[Debian Wiki] Update of "BOINC/Development" by SteffenMoeller

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Thu Apr 21 08:33:40 UTC 2016

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The "BOINC/Development" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

Separating the two ways to compile a bit more.

  === Compilation from the distribution's source package ===
+ You need to decide what source tree to start with. There are two ways. The first is that the Debian Maintainers use. It takes the BOINC sources of the BOINC developers and adds ever better working packaging instructions. Albeit not ultimately complicated, you may want to skip that as your first encounter. The second approach is to use what the Maintainers eventually released to Debian build demons - it means that this works for robots, so you can also just those readily prepared bits for your local build.
+ ==== Alternative 1: Like we developers are doing it - from the git repository ====
  If new to Linux development, you may possibly decide to start with what the automated Debian build demons do to get the package compiled on various platforms: they use the source packages the Debian maintainer uploads. Once you ever compiled a Debian package yourself, please learn about git and check out our repository. Our introduction at [[BOINC/Development/GitUsage]] by now does a fairly good  job. It just helps communicating with us.
+ ==== Alternative 2: Like the build daemons are doing it - be a robot on what was tagged for release ====
  To install the BOINC packages from source, a `deb-src` line pointing to Debian's main archive must be present in your `/etc/apt/sources.list` file. Also make sure that you have the `build-essential` and `fakeroot` packages installed on your system. Curiosity is a good motivation to inspect and compile the source.

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