "
"NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
"hundreds of digits long."
-msgstr "NFS at Home 是一个利用通过互联网连接的计算机来进行大整数数域筛选分解中的格筛步骤的研究项目。当你还是一个年轻的学生时,你应该就有了分解质因数的经历,比如 15=3*5 或者 35=5*7。NFS at Home 正是这一经历的延续,不过却是分解有数百位数字长的大整数。"
+msgstr "NFS at Home 是一个利用通过互联网连接的计算机来进行大整数数域筛选分解中的格筛步骤的研究项目。当你还是一个年轻的学生时,你应该就有了分解质因数的经历,比如 15=3*5 或者 35=5*7。NFS at Home 正是这一经历的延续,唯一的不同是分解的是有数百位数字长的大整数。"
+#: projects.inc:616
+msgid "Study the factorization of large integers"
+msgstr "大整数因子分解的研究"
#: projects.inc:659
msgid ""
"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
-msgstr "Primegrid 旗下有多个研究各种类型大质数的项目,其中也包括寻找已知最大质数。"
+msgstr "Primegrid 旗下有多个研究各种类型大质数的项目,其中包括寻找已知最大质数的项目。"
+#: projects.inc:662
+msgid "Search for large prime numbers"
+msgstr "搜寻大的素数"
#: projects.inc:667
msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
@@ -808,12 +937,27 @@ msgid ""
"of prime numbers"
msgstr "寻找两个有关质数识别的猜想的反例。"
+#: projects.inc:672
+msgid "Study the properties of prime numbers"
+msgstr "研究素数的性质"
#: projects.inc:679
msgid ""
"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
msgstr "寻找所有的广义二进制数系(基是矩阵,而位是向量),目前项目正在搜索 12 维的广义二进制数系。"
+#: projects.inc:682
+msgid "Study number theory"
+msgstr "研究数论"
+#: projects.inc:739
+msgid ""
+"Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of "
+"parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control "
+msgstr "测试并比较启发式方法以研究用于CAD逻辑控制设计系统的分立的并行算法"
#: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "备注"
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-boinc/boinc.git
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