[boinc] 01/01: Use new Files-Excluded features
Gianfranco Costamagna
locutusofborg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 7 15:22:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
locutusofborg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository boinc.
commit 434b0ae81e6d30ff26bfd65dcb302f72b82f385b
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>
Date: Mon Dec 7 15:25:16 2015 +0100
Use new Files-Excluded features
debian/changelog | 7 ++++
debian/copyright | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++
debian/get-orig-source.sh | 92 -----------------------------------------------
debian/watch | 5 ++-
4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4193d9e..bc296a0 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+boinc (7.6.19+dfsg-1exp2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Update copyright to use Files-Excluded features, thanks Dmitry for the hint!
+ (Closes: #806722)
+ -- Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg at debian.org> Mon, 07 Dec 2015 15:24:19 +0100
boinc (7.6.19+dfsg-1exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
* Upload to experimental again, with the boinc-server-* packages.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 6cdf391..b6e4b70 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -11,6 +11,44 @@ Comment:
A list of the BOINC project personnel, volunteer developers and testers is
available at: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/ProjectPeople
+# [non-free, unneeded] Unneeded build systems and binaries without source.
+ coprocs
+ clientgui/mac
+ */win_build */mac_build */mac_installer
+ */*.dll */*.exe
+# compiled samples ... also for Linux shall not be with the source
+ samples/example_app/bin api/ttf
+# redundant with GLUT library, license does not express clearly freedom to modify
+ samples/glut
+# license fails to explicitly express that is allows modifications
+ api/ttfont.cpp api/ttfont.h
+# DFSG-incompatible Apple Public Source License (APSL).
+ lib/mac
+# [unneeded] This 3rd party software is already in Debian and we added
+# them to boinc's Build-Depends.
+ curl samples/jpeglib
+# [unneeded] Cruft that is not needed to build the BOINC software.
+ .vimrc
+ build
+# autogenerated visual c++ files
+ clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.rc clientgui/resource.h
+ samples/vboxwrapper/vboxwrapper_win.h samples/vboxwrapper/vboxwrapper_win.rc
+ samples/wrapper/wrapper_win.h samples/wrapper/wrapper_win.rc
+ samples/gfx_html/browser_win.h samples/gfx_html/browser_win.rc
+ clientctrl/boincsvcctrl.h clientctrl/boincsvcctrl.rc
+ clientscr/boinc_ss.h clientscr/boinc_ss.rc
+ clientscr/boinc_ss_opengl.h clientscr/boinc_ss_opengl.rc
+ clienttray/boinc_tray.h clienttray/boinc_tray.rc
+ client/win/boinc_cli.h client/win/boinc_cli.rc
+ client/win/boinc_cmd.h client/win/boinc_cmd.rc
+ client/win/boinc_log.h client/win/boinc_log.rc
+# released under CC-NC license and useless
+ android/BOINC/res/drawable*/*.png
+# released under non-free Monotype license
+ clientscr/progress/simt
+# modified in build process
+ version.h
Files: *
Copyright: 2005-2014 University of California
diff --git a/debian/get-orig-source.sh b/debian/get-orig-source.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d1385d..0000000
--- a/debian/get-orig-source.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-set -ex
-ORIG_TARBALL_DFSG=`echo ${ORIG_TARBALL} | sed -e "s/\(${UPSTREAM_VERSION}\)\(\.orig\)/\1+dfsg/g"`
-ORIG_TARBALL_DIR=`echo ${ORIG_TARBALL_DFSG} | sed -e "s/_\(${UPSTREAM_VERSION}\)/-\1/g" -e "s/\.tar\.gz//g"`
-DEST_TARBALL_NAME=`echo ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR} | sed -e "s#-\(${UPSTREAM_VERSION}\)#_\1#g"`.orig.tar.xz
-mkdir -p ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}
-tar --directory=${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR} --strip 1 -xzf ${REAL_TARBALL} || exit 1
-find ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/ -name *.dll -delete
-find ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/ -name *.exe -delete
-find ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/ -name *.so -delete
-# compiled samples ... also for Linux shall not be with the source
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/example_app/bin
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/api/ttf
-# license fails to explicitly express that is allows modifications
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/api/ttfont.cpp
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/api/ttfont.h
-# redundant with GLUT library, license does not express clearly freedom to modify
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/glut
-# [non-free] File is licensed under the BOINC Public License which is
-# DFSG-incompatible.
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/zip/configure
-# DFSG-incompatible Apple Public Source License (APSL).
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/lib/mac
-# [non-free] The file lib/mac/dyld_gdb.h is licensed under the
-# [unneeded] This 3rd party software is already in Debian and we added
-# them to boinc's Build-Depends.
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/curl
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/jpeglib
-# [unneeded] Cruft that is not needed to build the BOINC software.
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/.vimrc
-# [non-free, unneeded] Unneeded build systems and binaries without
-# source.
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/coprocs
-find ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR} -name win_build -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r --
-find ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR} -name mac_build -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r --
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientgui/mac
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/mac_installer
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/app_stats_mac.cpp
-# released under CC-NC license and useless
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/android/BOINC/res/drawable*/*.png
-# released under non-free Monotype license
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientscr/progress/simt
-# modified in build process
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/version.h
-# autogenerated visual c++ files
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientctrl/boincsvcctrl.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientctrl/boincsvcctrl.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientgui/resource.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientscr/boinc_ss.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientscr/boinc_ss.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientscr/boinc_ss_opengl.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clientscr/boinc_ss_opengl.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clienttray/boinc_tray.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/clienttray/boinc_tray.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_cli.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_cli.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_cmd.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_cmd.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_log.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/client/win/boinc_log.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/vboxwrapper/vboxwrapper_win.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/vboxwrapper/vboxwrapper_win.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/wrapper/wrapper_win.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/wrapper/wrapper_win.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/gfx_html/browser_win.h
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/samples/gfx_html/browser_win.rc
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/build
-# bzr stuff and debian directory aren't needed
-# if you use the same source tree for building the latest version
-# with this debian revision https://code.launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+junk/boinc-upstream-merge
-# you can erroneously export these directories too
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/.bzr
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/.bzrignore
-rm -rfv ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR}/debian
-tar --exclude debian --directory ${WORKING_DIR} -cJf ${DEST_TARBALL_NAME} ${ORIG_TARBALL_DIR_STRIP} || exit 1
-echo "Done, now you can run git-import-orig ${DEST_TARBALL_NAME}"
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
index a00b488..1f5f876 100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg$// \
-https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/tags .*/client_release/\d\.\d/(\d.*)\.tar\.gz \
-debian /bin/sh debian/get-orig-source.sh
+opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg$//,repacksuffix=+dfsg \
+https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/tags .*/client_release/\d\.\d/(\d.*)\.tar\.gz
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-boinc/boinc.git
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